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1. Features of coronal circulation of blood and metabolism of
   cardiac muscle.
2. Classification of coronary heart disease. CHD: determination,
   reasons and terms of origin, form.
3. Ischemic heart disease. Definition of the notion, risk factors,
   mechanisms of development
4. Sudden coronary death: reasons, mechanisms of origin.
5. Angina pectoris: classification, pathogenesis of displays.
6. Heart attack of myocardium: kinds, description of functional
   and biochemical violations in a cardiac muscle, mechanisms of
   pain syndrome.
7. Mechanisms of origin of spasms of coronary vessels.
8. Complication of heart attack of myocardium. Pathogenesis of
   cardiogenic shock.
9. Experimental models of heart attack of myocardium.
• The term coronary heart disease (CHD) describes heart
  disease caused by impaired coronary blood flow. In most
  cases, CHD is caused by atherosclerosis.
• Diseases of the coronary arteries can cause angina,
  myocardial infarction or heart attack, cardiac
  dysrhythmias, conduction defects, heart failure, and
  dysrhythmias                defects        failure
  sudden death.
• During the past 50 years, there have been phenomenal
  advances in understanding the pathogenesis of CHD and
  in the development of diagnostic techniques and
  treatment methods for disease.
• However, declines in morbidity and mortality have failed
  to keep pace with these scientific advances, probably
  because many of the outcomes are more dependent on
  lifestyle factors and age than on scientific advances.
■ The circulatory system consists of the heart,
   which pumps blood; the arterial system,
   which distributes oxygenated blood to the
   tissues; the venous system, which collects
   deoxygenated blood from the tissues and
   returns it to the heart; and the capillaries,
   where exchange of gases, nutrients, and
   wastes occurs.
■ The circulatory system is divided into two
   parts: the low-pressure pulmonary
   circulation, linking the transport function of
   the circulation with the gas exchange
   function of the lungs; and the high-pressure
   systemic circulation, providing oxygen and
   nutrients to the tissues.
■ The circulation is a closed system, so the
   output of the right and left heart must be
   equal over time for effective functioning of
   the circulation.
Coronary Heart
    The term coronary heart disease
    (CHD) describes heart disease
    caused by impaired coronary blood
   In most cases, CHD is caused by
   Diseases of the coronary arteries can
    cause angina, myocardial infarction
    or heart attack, cardiac dysrhythmias,
    conduction defects, heart failure, and
    sudden death.
   Heart attack is the largest killer of
    American men and women, claiming
    more than 218,000 lives annually.
    Each year, 1.5 million Americans
    have new or recurrent heart attacks,
    and one third of those die within the
    first hour, usually as the result of
    cardiac arrest resulting from
    ventricular fibrillation.
Pathogenesis of Coronary
     Heart Disease

                           •   HDL (good) cholesterol
                               removes excess
                               cholesterol in the
                               blood stream.
                           •   LDL (bad) cholesterol
                               enters the arterial wall
                               and is taken up by our
                               body’s scavenger
                           •   Subsequently, they will
                               turn into fatty streaks
                               which progress into
                               atheromatous plaques.
                           •   Hence, LDL
                               cholesterol is said to
Healthy Lifestyle
Well-Balanced Cholesterol Levels :
•Cholesterol readings includes:
  Total cholesterol
     Desirable        : < 5.2 mmol/L
     Borderline High : 5.2 – 6.2 mmol/L
     High             : ≥ 6.2 mmol/L
  LDL cholesterol
    Desirable         : < 3.3 mmol/L
    Borderline High   : 3.3 – 4.1 mmol/L
    High              : ≥ 4.1 mmol/L
Healthy Lifestyle
Well-Balanced Cholesterol Levels :
  HDL cholesterol
    Acceptable: ≥ 0.9 mmol/L
    Risky     : < 0.9 mmol/L
    Desirable : < 2.3 mmol/L

•A healthy person should have a higher level of
HDL and a low level of LDL and triglyceride .
Types of chronic ischemic heart disease
      and acute coronary syndromes
                             Coronary heart disease

Chronic ischemic heart disease                    Acute coronary syndrome

  Stable                   Variant       No ST-segment        ST-segment
  angina                   angina           elevation          elevation

       Silent myocardial               Unstable                    Q-wave
           ischemia                     angina                      AMI

                                                   elevation AMI
The Normal Heart - Coronary Artery Anatomy

                        Left Main CA

                                                   Layers of the Arterial Wall

    Right CA

Left Anterior Descending CA      Marginal Branch    Intima composed of
                                                    endothelial cells
                A Progressive Process
                                                       Plaque        Ischemia
                                       Occlusive      Rupture/               Unstable
                           Fibrous                    Fissure &
                   Fatty             Atherosclerotic
       Normal     Streak   Plaque        Plaque

                                                                         Thrombus formation
                                                                         Coronary vasospasm

PHASE I: Initiation    PHASE II: Progression   PHASE III: Complication

                                                                          Critical Leg
                           Disease progression

                                                        Libby P. Circulation. 2001;104:365-372.
Complicated Fibrous
  Lesion/   Plaque        Intermediate
  Rupture         Atheroma Lesion Fatty
                                     Streak Cells
                                              Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis
      but a
Coronary Artery Pathology in Ischemic Heart Disease
Syndrome                Stenoses    Disruption         Plaque-Associated Thrombus
Stable angina           >75%       No            No
Unstable angina         Variable   Frequent      Nonocclusive, often with thromboemboli
Transmural              Variable   Frequent      Occlusive
myocardial infarction
Subendocardial          Variable   Variable      Widely variable, may be absent,
myocardial infarction                            partial/complete, or lysed
Sudden death            Usually                  Often small platelet aggregates or thrombi
                        severe                   and/or thromboemboli
The IVUS technique can detect
               angiographically ‘silent’ atheroma

No evidence                                                                 evidence of
of disease                                                                  disease

             anterior descending                                              Atheroma
               coronary artery

 IVUS=intravascular ultrasound
 Nissen S, Yock P. Circulation 2001; 103: 604–616   IVUS – intravascular ultrasaund
Correlation of CT angiography of the
coronary arteries with intravascular         Non-calcified, soft, lipid-rich plaque in
ultrasound illustrates the ability of MDCT   left anterior descending artery (arrow) .
to demonstrate calcified and non-calcified   The plaque was confirmed by
coronary plaques (Becker et al., Eur J       intravascular ultrasound (Kopp et al.,
Radiol 2000)                                 Radiology 2004)
Pathophysiology of ISCHEMIA
 Ischemia   of cardiac cells occurs when the oxygen
  supply is insufficient to meet metabolic demands.
 Myocardial cells are unable to store much energy in
  the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and must
  therefore continuously receive a supply of oxygen
  for aerobic synthesis of ATP.
 ATP is essential for powering myocardial
  construction as well as for cell maintenance.
  Because the heart is unable to slow its activity
  when ATP supplies dwindle, it is essential that a
  steady flow of oxygen be provided.
Critical factors in meeting cellular
                  demands for oxygen are:

   the rate of coronary perfusion                the myocardial workload

  can be impaired in next ways                          depends on

    Large, stable               Vasospasm                Heart rate
atherosclerotic plaque
Acute platelet aggregation      Poor perfusion
     and thrombosis               pressure               Afterload

