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Tragedy, Pessimism, Nietzsche
Author(s): Joshua Foa Dienstag
Reviewed work(s):
Source: New Literary History, Vol. 35, No. 1, Rethinking Tragedy (Winter, 2004), pp. 83-101
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
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Accessed: 23/09/2012 12:13

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                New Literary History.
Tragedy,                   Pessimism,                   Nietzsche

                                              Joshua         Foa Dienstag

                                                             All      the tragedies which we can imagine return in
                                                              the end       to the one and only tragedy: the passage
                                                              of     time.
                                                                                                                 ?Simone       Weil

                  Who today             would
                                        the label of pessimist for themselves?
                 employ                       the word
                                      "pessimism"     today largely to name an
            unhealthy   psychological    disposition.   Like a mysterious  tropi
cal disease,   pessimism     is something    we fear to catch without      quite
knowing what its symptoms are. While          tragedy and its history have been
 the                     of       intense       academic                             for   more           than       a
        subject                                                      scrutiny                                            century,

pessimism            and      its history have languished                          in obscurity.            Indeed,           it still
needs pointing                out today that pessimism                            has a history,            and a          compli
cated      one      at    that.

   In fact, pessimism   is a philosophy?a     philosophy  at the heart of the
debate,  both aesthetic and political,    about tragedy. Today, "pessimistic"
 is also    a                          that     we    are                 to     attach     to    those      views       we    find
                  predicate                                  eager

objectionable.   But when Friedrich Nietzsche    reissued The Birth of Tragedy
in 1886, he added the subtitle Hellenism and Pessimism and emphasized,
 in the new introduction,   that what he still approved of in the book was
 its examination   of "the good severe will of the older Greeks      to pessi
mism,       to    the                                Since     that      time,       the   link   between
                          tragic      myth."1                                                                        pessimism
and    tragedy, the claim that tragedy is "the art form of pessimism"   (BT
17),  has been the object of a kind of sub-rosa debate in the scholarship
     tragedy. It has often been equated   (quite wrongly, I think) with the
idea that tragedy is distinctly    and purely an ancient Greek      form of
aesthetic activity. And this has been the dividing     line between     those who
have sought to impose strict boundaries          on the genre of
                                                                     tragedy and
 those who have urged a more expansive view. The terms of this debate
have,    in many ways, changed        very little since George      Steiner    and
Raymond Williams       set out opposing   positions  on these questions      in the
early 1960s.
  And yet much       of                     this debate has taken place   in ignorance   of the
pessimistic  tradition,                     or even of the distinctive way in which Nietzsche

New Literary History, 2004, 35: 83-101
84                                                                                                                       NEW           LITERARY             HISTORY

understood                        the                                     he      ascribed              to         the      ancient             Greeks.           Pessi
mism             is not           a Greek       term,                of        course,          and      Nietzsche's                      use        of      it was       an

anachronism.       But while he did want, with this label, to indicate        the
distinctiveness     of tragic feeling, his intent was hardly to isolate it in the
fifth century BCE. Indeed, Nietzsche's         ultimate  term for his own (very
modern)      philosophy     is "Dionysian pessimism,"   where   "Dionysus" indi
cates the ultimate      author and actor of all tragedy (BT 73). It would be
well         then
               for scholars of tragedy        to re-examine     its relations with
pessimism,     both to get at the roots of this debate as well as to get some
purchase on the question         of tragedy's social and philosophical       origins.
  Much more           is at stake than the proper meaning           of terms. The
continuing     political charge in questions     of tragedy also finds its genesis
here. This is clear enough         in Terry Eagleton's   recent study of tragedy.
For the claim that tragedy issues from pessimism                 has been       linked
 (questionably,    as we shall see) to the claim that the tragic                       is
no longer readily available         to us. And this claim has also been linked
 (again,   questionably)                                 to the                 idea         that tragedy    is a naturally   elitist
perspective.    Eagleton                                refers breezily                      to the "right-wing death-of-tragedy
 thesis,"          as        if     the         connection                 between                                              and           antidemocratic
                 were              so well-established                          as      to                no                                              whatever.2
politics                                                                                      require                     explanation
Less blithely,                 Paul Gordon attempts to liberate a "rapturous" Nietzschean
perspective                        tragedy from its association with Steiner. It is striking
 that,      in                      so, he                                     denies          that Nietzsche's                          views                               in
                  doing                            specifically                                                                                      originate
                          Nietzsche's                                                we      are      told,         "is not                                                  at
pessimism;                                              pessimism,                                                                     really       pessimism
all."3 The              idea            that                     and             Gordon                share,             then,          is a                   one:          if
                                                 Eagleton                                                                                        simple
                   is                                 it must             lead        nowhere,                or     else       nowhere                               from
tragedy                 pessimistic,                                                                                                                    good
  political             perspective.
     It is this presumption                                    I want             to challenge.                     While               Nietzsche's              pessi
mism                    not                                                      to our                                  use      of     the      term,        I would
            may                     correspond                  easily                          everyday
argue            that         it is our     blindness     about pessimism,   combined   with our
anxiety           about            it, that are the real stumbling blocks here. "The idea that
a                                                is necessarily one of discouragement,"    Camus
  pessimistic                     philosophy
once        wrote,            "is a                          idea,        but        one       that    needs              too                    a refutation."4
                                          puerile                                                                                      long

Taking up Camus's challenge will not only deepen our understanding         of
 tragedy but itwill also show that the political implications of pessimism
                              are         not       those         often           assumed.              The                        fact          that      Camus,             a
om-tragedy                                                                                                               very
radical egalitarian,                            would         defend              pessimism,                  gives            some           indication              of its
                        to        unsettle,             rather             than            confirm,
potential                                                                                                      existing                 political            arrange
ments.           To
           say that tragedy is pessimistic                                                          is not to say that it encourages
quietism or that it is antidemocratic.     In                                                       the right hands, pessimism     has
been?and    can still be?an                                                                        and even liberating ethic. This
needs to be taken into account, both in                                                            our estimation   of tragedy itself,
and in our evaluation   of Steiner's claims                                                          in The Death of Tragedy and the
              reactions                   to    them.
TRAGEDY,                PESSIMISM,                 NIETZSCHE                                                                                                         85


     While             the word               "pessimism"                     itself came                  into widespread                     use only               in
 the     nineteenth                                        it                      names            a                                                 or     set     of
                                      century,                  clearly                                  persistent             thought,

 thoughts,  that has recurred   often    in social and political    theory, in
 tandem with its opposite, at least since the Enlightenment.     Leibniz first
used        the        term                                     as a correlate                  to       "maximum"                    (and      as
                                    "optimum,"                                                                                                        opposed
 to "minimum"),                            in his Th?odic?e of 1710. French                                            writers           then began                   to
 refer       to his           doctrine              as    one          of                               The         term                                   crosses
                                                                              optimisme.                                       apparently
 into English with the popularity    of Voltaire's    Candide ou VOptimisme of
 1759. The first known printed      appearance      of "pessimism"  in English
 then follows a few decades  later, although     the context seems to indicate
 that      the         term     was                              in use.5                                                    however,           one
                                             already                                 Philosophically,                                                       might
date the emergence                             of pessimism                       to the appearance                          in 1750 of Rousseau's
Discourse          On         the Arts         and       Sciences,           with         its characterization                        of modern               man

as      a moral                                          While              Rousseau's                   ideas        were        seconded,                  in     the
           nineteenth                                       in such               works        as                             Moral                         as well
early                                   century,                                                     Leopardi's                              Essays
as in his poetry, pessimism   achieved   its brief period of genuine popular
 ity through   the work of Schopenhauer,      whose Parerga and Paralipomena
went through many editions after its initial publication      in 1851. Thereaf
 ter, pessimism,                    while        never           a dominant                    school            in                             was         a well

recognized   position    for at least several generations.6   And this work was
part  of the context       that made   possible   the literature  (for example,
Dostoyevsky,    Ibsen, Strindberg)      which we now readily refer to as
pessimistic. What     the pessimists   share, as I have argued elsewhere,    is a
view        of     human                   existence              as                                             time-bound                   and,         hence,
                  to     the        vicissitudes                of        time,                            in any                                    features.7
 subject                                                                             lacking                             permanent
                                      is                        most              famous             for       this     view:           "Time         and          that
Schopenhauer                                 perhaps

perishability of all things existing in time that time itself brings about....
Time is that by virtue of which everything becomes       nothingness    in our
hands            and      loses        all     real       value."8
     Nietzsche's                    relationship                     to the pessimists                           who          preceded                him         was
                  one          of      uniform                  celebration.                   He          called          Rousseau                  a      "moral
 tarantula"  and although      initially inspired by Schopenhauer's           philoso
phy,   he eventually  dissociated      himself  from its systematic conclusions
                     a respect for its critical                              was also
 (while retaining                                     spirit). Nietzsche
unkind    toward the pessimists         popular    in the Germany         of his day,
especially Eduard von Hartmann,             the prominent      Berlin philosopher;
Nietzsche   called him "completely abysmal."9 Nietzsche            believed    that the
pessimism    of both Hartmann       and Schopenhauer     led directly to nihil
ism. Indeed,    the very popularity    of this form of pessimism     in the late
nineteenth                                    was        one         of     the      factors            that     convinced              Nietzsche                  that
nihilism           would             soon enjoy a temporary                                    dominance                     of European                   society.
86                                                                                                            NEW        LITERARY               HISTORY

                                                then,         Nietzsche             does       not mean               either       of         two
      By      "pessimism,"                                                                                                                                things
with which                 we might                     be tempted                 to identify               it?it      indicates             neither               a
depressive    personality                                nor the                                         of Arthur
                                     philosophy               Schopenhauer.
Indeed,     in the same introduction       where  Nietzsche    insists on the
pessimistic   origin  of tragedy, he goes to great pains to differentiate   the
view he has in mind from that of Schopenhauer,       which was at the height
of its popularity    in Germany when Nietzsche     wrote. His own "strange
and        new        valuations,"                      the      introduction                 claims,           "were                               at     odds
with         ...
                   Schopenhauer's                             spirit and            taste!"          (BT24).          Intermixed                with          his
                     however,              is an         account            of    another            kind      of                            Nietzsche
critique,                                                                                                           pessimism.
viewed             it as    "that                                                             that      is    . . . the               to                           to
                                       courageous                   pessimism                                            way                 'myself,'
           task."10                                      he               his            alternative              the    name
my                         Ultimately,                            gave                                                                       "Dionysian



