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Phillip Koza
Efficient Memory and Thread
Management in Highly Parallel
Java memory overview
Causes of excessive java heap memory usage
Estimating memory usage of objects
Runtime memory usage estimation
Track and control memory usage
Minimize usage of memory
Efficiently manage threads
Java memory usage overview
 Many different forms of memory usage by the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM)
OS and C runtime
Native heap
 Method area
Storage for objects that describe classes and methods
Java memory usage overview
JVM stack
Java heap
This is where instances of java classes and arrays are
Excessive use of java heap memory will cause performance
issues and ultimately, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
This presentation covers monitoring and controlling java
heap memory usage:
Better performance
Higher application availability
Java memory usage overview
 The memory usage of a Java object is composed of:
Overhead: This stores the reference to the class object and
various flags. Can range from 8 – 24 bytes depending on JVM
and 32 bit vs. 64 bit
Memory for primitive fields
Memory for reference fields
Alignment bytes. In some (most) JVMs, the size of all objects
must be a multiple of 8. Because of this, an Integer object
uses as much memory as a Long
Arrays use an extra 4-8 bytes to store the size of the array
Causes of excessive memory usage
 Lack of insight into the memory usage of common and
custom objects
Overuse of delegation in class design
 i.e. too many objects!
Too many threads
This applies to the java heap usage of a thread. Most threads
will use some amount of java heap memory.
Incorrect use of collection classes
Causes of excessive memory usage
Memory leaks
“Forgotten” or “lost” reference: application is holding a
reference, but has forgotten about it or doesn’t know where it is
Infrequent or delayed cleanup of no longer needed objects
Excessive use of finalizers
There is no guarantee when a finalizer will be run or that it will
be run at all. An object that has a finalizer will not be garbage
collected until its finalizer is run
Excessive memory usage symptoms
Degradation in performance
High Garbage Collection (GC) costs
GC must run more frequently when large amounts of memory
are being used
GC must sweep over and analyze more memory to find that
which can be garbage collected
JVM can thrash when memory utilization exceeds 85-90% of
max memory
Excessive memory usage symptoms
Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (OOM)
In most JVMs, by default this only kills the thread attempting to
allocate the memory that triggered the error
Can lead to threads hanging or behaving strangely: “Zombie
 JVM may crash – but perhaps not immediately!
Long term object memory usage
 Most JVM memory allocation and GC is generational
 Default in Oracle HotSpot
 Default in IBM J9 1.6.0 build 2.6 and later, and in WepSphere App
Server V8 and later
 In generational GC, objects are initially allocated in the “young”
 If the object survives enough garbage collections, it is moved to
the “old” or “tenured” generation
 GC’ing the tenured generation is more expensive
 Reducing the amount of data that is put in the tenured generation
can increase performance dramatically!
Long term object memory usage
Hard to say for sure what objects will become tenured, but
likely candidates are objects:
Stored in static structures
Passed between threads
Stored in member variable collections
 By definition, long term objects tie up memory for longer
periods of time, increasing the odds of OOM
It is still possible to run out memory with no or very few long
term objects – but this is unlikely!
Long term object memory usage
How to minimize the amount of long term memory:
Delay allocating objects until you need them
Immediately delete objects that are no longer needed or
unlikely to be needed again
Convert objects to a more memory-efficient form if they won’t
be needed for a while
Design your objects to be memory efficient from the start!
Estimating memory usage
Memory usage will depend on JVM vendor and 32 bit vs. 64
 For 64 bit, must determine if references will be compressed
Oracle HotSpot VM:
 Enabled by default in 6.0.23 & later
 Enabled by default in Java 7 if –Xmx is less than 32 GB
 Can be disabled via –XX:-UseCompressedOops
IBM: Enabled via –Xcompressedrefs if –Xmx is less than 30GB
Estimating memory usage
Two ways to estimate memory usage:
Runtime.totalMemory() – Runtime.freeMemory()
Estimating memory usage
The classic way to determine the memory use of an object
(and the only way prior to Java 5) is to use the Runtime
memory methods
First determine how much memory is used at the start of the
test via Runtime.totalMemory() – Runtime.freeMemory()
Then allocate objects of a given type and see how much
memory is now being used
The difference between the before and after memory usage
should be the memory used by the allocated objects
Estimating memory usage
 Unfortunately, this can be inaccurate at times. To be accurate, the
garbage collector must run before we measure the before memory
 It’s not possible to guarantee the garbage collector is run, and even
if it is, it might not collect all the garbage objects
 So, call System.gc() at the start of the test many times to increase
the odds it will run
 gc() problems can be minimized by allocating a large number of
objects of the same type and then taking the average
 Note: Escape analysis may decide to allocate your objects on the
stack if they don’t “escape” the method you are allocating them in
Code sample
public interface ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index);
public class ObjectFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
return new Object();
public class IntegerFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
return new Integer(123456);
public class LongFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
return new Long(123456L);
Code sample
public class FloatFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
return new Float(123.456);
public class DoubleFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
return new Double(123.456);
public class BigDecimalFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
return new BigDecimal(“123.456”);
Code sample
public class StringFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject( int index) {
// Make a string from the provided index. This is necessary so that
// each String object will be new and will create a new character array
// (Strings can be interred and String character arrays can be shared
// if they represent the same value)
return Integer.valueOf(index).toString();
public class HashMapDefaultFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject(int index) {
return new HashMap();
public class IntArrayEmptyFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface {
public Object makeObject(int index) {
return new int[0];
Code sample
public class MeasureMemoryUsage {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
System.out.println("Measuring Memory Usage: ");
printMemUsage( new ObjectFactory());
printMemUsage( new IntegerFactory());
printMemUsage( new LongFactory());
printMemUsage( new FloatFactory());
printMemUsage( new DoubleFactory());
printMemUsage( new StringFactory());
printMemUsage( new BigDecimalFactory());
printMemUsage( new HashMapDefaultFactory());
printMemUsage( new IntArrayEmptyFactory());
private static void printMemUsage(ObjectFactoryInterface objFactory) {
System.out.println(objFactory.getClass().getName() + " used " + estimateMemUsage(objFactory) + " bytes per
Code sample
private static long estimateMemUsage(ObjectFactoryInterface objFactory) {
final int numObjects = 5000;
Object[] objArray = new Object[numObjects];
long beforeMemUsed = getMemUsed();
System.out.println("Before memory used: " + beforeMemUsed);
for ( int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
objArray[i] = objFactory.makeObject(10000000+i);
long afterMemUsed = getMemUsed();
System.out.println("After memory used: " + afterMemUsed);
return Math.round(((double)(afterMemUsed - beforeMemUsed)) / (double)numObjects);
Code sample
private static long getMemUsed() {
Runtime rTime = Runtime.getRuntime();
return rTime.totalMemory() - rTime.freeMemory();
private static void runGc() {
// Run GC 25 times to increase the odds it is really done
for ( int i=0; i < 25; i++) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Estimating memory usage
Using java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation.getObjectSize()
 Create an instrument agent class:
 Must have a method called “premain” with the following
signature: public static void premain(String args,
Instrumentation inst)
 The JVM will pass an object that implements the
Instrumentation interface to the premain method
 We can then use this object to invoke the Instrumentation
interface method getObjectSize(object) , passing the object
we want to estimate the memory for
Estimating memory usage
 Must package the agent class into a jar with a Manifest file
(for example, manifestFile.txt) with the following line:
Premain-class: <packagename>.<agentclassname>
 To run a program that can use the getObjectSize method,
must specify the agent on the command line via
 Note that getObjectSize doesn’t include the memory of
objects referenced by the specified object. Only the
memory for the reference will be included.
 To get a deep estimate, reflection would need to be used
Code sample
import java.lang.instrument.*;
public class MemInstrumentAgent {
private static volatile Instrumentation instrObj;
public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation instrParam) {
instrObj = instrParam;
public static long getObjectSize(Object obj) {
if (instrObj != null)
return instrObj.getObjectSize(obj);
throw new IllegalStateException(“Instrumentation agent not initialized!”);
Code sample
jar –cmf manifestFile.txt instrAgent.jar
public class testMemoryUse {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Integer intObj = new Integer(100);
System.out.println(“Memory estimate for Integer: “ +
java –javaagent:instrAgent.jar –cp . testMemoryUse
Estimating memory usage
Following results are for:
HotSpot 6.0_29 –XX-UseTLAB
IBM J9, 1.6.0 build 2.4
Note: -Xgcpolicy:gencon is the default as of 1.6.0
build 2.6. Also the default in WebSphere AppServer V8
and later.
