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UCP Wheels
January 9, 2015
Engagement Best Practices
My First Wheels Campaign
Life Without Limitations Campaign
Additional Resources
2 3Engagement Best Practices
Understanding User Engagement to Increase ROI
The objective is to increase the return on marketing investment by measuring
and understanding the impact of strategies implemented at each phase of
the user engagement lifecycle. To accurately measure engagement, we can
break down the user engagement experience into four phases that are
imperative for donor conversion:
1. 	 Awareness
	 Raising awareness or creating prospects through human storytelling
	 and strategic interactions on social media. Leveraging the
	 organization’s existing network to increase natural growth through
	 peer-to-peer referrals.
2. 	 Engagement
	 Converting prospects into leads by engaging with them through
	 various campaigns on multiple channels, online and offline: rewarding 	
	 user engagement, inspiring user-generated content, and promoting
	 peer-to-peer crowdfunding. Engagement strategies can take many
	 different forms depending on the objective and audience in mind.
3. 	 Donation: Converting Leads to Donors
	 Converting leads to donors by simplifying and delivering a delightful
	 experience during the donation phase.
4. 	 Referral
	 Leveraging the existing community of supporters to create new
	 prospects by rendering the cause personal, and providing adequate
	 incentives for increased referrals.
1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral
Understanding User Engagement
Understand a user’s engagement
lifecycle with UCP Wheels by
breaking down the digital path to
donation into four phases:
awareness, engagement, donation,
and referral.
4 5Engagement Best Practices
Driving Conversion
The Strategy& Digital team was tasked to make recommendations to
raise awareness of UCP Wheels and its cause, and to increase its rates
of donation. In order to do so, we recommend focusing on: growing
prospects by raising awareness on social media, increasing traffic to UCP
Wheels website, and increasing donation rates by strategically engaging with
UCP Wheels supporters and leads.
All Phases are Essential
All steps in the conversion funnel are essential for successful donation
outcomes. Each type of user requires varying degrees of engagement, which
means that each campaign should focus on improving a particular phase of
engagement and interacting with a specific user type. Long-time supporters
of the organization may require personal contact, while new prospects may
only be interested in sharing or retweeting an image on social media.
However, both of these users are essential to the maintenance of a healthy
conversion funnel. Relationships with prospects, as much as with donors,
must be carefully curated and maintained.
Opportunities in Digital Engagement
The organization currently increases awareness of the organization and its
cause primarily through fundraising events and personal referrals. Donations
take place mainly offline. However, the rates of online giving are increasing
every year. Last year alone, national non-profits accrued a total of $627 M in
digital donations. There is a growing opportunity for organizations like UCP
Wheels to leverage digital tools in order to capture a much greater audience,
and increase donations from that wider net of supporters through
crowdfunding and digital fundraising tools.
Engagement Best Practices
Conversion Funnel: the Consumer Path to Donation
Conversion funnels typically visulize the consumer path to sales.
The funnel can effectively demonstrate the areas where prospective
consumers, or donors, are falling off.
6 7
How to increase awareness
Tell compelling and emotional stories about your work
Showcase the stories on different channels and platforms
Partner with successful blogs and websites showcasing relevant content
Spread the word to specific and relevant groups through social channels
(Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Vimeo)
Know your audience and target specific demographics
Partner with individuals and organizations likely to support and leverage
your cause; let them spread the word
Build physical and digital communities of people who will support and
raise awareness for your cause
Partner with brands, individuals, and organizations with a substantial
social following, to help spread the word
Inspire your fans to raise awareness about the cause or organization
amongst their communities
Engagement Best Practices
1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral
Increase awareness and visibility
for the organization and its cause
by telling human stories on a
variety of social channels and
Engagement Best Practices
Photo from UCP Wheels
8 9
How to incentivize engagement
Leverage your existing community’s latent potential
Create ways for fans and donors to engage more fully
Inspire the community to become a part of the solution through
interactive campaigns
Enable your most active users to lead in user-generated content
creation and crowdfunding
Engage with diverse and targeted demographics strategically
Select your target audience and design an appropriate engagement
campaign for that group
Make fundraising personal: enable users to link personal experiences
and events to your brand.
Crowd-source: empower users to contribute inspiring content and stories
related to your organization.
Enable users to engage with the organization on a variety of channels,
online and offline
Engagement Best Practices
1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral
Design campaigns to incentivize
engagement (online or offline) with
a specified target audience.
Engagement Best Practices
Photo from 2012 London Paralympics
10 11
How to streamline the donation process
Provide transparent financials to bolster trust
Make the donation process feel seamless and make it accessible from
multiple devices
Leverage an easy to use payment platform
Tools like Google Wallet, Razoo, or Paypal facilitate the donation
process for the organization and user
Shop to give: integrate giving into the retail experience
Gamify the donation process: reward action
Visualize impact on the ground to make donating feel effective and
Make the call-to-action clear, compelling, and easy to find
Make the donation process social: show who else is donating
Engagement Best Practices
1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral
Design a streamlined and
delightful donation process with
minimum clicks and compelling
calls to action.
Engagement Best Practices
Photo from Linus Tech Tips
12 13
How to facilitate referrals
Inspire users to become invested in the cause and make it feel like a
personal commtiment for them
Link the cause to a subject, event, or theme particularly meaningful to
the individual
Empower fans to become a part of the solution to the problem: show
them how their involvement makes an impact
Enable users to spread the word and create campaigns based on
personal stories
Leverage existing crowdfunding tools and platforms
Empower fans to take leadership and evangelize your brand via social
media channels
Reward users who spread the word: recognize them on social media or
your website, reward them with gifts or sweepstakes
Produce branded inspirational content that users will want to share with
their friends and networks
Make clear asks to your supporters and fans: clearly convey your
organization’s goals, and make your followers allies in your cause
Engagement Best Practices
1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral
Inspire users to envangelize the
cause through personal fundraising
campaigns and with the use of
shareable content
Engagement Best Practices
Photo of personal fundraiser campaigns on mycharity:water
14 15My First Wheels
Target Audience
This campaign intends to create new prospects. Therefore, it targets a broad
audience that is not necessarily aware of UCP Wheels, but is actively
engaged in relevant social communities focused on mobility or wheels.
Campaign Objectives
Raise awareness about UCP Wheels and its cause
Increase UCP Wheels social media following and presence
Connect UCP Wheels to audiences beyond the disabled community
Attract a broader audience of followers by tapping into existing cycling
communities (bicycle, motorcycle, and skating clubs)
Leverage human emotions to tap into users’ sense of nostalgia
Prompt users to participate actively in the campaign by uploading
personal photos of their ‘first wheels’
Incentivize users to participate by telling a piece of their personal story
on social media
Produce high quality user-generated content that can later serve as
powerful assets for the organization to tell a compelling story of its work
Generate excitement and interest in UCP Wheels and its cause
Setting Up for Success
The objective of the campaign is to substantially increase social media
following, in order to grow website traffic and email subscriptions. UCP
Wheels currently has a mere 1,522 likes on Facebook, 767 followers on
Twitter, 4 on Instagram, and approximately 1,000 monthly website visits. The
campaign should aim to at least double the organization’s social media
numbers, in order to see increased website visits and email subscriptions.
Metrics to Track
Campaign impressions, quantity of content uploaded and shared, social
media following on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Track conversion
between social media engagement, website visits, and ultimately donations.
A Hashtag Campaign
This hashtag campaign aims to
raise awareness about mobility
on social media channels. It taps
into users’ sense of nostalgia and
prompts them to upload stories
and content showcasing their first
set of wheels.
