software engineering software development python software requirements engineering agile software development graph algorithm software requirements specifications c programming dfs class-based model software testing algorithm graph searching software architectural design library circulation system internship experience internship web development devops scrum extreme programming software process model c files files c pointers structures in c python scripts regular expression regex information technology ict function loop condition flow control in python health science computer science np complete np hard np ford-fulkerson method flow networks bellman-ford algorithm dijkstra’s algorithm single-source shortest paths in dags relaxation negative-weight edges shortest path single-source shortest paths greedy algorithms prim's algorithm kruskal algorithm mst minimum spanning tree strongly connected components scc sorting topological sort depth-first search graph breadth-first search bfs huffman's algorithm huffman coding greedy algorithm android studio vcs git software design component level design user interface design software design of library circulation system flow-oriented model book circulation system srs data model behavioral model scenario-based model ownership software quality software evolution lehman’s eight laws software re-engineering software maintainance code decay fashion trend forecasting garment texture classification color descriptor local binary pattern texture based retrieval automatic segmentation texture features image segmentation self-healing fault tolerance robust software architecture distributed systems self-healing components paper review qualitative research quantitative research different types of research research methodology evaluation approaches of research mis multi-touch management information system case study touch technology new to the touch software industry it
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