Estimating memory usage
HotSpot32 HotSpot64 HotSpot
Object 8 16 16 12 24 16
Integer 16 24 16 16 32 16
Long 16 24 24 24 32 24
Float 16 24 16 16 32 16
Double 16 24 24 24 32 24
(8 chars)
56 82 65 64 90 65
96 148 123 104 156 115
120 216 128 128 224 128
int[0] 16 24 16 16 24 16
int[100] 416 424 416 416 424 416
Estimating memory usage
 Which is better?
 Using the Runtime methods is the simplest
 Instrumentation is more accurate, so it is preferred if you
don’t need a deep memory estimate
 For deep estimates, Instrumentation + Reflection is the
ultimate solution, but is more complex and slower
Runtime memory usage estimation
 Your goal is to write a method to estimate the memory
usage for objects of each class for which you will tracking
the memory usage
 Any referenced classes will need a separate method
 Since each class needs its own estimation method, you
don’t need deep memory estimates when testing to
determine how much your objects will use
 Have utility classes that have pre-calculated the memory
usage of all primitives and standard objects
Runtime memory usage estimation
 Need methods/constants for the following:
 Object overhead
 Alignment policy
 Size of a reference
 Size of a primitive (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long,
float, double)
 Size of primitive arrays
 Size of any basic common objects used (String, Integer,
Long, BigDecimal, Timestamp, etc)
Runtime memory usage estimation
 For collections, measure the size of an empty collection
 Then determine the overhead for an entry added to the
 It is better to overestimate then underestimate!
 Better to use a little less than is available then to run out!
 You can always refine the estimates to make them better
 And anyway, the JVM is probably using more memory than
you think!
Runtime memory usage estimation
 Have a MemoryUsage interface with one method:
long getMemoryUsage()
 Have each class whose memory you are going to track
implement this interface
 Each implementation estimates the memory usage of its
primitives and object references
 Primitives, object overhead, and object reference memory use can
be a static final for that class
 For any non-null object references, invoke the appropriate
method to get the memory estimate for that object
 This includes arrays
Runtime memory usage estimation
 Round the final result up to a multiple of 8
 If recursive references are possible, you need to remember if
you’ve already visited an object when computing the estimate
 Shared objects should only be counted once, or not at all
 For potential “flyweight” objects (interred strings, cached
Integers, etc.) :
 Assume not a flyweight unless you know you’ve used the
value before or will probably use it again
 For example, a String that stores a frequently used file name
Runtime memory usage estimation
 Most custom objects quickly devolve down to objects
containing primitives and basic common objects
 You don’t need to do this for every class – just for those
that you are going to track the memory use
 You can easily check the accuracy of your estimates
against reality using the techniques described earlier
 The memory estimation is quick
Runtime memory usage estimation :
Code Sample
public class WorkUnit implements MemoryUsage
private static final int primitiveUsage = 16;
private static final int thisOhead = 4;
private static final int refsUsage = 2 * 4;
private static final int fixedOhead = primitiveUsage + thisOhead + refsUsage;
long userid;
String originatingSystem;
Request requestObj;
long memUsage = -1;
Runtime memory usage estimation :
Code Sample
long getMemoryUsage()
if (memUsage == -1) {
int estimate = fixedOhead;
estimate +=
estimate += requestObj.getMemoryUsage();
memUsage = MemUtility.roundUsage(estimate);
} // WorkUnit
Runtime memory usage estimation :
Code Sample
public class Request implements MemoryUsage
private static final int primitiveUsage = 16;
private static final int thisOhead = 4;
private static final int refsUsage = 2 * 4;
private static final int fixedOhead = primitiveUsage + thisOhead + refsUsage;
long requestId;
String request;
String discountCode;
long memUsage = -1;
Runtime memory usage estimation :
Code Sample
long getMemoryUsage()
if (memUsage == -1) {
int estimate = fixedOhead;
estimate +=
if (discountCode != null) {
estimate +=
memUsage = MemUtility.roundUsage(estimate);
} // Request
Runtime memory usage estimation :
Code Sample
public class MemUtility
static long getStringMemoryUsage( int length)
return 40 + (length << 1);
static long roundUsage( long usage)
long usageDiv8 = usage >> 3;
if ((usageDiv8 << 3) == usage)
return usage;
return (usageDiv8 + 1) << 3;
Track and Control Memory Usage
 Have one logical pool of memory which consists of all the
heap memory that is used by the objects whose memory
usage will be controlled
 Avoid separate pools!
 Memory usage can be controlled “statically” or “dynamically”
 Controlling memory usage statically means we reserve the
memory up front, when the application starts, or when a new
thread starts
 Note that you don’t need to actually allocate the memory up front,
you just reserve it
Track and Control Memory Usage
 Dynamic tracking and control:
 Keep track of the total used by all threads
 Get the estimated memory usage of an object from its getMemoryUsage
method and increment the total amount used
 When the object is no longer needed, the memory use is decremented
from the total amount used
 Only track long term memory usage
 Don’t need to “pay” for the memory dynamically if it was
accounted for statically
 Each thread maintains a local total that tracks its
memory usage
Track and Control Memory Usage
 The global total amount used is a globally
accessible long
 All increments and decrements of the global total
are synchronized
 Updates of the global total are buffered to minimize
synchronization costs
Track and Control Memory Usage
 The absolute limit on the memory that can be used is the
JVM max memory specified with the –Xmx parameter
 But dynamically tracked memory can’t have all of that
 Memory should be reserved statically for objects or buffers if:
 The application must have them
 There are not very many
 They will be used for a long time
 Static size, or a static upper limit (reserve the upper limit)
Track and Control Memory Usage
 Examples of buffers to reserve memory for statically:
 I/O buffers
 LIFO page caches
 Need to reserve a certain amount of memory for “everything
else” – i.e. what we are not accounting for statically or
 This can be one sum, a per-thread value * # of threads, or both
 Also need to reserve memory to prevent the JVM from
 Don’t want to allow the heap to grow past 85-90% of the JVM max
 Recommend reserve 15% of the JVM max memory
Track and Control Memory Usage
 So, the amount of memory available for dynamically
tracked memory is: max memory – (staticBuffers +
thrashingOverhead + everythingElse)
 Let’s call this “globalMaxDynamicMemory”
 Every time a thread increments the global total, the
global total is compared against
 If the global max is exceeded, the increment request is
Track and Control Memory Usage
 If an increment of the global total is denied, the
requesting thread must handle it.
 A thread can handle this in a number of ways:
 Wait and periodically retry until more memory becomes
 Reduce some of its existing registered memory usage –
throw away unneeded objects, etc
 Write some of its data to disk
 Throw an exception, i.e. give up
 Get another thread to give up some memory (possible, but
more complicated!)
Track and Control Memory Usage
 If a thread reduces its registered memory usage by the
amount of the denied request, it doesn’t need to re-
submit the request
 To prevent one thread from “hogging” all the memory,
can have heuristics, such as one thread cannot have
more than 90% of the dynamically tracked memory if
there is more than one thread
 The decrement of a thread’s memory use should be in
finally blocks to ensure the memory is released if the
thread gets an uncaught exception
Soft references
 Use of soft references to control your memory use
really only works for objects you can get again or don’t
really need
 This may be acceptable for something like a web page
image – if it becomes reclaimed by the GC, you just
read the image from disk again
 Doesn’t work for objects where the only copy is in
 No way to control the order in which softly reachable
objects are reclaimed
Minimize Memory Usage
 Prefer arrays over more complex structures
 Collections:
 Avoid empty collections
 Size collections appropriately
 Choose correct collection
 Class structure impact on memory usage
 Avoid storing data in a separate class if all instances of your
class need that data, and it is not needed outside of that
 Store info specific to only a subset of class instances in a
derived class or in a separate class
Minimize Memory Usage
 Convert objects to byte arrays
 Objects that won’t be needed for a while
 Objects that are going to be written to a stream soon
 Example: objects in a hash map when most won’t be
used for a while
 Convert to byte array
 Convert back when fetched
 Can have a mix of converted/unconverted data: convert a
byte array once it has been fetched once
 However, the hash map won’t be able to use generics if it
has a mix of converted/unconverted data
Minimize Memory Usage
 Cleanup unneeded objects ASAP
 Optimize for mainline processing, not exceptional processing
 For example, if possible, delete requested info as soon as send it
back to the user – don’t wait for the confirmation response
 If response is negative, read the requested info back in
 Of course, this is only worthwhile if failures are rare!