      Thetask that The Birth of Tragedy set itself was to explain not only the
appearance     of Greek tragedy, but also its decline       in Greek society after
Euripides.    As is well known, Nietzsche          hypothesizes     that Socrates'
introduction      (and   Plato's furtherance)    of a rationalistic    philosophy
destroyed    the preexisting    cultural grounds for Greek tragedy (BT Slfi.).
But what exactly did Socrates destroy, and how was this possible? Why, in
any case, should a philosopher        have had the power to affect the theater?
The        answer            lies     in    the                                  that    Nietzsche              associates            with          the
                                                        pessimism                                                                                           pre
Socratic             philosophers    and his belief   that their ideas reflected     the
original            character of early Greek culture. "Tragedy," as he put it in a note
from          this                               "is      the      outlet           of
                           period,                                                         mystic-pessimistic                     knowledge."12
Pessimism                  was  the philosophical                            basis for the plays of Aeschylus     and
Sophocles.                 This was the wisdom                            that the pre-Socratics possessed   and that
later generations                      first denied                     and then forgot. Socrates     is the agent of
this change                because his philosophy   is essentially optimistic (BT 91ff.) .13
  Nietzsche                 did not think of optimism     and pessimism     as two equal, if
opposite,                ways   of looking at the world,      as we might     today; rather
                              ...          is    older            and       more                               than
"pessimism                                                                                 original                       optimism"                       (KGW
4.1.208).             Pessimism                       is the domain                      of    the          Ionian      philosophers                       who
                         Socrates               and      whose                                 we                                     in
preceded                                                                   teachings                    possess         only                 fragments.
Instead             of      trying          to construct                        a systematic,                ordering                                              as
Socrates             and      Plato        were           to do,          the                                                   the        chaotic           and
                                                                                 pre-Socratics                grasped
disordered   nature of the world and only attempted         to cope with it,
insofar as that was possible: "Pessimism is the consequence    of knowledge
of the absolute   illogic of the world-order"  (KGW3.3.74).
TRAGEDY,              PESSIMISM,                NIETZSCHE                                                                                                           87

    In other notes from this period, Nietzsche       first attributes to Democritus
 the doctrine    that "the world    [is] without moral and aesthetic meaning"
and calls this idea "the pessimism             of accidents"     (KGW 3.4.151).     In
Philosophy    in the Tragic Age of the Greeks (written at about the same time as
The Birth but published       only posthumously),       he likens Anaximander       to
 Schopenhauer                      and          calls him                      "the first            philosophical                    author         of             the
 ancients."           He                   on        to describe                Anaximander                     as a "true                                     and
                              goes                                                                                                    pessimist"
quotes        his only extant                        fragment                  to justify         the label: "Where the source of
               is,    to    that                                must             also                                                      to
 things                              place            they                                 pass        away,        according                    necessity,
 for      they must                pay          penance                  and          be       judged           for         their       injustices,                  in
 accordance                with      the        ordinance                     of Time."14
       In     other         words,              the                                            as Nietzsche                                               them,
                                                            pre-Socratics,                                                    interpreted
grasped the animating principle of pessimism:      that time is an unshakable
burden for human beings because       it leads to the ultimate destruction    of
all things?and  that this fate belies any principle    of order that may, on
 the      surface,                              to                       the      course          of      events.        Of      course,          whether
                            appear                    guide
 any of   the pre-Socratics    would have put things this way is debatable
 (although Heraclitus,      in particular,   is certainly often understood     in this
fashion).  What    is important here is that Nietzsche         understood    them to
be doing so, that he understood           the root of pessimism    to be, as he later
wrote, "time-sickness    [Zeit-Krankheit" (KGW7.2.51).   The epigraph from
Weil captures the thought exactly: it is the destructive power of time that
 stands behind any particular     cause of
                                            suffering in the world.
   Nietzsche  considered    tragic theater to be an outgrowth    of this view of
 the   universe             as                                                           in flux,                                in the                              of
                                   something                  constantly                                   constantly                           process
becoming              and,         thus,                               in the              process          of                           The         ravages
                                                constantly                                                       destroying.
of time could                     not be cured                       or compensated                          for through                 tragedy, only
understood:                                           ...          is    in     its    essence                                       Existence                 is    in
                             "Tragedy                                                                     pessimistic.
 itself   something   very terrible, man      something   very foolish"     (KGW
 3.2.38).   Nietzsche  rejects the conclusion,    popular  since Aristotle,   that
 tragedy offers some kind of purification       of the emotions   generated     by
 the terrible truths of the human condition.15 He also rejects the idea that
                      contain              some             sort        of     moral             lesson       meant             to     instruct           us         in
 ethical      behavior.              Instead,               he argues,                  tragedy           simply serves to lay bare for
us     the      horrible              situation                 of       human                 existence             that       the
philosophers   describe,    a situation from which our minds would other
wise flee: "The hero of tragedy does not prove himself            ... in a
against fate, just as little does he suffer what he deserves. Rather, blind
and with covered head, he falls to his ruin: and his desolate but noble
burden with which he remains standing              in the presence    of this well
known world of terrors presses         itself like a thorn in our soul" (KGW
 3.2.38).       The          tragic outlook                        is thus generated                        from a base of pessimistic
                            It recommends                           no         cure      for       the                   of    existence,                             a
knowledge.                                                                                                  pains                                     only
public        recognition                  of their depth                         and power.
88                                                                                                    NEW      LITERARY                   HISTORY

      From          the beginning,    too,                     this view         is associated               with
                                                                                                               the Dionysian,
 "the mother             of the mysteries,
                                      tragedy, pessimism"                                                 (KGW 3.3.309). The
Athenian     public   theatrical festivals were known                                                   as the
                                                                                                               Dionysia,   and
Nietzsche    goes so far as to claim the existence     of a tradition "that Greek
 tragedy   in its earliest form had for its sole theme           the sufferings   of
Dionysus"     (BT73).16 In Nietzsche's      account, Dionysus    suffers the proto
 typical agonies of existence      inflicted by time. He is severed from the
eternal flux and individuated,       then torn to pieces and reunited with the
whole:    "This view of things already provides us with all the elements of a
profound      and pessimistic   view of the world,    together with the mystery
doctrine of tragedy: the fundamental     knowledge     of the oneness  of every
                   the conception                        as the
thing   existent,                    of individuaci?n           primal cause of
evil, and of art as the joyous hope that the spell of individuation may be
broken     in augury of a restored oneness"      (BT 10).
   Dionysian      suffering    is essentially human     suffering.   In tragedy, this is
 indicated by a connection          between   the various elements      involved in the
public performance          of the drama. The tragic hero, to Nietzsche,         simply
personifies     the "Dionysian state" of the chorus as a whole            (BT73). The
chorus      is likewise     "the mirror-image       in which      the Dionysian    man
contemplates       himself       and also "a vision of the Dionysian           mass of
                           (BT63).          Thus,        actor,     chorus,          and                     are        all     connected           in
spectators"                                                                                    public
tragedy             through          their Dionysian                 character             (PT165).           Each              is a fragment
torn         from         the    whole.       Nietzsche              is here                                but         also      reconstitut
 ing, the traditional philological     stance that the chorus represents      the
Greek public itself. Although      he sharply attacks the original proponents
of this view, he, in fact, proposes not to reject it but to modify    it. He will
                  the    connection             of      citizens         and   chorus                   on        the         condition         that
accept                                                                                         only
the Greek                 public is understood     as a unique                 a
                                                               phenomenon,        "Dionysian
throng,"                that is, as a public already infected with the pessimistic wisdom
of     the
      Nietzsche's                conception    is, then, just                        the opposite   of the elitism it is
often         associated           with. Tragic knowledge                             is not something   to which only
a                          few     have       access.         Instead,         the                 theater          can         function,        on
     privileged                                                                       tragic
his account,                only when               the ethos
                                           of pessimism      is shared throughout     the
demos. When        Nietzsche     rails against the "democratization"          of taste in
post-Socratic     Athens,     he does not mean         the larger population       has a
natural distaste for tragedy; his complaint             is only that the lower classes
are                                   to Socrates'                               to their
      particularly     susceptible                   optimism.     Appealing
suffering,    it has the effect of stoking their resentments           against the rich.
 (If people were naturally optimistic,          Socrates'     role would be unimpor
tant. If anything        is "natural," it is pessimism,        though Nietzsche,     who
eschews such terms, will only speak of it as "older and more original.")
So,     he    writes,            in a     lecture        on                                             has                         contained
                                                               Sophocles,             "Tragedy                     always
TRAGEDY,              PESSIMISM,          NIETZSCHE                                                                                  89

a pure          democratic                character,         as     it springs           from         the people"             (KGW

   Against            this account          of pessimism                 and tragedy as a kind of Dionysian
wisdom,          Nietzsche                                         the    new         Socratic                               whose
                                      counterposes                                                    philosophy,
characteristic               feature        now
                                          appears                        to be
                                                            its optimism.19   Even while
                          its ignorance, Socratic inquiry rejects    the pessimistic    idea
 that inquiry,            like every human activity, is ultimately    doomed:     "For who
could mistake                 the optimistic element                      in the nature               of dialectic,          which
celebrates            a                   with                conclusion                . . . the                         element
                          triumph                    every                                            optimistic
which,    having
                     once penetrated        tragedy must gradually        overgrow     its

               regions   and impel it necessarily      to self-destruction"     (BT 91).
Socrates does not promise           eternal happiness,     but he does affirm both
that virtue results in happiness           and that virtue can be taught?thus
happiness      theoretically  is within the grasp of all.20 He denies that there
 is anything ultimately mysterious        about life or inevitable about suffering:
      contrast with this practical pessimism,          Socrates    is the prototype   of
 the  theoretical optimist who, with his faith that the nature of things can
be fathomed,       ascribes to knowledge       and insight the power of a panacea"
 (BT 97).
   Notwithstanding         Socrates'   fate at the hands of his fellow citizens,
Nietzsche     has   no doubt      that this approach,        developed      by Plato, was
ultimately    victorious     in its struggle with tragedy: "Optimistic dialectic
drives music out of tragedy with the scourge of its syllogisms"                    (BT92).
Just   as the pessimism        of an older generation          of Greeks     explains     the

origin   of tragedy, so the Socratic turn in Greek philosophy                  explains     its
demise. When         the population      adopted      the optimistic     perspective,     the
 cultural context       for tragedy evaporated           (PT 161). From Nietzsche's
viewpoint,     this was anything but a theoretical advance. Greek pessimism
had a fundamental         honesty that Socratic-Platonic          philosophy    lacks. This
          in particular, he reemphasized            in the 1886 introduction           to The
Birth of Tragedy. While pessimism            today,   as it was in Nietzsche's       time, is
 commonly       associated with ideas of cultural decay, he takes the Greek
 experience      to indicate precisely     the opposite:      "Is pessimism    necessarily a
          of   decline        ...    as    it once     was        in India      and      now        is, to all
 sign                                                                                                              appearances,
                us,       'modern'          men        and                                 Is    there      a                         of
 among                                                            Europeans?                                     pessimism
            . . .And                                                          of
 strength?             again: that of which   tragedy died, the Socratism
morality,    the dialectics,  frugality, and cheerfulness  of the theoretical
man?how        now? Might not this very Socratism be a sign of decline    ... Is
 the resolve to be so scientific about everything perhaps a kind of fear of,
 an escape from, pessimism? A subde last resort against?truth?"   (BT 17-18).
   The Greeks of Socrates' generation       could no longer bear to live with
 the brutal truths of the human       condition   and sought refuge     in an
 optimistic philosophy.  To Nietzsche   this was "morally speaking, a sort of
90                                                                                                          NEW       LITERARY               HISTORY

cowardice                . . .                                                a ruse"                             Either                        it was       an
                                 amorally              speaking,                                (BT     18).                     way,
active         self-deception                   that made                life more              tolerable            but     less genuine.                     It
was       a    retreat           from       a    real       look         at     time-bound                  existence             to     a
fantasy   of progress and happiness.    Thus, Nietzsche     concludes, it is the
optimists   who are the true harbingers    of cultural decline. What else can
we call their weakening     of resolve in comparison    with the stance of the
earlier Greeks? Nietzsche's    attack on Socrates and Plato is often taken to
be a defense                of irrationalism,                    but from his perspective                               it is they who have
retreated           from          an    honest          assessment                   of   the world.           The                                  vision
of       the     world            as                                          disordered,                 untamable,                   unfair,           and
destructive                is the           "truth"             against          which             they        close         their           eyes        and
withdraw             to a cave.21