Failure of autoregulation                               Contractility
 by the microcirculation
•   Par oxysmal (sudden)
•   Recur r ent
•   15 sec.15 min.
•   Reduced perfusion, but NO infar ction
    • STABLE: relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
    • PRINZMETAL: SPASM is main feature, responds to
      nitro, S-T elevation
    • UNSTABLE (crescendo, PRE-infarction, Q-wave
      angina): perhaps some thrombosis, perhaps some
      non transmural necrosis, perhaps some
      embolization, but DISRUPTION of PLAQUE is
      universally agreed upon
Chest Pain
   First symptom of those suffering myocardial
   Called angina pectoris (angina – “pain”)
   Feeling of heaviness, pressure
   Moderate to severe
   In substernal area
   Often mistaken for indigestion
   May radiate to neck, jaw, left arm/ shoulder
Due to :
  Accumulation of lactic acid in
  myocytes or stretching of myocytes
Stable angina pectoris
 Caused by chronic coronary obstruction
 Recurrent predictable chest pain
 Gradual narrowing and hardening of
  vessels so that they cannot dilate in
  response to increased demand of physical
  exertion or emotional stress
 Lasts approx. 3-5 minutes
 Relieved by rest and nitrates
                                        Stress test
                                       ST segment
                                          > 1mm
Prinzmetal angina pectoris
                  (Variant angina)
   Caused by abnormal vasospasm of normal vessels (15%) or
    near atherosclerotic narrowing (85%)
   Occurs unpredictably and almost exclusively at rest.
   Often occurs at night during REM sleep
                                 (rapid eye movement)
   May result from hyperactivity of sympathetic nervous system,
    increased calcium flux in muscle or impaired production of
   Vasoconstriction is due to platelet thromboxane A2 or an
    increase in endothelin
                 This causes a pattern of ST elevation that is very similar to acute STEMI
                 — i.e. localised ST elevation with reciprocal ST depression occurring
                 during episodes of chest pain. However, unlike acute STEMI the ECG
                 changes are transient, reversible with vasodilators and not usually
                 associated with myocardial necrosis. They may be impossible to
                 differentiate on the ECG.
                 ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
Silent Ischemia
   Totally asymptomatic
   May be due abnormality in innervation
   Or due to lower level of inflammatory
 Pharmacologically manipulate blood
  pressure, heart rate, and contractility to
  decrease oxygen demands
 Nitrates dilate peripheral blood
  vessels and
      Decrease oxygen demand
      Increase oxygen supply
      Relieve coronary spasm
    blockers:
      Block sympathetic input, so

      Decrease heart rate, so

      Decrease oxygen demand

   Digitalis
     Increases the force of contraction

   Calcium channel blockers
   Antiplatelet agents (aspirin, etc.)
Surgical treatment

• Angioplasty – mechanical
  opening of vessels
• Revascularization – bypass
  • Replace or shut around
    occluded vessels

 “The acute coronary syndromes are frequently initiated
  by an unpredictable and abrupt conversion of a stable
  atherosclerotic plaque to an unstable and potentially life-
  threatening atherothrombotic lesion through superficial
  erosion, ulceration, fissuring, rupture, or deep
  hemorrhage, usually with superimposed thrombosis.”
Unstable Angina pectoris
 Lasts more than 20 minutes at rest,
 or rapid worsening of a pre-existing
 May indicate a progression to M.I.
 Severe, fixed, multivessel
 atherosclerotic disease
 Disrupted plaques with or without
 platelet nonocclusive thrombi
The ECG above belongs to a patient with unstable angina pectoris. Negative T
waves are observed in leads C2-C5 while negative U waves are seen in leads C2-
C4. Additionally, the PR interval is above 200 msec (1st degree AV block).
Coronary angiography showed significant stenosis of the LAD and Circumflex
(Cx) arteries
Sudden cardiac death (SCD)
   1. Inexpected death within 1 hour after the onset of
2. Risk factors
 a. Obesity
 b. Glucose intolerance
 c. Hypertension
 d. Recent non-Q wave myocardial infarction
 e. Smoking
3. Occurs more frequently in the morning hours when
    hypercoagiilability is at its peack
4. Pathogenesis
 a. Severe atheroselerotic coronary artery disease
 b. Disrupted filimns plaques
 c. Absence of occlusive vessel thrombus (>80%; of cases)
 d. Cause of death is ventricular fibrillation.
 5. Diagnosis of exclusion after the following causes are
    ruled out
 a. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
 b. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
 c. Calcific aortic stenosis
 d. Conduction system abnormalities
 e. Cocaine abuse
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
1. Epidemiology
 a. Most common cause of
  death in adults in the
  United States.
 b. Prominent in males
  between 40 and 65 years
 c. No predominant sex
  predilection after 65 years
 d. At least 25% of AMIs
  are clinically unrecognized.
Myocar dial Ischemia
 Myocardial cell metabolic demands not met
 Time frame of coronary blockage:
     10 seconds following coronary block
        Decreased strength of contractions
        Abnormal hemodynamics
     See a shift in metabolism, so within minutes:
        Anaerobic metabolism takes over
        Get build-up of lactic acid, which is toxic within
         the cell
        Electrolyte imbalances
        Loss of contractibility
20  minutes after blockage
  Myocytes are still viable, so
  If blood flow is restored, and
    increased aerobic metabolism, and
    cell repair,
   →Increased contractility
About 30-45 minutes after blockage, if
 no relief
  Cardiac infarct & cell death
Myocardial infarction
 Necrosis   of cardiac myocytes
  – Irreversible
  – Commonly affects left ventricle
  – Follows after more than 20 minutes of
a. Sequence
 1) Sudden disniptinn of an atheromatous
 2) Subendothelial coliagen and thrombogenic
  necrotic material are exposed.
 3) Platelets adhere to the exposed material
  and eventually form an occlusive platelet
b. Role of thromboxane A2
 1) Contributes to formation of the platelet
 2) Causes vasospasm of the artery to reduce
  blood flow
                        Coronary artery cannot supply enough blood to the heart in
                                  response to the demand due to CAD

                        Within 10 seconds myocardial cells experience ischemia

                           Ischemic cells cannot get enough oxygen or glucose
Myocardium Infarction

                        Ischemic myocardial cells may have decreased electrical &
                                           muscular function

                                Cells convert to anaerobic metabolism.

