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Class 1.7 of the PDC+++ What makes some people very effective at realizing their dreams whilst other people struggle?  In this class we investigate  how to increase personal intelligence,  and how it's interconnected  with emotional intelligence,  habits of highly effective people  and some nifty tools for thinking and  co-create powerfully with others.
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
7 Habits  for highly effective people ,[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],One of the "upside-down world" things ...
Ethics ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Sow a thought   harvest an action   sow an action    harvest a habit Sow a habit harvest a character sow a character harvest a destiny PermaCulture  is based on  > > > ACTION
Knowledge (what to do & why) Skills (how to do it) Will (want to do it) HABITS well internalized principles and behavior patterns ” Habits”?
¿”Effective”? Taking care of the  Production / Production Capacity   Law (RELATION not EXPLOITATION,  Everything affects Everything) Based on  Principles > Long-Term Maximum Benefit  (content not form + Mini-Max) &
Maturity Continuum   or  natural succession 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HABITS  > 6 increase natural succession  Principle
Maturity Continuum   or  natural succession D e p e n d e n c e I n d e p e n d e n c e I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Psychological Development Child  > Adolescent  >   Adult  >   Citizen  >   SELF- RESPONSIBILITY CO- OPERATION PC DIRECTIVES  >
D e p e n d e n c e Child   > Dependence is The YOU paradigm  Dependent people need others to get what they want YOU take care of me You make me happy YOU disappoint me I blame on you for the results
I n d e p e n d e n c e Adolescent  >   INDEPENDENCE is the I paradigm Independent People can get what they want through their own efforts I can do it I am responsible I can decide
I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Adult  >   INTERDEPENDENCE is the WE paradigm WE can do it WE can cooperate We can combine our talents and skills  & create something big together Inter-Dependent People combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest hits
I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Adult  >   Citizen  >   NEVER DOUBT that a committed group of  citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HABITS  > Personal Success Public Success I n d e p e n d e n c e I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Global Success 6
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
1. Proactivity the Habit of responsibility ,[object Object],[object Object]
to Act from our rationality,  NOT from our programming. DECISION
Close your eyes...
P r o A c t i v e
Awareness of yourself  ("Self-consciousness ") WE CAN THINK ABOUT THE PROCESS THOUGHT ITSELF - typically human, is what makes us so flexible and able to change the world. We can learn quickly from generation to generation. (learning from experiences of others, not just ours) P r o A c t i v e
but .. You are NOT your feelings You are NOT your moods You are not your thoughts we can separate and "see" ourselves .. and other The paradigm of ourselves
Until we can consider how we see ourselves  (and as we see others) we can not understand how others look and feel ABOUT themselves ... WITHOUT CONSCIENCE (unaware) we will project our intentions on their behavior, thinking that we are objective. This severely limits our potential and our ability to relate well with others. The paradigm of ourselves
"you never arrive on time" "Why you can't be tidy? "You're an artist! " "you eat like a horse! "I do not believe you won that" "This is so simple .. why you don't understand? " The social mirror If the only views we have of ourselves  come from the social mirror ...
We are largely determined by the conditioning and conditions The current cultural mirror
1) your grandparents did it to you (genetic determinism) 2) your parents did it to you (psychological determinism) 3)  your boss /partner /son /economic /domestic policy did it to you (environmental determinism) Pavlov's  Theory Stimulus - Response Pattern recognition
Victor Frankl
Victor Frankl The last of human freedoms
The Pro-Active model He could decide within himself how all this would affect him stimulus response The last of human freedoms
Be Pro-Active response freedom to choose free will self- consciousness imagination Independent will ethics commitment values stimulus
Be Pro-Active response the freedom to choose our answer RESPONSE ABILITY Highly proactive people recognize this responsibility X Choices based on VALUES NOT in conditions SENSATIONS stimulus
Being Pro-active response Being reactive response guided by stimuli, feelings, emotions, the environment (sun-happy, rain-depressed),  or social environment (very concerned about how others feel, how they treat them) stimulus stimulus
Being Pro-Active response Eleanor Roosevelt - "No one can hurt you without your consent" Gandhi – "no one can not take away your self-respect unless you give it to them" stimulus
Being pro-active Taking the initiative IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM Why we don't do it? act or be acted upon NOT the same as 'positive thinking! PROBLEM = SOLUTION
Reactive language a self-fulfilling prophecy absolve us of responsibility Pro-Active Language IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM I can't do anything about it let's look at the alternatives I am how I am I can choose another way it makes me angry I choose my feelings they don't allow it I can create an effective presentation I have to do it I decide an appropriate response I can't I decide I have to ... I prefer ... if only ...  I will ..