 Use finally blocks liberally!
 Make sure any allocated memory is freed
 And if it’s dynamically tracked, be sure to decrement the memory
usage from the global total!
Minimize Memory Usage
 Object pooling
 Doesn’t reduce your memory usage, but reduces the cost to
allocate and GC it
 Only worth it for simple, multi-purpose objects, such as primitive
 Byte arrays are the best candidate as they can be used to store any kind
of data, and don’t have to be an exact match
 Relatively easy to have a pool of byte arrays of various sizes that can be
used to store other objects
 Store large objects (i.e. lobs) as a series of smaller byte array buffers
instead of one large one
 If you find your pooling is getting complicated – stop! Leave
complex memory mgmt to the JVM
Balance and control threads
 Feed work to a thread via an ArrayBlockingQueue or your own
synchronized buffering scheme, with a limited size
 When a thread input queue is empty, or an output queue is full, the
thread will have to wait
 This keeps threads from getting too far ahead of each other
 The capacity of the queue/buffer determines how far ahead threads
are allowed to get relative to each other
 To balance, keep track of the times producers and consumers must
wait to put/take data from the queue
 Lots of consumer waits = need more producer threads
 Lots of producer waits = need more consumer threads
Balance and control threads
The capacity of a java blocking queue is specified as a
number of objects
Unless all objects placed in the queue have the same size,
the memory usage of the queue can vary widely
Can run out of memory if don’t limit or keep track of the
memory usage of blocking queues
Balance and control threads
The solution is decorate the blocking queue with a logical
The logical queue buffers objects in lists and adds these list
buffers to the queue when the buffers are full
The lists are considered full when they reach a certain
amount of estimated memory usage
So the queue is a queue of lists, each of which will use a
similar amount of memory
The maximum amount of memory the queue can use is then
bufferSize * (queueCapacity)
Balance and control threads
The maximum amount of memory usage for each inter-
thread queue is statically reserved when each queue is
created, and released when those threads stop
This has the additional benefit of reducing the number of
puts/gets to the underlying queue, which reduces the
synchronization expense
Also bases the amount of queued-up work for a thread on
the amount of memory that work consumes, instead of a
number of requests
This is probably a better metric, since requests that
consume more memory probably take longer to process
 A thread needs to flush a buffered output queue if it is idle
or has to wait
Waiting indefinitely is dangerous!
Try to NEVER wait on anything indefinitely
If you are waiting for another thread to do something, and it
dies, you will be waiting forever
So, use loops+timeouts whenever possible
 When wake up, check if anyone wants you to stop, process a more
urgent request, etc.
 If not, re-issue request
Handle OutOfMemoryError
Despite your best efforts, your app may still run out of
There are many reasons for this:
Tracked memory usage estimates are too low
Untracked memory usage was larger or was utilized longer
than expected
Short term memory usage burst overwhelmed the GC
Memory Leaks
Too many threads, etc
Handle OutOfMemoryError
If an OOM error occurs, you will probably need a heap dump
to determine why!
IBM JVM enables heap dumps on OOM by default
To disable, set environment variable
Oracle HotSpot disables heap dumps on OOM by default
To enable: -XX+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
To see the value of all flags, specify: -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
Handle OutOfMemoryError
When an OutOfMemoryError occurs, this is only guaranteed
to stop the thread that triggered it
This can lead to “zombie threads”
Threads that were dependent on the thread that died can hang
The death of the thread getting the OOM might be sufficient to
avoid another OOM, but not enough to keep the JVM from
thrashing, thus preventing remaining threads from doing
Need a mechanism to bring down related threads
Handle OutOfMemoryError
Bring down related threads with stop request objects
Bring down the JVM if the thread that dies is a “critical”
thread – i.e. it is essential for your application
Or if zombie threads are a big problem, can have your
uncaught exception handler bring down the entire JVM if the
exception is OOM
Requesting stop via flag objects
Have a stop request object that indicates thread should stop
Classes check regularly, and always before sleeping, waiting,
I/O, putting/getting from a blocking queue, etc.
Works the same regardless of whether the class is running as
a thread or not
Stop request object can indicate different types of stop: stop
immediate, stop gracefully (finish work in progress), etc.
Have a stop request object that indicates thread should stop
Can have a single stop request object for all related threads
 But this only allows all of them to be stopped at once
For finer granularity of stop control, have a higher level stop
request object with references to thread stop request objects
Setting of stop request object must be synchronized – but this
does not occur very often
Have a request stop object that indicates thread
should stop
Reading of the stop request object will occur
Reading stop request object does not need to be
synchronized for most applications
It is not critical to see a stop request instantaneously, and
synchronization doesn’t guarantee this anyway
The stop request should be a boolean or enum, so updates
of it are atomic
Detecting a thread has actually stopped
Could use Thread.isAlive() to detect if a thread has
This requires a handle to the thread
Presumes the class is running as a thread
Won’t work for higher abstractions
Detecting a thread has actually stopped
Better to make this abstract
Separate Runnable class from class that does the real work
Runnable class invokes the work class
The Runnable class has an “isRunning” object that tracks the
run status
All threads use this common Runnable class
Detecting a thread has actually stopped
If a graceful stop is requested, threads must wait for
all of their producer threads to stop before they can
This allows in-flight data to be processed
Unexpected thread termination
Just set the stop request object to bring down all related
Returning control to the user
Controller or highest level thread must make sure all threads
are truly stopped before returning
Strange things can happen if you try to restart and some
threads from a previous incarnation are still running!
Could call thread.join()
 But must have handle to all threads, and can’t be responsive to
other requests
Better for the controller to query the isRunning flag of all thread
classes and wait for all to be stopped.
Example: buffering, flushing, stopping
while (!checkForStopRequests()) {
int maxBufSize = 102400;
int curBufMemUsage = 0;
int outBufCapacity = 10;
ArrayList<WorkUnit> outBuf = new ArrayList<WorkUnit>(outBufCapacity);
ArrayList<WorkUnit> inBuf = inQueue.poll(200,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// If have to wait for input, flush output
if (inBuf == null) {
if (outBuf.size() > 0) {
Example: buffering, flushing, stopping
else {
for (WorkUnit workUnit : inBuf) {
// process workUnit
int unitMemUsage = workUnit.getMemoryUsage();
if (curBufMemUsage + unitMemUsage > maxBufSize) {
curBufMemUsage = 0;
else {
curBufMemUsage += unitMemUsage;
Example: buffering, flushing, stopping
flushOutput(ArrayList<WorkUnit> outBuf) {
boolean success = false;
while (!success && !checkForStopRequests()) {
success = outQueue.offer(outBuf, 200,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Boolean checkForStopRequests() {
// check for stop requests. Basic handling is:
if (stop requested) {
threadRunnableObj.isRunning = false;
return true; // stop this thread
return false;
Uncaught exception handling
Proper handling for uncaught exceptions is absolutely
critical !
Uncaught exceptions are the leading cause of unexpected
thread termination
If any threads are dependent on others, if one goes down, the
remaining threads can hang!
Hung threads can be hard to detect
The best way to handle this is to prevent it!
Uncaught exception handling
By default, uncaught exceptions are handled by the default
uncaught exception handler
This just writes the stack trace to standard error
This is rarely acceptable!
 Stack trace may be lost
 If class tracks its run status, this will be inaccurate after an uncaught
exception: run status will still be ‘running’
 What about threads that are dependent on this thread?
Uncaught exception handling
 Ensure you have handling for all uncaught exceptions
 Keep it simple: do what must be done, but no more
 Complex handling for uncaught exceptions could trigger other uncaught
exceptions, which can be extremely difficult to debug!
 And since uncaught exceptions don’t occur often, the handler probably has not
been tested as much as other modules
 All handlers, at a minimum, should:
 Log the error and stack trace somewhere durable and secure
 Alert the user so the error will be noticed
 If the thread class has a run status, the run status should be set to stopped,
error, or some equivalent
 Requires access to the thread class state
Uncaught exception handling
 Ideally, the handler should also alert dependent threads
 Can notify controller or parent, which can:
 Just restart the thread that got the uncaught exception
 Not recommended! Any related threads could be in an indeterminate state
 Stop all related threads (safest)
 Set the stopping request object for the related threads
 Since all threads are monitoring, this will bring them all down
 Threads won’t hang!
