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16 June 2019 1
Interview Data Science
In Earlier Days,
A person who sacrificed his sleep,
forgot his family,
forgot his food,
forgot laughter were called “SADHU”
But now they are called…
-Software Engineer
16 June 2019 2
- Tell Me about yourself
- What is project
- Domain choice of Project?
- Domain v/s Platform?
- Project v/s Product
- learning’s of Project
- Product Company & Service Company
- Scrum Process
- Planning Poker
- Version Management
- architecture
Problem Solving
- Aptitude, Logical and Reasoning
-Top Most important Programs
16 June 2019 3
• R
• Tableau
• Machine Learning
• Statistics
• Probability
• Manager Round
• HR Round
• Snipe Assessments
• Resume Preparations
• References
16 June 2019 4
- session 1
16 June 2019 5
Tell Me about yourself
The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi
Born and brought up in Patna, Bihar, I studied in a convent school and it was around my
ninth grade where I developed a keen interest in Internet and Technology. Following my
interest, I pursued my Bachelors in Computer Application from men’s College, Patna. As
part of my curriculum, I particularly found the subjects of Computer Networks and
Design of Algorithms highly intriguing, as these subjects created in me a passion to
study the computer related courses in much more detail.
Alongside, I also started preparing for my Master of Computer Application course.
Besides my curriculum, I participated in various events pertaining to art and culture
held in my college. Talking about my profession, now I am qualified computer
programmer where I work on various programming languages such as C, Java, PHP,
JavaScript, C++, Python, Shell, Ruby, Objective-C and C#. Besides my work and
academic, I am extremely passionate about playing Guitar, which is a great stress-
buster for me.
I am very much greatful to my esteem college, faculty and supported my current
company which developed myself to effective quality professional.
That's all about myself, my quote is "Life is all about grabbing the opportunity". thank
you so much for giving me the opportunity to introduce me.
16 June 2019 6
• What is Project?
•A project is a temporary effort to create a unique product or
service. Projects usually include constraints and risks regarding cost,
schedule or performance outcome..
The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi
16 June 2019 7
Project Overview
• Domain choice of the project ?
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of
strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.-Vince Lambardi
16 June 2019 8
• Domain v/s Platform ?
Domain Platform
It is a field study that
defines a set of common
requirement Terminology
and functionality for any
software program
constructed to solve a
problem in the area of
computer programming.
A platform is a “Blue print for
the evolution of popular
software or specification.”
It depends a standard around
which a system can be
EX: Java platform
.Net platform
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale
16 June 2019 9
• Project v/s Product ?
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt
16 June 2019 10
• Project Learning’s ?
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein
16 June 2019 11
Service & Product Company
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale
“Service Based Companies are driven by customer needs. They offer services and
solutions as per customer requirements. Features of these type of companies:-
1. High pressure work environment.
2. Completing deadline is most.
3. Person should be multitasking.
4. Should be willing to become a victim of office politics for better appraisal from senior.
5. Less scope of R&D. But would be able to learn new things a lot.
Product Based Companies are driven by an idea to help different customers. Here the
main focus would be what should i do to make my product better.
Features of these type of companies are:-
1. Cool and healthy environment.
2. Better flow of thoughts. Help an individual to think out of the box.
3. Person need not be multitasker. Instead be good at its respective field.
4. Pressure is there but comparative less.
5. More job satisfaction as mind will be less stressful.
16 June 2019 12
- session 1
16 June 2019 13
• Waterfall Model.
• V-Shaped Model.
• Evolutionary Prototyping Model.
• Spiral Method (SDM)
• Iterative and Incremental Method.
• Agile development.
16 June 2019 14
Agile Methodology-Scrum Process
16 June 2019 15
Agile Methodology-Scrum Process
16 June 2019 16
Planning Poker Card
• “
16 June 2019 17
Version Management
•These are the problems source code management is intended to solve.
Effectively it is a database for source code that eases the problems of
– Multiple people in many places working on the same code
– Retrieving old versions of files
– Keeping logs about what changed in a file
– Integrating changed code
– Generating release builds
Version Management also called Version Control or Revision Control, is a means to
effectively track and control changes to a collection of related entities. The term
"Versioning" is also sometimes used but the difference is that "Versioning" typically
refers to when someone manually applies a version number or label to something
for easier communication or simplification such as "draft", "beta", or "1.0". In the
context of an information solution version control is most often used to track and control
changes to source code.
It is a very important tool within an overall life cycle management strategy for
information solutions.
16 June 2019 18
Version Management
•Centralized Version Control
A single server holds the code base Clients access the server by means of check-
Examples include CVS, Subversion, Visual Source Safe.
Advantages: Easier to maintain a single server.
Disadvantages: Single point of failure.
Distributed Version Control
Each client (essentially) holds a complete copy of the code base.
Code is shared between clients by push/pulls
Example Git
Advantages: Many operations cheaper. No single point of failure
Disadvantages: A bit more complicated!
16 June 2019 19
Version Management: GIT
•o GIT is a Distributed Version Control System.
oIt is a content addressable file system, used to track directory trees.
oIt handles all the things like merging of source code and maintaining versions.
oGIT is optimized for Complex Merges and Fast.
oIt follows Trunk Base Development.
oIt allows for code collaboration with anyone online.
oUsers keep entire code and history on their location machines
oUsers can make any changes without internet access
Linus uses BitKeeper to manage Linux code
o In 2005, BitKeeper suddenly became unavailable.
o Linus decided to create a tool with Distributed Source Management System.
o Linus Torvalds developed GIT in June 2005.
16 June 2019 20
o DIRECTORY : A folder is used for storing multiple files.
o REPOSITORY : A collection of all the files and their history organized in
folders, branches, tags.
o CLONE : Act of copying a repository from a remote server.
o BRANCH : It is a pointer to a commit(save the files).
o MERGE : Combination of one or more branches into the current branch.
o ORIGIN : The default name of the remote repository
o MASTER : It is just another branch, but is the default one which gets created.
o STAGE FILES : These are the files we have told GIT that are ready to committed.
o SNAPSHOT : In general is just the "entity" that GIT uses to store its data.
o INTEGRATORS : It can review and bring changes to reference code
asynchronously to central repository.
16 June 2019 21
16 June 2019 22
Data Platform Analytics ARCHITECTURE
16 June 2019 23
16 June 2019 24
Data Science Life cycle
16 June 2019 25
Architecture v/s architecture patterns v/s Design Patterns
•o Architecture Style
– Component-based
– Monolithic application
– Layered
– Pipes and filters
– Event-driven
– Publish-subscribe
– Plug-ins
– Client-server
o Architecture Pattern
– Three-tier
– Microkernel
– Model-View-Controller
– Model-View-ViewModel
o Design Patterns
o GOF Patterns – Creational, Behavioral and Functional Patterns
o Important one are Singleton, Factory Method, Command Pattern, Proxy and Decorator
o Database Patterns – DAO Pattern
o UI Patterns.. -
16 June 2019 26
- session 2
16 June 2019 27
•o Quantitative Aptitude
o Logical Reasoning
o Verbal
o ,
o Quantitative Aptitude
o Time and Work
o Number Systems
o Probability, Permutation & Combination
o Time and Distance
o Percentage & Ratios
o Profit & Loss
o Stock & Shares
o Race & Game of Skill
o Logarithm
o True Discount
o Banker’s Discount
o Logical
o Series Completion
o Puzzle Test
o Blood Relations
o Direction Test
o Coding Decoding
o Verbal
o Comprehension, Synonyms & Antonyms
16 June 2019 28
o 1. Fibonacci series
oWrite a simple Java program which will print Fibonacci series e.g. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ... . up to
a given number. Be prepare for cross questions like using iteration over recursion and how
to optimize the solution using caching and memorization.
o2. Prime number
oWrite a Java program to check if a given number is prime or not. Remember, a prime
number is a number which is not divisible by any other number e.g. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 etc.
Be prepared for cross e.g. checking till the square root of a number etc.
o3. String Palindrome
oYou need to write a simple Java program to check if a given String is palindrome or not.