16 17
What is a Hashtag
A word or phrase prefixed with the hash, used as a metadata tag to identify
words or phrases across social media channels. The hashtag turns any word
into a searchable link, which allows anyone to organize content and track
discussion topics based on those keywords. Hashtags can expand content
reach, amplify a brand, target a market, make content searchable, or
improve SEO. You can use the brand tag as a signature tag, and ask people
to use it, so that the brand name becomes recognizable.
Hashtag Campaigns
A hashtag campaign is created by putting out a unique campaign hashtag on
social media that is related to a real life event. A hashtag campaign can
incentivize engagement by: leveraging a topic or term that is trending on
social media, by recognizing users and giving them an online ‘second of
fame.’ by demonstrating tangible social impact in the real world, through
prizes and giveaways, or in-person events. Hashtags can be powerfully
leveraged to increase an organization’s visibility online. The hashtag
provides a universal means of communication between millions of social
media users who can be simultaneously talking about a topic of choice at
any moment.
How this Campaign Works
Participants are prompted to share photos or videos of their first set of
wheels including the hashtag #myfirstwheels. The incentive to participate
in the campaign is the promise of creating real social impact on the ground:
reaching the campaign goal of 1000 posts in order to see wheelchairs
donated globally to ten people in need. Participants can upload, tag, and
socialize their content across multiple platforms (Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter) prompting peers to also participate in order to reach the campaign
goal. A microsite powered by TwineSocial aggregates all the hashtagged
photos in one page, allowing anyone to view the user-generated content.
My First Wheels
Campaign Flow
Legend Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Microsite Powered by TwineSocial
Discovery Methods
Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Campaign Engagement
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Social Feed
UCP Wheels Website
and Microsite
Goal Reached
314Entries 562Wedidit!
= $
UCP Wheels announces the
campaign appeal via social media
channels, email list, and its own
website. The appeal features
sample content created for the
Ask users to submit entries by
posting a photo or video with the
hashtags #myfirstwheels
@ucpwheels. Descriptions are
A link to a microsite powered by
TwineSocial shows a wall or feed of
all crousdourced submissions in real
time, and including the visualized
progress of the campaign.
The success of this campaign is
determined by the level of social
media engagement generated
with the use of the hashtag. Upon
reaching the goal of the campaign,
the corporate donation will be
My First Wheels
Discovery Methods Campaign Engagement Social Feed Goal Reached
18 19My First Wheels
The campaign can be featured on the UCP Wheels website, as a hero image
on the Landing page. The campaign itself can live within a section of the UCP
Wheels website, or a Wordpress site specifically dedicated to the campaign.
Campaign Appeal within the UCP Wheels website			
Campaign Engagement
My First Wheels
The campaign appeal should be launched on various social media channels,
including inspirational content related to the campaign theme of ‘my first wheels.’
The samples should feel personal and visually compelling.
Campaign Appeal on Social Media 				
Discovery Methods
20 21
A social feed of the campaign powered by TwineSocial can be integrated within
the UCP Wheels page, or can be inserted into a simple Wordpress site dedicated
to the campaign.
My First Wheels
Social Campaign Feed			
Social Feed
Before launching the campaign, the organization should create sample content to
be shared on social media in order to inspire the broader public to participate.
My First Wheels
Inspirations within the Campaign Page			
Campaign Engagement
22 23My First Wheels
8.	 Facilitate and incentivize engagement
	 Provide campaign collateral to partnering organizations and
	 influencers. Package should include campaign brief, talking points 		
	 and shareable content that can easily be disseminated.
9.	 Inspire engagement through great content
	 The campaign appeal should include compelling imagery and quotes 	
	 that will prompt users to retweet and share the collateral with their 		
	 networks. The campaign page and social feed should be
	 pre-populated with great content before launch.
10.	 Launch the campaign
	 The campaign should be launched (across UCP Wheels social media, 	
	 website, and email list) from the inside out, engaging with close
	 supporters first, and asking those supporters to then engage with their 	
	 respective networks. Messages delivered by friends are always more 	
	 effective than messages from strangers.
11.	 Curate user-generated content
	 Curate user-generated content and highlight the most compelling 		
	 stories. Continually engage with the content: disseminate to partners
	 and influencers to keep them and their audiences engaged throughout 	
	 the lifetime of the campaign.
12.	 Continue to push and engage in the campaign
	 The success of the campaign will be determined by the amount of 	
	 energy that is created around it. After launch UCP Wheels and its
	 partners should continuously push and engage with users until the
	 campaign goals are reached.
My First Wheels
Steps to Launch the Campaign
1.	 Define the target audience
	 This campaign targets a broader audience that is not aware of UCP 		
	 Wheels, by tapping into existing networks of motorcycle, biking, racing, 		
	 and skateboarding communities.
2.	 Define the objectives of the campaign
	 The objective of this campaign is to increase prospects: the user base 		
	 that knows and follows UCP Wheels on social channels.
3.	 Set goals and success metrics for the campaign
	 The goal is to increase social media following, to consequently grow 		
	 website traffic, and email subscriptions. The success of the campaign, 	 	
	 therefore, will be determined by the rate of user acquisition on social 		
	 media, of email subscriptions and website visits.
4.	 Collect and show sample content
	 Collect visual samples (prompt your closest supporters and internal 		
	 team to generate this content ) that illustrate the campaign and inspire 		
	 engagement amongst the broader community.
5.	 Leverage existing communities and influencers
	 Identify niche communities that focus on the theme of mobility. These 		
	 groups include members who are likely to become potential prospects.
6.	 Identify partner organizations and influencers
	 Partner with social media influencers and organizations that can help	
	 you tap into active social communities likely to engage with the cause.
7.	 Partner with corporate sponsors
	 Identify corporate sponsors likely to support the organization. Ideally, 		
	 the company’s work is related to the campaign theme of mobility.
24 25My First Wheels
Inspire User-Generated Content
Showcase great content in order to inspire the community to upload quality
photos and videos of their first wheels. Before launching your campaign,
pre-populate the page with beautiful content. Mock up an ideal and
successful campaign.
Sample Campaign Appeal
“Remember your first wheels? Share that moment with the rest of us and
pave the way for others to experience that joy! Simply post a photo or video
of your first wheels on your social networks with the hashtag #myfirstwheels
and remember to tag @ucpwheels. If we reach 1000 posts by December
31st, Trek Bicycles will donate wheelchairs to 20 people in need.”
Sample Social Media Sound Bites
Give the gift of mobility. #myfirstwheels
Join the race to reach 1000 posts. #myfirstwheels
One hashtag can change a life forever. #myfirstwheels
Nothing beats the feeling of owning a car. #myfirstwheels
Car for college! #myfirstwheels
My red tricycle was the best! #myfirstwheels
1988 Civic and 240K miles. Still running. #myfirstwheels
How did your first wheels change your life? #myfirstwheels
What were your first wheels? #myfirstwheels
Sample Shareable Content
My First Wheels
26 27My First Wheels
Three Partnerships
This campaign requires three different kinds of partnerships. Ideally all
partners share values with UCP Wheels, and they work within a field relevant
to the cause or the theme of the campaign.
1. A corporate sponsor
Companies to contribute financially or to donate wheelchairs. Preferably
there is an existing connection with the potential corporate partner.
Galpin Auto Sports, FedEx, United Bike, American Airlines
2. A social media partner
An organization or company dedicated to mobility or wheels, and having a
substantial social media presence. Leverage this partnership to increase
awareness and reach of the campaign.