 Controller/parent doesn’t need an explicit message to know a
thread has died, if it is monitoring the run status of the threads
 In fact, the controller doesn’t even need to get involved –
 Just have the uncaught exception handler set the stop request object to stop
Uncaught exception handling
Where to handle?
Three primary possibilities:
Custom uncaught exception handler
Catch Throwable() in run() method
Finally block in run() method
Uncaught exception handling
Custom uncaught exception handler
 If a uncaught exception handler is declared and is in scope,
the default uncaught exception handler is NOT invoked
Determine scope:
Per JVM
Per Thread group
Per Runnable class
Uncaught exception handling
Custom uncaught exception handler – per JVM scope
Logging the error and alerting the user is about all that can
be done
Since this is per-JVM, it does not have access to any specific
thread classes or thread groups
Set via the static Thread method
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh)
 ueh is a class that must implement uncaughtException(Thread thr,
Throwable the)
Uncaught exception handling
 Custom uncaught exception handler – per Thread group
 Can guarantee standard handling for a group of threads by having
their Thread instance use the same custom ThreadGroup class
 Custom ThreadGroup class extends ThreadGroup and overrides the
ThreadGroup uncaughtException method
 Allows for common code for the thread group, but doesn’t have access
to individual Runnable classes
 Could have the stop object for the threads in the group registered here
 set to true if an uncaught exception occurs in any thread in the group
Uncaught exception handling
Custom uncaught exception handler – per Thread class
Can have access to the Runnable class, so the handler can log
details about the class structure, set run status, etc. before
Guaranteed to be invoked
Set via the Thread method setUncaughtExceptionHandler
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh)
 ueh is a class that must implement uncaughtException(Thread thr,
Throwable the)
Uncaught exception handling
Catch Throwable() in run() method
Not recommended as the sole mechanism for handling
uncaught exceptions
 If you do this, do it outside any loops in the thread run method, i.e.
at the highest level possible.
 Otherwise, the exception will not trigger the thread to exit, which can
cause very strange thread conditions!
 Thread can be “alive”, but constantly cycling through errors, or hanging
Uncaught exception handling
 Finally block in run() method
 Have handled flag that is set to true at end of try block and every catch
 !handled = uncaught exception
 Advantage: Can have handling customized to the invoked class
 Can set run status and stop request
 Disadvantages
 Every catch block must set “handled” flag or the checked exception will be
treated as unhandled
 An uncaught exception handler that logs the exception is still necessary,
since the finally block doesn’t have access to the exception
Uncaught exception handling
Critical threads
Some threads may be critical to your application
If they stop unexpectedly, the application will not
Best to stop the entire application when this occurs
The uncaught exception handling for the thread
should call System.exit(<non-zero value>)
Example using finally block
public class bulletproofRunnable implements Runnable {
boolean isRunning;
Worker worker;
boolean handled;
bulletproofRunnable(Worker worker) {
this.worker = worker;
handled = false;
Example using finally block
run() {
try {
isRunning = true;;
handled = true;
finally {
if (!handled) {
// uncaught exception!
isRunning = false;
// have uncaught exception handler log error and stack trace to error file
Example using custom handler
public class bulletproofRunnable implements Runnable,
Thread.uncaughtExceptionHandler {
boolean isRunning;
Worker worker;
bulletproofRunnable(Worker worker) {
this.worker = worker;
Example using custom handler
public void uncaughtException {Thread thr, Throwable the)
isRunning = false;
// log error and stack trace to error file
Add to where the actual thread is created:
 Excessive memory usage can have a large adverse affect on
application performance
 Estimating memory usage of the objects used by your application
is the first step to managing the application memory usage
 Tracking and controlling long-term memory usage is essential to
avoid OOM
 Many techniques exist to minimize memory usage
 Limiting thread input/output queue sizes by their memory usage
balances thread memory use and helps avoid OOM
 A framework for stopping threads and consistent handling of
uncaught exceptions is essential to avoid hanging when OOM
errors or other unexpected exceptions occur
Phillip Koza
JavaOneJavaOne Thank YouThank You

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Efficient Memory and Thread Management in Highly Parallel Java Applications

  • 1. Phillip Koza IBM Efficient Memory and Thread Management in Highly Parallel Applications JavaOneJavaOne
  • 2. JavaOneJavaOne 2 Agenda Java memory overview Causes of excessive java heap memory usage Estimating memory usage of objects Runtime memory usage estimation Track and control memory usage Minimize usage of memory Efficiently manage threads Summary
  • 3. JavaOneJavaOne 3 Java memory usage overview  Many different forms of memory usage by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) OS and C runtime Native heap  Method area Storage for objects that describe classes and methods
  • 4. JavaOneJavaOne 4 Java memory usage overview JVM stack Java heap This is where instances of java classes and arrays are allocated Excessive use of java heap memory will cause performance issues and ultimately, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError This presentation covers monitoring and controlling java heap memory usage: Better performance Higher application availability
  • 5. JavaOneJavaOne 5 Java memory usage overview  The memory usage of a Java object is composed of: Overhead: This stores the reference to the class object and various flags. Can range from 8 – 24 bytes depending on JVM and 32 bit vs. 64 bit Memory for primitive fields Memory for reference fields Alignment bytes. In some (most) JVMs, the size of all objects must be a multiple of 8. Because of this, an Integer object uses as much memory as a Long Arrays use an extra 4-8 bytes to store the size of the array
  • 6. JavaOneJavaOne 6 Causes of excessive memory usage  Lack of insight into the memory usage of common and custom objects Overuse of delegation in class design  i.e. too many objects! Too many threads This applies to the java heap usage of a thread. Most threads will use some amount of java heap memory. Incorrect use of collection classes
  • 7. JavaOneJavaOne 7 Causes of excessive memory usage Memory leaks “Forgotten” or “lost” reference: application is holding a reference, but has forgotten about it or doesn’t know where it is Infrequent or delayed cleanup of no longer needed objects Excessive use of finalizers There is no guarantee when a finalizer will be run or that it will be run at all. An object that has a finalizer will not be garbage collected until its finalizer is run
  • 8. JavaOneJavaOne 8 Excessive memory usage symptoms Degradation in performance High Garbage Collection (GC) costs GC must run more frequently when large amounts of memory are being used GC must sweep over and analyze more memory to find that which can be garbage collected JVM can thrash when memory utilization exceeds 85-90% of max memory
  • 9. JavaOneJavaOne 9 Excessive memory usage symptoms Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (OOM) In most JVMs, by default this only kills the thread attempting to allocate the memory that triggered the error Can lead to threads hanging or behaving strangely: “Zombie Threads”  JVM may crash – but perhaps not immediately!
  • 10. JavaOneJavaOne 10 Long term object memory usage  Most JVM memory allocation and GC is generational  Default in Oracle HotSpot  Default in IBM J9 1.6.0 build 2.6 and later, and in WepSphere App Server V8 and later  In generational GC, objects are initially allocated in the “young” generation  If the object survives enough garbage collections, it is moved to the “old” or “tenured” generation  GC’ing the tenured generation is more expensive  Reducing the amount of data that is put in the tenured generation can increase performance dramatically!
  • 11. JavaOneJavaOne 11 Long term object memory usage Hard to say for sure what objects will become tenured, but likely candidates are objects: Stored in static structures Passed between threads Stored in member variable collections  By definition, long term objects tie up memory for longer periods of time, increasing the odds of OOM It is still possible to run out memory with no or very few long term objects – but this is unlikely!
  • 12. JavaOneJavaOne 12 Long term object memory usage How to minimize the amount of long term memory: Delay allocating objects until you need them Immediately delete objects that are no longer needed or unlikely to be needed again Convert objects to a more memory-efficient form if they won’t be needed for a while Design your objects to be memory efficient from the start!