A Palindrome is a String which is equal to the reverse of itself e.g. "Bob" is a palindrome
because of the reverse of "Bob" is also "Bob". Though be prepared with both recursive
and iterative solution of this problem. The interviewer may ask you to solve without using
any library method e.g. indexOf() or subString() so be prepared for that.
o 4. Integer Palindrome
oThis is generally asked as follow-up or alternative of the previous program. This time
you need to check if given Integer is palindrome or not. An integer is called palindrome if
its equal to its reverse e.g. 1001 is a palindrome but 1234 is not because the reverse of
1234 is 4321 which is not equal to 1234. You can use divide by 10 to reduce the number
and modulus 10 to get the last digit. This trick is used to solve this problem.
16 June 2019 29
o 6. Avoiding deadlock in Java
oThis is one of the interesting programs from Java Interviews, mostly asked to 2 to 3
years of experienced programmers or higher. Interviewer simply asked you to write code
where a resource is accessed by multiple threads. You need to write code in such a way
that no deadlock should occur. The trick to solving this problem is acquiring resources in
an order and release them in reverse order e.g. first acquire resource R1 and only if you
have got R1 go for R2. This way you can avoid deadlock.
o7. Factorial
oThis is one of the simplest programs you can expect on interviews. It is generally asked
to see if you can code or not. Sometimes interviewer may also ask about changing a
recursive solution to iterative one or vice-versa.
o8. Reverse a String
oThis problem is similar to the String Palindrome problem we have discussed above. If
you can solve that problem you can solve this as well. You can use indexOf() or substring()
to reverse a String or alternatively, convert the problem to reverse an array by
operating on character array instead of String.
o 9. Remove duplicates from array
oWrite a program to remove duplicates from an array in Java without using the Java
Collection API. The array can be an array of String, Integer or Character, your solution
should be independent of the type of array.
16 June 2019 30
• o 0. Printing patterns
o11. Print repeated characters of String?
o12. GCD of two numbers
o13. Square root of number
oYou need to write a program to calculate the square root of a number without using the
Math.sqrt() function of JDK. You need to write your logic and method to calculate the
square root. You can though use popular algorithm e.g. Newton's method.
o14. Reverse array in place
o15. Reverse words of sentence
o16. Leap year
o17. Binary search
o18. String Anagram
oWrite a program to check if two given String is Anagram of each other. Your function
should return true if two Strings are Anagram, false otherwise. A string is said to be an
anagram if it contains same characters and same length but in different order e.g. army
and Mary are anagrams. You can ignore cases for this problem but you should clarify that
from your interview.
16 June 2019 31
o 19. Design a Vending Machine
oThis one of the popular OOAD (object oriented analysis and design) question from Java
Interviews. You will be given 3 hours to design and code a vending machine satisfying
some of the business requirements. You also need to write unit tests to prove your code
satisfy those requirements. You can see this article for more object oriented analysis
o20. Reverse a number
o21. The first non-repeated character of String
o22. Finding Middle element of linked list in one pass
o23. Pre-order traversal
o24. Pre-order traversal without recursion
o25. In order traversal
o26. In order traversal without recursion
o27. Post-order traversal
o28. Post order traversal without recursion
o29. Print all leaves of binary tree
16 June 2019 32
30. Sort array using quicksort
You need to write a Java program to sort an array of integers using quick sort algorithm.
You cannot use any library method e.g. JDK or a third party library, which means, you
need to first implement the quicksort algorithm and then sort the array.
31. Insertion sort
Write a program to implement the insertion sort algorithm in Java. The program should
take an unsorted array and sort it using insertion sort algorithm Also explain the best
case and worst case time and space complexity of Insertion sort algorithm.
32. Bubble sort
Write a program to implement the bubble sort algorithm in Java. You can use basic
operators and functions but sorting functions from Java API is not allowed.
33. Transpose a matrix
34. Print all permutations of String
Write a Java program to print all permutations of a given String. For example, if given
String is "GOD" then your program should print all 6 permutations of this string e.g.
"GOD", "OGD", "DOG", "GDO", "ODG", and "DGO".
16 June 2019 33
• o35. Reverse a String in place
o36. Adding two matrices in Java
o37. Matrix multiplication
o38. Removal all white space from String
o39. Reverse a linked list
oWrite a program to reverse a singly linked list in Java. You can use iteration and
recursion to solve this problem but you should reverse linked list in place.
o40. Find the length of linked list
oJust write a program in Java to find the length of a singly linked list in one pass i.e. in
just one iteration of singly linked list.
o41. Check if linked list has loop
oWrite a program to check if given linked list has a loop or not. Sometimes a linked list
get corrupt and two nodes point to the same node, which forms the loop or cycle in the
linked list.
o42. Find the start of loop in linked list
16 June 2019 34
• o43. Find middle element of linked list
o44. Find the 3rd element from the tail linked list
oYou need to write a program to find the 3rd element from the tail of a singly linked list.
You need to solve this problem without iterating twice
o 45. Sort a linked list
oYou need to given an unsorted linked list and you need to write a program in Java to sort
them in ascending order of the values in each node.
o46. Iterative Quicksort
oYou need to write a Java program to implement quicksort sorting algorithm without
recursion. You can use essential JDK classes and programming constructs, but recursion
is not allowed.
o46. Bucket sort
oThis program is increasingly getting popular on Java interview because it sorts a given
array in linear time. Though there are a lot of prerequisite e.g. you must know the
maximum value present in the array, it is a very interesting problem from interview point
of view. You need to write a program to implement bucket sort algorithm in Java. If you
are not familiar with Bucket sort or any other linear sorting algorithm,
16 June 2019 35
• o48. Check if two string rotation of each other
oWrite a program which accepts two given String and checks if they are the rotation of
each. If they then return true otherwise return false. A String is said to be a rotation of
other string if they contain same characters and the sequence is rotated across any
character e.g "dabc" is a rotation of "abcd" but "dbac" is not. If you want to practice
more string based questions,
o49. LRU cache in Java
oWrite a program to implement an LRU cache in Java. An LRU cache means Least
Recently Used Cache which removes the least recently used element if the cache is full.
You can use LinkedHashMap to implement LRU cache in Java.
o50. Merge sort
oImplement the merge sort algorithm in Java. You can write a recursive or iterative
solution, whichever you like. You also need to explain the time and space complexity for
the best, worst, and average case.
16 June 2019 36
Data Science Imp. Interview
- session 2
16 June 2019 37
• 1. You have a data set containing 100,000 rows and 100 columns, with one of those
columns being our dependent variable for a problem we’d like to solve. How can we
quickly identify which columns will be helpful in predicting the dependent variable.
Identify two techniques and explain them to me as though I were 5 years old.
2. How would you detect bogus reviews, or bogus Facebook accounts used for bad
3. How would you perform clustering on a million unique keywords, assuming you have 10
million data points—each one consisting of two keywords, and a metric measuring how
similar these two keywords are? How would you create this 10 million data points table in
the first place?
4. Differentiate between Data Science , Machine Learning and AI.
5. Python or R – Which one would you prefer for text analytics?
6. What is logistic regression? Or State an example when you have used logistic
regression recently.
7. Which technique is used to predict categorical responses?
8. Why data cleaning plays a vital role in analysis?
16 June 2019 38
• 9. What are Recommender Systems?
10. Name and explain few methods/techniques used in Statistics for analyzing the data?
11. What is correlation and covariance in statistics?
12. What is K-means? How can you select K for K-means?
12. What is the difference between Cluster and Systematic Sampling?
13. What does P-value signify about the statistical data?
14. What is an Eigenvalue and Eigenvector?
15. During analysis, how do you treat missing values?
16. Write a function that takes in two sorted lists and outputs a sorted list that is their
union. using python and R
17. Can you explain the difference between a Test Set and a Validation Set?
18. What are the basic assumptions to be made for linear regression?
16 June 2019 39
• 19. There is a race track with five lanes. There are 25 horses of which you want to find
out the three fastest horses. What is the minimal number of races needed to identify
the 3 fastest horses of those 25?
20.You have two beakers. The first beaker contains 4 litre of water and the second one
contains 5 litres of water.How can you our exactly 7 litres of water into a bucket?
21. How many haircuts do you think happen in India every year?
22.A coin is tossed 10 times and the results are 2 tails and 8 heads. How will you analyse
whether the coin is fair or not? What is the p-value for the same?
23. Explain central limit theorem?
24.How will you prevent overfitting when creating a statistical model ?