Love "it's just that I don't love her anymore" a verb (to Love) a feeling (Love) a self-fulfilling prophecy absolve us of responsibility Pro-Active Language IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM
D e p e n d e n c e Child   > Dependence is The YOU paradigm  Dependent people need others to get what they want YOU take care of me You make me happy YOU disappoint me I blame on you for the results
Circle of Interest & Circle of Influence
non-interest circle of interest
circle of  influence to which part to you dedicate more time & energy? non-interest circle of interest
Pro-Active Focus people with a pro-active focus work with the things they can affect,  note & maximize resources that they DO have & what works well circle of  influence
reactive people loose a lot of energy in things they cannot change,  in what they DON'T have  or in what DOESN'T work,  etc. circle of  influence circle of interest Pro-Active Focus
“ confessing” others' sins “ volunteering” others some  “ toxic” habits Pro-Active Focus circle of  influence circle of interest
Appreciating Thinking in creative ways some “fertilizing” habits START VERY SMALL PROBLEM = SOLUTION MINI-MAX NO-LIMITS IMAGINATION Pro-Active Focus circle of  influence
consequences we are free to choose our actions but we do NOT choose the consequences ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES ETHICS EVERYTHING AFFECTS EVERYTHING “ The Other End of the Stick”
errors horrible consequences of our past actions are in our circle of  interest how we REPAIR & LEARN from them is in our circle of  influence CYBLING ENERGY PEOPLE-CARE “ The Other End of the Stick” PROBLEM = SOLUTION
other things that are INSIDE our circle of influence Promises Commitments Objectives circle of  influence Pro-Active Focus
exercise for 28 days P r o A c t i v e * work only in your Circle of Influence * make small commitments & keep them * be a light, not a judge * be part of the solution, not part of the problem * don't justify others' weaknesses, or your own * when you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, & learn from it - immediately * don't enter into accusing or blaming modalities * look at others' error with compassion,  not accusation *listen to your language: when do you use reactive language (if only, can't, etc.) ? * Remember that you are Respons-Able * CHOOSE to be a Pro-Active Person  - a PermaCulture Designer! HÁBITO  1 Práctica circle of  influence Pro-Active Focus
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
Mini-Design  -Group Círculo  de Estudio PRACTICE 1 week Poster Leaflet Programme (flexible) using the Thinking Tools that follow ,[object Object]
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
response freedom to choose free will self- consciousness imagination Independent will ethics commitment values stimulus Thinking about Thinking = expanding consciousness
Bloom's Taxonomy
How to Teach your Child how to Think    Edward De Bono << www. Perma Culture Science .org &quot;We can Analyze the past but we have to DESIGN the future&quot;
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
The 6 Thinking Hats Edward DeBono 1991
There are 6 Ways of Thinking Thinking in Parallel =  we think in the same way at the same time “ we on put the same hat at the same time” AVOID CONFLICT
What are the 6 Ways of Thinking?  The 6 Thinking Hats:
White suggests  paper , this hat is about  information . When we use the white hat, we ask this type of questions:  What information do we have? What information do we need ? What questions should I be making?  The white hat is used to bring attention to the  information we have or are lacking .  White hat:  base of the information What do we know? “Ingredients”   The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
NASA study on errors 90% of mistakes are caused by perception errors (lack of incoming information or incorrect information, irrelevant, etc.)
Byron Katie (enquiry) 1st step – expose in writing all your perceptions 2nd step – ask honestly for each one: &quot;is it true?&quot; 3rd step - ask: “can I know with any certainty this is true?”