  • 13. JavaOneJavaOne 13 Estimating memory usage Memory usage will depend on JVM vendor and 32 bit vs. 64 bit  For 64 bit, must determine if references will be compressed Oracle HotSpot VM:  Enabled by default in 6.0.23 & later  Enabled by default in Java 7 if –Xmx is less than 32 GB  Can be disabled via –XX:-UseCompressedOops IBM: Enabled via –Xcompressedrefs if –Xmx is less than 30GB
  • 14. JavaOneJavaOne 14 Estimating memory usage Two ways to estimate memory usage: Runtime.totalMemory() – Runtime.freeMemory() java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation.getObjectSize()
  • 15. JavaOneJavaOne 15 Estimating memory usage The classic way to determine the memory use of an object (and the only way prior to Java 5) is to use the Runtime memory methods First determine how much memory is used at the start of the test via Runtime.totalMemory() – Runtime.freeMemory() Then allocate objects of a given type and see how much memory is now being used The difference between the before and after memory usage should be the memory used by the allocated objects
  • 16. JavaOneJavaOne 16 Estimating memory usage  Unfortunately, this can be inaccurate at times. To be accurate, the garbage collector must run before we measure the before memory use  It’s not possible to guarantee the garbage collector is run, and even if it is, it might not collect all the garbage objects  So, call System.gc() at the start of the test many times to increase the odds it will run  gc() problems can be minimized by allocating a large number of objects of the same type and then taking the average  Note: Escape analysis may decide to allocate your objects on the stack if they don’t “escape” the method you are allocating them in
  • 17. JavaOneJavaOne 17 Code sample public interface ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index); } public class ObjectFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { return new Object(); } } public class IntegerFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { return new Integer(123456); } } public class LongFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { return new Long(123456L); } }
  • 18. JavaOneJavaOne 18 Code sample public class FloatFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { return new Float(123.456); } } public class DoubleFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { return new Double(123.456); } } public class BigDecimalFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { return new BigDecimal(“123.456”); } }
  • 19. JavaOneJavaOne 19 Code sample public class StringFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject( int index) { // Make a string from the provided index. This is necessary so that // each String object will be new and will create a new character array // (Strings can be interred and String character arrays can be shared // if they represent the same value) return Integer.valueOf(index).toString(); } } public class HashMapDefaultFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject(int index) { return new HashMap(); } } public class IntArrayEmptyFactory implements ObjectFactoryInterface { public Object makeObject(int index) { return new int[0]; } }
  • 20. JavaOneJavaOne 20 Code sample public class MeasureMemoryUsage { public static void main(String[] argv) { System.out.println("Measuring Memory Usage: "); printMemUsage( new ObjectFactory()); printMemUsage( new IntegerFactory()); printMemUsage( new LongFactory()); printMemUsage( new FloatFactory()); printMemUsage( new DoubleFactory()); printMemUsage( new StringFactory()); printMemUsage( new BigDecimalFactory()); printMemUsage( new HashMapDefaultFactory()); printMemUsage( new IntArrayEmptyFactory()); } private static void printMemUsage(ObjectFactoryInterface objFactory) { System.out.println(objFactory.getClass().getName() + " used " + estimateMemUsage(objFactory) + " bytes per Object"); }
  • 21. JavaOneJavaOne 21 Code sample private static long estimateMemUsage(ObjectFactoryInterface objFactory) { final int numObjects = 5000; Object[] objArray = new Object[numObjects]; runGc(); long beforeMemUsed = getMemUsed(); System.out.println("Before memory used: " + beforeMemUsed); for ( int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { objArray[i] = objFactory.makeObject(10000000+i); } long afterMemUsed = getMemUsed(); System.out.println("After memory used: " + afterMemUsed); return Math.round(((double)(afterMemUsed - beforeMemUsed)) / (double)numObjects); }
  • 22. JavaOneJavaOne 22 Code sample private static long getMemUsed() { Runtime rTime = Runtime.getRuntime(); return rTime.totalMemory() - rTime.freeMemory(); } private static void runGc() { // Run GC 25 times to increase the odds it is really done for ( int i=0; i < 25; i++) { System.gc(); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }
  • 23. JavaOneJavaOne 23 Estimating memory usage Using java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation.getObjectSize()  Create an instrument agent class:  Must have a method called “premain” with the following signature: public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst)  The JVM will pass an object that implements the Instrumentation interface to the premain method  We can then use this object to invoke the Instrumentation interface method getObjectSize(object) , passing the object we want to estimate the memory for
  • 24. JavaOneJavaOne 24 Estimating memory usage  Must package the agent class into a jar with a Manifest file (for example, manifestFile.txt) with the following line: Premain-class: <packagename>.<agentclassname>  To run a program that can use the getObjectSize method, must specify the agent on the command line via -javaagent:<agentjarname>  Note that getObjectSize doesn’t include the memory of objects referenced by the specified object. Only the memory for the reference will be included.  To get a deep estimate, reflection would need to be used
  • 25. JavaOneJavaOne 25 Code sample import java.lang.instrument.*; public class MemInstrumentAgent { private static volatile Instrumentation instrObj; public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation instrParam) { instrObj = instrParam; } public static long getObjectSize(Object obj) { if (instrObj != null) return instrObj.getObjectSize(obj); else throw new IllegalStateException(“Instrumentation agent not initialized!”); } }
  • 26. JavaOneJavaOne 26 Code sample jar –cmf manifestFile.txt instrAgent.jar MemInstrumentAgent.class public class testMemoryUse { public static void main(String args[]) { Integer intObj = new Integer(100); System.out.println(“Memory estimate for Integer: “ + MemInstrumentAgent.getObjectSize(intObj)); } java –javaagent:instrAgent.jar –cp . testMemoryUse
  • 27. JavaOneJavaOne 27 Estimating memory usage Following results are for: HotSpot 6.0_29 –XX-UseTLAB IBM J9, 1.6.0 build 2.4 Note: -Xgcpolicy:gencon is the default as of 1.6.0 build 2.6. Also the default in WebSphere AppServer V8 and later.
  • 28. JavaOneJavaOne 28 Estimating memory usage HotSpot32 HotSpot64 HotSpot CompOops IBM32 IBM64 IBM64 CompRefs Object 8 16 16 12 24 16 Integer 16 24 16 16 32 16 Long 16 24 24 24 32 24 Float 16 24 16 16 32 16 Double 16 24 24 24 32 24 String (8 chars) 56 82 65 64 90 65 BigDecimal (123.456) 96 148 123 104 156 115 HashMap (16,0.75) 120 216 128 128 224 128 int[0] 16 24 16 16 24 16 int[100] 416 424 416 416 424 416
  • 29. JavaOneJavaOne 29 Estimating memory usage  Which is better?  Using the Runtime methods is the simplest  Instrumentation is more accurate, so it is preferred if you don’t need a deep memory estimate  For deep estimates, Instrumentation + Reflection is the ultimate solution, but is more complex and slower
  • 30. JavaOneJavaOne 30 Runtime memory usage estimation  Your goal is to write a method to estimate the memory usage for objects of each class for which you will tracking the memory usage  Any referenced classes will need a separate method  Since each class needs its own estimation method, you don’t need deep memory estimates when testing to determine how much your objects will use  Have utility classes that have pre-calculated the memory usage of all primitives and standard objects
  • 31. JavaOneJavaOne 31 Runtime memory usage estimation  Need methods/constants for the following:  Object overhead  Alignment policy  Size of a reference  Size of a primitive (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double)  Size of primitive arrays  Size of any basic common objects used (String, Integer, Long, BigDecimal, Timestamp, etc)
  • 32. JavaOneJavaOne 32 Runtime memory usage estimation  For collections, measure the size of an empty collection  Then determine the overhead for an entry added to the collection  It is better to overestimate then underestimate!  Better to use a little less than is available then to run out!  You can always refine the estimates to make them better  And anyway, the JVM is probably using more memory than you think!