25. Which is your favourite machine learning algorithm and why?
26. In which libraries for Data Science in Python and R, does your strength lie?
27.Tell us about the biggest data set you have processed till date and for what kind of
16 June 2019 40
• 28. What unique skills you think can you add on to our data science team?
29. Why do you want to pursue a career in data science?
30. Explain the life cycle of a data science project.
31. What are your favourite imputation techniques to handle missing data?
32. What is sampling? How many sampling methods do you know?
33. What is the difference between type I vs type II error?
34. What is linear regression? What do the terms p-value, coefficient, and
r-squared value mean? What is the significance of each of these components
35. What is an example of a data set with a non-Gaussian distribution?
36. In Python, how is memory managed?
37. What are the supported data types in Python?
38. What are the different types of sorting algorithms available in R language?
16 June 2019 41
39.What are the different data objects in R?
40. What are the different data objects in R?
41. Tell me the difference between an inner join, left join/right join, and union.
42. What is the difference between SQL and MySQL or SQL Server?
43. Tell me about how you designed a model for a past employer or client.
44. How is k-NN different from k-means clustering?
45. How would you create a logistic regression model?
46. Have you used a time series model? Do you understand cross-correlations with time
47.Explain the 80/20 rule, and tell me about its importance in model validation.
48. Explain what precision and recall are. How do they relate to the ROC curve?
49. What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning?
50. What is bias, variance trade off ?
16 June 2019 42
• 51. What is exploding gradients ?
52. Explain SVM machine learning algorithm in detail.
53. What is Entropy and Information gain in Decision tree algorithm ?
54. What cross-validation technique would you use on a time series data set.
55. What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?
56. What is the difference between Regression and classification ML techniques.
57. What are Recommender Systems?
58. If you are having 4GB RAM in your machine and you want to train your model on 10GB
data set.
How would you go about this problem. Have you ever faced this kind of problem in your
machine learning/data science experience so far ?
59. What is ‘Naive’ in a Naive Bayes ?
60.What are feature vectors?
16 June 2019 43
• 61.Explain the steps in making a decision tree.
62. What is Collaborative Filtering?
63. What is the goal of A/B Testing?
65. Explain star schema.
66. Significance of regularization parameter in regression analysis
67. Describe Why Data Cleansing Is So Critical and the Methods You Use to Maintain
Clean Data
68.Predictive power or interpretability of a model: Which is more important, and why?
69. What is the difference between a compiled computer language and an interpreted
computer language?
70. What is Bivariate analysis?
16 June 2019 44
16 June 2019 45
• 1. What are the data types used in Python?
2. Explain the difference between lists and tuples.
3. What is a Python dictionary?
4. What are lambda functions?
5. Explain list comprehensions and how they’re used in Python.
6. What is a negative index, and how is it used in Python?
7.Name some well-known Python data analysis libraries.
8.What is pandas?
9. Write Python code to create an employees DataFrame from the “HR.csv” file.
10. What is the default missing value marker in pandas, and how can you detect all missing
values in a DataFrame?
16 June 2019 46
• 11. How can you build a simple logistic regression model in Python?
12. Name a few libraries in Python used for Data Analysis and Scientific computations.
13. Which library would you prefer for plotting in Python language: Seaborn or
14. Can we create a DataFrame with multiple data types in Python? If yes, how can you do
15. Which scientific libraries in SciPy have you worked with in your project?
17. Which python library is used for Machine Learning?
18. What are the key features of Python?
19. What is pep 8?
20. How is memory managed in Python?
21. What is pickling and unpickling?
22. How is Multithreading achieved in Python?
16 June 2019 47
• 23. How are classes created in Python?
24. How to create an empty class in Python?
25.Write a program to produce Fibonacci series in Python.
26. Mention the differences between Django, Pyramid and Flask.
27. How do you make 3D plots/visualizations using NumPy/SciPy?
28.What Is The Function To Randomize The Items Of A List In-Place?
29.What Is The Right Way To Transform A Python String Into A List?
30.What Do You Know About The <List> And <Dict> Comprehensions? Explain With An
31.Can You Write Code To Check Whether The Given Object Belongs To A Class Or Its
16 June 2019 48
16 June 2019 49
• 1. What are the different data structures in R? Briefly explain about them.
2. How can you load a .csv file in R?
3. What are the different components of grammar of graphics?
4. How do you install a package in R?
5. What are the steps to build and evaluate a linear regression model in R?
6. Name some packages in R, which can be used for data imputation?
7. Explain about confusion matrix in R?
8.Name some functions available in “dplyr” package.
9. What is a Random Forest? How do you build and evaluate a Random Forest in R?
10. How would you facet the data using ggplot2 package?
11.What is a White Noise model and how can you simulate it using R?
12.What is a Random Walk model and how can you simulate it using R?.
16 June 2019 50
• 13.What is Principal Component Analysis and how can you create a PCA model in R?
14.How would you build a Scatter-plot using plotly?
15.How would you do a left and right join in R?
16.What are the similarities and differences between R and Python?
17.What are 3 sorting algorithms available in R?
18.Can you create an R decision tree?
19.Why is R useful for data science?
16 June 2019 51
16 June 2019 52
• 1. What is the difference between Traditional BI Tools and Tableau?
2. What is Interpolation and Extrapolation?
3. What are the different datatypes in Tableau?
4. What are the different types of joins in Tableau?
5. What are the different filters in Tableau and how are they different from each
6. What is the difference between a tree map and heat map?
7. What is default Data Blending Join?
8. What do you understand by blended axis?
9. Mention what is the difference between published data sources and embedded data
sources in Tableau?
10.What is Context Filter and show the steps on how to create the Context Filter
16 June 2019 53
16 June 2019 54
• 1. Difference Between Supervised And Unsupervised Machine Learning
2. Difference between KNN and K-means
3. What do you mean by Overfitting? How to avoid this?
4. What do you mean by Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)?
5. Explain prior probability, likelihood and marginal likelihood in context of naiveBayes
6. How is kNN different from kmeans clustering?
7. How is True Positive Rate and Recall related? Write the equation.
8. What cross validation technique would you use on time series data set? Is it k-fold or
9. What do you understand by Type I vs Type II error ?
10. What’s the difference between probability and likelihood?
16 June 2019 55
16 June 2019 56
• 1. Which of these measures are used to analyze the central tendency of data?
2. Five numbers are given: (5, 10, 15, 5, 15). Now, what would be the sum of
deviations of individual data points from their mean?
3.Which of the following measures of central tendency will always change if a single value
in the data changes?
4.[True or False] Standard deviation can be negative.
5. What would be the critical values of Z for 98% confidence interval for a two-tailed
test ?
6.What is the value of t-statistic?
7. [True or False] Suppose you have been given a variable V, along with its mean and
median. Based on these values, you can find whether the variable “V” is left skewed or
right skewed for the condition
16 June 2019 57
16 June 2019 58
• 1. Let A and B be events on the same sample space, with P (A) = 0.6 and P (B) = 0.7. Can
these two events be disjoint?
2. Alice has 2 kids and one of them is a girl. What is the probability that the other child
is also a girl?
3. A fair six-sided die is rolled twice. What is the probability of getting 2 on the first
roll and not getting 4 on the second roll?
4. Consider a tetrahedral die and roll it twice. What is the probability that the number on
the first roll is strictly higher than the number on the second roll?
5. A fair six-sided die is rolled 6 times. What is the probability of getting all outcomes as
6. A group of 60 students is randomly split into 3 classes of equal size. All partitions are
equally likely. Jack and Jill are two students belonging to that group. What is the
probability that Jack and Jill will end up in the same class?
7. We have two coins, A and B. For each toss of coin A, the probability of getting head is
1/2 and for each toss of coin B, the probability of getting Heads is 1/3. All tosses of the
same coin are independent. We select a coin at random and toss it till we get a head. The
probability of selecting coin A is ¼ and coin B is 3/4. What is the expected number of
tosses to get the first heads?
16 June 2019 59
• 8. Suppose a life insurance company sells a $240,000 one year term life insurance policy
to a 25-year old female for $210. The probability that the female survives the year is
.999592. Find the expected value of this policy for the insurance company.