      Tragic        art
               is the organization   of a small portion   of an otherwise
meaningless                 world
                      that gives purpose  to an individual existence   (WP
585). It is the attempt    to impose a temporary  form on the inevitable
 transformation                   of    the world.               Since          the world          must                            some
                                                                                                                 acquire                         particu
 lar forms          in    its                                           art     is                           in miniature,                as      it were,
                                 metamorphoses,                                       "repeating
 the tendency               of the whole"                   (
                                                            WP6l7)-only                      now by an effort of will. Thus,
art     is not                    an                       to                 the                      of    existence,           but        rather           to
                   really               attempt                 fight                 pattern

shape that pattern   into something   recognizable, "to realize in oneself the
eternal joy of becoming-that    joy which also encompasses     joy in destruc
 tion' (77110).
     When         art     assumes               this                     it becomes                "the                    seduction               to     life,
                                                         shape,                                              great
 the great stimulant     to life" (WP 853). This is not to say, however,    that
 such art must be "uplifting"       in the conventional     sense. Since joy in
destruction   may be a stimulant        to life, even depictions   of the most
miserable   things may    be included:   "The things they display are ugly: but
 that they display them comes from their pleasure in the ugly . . .How
 liberating is Dostoevsky!"     (WP 821). If we can understand     why an artist
 like Dostoyevsky,      who knows that art is devoid of metaphysical           value,
would    still want to write, then we can understand           why Nietzsche   thinks
pessimism      can result in a creative pathos. Similarly, if we can see how

 tragedy, the "repetition        in miniature"     of worldly   chaos, can represent
 the liberating    'joy of becoming,"       then we can get a sense for the political
productivity     of a pessimistic    ethic.
   The normal        situation of an architect,       I think, helps us to get some
purchase      on this: any sane architect must know that no building               lasts
forever. Built in opposition        to nature but using the unstable materials       of
nature            (as,      to     some          extent,                            human             structure           must           be),
                                                                   every                                                                             every
TRAGEDY,              PESSIMISM,                  NIETZSCHE                                                                                                                        91

 edifice will be attacked by nature                                           so
                                        (by wind, by water, by gravity, and
 forth)    the moment  it is completed. Whatever   the purpose for which it is
  initially designed, that purpose will someday be superseded.        However
beautiful             it may          seem            when          erected,                  it will                                         to     another                set     of
                                           Yet,                                  all        this,        architects                    pursue                their          craft.
 eyes,       appear          ugly.                        knowing

Knowing               that the universe                        will ultimately                            not            tolerate              their work,                        they
 continue             to                              a    small                                  of      that           same               universe                for       local
                            organize                                   portion
purposes. The                   lack of an objective or metaphysical meaning      for the work
 is no obstacle;                indeed,  architects often think of the generation    of locally
                    environments                              out      of    natural                   waste             to be          a                                               a
meaningful                                                                                                                                   particular                   goal,
 spur       activity.
                                                            then,          is an            ethos          of        a      similar                kind,           an      art      of
    Dionysian               pessimism,
                 In                                                 it as        a                                          Nietzsche                        is,     in      some
 living.22                 recommending                                                   life-practice,
 sense,                                                                    the                                 of        life.        But          since,          as he          was
               thereby          recommending                                           practice
 fond of pointing    out, there is really no perspective      from which    to view
  life as a whole (whether   to deny or affirm it), such an assent can only be
 a kind of gamble or risk-taking.       It is an affirmation      in the dark, an
 approval given    in ignorance. Above all, in keeping with the emphasis on
  the centrality of temporal experience,       it is a decision   to welcome     the
unknown               future           and                           the     unseen                                  rather                 than                                  to a
                                                  accept                                               past,                                            clinging
 familiar        present.23 While                            other          pessimisms                              (such             as Schopenhauer's)
 also      conclude                 that        the       universe               has         no         order              and          human                                      no
progress,            Dionysian                  pessimism                  is the one                   that can find                        something                     to like
 about        this     situation:                      new                           to                             new           version             of
                                                  "My                way                     'yes-' My                                                    pessimism
 as a                                           for fearful            and                                                                         of beings.      ... A
          voluntary            quest                                                   questionable                         aspects

pessimist   such as that could in that way lead to a Dionysian       yes-saying to
the world   as it is: as a wish for its absolute return and eternity: with which
a new     ideal of philosophy        and sensibility would    be given"       (KGW
    The        phrase               "fearful              and questionable,"                                which                     recurs           frequently                       in
Nietzsche's                texts,          is                        chosen                  to        indicate             what              is at         issue         here.24
The aspects of existence        that we will have the greatest difficulty grasping
 and affirming     are not the cruel and disgusting;     rather, they are those so
 threatening    to  our sense of order that we have heretofore          denied    their
very being, so that initially we find them "questionable"              or "dubious."
Which     are these? In Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche     ridicules    "the almost
 laughable poverty      of instinct displayed by German philologists       whenever
 they approach       the Dionysian"     (77108). Why laughable? Because          these
                           cannot                                          the            "instinct,"                so          to                                       under
philologists                                    recognize                                                                               speak,              right
 their     noses.           The                                                                          are                              "the                                      of
                                            "Dionysian                mysteries"                                     simply                            mysteries
           . . . the sexual                                                  as
 sexuality                  symbol was to the Greeks the symbol venerable
 such, the intrinsic profound meaning      of all antique piety" (77109). The
 absurdity of post-Socratic    philosophy   is ultimately demonstrated    in its
92                                                                                                 NEW        LITERARY        HISTORY

attitudes toward sex and the body. What ought to be the most obvious
and immediate    source of knowledge   and pleasure is not merely ob
 scured  but almost entirely obliterated.  Cruelty may be condemned           by
morality  but at least it is acknowledged; sexuality is eliminated    from view
 through a process of "moral castrationism"    WP204,
                                               (           383). Pessimism,   by
contrast, puts the terrible power of sexuality at the center of tragic

   Sexuality, not cruelty or violence,       represents   that part of life with
which   it is most difficult   to come to terms. It is the most difficult not
because     it is inherently shameful    ("It was only Christianity    . . .which
made of sexuality something         impure"    [77 109]). The difficulty    lies in
affirming    the necessity     for pain and suffering      that accompanies      any
growth.   That is, it involves admitting     that we ourselves   (and not just the
world)    are essentially     flux and change,      as our sexual
demonstrate.    With    its constant dissolution    of ego-boundaries,     sexuality
 is more   threatening     to the optimist     than is the human       tendency     to
cruelty. This violation                      of self?simultaneously                          painful          and pleasurable?
 is the                 and         best            evidence            that    our   own       nature          is as unstable         and
tumultuous        as       that         of     the       rest      of     the   universe           and       that,    therefore,         no

calculation of our best interest can ever be permanent.  It is this situation
that tragedy makes visible.
  The Dionysian     is "the triumphant    Yes to life beyond     death    and
             true   life     as         collective              continuation            of      life
change;                                                                                                  through      procreation"
 (7/109).   But this can come only at the cost of suffering, as the price to
be paid for continuous    rebirth: "In the teaching of the mysteries,  pain is
sanctified:  the 'pains of childbirth' sanctify pain in general?all   becom
       and                        all        that                               the                                                . . .All
 ing         growing,                                  guarantees                     future,          postulates     pain.
this is contained    in the word Dionysus"      (7/ 109). The Dionysian     is not
simply sexuality    (Nietzsche    is not Freud);     rather, the repression      of
sexuality represents    the repression    of the "fearful and questionable"      as
such. (Likewise, Greek tragedies       are not
                                                 simply sexual conflicts, though
such conflicts are often at the core of them.) Accepting                 the necessity of
pain   in a life of growth and change, setting aside the goal of happiness as the
ultimate aim of a human life, iswhat the Dionysian              "yes" requires. To truly
embrace becoming          at the expense of being means            to take pleasure in the
suffering   that accompanies the demise of whatever is. "The joy of Being is only
possible as the joy of appearance          [.] The joy of becoming        is only possible
 in the destruction     of the actuality of 'Beings,' the beautiful visions, in the
pessimistic    annihilation    of illusions.     [I]n the destruction      also of beauti
ful illusions, Dionysian                       as its climax" (i?GW8.1.114).
                              joy appears
   The Dionysian       "yes" is not a matter of taking a sadistic pleasure           in the
suffering    of others. Rather,     it is a decision     to value the future over the
present. To be glad that ours is a world of becoming,                rather than being,
TRAGEDY,               PESSIMISM,               NIETZSCHE                                                                                                       93

means             to be glad              that things                   are always                 changing,                     that the future                     is
                                 and        the                                                                   away.          It means            detach
always         coming                                  present            always            passing
ment          from whatever                     exists              at present?something                                    that will             inevitably
                  as     callousness                   towards            others:                                          wisdom.                       in    the
appear                                                                                        "Dionysian                                    Joy
destruction   of the most noble and at the sight of its progressive ruin: in
reality joy in what is coming and lies in the future, which triumphs over
existing things, however good" (WP417). This iswhat Nietzsche        had in
mind                such                          as                             or       eternal               recurrence.               Not       the       idea
             by                 phrases                     "amorfati"
that we must relive the past again and again, but rather that this pattern
of destruction    and creation     is unalterable     and must be borne. And it
cannot be withstood      by means      of faith in progress. We must           learn to
hope    in the absence of an expectation       of progress.     If this sounds almost
nonsensical    to the modern     ear, perhaps     it is because we have been told
for so long that progress     is the rational thing to hope for.
  While     no element of our life is unalterable,          suffering   is the unalter
able price to be paid for changing  it. It is this condition                                                                        that we have no
choice but   to accept as a whole or to reject through                                                                             the hypocrisy of
                           In    a famous                   note,       Nietzsche              embodies                     the       two        choices           as
 "Dionysus              and       the Crucified":                       "The problem                        is that of the meaning                                 of
                       whether            a Christian                                         or      a                                             We        can
 suffering:                                                           meaning                               tragic         meaning."

 surely struggle to alter those elements of life within our purview, but we
will still be faced with the larger question where we cannot pick and
 choose.          One         alternative                   is to                   life,     and           its afflictions,                as      a whole:
 "The god on the cross is a curse on life, a signpost to seek redemption
from life." The other is to embrace  life, with all the suffering entailed,
both       for      ourselves             and         for     others:                                     cut        to                   is a                     of
                                                                               "Dionysus                                  pieces                 promise
 life: it will be eternally                           reborn          and return                   again             from destruction"                        WP
 1052).        If one                           the                             assessment                      of    the world             as a                   of
                            accepts                     pessimistic                                                                                 place
 chaos        and          dissonance,                   one      faces             the       choice                 of                             from             it
wholesale  or embracing  it and trying to "let a harmony                                                                         sound forth from
every conflict" WP 852).