  • 33. JavaOneJavaOne 33 Runtime memory usage estimation  Have a MemoryUsage interface with one method: long getMemoryUsage()  Have each class whose memory you are going to track implement this interface  Each implementation estimates the memory usage of its primitives and object references  Primitives, object overhead, and object reference memory use can be a static final for that class  For any non-null object references, invoke the appropriate method to get the memory estimate for that object  This includes arrays
  • 34. JavaOneJavaOne 34 Runtime memory usage estimation  Round the final result up to a multiple of 8  If recursive references are possible, you need to remember if you’ve already visited an object when computing the estimate  Shared objects should only be counted once, or not at all  For potential “flyweight” objects (interred strings, cached Integers, etc.) :  Assume not a flyweight unless you know you’ve used the value before or will probably use it again  For example, a String that stores a frequently used file name
  • 35. JavaOneJavaOne 35 Runtime memory usage estimation  Most custom objects quickly devolve down to objects containing primitives and basic common objects  You don’t need to do this for every class – just for those that you are going to track the memory use  You can easily check the accuracy of your estimates against reality using the techniques described earlier  The memory estimation is quick
  • 36. JavaOneJavaOne 36 Runtime memory usage estimation : Code Sample public class WorkUnit implements MemoryUsage { private static final int primitiveUsage = 16; private static final int thisOhead = 4; private static final int refsUsage = 2 * 4; private static final int fixedOhead = primitiveUsage + thisOhead + refsUsage; long userid; String originatingSystem; Request requestObj; long memUsage = -1;
  • 37. JavaOneJavaOne 37 Runtime memory usage estimation : Code Sample long getMemoryUsage() { if (memUsage == -1) { int estimate = fixedOhead; estimate += MemUtility.getStringMemUsage(originatingSystem.length()); estimate += requestObj.getMemoryUsage(); memUsage = MemUtility.roundUsage(estimate); } } } // WorkUnit
  • 38. JavaOneJavaOne 38 Runtime memory usage estimation : Code Sample public class Request implements MemoryUsage { private static final int primitiveUsage = 16; private static final int thisOhead = 4; private static final int refsUsage = 2 * 4; private static final int fixedOhead = primitiveUsage + thisOhead + refsUsage; long requestId; String request; String discountCode; long memUsage = -1;
  • 39. JavaOneJavaOne 39 Runtime memory usage estimation : Code Sample long getMemoryUsage() { if (memUsage == -1) { int estimate = fixedOhead; estimate += MemUtility.getStringMemUsage(request.length()); if (discountCode != null) { estimate += MemUtility.getStringMemUsage(discountCode.length()); } memUsage = MemUtility.roundUsage(estimate); } } } // Request
  • 40. JavaOneJavaOne 40 Runtime memory usage estimation : Code Sample public class MemUtility { static long getStringMemoryUsage( int length) { return 40 + (length << 1); } static long roundUsage( long usage) { long usageDiv8 = usage >> 3; if ((usageDiv8 << 3) == usage) return usage; else return (usageDiv8 + 1) << 3; } }
  • 41. JavaOneJavaOne 41 Track and Control Memory Usage  Have one logical pool of memory which consists of all the heap memory that is used by the objects whose memory usage will be controlled  Avoid separate pools!  Memory usage can be controlled “statically” or “dynamically”  Controlling memory usage statically means we reserve the memory up front, when the application starts, or when a new thread starts  Note that you don’t need to actually allocate the memory up front, you just reserve it
  • 42. JavaOneJavaOne 42 Track and Control Memory Usage  Dynamic tracking and control:  Keep track of the total used by all threads  Get the estimated memory usage of an object from its getMemoryUsage method and increment the total amount used  When the object is no longer needed, the memory use is decremented from the total amount used  Only track long term memory usage  Don’t need to “pay” for the memory dynamically if it was accounted for statically  Each thread maintains a local total that tracks its memory usage
  • 43. JavaOneJavaOne 43 Track and Control Memory Usage  The global total amount used is a globally accessible long  All increments and decrements of the global total are synchronized  Updates of the global total are buffered to minimize synchronization costs
  • 44. JavaOneJavaOne 44 Track and Control Memory Usage  The absolute limit on the memory that can be used is the JVM max memory specified with the –Xmx parameter  But dynamically tracked memory can’t have all of that  Memory should be reserved statically for objects or buffers if:  The application must have them  There are not very many  They will be used for a long time  Static size, or a static upper limit (reserve the upper limit)
  • 45. JavaOneJavaOne 45 Track and Control Memory Usage  Examples of buffers to reserve memory for statically:  I/O buffers  LIFO page caches  Need to reserve a certain amount of memory for “everything else” – i.e. what we are not accounting for statically or dynamically  This can be one sum, a per-thread value * # of threads, or both  Also need to reserve memory to prevent the JVM from thrashing  Don’t want to allow the heap to grow past 85-90% of the JVM max memory  Recommend reserve 15% of the JVM max memory
  • 46. JavaOneJavaOne 46 Track and Control Memory Usage  So, the amount of memory available for dynamically tracked memory is: max memory – (staticBuffers + thrashingOverhead + everythingElse)  Let’s call this “globalMaxDynamicMemory”  Every time a thread increments the global total, the global total is compared against globalMaxDynamicMemory  If the global max is exceeded, the increment request is denied
  • 47. JavaOneJavaOne 47 Track and Control Memory Usage  If an increment of the global total is denied, the requesting thread must handle it.  A thread can handle this in a number of ways:  Wait and periodically retry until more memory becomes available  Reduce some of its existing registered memory usage – throw away unneeded objects, etc  Write some of its data to disk  Throw an exception, i.e. give up  Get another thread to give up some memory (possible, but more complicated!)
  • 48. JavaOneJavaOne 48 Track and Control Memory Usage  If a thread reduces its registered memory usage by the amount of the denied request, it doesn’t need to re- submit the request  To prevent one thread from “hogging” all the memory, can have heuristics, such as one thread cannot have more than 90% of the dynamically tracked memory if there is more than one thread  The decrement of a thread’s memory use should be in finally blocks to ensure the memory is released if the thread gets an uncaught exception
  • 49. JavaOneJavaOne 49 Soft references  Use of soft references to control your memory use really only works for objects you can get again or don’t really need  This may be acceptable for something like a web page image – if it becomes reclaimed by the GC, you just read the image from disk again  Doesn’t work for objects where the only copy is in memory!  No way to control the order in which softly reachable objects are reclaimed
  • 50. JavaOneJavaOne 50 Minimize Memory Usage  Prefer arrays over more complex structures  Collections:  Avoid empty collections  Size collections appropriately  Choose correct collection  Class structure impact on memory usage  Avoid storing data in a separate class if all instances of your class need that data, and it is not needed outside of that class  Store info specific to only a subset of class instances in a derived class or in a separate class
  • 51. JavaOneJavaOne 51 Minimize Memory Usage  Convert objects to byte arrays  Objects that won’t be needed for a while  Objects that are going to be written to a stream soon  Example: objects in a hash map when most won’t be used for a while  Convert to byte array  Convert back when fetched  Can have a mix of converted/unconverted data: convert a byte array once it has been fetched once  However, the hash map won’t be able to use generics if it has a mix of converted/unconverted data
  • 52. JavaOneJavaOne 52 Minimize Memory Usage  Cleanup unneeded objects ASAP  Optimize for mainline processing, not exceptional processing  For example, if possible, delete requested info as soon as send it back to the user – don’t wait for the confirmation response  If response is negative, read the requested info back in  Of course, this is only worthwhile if failures are rare!  Use finally blocks liberally!  Make sure any allocated memory is freed  And if it’s dynamically tracked, be sure to decrement the memory usage from the global total!