                                  Cells produce lactic acid as waste

                               Pain develops from lactic acid accumulation

                        Pt feels anginal symptoms until receiving demand increase
                                    02 requirements of myocardial cells

 0-1/2 hr reversible injury
Types of myocardial infarction
a. Transmural infarction (Qwave infarction)
• 1) Involves the full thickness of the myocardium
• 2) New Q waves develop in an
   electrocardiogram (ECG).
b. Subendocardial infarction (non-Q wave
• 1) Involves the inner third of the myocardium
• 2) Q waves are absent.
Reperfusion injury
   a. Follows thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy
   b. Early reperfusion salvages some injured but
   viable myocytes but destroys myocytes that are
   irreversibly damaged.
1) Removal of irreversibly damaged myocytes
   improves short- and long-term function and
2) Prevents any further damage to myocardial cells
3) Limits the size of the infarction
   c. Reperfusion histologically alters irreversibly
   damaged cells.
1) Produces contraction band necrosis
2) Caused by hyporcontraction of myofibrils in dying
   • Due to the influx of Ca-++ into the cytosol
    Thrombolysis
    PTCA
    CABG
    Reperfusion CANNOT restore necrotic
     or dead fibers, only reversibly injured
      Free radicals
      Interleukins
Consequences after acute coronary artery occlusion

Blood flow

                                           M. Ischemia
     discomfort           PMVT, VF                          M.stunning

                                                                    Heart failure
  STEMI      NSTEMI ,UA    Sudden
   Elevated                Death                                      shock
                           Cardiovascular Research & Prevention Center, Bhumibol Adulyadej hospital
 May hear
  extra, rapid    Clinical Manifestations
  heart sounds
     T wave
    ST

Transmural vs. Subendocardial (inner 1/3)
DUH! EXACT SAME risk factors as atherosclerosis
Most are TRANSMURAL, and MOST are caused by
coronary artery occlusion
In the 10% of transmural MIs NOT associated with
  Emboli

  UNexplained
Structural, functional changes
   Decreased contractility
   Decreased LV compliance
   Decreased stroke volume
   Dysrhythmias
   Inflammatory response is severe
   Scarring results –
     Strong, but stiff; can’t contract like
      healthy cells
Sign and Symptom
   Classic symptom of heart attack
    are chest pain radiating to neck,
    jaws, back of shoulder, or left arm
   The pain can be felt like:
   Squeezing or heavy pressure
   A tight band on the chest
   An elephant sitting on the chest
Other symptoms      Cont
 Shortness of
  breath (SOB)
 Weakness and
 Anxiety

 Lightheadedness

 Dizziness

 Nausea vomiting

 Sweating, which
  may be profuse
Clinical manifestations
   Sudden, severe chest pain
       Similar to pain with ischemia, but stronger
       Not relieved by nitrates
       Radiates to neck, jaw, shoulder, left arm
   Indigestion, nausea, vomiting
   Fatigue, weakness, anxiety, restlessness and
    feelings of impending doom.
   Abnormal heart sounds possible (S3,S4)
   Blood test show several markers:
       Leukocytosis
       Increased blood sugar
       Increased plasma enzymes
          Creatine kinase

          Lactic dehydrogenase

          Aspartate aminotransferase (AST or SGOT)

       Cardiac-specific troponin
Laboratory diagnosis of AMI
   I. Serial testing for creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB)
1) CK-MB appears within 4 to 8 hours; peaks at 24 hours; disappears within 1.5 to 3 days.
 • Sensitivity and specificity 95%,
2) Reinfarction
 a) Occurs in 10% of AMIs
 b) Reappearance of CK-MB after 3 days
 II. Serial testing for cardiac troponins I (cTnl) and T (cTnT)
1) Normally regulate calcium-mediated contraction
2) cTnl and cTnT appear within 3 to 12 hours: peak at 24 hours; disappear within 7 to 10 days.
 a) Sensitivity 84% to 96%, specificity 80% to 95%
 b) False positive results are lisually related to ischemia (e.g., unstable angina),
3) CK-MB is used in conjunction with troponins to diagnose an AMI.
 a) Detects reinfarction (troponins cannot)
 b) Improves overall sensitivity and specificiry in diagnosing an AMI
 III. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)1-2 "flip"
1) Normally, LDH2 is higher than LDH1.
 • In AMI, LDH1 in cardiac muscle is released, causing the “flip,"
2) LDH1-2
 • Appears within 10 hours; peaks at 2 to 3 days: disappears within 7 days
3) This test has been replaced by troponins I and T.
   First 24 hours crucial
   Hospitalization, bed rest
   ECG monitoring for arrhythmias
   Pain relief (morphine, nitroglycerin)
   Thrombolytics to break down clots
   Administer oxygen
   Revascularization interventions: by-
    pass grafts, stents or balloon
•   EKG
•   (10% of MIs are “SILENT” with Q-waves)
•   CKMB gold standard enzyme
•   Troponin-I, Troponin-T better
•   CRP predicts risk of AMI in angina patients
Primary Management Techniques
•   Heart Attack Treatment
•   First you must conduct a primary survey of the casualty;
•   A primary survey consists of following the DRABCD procedure, this involves;
     • D = DANGER – If I find a heart attack casualty I should check for any
        surrounding danger to myself first and for the casualty and others
     • R = Response – I should asses whether the person is conscious or unconscious
        using the COWS procedure; -Can you hear me, -Open your eyes, -What is
        your name, -Squeeze my hand.
     • A = Airways - After response if the casualty is unconscious I should then
        check the airways for any obstructions or blockages and if there is a
        blockage turn the victim onto his/her side and clear the airway.
     • B = Breathing – The next step if the patient is unconscious is to check for
        signs of life. Check for breathing by using look, listen and feel technique. If
        breathing place the casualty in recovery position, if not give 2 rescue
        breaths and...
     • C = Compressions - If the casualty is unconscious with no breathing, start
        compressions immediately! Give 30 compressions. At a rate of 100
        compressions per minute (approx 2 compressions per second). At 1/3 depth
        of the casualty’s chest.
     • D = Defibrillation - If available use a defibrillator on the casualty as soon as

• Cardiac Output: (Q) = HR X SV
• Cardiac Index = Q / body surface area
• Preload: (EDV) volume of the left ventricle at the end of diastole
   (dependent on venous return & stretch of the cardiac muscle cells)
• Afterload: resistance to ventricular emptying during systole
  (the amount of pressure the left ventricle must generate to squeeze
        blood into the aorta)
• Frank Starling Law of the Heart:the heart will contract with greater
        force when preload (EDV) is increased
• Myocardial Contractility: the squeezing contractile force that the
heart   can develop at a given preload
   • regulated by:
       • sympathetic nerve activity (most influential)
       • catecholamines (epinephrine norepinephrine)
       • amount of contractile mass
       • drugs
Don’t wait for a heart attack to take
             an action !