  George     Steiner, as far as I can tell, did not use the term "pessimism,"
or its cognates,     in The Death of Tragedy; but his interpretation has been
characterized     as pessimistic   and, it must be said, with considerable
                                   as we        use         Nietzsche's                                                     of     this     term,         rather
justice?so               long                                                       understanding
 than         the       conventional                    one.          For       Steiner's                  interpretation                    of       tragedy
 repeats                               elements                 of Nietzsche's                 view.            First,      there         is the     natural
 condition              of disorder and flux in the world, which   is expressed  in
 tragedy:           "Tragedy," Steiner writes, "would have us know that there is in
94                                                                                                            NEW             LITERARY                  HISTORY

 the                 fact      of       human          existence             a                                   or     a                               it tells       us
        very                                                                       provocation                                paradox;
 that the purposes                            of men           sometimes                  run                           the grain                 of
                                                                                                     against                                                 inexpli
cable         and           destructive               forces."26            It      teaches           us      "of           the                                    bias
 toward          inhumanity                   and destruction                           in the drift of the world"                                  (7)7291).
As      in Nietzsche,                                     offers       no                                             for         this?"the             wounds
                                          tragedy                                 compensation
are not healed           the broken spirit is not mended"
                                        and                       (DT 129)?only     a
controlled    repetition   of it. Then,    there is the historical   attack on this
              by the forces of optimism           and rationality, which     occurs
outside the theater itself. While Steiner transposes the cultural shift that
Nietzsche    describes    from the fifth century BCE to the seventeenth
century CE,     the transformation      described    is the same: "When the new
world picture of reason usurped           the place of the old tradition      ... the

English    theatre entered     its long decline"      (DT 23). The culprit is not
Socrates,             but       a Socratic             Rousseau,                  or,    rather,           "The        Rousseauist                      belief            in

 the perfectibility                       "such a view of the human condition
                                          of man,"             since                 is
radically optimistic"     (7)7127-8).    More broadly, of course, Steiner claims
that it is the rise of the bourgeoisie,          the commodification     of everyday
 life, and the final victory    of Christian metaphysics     that diverted  the West
from the theater      to the novel and from tragedy to melodrama.            But it is
the optimism      that is the  common      root of such seemingly contrary forces
as the Enlightenment,         the Church,     the market, and even Marxism,       that
           us of the proper context for tragedy.
      Like      Nietzsche,                    then,          Steiner         derives                                   from                                        and
                                                                                                    tragedy                           pessimism
accounts               for          the decline               of       tragedy            by reference                        to the              triumph              of
                        But         what        follows            from          this     account,               it should                  now         be       clear,
need      not           be          a                               aesthetics                 or                           Whatever                    Steiner's
                                         reactionary                                                 politics.
 intent         (which              I do not pursue here, though I think it has often been
oversimplified),                      Nietzsche's "Dionysian pessimism" is the source of his
most         radical           claims,          claims          that      have,         most                                                        to a series
                                                                                                     recently,              appealed
of radically     democratic      political   theorists.   Tracy Strong      describes
Nietzsche's              as a "politics of transfiguration,"     and it is this theme
of self-shaping       and self-transformation       against a tragic background
which     is the key link between Nietzsche           and such figures as Camus,
Arendt, Foucault, and William Connolly. Each of these writers has found
 in Nietzsche    a portrait of energetic    individuality    that can be supportive
of democracy while remaining distinct from the liberal assumptions                 that
are     often          assumed                to be       a                                                            to democratic
                                                              necessary                 complement                                                           theory.
Nietzsche's                                           does      not                            elitism,          and              it does         not        recom
                             pessimism                                     require
mend                                    Instead,       as these twentieth-century                                     inheritors              of Nietzsche
have         seen,          it sanctions              a                     of                                                      based          not        on      an
                                                          process                   identity-renovation
                                                                                                     on an
assumption                    of        the selfs natural     integrity but, to the contrary,
acknowledgment                             of its fundamental      instability   and perishability. While
 acknowledging                           limits to the human          condition,     this is a politics  of
TRAGEDY,               PESSIMISM,                  NIETZSCHE                                                                                                     95

            more                          radical           than most.                  It makes             little sense,                therefore,              to
 link pessimism                           (or pessimism-cwm-tragedy)       with conservative  politics.
The pessimistic                           spirit is a restless one, unlikely   to be enamored   of the
 status        quo.

  Relatedly, while    the derivation of tragedy from pessimism       does, as
Steiner   argued,  require marking    off a boundary     of genre between
tragedy and cathartic, but ultimately hopeful,  optimistic   art forms, such
as melodrama,                          this       account              should          not      be      taken          to     limit                         to        a

particular              time, place, or (least of all) class of people. To say that not all
suffering              is tragedy is very different   from saying that tragic suffering   is
rare      or                           to                          cultures.              Indeed,             there         are       several         reasons
                    specific                  particular
for    thinking   that the pessimistic   account  of tragedy, though not as
 limitless in its definition of the genre as others, is still an expansive one.
 In the first place, the insistence on the overpowering       force of temporal
 flux     means              that         there      are     no                                   cultural            conditions                to
                                                                       permanent                                                                      oppose
  (or foster) tragedy. Rather, it is the lack of such permanence     that fosters
 tragedy.    From   this perspective,  Raymond    Williams   is right to insist
  (contra Steiner)    that tragedy emerges not from static belief but from
 "the      real            tension            between          old         and          new,"                                     that     occurs           in        a
                                                 was no less negative
variety of contexts.27 Though Nietzsche                                  than Steiner
on the baleful condition       of modernity,     he wrote The Birth at least in part
because he thought the production            of a new kind of musical      tragedy was
possible.28  And even after he lost his faith inWagner's             abilities   in this
regard,   Nietzsche    continued    to insist on the openness of the future and
the potential    for both new pessimistic       art forms and new forms of life to
go  with them.29 When        he came to classify Wagner's       work as a kind of
 romanticism                      and,         hence,                                             he         turned           to      other       modern
works,              such       as     the                        of                                     and        Bizet's          Carmen.            In       the
                                               writings              Dostoyevsky
 latter in particular,                          he found                the "tragic joke" of our existence                                             so well
                           that      he       returned            to    see      the                           his     own         account,           no       less
expressed                                                                                opera,         by
 than   twenty times (CW157-9).
    So, while the pessimistic conception                                                     of tragedy may                       remain         hostile          to
works          of     easy                                    there             is no        barrier          to                                                  in
                                    redemption,                                                                      tragedy's           appearing
our time or outside                             of the theater.               Indeed, a pessimist must insist on the
universal              availability of tragic                           themes, if not on their perennial    appear
ance.30 Not              only did Nietzsche                              believe his own philosophy   was one such
manifestation,   but he also found writing like Dostoyevsky's    to reflect, not
nihilism,    but precisely  a pessimistic  ethic. Nor     should Nietzsche's
 labeling of Dostoyevsky    (and himself) as "liberating" surprise us. Pessi
mism is as much an ethic of radical possibility as it is of radical insecurity;
 indeed,             the former                   is grounded                 in the latter. It is the lack of any natural
boundaries                    to human               character                that                                                              our
                                                                                       permits,           simultaneously,                               capac

 ity for novelty                     and distinctiveness                         as well          as our capacity                        for enormous
96                                                                                                                            NEW          LITERARY                  HISTORY

                   we          cannot              have        one         without                     the     other.                                            characters
cruelty;                                                                                                                     Dostoyevsky's
sometimes   react to this lack of boundaries with actions that are hideous,
but this is due to a lack of imagination     that does not, on Nietzsche's
account,  afflict Dostoyevsky   himself. Raskolnikov   does not define     the
                               condition;                    rather,             he          is    its worst                                  consequence.                    But
pessimistic                                                                                                             possible
 the effect of the book                                      is still liberating,                            because,           like tragedy,                    it alerts us
 to,    even            as        it warns          us       about,              the                                          freedom                that         is our          lot.
       Or,     perhaps,                      instead            of         speaking                    of freedom                   as double-edged,                            we
 should             refer            to                                                            as                              the     universal,                 simulta
                                          pessimistic                       tragedy                           teaching
neous   presence                          of freedom lives. To political   and
                                                                            theorists   terror in our
 such as Hannah      Arendt,    the                  tread the political       arena   idea that we
 "without  a banister" announces     both the danger of totalitarianism          and
 the condition   of possibility  for true individuality. Modern        fascism had
demonstrated                           that         there           are      no         innate                limits      to human                         but                our
                                                   of        that         fact         could,                                      allow        us   to reach                   the
acknowledgement                                                                                              curiously,
                    true conclusion                                 that "with each                            birth         something                 uniquely              new
comes              into           the world"                 from          which                  "the                                   can      be
                                                                                                             unexpected                                    expected."31
Steiner argued that Greek drama demonstrated                                                                                  the capricious cruelty of
the world, as well as revealing the independence                                                                               and humanity of those
who          are         the        victims             of     it. But                even         a       social       drama            as                                   and
modern                (and bourgeois) as Edith Wharton's The House                                                                                  ofMirth  (or, I
 think,            the recent film Amores Perros) has the requisite                                                                                 dual sense of
freedom                  and          terror.            In both                 of     these,               the               of          individuals                   is most
                   revealed                  as     the        social             structures                       that                         them
vividly                                                                                                                   support                                collapse?
                            or Ajax}2
precisely as in Antigone
  This is not the idea that we see the "true" individual         in a time of
adversity. Rather,   it is the view that the sources of individuality  and of
that which destroys     individuality are the same. From this perspective,  it
makes          no            sense        to ask whether                               the                                                 is one       who
                                                                                                  tragic        personage                                           willfully
                             themselves                  from             their                               or whether                          are                        out
 separates                                                                              society                                          they                  pushed
            or circumstance      (neither for Antigone     nor for Lily Bart is
by malice
there a good answer       to this question).     To a pessimist,     all of these
situations  arise equally    from the fundamental         instability of human
beings   and human    institutions,   anchorless   in time. We are all equally
subject to the freedom     and terror of the tragic situation. And if some
 stories           are            "more
                                tragic" than others,  this is due merely                                                                                        to  (a) the
 circumstance              that some situations exemplify   a fundamental                                                                                        condition
better             than others, and (b) our limited, but real enough,                                                                                           capacity to
 insulate           ourselves                     from        this        circumstance                                                   ourselves                in a life        of
                                                                                                                by burying

 conformity.                       It is one of the special marks                                               of tragedy,              I think,              that it often
causes             us        to                              the                              of       a     safe      and                             life,      even       as          it
                                    question                          pursuit                                                   painless

promises us that in abandoning                                                        this pursuit we will come                                  to a bad end.                     In
TRAGEDY,                PESSIMISM,                NIETZSCHE                                                                                                             97