GoPro, Harley Davidson, Trek Bicycles, State Bicycle Co, US Paralympics
3.  Influencers to promote the campaign
Individuals aligned to the cause of mobility, and with a substantial social
media presence: they are considered ‘influencers’ or celebrities on one or
more channels.
Amy Purdy, Push Girls, AaronWheelz, Christiaan Otter Bailey
How to engage with partners
Make clear the value proposition of the campaign to the partner and
show the social impact of the campaign in a tangible way.
Package campaign collateral for sponsor to easily disseminate content
with its respective audience.
Keep sponsors informed about campaign performance and analytics.
Ackowledge partners throughout the duration of the campaign in creative
ways: show a photo of a UCP Wheels beneficiary holding a personalized
thank you note for example.
My First Wheels
8.32M Facebook
1.26M Twitter
3.8M Instagram
Aaron Wheelz
Extreme skateboarder
137.7K Facebook
6.6K Twitter
190K Instagram
Harley Davidson
6.98M Facebook
242K Twitter
296K Instagram
Push Girls
Reality TV celebrities
69.7K Facebook
5.3K Twitter
Trek Bikes
717K Facebook
150K Twitter
Amy Purdy
Olympian, actress, model
77K Facebook
55.3K Twitter
160K Instagram
State Bicycle Co
501K Facebook
5.9K Twitter
63K Instagram
Christiaan Otter Bailey
Professional surfer
1.5K Facebook
3.46K Instagram
Existing relationship and
shared value of connection
through mobility.
United Bike
Existing relationship
with shared values of
mobility and freedom.
Galpin Auto Sports
Existing relationship with
the company, focus on ex-
pression through ‘wheels.’
American Airlines
Existing relationship
with shared values of
28 29Live Without Limitations
Target Audience
This campaign initially targets users who are engaged with UCP Wheels
as donors, supporters email subscribers, or social media followers. The
campaign speaks to anyone who is motivated to take on personal challenges
and live without physical or self-imposed limitations.
Campaign Objectives
Increase the level of engagement amongst UCP Wheels followers
Facilitate peer-to-peer referrals through personal fundraisers
Showcase wheelchair users who are overcoming physical
disabilities in unexpected ways
Engage with a broader audience who can relate to the idea
of living life without limitations
Enable users to set personal challenges and overcome limitations
‘Abled’ users can become a part of the solution for mobility
Setting Up for Success
The objective of the campaign is to increase the level of engagement 	
amongst UCP Wheels followers by enabling users to create customized
crowdfunding pages around personal breakthroughs. 	The success of the
campaign will be determined by the number of 	people who choose to create
campaigns, the level of their engagement with the campaign, the success of
their outreach, and the total amount of funds raised for UCP Wheels through
this type of crowdfunding. The campaign should aim to generate at least half
its yearly revenue from digital fundraising (and crowdfunding) sources.
Metrics to Track
Campaign impressions, number of campaigns created, amount of money
raised through crowdfunding. Track conversion between campaign
engagement and total online donations.
A Personal Fundraiser Campaign
This campaign is designed to make
the fundraising process feel
personal, by linking its success to
the accomplishment of a personal
30 31
LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy
Sharing a Campaign
Users post their fundraising
pages to their social networks
along with personal messages
about their goals.
5 6 7 8 9
Sharing Methods
Email, Twitter, Facebook
Users are kept engaged
with the campaign by
notifications from Classy on
their fundraising progress.
Users continue to engage
social network to reach goal.
Goal Reached
Users reach fundraising goal
and share results on social
media. They prompt peers to
start their own challenge.
Congratulatory /
Summary Page
Users receive a congratulatory
page on achieving their goal
which also gives a summary of
their campaign.
Campaign Archives
UCP Wheels Website /
Support Page
Selected campaigns are
displayed on the UCP
Wheels website to
encourage additional
fundraising campaigns.
Discovery Methods
Email, Facebook, Twitter
1 2
Sign Up
Classy / Peer to
Peer Fundraising Page
Goal Settings
Classy / Campaign
Settings Page
Users see “Live Without Limitations:
Become a Fundraiser”on UCP Wheels
social media or email.
Users click on link and arrive at the
Support Us page, which includes a
description of the campaign.
Users have the option to easily
register via email or Facebook, and
create a customized campaign page
seamlessly. The set up process is
powered by Classy and icludes
sample content for users to integrate
into their campaign.
Users create fundraising pages and
set goals which are quantified in
relation to $250/wheelchair.
1 $1,500
Life Without Limits
Landing Page
UCP Wheels Website
Campaign Flow: Donating to a Campaign
Live Without Limitations
a Campaign
Notifications Goal
Summary Page
Campaign Flow: Creating a Campaign
Live Without Limitations
Support Us
Set Up
LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy
Sharing a Campaign
Users post their fundraising
pages to their social networks
along with personal messages
about their goals.
5 6 7 8 9
Sharing Methods
Email, Twitter, Facebook
Users are kept engaged
with the campaign by
notifications from Classy on
their fundraising progress.
Users continue to engage
social network to reach goal.
Goal Reached
Users reach fundraising goal
and share results on social
media. They prompt peers to
start their own challenge.
Congratulatory /
Summary Page
Users receive a congratulatory
page on achieving their goal
which also gives a summary of
their campaign.
Campaign Archives
UCP Wheels Website /
Support Page
Selected campaigns are
displayed on the UCP
Wheels website to
encourage additional
fundraising campaigns.
Discovery Methods
Email, Facebook, Twitter
1 2
Sign Up
Classy / Peer to
Peer Fundraising Page
Goal Settings
Classy / Campaign
Settings Page
Users see “Live Without Limitations:
Become a Fundraiser”on UCP Wheels
social media or email.
Users click on link and arrive at the
Support Us page, which includes a
description of the campaign.
Users have the option to easily
register via email or Facebook, and
create a customized campaign page
seamlessly. The set up process is
powered by Classy and icludes
sample content for users to integrate
into their campaign.
Users create fundraising pages and
set goals which are quantified in
relation to $250/wheelchair.
1 $1,500
Life Without Limits
Landing Page
UCP Wheels Website
32 33Live Without Limitations
The campaign can be advertised in the UCP Wheels website, as a temporary
hero image on the Support Us page. The campaign appeal and inspirational
content live within the Support Us page.
Campaign Appeal within the UCP Wheels website			
Support Us Page
Live Without Limitations
The campaign appeal should include inspirational stories of emblematic figures
who ‘live without limitations.’ The appeal can be launched on social media
accounts, the email list, and by word-of-mouth.
Campaign Appeal on Social Media			
Discovery Methods
34 35Live Without Limitations
Sample fundraising page includes a compelling and personal story of overcoming
limitations. It shows a successful fundraising track record, and should inspire
others to participate in the collective challenge as well.
Personal Fundraising Page			
Campaign Page
Live Without Limitations
Include a featured set of campaigns that serve as inspirational examples of
people who are succesfully overcoming their limitations, while reaching their
fundraising goals.
Inspirations within the Campaign page			
Support Us Page
36 37Live Without Limitations
After the campaign is complete, a summary page congratulates the user for
overcoming a personal limitations, and successfully raising the funds. The page
shows the impact of the campaign on the ground.
Showing Impact on the Ground		
Congratulatory/Summary Page
Live Without Limitations
The campaign template is designed by Classy. However, UCP Wheels should
provide each user with a sample video on mobility, photos, and text, so each user
can use the sample content in their campaign.
Personal Fundraising Page			
Campaign Page
38 39
Inspire Supporters to Live Without Limitations
Showcase real stories of real life heroes. Motivate users to participate fully
by showcasing inspirational stories of individuals overcoming personal
challenges, whether abled or disabled. Incentivize fundraisers to push
themselves beyond their limitations in terms of their personal breakthoughs,
and their fundraising goals.