  • 53. JavaOneJavaOne 53 Minimize Memory Usage  Object pooling  Doesn’t reduce your memory usage, but reduces the cost to allocate and GC it  Only worth it for simple, multi-purpose objects, such as primitive arrays  Byte arrays are the best candidate as they can be used to store any kind of data, and don’t have to be an exact match  Relatively easy to have a pool of byte arrays of various sizes that can be used to store other objects  Store large objects (i.e. lobs) as a series of smaller byte array buffers instead of one large one  If you find your pooling is getting complicated – stop! Leave complex memory mgmt to the JVM
  • 54. JavaOneJavaOne 54 Balance and control threads  Feed work to a thread via an ArrayBlockingQueue or your own synchronized buffering scheme, with a limited size  When a thread input queue is empty, or an output queue is full, the thread will have to wait  This keeps threads from getting too far ahead of each other  The capacity of the queue/buffer determines how far ahead threads are allowed to get relative to each other  To balance, keep track of the times producers and consumers must wait to put/take data from the queue  Lots of consumer waits = need more producer threads  Lots of producer waits = need more consumer threads
  • 55. JavaOneJavaOne 55 Balance and control threads The capacity of a java blocking queue is specified as a number of objects Unless all objects placed in the queue have the same size, the memory usage of the queue can vary widely Can run out of memory if don’t limit or keep track of the memory usage of blocking queues
  • 56. JavaOneJavaOne 56 Balance and control threads The solution is decorate the blocking queue with a logical queue The logical queue buffers objects in lists and adds these list buffers to the queue when the buffers are full The lists are considered full when they reach a certain amount of estimated memory usage So the queue is a queue of lists, each of which will use a similar amount of memory The maximum amount of memory the queue can use is then bufferSize * (queueCapacity)
  • 57. JavaOneJavaOne 57 Balance and control threads The maximum amount of memory usage for each inter- thread queue is statically reserved when each queue is created, and released when those threads stop This has the additional benefit of reducing the number of puts/gets to the underlying queue, which reduces the synchronization expense Also bases the amount of queued-up work for a thread on the amount of memory that work consumes, instead of a number of requests This is probably a better metric, since requests that consume more memory probably take longer to process
  • 58. JavaOneJavaOne 58 Waiting/Flushing  A thread needs to flush a buffered output queue if it is idle or has to wait Waiting indefinitely is dangerous! Try to NEVER wait on anything indefinitely If you are waiting for another thread to do something, and it dies, you will be waiting forever So, use loops+timeouts whenever possible  When wake up, check if anyone wants you to stop, process a more urgent request, etc.  If not, re-issue request
  • 59. JavaOneJavaOne 59 Handle OutOfMemoryError Despite your best efforts, your app may still run out of memory There are many reasons for this: Tracked memory usage estimates are too low Untracked memory usage was larger or was utilized longer than expected Short term memory usage burst overwhelmed the GC Memory Leaks Too many threads, etc
  • 60. JavaOneJavaOne 60 Handle OutOfMemoryError If an OOM error occurs, you will probably need a heap dump to determine why! IBM JVM enables heap dumps on OOM by default To disable, set environment variable IBM_HEAPDUMP_OUTOFMEMORY=FALSE Oracle HotSpot disables heap dumps on OOM by default To enable: -XX+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError To see the value of all flags, specify: -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
  • 61. JavaOneJavaOne 61 Handle OutOfMemoryError When an OutOfMemoryError occurs, this is only guaranteed to stop the thread that triggered it This can lead to “zombie threads” Threads that were dependent on the thread that died can hang The death of the thread getting the OOM might be sufficient to avoid another OOM, but not enough to keep the JVM from thrashing, thus preventing remaining threads from doing anything Need a mechanism to bring down related threads
  • 62. JavaOneJavaOne 62 Handle OutOfMemoryError Bring down related threads with stop request objects Bring down the JVM if the thread that dies is a “critical” thread – i.e. it is essential for your application Or if zombie threads are a big problem, can have your uncaught exception handler bring down the entire JVM if the exception is OOM
  • 63. JavaOneJavaOne 63 Stopping Requesting stop via flag objects Have a stop request object that indicates thread should stop Classes check regularly, and always before sleeping, waiting, I/O, putting/getting from a blocking queue, etc. Works the same regardless of whether the class is running as a thread or not Stop request object can indicate different types of stop: stop immediate, stop gracefully (finish work in progress), etc.
  • 64. JavaOneJavaOne 64 Stopping Have a stop request object that indicates thread should stop Can have a single stop request object for all related threads  But this only allows all of them to be stopped at once For finer granularity of stop control, have a higher level stop request object with references to thread stop request objects Setting of stop request object must be synchronized – but this does not occur very often
  • 65. JavaOneJavaOne 65 Stopping Have a request stop object that indicates thread should stop Reading of the stop request object will occur frequently Reading stop request object does not need to be synchronized for most applications It is not critical to see a stop request instantaneously, and synchronization doesn’t guarantee this anyway The stop request should be a boolean or enum, so updates of it are atomic
  • 66. JavaOneJavaOne 66 Stopping Detecting a thread has actually stopped Could use Thread.isAlive() to detect if a thread has stopped This requires a handle to the thread Presumes the class is running as a thread Won’t work for higher abstractions
  • 67. JavaOneJavaOne 67 Stopping Detecting a thread has actually stopped Better to make this abstract Separate Runnable class from class that does the real work Runnable class invokes the work class The Runnable class has an “isRunning” object that tracks the run status All threads use this common Runnable class
  • 68. JavaOneJavaOne 68 Stopping Detecting a thread has actually stopped If a graceful stop is requested, threads must wait for all of their producer threads to stop before they can stop This allows in-flight data to be processed Unexpected thread termination Just set the stop request object to bring down all related threads
  • 69. JavaOneJavaOne 69 Stopping Returning control to the user Controller or highest level thread must make sure all threads are truly stopped before returning Strange things can happen if you try to restart and some threads from a previous incarnation are still running! Could call thread.join()  But must have handle to all threads, and can’t be responsive to other requests Better for the controller to query the isRunning flag of all thread classes and wait for all to be stopped.
  • 70. JavaOneJavaOne 70 Example: buffering, flushing, stopping work() { while (!checkForStopRequests()) { int maxBufSize = 102400; int curBufMemUsage = 0; int outBufCapacity = 10; ArrayList<WorkUnit> outBuf = new ArrayList<WorkUnit>(outBufCapacity); ArrayList<WorkUnit> inBuf = inQueue.poll(200,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // If have to wait for input, flush output if (inBuf == null) { if (outBuf.size() > 0) { flushOutput(); } }
  • 71. JavaOneJavaOne 71 Example: buffering, flushing, stopping else { for (WorkUnit workUnit : inBuf) { // process workUnit … int unitMemUsage = workUnit.getMemoryUsage(); if (curBufMemUsage + unitMemUsage > maxBufSize) { flushOutput(outBuf); curBufMemUsage = 0; } else { curBufMemUsage += unitMemUsage; outBuf.add(workUnit); } } } }
  • 72. JavaOneJavaOne 72 Example: buffering, flushing, stopping flushOutput(ArrayList<WorkUnit> outBuf) { boolean success = false; while (!success && !checkForStopRequests()) { success = outQueue.offer(outBuf, 200,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } Boolean checkForStopRequests() { // check for stop requests. Basic handling is: if (stop requested) { threadRunnableObj.isRunning = false; return true; // stop this thread } return false; }
  • 73. JavaOneJavaOne 73 Uncaught exception handling Proper handling for uncaught exceptions is absolutely critical ! Uncaught exceptions are the leading cause of unexpected thread termination If any threads are dependent on others, if one goes down, the remaining threads can hang! Hung threads can be hard to detect The best way to handle this is to prevent it!
  • 74. JavaOneJavaOne 74 Uncaught exception handling By default, uncaught exceptions are handled by the default uncaught exception handler This just writes the stack trace to standard error This is rarely acceptable!  Stack trace may be lost  If class tracks its run status, this will be inaccurate after an uncaught exception: run status will still be ‘running’  What about threads that are dependent on this thread?
