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23 Cottage Street 
New York 
Ng64 79C 
White star line 
M73 64D 
Monday 21st April 1912 
Dear Sir/Madam, 
I am so sorry to bother you so soon, but I am afraid I must protest! After the 
Titanic plummeted I started to get extremely overwhelmed… 
During the days inauguration April 12th I boarded the famous ship: Titanic, only to 
find my journey ended on the ‘night of terror’: April 14th! 
From that entire disturbance I must earn something! 
Since my dog and husband died (on your vessel) I wish to receive money for their 
funeral, as well as a recompense for my ticket! 
Other members of the first class passengers got their money back, why shouldn’t I 
If you did pay me back a refund I will stop bothering you and you would be my 
Not only did you take life away from my most prized people/animal, you ruined 
all of my bespoke belongings (of the highest quality and extremely expensive!)… 
All I ask for is my money back, for my: dog and husband’s funeral, a refund for 
my ticket and of Course my prized possessions of clothes and jewellery! If you do 
not however, I will speak to a solicitor! 
Kind Regards 
Margret Astor 
Sammy Ruddock
Anfield rd 
L33 44M 
17th April 1912 
White Star Line 
47 High street 
N35 8FN 
Dear Sir/ Madam, 
I am writing to: complaining about the astonishing RMS Titanic 
disaster. Because I lost my money my home everything. I am 
Fredrick William Barnett I was in the Titanic boiler room. 
I will hopefully resave a new job, but if not I will be speaking to 
my lawyers and take this to court! I want some clothes and 
somewhere to stay. 
When you another ship count me in because I still won’t a job 
from you. 
In addition I need some money because my mother is ill how 
would you feel if your mum was ill and no body gave you money 
would you? 
Find me a job as soon as possible. 
Oh by the way I hope you get sewed and I didn’t tell you how 
much I want including my job money £500 and including 
How much I should have got £500. 
Yours sincerely 
Fredrick William Barnett 
Luke dyson
Men’s Hotel 
Central park 
New York 
HG23 7YT 
White Star Line 
Poll Street 
Mf56 9hg 
29th May 1912 
Dear Sir or Madame 
I am writing to complain about the Titanic, which me and 
my daughter lost my wife on. 
For one you have scared my daughter, because she had 
to watch her mum go down with the Titanic, do you know 
how I feel about that because my wife is at the bottom of 
the Atlantic Ocean. I hope you feel bad about that… 
So not only am I upset so is my daughter (who is in 
hospital) she can’t look at any pictures of her mother 
because she burst out crying. 
So I firstly wont my money back and for you to pay my 
little girls hospital bill (since you broken her arm) on that
silly unsinkable ship plus £100 to pay for all our 
belongings. So I will expect a letter back and the thing 
you owe me. 
You’re faithfully 
P.S I hope to hear 
from you. 
Mr Fredrick William Barrett 
Leoni Rothwell 28.11.14 
White Star Line 
Henry Street 
102 Liverpool Street 
19 April 1912 
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to complain about my experience on the 
Titanic during its sinking on the 15th April 1912. 
I am outraged that your crew didn’t let my personal 
maid on my life-boat.
I have lost all my clothes and my jewellery. 
If you do not repay me for my precious jewels I might 
sue you, and it will be in the hands of the government. 
In addition I had a 15 minute wait to get onto a life-boat 
and my husband was lost in our cabin. I expect to 
get a full refund on all of my tickets (£7899.99.)You 
promised us an unsinkable ship, and what do we get? A 
night to remember (a sunken ship.) 
I am very disappointed in your company and I would like 
to see improvements, I hope a plethora of people will 
expect the same. 
Yours Sincerely 
Margret Aster 
Aimee Stiff 
White Star Line Company 
331, Princess Avenue 
VW86 8QB 2, Queen Avenue 
New York 
M41 7XH 
April 1912 
Dear Sir/Madam, 
I am writing to complain about the R.M.S. Titanic’s Maiden 
Voyage. My main complaint is about the sinking. 
I paid hundreds of dollars for a pleasant and ecstatic 
journey back to New York. I took two industrious maids 
with me and one youthful strong nanny. I regretfully say 
that one of my outstanding maids froze to death on the 
Titanic. This not what a first class passenger should expect. 
Most of my belongings; diamonds, jewellery, paintings and 
clothes went down with ship. So much for the vessel being 
I am devastated and infuriated about my time on the liner 
(who wouldn’t be?) Do you know how far away Paris is from 
America? How am I supposed to get those glossy silky-smooth 
dresses back now? 
I would like a refund (plus a couple of hundred dollars for 
my dresses) and a new maid who is of the highest quality. 
If I don’t receive these things I will be forced to involve a 
solicitor. (Like I bet you have already been told)! 
Yours Faithfully, 
Mrs Margret Astor,(a first class passenger) 
Lady Mere Drive, 
M28 7DH 
20th April 1912 
RMS Titanic, 
High Street, 
NB52 7PZ 
Dear Sir, 
I am writing to complain about the appalling sinking of the immeasurable Titanic. Now I have lost 
a vast amount of money and family. 
On our arrival we were greeted by an enormous amount of chaos and queues. In that case, I had to 
wait around for 30 minutes until I finally got on the grand vessel.. 
My experience has gone down hill, extremely fast. My best collections of my beautiful gowns are 
now rewind! (Because of that disaster from the Titanic). Thanks to that I’m expecting a full 
refund and extra money to replace my precious gowns. 
If you do not plead to do so I will have to take this matter to court. 
Was your ship really unsinkable? 
Yours faithfully 
Margaret Astor 
By Mia 28.11.14
White Star Line Ellen brook Long wall 
47High Street 
Dear Sir 
I am writing to complain about the sinking of the 
voluminous Titanic. I have lost my son because of you! You 
said the ship was “unsinkable” I am scarred for life now. 