Sample Campaign Appeal
“We all have limitations which stop us from living the life we want to live.
Every time you pledge to overcome a personal limitation, you are helping to
unlock the potential of someone in need. Create a personal campaign today.
Give freedom.”
Sample Personal Stories
“I was always afraid of heights, until I decided to overcome my
limitations. I challenged myself to try skydiving, and now I feel so much
more alive. Skydiving has given me the courage to try out other new and
exciting things.”
- Emily
“I used to be terrified of speaking in front of people. Now I feel confident
in my own skin. I challenged myself to try improv comedy. It’s the best
thing that ever happened to me.”
- Joe
“I thought my life was over when I lost my vision, but when I began
making music again I found myself connected to everyone around me.”
- Raquel
“I always wanted to hike the Appalachian Mountains but did not have
the guts to do so until last month. I overcame the inability to pursue one
of my biggest goals and feel like life is really for the taking. I’m ready to
take on new things and can’t wait to start my next adventure.”
- Mike
Live Without Limitations
Inspirational Content for Campaigns
Live Without Limitations
40 41Live Without Limitations
6.	 Start with your inner circle
	 Prompt the internal stakeholders and close supporters to create
	 sample campaigns. 	Hold an internal brainstorming session and come 	
	 up with compelling and provocative ideas for personal fundraising 	
	 campaigns. Incentivize core supporters	 to create the first few
	 campaigns. (i.e. recognition, giveaways) These initial campaigns will 	
	 serve as the source of inspiration for others to follow.
7.	 Disseminate the campaign appeal
	 Launch the campaign appeal, with inspiring campaigns included, on
	 email list, social media, and website.
8.	 Make it easy for users to take action
	 Leverage a crowdfunding tool like Classy, which enables users to 		
	 easily set up and create a personal fundraiser, including pre-populated 	
	 images and a compelling narrative.
9.	 Engage with fundraisers
	 Continue to engage with users even after they have created a
	 campaign. Users will need continued encouragement and support as 	
	 they create and develop their campaigns.
Live Without Limitations
Steps to Launch the Campaign
1.	 Identify the target audience
	 This campaign targets any user who identifies with the idea of
	 living life without limitations. The campaign will initially target those 	
	 who are already engaged with UCP Wheels: users on the UCP 	
	 Wheels network, email list, or following the organization on social
	 media channels.
2.	 Define the objectives of the campaign
	 The objective of this campaign is to increase the level of engagement 	
	 amongst UCP Wheels followers, by enabling users to create
	 customized crowdfunding pages around personal breakthroughs.
3.	 Set goals and success metrics for the campaign
	 The success of the campaign will be determined by the number of 	
	 people who choose to create campaigns, the level of their
	 engagement with the campaign, the success of their outreach, and the
	 total amount of funds raised for UCP Wheels through this type of 		
4.	 Create an effective campaign appeal
	 Craft a persuasive and clear message that educates your audience 	
	 about the mobility crisis, the objective of the campaign, and motivates 	
	 users to participate in the campaign. Prompt users to participate 		
	 through a compelling and personal call to action.
5.	 Identify sources of inspiration
	 Identify individuals and fans of the organization whose life stories
	 exemplify the ideal of living without limitations. They can be abled or 	
	 disabled, affiliated with the organization or not. These individuals will 	
	 become the initial faces of the campaign, and can be prompted to
	 promote and serve as ambassadors for the campaign.
42 43Tools
Tools to Increase Awareness
A tool that consolidates posts or content from multiple social media platforms
which share a common hashtag, onto a centralized content platform
Rebel Mouse
A digtal publishing paltform deisgned to grow audiences and build
Content display dashboard that allows users to post and aggregate common 	
hashtags from multiple social media platforms and websites
All-in-one marketing suite that tracks online and social media campaigns
A “crowdspeaking” platform that allows individuals and companies to rally
large crowds of people together to spread a message
Tools for Storytelling
1 Second Everyday	
A visual app that chronicles a personal journey 1 snippet at a time		
Allows users to build beautiful and engaging visual stories			
A solid information visualization tool for infographics and visual storytelling
A microblogging platform and social networking website which allows users
to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog
A simple and easy to use blogging platform. It can be used to set up simple
web pages dedicated to specific campaigns
Additional Resources
44 45
Tools to Manage Metrics
New Relic		
A software analytics tool used by developers, and software companies to
understand how applications are performing. Recently launched a new
program designed to support nonprofits
Analysis Exchange	
A platform that connects web analysts looking for experience with non-profits
in need of web analytics support
Tools for User Engagement
Constant Contact		
Helps small businesses maintain effective engagement with end users
Email marketing solution to manage contacts, send emails, and track results
A Social marketing platform for marketers to easily create, launch, manage
and track apps and promotions on social networks from one simple
Tools for Social Media
A social media dashboard to manage and measure social networks
An app that brings more flexibility and insight to Twitter power users
A management and engagement platform for social business. Includes
publishing, analytics, monitoring, and collaboration tools
Tools for Fundraising
Marketing software tool for personal and customized fundraising campaigns
Marketing software for nonprofits, with tools for peer-to-peer fundraising
A simple crowdfunding tool for individuals and organizations alike
A platform that helps individuals raise money for causes they care about
46 47
Additional Campaign Ideas
The Life of a Wheelchair
A campaign that showcases the life-cycle and craftsmanship behind a
wheelchair- from design, construction, to final delivery. The purpose of the
campaign is to leverage all of the efforts made to construct and deliver a
wheelchair, to generate a poetic story around the fabrication process, to
create an interest in the origin and production of every wheelchair
manufactured. The idea for the campaign was inspired by Everlane’s
refreshing approach to ‘radical transparency’ in the fabrication process.
LA Wheelathon: A Tour of the City on Wheels
An LA marathon on wheels. The idea, inspired by Ciclavia, is to venture into
unheard of territory of Los Angeles streets with no cars, and on wheels. The
marathon will focus on raising awareness and funds toward mobility, while
engaging with everyone who is on ‘wheels’
Wheels of Change
This is a grassroots campaign aimed to raise awareness and engagement
amongst auto sports club members, by rallying them around the “freedom of
mobility” cause. Auto enthusiasts are passionate by nature around their
mobility, freedom, and adventure lifestyle. UCP Wheels will partner with
relevant events and clubs like the Harley Davidson club or the Critical Mass
Community Bicycle group to make the case for mobility.
Soap Box Wheels Race
A fun interactive and educational event. UCP Wheels will provide race rules,
a manual, and a building guide to support teachers and students who want to
have a positive impact in someone’s life. The purpose of the campaign is to
engage with schools, students and their families, to nurture science,
engineering, teamwork and competition skills. The proceeds of the race will
go to build a designated number of wheelchairs.
Additional Campaign Ideas
Additional Campaign Ideas
One Step Closer
A campaign focused on raising awareness through personal stories.
Participants can share epic moments in their life while in transit, to
underscore the power of mobility and transportation as a means to achieve
personal goals and dreams.
Your Scrap is Our Gold
Reinvent the existing used wheelchair drive by creating a gold metal color
sculpture to communicate that: an old wheelchair is ‘valuable as gold’ to a
beneficiary in need. The purpose is to engage with hospitals, medical supply
companies, and clinics. Secondly, to engage with any disabled individual
who is throwing away an old wheelchair.