     Don’t wait for a second life we
             are not cats!
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Cardiovascular pathology coronary heart disease finale

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Cardiovascular pathology coronary heart disease finale

  • 1.
  • 2. CONTENT 1. Features of coronal circulation of blood and metabolism of cardiac muscle. 2. Classification of coronary heart disease. CHD: determination, reasons and terms of origin, form. 3. Ischemic heart disease. Definition of the notion, risk factors, mechanisms of development 4. Sudden coronary death: reasons, mechanisms of origin. 5. Angina pectoris: classification, pathogenesis of displays. 6. Heart attack of myocardium: kinds, description of functional and biochemical violations in a cardiac muscle, mechanisms of pain syndrome. 7. Mechanisms of origin of spasms of coronary vessels. 8. Complication of heart attack of myocardium. Pathogenesis of cardiogenic shock. 9. Experimental models of heart attack of myocardium.
  • 3. ACTUALITY • The term coronary heart disease (CHD) describes heart disease caused by impaired coronary blood flow. In most cases, CHD is caused by atherosclerosis. • Diseases of the coronary arteries can cause angina, angina myocardial infarction or heart attack, cardiac attack dysrhythmias, conduction defects, heart failure, and dysrhythmias defects failure sudden death. death • During the past 50 years, there have been phenomenal advances in understanding the pathogenesis of CHD and in the development of diagnostic techniques and treatment methods for disease. • However, declines in morbidity and mortality have failed to keep pace with these scientific advances, probably because many of the outcomes are more dependent on lifestyle factors and age than on scientific advances. advances
  • 4. FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ■ The circulatory system consists of the heart, heart which pumps blood; the arterial system, system which distributes oxygenated blood to the tissues; the venous system, which collects system deoxygenated blood from the tissues and returns it to the heart; and the capillaries, capillaries where exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes occurs. ■ The circulatory system is divided into two parts: the low-pressure pulmonary circulation, linking the transport function of circulation the circulation with the gas exchange function of the lungs; and the high-pressure systemic circulation, providing oxygen and circulation nutrients to the tissues. ■ The circulation is a closed system, so the output of the right and left heart must be equal over time for effective functioning of the circulation.
  • 5. Coronary Heart  Disease The term coronary heart disease (CHD) describes heart disease caused by impaired coronary blood flow.  In most cases, CHD is caused by atherosclerosis.  Diseases of the coronary arteries can cause angina, myocardial infarction or heart attack, cardiac dysrhythmias, conduction defects, heart failure, and sudden death.  Heart attack is the largest killer of American men and women, claiming more than 218,000 lives annually. Each year, 1.5 million Americans have new or recurrent heart attacks, and one third of those die within the first hour, usually as the result of cardiac arrest resulting from ventricular fibrillation.
  • 6. Pathogenesis of Coronary Heart Disease • HDL (good) cholesterol removes excess cholesterol in the blood stream. • LDL (bad) cholesterol enters the arterial wall and is taken up by our body’s scavenger cells. • Subsequently, they will turn into fatty streaks which progress into atheromatous plaques. • Hence, LDL cholesterol is said to promote atherosclerosis.
  • 7. Healthy Lifestyle Well-Balanced Cholesterol Levels : •Cholesterol readings includes: Total cholesterol Desirable : < 5.2 mmol/L Borderline High : 5.2 – 6.2 mmol/L High : ≥ 6.2 mmol/L LDL cholesterol Desirable : < 3.3 mmol/L Borderline High : 3.3 – 4.1 mmol/L High : ≥ 4.1 mmol/L
  • 8. Healthy Lifestyle Well-Balanced Cholesterol Levels : HDL cholesterol Acceptable: ≥ 0.9 mmol/L Risky : < 0.9 mmol/L Triglyceride Desirable : < 2.3 mmol/L •A healthy person should have a higher level of HDL and a low level of LDL and triglyceride .
  • 9.
  • 10. Types of chronic ischemic heart disease and acute coronary syndromes Coronary heart disease Chronic ischemic heart disease Acute coronary syndrome Stable Variant No ST-segment ST-segment angina angina elevation elevation Silent myocardial Unstable Q-wave ischemia angina AMI Non-ST-segment elevation AMI
  • 11. The Normal Heart - Coronary Artery Anatomy Left Main CA Layers of the Arterial Wall Circumflex Adventitia Media Intima Right CA Left Anterior Descending CA Marginal Branch Intima composed of endothelial cells
  • 12. Atherosclerosis: A Progressive Process Plaque Ischemia Occlusive Rupture/ Unstable Fibrous Fissure & Fatty Atherosclerotic Thrombosis Angina Normal Streak Plaque Plaque Thrombus formation MI Coronary vasospasm Coronary Death Stroke PHASE I: Initiation PHASE II: Progression PHASE III: Complication Critical Leg Ischemia Disease progression Libby P. Circulation. 2001;104:365-372.
  • 13. Complicated Fibrous Lesion/ Plaque Intermediate Rupture Atheroma Lesion Fatty Foam Streak Cells Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis
  • 14. 1) FATTY STREAK (non- palpable, but a visible YELLOW streak) 2) ATHEROMA (plaque) (palpable) 3) THROMBUS (non- functional, symptomati c)
  • 15.
  • 16. Coronary Artery Pathology in Ischemic Heart Disease Plaque Syndrome Stenoses Disruption Plaque-Associated Thrombus Stable angina >75% No No Unstable angina Variable Frequent Nonocclusive, often with thromboemboli Transmural Variable Frequent Occlusive myocardial infarction Subendocardial Variable Variable Widely variable, may be absent, myocardial infarction partial/complete, or lysed Frequent Sudden death Usually Often small platelet aggregates or thrombi severe and/or thromboemboli