9. When an event A independent of itself?
10. Suppose you’re in the final round of “Let’s make a deal” game show and you are
supposed to choose from three doors – 1, 2 & 3. One of the three doors has a car behind
it and other two doors have goats. Let’s say you choose Door 1 and the host opens Door 3
which has a goat behind it. To assure the probability of your win, which of the following
options would you choose.
11. Cross-fertilizing a red and a white flower produces red flowers 25% of the time.
Now we cross-fertilize five pairs of red and white flowers and produce five offspring.
What is the probability that there are no red flower plants in the five offspring?
12. A roulette wheel has 38 slots – 18 red, 18 black, and 2 green. You play five games and
always bet on red slots. How many games can you expect to win?
13. Some test scores follow a normal distribution with a mean of 18 and a standard
deviation of 6. What proportion of test takers have scored between 18 and 24?
16 June 2019 60
• 8. Suppose a life insurance company sells a $240,000 one year term life insurance policy
to a 25-year old female for $210. The probability that the female survives the year is
.999592. Find the expected value of this policy for the insurance company.
9. Suppose you were interviewed for a technical role. 50% of the people who sat for the
first interview received the call for second interview. 95% of the people who got a call
for second interview felt good about their first interview. 75% of people who did not
receive a second call, also felt good about their first interview. If you felt good after
your first interview, what is the probability that you will receive a second interview call?
10. Assume you sell sandwiches. 70% people choose egg, and the rest choose chicken.
What is the probability of selling 2 egg sandwiches to the next 3 customers?
11. What is the probability that a recruit has HIV, given he tested positive on first Elisa
test? The prior probability of anyone having HIV is 0.00148. The true positive rate for
Elisa is 93% and the true negative rate is 99%.
12. Suppose you’re playing a game in which we toss a fair coin multiple times. You have
already lost thrice where you guessed heads but a tails appeared. Which of the below
statements would be correct in this case?
16 June 2019 61
• 13 . Hospital records show that 75% of patients suffering from a disease die due to that
disease. What is the probability that 4 out of the 6 randomly selected patients recover?
14. While it is said that the probabilities of having a boy or a girl are the same, let’s
assume that the actual probability of having a boy is slightly higher at 0.51. Suppose a
couple plans to have 3 children. What is the probability that exactly 2 of them will be
15. Heights of 10 year-olds, regardless of gender, closely follow a normal distribution
with mean 55 inches and standard deviation 6 inches. Which of the following is true?
16. About 30% of human twins are identical, and the rest are fraternal. Identical twins
are necessarily the same sex, half are males and the other half are females. One-quarter
of fraternal twins are both males, one-quarter both female, and one-half are mixed: one
male, one female. You have just become a parent of twins and are told they are both girls.
Given this information, what is the probability that they are identical?
17. Jack is having two coins in his hand. Out of the two coins, one is a real coin and the
second one is a faulty one with Tails on both sides. He blindfolds himself to choose a
random coin and tosses it in the air. The coin falls down with Tails facing upwards. What
is the probability that this tail is shown by the faulty coin?
16 June 2019 62
16 June 2019 63
• 1 . What is web-scraping?
2. Why Webscrap in web?
3. What I can do with data scraping?
4. Which language should I prefer for web scraping and why?
5. What is the best tool for web scraping?
6. Can you extract data from multi-lingual sites?
7. What’s the best programming language for web scraping?
8. Can you crawl Facebook/LinkedIn?
16 June 2019 64
16 June 2019 65
Manager Round
1 Explain your Project Architecture
2 Explain the Functionality of the Project
3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Spring
4. What were the Challenges while Development
5. Advantages and disadvantages of Struts .
6. Explain the various components you developed
7. Explain the Request Response flow from front end to backend .
8. What are the Tools used
9. Which .IDE you used .
10 Which Server , Database you used .
11. Which Deployment t cool you used
12. Explain the Life Cycle
13. Were you involved in all phases of the Life cycle .
•Roles and Responsibilities
16 June 2019 66
Manager Round
•Roles and Responsibilities
What was the nature of work
2What were your roles and Responsibilities
3 Were you testing the Application you developed and was it Bugfree
4.How were the Time lines for.your tasks .
5.What were the toughest situations you faced during project work and how
you do code review
Software Development Life cycle activities .
Explain Life cycle phases of the project .
What Documentation you did and know .
What are the different types of Testing .
Did you do Unit Testing .
What was the percentage of Code Coverage was it 100 % Complaint.
Who estimated your Efforts .
Were you managing requirements on your own or were you given Requirements .
16 June 2019 67
Manager Round
What are your weakness and strong points?
Any special work you did in the project
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses? How can you overcome them?t
Where you want to see in the next 5 Years .
What were your major accomplishments
16 June 2019 68
16 June 2019 69
HR Round
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses. ...
How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ...
Have you faced any challenging situation? ...
Where do you see yourself in the next five years? ...
Why should I hire you? ...
How you define success?
Why do you want this job? ...
Why are you looking for job change?
16 June 2019 70
HR Round
•oTell me about yourself.
 Connect personal strengths with supporting exs.
Avoid summarising your resume word for word.
Align your current job responsibilities to the role.
Avoid mentioning personal information related to your marital status ,children,
political or religious views.
Highlight your personality.
Connect your skills to the job description.
Briefly mention about hobbies, intellectual, development and community
16 June 2019 71
HR Round
•oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...
 The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize
the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your
weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on
professional traits.
 For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I
sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is
detail-oriented on my team.“
 Being too critical of yourself.
 Attempting to please everyone.
 Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
16 June 2019 72
HR Round
•oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...
 The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize
the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your
weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on
professional traits.
 For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I
sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is
detail-oriented on my team.“
 Being too critical of yourself.
 Attempting to please everyone.
 Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
16 June 2019 73
HR Round
• How you feel about working late or during the
weekends? ...
• Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends.
• I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to
refresh and recharge.
• I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired.
• If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you
need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
16 June 2019 74
HR Round
• How you feel about working late or during the
weekends? ...
• Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends.
• I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to
refresh and recharge.
• I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired.
• If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you
need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
16 June 2019 75
HR Round
• Have you faced any challenging
situation? ...
• Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you
resolved it.”
•“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work,
under-performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
16 June 2019 76
HR Round
• How you define success?
To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal
implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal.
"Success means to achieve a goal I have set for myself”
16 June 2019 77
HR Round
• Have you faced any challenging situation? ...
• Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you resolved
•“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work, under-
performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
16 June 2019 78
HR Round
• where do you see yourself in the next five
years? ...
My first goal is to learn the financial structure of the company, analyze the competition,
and then develop a strategy to exceed others in the market.”
Keep your answer general.
Stress your interest in a long-term career at the company.
Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job
16 June 2019 79
HR Round
• Why should I hire you
• You can do the work and deliver exceptional results.
• You will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team.
• You possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out from the
16 June 2019 80
HR Round
• Why do you want this job? ...
•Make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform
if hired
•Understand your priorities and preferences — which aspects of the company and/or job
are appealing to you and why?
•Learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan
16 June 2019 81
HR Round
•Job is stimulating & challenging.
•Able to learn new things and develop your skill set.
•Achieve measurable results.
•Feel valued and a core part of the team.
•Opportunities to grow and progress within the company.