Unlock a Potential
A campaign that rallies donors to meet a fundraising goal within a specified
timeframe (ie: $250 to unlock a wheelchair in 30 days) A creative visual can
depict parts of a wheelchair coming together as donations come through,
ultimately revealing the assembled wheelchair when the goal is met. Setting
a clear and quantifiable objective inspires donors to work collectively to reach
a fundraising goal.
Day in the Life
A campaign focused on raising awareness through high-impact
photography created by a professional photographer, featuring UCP Wheels’
beneficiaries against scenic backdrops. The printed and framed photographs
can be placed in business centers and clinics interested in promoting the
organization’s mission. The photographs can also be displayed and sold on
digital galleries and sites.
Additional Campaign Ideas

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  • 2. Contents Engagement Best Practices My First Wheels Campaign Life Without Limitations Campaign Additional Resources 2 14 28 42
  • 3. 2 3Engagement Best Practices Understanding User Engagement to Increase ROI The objective is to increase the return on marketing investment by measuring and understanding the impact of strategies implemented at each phase of the user engagement lifecycle. To accurately measure engagement, we can break down the user engagement experience into four phases that are imperative for donor conversion: 1. Awareness Raising awareness or creating prospects through human storytelling and strategic interactions on social media. Leveraging the organization’s existing network to increase natural growth through peer-to-peer referrals. 2. Engagement Converting prospects into leads by engaging with them through various campaigns on multiple channels, online and offline: rewarding user engagement, inspiring user-generated content, and promoting peer-to-peer crowdfunding. Engagement strategies can take many different forms depending on the objective and audience in mind. 3. Donation: Converting Leads to Donors Converting leads to donors by simplifying and delivering a delightful experience during the donation phase. 4. Referral Leveraging the existing community of supporters to create new prospects by rendering the cause personal, and providing adequate incentives for increased referrals. 1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral Understanding User Engagement Understand a user’s engagement lifecycle with UCP Wheels by breaking down the digital path to donation into four phases: awareness, engagement, donation, and referral.
  • 4. 4 5Engagement Best Practices Driving Conversion The Strategy& Digital team was tasked to make recommendations to raise awareness of UCP Wheels and its cause, and to increase its rates of donation. In order to do so, we recommend focusing on: growing prospects by raising awareness on social media, increasing traffic to UCP Wheels website, and increasing donation rates by strategically engaging with UCP Wheels supporters and leads. All Phases are Essential All steps in the conversion funnel are essential for successful donation outcomes. Each type of user requires varying degrees of engagement, which means that each campaign should focus on improving a particular phase of engagement and interacting with a specific user type. Long-time supporters of the organization may require personal contact, while new prospects may only be interested in sharing or retweeting an image on social media. However, both of these users are essential to the maintenance of a healthy conversion funnel. Relationships with prospects, as much as with donors, must be carefully curated and maintained. Opportunities in Digital Engagement The organization currently increases awareness of the organization and its cause primarily through fundraising events and personal referrals. Donations take place mainly offline. However, the rates of online giving are increasing every year. Last year alone, national non-profits accrued a total of $627 M in digital donations. There is a growing opportunity for organizations like UCP Wheels to leverage digital tools in order to capture a much greater audience, and increase donations from that wider net of supporters through crowdfunding and digital fundraising tools. DONORS Engagement Best Practices Conversion Funnel: the Consumer Path to Donation Conversion funnels typically visulize the consumer path to sales. The funnel can effectively demonstrate the areas where prospective consumers, or donors, are falling off. PROSPECTS LEADS $
  • 5. 6 7 How to increase awareness Tell compelling and emotional stories about your work Showcase the stories on different channels and platforms Partner with successful blogs and websites showcasing relevant content Spread the word to specific and relevant groups through social channels (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Vimeo) Know your audience and target specific demographics Partner with individuals and organizations likely to support and leverage your cause; let them spread the word Build physical and digital communities of people who will support and raise awareness for your cause Partner with brands, individuals, and organizations with a substantial social following, to help spread the word Inspire your fans to raise awareness about the cause or organization amongst their communities • • • • • • • • • Engagement Best Practices 1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral Awareness Increase awareness and visibility for the organization and its cause by telling human stories on a variety of social channels and platforms. Engagement Best Practices Photo from UCP Wheels
  • 6. 8 9 How to incentivize engagement Leverage your existing community’s latent potential Create ways for fans and donors to engage more fully Inspire the community to become a part of the solution through interactive campaigns Enable your most active users to lead in user-generated content creation and crowdfunding Engage with diverse and targeted demographics strategically Select your target audience and design an appropriate engagement campaign for that group Make fundraising personal: enable users to link personal experiences and events to your brand. Crowd-source: empower users to contribute inspiring content and stories related to your organization. Enable users to engage with the organization on a variety of channels, online and offline • • • • • • • • • Engagement Best Practices 1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral Engagement Design campaigns to incentivize engagement (online or offline) with a specified target audience. Engagement Best Practices Photo from 2012 London Paralympics
  • 7. 10 11 How to streamline the donation process Provide transparent financials to bolster trust Make the donation process feel seamless and make it accessible from multiple devices Leverage an easy to use payment platform Tools like Google Wallet, Razoo, or Paypal facilitate the donation process for the organization and user Shop to give: integrate giving into the retail experience Gamify the donation process: reward action Visualize impact on the ground to make donating feel effective and engaging Make the call-to-action clear, compelling, and easy to find Make the donation process social: show who else is donating • • • • • • • • • Engagement Best Practices 1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral Donation Design a streamlined and delightful donation process with minimum clicks and compelling calls to action. Engagement Best Practices Photo from Linus Tech Tips
  • 8. 12 13 How to facilitate referrals Inspire users to become invested in the cause and make it feel like a personal commtiment for them Link the cause to a subject, event, or theme particularly meaningful to the individual Empower fans to become a part of the solution to the problem: show them how their involvement makes an impact Enable users to spread the word and create campaigns based on personal stories Leverage existing crowdfunding tools and platforms Empower fans to take leadership and evangelize your brand via social media channels Reward users who spread the word: recognize them on social media or your website, reward them with gifts or sweepstakes Produce branded inspirational content that users will want to share with their friends and networks Make clear asks to your supporters and fans: clearly convey your organization’s goals, and make your followers allies in your cause • • • • • • • • • Engagement Best Practices 1. Awareness 2. Engagement 3. Donation 4. Referral Referral Inspire users to envangelize the cause through personal fundraising campaigns and with the use of shareable content Engagement Best Practices Photo of personal fundraiser campaigns on mycharity:water
  • 9. 14 15My First Wheels Target Audience This campaign intends to create new prospects. Therefore, it targets a broad audience that is not necessarily aware of UCP Wheels, but is actively engaged in relevant social communities focused on mobility or wheels. Campaign Objectives Raise awareness about UCP Wheels and its cause Increase UCP Wheels social media following and presence Connect UCP Wheels to audiences beyond the disabled community Attract a broader audience of followers by tapping into existing cycling communities (bicycle, motorcycle, and skating clubs) Leverage human emotions to tap into users’ sense of nostalgia Prompt users to participate actively in the campaign by uploading personal photos of their ‘first wheels’ Incentivize users to participate by telling a piece of their personal story on social media Produce high quality user-generated content that can later serve as powerful assets for the organization to tell a compelling story of its work Generate excitement and interest in UCP Wheels and its cause Setting Up for Success The objective of the campaign is to substantially increase social media following, in order to grow website traffic and email subscriptions. UCP Wheels currently has a mere 1,522 likes on Facebook, 767 followers on Twitter, 4 on Instagram, and approximately 1,000 monthly website visits. The campaign should aim to at least double the organization’s social media numbers, in order to see increased website visits and email subscriptions. Metrics to Track Campaign impressions, quantity of content uploaded and shared, social media following on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Track conversion between social media engagement, website visits, and ultimately donations. • • • • • • • • • A Hashtag Campaign This hashtag campaign aims to raise awareness about mobility on social media channels. It taps into users’ sense of nostalgia and prompts them to upload stories and content showcasing their first set of wheels.