  • 17. The IVUS technique can detect angiographically ‘silent’ atheroma IVUS Angiogram Little No evidence evidence of of disease disease anterior descending Atheroma coronary artery IVUS=intravascular ultrasound Nissen S, Yock P. Circulation 2001; 103: 604–616 IVUS – intravascular ultrasaund
  • 18. Correlation of CT angiography of the coronary arteries with intravascular Non-calcified, soft, lipid-rich plaque in ultrasound illustrates the ability of MDCT left anterior descending artery (arrow) . to demonstrate calcified and non-calcified The plaque was confirmed by coronary plaques (Becker et al., Eur J intravascular ultrasound (Kopp et al., Radiol 2000) Radiology 2004)
  • 19.
  • 20. Pathophysiology of ISCHEMIA  Ischemia of cardiac cells occurs when the oxygen supply is insufficient to meet metabolic demands.  Myocardial cells are unable to store much energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and must therefore continuously receive a supply of oxygen for aerobic synthesis of ATP.  ATP is essential for powering myocardial construction as well as for cell maintenance. Because the heart is unable to slow its activity when ATP supplies dwindle, it is essential that a steady flow of oxygen be provided.
  • 21. Critical factors in meeting cellular demands for oxygen are: the rate of coronary perfusion the myocardial workload can be impaired in next ways depends on Large, stable Vasospasm Heart rate atherosclerotic plaque Preload Acute platelet aggregation Poor perfusion and thrombosis pressure Afterload Failure of autoregulation Contractility by the microcirculation
  • 22. ANGINA PECTORIS • Par oxysmal (sudden) • Recur r ent • 15 sec.15 min. • Reduced perfusion, but NO infar ction • THREE TYPES • STABLE: relieved by rest or nitroglycerin • PRINZMETAL: SPASM is main feature, responds to nitro, S-T elevation • UNSTABLE (crescendo, PRE-infarction, Q-wave angina): perhaps some thrombosis, perhaps some non transmural necrosis, perhaps some embolization, but DISRUPTION of PLAQUE is universally agreed upon
  • 23. Chest Pain  First symptom of those suffering myocardial ischemia.  Called angina pectoris (angina – “pain”)  Feeling of heaviness, pressure  Moderate to severe  In substernal area  Often mistaken for indigestion  May radiate to neck, jaw, left arm/ shoulder Due to : Accumulation of lactic acid in myocytes or stretching of myocytes
  • 24. Stable angina pectoris  Caused by chronic coronary obstruction  Recurrent predictable chest pain  Gradual narrowing and hardening of vessels so that they cannot dilate in response to increased demand of physical exertion or emotional stress  Lasts approx. 3-5 minutes  Relieved by rest and nitrates Stress test shows ST segment depression > 1mm
  • 25. Prinzmetal angina pectoris (Variant angina)  Caused by abnormal vasospasm of normal vessels (15%) or near atherosclerotic narrowing (85%)  Occurs unpredictably and almost exclusively at rest.  Often occurs at night during REM sleep (rapid eye movement)  May result from hyperactivity of sympathetic nervous system, increased calcium flux in muscle or impaired production of prostaglandin  Vasoconstriction is due to platelet thromboxane A2 or an increase in endothelin This causes a pattern of ST elevation that is very similar to acute STEMI — i.e. localised ST elevation with reciprocal ST depression occurring during episodes of chest pain. However, unlike acute STEMI the ECG changes are transient, reversible with vasodilators and not usually associated with myocardial necrosis. They may be impossible to differentiate on the ECG. ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
  • 26. Silent Ischemia  Totally asymptomatic  May be due abnormality in innervation  Or due to lower level of inflammatory cytokines
  • 27. Treatment  Pharmacologically manipulate blood pressure, heart rate, and contractility to decrease oxygen demands  Nitrates dilate peripheral blood vessels and  Decrease oxygen demand  Increase oxygen supply  Relieve coronary spasm
  • 28.  blockers:  Block sympathetic input, so  Decrease heart rate, so  Decrease oxygen demand  Digitalis  Increases the force of contraction  Calcium channel blockers  Antiplatelet agents (aspirin, etc.)
  • 29. Surgical treatment • Angioplasty – mechanical opening of vessels • Revascularization – bypass • Replace or shut around occluded vessels
  • 30.
  • 31. ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES  “The acute coronary syndromes are frequently initiated by an unpredictable and abrupt conversion of a stable atherosclerotic plaque to an unstable and potentially life- threatening atherothrombotic lesion through superficial erosion, ulceration, fissuring, rupture, or deep hemorrhage, usually with superimposed thrombosis.”
  • 32. Unstable Angina pectoris Lasts more than 20 minutes at rest, or rapid worsening of a pre-existing angina May indicate a progression to M.I. Pathogenesis: Severe, fixed, multivessel atherosclerotic disease Disrupted plaques with or without platelet nonocclusive thrombi
  • 33. The ECG above belongs to a patient with unstable angina pectoris. Negative T pectoris waves are observed in leads C2-C5 while negative U waves are seen in leads C2- C4. Additionally, the PR interval is above 200 msec (1st degree AV block). Coronary angiography showed significant stenosis of the LAD and Circumflex (Cx) arteries
  • 34. Sudden cardiac death (SCD)  1. Inexpected death within 1 hour after the onset of symptoms 2. Risk factors  a. Obesity  b. Glucose intolerance  c. Hypertension  d. Recent non-Q wave myocardial infarction  e. Smoking 3. Occurs more frequently in the morning hours when hypercoagiilability is at its peack 4. Pathogenesis  a. Severe atheroselerotic coronary artery disease  b. Disrupted filimns plaques  c. Absence of occlusive vessel thrombus (>80%; of cases)  d. Cause of death is ventricular fibrillation.  5. Diagnosis of exclusion after the following causes are ruled out  a. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP)  b. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  c. Calcific aortic stenosis  d. Conduction system abnormalities  e. Cocaine abuse
  • 35.