                        the                               of                           human                                        we        will      necessar
enlarging                        envelope                       possible                                 experience,

 ily mark         a unique
                     out      path of suffering. Perhaps,    instead of "sweet
violence,"        should speak of a terror that liberates.
  Among      political   theorists, I think it is Arendt,  particularly in The
Human      Condition,   who gives us the best image of a stance that is
                                                                                                                  and         democratic.                       It    has
 simultaneously                    pessimistic,                        tragic,          energetic,
often          seemed
                   difficult     to reconcile    Arendt's   praise for the fiercely
agonistic    and individualistic     spirit  of Athenian   democracy       (which, to a
certain,   limited degree,      she saw reflected    in American   politics) with her
critique   of modern        liberal institutions,   as well as with her long-term
historical dread of the rise of technology            and the market. But putting
 these      views         in a                                     context                         make               sense        of    them.          Modern
                                     pessimistic                                        helps

democracy     is, to her, too often optimistic, in the sense that it values the
contributions    of individuals only insofar as they to contribute   to a larger
                of      historical                                       Athenian                                             on        the     other           hand,
process                                       progress.                                          democracy,
 lacking a sense of progress,                                      indeed,             possessed              of the pessimistic                         belief            in
 the     absence              of                                 historical                                      was       better             able        to       value
                                     long-term                                              patterns,
 individual actions for their own sake. To her, then, it is no coincidence
 that Athens,  the democratic  city, is also the city of tragedy. For Athenian
                          treasures,                           as Athenian                                       does,        the memory                      of     vital
democracy                                          just                                       tragedy
 individuals?even                         when                 their         efforts          came          to                           And          Athenian

democracy   encourages                                     individuals              not with promises  of progress, but
only of remembrance.                                  Similarly,                 in Camus's Myth of Sisyphus we see the
                   to    translate            a                                          into      an       active,        democratic
attempt                                              "tragic           myth"                                                                             political
 idiom. The                futility          of Sisyphus's                       task, we are told,                           is no obstacle                       to his
embracing                it, so       long
                                                   as we          understand                    that
                                                                                                          futility         is the
                                                                                                                                         ordinary                  order
of things.33 Indeed,                         for Camus,                       the universality                     of futility            is the basis for
a kind of pessimistic                           equality of citizenship.
    Pessimism                  thus          liberates us from a dull                                        submission                   to a historical
meta-narrative                     that      we           did          not       author.            It      insists        that,         for         better          and

worse,         our       lives     are       not                                               historical                            or                social         ties,
                                                      pre-scripted       by                                           processes
even      as     it insists          that we           act    in a context                       that we             cannot     control                  and          that
 therefore we act, in all likelihood, tragically. And yet, as "author," each of
us is, like the world that we face, an                                 with no
                                          ever-changing   multiplicity
                   or     desire          that            is not                       to     revision,            loss,      and        renewal?most
purpose                                                                 open
often, but not exclusively,      through the medium       of eros, which attaches
us to others by               the boundaries    of each. Arendt     is perhaps more
 true to this insight than Camus is, in insisting that every
                                                                    political action,
no matter how individual in
                                   origin, is always an interaction with others.
Tragic drama, it is said, truly began to differentiate        itself from religious
 ritual with the introduction     of the second actor onto the stage. Likewise,
Arendt     insists on the condition    of human plurality as the starting point
for all political                  reasoning.
98                                                                                                              NEW         LITERARY                  HISTORY

     The                          of                             and                             then,         even         on     an        account              that
               politics                  pessimism                     tragedy,
 insists       on     some             traditional            boundaries                   of                     are        not        at    all        those         of
 reaction             or     elitism. Indeed,   democratic                                                                                       the           tragic
                                                                                                       politics require
viewpoint                if they are to liberate themselves                                            from the dubious                          optimistic
meta-narratives                       of                                It is this        element              of Nietzsche's                       outlook,                I
would     argue,    that has so appealed           to the contemporary            democratic
 theorists whose work I have hastily described.                 Pessimism       insists on an
                                         on the                   of flux and eros that
equality of (tragic) condition;                       ubiquity
frame this condition;        on the                     and dangers        that follow from
this; and on the uniqueness         of every individual. It does chasten politics in
that it discourages       utopianism;       it discounts       the belief either        in the
perfectibility    of the species or of our political           conditions.      But to claim
that it deflates our political energies          in general     is to mistake utopianism
for the whole       of politics.   I have argued, on the contrary,                 that tragic
pessimism      liberates us by replacing          the pseudo-natural          boundaries     of
self and history with          the terrifying       limitless horizon        of time-bound


  Schopenhauer                           wrote: "The life of every individual,                                                viewed as a whole
                                      ... is
and in general                               really a tragedy; but gone through                                                in detail it has the
 character            of     a                           While             I have          taken          some          time       here             to defend
 the       association              of                              and                                                                                                of
                                       pessimism                                 tragedy          against          misinterpretations
 its meaning,                    I nonetheless                   do        not      want           to be          understood                        as

 identifying               the two. Tragedy may                              issue from pessimism,                                 but         it is not           the
                         that         can     do     so. Even           before        Socrates,                 there       was       a Greek                 comic
only        thing
 theater,        which,               if my                               is to make                          sense,        must         also,           in    some
                                                   argument                                       any
 sense,        have        been                                    in                                 I would           argue,           furthermore,
                                            grounded                     pessimism.
 that we can easily find modern    examples of pessimistic comedy; the first
 in prominence    might be Don    Quixote. But that argument must be the
                                                                 to recall the
subject for another paper. Failing this, I think itworthwhile
very  fine  line between    tragedy   and comedy    that Schopenhauer       de
scribes. To him,   the two genres depict the same human condition,        only,
we                               at
       might          say,             varying           speeds.
                         and                                  then,        are      not         one      and          the     same.           But         there          is
     Tragedy                          pessimism,
 a strong             link between                     them             that has,           I have            argued,              been         misunder
 stood.        Pessimism                    is                           neither           to     ancient             Greek             theater            nor         to
 aristocratic                                   It does,                    however,                  claim       to describe                    the          funda
mental    ontology of the human condition?one            of radical insecurity and
 radical possibility,   freedom   and terror?that     is the potential    ground of
          While     teaching  us the limitations of time-bound      life, pessimistic
Tragedy, pessimism, nietzsche, by joshua foa dienstag
Tragedy, pessimism, nietzsche, by joshua foa dienstag
Tragedy, pessimism, nietzsche, by joshua foa dienstag

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Tragedy, pessimism, nietzsche, by joshua foa dienstag