  • 75. JavaOneJavaOne 75 Uncaught exception handling  Ensure you have handling for all uncaught exceptions  Keep it simple: do what must be done, but no more  Complex handling for uncaught exceptions could trigger other uncaught exceptions, which can be extremely difficult to debug!  And since uncaught exceptions don’t occur often, the handler probably has not been tested as much as other modules  All handlers, at a minimum, should:  Log the error and stack trace somewhere durable and secure  Alert the user so the error will be noticed  If the thread class has a run status, the run status should be set to stopped, error, or some equivalent  Requires access to the thread class state
  • 76. JavaOneJavaOne 76 Uncaught exception handling  Ideally, the handler should also alert dependent threads  Can notify controller or parent, which can:  Just restart the thread that got the uncaught exception  Not recommended! Any related threads could be in an indeterminate state  Stop all related threads (safest)  Set the stopping request object for the related threads  Since all threads are monitoring, this will bring them all down  Threads won’t hang!  Controller/parent doesn’t need an explicit message to know a thread has died, if it is monitoring the run status of the threads  In fact, the controller doesn’t even need to get involved –  Just have the uncaught exception handler set the stop request object to stop
  • 77. JavaOneJavaOne 77 Uncaught exception handling Where to handle? Three primary possibilities: Custom uncaught exception handler Catch Throwable() in run() method Finally block in run() method
  • 78. JavaOneJavaOne 78 Uncaught exception handling Custom uncaught exception handler  If a uncaught exception handler is declared and is in scope, the default uncaught exception handler is NOT invoked Determine scope: Per JVM Per Thread group Per Runnable class
  • 79. JavaOneJavaOne 79 Uncaught exception handling Custom uncaught exception handler – per JVM scope Logging the error and alerting the user is about all that can be done Since this is per-JVM, it does not have access to any specific thread classes or thread groups Set via the static Thread method setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler( Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh)  ueh is a class that must implement uncaughtException(Thread thr, Throwable the)
  • 80. JavaOneJavaOne 80 Uncaught exception handling  Custom uncaught exception handler – per Thread group  Can guarantee standard handling for a group of threads by having their Thread instance use the same custom ThreadGroup class  Custom ThreadGroup class extends ThreadGroup and overrides the ThreadGroup uncaughtException method  Allows for common code for the thread group, but doesn’t have access to individual Runnable classes  Could have the stop object for the threads in the group registered here  set to true if an uncaught exception occurs in any thread in the group
  • 81. JavaOneJavaOne 81 Uncaught exception handling Custom uncaught exception handler – per Thread class Can have access to the Runnable class, so the handler can log details about the class structure, set run status, etc. before exiting Guaranteed to be invoked Set via the Thread method setUncaughtExceptionHandler setUncaughtExceptionHandler( Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh)  ueh is a class that must implement uncaughtException(Thread thr, Throwable the)
  • 82. JavaOneJavaOne 82 Uncaught exception handling Catch Throwable() in run() method Not recommended as the sole mechanism for handling uncaught exceptions  If you do this, do it outside any loops in the thread run method, i.e. at the highest level possible.  Otherwise, the exception will not trigger the thread to exit, which can cause very strange thread conditions!  Thread can be “alive”, but constantly cycling through errors, or hanging
  • 83. JavaOneJavaOne 83 Uncaught exception handling  Finally block in run() method  Have handled flag that is set to true at end of try block and every catch block  !handled = uncaught exception  Advantage: Can have handling customized to the invoked class  Can set run status and stop request  Disadvantages  Every catch block must set “handled” flag or the checked exception will be treated as unhandled  An uncaught exception handler that logs the exception is still necessary, since the finally block doesn’t have access to the exception
  • 84. JavaOneJavaOne 84 Uncaught exception handling Critical threads Some threads may be critical to your application If they stop unexpectedly, the application will not function Best to stop the entire application when this occurs The uncaught exception handling for the thread should call System.exit(<non-zero value>)
  • 85. JavaOneJavaOne 85 Example using finally block public class bulletproofRunnable implements Runnable { boolean isRunning; Worker worker; boolean handled; bulletproofRunnable(Worker worker) { this.worker = worker; handled = false; }
  • 86. JavaOneJavaOne 86 Example using finally block run() { try { isRunning = true;; handled = true; } finally { if (!handled) { // uncaught exception! isRunning = false; worker.setStopRequest(true); // have uncaught exception handler log error and stack trace to error file } } } }
  • 87. JavaOneJavaOne 87 Example using custom handler public class bulletproofRunnable implements Runnable, Thread.uncaughtExceptionHandler { boolean isRunning; Worker worker; bulletproofRunnable(Worker worker) { this.worker = worker; }
  • 88. JavaOneJavaOne 88 Example using custom handler public void uncaughtException {Thread thr, Throwable the) isRunning = false; worker.setStopRequest(true); // log error and stack trace to error file } } Add to where the actual thread is created: bulletproofThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(bulletproofRunnable);
  • 89. JavaOneJavaOne 89 Summary  Excessive memory usage can have a large adverse affect on application performance  Estimating memory usage of the objects used by your application is the first step to managing the application memory usage  Tracking and controlling long-term memory usage is essential to avoid OOM  Many techniques exist to minimize memory usage  Limiting thread input/output queue sizes by their memory usage balances thread memory use and helps avoid OOM  A framework for stopping threads and consistent handling of uncaught exceptions is essential to avoid hanging when OOM errors or other unexpected exceptions occur

Notas do Editor

  1. C runtime is for those JVMs written in C. Native heap is used for things like direct byte buffers and JNI calls.
  2. All types of memory usage can cause an Out Of Memory Error except for OS and C runtime memory usage
  3. 1. So how do java heap objects use memory?
  4. 1. OK, that’s how java uses memory. What are the typical reasons your app used more than expected? Different collections have different memory usage characteristics. For more information, attend Chris Bailey’s talk “From Java code to Java heap”, Wednesday 8:30am – 9:30am
  5. Using finalizers can lead to a problem similar to a memory leak
  6. 1. So what are the indications your app is using too much memory? Degradation in performance = both responsiveness and throughput suffer Allocating memory takes time. But allocating memory is fairly cheap compared to the impact on the garbage collector of excessive memory use! JVM thrashes as it gets harder and harder for the GC to find memory to free. Eventually, the JVM spends almost all of its time doing GC
  7. Typically when you get an OOM, it is too late! Before this error is thrown, it is likely the JVM was thrashing, spending all of its time doing GC For these reasons, you do NOT want to wait until you get an OOM to worry about your memory usage
  8. 1. Now I’d like to discuss the performance impact of long-lived objects GC’ing tenured generation typically requires a full or major collection
  9. To run out of memory with no long term objects, your application would need to be allocating very large objects or a large number of objects in a short amount of time.
  10. 1. So you’re going to want to control your memory usage. But before you can control your memory usage, you need a way to determine how much your objects will use
  11. Lots of issues with GC Escape analysis was added in Java 6
  12. We define a agent class that defines the premain method, then we have our own getObjectSize method that invokes the instrumentation interface object getObjectSize method.
  13. We jar it up, and then we can use our agent class to get memory estimates
  14. TLAB = Thread Local Allocation Blocks. –UseTLAB disables this feature
  15. IBM JVM uses from 4-8 bytes more for many common objects without compressed 64 bit references.
  16. 1. Using one of the two preceding techniques, you can estimate the amount of memory objects use in your JVM during testing
  17. 1. Now, you need to translate this knowledge into methods that will efficiently estimate the memory usage of objects while your application is running!
  18. Alignment policy: All objects aligned on 8 byte boundaries, or Only fields that must be, such as a long =&amp;gt; Easiest to just assume all objects must be aligned on 8 byte boundaries
  19. 1. Now to calculate the memory usage of your app’s objects: A null pointer uses the same amount of memory as a real pointer!
  20. If possible, calculate the estimate on demand, when you need the estimate to track the memory usage . If an object and its referenced objects are immutable after the memory is estimated, store the estimate in the object so it won’t need to be calculated again
  21. 1. This may sound like a lot of work, but it really isn’t! The benefit is worth the effort! As mentioned earlier, long term memory usage is what is really expensive, so only track the memory usage of long term objects. The memory estimation is quick: just CPU cost for the method calls to get the memory use of referenced objects, and then sum up and return the individual cost components
  22. This example assumes your application only runs 32 bit.
  23. 1. Now that we can calculate the memory usage of an object, we can use that to track and control the memory usage of objects at runtime
  24. Only track long term memory usage: this means only track the usage of objects that are being stored in a collection or some other buffer for later use
  25. Dynamically tracked memory only gets what is left over after we have accounted for everything else. One example is memory we reserve statically
  26. A thread that reduced its memory usage because of a denied request just doesn’t deduct the memory it just freed. In effect, it’s a swap of one memory use for another. That guarantees it will “get” the memory and not some other thread.
  27. 1. Tracking and controlling memory usage is useful, but the best thing is to avoid allocating memory in the first place. Avoid empty collections by allocating them on demand
  28. 1. Now that we’ve got our memory usage under control, we’re going to switch gears here and discuss how to keep our threads under control!
  29. 1. Now, there’s an issue with the standard ArrayBlockingQueue implementations:
  30. Of course, this only works if the buffer size is larger than most objects.
  31. Probably true that larger requests take a longer time to process
  32. There will be enough other synchronization boundaries crossed to guarantee the stop request object modification will be seen: . Puts/gets to blocking queues, synchronized access to other shared structures, etc. Synchronizing on write but not on read is known as Asymmetrical Locking
  33. 1. Now, how do you know a thread has actually stopped?
  34. This guarantees all threads have a common mechanism for tracking run status. This can also be used to guarantee common handling for uncaught exceptions
  35. ArrayList is created with a relatively small capacity, because each element will be a buffer full of WorkUnit objects. Statically reserve outBufCapacity * maxBufSize bytes of memory (1 MB in this example).
  36. 1. The last thing we are going to discuss today is handling uncaught exceptions. Hung threads are hard to detect: Are they hung, or just in-between bursts of traffic? Proper monitoring statistics can help detect this, but It can take a while before you can be sure. Auto-aborting threads that are perceived to be hung will inevitably abort too soon in certain situations. So typically this requires human intervention.
  37. Don’t let the default happen to you!
  38. This is a good choice for a “default” exception handler
  39. Simplest design is to have ueh be the Runnable class
  40. This can be useful in a thread with a finally block that could trigger uncaught exceptions itself. If an uncaught exception occurs in the finally block, it will mask the original uncaught exception. You could catch Throwable and have it log the exception. You could re-throw the exception, or also have the logic to set the stop request object here. You’d still need some form of uncaught exception handling for any that occur in the finally block.
  41. The best strategy is to use a combination of all of these
  42. If the ThreadGroup uncaught exception handler is guaranteed to be invoked, then can have a separate critical thread ThreadGroup. All critical threads are part of this group. The group handler calls system.exit().