Red suggests  heat & fire . The red hat has to do with  feelings, intuitions & emotions . You might not know why you like or dislike something. When we use the red hat you have the chance to  express your feelings without giving any explanation . Your feelings exist & the red hat permits you to have them known.  Red hat:  feelings, intuition, presencing & emotion The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
The black hat is without question the one we tend to use the most. Black reminds us of  the judges'  robes.  The black hat is about  precaution , it stops us from doing things that could be harmful. The black hats signals  risks  & the causes for which something might  not work . Without the black hat we'd always be in trouble.  However we must not make too much use of this hat because it can be dangerous.  Black hat:  difficulties, dangers, precaution The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
Yellow suggests bright sun &  optimism . Using the yellow hat we make an effort to find the  valuable & beneficial  of a suggestion:  What is good about this?   Even if we don't like an idea, the yellow hat asks us to  find the positive points .  Which are the benefits?  Who will benefit?, How will the benefits be made effective? What are its different values?  Yellow hat seeks do-ability, benefits & the value in the ideas   The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
The colour green suggests  vegetation , which relates to  energy & life . The green hat is the hat of new energy.  Using the green hat we make proposals & we put out  new ideas & alternatives . Using this hat you suggest variations & modifications to the proposed ideas. The green hat permits us to  express possibilities . When the green hat is in use, everyone makes an effort to  be creative .  Green hat new ideas, alternatives, creative suggestions The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
The blue hat is for looking  at the thought process in itself . What is the next action? What have we achieved till now? We use the blue hat at the beginning of a discussion in order to define what we are thinking & to decide what we need to achieve at the end of the thinking process. The blue hat can be used to  organize the sequence of hats  that we use, as well as to  summarize  what we have achieved. Blue hat requires summaries, conclusions  & decisions   The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
In which order are they used?
There isn't  one  correct sequence  - depends on circumstances We can just use some, or all; in the order that you wish ... but: (guides) 1) Each hat can be used several times in the same sequence 2) In general it is better to use the   yellow hat  before the black one 3)  Black (weaknesses)  >  green (overcome weaknesses)  >  black (assessment) 4)  Black at the end  (in order to assess an idea)  > Red (how we feel) 5) If there are strong emotions around an idea, start with the red hat  6) If there are no strong feelings, start with the white hat (recollect information) > green (generate alternatives)   > yellow   > black  (assessment)  > select alternatives  > black   > red
Looking for an idea
Reacting to an idea
QUICK SEQUENCES Rapid assessment of an idea
QUICK SEQUENCES To generate ideas
QUICK SEQUENCES to improve an idea
QUICK SEQUENCES to collect ideas & generate alternatives
QUICK SEQUENCES to see if the thinking brought some benefit
White: neutral & objective, based in facts & numbers  The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
Red: the emotional vision The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
Black: care & precaution The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
YelloW: optimism, positive thinking The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
Green: fertile growth, creativity & new ideas The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
Blue: calm, organization The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
A tool for avoiding unnecessary conflict & think better The 6 Thinking Hats
Thinking Tools ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PDC+++ class1.7
PMI ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
eg. PMI on doing the  MiniDesign group + design practice + with colleagues + quick + useful product + multi-functional - timeeee! - doubts how  - don't understand it very well .. - ... - ... *  how to communicate * other people * ... * ...
Class 1.7 of the PDC+++ What makes some people very effective at realizing their dreams  / DESIGNS  whilst other people struggle?  In this class we investigate  how to increase personal intelligence,  and how it's interconnected  with emotional intelligence,  habits of highly effective people  and some nifty tools for thinking and  co-create powerfully with others.

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PDC+++ Module 1 Class 7, Thinking Tools

  • 1. Class 1.7 of the PDC+++ What makes some people very effective at realizing their dreams whilst other people struggle? In this class we investigate how to increase personal intelligence, and how it's interconnected with emotional intelligence, habits of highly effective people and some nifty tools for thinking and co-create powerfully with others.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Sow a thought harvest an action sow an action harvest a habit Sow a habit harvest a character sow a character harvest a destiny PermaCulture is based on > > > ACTION
  • 10. Knowledge (what to do & why) Skills (how to do it) Will (want to do it) HABITS well internalized principles and behavior patterns ” Habits”?