  • 36. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) 1. Epidemiology  a. Most common cause of death in adults in the United States.  b. Prominent in males between 40 and 65 years old  c. No predominant sex predilection after 65 years old  d. At least 25% of AMIs are clinically unrecognized.
  • 37. Myocar dial Ischemia  Myocardial cell metabolic demands not met  Time frame of coronary blockage:  10 seconds following coronary block  Decreased strength of contractions  Abnormal hemodynamics  See a shift in metabolism, so within minutes:  Anaerobic metabolism takes over  Get build-up of lactic acid, which is toxic within the cell  Electrolyte imbalances  Loss of contractibility
  • 38. 20 minutes after blockage Myocytes are still viable, so If blood flow is restored, and increased aerobic metabolism, and cell repair,  →Increased contractility About 30-45 minutes after blockage, if no relief Cardiac infarct & cell death
  • 39. Myocardial infarction  Necrosis of cardiac myocytes – Irreversible – Commonly affects left ventricle – Follows after more than 20 minutes of ischemia
  • 40. Pathogenesis a. Sequence  1) Sudden disniptinn of an atheromatous plaque  2) Subendothelial coliagen and thrombogenic necrotic material are exposed.  3) Platelets adhere to the exposed material and eventually form an occlusive platelet thrombus. b. Role of thromboxane A2  1) Contributes to formation of the platelet thrombus  2) Causes vasospasm of the artery to reduce blood flow
  • 41. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Coronary artery cannot supply enough blood to the heart in response to the demand due to CAD Within 10 seconds myocardial cells experience ischemia Ischemic cells cannot get enough oxygen or glucose Myocardium Infarction Ischemic myocardial cells may have decreased electrical & muscular function Cells convert to anaerobic metabolism. Cells produce lactic acid as waste Pain develops from lactic acid accumulation Pt feels anginal symptoms until receiving demand increase 02 requirements of myocardial cells
  • 42. PROGRESSION OF NECROSIS 0-1/2 hr reversible injury
  • 43. Types of myocardial infarction a. Transmural infarction (Qwave infarction) • 1) Involves the full thickness of the myocardium • 2) New Q waves develop in an electrocardiogram (ECG). b. Subendocardial infarction (non-Q wave infarction) • 1) Involves the inner third of the myocardium • 2) Q waves are absent.
  • 44.
  • 45. Reperfusion injury a. Follows thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy b. Early reperfusion salvages some injured but viable myocytes but destroys myocytes that are irreversibly damaged. 1) Removal of irreversibly damaged myocytes improves short- and long-term function and survival. 2) Prevents any further damage to myocardial cells 3) Limits the size of the infarction c. Reperfusion histologically alters irreversibly damaged cells. 1) Produces contraction band necrosis 2) Caused by hyporcontraction of myofibrils in dying cells • Due to the influx of Ca-++ into the cytosol
  • 46. RE-PERFUSION  Thrombolysis  PTCA  CABG  Reperfusion CANNOT restore necrotic or dead fibers, only reversibly injured ones  REPERFUSION “INJURY”  Free radicals  Interleukins
  • 47. Consequences after acute coronary artery occlusion Blood flow M. Ischemia Chest discomfort PMVT, VF M.stunning Heart failure STEMI NSTEMI ,UA Sudden Cardiogenic Elevated Death shock +CK,Trop-T Cardiovascular Research & Prevention Center, Bhumibol Adulyadej hospital
  • 48.  May hear extra, rapid Clinical Manifestations heart sounds  ECG changes:  T wave inversion  ST segment depression
  • 49. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Transmural vs. Subendocardial (inner 1/3) DUH! EXACT SAME risk factors as atherosclerosis Most are TRANSMURAL, and MOST are caused by coronary artery occlusion In the 10% of transmural MIs NOT associated with atherosclerosis:  Vasospasm  Emboli  UNexplained
  • 50. Structural, functional changes  Decreased contractility  Decreased LV compliance  Decreased stroke volume  Dysrhythmias  Inflammatory response is severe  Scarring results –  Strong, but stiff; can’t contract like healthy cells
  • 51. Sign and Symptom  Classic symptom of heart attack are chest pain radiating to neck, jaws, back of shoulder, or left arm  The pain can be felt like:  Squeezing or heavy pressure  A tight band on the chest  An elephant sitting on the chest
  • 52.
  • 53. Other symptoms Cont include:  Shortness of breath (SOB)  Weakness and tiredness  Anxiety  Lightheadedness  Dizziness  Nausea vomiting  Sweating, which may be profuse
  • 54. Clinical manifestations  Sudden, severe chest pain  Similar to pain with ischemia, but stronger  Not relieved by nitrates  Radiates to neck, jaw, shoulder, left arm  Indigestion, nausea, vomiting  Fatigue, weakness, anxiety, restlessness and feelings of impending doom.  Abnormal heart sounds possible (S3,S4)
  • 55. Blood test show several markers:  Leukocytosis  Increased blood sugar  Increased plasma enzymes  Creatine kinase  Lactic dehydrogenase  Aspartate aminotransferase (AST or SGOT)  Cardiac-specific troponin
  • 56. Laboratory diagnosis of AMI  I. Serial testing for creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) 1) CK-MB appears within 4 to 8 hours; peaks at 24 hours; disappears within 1.5 to 3 days.  • Sensitivity and specificity 95%, 2) Reinfarction  a) Occurs in 10% of AMIs  b) Reappearance of CK-MB after 3 days  II. Serial testing for cardiac troponins I (cTnl) and T (cTnT) 1) Normally regulate calcium-mediated contraction 2) cTnl and cTnT appear within 3 to 12 hours: peak at 24 hours; disappear within 7 to 10 days.  a) Sensitivity 84% to 96%, specificity 80% to 95%  b) False positive results are lisually related to ischemia (e.g., unstable angina), 3) CK-MB is used in conjunction with troponins to diagnose an AMI.  a) Detects reinfarction (troponins cannot)  b) Improves overall sensitivity and specificiry in diagnosing an AMI  III. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)1-2 "flip" 1) Normally, LDH2 is higher than LDH1.  • In AMI, LDH1 in cardiac muscle is released, causing the “flip," 2) LDH1-2  • Appears within 10 hours; peaks at 2 to 3 days: disappears within 7 days 3) This test has been replaced by troponins I and T.