  • 10. 16 17 What is a Hashtag A word or phrase prefixed with the hash, used as a metadata tag to identify words or phrases across social media channels. The hashtag turns any word into a searchable link, which allows anyone to organize content and track discussion topics based on those keywords. Hashtags can expand content reach, amplify a brand, target a market, make content searchable, or improve SEO. You can use the brand tag as a signature tag, and ask people to use it, so that the brand name becomes recognizable. Hashtag Campaigns A hashtag campaign is created by putting out a unique campaign hashtag on social media that is related to a real life event. A hashtag campaign can incentivize engagement by: leveraging a topic or term that is trending on social media, by recognizing users and giving them an online ‘second of fame.’ by demonstrating tangible social impact in the real world, through prizes and giveaways, or in-person events. Hashtags can be powerfully leveraged to increase an organization’s visibility online. The hashtag provides a universal means of communication between millions of social media users who can be simultaneously talking about a topic of choice at any moment. How this Campaign Works Participants are prompted to share photos or videos of their first set of wheels including the hashtag #myfirstwheels. The incentive to participate in the campaign is the promise of creating real social impact on the ground: reaching the campaign goal of 1000 posts in order to see wheelchairs donated globally to ten people in need. Participants can upload, tag, and socialize their content across multiple platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) prompting peers to also participate in order to reach the campaign goal. A microsite powered by TwineSocial aggregates all the hashtagged photos in one page, allowing anyone to view the user-generated content. My First Wheels Campaign Flow Legend Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Microsite Powered by TwineSocial Discovery Methods Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 1 Campaign Engagement Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 2 Social Feed UCP Wheels Website and Microsite 3 Goal Reached Microsite 4 #myfirstwheels #<sponsor> 314Entries 562Wedidit! = $ UCP Wheels announces the campaign appeal via social media channels, email list, and its own website. The appeal features sample content created for the campaign. Ask users to submit entries by posting a photo or video with the hashtags #myfirstwheels @ucpwheels. Descriptions are optional. A link to a microsite powered by TwineSocial shows a wall or feed of all crousdourced submissions in real time, and including the visualized progress of the campaign. The success of this campaign is determined by the level of social media engagement generated with the use of the hashtag. Upon reaching the goal of the campaign, the corporate donation will be awarded. My First Wheels Discovery Methods Campaign Engagement Social Feed Goal Reached
  • 11. 18 19My First Wheels The campaign can be featured on the UCP Wheels website, as a hero image on the Landing page. The campaign itself can live within a section of the UCP Wheels website, or a Wordpress site specifically dedicated to the campaign. Campaign Appeal within the UCP Wheels website Campaign Engagement My First Wheels The campaign appeal should be launched on various social media channels, including inspirational content related to the campaign theme of ‘my first wheels.’ The samples should feel personal and visually compelling. Campaign Appeal on Social Media Discovery Methods
  • 12. 20 21 A social feed of the campaign powered by TwineSocial can be integrated within the UCP Wheels page, or can be inserted into a simple Wordpress site dedicated to the campaign. My First Wheels Social Campaign Feed Social Feed Before launching the campaign, the organization should create sample content to be shared on social media in order to inspire the broader public to participate. My First Wheels Inspirations within the Campaign Page Campaign Engagement
  • 13. 22 23My First Wheels 8. Facilitate and incentivize engagement Provide campaign collateral to partnering organizations and influencers. Package should include campaign brief, talking points and shareable content that can easily be disseminated. 9. Inspire engagement through great content The campaign appeal should include compelling imagery and quotes that will prompt users to retweet and share the collateral with their networks. The campaign page and social feed should be pre-populated with great content before launch. 10. Launch the campaign The campaign should be launched (across UCP Wheels social media, website, and email list) from the inside out, engaging with close supporters first, and asking those supporters to then engage with their respective networks. Messages delivered by friends are always more effective than messages from strangers. 11. Curate user-generated content Curate user-generated content and highlight the most compelling stories. Continually engage with the content: disseminate to partners and influencers to keep them and their audiences engaged throughout the lifetime of the campaign. 12. Continue to push and engage in the campaign The success of the campaign will be determined by the amount of energy that is created around it. After launch UCP Wheels and its partners should continuously push and engage with users until the campaign goals are reached. My First Wheels Steps to Launch the Campaign 1. Define the target audience This campaign targets a broader audience that is not aware of UCP Wheels, by tapping into existing networks of motorcycle, biking, racing, and skateboarding communities. 2. Define the objectives of the campaign The objective of this campaign is to increase prospects: the user base that knows and follows UCP Wheels on social channels. 3. Set goals and success metrics for the campaign The goal is to increase social media following, to consequently grow website traffic, and email subscriptions. The success of the campaign, therefore, will be determined by the rate of user acquisition on social media, of email subscriptions and website visits. 4. Collect and show sample content Collect visual samples (prompt your closest supporters and internal team to generate this content ) that illustrate the campaign and inspire engagement amongst the broader community. 5. Leverage existing communities and influencers Identify niche communities that focus on the theme of mobility. These groups include members who are likely to become potential prospects. 6. Identify partner organizations and influencers Partner with social media influencers and organizations that can help you tap into active social communities likely to engage with the cause. 7. Partner with corporate sponsors Identify corporate sponsors likely to support the organization. Ideally, the company’s work is related to the campaign theme of mobility.
  • 14. 24 25My First Wheels Inspire User-Generated Content Showcase great content in order to inspire the community to upload quality photos and videos of their first wheels. Before launching your campaign, pre-populate the page with beautiful content. Mock up an ideal and successful campaign. Sample Campaign Appeal “Remember your first wheels? Share that moment with the rest of us and pave the way for others to experience that joy! Simply post a photo or video of your first wheels on your social networks with the hashtag #myfirstwheels and remember to tag @ucpwheels. If we reach 1000 posts by December 31st, Trek Bicycles will donate wheelchairs to 20 people in need.” Sample Social Media Sound Bites Give the gift of mobility. #myfirstwheels Join the race to reach 1000 posts. #myfirstwheels One hashtag can change a life forever. #myfirstwheels Nothing beats the feeling of owning a car. #myfirstwheels Car for college! #myfirstwheels My red tricycle was the best! #myfirstwheels 1988 Civic and 240K miles. Still running. #myfirstwheels How did your first wheels change your life? #myfirstwheels What were your first wheels? #myfirstwheels • • • • • • • • • Sample Shareable Content My First Wheels
  • 15. 26 27My First Wheels Three Partnerships This campaign requires three different kinds of partnerships. Ideally all partners share values with UCP Wheels, and they work within a field relevant to the cause or the theme of the campaign. 1. A corporate sponsor Companies to contribute financially or to donate wheelchairs. Preferably there is an existing connection with the potential corporate partner. Galpin Auto Sports, FedEx, United Bike, American Airlines 2. A social media partner An organization or company dedicated to mobility or wheels, and having a substantial social media presence. Leverage this partnership to increase awareness and reach of the campaign. GoPro, Harley Davidson, Trek Bicycles, State Bicycle Co, US Paralympics 3. Influencers to promote the campaign Individuals aligned to the cause of mobility, and with a substantial social media presence: they are considered ‘influencers’ or celebrities on one or more channels. Amy Purdy, Push Girls, AaronWheelz, Christiaan Otter Bailey How to engage with partners Make clear the value proposition of the campaign to the partner and show the social impact of the campaign in a tangible way. Package campaign collateral for sponsor to easily disseminate content with its respective audience. Keep sponsors informed about campaign performance and analytics. Ackowledge partners throughout the duration of the campaign in creative ways: show a photo of a UCP Wheels beneficiary holding a personalized thank you note for example. • • • • My First Wheels GoPro 8.32M Facebook 1.26M Twitter 3.8M Instagram Aaron Wheelz Extreme skateboarder 137.7K Facebook 6.6K Twitter 190K Instagram Harley Davidson 6.98M Facebook 242K Twitter 296K Instagram Push Girls Reality TV celebrities 69.7K Facebook 5.3K Twitter Trek Bikes 717K Facebook 150K Twitter Amy Purdy Olympian, actress, model 77K Facebook 55.3K Twitter 160K Instagram State Bicycle Co 501K Facebook 5.9K Twitter 63K Instagram Christiaan Otter Bailey Professional surfer 1.5K Facebook 3.46K Instagram FedEx Existing relationship and shared value of connection through mobility. United Bike Existing relationship with shared values of mobility and freedom. Galpin Auto Sports Existing relationship with the company, focus on ex- pression through ‘wheels.’ American Airlines Existing relationship with shared values of mobility.