  • 11. ¿”Effective”? Taking care of the Production / Production Capacity Law (RELATION not EXPLOITATION, Everything affects Everything) Based on Principles > Long-Term Maximum Benefit (content not form + Mini-Max) &
  • 12. Maturity Continuum or natural succession 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HABITS > 6 increase natural succession Principle
  • 13. Maturity Continuum or natural succession D e p e n d e n c e I n d e p e n d e n c e I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Psychological Development Child > Adolescent > Adult > Citizen > SELF- RESPONSIBILITY CO- OPERATION PC DIRECTIVES >
  • 14. D e p e n d e n c e Child > Dependence is The YOU paradigm Dependent people need others to get what they want YOU take care of me You make me happy YOU disappoint me I blame on you for the results
  • 15. I n d e p e n d e n c e Adolescent > INDEPENDENCE is the I paradigm Independent People can get what they want through their own efforts I can do it I am responsible I can decide
  • 16. I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Adult > INTERDEPENDENCE is the WE paradigm WE can do it WE can cooperate We can combine our talents and skills & create something big together Inter-Dependent People combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest hits
  • 17. I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Adult > Citizen > NEVER DOUBT that a committed group of citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
  • 18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HABITS > Personal Success Public Success I n d e p e n d e n c e I n t e r d e p e n d e n c e Global Success 6
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. to Act from our rationality, NOT from our programming. DECISION
  • 24. P r o A c t i v e
  • 25. Awareness of yourself (&quot;Self-consciousness &quot;) WE CAN THINK ABOUT THE PROCESS THOUGHT ITSELF - typically human, is what makes us so flexible and able to change the world. We can learn quickly from generation to generation. (learning from experiences of others, not just ours) P r o A c t i v e
  • 26. but .. You are NOT your feelings You are NOT your moods You are not your thoughts we can separate and &quot;see&quot; ourselves .. and other The paradigm of ourselves
  • 27. Until we can consider how we see ourselves (and as we see others) we can not understand how others look and feel ABOUT themselves ... WITHOUT CONSCIENCE (unaware) we will project our intentions on their behavior, thinking that we are objective. This severely limits our potential and our ability to relate well with others. The paradigm of ourselves
  • 28. &quot;you never arrive on time&quot; &quot;Why you can't be tidy? &quot;You're an artist! &quot; &quot;you eat like a horse! &quot;I do not believe you won that&quot; &quot;This is so simple .. why you don't understand? &quot; The social mirror If the only views we have of ourselves come from the social mirror ...
  • 29. We are largely determined by the conditioning and conditions The current cultural mirror
  • 30. 1) your grandparents did it to you (genetic determinism) 2) your parents did it to you (psychological determinism) 3) your boss /partner /son /economic /domestic policy did it to you (environmental determinism) Pavlov's Theory Stimulus - Response Pattern recognition
  • 32. Victor Frankl The last of human freedoms
  • 33. The Pro-Active model He could decide within himself how all this would affect him stimulus response The last of human freedoms
  • 34. Be Pro-Active response freedom to choose free will self- consciousness imagination Independent will ethics commitment values stimulus
  • 35. Be Pro-Active response the freedom to choose our answer RESPONSE ABILITY Highly proactive people recognize this responsibility X Choices based on VALUES NOT in conditions SENSATIONS stimulus
  • 36. Being Pro-active response Being reactive response guided by stimuli, feelings, emotions, the environment (sun-happy, rain-depressed), or social environment (very concerned about how others feel, how they treat them) stimulus stimulus
  • 37. Being Pro-Active response Eleanor Roosevelt - &quot;No one can hurt you without your consent&quot; Gandhi – &quot;no one can not take away your self-respect unless you give it to them&quot; stimulus
  • 38. Being pro-active Taking the initiative IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM Why we don't do it? act or be acted upon NOT the same as 'positive thinking! PROBLEM = SOLUTION
  • 39. Reactive language a self-fulfilling prophecy absolve us of responsibility Pro-Active Language IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM I can't do anything about it let's look at the alternatives I am how I am I can choose another way it makes me angry I choose my feelings they don't allow it I can create an effective presentation I have to do it I decide an appropriate response I can't I decide I have to ... I prefer ... if only ... I will ..
