translation independent clauses linguistics and structuralism language learning informative adaptation paragraph writing behaviorist approach business phonetics linguistics language skills and technology reading english and technology online learning of english english learning virtual learning of english use of technology education teaching inclusion esl efl english learnin differentiation retórica total conceptual referencial parcial contextual second language acquisition; acquisition; learning grammar translation methods audiolingualism constructivism composition reasons examples statistics facts sensory details supporting sentences main idea topic sentence noun clause adjective clause adverb clause compound-complex complex compound simple dependent noun adjective adver subordinate subordinate clauses picture books: storytelling law international law domestic law statues contracts special legal judiciary normative legal translation online translation machine translation situational context liinguistic context context problems when translating errors in translation mistakes in translation drawing and coloring art coloring drawing contest drawing contest criteria problem solving on the telephone ending a telephone call changing appointments setting up appointments barriers to oral communication taking messages making calls receiving calls unfortunately there´s a problem good to hear from you could i leave a message benefits of learning english with songs pronunciation and songs grammar and songs songs to learn english curriculum vitae business activities types of customers creating a business mision vision business and banking barter bartering trade banking types of business vowel lenght phonology devoiced rule devoicing rule velarization fricative r nasal rule homorganic nasal rule aspiration rule broad transcritption narrow transcription job fair job fair event networking and job hunt job and social media social media formal and informal communication e-mail e-mail writing rapport professional skills personal qualities career transaltion false cognates false friends cognates old words new coinage words eponyms readership transferred words abbreviations acronyms phasal verbs collocations neologisms aesthetic metalingual phaticism phatic vocative expressive language functions functions of language english and spanish translations flattened v diagram idiomatic translation free translation adapatative translation communicative translation semantic translation faithful translation literal translation word for word translation translation methods methods of translation asia indonésia tawain filipinas asia insular japon material development real objectos authentic materials realia effective roll taking ineffective roll taking oral presentations bulletin board informative capsule brochure cardboard poster attention grabber thesis body paragraph class procedures seating chart ways to take roll discipline attendance taking roll class administration convincing persuasion pros and cons refutation persuading by argument persuasive paragraph international phonetic alphabel affricates manner of articulation fricatives point of articulation consonant chart place of articulation nasals vowel chart organs of speech approaches of translating textual level referential level naturalness level cohesive level acquisition functional approach cognition and language development competence and performance first language acquisition social interaction nativist approach language acquisition product sales mercado producto publicidad investigación demanda marketting thesis statement introduction conclusion essay vowels phonemes ipa consonants classroom management
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