  • 1. Tragedy, Pessimism, Nietzsche Author(s): Joshua Foa Dienstag Reviewed work(s): Source: New Literary History, Vol. 35, No. 1, Rethinking Tragedy (Winter, 2004), pp. 83-101 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 23/09/2012 12:13 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . The Johns Hopkins University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to New Literary History.
  • 2. Tragedy, Pessimism, Nietzsche Joshua Foa Dienstag All the tragedies which we can imagine return in the end to the one and only tragedy: the passage of time. ?Simone Weil Who today would the label of pessimist for themselves? claim We employ the word "pessimism" today largely to name an unhealthy psychological disposition. Like a mysterious tropi cal disease, pessimism is something we fear to catch without quite knowing what its symptoms are. While tragedy and its history have been the of intense academic for more than a subject scrutiny century, pessimism and its history have languished in obscurity. Indeed, it still needs pointing out today that pessimism has a history, and a compli cated one at that. In fact, pessimism is a philosophy?a philosophy at the heart of the debate, both aesthetic and political, about tragedy. Today, "pessimistic" is also a that we are to attach to those views we find predicate eager objectionable. But when Friedrich Nietzsche reissued The Birth of Tragedy in 1886, he added the subtitle Hellenism and Pessimism and emphasized, in the new introduction, that what he still approved of in the book was its examination of "the good severe will of the older Greeks to pessi mism, to the Since that time, the link between tragic myth."1 pessimism and tragedy, the claim that tragedy is "the art form of pessimism" (BT 17), has been the object of a kind of sub-rosa debate in the scholarship on tragedy. It has often been equated (quite wrongly, I think) with the idea that tragedy is distinctly and purely an ancient Greek form of aesthetic activity. And this has been the dividing line between those who have sought to impose strict boundaries on the genre of tragedy and those who have urged a more expansive view. The terms of this debate have, in many ways, changed very little since George Steiner and Raymond Williams set out opposing positions on these questions in the early 1960s. And yet much of this debate has taken place in ignorance of the pessimistic tradition, or even of the distinctive way in which Nietzsche New Literary History, 2004, 35: 83-101
  • 3. 84 NEW LITERARY HISTORY understood the he ascribed to the ancient Greeks. Pessi "pessimism" mism is not a Greek term, of course, and Nietzsche's use of it was an anachronism. But while he did want, with this label, to indicate the distinctiveness of tragic feeling, his intent was hardly to isolate it in the fifth century BCE. Indeed, Nietzsche's ultimate term for his own (very modern) philosophy is "Dionysian pessimism," where "Dionysus" indi cates the ultimate author and actor of all tragedy (BT 73). It would be well then for scholars of tragedy to re-examine its relations with pessimism, both to get at the roots of this debate as well as to get some purchase on the question of tragedy's social and philosophical origins. Much more is at stake than the proper meaning of terms. The continuing political charge in questions of tragedy also finds its genesis here. This is clear enough in Terry Eagleton's recent study of tragedy. For the claim that tragedy issues from pessimism has been linked (questionably, as we shall see) to the claim that the tragic is perspective no longer readily available to us. And this claim has also been linked (again, questionably) to the idea that tragedy is a naturally elitist perspective. Eagleton refers breezily to the "right-wing death-of-tragedy thesis," as if the connection between and antidemocratic pessimism were so well-established as to no whatever.2 politics require explanation Less blithely, Paul Gordon attempts to liberate a "rapturous" Nietzschean on perspective tragedy from its association with Steiner. It is striking that, in so, he denies that Nietzsche's views in doing specifically originate Nietzsche's we are told, "is not at pessimism; pessimism, really pessimism all."3 The idea that and Gordon share, then, is a one: if Eagleton simple is it must lead nowhere, or else nowhere from tragedy pessimistic, good a political perspective. It is this presumption I want to challenge. While Nietzsche's pessi mism not to our use of the term, I would may correspond easily everyday argue that it is our blindness about pessimism, combined with our anxiety about it, that are the real stumbling blocks here. "The idea that a is necessarily one of discouragement," Camus pessimistic philosophy once wrote, "is a idea, but one that needs too a refutation."4 puerile long Taking up Camus's challenge will not only deepen our understanding of tragedy but itwill also show that the political implications of pessimism are not those often assumed. The fact that Camus, a om-tragedy very radical egalitarian, would defend pessimism, gives some indication of its to unsettle, rather than confirm, potential existing political arrange ments. To say that tragedy is pessimistic is not to say that it encourages quietism or that it is antidemocratic. In the right hands, pessimism has been?and can still be?an and even liberating ethic. This energizing needs to be taken into account, both in our estimation of tragedy itself, and in our evaluation of Steiner's claims in The Death of Tragedy and the reactions to them. many
  • 4. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 85 I While the word "pessimism" itself came into widespread use only in the nineteenth it names a or set of century, clearly persistent thought, thoughts, that has recurred often in social and political theory, in tandem with its opposite, at least since the Enlightenment. Leibniz first used the term as a correlate to "maximum" (and as "optimum," opposed to "minimum"), in his Th?odic?e of 1710. French writers then began to refer to his doctrine as one of The term crosses optimisme. apparently into English with the popularity of Voltaire's Candide ou VOptimisme of 1759. The first known printed appearance of "pessimism" in English then follows a few decades later, although the context seems to indicate that the term was in use.5 however, one already Philosophically, might date the emergence of pessimism to the appearance in 1750 of Rousseau's Discourse On the Arts and Sciences, with its characterization of modern man as a moral While Rousseau's ideas were seconded, in the degenerate. nineteenth in such works as Moral as well early century, Leopardi's Essays as in his poetry, pessimism achieved its brief period of genuine popular ity through the work of Schopenhauer, whose Parerga and Paralipomena went through many editions after its initial publication in 1851. Thereaf ter, pessimism, while never a dominant school in was a well philosophy, recognized position for at least several generations.6 And this work was part of the context that made possible the literature (for example, Dostoyevsky, Ibsen, Strindberg) which we now readily refer to as pessimistic. What the pessimists share, as I have argued elsewhere, is a view of human existence as time-bound and, hence, fundamentally to the vicissitudes of time, in any features.7 subject lacking permanent is most famous for this view: "Time and that Schopenhauer perhaps perishability of all things existing in time that time itself brings about.... Time is that by virtue of which everything becomes nothingness in our hands and loses all real value."8 Nietzsche's relationship to the pessimists who preceded him was one of uniform celebration. He called Rousseau a "moral hardly tarantula" and although initially inspired by Schopenhauer's philoso phy, he eventually dissociated himself from its systematic conclusions a respect for its critical was also (while retaining spirit). Nietzsche unkind toward the pessimists popular in the Germany of his day, especially Eduard von Hartmann, the prominent Berlin philosopher; Nietzsche called him "completely abysmal."9 Nietzsche believed that the pessimism of both Hartmann and Schopenhauer led directly to nihil ism. Indeed, the very popularity of this form of pessimism in the late nineteenth was one of the factors that convinced Nietzsche that century nihilism would soon enjoy a temporary dominance of European society.
  • 5. 86 NEW LITERARY HISTORY then, Nietzsche does not mean either of two By "pessimism," things with which we might be tempted to identify it?it indicates neither a depressive personality nor the of Arthur philosophy Schopenhauer. Indeed, in the same introduction where Nietzsche insists on the pessimistic origin of tragedy, he goes to great pains to differentiate the view he has in mind from that of Schopenhauer, which was at the height of its popularity in Germany when Nietzsche wrote. His own "strange and new valuations," the introduction claims, "were at odds basically with ... Schopenhauer's spirit and taste!" (BT24). Intermixed with his however, is an account of another kind of Nietzsche critique, pessimism. viewed it as "that that is . . . the to to courageous pessimism way 'myself,' task."10 he his alternative the name my Ultimately, gave "Dionysian pessimism."11 II Thetask that The Birth of Tragedy set itself was to explain not only the appearance of Greek tragedy, but also its decline in Greek society after Euripides. As is well known, Nietzsche hypothesizes that Socrates' introduction (and Plato's furtherance) of a rationalistic philosophy destroyed the preexisting cultural grounds for Greek tragedy (BT Slfi.). But what exactly did Socrates destroy, and how was this possible? Why, in any case, should a philosopher have had the power to affect the theater? The answer lies in the that Nietzsche associates with the pessimism pre Socratic philosophers and his belief that their ideas reflected the original character of early Greek culture. "Tragedy," as he put it in a note from this "is the outlet of period, mystic-pessimistic knowledge."12 Pessimism was the philosophical basis for the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles. This was the wisdom that the pre-Socratics possessed and that later generations first denied and then forgot. Socrates is the agent of this change because his philosophy is essentially optimistic (BT 91ff.) .13 Nietzsche did not think of optimism and pessimism as two equal, if opposite, ways of looking at the world, as we might today; rather ... is older and more than "pessimism original optimism" (KGW 4.1.208). Pessimism is the domain of the Ionian philosophers who Socrates and whose we in preceded teachings possess only fragments. Instead of trying to construct a systematic, ordering as philosophy, Socrates and Plato were to do, the the chaotic and pre-Socratics grasped disordered nature of the world and only attempted to cope with it, insofar as that was possible: "Pessimism is the consequence of knowledge of the absolute illogic of the world-order" (KGW3.3.74).
  • 6. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 87 In other notes from this period, Nietzsche first attributes to Democritus the doctrine that "the world [is] without moral and aesthetic meaning" and calls this idea "the pessimism of accidents" (KGW 3.4.151). In Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks (written at about the same time as The Birth but published only posthumously), he likens Anaximander to Schopenhauer and calls him "the first philosophical author of the ancients." He on to describe Anaximander as a "true and goes pessimist" quotes his only extant fragment to justify the label: "Where the source of is, to that must also to things place they pass away, according necessity, for they must pay penance and be judged for their injustices, in accordance with the ordinance of Time."14 In other words, the as Nietzsche them, pre-Socratics, interpreted grasped the animating principle of pessimism: that time is an unshakable burden for human beings because it leads to the ultimate destruction of all things?and that this fate belies any principle of order that may, on the surface, to the course of events. Of course, whether appear guide any of the pre-Socratics would have put things this way is debatable (although Heraclitus, in particular, is certainly often understood in this fashion). What is important here is that Nietzsche understood them to be doing so, that he understood the root of pessimism to be, as he later wrote, "time-sickness [Zeit-Krankheit" (KGW7.2.51). The epigraph from Weil captures the thought exactly: it is the destructive power of time that stands behind any particular cause of suffering in the world. Nietzsche considered tragic theater to be an outgrowth of this view of the universe as in flux, in the of something constantly constantly process becoming and, thus, in the process of The ravages constantly destroying. of time could not be cured or compensated for through tragedy, only understood: ... is in its essence Existence is in "Tragedy pessimistic. itself something very terrible, man something very foolish" (KGW 3.2.38). Nietzsche rejects the conclusion, popular since Aristotle, that tragedy offers some kind of purification of the emotions generated by the terrible truths of the human condition.15 He also rejects the idea that contain some sort of moral lesson meant to instruct us in tragedies ethical behavior. Instead, he argues, tragedy simply serves to lay bare for us the horrible situation of human existence that the pre-Socratic philosophers describe, a situation from which our minds would other wise flee: "The hero of tragedy does not prove himself ... in a struggle against fate, just as little does he suffer what he deserves. Rather, blind and with covered head, he falls to his ruin: and his desolate but noble burden with which he remains standing in the presence of this well known world of terrors presses itself like a thorn in our soul" (KGW 3.2.38). The tragic outlook is thus generated from a base of pessimistic It recommends no cure for the of existence, a knowledge. pains only public recognition of their depth and power.