  • 40. Love &quot;it's just that I don't love her anymore&quot; a verb (to Love) a feeling (Love) a self-fulfilling prophecy absolve us of responsibility Pro-Active Language IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM
  • 41. D e p e n d e n c e Child > Dependence is The YOU paradigm Dependent people need others to get what they want YOU take care of me You make me happy YOU disappoint me I blame on you for the results
  • 42. Circle of Interest & Circle of Influence
  • 44. circle of influence to which part to you dedicate more time & energy? non-interest circle of interest
  • 45. Pro-Active Focus people with a pro-active focus work with the things they can affect, note & maximize resources that they DO have & what works well circle of influence
  • 46. reactive people loose a lot of energy in things they cannot change, in what they DON'T have or in what DOESN'T work, etc. circle of influence circle of interest Pro-Active Focus
  • 47. “ confessing” others' sins “ volunteering” others some “ toxic” habits Pro-Active Focus circle of influence circle of interest
  • 48. Appreciating Thinking in creative ways some “fertilizing” habits START VERY SMALL PROBLEM = SOLUTION MINI-MAX NO-LIMITS IMAGINATION Pro-Active Focus circle of influence
  • 49. consequences we are free to choose our actions but we do NOT choose the consequences ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES ETHICS EVERYTHING AFFECTS EVERYTHING “ The Other End of the Stick”
  • 50. errors horrible consequences of our past actions are in our circle of interest how we REPAIR & LEARN from them is in our circle of influence CYBLING ENERGY PEOPLE-CARE “ The Other End of the Stick” PROBLEM = SOLUTION
  • 51. other things that are INSIDE our circle of influence Promises Commitments Objectives circle of influence Pro-Active Focus
  • 52. exercise for 28 days P r o A c t i v e * work only in your Circle of Influence * make small commitments & keep them * be a light, not a judge * be part of the solution, not part of the problem * don't justify others' weaknesses, or your own * when you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, & learn from it - immediately * don't enter into accusing or blaming modalities * look at others' error with compassion, not accusation *listen to your language: when do you use reactive language (if only, can't, etc.) ? * Remember that you are Respons-Able * CHOOSE to be a Pro-Active Person - a PermaCulture Designer! HÁBITO 1 Práctica circle of influence Pro-Active Focus
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. response freedom to choose free will self- consciousness imagination Independent will ethics commitment values stimulus Thinking about Thinking = expanding consciousness
  • 58. How to Teach your Child how to Think  Edward De Bono << www. Perma Culture Science .org &quot;We can Analyze the past but we have to DESIGN the future&quot;
  • 59.
  • 60. The 6 Thinking Hats Edward DeBono 1991
  • 61. There are 6 Ways of Thinking Thinking in Parallel = we think in the same way at the same time “ we on put the same hat at the same time” AVOID CONFLICT
  • 62. What are the 6 Ways of Thinking? The 6 Thinking Hats:
  • 63. White suggests paper , this hat is about information . When we use the white hat, we ask this type of questions: What information do we have? What information do we need ? What questions should I be making? The white hat is used to bring attention to the information we have or are lacking . White hat: base of the information What do we know? “Ingredients” The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 64. NASA study on errors 90% of mistakes are caused by perception errors (lack of incoming information or incorrect information, irrelevant, etc.)
  • 65. Byron Katie (enquiry) 1st step – expose in writing all your perceptions 2nd step – ask honestly for each one: &quot;is it true?&quot; 3rd step - ask: “can I know with any certainty this is true?”