  • 57. Treatment  First 24 hours crucial  Hospitalization, bed rest  ECG monitoring for arrhythmias  Pain relief (morphine, nitroglycerin)  Thrombolytics to break down clots  Administer oxygen  Revascularization interventions: by- pass grafts, stents or balloon angioplasty
  • 58. AMI DIAGNOSIS • SYMPTOMS • EKG • DIAPHORESIS • (10% of MIs are “SILENT” with Q-waves) • CKMB gold standard enzyme • Troponin-I, Troponin-T better • CRP predicts risk of AMI in angina patients
  • 59. Primary Management Techniques • Heart Attack Treatment • First you must conduct a primary survey of the casualty; • A primary survey consists of following the DRABCD procedure, this involves; • D = DANGER – If I find a heart attack casualty I should check for any surrounding danger to myself first and for the casualty and others • R = Response – I should asses whether the person is conscious or unconscious using the COWS procedure; -Can you hear me, -Open your eyes, -What is your name, -Squeeze my hand. • A = Airways - After response if the casualty is unconscious I should then check the airways for any obstructions or blockages and if there is a blockage turn the victim onto his/her side and clear the airway. • B = Breathing – The next step if the patient is unconscious is to check for signs of life. Check for breathing by using look, listen and feel technique. If breathing place the casualty in recovery position, if not give 2 rescue breaths and... • C = Compressions - If the casualty is unconscious with no breathing, start compressions immediately! Give 30 compressions. At a rate of 100 compressions per minute (approx 2 compressions per second). At 1/3 depth of the casualty’s chest. • D = Defibrillation - If available use a defibrillator on the casualty as soon as possible.
  • 60. Definitions • Cardiac Output: (Q) = HR X SV • Cardiac Index = Q / body surface area • Preload: (EDV) volume of the left ventricle at the end of diastole (dependent on venous return & stretch of the cardiac muscle cells) • Afterload: resistance to ventricular emptying during systole (the amount of pressure the left ventricle must generate to squeeze blood into the aorta) • Frank Starling Law of the Heart:the heart will contract with greater force when preload (EDV) is increased • Myocardial Contractility: the squeezing contractile force that the heart can develop at a given preload • regulated by: • sympathetic nerve activity (most influential) • catecholamines (epinephrine norepinephrine) • amount of contractile mass • drugs
  • 61. Don’t wait for a heart attack to take an action ! Don’t wait for a second life we are not cats!
  • 62. References 1. General and clinical pathophysiology / Edited by Anatoliy V. Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. – P.460–478. 2. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // Published by the Pharmaceutical Press An imprint of RPS Publishing 1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN, UK 100 South Atkinson Road, Suite 200, Greyslake, IL 60030-7820, 3rd edition, USA. – 2008. – Chapter 4. – P. 166–207, 235–269 . 3. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. – Chapters 14, 17, 18. – P. 231–303, 308–338. 4. Symeonova N.K. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 344–351. 5. Gozhenko A.I. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.I. Gozhenko, I.P. Gurcalova // Study guide for medical students and practitioners. Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU. – Odessa. – 2005.– P. 207–221. 6. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology / S. Silbernagl, F. Lang // Thieme. Stuttgart. New York. – 2000. – P. 194–205, 216–233. 7. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 292–298, 345–347, 414–429, 447–462. 8. Copstead Lee-Ellen C. Pathophysiology / Lee-Ellen C. Copstead, Jacquelyn L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 396–427, 448–509. 9. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition./ Kumar, Abbas, Fauto. – 2007. – Chapter 11. – P. 379–398, 400–420. 10. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States, Carol Mattson Porth, Glenn Matfin. – New York, Milwaukee. – 2009. – P. 536–553, 584–633.
  • 63. References 1. Elaine N. Mareib, Katja Hoehn. Human anatomy & physiology. 7 th ed. San Francisco. Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 2007.p. 718-719. 2. Kementerian kesihatan Malaysia. Clinical practice guideline: prevention of cardiovascular disease in women [online]. 2008 [cited 2009 Dec 5]; Available from: URL: http:// =view&id=61 3. Chai mei ling. National heart association of Malaysia: Keep the arteries unclogged. [online] 2008 Sept 28 [cited 2009 Nov 29]; Available from: URL: =123 4. National heart association of Malaysia: heart disease top killer in government hospitals. [online] 2009 Oct 25 [cited 2009 Nov 29]; Available from: URL: =427 5. American Stroke Association. A Division of American Heart Association. What is stroke? [online]. 2009 Oct 6 [cited 2009 Nov 27]; Available from: URL: http:// =3030066 6. T Z Ong, A A Raymond. Risk factors for stroke and predictors of one-month mortality. Singapore Med J [serial online]. 2002 [cited 2009 Nov 27];43(10):517-21. Available from: URL: 7. Guido Falcone, Ji Y. Chong. Gender differences in stroke among older adults. Medscape Today [serial online] 2007 Oct 30 [cited 2009 Nov 27] ;10(08):497-500. Available from: URL: 8. Moore S, editor. Chapter 30 Cardiovascular disease. In: Frogge MH, Goodman M , Yarbro CH. Cancer symptom management. 3rd ed. United States of America: Jones & Barlett Publishers; 2004. p. 576 9. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Atherosclerosis. [online]. 2004 [cited 2009 Nov 27]; Available from: URL: 10. Kam SW, Dianna M, editors. Chapter 4 Novel atherosclerosis risk factors and management. In: Tonkin A, editor. Atherosclerosis and heart disease. United Kingdom: Informa Health care; 2003. p. 41 11. World Health Organization. WHO definition of health. [online]. 2003 [cited 2009 Dec 15]; Available from: URL: 12. Sherwood L. The blood vessels and blood pressure. In: Sherwood L. Human physiology:from cells to