16 June 2019 82
Resume Preparation & Tips
•oHave you faced any challenging situation? ..
oShould have a stunning opening summary in 300
o words
oAlign the summary Industry specific
oCompetencies and Competence
oManagerial skills or Technical skills.
oMajor Accomplishments
oOrganizations worked
oScope of work done
o Education
16 June 2019 83
Resume Preparation & Tips
16 June 2019 84
Resume Preparation & Tips
16 June 2019 85
16 June 2019 86
learningattitude*discipline )notonLuckor

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Interview preparation data_science

  • 1. 16 June 2019 1 Interview Data Science In Earlier Days, A person who sacrificed his sleep, forgot his family, forgot his food, forgot laughter were called “SADHU” But now they are called… -Software Engineer
  • 2. 16 June 2019 2 Agenda •Introduction - Tell Me about yourself - What is project - Domain choice of Project? - Domain v/s Platform? - Project v/s Product - learning’s of Project - Product Company & Service Company • SDLC - SDLC - Scrum Process - Planning Poker - Version Management - architecture Problem Solving - Aptitude, Logical and Reasoning -Top Most important Programs
  • 3. 16 June 2019 3 Agenda • PYTHON • R • Tableau • Machine Learning • Statistics • Probability • Manager Round • HR Round • Snipe Assessments • Resume Preparations • References
  • 4. 16 June 2019 4 INTRODUCTION - session 1
  • 5. 16 June 2019 5 Tell Me about yourself The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi Born and brought up in Patna, Bihar, I studied in a convent school and it was around my ninth grade where I developed a keen interest in Internet and Technology. Following my interest, I pursued my Bachelors in Computer Application from men’s College, Patna. As part of my curriculum, I particularly found the subjects of Computer Networks and Design of Algorithms highly intriguing, as these subjects created in me a passion to study the computer related courses in much more detail. Alongside, I also started preparing for my Master of Computer Application course. Besides my curriculum, I participated in various events pertaining to art and culture held in my college. Talking about my profession, now I am qualified computer programmer where I work on various programming languages such as C, Java, PHP, JavaScript, C++, Python, Shell, Ruby, Objective-C and C#. Besides my work and academic, I am extremely passionate about playing Guitar, which is a great stress- buster for me. I am very much greatful to my esteem college, faculty and supported my current company which developed myself to effective quality professional. That's all about myself, my quote is "Life is all about grabbing the opportunity". thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to introduce me.
  • 6. 16 June 2019 6 Introduction • What is Project? •A project is a temporary effort to create a unique product or service. Projects usually include constraints and risks regarding cost, schedule or performance outcome.. The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi
  • 7. 16 June 2019 7 Project Overview • Domain choice of the project ? The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.-Vince Lambardi
  • 8. 16 June 2019 8 Introduction • Domain v/s Platform ? Domain Platform It is a field study that defines a set of common requirement Terminology and functionality for any software program constructed to solve a problem in the area of computer programming. EX: PLM, CRM, RETAIL A platform is a “Blue print for the evolution of popular software or specification.” It depends a standard around which a system can be developed. EX: Java platform .Net platform People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale Carnegie
  • 9. 16 June 2019 9 Introduction • Project v/s Product ? Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt
  • 10. 16 June 2019 10 Introduction • Project Learning’s ? Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein
  • 11. 16 June 2019 11 Service & Product Company • People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale Carnegie “Service Based Companies are driven by customer needs. They offer services and solutions as per customer requirements. Features of these type of companies:- 1. High pressure work environment. 2. Completing deadline is most. 3. Person should be multitasking. 4. Should be willing to become a victim of office politics for better appraisal from senior. 5. Less scope of R&D. But would be able to learn new things a lot. Product Based Companies are driven by an idea to help different customers. Here the main focus would be what should i do to make my product better. Features of these type of companies are:- 1. Cool and healthy environment. 2. Better flow of thoughts. Help an individual to think out of the box. 3. Person need not be multitasker. Instead be good at its respective field. 4. Pressure is there but comparative less. 5. More job satisfaction as mind will be less stressful.
  • 12. 16 June 2019 12 SDLC - session 1
  • 13. 16 June 2019 13 SDLC • • Waterfall Model. • V-Shaped Model. • Evolutionary Prototyping Model. • Spiral Method (SDM) • Iterative and Incremental Method. • Agile development.
  • 14. 16 June 2019 14 Agile Methodology-Scrum Process •
  • 15. 16 June 2019 15 Agile Methodology-Scrum Process •
  • 16. 16 June 2019 16 Planning Poker Card • “
  • 17. 16 June 2019 17 Version Management •These are the problems source code management is intended to solve. Effectively it is a database for source code that eases the problems of – Multiple people in many places working on the same code – Retrieving old versions of files – Keeping logs about what changed in a file – Integrating changed code – Generating release builds Version Management also called Version Control or Revision Control, is a means to effectively track and control changes to a collection of related entities. The term "Versioning" is also sometimes used but the difference is that "Versioning" typically refers to when someone manually applies a version number or label to something for easier communication or simplification such as "draft", "beta", or "1.0". In the context of an information solution version control is most often used to track and control changes to source code. It is a very important tool within an overall life cycle management strategy for information solutions.
  • 18. 16 June 2019 18 Version Management •Centralized Version Control A single server holds the code base Clients access the server by means of check- in/check-outs Examples include CVS, Subversion, Visual Source Safe. Advantages: Easier to maintain a single server. Disadvantages: Single point of failure. Distributed Version Control Each client (essentially) holds a complete copy of the code base. Code is shared between clients by push/pulls Example Git Advantages: Many operations cheaper. No single point of failure Disadvantages: A bit more complicated!
  • 19. 16 June 2019 19 Version Management: GIT •o GIT is a Distributed Version Control System. oIt is a content addressable file system, used to track directory trees. oIt handles all the things like merging of source code and maintaining versions. oGIT is optimized for Complex Merges and Fast. oIt follows Trunk Base Development. oIt allows for code collaboration with anyone online. oUsers keep entire code and history on their location machines oUsers can make any changes without internet access Linus uses BitKeeper to manage Linux code o In 2005, BitKeeper suddenly became unavailable. o Linus decided to create a tool with Distributed Source Management System. o Linus Torvalds developed GIT in June 2005.
  • 20. 16 June 2019 20 Terminology • o DIRECTORY : A folder is used for storing multiple files. o REPOSITORY : A collection of all the files and their history organized in folders, branches, tags. o CLONE : Act of copying a repository from a remote server. o BRANCH : It is a pointer to a commit(save the files). o MERGE : Combination of one or more branches into the current branch. o ORIGIN : The default name of the remote repository o MASTER : It is just another branch, but is the default one which gets created. o STAGE FILES : These are the files we have told GIT that are ready to committed. o SNAPSHOT : In general is just the "entity" that GIT uses to store its data. o INTEGRATORS : It can review and bring changes to reference code asynchronously to central repository.
  • 21. 16 June 2019 21 Architecture •o
  • 22. 16 June 2019 22 Data Platform Analytics ARCHITECTURE •o
  • 23. 16 June 2019 23 SOA •o
  • 24. 16 June 2019 24 Data Science Life cycle •o
  • 25. 16 June 2019 25 Architecture v/s architecture patterns v/s Design Patterns •o Architecture Style – Component-based – Monolithic application – Layered – Pipes and filters – Event-driven – Publish-subscribe – Plug-ins – Client-server o Architecture Pattern – Three-tier – Microkernel – Model-View-Controller – Model-View-ViewModel o Design Patterns o GOF Patterns – Creational, Behavioral and Functional Patterns o Important one are Singleton, Factory Method, Command Pattern, Proxy and Decorator o o o Database Patterns – DAO Pattern o UI Patterns.. -
  • 26. 16 June 2019 26 PROBLEM SOLVING - session 2
  • 27. 16 June 2019 27 APTITUDE •o Quantitative Aptitude o Logical Reasoning o Verbal o , answers/ o Quantitative Aptitude o Time and Work o Number Systems o Probability, Permutation & Combination o Time and Distance o Percentage & Ratios o Profit & Loss o Stock & Shares o Race & Game of Skill o Logarithm o True Discount o Banker’s Discount o Logical o Series Completion o Puzzle Test o Blood Relations o Direction Test o Coding Decoding o Verbal o Comprehension, Synonyms & Antonyms
  • 28. 16 June 2019 28 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o 1. Fibonacci series oWrite a simple Java program which will print Fibonacci series e.g. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ... . up to a given number. Be prepare for cross questions like using iteration over recursion and how to optimize the solution using caching and memorization. o2. Prime number oWrite a Java program to check if a given number is prime or not. Remember, a prime number is a number which is not divisible by any other number e.g. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 etc. Be prepared for cross e.g. checking till the square root of a number etc. o3. String Palindrome oYou need to write a simple Java program to check if a given String is palindrome or not. A Palindrome is a String which is equal to the reverse of itself e.g. "Bob" is a palindrome because of the reverse of "Bob" is also "Bob". Though be prepared with both recursive and iterative solution of this problem. The interviewer may ask you to solve without using any library method e.g. indexOf() or subString() so be prepared for that. o 4. Integer Palindrome oThis is generally asked as follow-up or alternative of the previous program. This time you need to check if given Integer is palindrome or not. An integer is called palindrome if its equal to its reverse e.g. 1001 is a palindrome but 1234 is not because the reverse of 1234 is 4321 which is not equal to 1234. You can use divide by 10 to reduce the number and modulus 10 to get the last digit. This trick is used to solve this problem.