  • 66. Red suggests heat & fire . The red hat has to do with feelings, intuitions & emotions . You might not know why you like or dislike something. When we use the red hat you have the chance to express your feelings without giving any explanation . Your feelings exist & the red hat permits you to have them known. Red hat: feelings, intuition, presencing & emotion The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 67. The black hat is without question the one we tend to use the most. Black reminds us of the judges' robes. The black hat is about precaution , it stops us from doing things that could be harmful. The black hats signals risks & the causes for which something might not work . Without the black hat we'd always be in trouble. However we must not make too much use of this hat because it can be dangerous. Black hat: difficulties, dangers, precaution The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 68. Yellow suggests bright sun & optimism . Using the yellow hat we make an effort to find the valuable & beneficial of a suggestion: What is good about this? Even if we don't like an idea, the yellow hat asks us to find the positive points . Which are the benefits? Who will benefit?, How will the benefits be made effective? What are its different values? Yellow hat seeks do-ability, benefits & the value in the ideas The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 69. The colour green suggests vegetation , which relates to energy & life . The green hat is the hat of new energy. Using the green hat we make proposals & we put out new ideas & alternatives . Using this hat you suggest variations & modifications to the proposed ideas. The green hat permits us to express possibilities . When the green hat is in use, everyone makes an effort to be creative . Green hat new ideas, alternatives, creative suggestions The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 70. The blue hat is for looking at the thought process in itself . What is the next action? What have we achieved till now? We use the blue hat at the beginning of a discussion in order to define what we are thinking & to decide what we need to achieve at the end of the thinking process. The blue hat can be used to organize the sequence of hats that we use, as well as to summarize what we have achieved. Blue hat requires summaries, conclusions & decisions The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 71. In which order are they used?
  • 72. There isn't one correct sequence - depends on circumstances We can just use some, or all; in the order that you wish ... but: (guides) 1) Each hat can be used several times in the same sequence 2) In general it is better to use the yellow hat before the black one 3) Black (weaknesses) > green (overcome weaknesses) > black (assessment) 4) Black at the end (in order to assess an idea) > Red (how we feel) 5) If there are strong emotions around an idea, start with the red hat 6) If there are no strong feelings, start with the white hat (recollect information) > green (generate alternatives) > yellow > black (assessment) > select alternatives > black > red
  • 75. QUICK SEQUENCES Rapid assessment of an idea
  • 76. QUICK SEQUENCES To generate ideas
  • 77. QUICK SEQUENCES to improve an idea
  • 78. QUICK SEQUENCES to collect ideas & generate alternatives
  • 79. QUICK SEQUENCES to see if the thinking brought some benefit
  • 81. White: neutral & objective, based in facts & numbers The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 82. Red: the emotional vision The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 83. Black: care & precaution The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 84. YelloW: optimism, positive thinking The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 85. Green: fertile growth, creativity & new ideas The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 86. Blue: calm, organization The 6 Thinking Hats - Edward DeBono 1991
  • 87. A tool for avoiding unnecessary conflict & think better The 6 Thinking Hats
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90. eg. PMI on doing the MiniDesign group + design practice + with colleagues + quick + useful product + multi-functional - timeeee! - doubts how - don't understand it very well .. - ... - ... * how to communicate * other people * ... * ...
  • 91. Class 1.7 of the PDC+++ What makes some people very effective at realizing their dreams / DESIGNS whilst other people struggle? In this class we investigate how to increase personal intelligence, and how it's interconnected with emotional intelligence, habits of highly effective people and some nifty tools for thinking and co-create powerfully with others.

Notas do Editor

  1. Character ethic - CONTENT - there are basic principles of effective living and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character. Personality ethic - FORM - dos: 1) human &amp; public relation techniques (manipulación, habilidades de comunicación, estratégias de poder), 2) positive mental attitude (“tu actitud determina tu altitud”, “sonreír gana más amigo que fruñir”)
  2. Un patrón recurrente en nuestra ‘cultura del envase’ - nos atrapa la forma, la estética, el razamatáz.. estas clases - forma puede ser un poco ‘interesante’ .. intenta mirar para contenido CONTENIDO - la relación - para siempre, con activistas, practicantes
  3. un hábito tiene a que ver con ACCIÓN
  4. ej no efectivo porqué nunca escucho a los demás puede ser que no SE que para ser eficaz en mis relaciones tengo que escuchar a los demás pero saber no es suficiente... tengo que tener la habilidad, ser CAPAZ de hacerlo pero esto tampoco es suficiente... tengo que QUERER escuchar, si no no será un hábito en mi vida esta es una aspiral ascendiente... quiero &gt; busco conocimiento &gt; práctica &gt; deseo mejorar .. etc.