  • 16. 28 29Live Without Limitations Target Audience This campaign initially targets users who are engaged with UCP Wheels as donors, supporters email subscribers, or social media followers. The campaign speaks to anyone who is motivated to take on personal challenges and live without physical or self-imposed limitations. Campaign Objectives Increase the level of engagement amongst UCP Wheels followers Facilitate peer-to-peer referrals through personal fundraisers Showcase wheelchair users who are overcoming physical disabilities in unexpected ways Engage with a broader audience who can relate to the idea of living life without limitations Enable users to set personal challenges and overcome limitations ‘Abled’ users can become a part of the solution for mobility Setting Up for Success The objective of the campaign is to increase the level of engagement amongst UCP Wheels followers by enabling users to create customized crowdfunding pages around personal breakthroughs. The success of the campaign will be determined by the number of people who choose to create campaigns, the level of their engagement with the campaign, the success of their outreach, and the total amount of funds raised for UCP Wheels through this type of crowdfunding. The campaign should aim to generate at least half its yearly revenue from digital fundraising (and crowdfunding) sources. Metrics to Track Campaign impressions, number of campaigns created, amount of money raised through crowdfunding. Track conversion between campaign engagement and total online donations. • • • • • • A Personal Fundraiser Campaign This campaign is designed to make the fundraising process feel personal, by linking its success to the accomplishment of a personal breakthrough.
  • 17. 30 31 LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy Sharing a Campaign Classy Users post their fundraising pages to their social networks along with personal messages about their goals. 5 6 7 8 9 Sharing Methods Email, Twitter, Facebook Beginning... Donation Notifications Classy Users are kept engaged with the campaign by notifications from Classy on their fundraising progress. Campaign Performance Classy Users continue to engage social network to reach goal. Middle... Goal Reached Classy Users reach fundraising goal and share results on social media. They prompt peers to start their own challenge. End... Congratulatory / Summary Page Classy Users receive a congratulatory page on achieving their goal which also gives a summary of their campaign. Campaign Archives UCP Wheels Website / Support Page Selected campaigns are displayed on the UCP Wheels website to encourage additional fundraising campaigns. 10 Discovery Methods Email, Facebook, Twitter 1 2 Sign Up Classy / Peer to Peer Fundraising Page 3 Goal Settings Classy / Campaign Settings Page 4 Users see “Live Without Limitations: Become a Fundraiser”on UCP Wheels social media or email. Users click on link and arrive at the Support Us page, which includes a description of the campaign. Users have the option to easily register via email or Facebook, and create a customized campaign page seamlessly. The set up process is powered by Classy and icludes sample content for users to integrate into their campaign. Users create fundraising pages and set goals which are quantified in relation to $250/wheelchair. 1 $1,500 Life Without Limits Landing Page UCP Wheels Website Campaign Flow: Donating to a Campaign Live Without Limitations Sharing a Campaign Notifications Goal Reached Campaign Archives Campaign Performance Congratulatory/ Summary Page Campaign Flow: Creating a Campaign Live Without Limitations Discovery Methods Support Us Page Fundraiser Set Up Campaign Page LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy LEGEND Traffic Drivers / UCP Wheels Website / Classy Sharing a Campaign Classy Users post their fundraising pages to their social networks along with personal messages about their goals. 5 6 7 8 9 Sharing Methods Email, Twitter, Facebook Beginning... Donation Notifications Classy Users are kept engaged with the campaign by notifications from Classy on their fundraising progress. Campaign Performance Classy Users continue to engage social network to reach goal. Middle... Goal Reached Classy Users reach fundraising goal and share results on social media. They prompt peers to start their own challenge. End... Congratulatory / Summary Page Classy Users receive a congratulatory page on achieving their goal which also gives a summary of their campaign. Campaign Archives UCP Wheels Website / Support Page Selected campaigns are displayed on the UCP Wheels website to encourage additional fundraising campaigns. 10 Discovery Methods Email, Facebook, Twitter 1 2 Sign Up Classy / Peer to Peer Fundraising Page 3 Goal Settings Classy / Campaign Settings Page 4 Users see “Live Without Limitations: Become a Fundraiser”on UCP Wheels social media or email. Users click on link and arrive at the Support Us page, which includes a description of the campaign. Users have the option to easily register via email or Facebook, and create a customized campaign page seamlessly. The set up process is powered by Classy and icludes sample content for users to integrate into their campaign. Users create fundraising pages and set goals which are quantified in relation to $250/wheelchair. 1 $1,500 Life Without Limits Landing Page UCP Wheels Website
  • 18. 32 33Live Without Limitations The campaign can be advertised in the UCP Wheels website, as a temporary hero image on the Support Us page. The campaign appeal and inspirational content live within the Support Us page. Campaign Appeal within the UCP Wheels website Support Us Page Live Without Limitations The campaign appeal should include inspirational stories of emblematic figures who ‘live without limitations.’ The appeal can be launched on social media accounts, the email list, and by word-of-mouth. Campaign Appeal on Social Media Discovery Methods
  • 19. 34 35Live Without Limitations Sample fundraising page includes a compelling and personal story of overcoming limitations. It shows a successful fundraising track record, and should inspire others to participate in the collective challenge as well. Personal Fundraising Page Campaign Page Live Without Limitations Include a featured set of campaigns that serve as inspirational examples of people who are succesfully overcoming their limitations, while reaching their fundraising goals. Inspirations within the Campaign page Support Us Page
  • 20. 36 37Live Without Limitations After the campaign is complete, a summary page congratulates the user for overcoming a personal limitations, and successfully raising the funds. The page shows the impact of the campaign on the ground. Showing Impact on the Ground Congratulatory/Summary Page Live Without Limitations The campaign template is designed by Classy. However, UCP Wheels should provide each user with a sample video on mobility, photos, and text, so each user can use the sample content in their campaign. Personal Fundraising Page Campaign Page
  • 21. 38 39 Inspire Supporters to Live Without Limitations Showcase real stories of real life heroes. Motivate users to participate fully by showcasing inspirational stories of individuals overcoming personal challenges, whether abled or disabled. Incentivize fundraisers to push themselves beyond their limitations in terms of their personal breakthoughs, and their fundraising goals. Sample Campaign Appeal “We all have limitations which stop us from living the life we want to live. Every time you pledge to overcome a personal limitation, you are helping to unlock the potential of someone in need. Create a personal campaign today. Give freedom.” Sample Personal Stories “I was always afraid of heights, until I decided to overcome my limitations. I challenged myself to try skydiving, and now I feel so much more alive. Skydiving has given me the courage to try out other new and exciting things.” - Emily “I used to be terrified of speaking in front of people. Now I feel confident in my own skin. I challenged myself to try improv comedy. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” - Joe “I thought my life was over when I lost my vision, but when I began making music again I found myself connected to everyone around me.” - Raquel “I always wanted to hike the Appalachian Mountains but did not have the guts to do so until last month. I overcame the inability to pursue one of my biggest goals and feel like life is really for the taking. I’m ready to take on new things and can’t wait to start my next adventure.” - Mike • • • • Live Without Limitations Inspirational Content for Campaigns Live Without Limitations