  • 29. 16 June 2019 29 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o 6. Avoiding deadlock in Java oThis is one of the interesting programs from Java Interviews, mostly asked to 2 to 3 years of experienced programmers or higher. Interviewer simply asked you to write code where a resource is accessed by multiple threads. You need to write code in such a way that no deadlock should occur. The trick to solving this problem is acquiring resources in an order and release them in reverse order e.g. first acquire resource R1 and only if you have got R1 go for R2. This way you can avoid deadlock. o7. Factorial oThis is one of the simplest programs you can expect on interviews. It is generally asked to see if you can code or not. Sometimes interviewer may also ask about changing a recursive solution to iterative one or vice-versa. o8. Reverse a String oThis problem is similar to the String Palindrome problem we have discussed above. If you can solve that problem you can solve this as well. You can use indexOf() or substring() to reverse a String or alternatively, convert the problem to reverse an array by operating on character array instead of String. o 9. Remove duplicates from array oWrite a program to remove duplicates from an array in Java without using the Java Collection API. The array can be an array of String, Integer or Character, your solution should be independent of the type of array.
  • 30. 16 June 2019 30 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o 0. Printing patterns o11. Print repeated characters of String? o12. GCD of two numbers o13. Square root of number oYou need to write a program to calculate the square root of a number without using the Math.sqrt() function of JDK. You need to write your logic and method to calculate the square root. You can though use popular algorithm e.g. Newton's method. o14. Reverse array in place o15. Reverse words of sentence o16. Leap year o17. Binary search o18. String Anagram oWrite a program to check if two given String is Anagram of each other. Your function should return true if two Strings are Anagram, false otherwise. A string is said to be an anagram if it contains same characters and same length but in different order e.g. army and Mary are anagrams. You can ignore cases for this problem but you should clarify that from your interview. o.
  • 31. 16 June 2019 31 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o 19. Design a Vending Machine oThis one of the popular OOAD (object oriented analysis and design) question from Java Interviews. You will be given 3 hours to design and code a vending machine satisfying some of the business requirements. You also need to write unit tests to prove your code satisfy those requirements. You can see this article for more object oriented analysis questions. o20. Reverse a number o21. The first non-repeated character of String o22. Finding Middle element of linked list in one pass o23. Pre-order traversal o24. Pre-order traversal without recursion o25. In order traversal o26. In order traversal without recursion o27. Post-order traversal o28. Post order traversal without recursion o29. Print all leaves of binary tree
  • 32. 16 June 2019 32 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • 30. Sort array using quicksort You need to write a Java program to sort an array of integers using quick sort algorithm. You cannot use any library method e.g. JDK or a third party library, which means, you need to first implement the quicksort algorithm and then sort the array. 31. Insertion sort Write a program to implement the insertion sort algorithm in Java. The program should take an unsorted array and sort it using insertion sort algorithm Also explain the best case and worst case time and space complexity of Insertion sort algorithm. 32. Bubble sort Write a program to implement the bubble sort algorithm in Java. You can use basic operators and functions but sorting functions from Java API is not allowed. 33. Transpose a matrix 34. Print all permutations of String Write a Java program to print all permutations of a given String. For example, if given String is "GOD" then your program should print all 6 permutations of this string e.g. "GOD", "OGD", "DOG", "GDO", "ODG", and "DGO".
  • 33. 16 June 2019 33 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o35. Reverse a String in place o36. Adding two matrices in Java o37. Matrix multiplication o38. Removal all white space from String o39. Reverse a linked list oWrite a program to reverse a singly linked list in Java. You can use iteration and recursion to solve this problem but you should reverse linked list in place. o40. Find the length of linked list oJust write a program in Java to find the length of a singly linked list in one pass i.e. in just one iteration of singly linked list. o41. Check if linked list has loop oWrite a program to check if given linked list has a loop or not. Sometimes a linked list get corrupt and two nodes point to the same node, which forms the loop or cycle in the linked list. o42. Find the start of loop in linked list
  • 34. 16 June 2019 34 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o43. Find middle element of linked list o44. Find the 3rd element from the tail linked list oYou need to write a program to find the 3rd element from the tail of a singly linked list. You need to solve this problem without iterating twice o 45. Sort a linked list oYou need to given an unsorted linked list and you need to write a program in Java to sort them in ascending order of the values in each node. o46. Iterative Quicksort oYou need to write a Java program to implement quicksort sorting algorithm without recursion. You can use essential JDK classes and programming constructs, but recursion is not allowed. o46. Bucket sort oThis program is increasingly getting popular on Java interview because it sorts a given array in linear time. Though there are a lot of prerequisite e.g. you must know the maximum value present in the array, it is a very interesting problem from interview point of view. You need to write a program to implement bucket sort algorithm in Java. If you are not familiar with Bucket sort or any other linear sorting algorithm,
  • 35. 16 June 2019 35 Top 50 IMPORTANT PROGRAMS • o48. Check if two string rotation of each other oWrite a program which accepts two given String and checks if they are the rotation of each. If they then return true otherwise return false. A String is said to be a rotation of other string if they contain same characters and the sequence is rotated across any character e.g "dabc" is a rotation of "abcd" but "dbac" is not. If you want to practice more string based questions, o49. LRU cache in Java oWrite a program to implement an LRU cache in Java. An LRU cache means Least Recently Used Cache which removes the least recently used element if the cache is full. You can use LinkedHashMap to implement LRU cache in Java. o50. Merge sort oImplement the merge sort algorithm in Java. You can write a recursive or iterative solution, whichever you like. You also need to explain the time and space complexity for the best, worst, and average case.
  • 36. 16 June 2019 36 Data Science Imp. Interview Questions - session 2
  • 37. 16 June 2019 37 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 1. You have a data set containing 100,000 rows and 100 columns, with one of those columns being our dependent variable for a problem we’d like to solve. How can we quickly identify which columns will be helpful in predicting the dependent variable. Identify two techniques and explain them to me as though I were 5 years old. 2. How would you detect bogus reviews, or bogus Facebook accounts used for bad purposes? 3. How would you perform clustering on a million unique keywords, assuming you have 10 million data points—each one consisting of two keywords, and a metric measuring how similar these two keywords are? How would you create this 10 million data points table in the first place? 4. Differentiate between Data Science , Machine Learning and AI. 5. Python or R – Which one would you prefer for text analytics? 6. What is logistic regression? Or State an example when you have used logistic regression recently. 7. Which technique is used to predict categorical responses? 8. Why data cleaning plays a vital role in analysis?
  • 38. 16 June 2019 38 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 9. What are Recommender Systems? 10. Name and explain few methods/techniques used in Statistics for analyzing the data? 11. What is correlation and covariance in statistics? 12. What is K-means? How can you select K for K-means? 12. What is the difference between Cluster and Systematic Sampling? 13. What does P-value signify about the statistical data? 14. What is an Eigenvalue and Eigenvector? 15. During analysis, how do you treat missing values? 16. Write a function that takes in two sorted lists and outputs a sorted list that is their union. using python and R 17. Can you explain the difference between a Test Set and a Validation Set? 18. What are the basic assumptions to be made for linear regression?
  • 39. 16 June 2019 39 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 19. There is a race track with five lanes. There are 25 horses of which you want to find out the three fastest horses. What is the minimal number of races needed to identify the 3 fastest horses of those 25? 20.You have two beakers. The first beaker contains 4 litre of water and the second one contains 5 litres of water.How can you our exactly 7 litres of water into a bucket? 21. How many haircuts do you think happen in India every year? 22.A coin is tossed 10 times and the results are 2 tails and 8 heads. How will you analyse whether the coin is fair or not? What is the p-value for the same? 23. Explain central limit theorem? 24.How will you prevent overfitting when creating a statistical model ? 25. Which is your favourite machine learning algorithm and why? 26. In which libraries for Data Science in Python and R, does your strength lie? 27.Tell us about the biggest data set you have processed till date and for what kind of analysis.