  5. Paradigma Producción: lo más haces, más eficaz eresP/PC ej. cuidar las herramientas y recursos - producen cosas, si se descuidan empeoran (coche sebastian) pero si solo cuidas al pato sin atención a los huevos - no espavillado bastante para cuidar a ti mismo o el pato cuidar a las personas y las relaciones aún más importante, porqué ellas controlan las herramientas y recursos. ej. un matrimonio (P - beneficios, PC - la relación) ... ej. con niños (resultados, manipulación) ... ej. explotar al profe / relación a largo plazo
  6. para permacultores, ESTE es el Globo en el cual estamos interesados que haya ‘exito’ !!
  7. Primer Hábito: Ser pro-activo -La pro-actividad se refiere a que ante cada estímulo del medio ambiente tenemos la habilidad de decidir la respuesta que queremos dar, esto quiere decir que no somos esclavos de las acciones que sobre nosotros se efectúan, sino libres ejecutores de nuestra conducta. Covey propone, en el modelo de Estímulo &gt; Respuesta, que nuestra humanidad, nuestra madurez emocional, se encuentra en ampliar el ‘espacio’ entre ellos: Estímulo &gt; Consideración &gt; Respuesta. Lo importante es que la decisión fluye de nuestra inteligencia, NO de nuestra ‘programación’: que somos los responsables de nuestra conducta.
  8. Primer Hábito: Ser pro-activo -La pro-actividad se refiere a que ante cada estímulo del medio ambiente tenemos la habilidad de decidir la respuesta que queremos dar, esto quiere decir que no somos esclavos de las acciones que sobre nosotros se efectúan, sino libres ejecutores de nuestra conducta. Covey propone, en el modelo de Estímulo &gt; Respuesta, que nuestra humanidad, nuestra madurez emocional, se encuentra en ampliar el ‘espacio’ entre ellos: Estímulo &gt; Consideración &gt; Respuesta. Lo importante es que la decisión fluye de nuestra inteligencia, NO de nuestra ‘programación’: que somos los responsables de nuestra conducta.
  9. Hasta que no podemos tomar en cuenta como nos vemos (y como vemos a los demas) no podremos entender como otros se ven y se sienten obre ellos mismos... SIN CONCIENCIA (unaware) proyectaremos nuestras intenciones en su conductas, pensando que somos objetivos. esto severamente LÍMITA NUESTRO POTENCIAL PERSONAL y nuestra habilidad de relacionarnos bien con los demás.
  10. Hasta que no podemos tomar en cuenta como nos vemos (y como vemos a los demas) no podremos entender como otros se ven y se sienten obre ellos mismos... SIN CONCIENCIA (unaware) proyectaremos nuestras intenciones en su conductas, pensando que somos objetivos.
  11. Si las únicas visiones que tenemos de nosotros mismos llegan del espejo social... la visión de nosotros mismos será como las reflexiones de la sala de espejos de la feria
  12. tenemos comprobado el gran poder del acondicionamiento en nuestras vidas... pero decir que nos DETERMINA ... que no tenemos control sobre esta influencia... crea bien otra mapa
  13. básicamente estas mapas se basan en la teoría de estímulo - respuesta la mayoría de la gente lo asocia con los experimentos de pavlov SOMOS CONDICIONADOS A RESPONDER EN FORMA PARTICULAR A ESTÍMULOS PARTICULARES Que pasa con esto? es una mapa correcta? describe bien el territorio? como reflejan la naturaleza humana estos espejos? llegan a ser profecías que se cumplen? se basan en principios que podemos validar dentro de nosotros mismos?
  14. un determinista - freudiano, - lo que te pasa se basa en tu infancia.. también un psichiatrisa y judío imprisonado en campos concentramiento - sus padres, su hermano y su mujer murieron (hornos a gas o campos) solo su hermana sobrevivió. él fue torturado y nunca sabía si será uno de los ‘salvados’ que tenían que quitar los cuerpos de los demás. UN DÍA, desnudo y solo en - empezó a ser conciente de “el último de las liberdades humanas” - que nadie podía quitarles.