  • 22. 40 41Live Without Limitations 6. Start with your inner circle Prompt the internal stakeholders and close supporters to create sample campaigns. Hold an internal brainstorming session and come up with compelling and provocative ideas for personal fundraising campaigns. Incentivize core supporters to create the first few campaigns. (i.e. recognition, giveaways) These initial campaigns will serve as the source of inspiration for others to follow. 7. Disseminate the campaign appeal Launch the campaign appeal, with inspiring campaigns included, on email list, social media, and website. 8. Make it easy for users to take action Leverage a crowdfunding tool like Classy, which enables users to easily set up and create a personal fundraiser, including pre-populated images and a compelling narrative. 9. Engage with fundraisers Continue to engage with users even after they have created a campaign. Users will need continued encouragement and support as they create and develop their campaigns. Live Without Limitations Steps to Launch the Campaign 1. Identify the target audience This campaign targets any user who identifies with the idea of living life without limitations. The campaign will initially target those who are already engaged with UCP Wheels: users on the UCP Wheels network, email list, or following the organization on social media channels. 2. Define the objectives of the campaign The objective of this campaign is to increase the level of engagement amongst UCP Wheels followers, by enabling users to create customized crowdfunding pages around personal breakthroughs. 3. Set goals and success metrics for the campaign The success of the campaign will be determined by the number of people who choose to create campaigns, the level of their engagement with the campaign, the success of their outreach, and the total amount of funds raised for UCP Wheels through this type of crowdfunding. 4. Create an effective campaign appeal Craft a persuasive and clear message that educates your audience about the mobility crisis, the objective of the campaign, and motivates users to participate in the campaign. Prompt users to participate through a compelling and personal call to action. 5. Identify sources of inspiration Identify individuals and fans of the organization whose life stories exemplify the ideal of living without limitations. They can be abled or disabled, affiliated with the organization or not. These individuals will become the initial faces of the campaign, and can be prompted to promote and serve as ambassadors for the campaign.
  • 23. 42 43Tools Tools to Increase Awareness Tagboard A tool that consolidates posts or content from multiple social media platforms which share a common hashtag, onto a centralized content platform Rebel Mouse A digtal publishing paltform deisgned to grow audiences and build communities TwineSocial Content display dashboard that allows users to post and aggregate common hashtags from multiple social media platforms and websites Wishpond All-in-one marketing suite that tracks online and social media campaigns Thunderclap A “crowdspeaking” platform that allows individuals and companies to rally large crowds of people together to spread a message Tools for Storytelling 1 Second Everyday A visual app that chronicles a personal journey 1 snippet at a time Allows users to build beautiful and engaging visual stories A solid information visualization tool for infographics and visual storytelling Tumblr A microblogging platform and social networking website which allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog Wordpress A simple and easy to use blogging platform. It can be used to set up simple web pages dedicated to specific campaigns Additional Resources
  • 24. 44 45 Tools to Manage Metrics New Relic A software analytics tool used by developers, and software companies to understand how applications are performing. Recently launched a new program designed to support nonprofits Analysis Exchange A platform that connects web analysts looking for experience with non-profits in need of web analytics support Tools Tools for User Engagement Constant Contact Helps small businesses maintain effective engagement with end users Mailchimp Email marketing solution to manage contacts, send emails, and track results Promojam A Social marketing platform for marketers to easily create, launch, manage and track apps and promotions on social networks from one simple dashboard Tools for Social Media Hootsuite A social media dashboard to manage and measure social networks Tweetdeck An app that brings more flexibility and insight to Twitter power users SproutSocial A management and engagement platform for social business. Includes publishing, analytics, monitoring, and collaboration tools Tools for Fundraising Classy Marketing software tool for personal and customized fundraising campaigns Blackbaud Marketing software for nonprofits, with tools for peer-to-peer fundraising Razoo A simple crowdfunding tool for individuals and organizations alike JustGiving A platform that helps individuals raise money for causes they care about Tools
  • 25. 46 47 Additional Campaign Ideas The Life of a Wheelchair A campaign that showcases the life-cycle and craftsmanship behind a wheelchair- from design, construction, to final delivery. The purpose of the campaign is to leverage all of the efforts made to construct and deliver a wheelchair, to generate a poetic story around the fabrication process, to create an interest in the origin and production of every wheelchair manufactured. The idea for the campaign was inspired by Everlane’s refreshing approach to ‘radical transparency’ in the fabrication process. LA Wheelathon: A Tour of the City on Wheels An LA marathon on wheels. The idea, inspired by Ciclavia, is to venture into unheard of territory of Los Angeles streets with no cars, and on wheels. The marathon will focus on raising awareness and funds toward mobility, while engaging with everyone who is on ‘wheels’ Wheels of Change This is a grassroots campaign aimed to raise awareness and engagement amongst auto sports club members, by rallying them around the “freedom of mobility” cause. Auto enthusiasts are passionate by nature around their mobility, freedom, and adventure lifestyle. UCP Wheels will partner with relevant events and clubs like the Harley Davidson club or the Critical Mass Community Bicycle group to make the case for mobility. Soap Box Wheels Race A fun interactive and educational event. UCP Wheels will provide race rules, a manual, and a building guide to support teachers and students who want to have a positive impact in someone’s life. The purpose of the campaign is to engage with schools, students and their families, to nurture science, engineering, teamwork and competition skills. The proceeds of the race will go to build a designated number of wheelchairs. Additional Campaign Ideas Additional Campaign Ideas One Step Closer A campaign focused on raising awareness through personal stories. Participants can share epic moments in their life while in transit, to underscore the power of mobility and transportation as a means to achieve personal goals and dreams. Your Scrap is Our Gold Reinvent the existing used wheelchair drive by creating a gold metal color sculpture to communicate that: an old wheelchair is ‘valuable as gold’ to a beneficiary in need. The purpose is to engage with hospitals, medical supply companies, and clinics. Secondly, to engage with any disabled individual who is throwing away an old wheelchair. Unlock a Potential A campaign that rallies donors to meet a fundraising goal within a specified timeframe (ie: $250 to unlock a wheelchair in 30 days) A creative visual can depict parts of a wheelchair coming together as donations come through, ultimately revealing the assembled wheelchair when the goal is met. Setting a clear and quantifiable objective inspires donors to work collectively to reach a fundraising goal. Day in the Life A campaign focused on raising awareness through high-impact photography created by a professional photographer, featuring UCP Wheels’ beneficiaries against scenic backdrops. The printed and framed photographs can be placed in business centers and clinics interested in promoting the organization’s mission. The photographs can also be displayed and sold on digital galleries and sites. Additional Campaign Ideas