  • 7. 88 NEW LITERARY HISTORY From the beginning, too, this view is associated with the Dionysian, "the mother of the mysteries, tragedy, pessimism" (KGW 3.3.309). The Athenian public theatrical festivals were known as the Dionysia, and Nietzsche goes so far as to claim the existence of a tradition "that Greek tragedy in its earliest form had for its sole theme the sufferings of Dionysus" (BT73).16 In Nietzsche's account, Dionysus suffers the proto typical agonies of existence inflicted by time. He is severed from the eternal flux and individuated, then torn to pieces and reunited with the whole: "This view of things already provides us with all the elements of a profound and pessimistic view of the world, together with the mystery doctrine of tragedy: the fundamental knowledge of the oneness of every the conception as the thing existent, of individuaci?n primal cause of evil, and of art as the joyous hope that the spell of individuation may be broken in augury of a restored oneness" (BT 10). Dionysian suffering is essentially human suffering. In tragedy, this is indicated by a connection between the various elements involved in the public performance of the drama. The tragic hero, to Nietzsche, simply personifies the "Dionysian state" of the chorus as a whole (BT73). The chorus is likewise "the mirror-image in which the Dionysian man contemplates himself and also "a vision of the Dionysian mass of (BT63). Thus, actor, chorus, and are all connected in spectators" public tragedy through their Dionysian character (PT165). Each is a fragment torn from the whole. Nietzsche is here but also reconstitut critiquing, ing, the traditional philological stance that the chorus represents the Greek public itself. Although he sharply attacks the original proponents of this view, he, in fact, proposes not to reject it but to modify it. He will the connection of citizens and chorus on the condition that accept only the Greek public is understood as a unique a phenomenon, "Dionysian throng," that is, as a public already infected with the pessimistic wisdom of the pre-Socratics.17 Nietzsche's conception is, then, just the opposite of the elitism it is often associated with. Tragic knowledge is not something to which only a few have access. Instead, the theater can function, on privileged tragic his account, only when the ethos of pessimism is shared throughout the demos. When Nietzsche rails against the "democratization" of taste in post-Socratic Athens, he does not mean the larger population has a natural distaste for tragedy; his complaint is only that the lower classes are to Socrates' to their particularly susceptible optimism. Appealing suffering, it has the effect of stoking their resentments against the rich. (If people were naturally optimistic, Socrates' role would be unimpor tant. If anything is "natural," it is pessimism, though Nietzsche, who eschews such terms, will only speak of it as "older and more original.") So, he writes, in a lecture on has contained Sophocles, "Tragedy always
  • 8. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 89 a pure democratic character, as it springs from the people" (KGW 2.3.17).18 Against this account of pessimism and tragedy as a kind of Dionysian wisdom, Nietzsche the new Socratic whose counterposes philosophy, characteristic feature now appears to be its optimism.19 Even while its ignorance, Socratic inquiry rejects the pessimistic idea proclaiming that inquiry, like every human activity, is ultimately doomed: "For who could mistake the optimistic element in the nature of dialectic, which celebrates a with conclusion . . . the element triumph every optimistic which, having once penetrated tragedy must gradually overgrow its regions and impel it necessarily to self-destruction" (BT 91). Dionysian Socrates does not promise eternal happiness, but he does affirm both that virtue results in happiness and that virtue can be taught?thus happiness theoretically is within the grasp of all.20 He denies that there is anything ultimately mysterious about life or inevitable about suffering: contrast with this practical pessimism, Socrates is the prototype of "By the theoretical optimist who, with his faith that the nature of things can be fathomed, ascribes to knowledge and insight the power of a panacea" (BT 97). Notwithstanding Socrates' fate at the hands of his fellow citizens, Nietzsche has no doubt that this approach, developed by Plato, was ultimately victorious in its struggle with tragedy: "Optimistic dialectic drives music out of tragedy with the scourge of its syllogisms" (BT92). Just as the pessimism of an older generation of Greeks explains the origin of tragedy, so the Socratic turn in Greek philosophy explains its demise. When the population adopted the optimistic perspective, the cultural context for tragedy evaporated (PT 161). From Nietzsche's viewpoint, this was anything but a theoretical advance. Greek pessimism had a fundamental honesty that Socratic-Platonic philosophy lacks. This in particular, he reemphasized in the 1886 introduction to The point, Birth of Tragedy. While pessimism today, as it was in Nietzsche's time, is commonly associated with ideas of cultural decay, he takes the Greek experience to indicate precisely the opposite: "Is pessimism necessarily a of decline ... as it once was in India and now is, to all sign appearances, us, 'modern' men and Is there a of among Europeans? pessimism . . .And of strength? again: that of which tragedy died, the Socratism morality, the dialectics, frugality, and cheerfulness of the theoretical man?how now? Might not this very Socratism be a sign of decline ... Is the resolve to be so scientific about everything perhaps a kind of fear of, an escape from, pessimism? A subde last resort against?truth?" (BT 17-18). The Greeks of Socrates' generation could no longer bear to live with the brutal truths of the human condition and sought refuge in an optimistic philosophy. To Nietzsche this was "morally speaking, a sort of
  • 9. 90 NEW LITERARY HISTORY cowardice . . . a ruse" Either it was an amorally speaking, (BT 18). way, active self-deception that made life more tolerable but less genuine. It was a retreat from a real look at time-bound existence to a pleasing fantasy of progress and happiness. Thus, Nietzsche concludes, it is the optimists who are the true harbingers of cultural decline. What else can we call their weakening of resolve in comparison with the stance of the earlier Greeks? Nietzsche's attack on Socrates and Plato is often taken to be a defense of irrationalism, but from his perspective it is they who have retreated from an honest assessment of the world. The vision pessimistic of the world as disordered, untamable, unfair, and fundamentally destructive is the "truth" against which they close their eyes and withdraw to a cave.21 Ill Tragic art is the organization of a small portion of an otherwise meaningless world that gives purpose to an individual existence (WP 585). It is the attempt to impose a temporary form on the inevitable transformation of the world. Since the world must some acquire particu lar forms in its art is in miniature, as it were, metamorphoses, "repeating the tendency of the whole" ( WP6l7)-only now by an effort of will. Thus, art is not an to the of existence, but rather to really attempt fight pattern shape that pattern into something recognizable, "to realize in oneself the eternal joy of becoming-that joy which also encompasses joy in destruc tion' (77110). When art assumes this it becomes "the seduction to life, shape, great the great stimulant to life" (WP 853). This is not to say, however, that such art must be "uplifting" in the conventional sense. Since joy in destruction may be a stimulant to life, even depictions of the most miserable things may be included: "The things they display are ugly: but that they display them comes from their pleasure in the ugly . . .How liberating is Dostoevsky!" (WP 821). If we can understand why an artist like Dostoyevsky, who knows that art is devoid of metaphysical value, would still want to write, then we can understand why Nietzsche thinks pessimism can result in a creative pathos. Similarly, if we can see how tragedy, the "repetition in miniature" of worldly chaos, can represent the liberating 'joy of becoming," then we can get a sense for the political productivity of a pessimistic ethic. The normal situation of an architect, I think, helps us to get some purchase on this: any sane architect must know that no building lasts forever. Built in opposition to nature but using the unstable materials of nature (as, to some extent, human structure must be), every every
  • 10. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 91 edifice will be attacked by nature so (by wind, by water, by gravity, and forth) the moment it is completed. Whatever the purpose for which it is initially designed, that purpose will someday be superseded. However beautiful it may seem when erected, it will to another set of someday, Yet, all this, architects pursue their craft. eyes, appear ugly. knowing Knowing that the universe will ultimately not tolerate their work, they continue to a small of that same universe for local organize portion purposes. The lack of an objective or metaphysical meaning for the work is no obstacle; indeed, architects often think of the generation of locally environments out of natural waste to be a a meaningful particular goal, to spur activity. then, is an ethos of a similar kind, an art of Dionysian pessimism, In it as a Nietzsche is, in some living.22 recommending life-practice, sense, the of life. But since, as he was thereby recommending practice fond of pointing out, there is really no perspective from which to view life as a whole (whether to deny or affirm it), such an assent can only be a kind of gamble or risk-taking. It is an affirmation in the dark, an approval given in ignorance. Above all, in keeping with the emphasis on the centrality of temporal experience, it is a decision to welcome the unknown future and the unseen rather than to a accept past, clinging familiar present.23 While other pessimisms (such as Schopenhauer's) also conclude that the universe has no order and human no history progress, Dionysian pessimism is the one that can find something to like about this situation: new to new version of "My way 'yes-' My pessimism as a for fearful and of beings. ... A voluntary quest questionable aspects pessimist such as that could in that way lead to a Dionysian yes-saying to the world as it is: as a wish for its absolute return and eternity: with which a new ideal of philosophy and sensibility would be given" (KGW 8.2.121). The phrase "fearful and questionable," which recurs frequently in Nietzsche's texts, is chosen to indicate what is at issue here.24 carefully The aspects of existence that we will have the greatest difficulty grasping and affirming are not the cruel and disgusting; rather, they are those so threatening to our sense of order that we have heretofore denied their very being, so that initially we find them "questionable" or "dubious." Which are these? In Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche ridicules "the almost laughable poverty of instinct displayed by German philologists whenever they approach the Dionysian" (77108). Why laughable? Because these cannot the "instinct," so to under philologists recognize speak, right their noses. The are "the of "Dionysian mysteries" simply mysteries . . . the sexual as sexuality symbol was to the Greeks the symbol venerable such, the intrinsic profound meaning of all antique piety" (77109). The absurdity of post-Socratic philosophy is ultimately demonstrated in its
  • 11. 92 NEW LITERARY HISTORY attitudes toward sex and the body. What ought to be the most obvious and immediate source of knowledge and pleasure is not merely ob scured but almost entirely obliterated. Cruelty may be condemned by morality but at least it is acknowledged; sexuality is eliminated from view through a process of "moral castrationism" WP204, ( 383). Pessimism, by contrast, puts the terrible power of sexuality at the center of tragic drama. Sexuality, not cruelty or violence, represents that part of life with which it is most difficult to come to terms. It is the most difficult not because it is inherently shameful ("It was only Christianity . . .which made of sexuality something impure" [77 109]). The difficulty lies in affirming the necessity for pain and suffering that accompanies any growth. That is, it involves admitting that we ourselves (and not just the world) are essentially flux and change, as our sexual experiences demonstrate. With its constant dissolution of ego-boundaries, sexuality is more threatening to the optimist than is the human tendency to cruelty. This violation of self?simultaneously painful and pleasurable? is the and best evidence that our own nature is as unstable and simplest tumultuous as that of the rest of the universe and that, therefore, no calculation of our best interest can ever be permanent. It is this situation that tragedy makes visible. The Dionysian is "the triumphant Yes to life beyond death and true life as collective continuation of life change; through procreation" (7/109). But this can come only at the cost of suffering, as the price to be paid for continuous rebirth: "In the teaching of the mysteries, pain is sanctified: the 'pains of childbirth' sanctify pain in general?all becom and all that the . . .All ing growing, guarantees future, postulates pain. this is contained in the word Dionysus" (7/ 109). The Dionysian is not simply sexuality (Nietzsche is not Freud); rather, the repression of sexuality represents the repression of the "fearful and questionable" as such. (Likewise, Greek tragedies are not simply sexual conflicts, though such conflicts are often at the core of them.) Accepting the necessity of pain in a life of growth and change, setting aside the goal of happiness as the ultimate aim of a human life, iswhat the Dionysian "yes" requires. To truly embrace becoming at the expense of being means to take pleasure in the suffering that accompanies the demise of whatever is. "The joy of Being is only possible as the joy of appearance [.] The joy of becoming is only possible in the destruction of the actuality of 'Beings,' the beautiful visions, in the pessimistic annihilation of illusions. [I]n the destruction also of beauti ful illusions, Dionysian as its climax" (i?GW8.1.114). joy appears The Dionysian "yes" is not a matter of taking a sadistic pleasure in the suffering of others. Rather, it is a decision to value the future over the present. To be glad that ours is a world of becoming, rather than being,
  • 12. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 93 means to be glad that things are always changing, that the future is and the away. It means detach always coming present always passing ment from whatever exists at present?something that will inevitably as callousness towards others: wisdom. in the appear "Dionysian Joy destruction of the most noble and at the sight of its progressive ruin: in reality joy in what is coming and lies in the future, which triumphs over existing things, however good" (WP417). This iswhat Nietzsche had in mind such as or eternal recurrence. Not the idea by phrases "amorfati" that we must relive the past again and again, but rather that this pattern of destruction and creation is unalterable and must be borne. And it cannot be withstood by means of faith in progress. We must learn to hope in the absence of an expectation of progress. If this sounds almost nonsensical to the modern ear, perhaps it is because we have been told for so long that progress is the rational thing to hope for. While no element of our life is unalterable, suffering is the unalter able price to be paid for changing it. It is this condition that we have no choice but to accept as a whole or to reject through the hypocrisy of In a famous note, Nietzsche embodies the two choices as optimism.25 "Dionysus and the Crucified": "The problem is that of the meaning of whether a Christian or a We can suffering: meaning tragic meaning." surely struggle to alter those elements of life within our purview, but we will still be faced with the larger question where we cannot pick and choose. One alternative is to life, and its afflictions, as a whole: reject "The god on the cross is a curse on life, a signpost to seek redemption from life." The other is to embrace life, with all the suffering entailed, both for ourselves and for others: cut to is a of "Dionysus pieces promise life: it will be eternally reborn and return again from destruction" WP ( 1052). If one the assessment of the world as a of accepts pessimistic place chaos and dissonance, one faces the choice of from it retreating wholesale or embracing it and trying to "let a harmony sound forth from every conflict" WP 852). ( IV George Steiner, as far as I can tell, did not use the term "pessimism," or its cognates, in The Death of Tragedy; but his interpretation has been characterized as pessimistic and, it must be said, with considerable as we use Nietzsche's of this term, rather justice?so long understanding than the conventional one. For Steiner's interpretation of tragedy repeats elements of Nietzsche's view. First, there is the natural important condition of disorder and flux in the world, which is expressed in tragedy: "Tragedy," Steiner writes, "would have us know that there is in