  15. podía proyectar si mismo en varias circumstancias, - como hablar a sus estudiantes después de la historia, describir si mismo en la clase dando a los estudiantes las leciones que estaba aprendiendo durante su tortura. serie de disciplinas - mentales, emocionales y morales, usando principlamente su memoria e imaginación excercitó su pequeño, embriónico liberdad hasta que creció más y más, y tenía más liberdad de sus captores.
  16. más PODER INTERNO de ejercitar sus opciones. llegó a ser una inspiración a todos a su alrededor, incluso las guardias
  17. más PODER INTERNO de excercitar sus opciones. llegó a ser una hispiración a todos a su alrededor, incluso las guardias
  18. CONDUCTA basada on elección conciente, BASADA EN VALORES NO un producto de sus condiciones, BASADA EN SENSACIONES
  19. MUY DIFÍCIL OIR ESTO !!! - si toda tu vida te han explicado (y te has explicado a ti mismo) tu miseria como factor de circunstancias o comportamiento de otros pero todos conocemos personas que han superado sus condiciones - y nos inspiran
  20. nuestra naturaleza básica es de ACTUAR no de ser pasivos TRABAJO - buscar de cómo ellos pueden ser la solución a algún problema, investigar, pensar, desarrollar una presentación efectiva de cómo se puede solucionar algo, o HACERLO “ no sé donde ir para investigar esto”, “cómo puedo llegar hablar con...?” “nadie quiere ayudarme”..
  21. no puedo hacerlo, no tengo tiempo (algo fuera de mi - falta de tiempo - me está controlando ojalá si mi novio fuera más paciente - el comportamiento de otro está limitando mi eficacia tengo que hacerlo - circunstancia u otras personas me están forzando hacer lo que hago. no soy libre de elegir mis propias acciones AMOR - AMAR
  22. AMOR - AMAR las personas proactiva hacen del amor un VERBO Amar es algo que HACES - los sacrificios, el donar de si mismo, como una madre .. AMOR es un valor que se actualiza a través de acciones amorosas. Las personas proactivas subordinan los sentimientos a los valores. Amor, el sentimiento, se puede recrear.
  23. otra buena forma de ser más auto-concientes de cuanto estamos sienendo propactivos es mirar donde ponemos nuestro tiempo y energía
  24. todos tenemos muchas cosas que nos interesan. nuestra salud, nuestros niños, problemas en el trabajo, la deuda nacional, la guerra nuclear.. los podemos separar de las cosas con las cuales no tenemos enganches emocionales o mentales, creando un ‘círculo de interés’
  25. si miramos atentamente a las cosas dentro nuestro círculo de interés notamos que hay algunas cosas en las cuales no tenemos ningún contról real, y otras que si podemos influenciar. podemos describir estas como un círculo de influencia
  26. la naturaleza de su energía es positiva, agrandece y magnífica, causando el aumento de su círculo de influencia
  27. enfocan en las debildades de otras personas, los problemas en el ambiente, las circunstancias que no pueden cambiar. el enfoque resulta en actitudes culpabilizantes y acusativas, lenguaje reactivo, y aumento en sentimiento de victimización la energía negativa generada por ese enfoque, combinada con las partes que NO tienen tiempo por afectar (que podrían), causa la diminución de su círculo de influencia
  28. la naturaleza de su energía es positiva, agrandece y magnífica, causando el aumento de su círculo de influencia y te diviertes!! VENTANA .... GOBIERNO
  29. - podemos decidir ponernos delante de un tren en marcha, pero no podemos decidir que pasa cuando el tren nos aplasta - podemos decidir ser deshonesto en nuestros tratos pero no podemos decidir que pasa a nuestro carácter (las consecuencias a corto plazo dependen en si nos descubren, pero a largo plazo... - karma)
  30. PRACTICAR... clase de flauta
  31. todos tenemos muchas cosas que nos interesan. nuestra salud, nuestros niños, problemas en el trabajo, la deuda nacional, la guerra nuclear.. los podemos separar de las cosas con las cuales no tenemos enganches emocionales o mentales, creando un ‘círculo de interés’
  32. más PODER INTERNO de excercitar sus opciones. llegó a ser una hispiración a todos a su alrededor, incluso las guardias