Notas do Editor

  1. The main function of the circulatory system, which consists of the heart and blood vessels, is transport. The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients needed for metabolic processes to the tissues, carries waste products from cellular metabolism to the kidneys and other excretory organs for elimination, and circulates electrolytes and hormones needed to regulate body function. This process of nutrient delivery is carried out with exquisite precision so that the blood flow to each tissue of the body is exactly matched to tissue need.
  2. Coronary Circulation There are two main coronary arteries, the left and the right, which arise from the coronary sinus just above the aortic valve. The left coronary artery extends for approximately 3.5 cm as the left main coronary artery and then divides into the anterior descending and circumflex branches . The left anterior descending artery passes down through the groove between the two ventricles, giving off diagonal branches, which supply the left ventricle, and perforating branches, which supply the anterior portion of the interventricular septum and the anterior papillary muscle of the left ventricle. The circumflex branch of the left coronary artery passes to the left and moves posteriorly in the groove that separates the left atrium and ventricle, giving off branches that supply the left lateral wall of the left ventricle. The right coronary artery lies in the right atrioventricular groove, and its branches supply the right ventricle. The sinoatrial node usually is supplied by the right coronary artery. The right coronary artery usually moves to the back of the heart, where it forms the posterior descending artery , which supplies the posterior portion of the heart (the interventricular septum, atrioventricular [AV] node, and posterior papillary muscle). In 10% to 20% of persons, the left circumflex, rather than the right coronary artery, moves posteriorly to form the posterior descending artery. Although there are no connections between the large coronary arteries, there are anastomotic channels that join the small arteries. With gradual occlusion of the larger vessels, the smaller collateral vessels increase in size and provide alternative channels for blood flow. One of the reasons CHD does not produce symptoms until it is far advanced is that the collateral channels develop at the same time the atherosclerotic changes are occurring. The openings for the coronary arteries originate in the root of the aorta just outside the aortic valve; thus, the primary factor responsible for perfusion of the coronary arteries is the aortic blood pressure. Changes in aortic pressure produce parallel changes in coronary blood flow. In addition to generating the aortic pressure that moves blood through the coronary vessels, the contracting heart muscle influences its own blood supply by compressing the intramyocardial and subendocardial blood vessels. The large epicardial coronary arteries lie on the surface of the heart, with the smaller intramyocardial coronary arteries branching off and penetrating the myocardium before merging with a network or plexus of subendocardial vessels that supply the endocardium. During systole, contraction of the cardiac muscle compresses the intramyocardial vessels that feed the subendocardial plexus, and the increased pressure in the ventricle causes further compression of these vessels. As a result, blood flow through the subendocardial vessels occurs mainly during diastole. Thus, there is increased risk of subendocardial ischemia and infarction when diastolic pressure is low, when a rapid heart rate decreases the time spent in diastole, and when an elevation in diastolic intraventricular pressure is sufficient to compress the vessels in the subendocardial plexus. Heart muscle relies primarily on fatty acids and aerobic metabolism to meet its energy needs. Although the heart can engage in anaerobic metabolism, this process relies on the continuous delivery of glucose and results in the formation of large amounts of lactic acid. Blood flow usually is regulated by the need of the cardiac muscle for oxygen. Even under normal resting conditions, the heart extracts and uses 60% to 80% of oxygen in blood flowing through the coronary arteries, compared with the 25% to 30% extracted by skeletal muscle. Because there is little oxygen reserve in the blood, myocardial ischemia develops when the coronary arteries are unable to dilate and increase blood flow during periods of increased activity or stress.
  3. Atherosclerosis is by far the most common cause of CHD, and atherosclerotic plaque disruption the most frequent cause of myocardial infarction and sudden death. More than 90% of persons with CHD have coronary atherosclerosis. Most, if not all, have one or more lesions causing at least 75% reduction in cross-sectional area, the point at which augmented blood flow provided by compensatory vasodilation no longer is able to keep pace with even moderate increases in metabolic demand. Atherosclerosis can affect one or all three of the major epicardial coronary arteries and their branches ( i.e. , one-, two-, or three-vessel disease). Clinically significant lesions may be located anywhere in these vessels but tend to predominate in the first several centimeters of the left anterior descending and left circumflex or the entire length of the right coronary artery. Sometimes the major secondary branches also are involved. There are two types of atherosclerotic lesions : the fixed or stable plaque , which obstructs blood flow, and the unstable or vulnerable plaque , which can rupture and cause platelet adhesion and thrombus formation. The fixed or stable plaque is commonly implicated in chronic ischemic heart disease (stable angina, variant or vasospastic angina, and silent myocardial ischemia) and the unstable plaque in unstable angina and myocardial infarction. Atherosclerotic plaques are made up of a soft lipid-rich core with a fibrous cap. Plaques with a thin fibrous cap overlying a large lipid core are at greatest risk for rupture. Plaque disruption may occur with or without thrombosis. When the plaque injury is mild, intermittent thrombotic occlusions may occur and cause episodes of anginal pain at rest. More extensive thrombus formation can progress until the coronary artery becomes occluded, leading to myocardial infarction. Platelets play a major role in linking plaque disruption to acute CHD. As a part of the response to plaque disruption, platelets aggregate and release substances that further propagate platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, and thrombus formation. Because of the role that platelets play in the pathogenesis of CHD, antiplatelet drugs ( e.g. , low-dose aspirin) are frequently used for preventing heart attack. There are two types of thrombi formed as a result of plaque disruption: white platelet-containing thrombi and red fibrincontaining thrombi. The thrombi in unstable angina have been characterized as grayish-white and presumably platelet rich. Red thrombi, which develop with vessel occlusion in myocardial infarction, are rich in fibrin and red blood cells superimposed on the platelet component and extended by the stasis of blood flow. Coronary heart disease is commonly divided into two types of disorders: chronic ischemic heart disease and the acute coronary syndromes. There are three types of chronic ischemic heart disease: chronic stable angina, variant or vasospastic angina, and silent myocardial ischemia. The acute coronary syndromes represent the spectrum of ischemic coronary disease ranging from unstable angina through myocardial infarction. Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance found among the lipids in the bloodstream and in all of your body’s cells. Everybody needs cholesterol, it serves a vital function in the body. It is a component of the nerve tissue of the brain and spinal cord as well as other major organs. We get cholesterol from two ways. Our bodies make it and the rest comes from animal products we eat. It is frequently measured to promote health and prevent disease. Desirable levels of total cholesterol levels should be at 200 or less. 240 is considered high but it will depend on the HDL and LDL levels if at this level there is a risk to your health. It is a major component of the plaque that clogs arteries. Cholesterol and other fats can’t dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from cells by special carriers called lipoproteins.
  4. Video
  5. ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE ■ The term ischemic heart disease refers to disorders in coronary blood flow due to stable or unstable atherosclerotic plaques. ■ Stable atherosclerotic plaques produce fixed obstruction of coronary blood flow, with myocardial ischemia occurring during periods of increased metabolic need, such as in stable angina. ■ Unstable atherosclerotic plaques tend to fissure or rupture, causing platelet aggregation and potential for thrombus formation with production of a spectrum of acute coronary syndromes of increasing severity, ranging from unstable angina, to non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, to ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
  6. Atherosclerosis, the process underlying most cardiovascular disease (CVD), has 3 distinct stages: Initiation, during which lipids are deposited on the vessel wall Progression, during which inflammation increases, plaque formation builds up in the intima, and fibrous caps are formed, increasing the potential for atheroma Clinical disease, when complications result from stenosis or unstable plaque rupture, leading to myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, or death. Libby P. Circulation. 2001;104:365-372.
  7. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease involving the development of arterial wall lesions. As they grow, these lesions may narrow or occlude the arterial lumen. Complex lesions may also become unstable and rupture, leading to acute coronary events, such as unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Pepine CJ. The effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on endothelial dysfunction: potential role in myocardial ischemia. Am J Cardiol . 1998; 82(suppl 10A):244-275.
  8. Atherosclerosis is a LIFELONG, even childhood, process. This chart is worth knowing.
  9. A very well constructed graphic understanding of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Please be expected to not only KNOW these five items, but their correct ORDER too.
  10. This slide shows an example where an atheroma, evident by IVUS, remains undetected by angiography as a result of coronary remodelling. On the left, the angiogram is completely normal. However, two sites in the anterior descending coronary artery, indicated by arrows, show a varying extent of atherosclerosis by IVUS. The more distal site (top right) has little disease, but the more proximal site (bottom right) has a large crescentic atheroma. The lumen size at both sites is similar because of remodelling, resulting in a false-negative angiogram. Reference Nissen SE, Yock P. Intravascular ultrasound: novel pathophysiological insights and current clinical applications. Circulation 2001; 103: 604–616. Abbreviation IVUS=intravascular ultrasound Reproduced from Circulation 2001; 103: 604–616, with permission from Lippincott Williams &amp; Wilkins.
  11. Why does the necrosis spread from the endocardium to the pericardium (i.e., epicardium)?