  • 40. 16 June 2019 40 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 28. What unique skills you think can you add on to our data science team? 29. Why do you want to pursue a career in data science? 30. Explain the life cycle of a data science project. 31. What are your favourite imputation techniques to handle missing data? 32. What is sampling? How many sampling methods do you know? 33. What is the difference between type I vs type II error? 34. What is linear regression? What do the terms p-value, coefficient, and r-squared value mean? What is the significance of each of these components 35. What is an example of a data set with a non-Gaussian distribution? 36. In Python, how is memory managed? 37. What are the supported data types in Python? 38. What are the different types of sorting algorithms available in R language?
  • 41. 16 June 2019 41 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 39.What are the different data objects in R? 40. What are the different data objects in R? 41. Tell me the difference between an inner join, left join/right join, and union. 42. What is the difference between SQL and MySQL or SQL Server? 43. Tell me about how you designed a model for a past employer or client. 44. How is k-NN different from k-means clustering? 45. How would you create a logistic regression model? 46. Have you used a time series model? Do you understand cross-correlations with time lags? 47.Explain the 80/20 rule, and tell me about its importance in model validation. 48. Explain what precision and recall are. How do they relate to the ROC curve? 49. What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning? 50. What is bias, variance trade off ?
  • 42. 16 June 2019 42 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 51. What is exploding gradients ? 52. Explain SVM machine learning algorithm in detail. 53. What is Entropy and Information gain in Decision tree algorithm ? 54. What cross-validation technique would you use on a time series data set. 55. What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning? 56. What is the difference between Regression and classification ML techniques. 57. What are Recommender Systems? 58. If you are having 4GB RAM in your machine and you want to train your model on 10GB data set. How would you go about this problem. Have you ever faced this kind of problem in your machine learning/data science experience so far ? 59. What is ‘Naive’ in a Naive Bayes ? 60.What are feature vectors?
  • 43. 16 June 2019 43 DATA SCIENCE IMP QUESTIONS • 61.Explain the steps in making a decision tree. 62. What is Collaborative Filtering? 63. What is the goal of A/B Testing? 65. Explain star schema. 66. Significance of regularization parameter in regression analysis 67. Describe Why Data Cleansing Is So Critical and the Methods You Use to Maintain Clean Data 68.Predictive power or interpretability of a model: Which is more important, and why? 69. What is the difference between a compiled computer language and an interpreted computer language? 70. What is Bivariate analysis?
  • 44. 16 June 2019 44 PYTHON
  • 45. 16 June 2019 45 PYTHON QUESTIONS • 1. What are the data types used in Python? 2. Explain the difference between lists and tuples. 3. What is a Python dictionary? 4. What are lambda functions? 5. Explain list comprehensions and how they’re used in Python. 6. What is a negative index, and how is it used in Python? 7.Name some well-known Python data analysis libraries. 8.What is pandas? 9. Write Python code to create an employees DataFrame from the “HR.csv” file. 10. What is the default missing value marker in pandas, and how can you detect all missing values in a DataFrame?
  • 46. 16 June 2019 46 PYTHON QUESTIONS • 11. How can you build a simple logistic regression model in Python? 12. Name a few libraries in Python used for Data Analysis and Scientific computations. 13. Which library would you prefer for plotting in Python language: Seaborn or Matplotlib? 14. Can we create a DataFrame with multiple data types in Python? If yes, how can you do it? 15. Which scientific libraries in SciPy have you worked with in your project? 17. Which python library is used for Machine Learning? 18. What are the key features of Python? 19. What is pep 8? 20. How is memory managed in Python? 21. What is pickling and unpickling? 22. How is Multithreading achieved in Python?
  • 47. 16 June 2019 47 PYTHON QUESTIONS • 23. How are classes created in Python? 24. How to create an empty class in Python? 25.Write a program to produce Fibonacci series in Python. 26. Mention the differences between Django, Pyramid and Flask. 27. How do you make 3D plots/visualizations using NumPy/SciPy? 28.What Is The Function To Randomize The Items Of A List In-Place? 29.What Is The Right Way To Transform A Python String Into A List? 30.What Do You Know About The <List> And <Dict> Comprehensions? Explain With An Example. 31.Can You Write Code To Check Whether The Given Object Belongs To A Class Or Its Subclass?
  • 48. 16 June 2019 48 R
  • 49. 16 June 2019 49 R QUESTIONS • 1. What are the different data structures in R? Briefly explain about them. 2. How can you load a .csv file in R? 3. What are the different components of grammar of graphics? 4. How do you install a package in R? 5. What are the steps to build and evaluate a linear regression model in R? 6. Name some packages in R, which can be used for data imputation? 7. Explain about confusion matrix in R? 8.Name some functions available in “dplyr” package. 9. What is a Random Forest? How do you build and evaluate a Random Forest in R? 10. How would you facet the data using ggplot2 package? 11.What is a White Noise model and how can you simulate it using R? 12.What is a Random Walk model and how can you simulate it using R?.
  • 50. 16 June 2019 50 R QUESTIONS • 13.What is Principal Component Analysis and how can you create a PCA model in R? 14.How would you build a Scatter-plot using plotly? 15.How would you do a left and right join in R? 16.What are the similarities and differences between R and Python? 17.What are 3 sorting algorithms available in R? 18.Can you create an R decision tree? 19.Why is R useful for data science?
  • 51. 16 June 2019 51 Tableau
  • 52. 16 June 2019 52 Tableau QUESTIONS • 1. What is the difference between Traditional BI Tools and Tableau? 2. What is Interpolation and Extrapolation? 3. What are the different datatypes in Tableau? 4. What are the different types of joins in Tableau? 5. What are the different filters in Tableau and how are they different from each other? 6. What is the difference between a tree map and heat map? 7. What is default Data Blending Join? 8. What do you understand by blended axis? 9. Mention what is the difference between published data sources and embedded data sources in Tableau? 10.What is Context Filter and show the steps on how to create the Context Filter Tableau?.
  • 53. 16 June 2019 53 MACHINE LEARNING
  • 54. 16 June 2019 54 Tableau QUESTIONS • 1. Difference Between Supervised And Unsupervised Machine Learning 2. Difference between KNN and K-means 3. What do you mean by Overfitting? How to avoid this? 4. What do you mean by Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)? 5. Explain prior probability, likelihood and marginal likelihood in context of naiveBayes algorithm? 6. How is kNN different from kmeans clustering? 7. How is True Positive Rate and Recall related? Write the equation. 8. What cross validation technique would you use on time series data set? Is it k-fold or LOOCV? 9. What do you understand by Type I vs Type II error ? 10. What’s the difference between probability and likelihood?
  • 55. 16 June 2019 55 STATISTICS
  • 56. 16 June 2019 56 Statistics • 1. Which of these measures are used to analyze the central tendency of data? 2. Five numbers are given: (5, 10, 15, 5, 15). Now, what would be the sum of deviations of individual data points from their mean? 3.Which of the following measures of central tendency will always change if a single value in the data changes? 4.[True or False] Standard deviation can be negative. 5. What would be the critical values of Z for 98% confidence interval for a two-tailed test ? 6.What is the value of t-statistic? 7. [True or False] Suppose you have been given a variable V, along with its mean and median. Based on these values, you can find whether the variable “V” is left skewed or right skewed for the condition
  • 57. 16 June 2019 57 PROBABILITY
  • 58. 16 June 2019 58 Probability • 1. Let A and B be events on the same sample space, with P (A) = 0.6 and P (B) = 0.7. Can these two events be disjoint? 2. Alice has 2 kids and one of them is a girl. What is the probability that the other child is also a girl? 3. A fair six-sided die is rolled twice. What is the probability of getting 2 on the first roll and not getting 4 on the second roll? 4. Consider a tetrahedral die and roll it twice. What is the probability that the number on the first roll is strictly higher than the number on the second roll? 5. A fair six-sided die is rolled 6 times. What is the probability of getting all outcomes as unique? 6. A group of 60 students is randomly split into 3 classes of equal size. All partitions are equally likely. Jack and Jill are two students belonging to that group. What is the probability that Jack and Jill will end up in the same class? 7. We have two coins, A and B. For each toss of coin A, the probability of getting head is 1/2 and for each toss of coin B, the probability of getting Heads is 1/3. All tosses of the same coin are independent. We select a coin at random and toss it till we get a head. The probability of selecting coin A is ¼ and coin B is 3/4. What is the expected number of tosses to get the first heads?