  • 13. 94 NEW LITERARY HISTORY the fact of human existence a or a it tells us very provocation paradox; that the purposes of men sometimes run the grain of against inexpli cable and destructive forces."26 It teaches us "of the bias unfaltering toward inhumanity and destruction in the drift of the world" (7)7291). As in Nietzsche, offers no for this?"the wounds tragedy compensation are not healed the broken spirit is not mended" and (DT 129)?only a controlled repetition of it. Then, there is the historical attack on this by the forces of optimism and rationality, which occurs pessimism outside the theater itself. While Steiner transposes the cultural shift that Nietzsche describes from the fifth century BCE to the seventeenth century CE, the transformation described is the same: "When the new world picture of reason usurped the place of the old tradition ... the English theatre entered its long decline" (DT 23). The culprit is not Socrates, but a Socratic Rousseau, or, rather, "The Rousseauist belief in the perfectibility "such a view of the human condition of man," since is radically optimistic" (7)7127-8). More broadly, of course, Steiner claims that it is the rise of the bourgeoisie, the commodification of everyday life, and the final victory of Christian metaphysics that diverted the West from the theater to the novel and from tragedy to melodrama. But it is the optimism that is the common root of such seemingly contrary forces as the Enlightenment, the Church, the market, and even Marxism, that us of the proper context for tragedy. deprives Like Nietzsche, then, Steiner derives from and tragedy pessimism accounts for the decline of tragedy by reference to the triumph of But what follows from this account, it should now be clear, optimism. need not be a aesthetics or Whatever Steiner's reactionary politics. intent (which I do not pursue here, though I think it has often been oversimplified), Nietzsche's "Dionysian pessimism" is the source of his most radical claims, claims that have, most to a series recently, appealed of radically democratic political theorists. Tracy Strong describes Nietzsche's as a "politics of transfiguration," and it is this theme politics of self-shaping and self-transformation against a tragic background which is the key link between Nietzsche and such figures as Camus, Arendt, Foucault, and William Connolly. Each of these writers has found in Nietzsche a portrait of energetic individuality that can be supportive of democracy while remaining distinct from the liberal assumptions that are often assumed to be a to democratic necessary complement theory. Nietzsche's does not elitism, and it does not recom pessimism require mend Instead, as these twentieth-century inheritors of Nietzsche passivity. have seen, it sanctions a of based not on an process identity-renovation on an assumption of the selfs natural integrity but, to the contrary, acknowledgment of its fundamental instability and perishability. While acknowledging limits to the human condition, this is a politics of
  • 14. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 95 more radical than most. It makes little sense, therefore, to possibility link pessimism (or pessimism-cwm-tragedy) with conservative politics. The pessimistic spirit is a restless one, unlikely to be enamored of the status quo. Relatedly, while the derivation of tragedy from pessimism does, as Steiner argued, require marking off a boundary of genre between tragedy and cathartic, but ultimately hopeful, optimistic art forms, such as melodrama, this account should not be taken to limit to a tragedy particular time, place, or (least of all) class of people. To say that not all suffering is tragedy is very different from saying that tragic suffering is rare or to cultures. Indeed, there are several reasons specific particular for thinking that the pessimistic account of tragedy, though not as limitless in its definition of the genre as others, is still an expansive one. In the first place, the insistence on the overpowering force of temporal flux means that there are no cultural conditions to permanent oppose (or foster) tragedy. Rather, it is the lack of such permanence that fosters tragedy. From this perspective, Raymond Williams is right to insist (contra Steiner) that tragedy emerges not from static belief but from "the real tension between old and new," that occurs in a something was no less negative variety of contexts.27 Though Nietzsche than Steiner on the baleful condition of modernity, he wrote The Birth at least in part because he thought the production of a new kind of musical tragedy was possible.28 And even after he lost his faith inWagner's abilities in this regard, Nietzsche continued to insist on the openness of the future and the potential for both new pessimistic art forms and new forms of life to go with them.29 When he came to classify Wagner's work as a kind of romanticism and, hence, he turned to other modern pseudo-tragic, works, such as the of and Bizet's Carmen. In the writings Dostoyevsky latter in particular, he found the "tragic joke" of our existence so well that he returned to see the his own account, no less expressed opera, by than twenty times (CW157-9). So, while the pessimistic conception of tragedy may remain hostile to works of easy there is no barrier to in redemption, tragedy's appearing our time or outside of the theater. Indeed, a pessimist must insist on the universal availability of tragic themes, if not on their perennial appear ance.30 Not only did Nietzsche believe his own philosophy was one such manifestation, but he also found writing like Dostoyevsky's to reflect, not nihilism, but precisely a pessimistic ethic. Nor should Nietzsche's labeling of Dostoyevsky (and himself) as "liberating" surprise us. Pessi mism is as much an ethic of radical possibility as it is of radical insecurity; indeed, the former is grounded in the latter. It is the lack of any natural boundaries to human character that our permits, simultaneously, capac ity for novelty and distinctiveness as well as our capacity for enormous
  • 15. 96 NEW LITERARY HISTORY we cannot have one without the other. characters cruelty; Dostoyevsky's sometimes react to this lack of boundaries with actions that are hideous, but this is due to a lack of imagination that does not, on Nietzsche's account, afflict Dostoyevsky himself. Raskolnikov does not define the condition; rather, he is its worst consequence. But pessimistic possible the effect of the book is still liberating, because, like tragedy, it alerts us to, even as it warns us about, the freedom that is our lot. double-edged Or, perhaps, instead of speaking of freedom as double-edged, we should refer to as the universal, simulta pessimistic tragedy teaching neous presence of freedom lives. To political and theorists terror in our such as Hannah Arendt, the tread the political arena idea that we "without a banister" announces both the danger of totalitarianism and the condition of possibility for true individuality. Modern fascism had demonstrated that there are no innate limits to human but our cruelty, of that fact could, allow us to reach the acknowledgement curiously, true conclusion that "with each birth something uniquely new equally comes into the world" from which "the can be unexpected expected."31 Steiner argued that Greek drama demonstrated the capricious cruelty of the world, as well as revealing the independence and humanity of those who are the victims of it. But even a social drama as and microscopic modern (and bourgeois) as Edith Wharton's The House ofMirth (or, I think, the recent film Amores Perros) has the requisite dual sense of freedom and terror. In both of these, the of individuals is most shape revealed as the social structures that them vividly support collapse? or Ajax}2 precisely as in Antigone This is not the idea that we see the "true" individual in a time of adversity. Rather, it is the view that the sources of individuality and of that which destroys individuality are the same. From this perspective, it makes no sense to ask whether the is one who tragic personage willfully themselves from their or whether are out separates society they pushed or circumstance (neither for Antigone nor for Lily Bart is by malice there a good answer to this question). To a pessimist, all of these situations arise equally from the fundamental instability of human beings and human institutions, anchorless in time. We are all equally subject to the freedom and terror of the tragic situation. And if some stories are "more tragic" than others, this is due merely to (a) the circumstance that some situations exemplify a fundamental condition better than others, and (b) our limited, but real enough, capacity to insulate ourselves from this circumstance ourselves in a life of by burying conformity. It is one of the special marks of tragedy, I think, that it often causes us to the of a safe and life, even as it question pursuit painless promises us that in abandoning this pursuit we will come to a bad end. In
  • 16. TRAGEDY, PESSIMISM, NIETZSCHE 97 the of human we will necessar enlarging envelope possible experience, ily mark a unique out path of suffering. Perhaps, instead of "sweet violence," should speak of a terror that liberates. we Among political theorists, I think it is Arendt, particularly in The Human Condition, who gives us the best image of a stance that is and democratic. It has simultaneously pessimistic, tragic, energetic, often seemed difficult to reconcile Arendt's praise for the fiercely agonistic and individualistic spirit of Athenian democracy (which, to a certain, limited degree, she saw reflected in American politics) with her critique of modern liberal institutions, as well as with her long-term historical dread of the rise of technology and the market. But putting these views in a context make sense of them. Modern pessimistic helps democracy is, to her, too often optimistic, in the sense that it values the contributions of individuals only insofar as they to contribute to a larger of historical Athenian on the other hand, process progress. democracy, lacking a sense of progress, indeed, possessed of the pessimistic belief in the absence of historical was better able to value long-term patterns, individual actions for their own sake. To her, then, it is no coincidence that Athens, the democratic city, is also the city of tragedy. For Athenian treasures, as Athenian does, the memory of vital democracy just tragedy individuals?even when their efforts came to And Athenian nothing. democracy encourages individuals not with promises of progress, but only of remembrance. Similarly, in Camus's Myth of Sisyphus we see the to translate a into an active, democratic attempt "tragic myth" political idiom. The futility of Sisyphus's task, we are told, is no obstacle to his embracing it, so long as we understand that futility is the ordinary order of things.33 Indeed, for Camus, the universality of futility is the basis for a kind of pessimistic equality of citizenship. Pessimism thus liberates us from a dull submission to a historical meta-narrative that we did not author. It insists that, for better and worse, our lives are not historical or social ties, pre-scripted by processes even as it insists that we act in a context that we cannot control and that therefore we act, in all likelihood, tragically. And yet, as "author," each of us is, like the world that we face, an with no ever-changing multiplicity or desire that is not to revision, loss, and renewal?most purpose open often, but not exclusively, through the medium of eros, which attaches us to others by the boundaries of each. Arendt is perhaps more violating true to this insight than Camus is, in insisting that every political action, no matter how individual in origin, is always an interaction with others. Tragic drama, it is said, truly began to differentiate itself from religious ritual with the introduction of the second actor onto the stage. Likewise, Arendt insists on the condition of human plurality as the starting point for all political reasoning.
  • 17. 98 NEW LITERARY HISTORY The of and then, even on an account that politics pessimism tragedy, insists on some traditional boundaries of are not at all those of genre, reaction or elitism. Indeed, democratic the tragic politics require viewpoint if they are to liberate themselves from the dubious optimistic meta-narratives of It is this element of Nietzsche's outlook, I modernity. would argue, that has so appealed to the contemporary democratic theorists whose work I have hastily described. Pessimism insists on an on the of flux and eros that equality of (tragic) condition; ubiquity frame this condition; on the and dangers that follow from possibilities this; and on the uniqueness of every individual. It does chasten politics in that it discourages utopianism; it discounts the belief either in the perfectibility of the species or of our political conditions. But to claim that it deflates our political energies in general is to mistake utopianism for the whole of politics. I have argued, on the contrary, that tragic pessimism liberates us by replacing the pseudo-natural boundaries of self and history with the terrifying limitless horizon of time-bound existence. V Schopenhauer wrote: "The life of every individual, viewed as a whole ... is and in general really a tragedy; but gone through in detail it has the character of a While I have taken some time here to defend comedy."34 the association of and of pessimism tragedy against misinterpretations its meaning, I nonetheless do not want to be understood as simply identifying the two. Tragedy may issue from pessimism, but it is not the that can do so. Even before Socrates, there was a Greek comic only thing theater, which, if my is to make sense, must also, in some argument any sense, have been in I would argue, furthermore, grounded pessimism. that we can easily find modern examples of pessimistic comedy; the first in prominence might be Don Quixote. But that argument must be the to recall the subject for another paper. Failing this, I think itworthwhile very fine line between tragedy and comedy that Schopenhauer de scribes. To him, the two genres depict the same human condition, only, we at might say, varying speeds. and then, are not one and the same. But there is Tragedy pessimism, a strong link between them that has, I have argued, been misunder stood. Pessimism is neither to ancient Greek theater nor to equivalent aristocratic It does, however, claim to describe the funda resignation. mental ontology of the human condition?one of radical insecurity and radical possibility, freedom and terror?that is the potential ground of While teaching us the limitations of time-bound life, pessimistic tragedy.