  • 59. 16 June 2019 59 Probability • 8. Suppose a life insurance company sells a $240,000 one year term life insurance policy to a 25-year old female for $210. The probability that the female survives the year is .999592. Find the expected value of this policy for the insurance company. 9. When an event A independent of itself? 10. Suppose you’re in the final round of “Let’s make a deal” game show and you are supposed to choose from three doors – 1, 2 & 3. One of the three doors has a car behind it and other two doors have goats. Let’s say you choose Door 1 and the host opens Door 3 which has a goat behind it. To assure the probability of your win, which of the following options would you choose. 11. Cross-fertilizing a red and a white flower produces red flowers 25% of the time. Now we cross-fertilize five pairs of red and white flowers and produce five offspring. What is the probability that there are no red flower plants in the five offspring? 12. A roulette wheel has 38 slots – 18 red, 18 black, and 2 green. You play five games and always bet on red slots. How many games can you expect to win? 13. Some test scores follow a normal distribution with a mean of 18 and a standard deviation of 6. What proportion of test takers have scored between 18 and 24?
  • 60. 16 June 2019 60 Probability • 8. Suppose a life insurance company sells a $240,000 one year term life insurance policy to a 25-year old female for $210. The probability that the female survives the year is .999592. Find the expected value of this policy for the insurance company. 9. Suppose you were interviewed for a technical role. 50% of the people who sat for the first interview received the call for second interview. 95% of the people who got a call for second interview felt good about their first interview. 75% of people who did not receive a second call, also felt good about their first interview. If you felt good after your first interview, what is the probability that you will receive a second interview call? 10. Assume you sell sandwiches. 70% people choose egg, and the rest choose chicken. What is the probability of selling 2 egg sandwiches to the next 3 customers? 11. What is the probability that a recruit has HIV, given he tested positive on first Elisa test? The prior probability of anyone having HIV is 0.00148. The true positive rate for Elisa is 93% and the true negative rate is 99%. 12. Suppose you’re playing a game in which we toss a fair coin multiple times. You have already lost thrice where you guessed heads but a tails appeared. Which of the below statements would be correct in this case?
  • 61. 16 June 2019 61 Probability • 13 . Hospital records show that 75% of patients suffering from a disease die due to that disease. What is the probability that 4 out of the 6 randomly selected patients recover? 14. While it is said that the probabilities of having a boy or a girl are the same, let’s assume that the actual probability of having a boy is slightly higher at 0.51. Suppose a couple plans to have 3 children. What is the probability that exactly 2 of them will be boys? 15. Heights of 10 year-olds, regardless of gender, closely follow a normal distribution with mean 55 inches and standard deviation 6 inches. Which of the following is true? 16. About 30% of human twins are identical, and the rest are fraternal. Identical twins are necessarily the same sex, half are males and the other half are females. One-quarter of fraternal twins are both males, one-quarter both female, and one-half are mixed: one male, one female. You have just become a parent of twins and are told they are both girls. Given this information, what is the probability that they are identical? 17. Jack is having two coins in his hand. Out of the two coins, one is a real coin and the second one is a faulty one with Tails on both sides. He blindfolds himself to choose a random coin and tosses it in the air. The coin falls down with Tails facing upwards. What is the probability that this tail is shown by the faulty coin?
  • 62. 16 June 2019 62 WEBSCRAPING
  • 63. 16 June 2019 63 Web-scraping • 1 . What is web-scraping? 2. Why Webscrap in web? 3. What I can do with data scraping? 4. Which language should I prefer for web scraping and why? 5. What is the best tool for web scraping? 6. Can you extract data from multi-lingual sites? 7. What’s the best programming language for web scraping? 8. Can you crawl Facebook/LinkedIn?
  • 64. 16 June 2019 64 MANEGER ROUND
  • 65. 16 June 2019 65 Manager Round Technical 1 Explain your Project Architecture 2 Explain the Functionality of the Project 3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Spring 4. What were the Challenges while Development 5. Advantages and disadvantages of Struts . 6. Explain the various components you developed 7. Explain the Request Response flow from front end to backend . 8. What are the Tools used 9. Which .IDE you used . 10 Which Server , Database you used . 11. Which Deployment t cool you used 12. Explain the Life Cycle 13. Were you involved in all phases of the Life cycle . •Roles and Responsibilities • o
  • 66. 16 June 2019 66 Manager Round •Roles and Responsibilities What was the nature of work 2What were your roles and Responsibilities 3 Were you testing the Application you developed and was it Bugfree 4.How were the Time lines for.your tasks . 5.What were the toughest situations you faced during project work and how you do code review Software Development Life cycle activities . Explain Life cycle phases of the project . What Documentation you did and know . What are the different types of Testing . Did you do Unit Testing . What was the percentage of Code Coverage was it 100 % Complaint. Who estimated your Efforts . Were you managing requirements on your own or were you given Requirements .
  • 67. 16 June 2019 67 Manager Round •Others What are your weakness and strong points? Any special work you did in the project What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? How can you overcome them?t Where you want to see in the next 5 Years . What were your major accomplishments
  • 68. 16 June 2019 68 HR ROUND
  • 69. 16 June 2019 69 HR Round •oWHAT CHALLENGES ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN THIS HR POSITION Tell me about yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses. ... How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ... Have you faced any challenging situation? ... Where do you see yourself in the next five years? ... Why should I hire you? ... How you define success? Why do you want this job? ... Why are you looking for job change?
  • 70. 16 June 2019 70 HR Round •oTell me about yourself.  Connect personal strengths with supporting exs. Avoid summarising your resume word for word. Align your current job responsibilities to the role. Avoid mentioning personal information related to your marital status ,children, political or religious views. Highlight your personality. Connect your skills to the job description. Briefly mention about hobbies, intellectual, development and community involvement.
  • 71. 16 June 2019 71 HR Round •oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...  The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on professional traits.  For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is detail-oriented on my team.“  Being too critical of yourself.  Attempting to please everyone.  Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
  • 72. 16 June 2019 72 HR Round •oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...  The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on professional traits.  For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is detail-oriented on my team.“  Being too critical of yourself.  Attempting to please everyone.  Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
  • 73. 16 June 2019 73 HR Round • How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ... • Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends. • I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to refresh and recharge. • I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired. • If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
  • 74. 16 June 2019 74 HR Round • How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ... • Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends. • I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to refresh and recharge. • I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired. • If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
  • 75. 16 June 2019 75 HR Round • Have you faced any challenging situation? ... • Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you resolved it.” •“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work, under-performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
  • 76. 16 June 2019 76 HR Round • How you define success? To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal. "Success means to achieve a goal I have set for myself”
  • 77. 16 June 2019 77 HR Round • Have you faced any challenging situation? ... • Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you resolved it.” •“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work, under- performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
  • 78. 16 June 2019 78 HR Round • where do you see yourself in the next five years? ... My first goal is to learn the financial structure of the company, analyze the competition, and then develop a strategy to exceed others in the market.” Keep your answer general. Stress your interest in a long-term career at the company. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job
  • 79. 16 June 2019 79 HR Round • Why should I hire you • You can do the work and deliver exceptional results. • You will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team. • You possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out from the crowd.
  • 80. 16 June 2019 80 HR Round • Why do you want this job? ... •Make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform if hired •Understand your priorities and preferences — which aspects of the company and/or job are appealing to you and why? •Learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan
  • 81. 16 June 2019 81 HR Round • WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR JOB CHANGE? •Job is stimulating & challenging. •Able to learn new things and develop your skill set. •Achieve measurable results. •Feel valued and a core part of the team. •Opportunities to grow and progress within the company.
  • 82. 16 June 2019 82 Resume Preparation & Tips •oHave you faced any challenging situation? .. oTips oShould have a stunning opening summary in 300 o words oAlign the summary Industry specific oCompetencies and Competence oManagerial skills or Technical skills. oMajor Accomplishments oOrganizations worked oScope of work done o Education
  • 83. 16 June 2019 83 Resume Preparation & Tips •
  • 84. 16 June 2019 84 Resume Preparation & Tips •
  • 85. 16 June 2019 85 References • 2018/184 for-2018/188 analysts/ machine-learning-data-science/ data-scientists/
  • 86. 16 June 2019 86 • o CareerValuesisdirectlyproportionalto(Hard work*Commitment*Focus*Well-Planned learningattitude*discipline )notonLuckor MagicorReference. -SnipeTeam