I have lost my grandma’s ring (who died 12 years ago) and 
now we have nothing to remember her by, even her 
pictures are floating around in the middle of the Atlantic 
Ocean. The experience of it left me devastated. 
Our experience went from bad from horrendously bad. 
When we were directed to the lifeboats, everybody had a 
sniggering look at me. When we were in the ocean people 
were trying to tip us over for their own survival. 
(Mostly third class passengers) 
Is this the luxury you expect from the great Titanic? It 
turned to a survival game for the people without a lifeboat. 
After our dreadful experience I am asking for my money 
back, but you can’t bring back my son though can you? If 
you don’t I will be contacting my solicitor. I want to buy a 
replica ring like my grandma’s with the money you’re going 
to give me. 
Yours sincerely, 
Margaret Astor 
PS; don’t create another ship because a whole plethora of 
people won’t buy your tickets for your cruise liner. 
(Luke Tinsley)
White Star Line Company 
61Malfest lane 
M42 3ZA 
1912 May 13th 
Ellenbrook Longwall 
Ladyhill View 
M28 7LH 
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to you to complain about the disheartening Titanic palanquin, full 
of consternation and degradation. You’ve destroyed my clothes and luggage, 
this was so post to be a nice trip worth a lot of money, but it turns into a night 
to remember. 
The issue is that I have no money left, no clothes to ware, it’s like being 
robbed! Would you be a tiny bit generous and give me all of my money back, 
also for the clothes, £2500 (now you know how much I had)! 
I was hoping for a nice a calm trip of alleviation but you couldn’t even do that! 
If you don’t give me a refund, I will try shutting you down! 
Is it really hard to have a nice 5 star holiday? 
I would be very obliged if you give me the discomposure I need, and a little bit 
more money for a house. Please don’t leave this letter on the table, please be 
philanthropic, my family in Russia are tormented (sick)! This is my last piece 
of paper, thank you! 
Also, my wife; Susan Krekorian she was also killed in the disaster and you’ve 
indisputably ruined my life! 
Yours sincerely 
Mr Neshan Krekorian 
Luke Winterbottom
White star line Bush Line 
54 Rose line, London 
Great Britain, 
3N7 9C2 24th April 1912 
Dear Sir, 
I am writing to complain about the Titanic sinking. I have lost all of my jewels and clothes. 
You promised it was unsinkable, I have lost my husband and my beautiful dresses. 
I lost all of my family: my children, my husband and my mother they all froze to death. So 
I will expect money to organise a funeral. I would also like to point out that I lost my 
wedding ring. 
I would like to suggest that you will buy me brand new jewels and top quality clothes 
from England. I want this by 30th April 1912 and they better not have stains on them. 
I expected that she was upper class, but she wasn’t (the Titanic.) 
I am asking for a lot but I lost my family and all for my stuff. 
I will get the police in to this if it does get here on time. 
You’re faithfully, 
Mrs Aster 
Isobel knapman 28.11.2014
White Star Line 
16, Liverpool Street 
H17P 6JH 
Green House 
New York 
H197 4EG 
Dear Sir, 1912 
I am writing to complain about the tragedy of the “unsinkable ship”; 
the Titanic, I was left traumatized and scared for life. 
I was the last person to leave the boiler room, and honestly we did 
everything to save her. I made sure the children and women were 
off before me, and I was last to leave the vessel. 
My dreadful experience went from horrific to traumatic as I was 
obliged to be put on a lifeboat and watch the suffering and death as 
the Titanic went down. 
Obviously I’m grateful for being put on a lifeboat, but I have no 
luggage, no food, nowhere to stay and no job. 
It would be most appreciated to have my luggage and 
accommodation all FULLY compensated. Am I asking for too much? 
Yours Gratefully,
Mr. Fredrick William 
(PS. If you don’t comply, expect I shall take this matter to court.) 
By Haydn Owen 
Transberry Flat, 
25 Hedge Street, 
New York, 
PM29 6AD 
White Star Line, 
96 Crumpet Road, 
Head Manager, 
NS48 7PQ 
18th April 1912 
Dear Sir/ Madam, 
I am writing to complain about the tragic, anguished loss of the disastrous, heart-wrenching Titanic. I 
despise the fact that I have lost yet another well-paying job, (not for my fault, again,) and I didn’t get a 
single flipping penny for it! You will never guess what I have to survive on a desperately destitute day: A 
single slice of burnt toast, gooey out-of-date jam, begrimed water and ½ a bowl of peanuts with no salt 
on, (and that’s just because they’re free!!!)
On my abhorrent arrival, there was nowhere to turn; I was so discombobulated, so I was forced to beg. I 
managed to rent a diabolical flat that had a putrid smell of rotten eggs and a sinister pong that I can’t put 
my finger on; also, the floor is diseased with loathsome, ghastly toadstools. That’s the best someone like 
me can do!! 
Solicitors will be involved if you don’t: double my hard working pay plus the money I lost ($583.78,) and 
find me a new decent job, (except for working on a ship.) If only you had been there, then you would have 
been scared for your luxurious life as well. 
You don’t usually get that monstrous disaster from a 10 star majestic vessel, do you?! I am outraged! 
I am looking forward to getting my reasonable wishes, 
Yours truly, 
MR. F W Barret (your ex-employee) 
(PS. return my diamond brooch as well. If not £100 to replace it; not including the other £583.78) 
Huntington Lane 
New York City 
N06 57S 
18th May 1912 
White Star Line 
Parting road 
M28 94X 
Dear Sir, 
I am writing to complain about my appalling journey to New York City, on 
your vessel. 
Fortunately, I survived the mishap, but the plethora of other people that 
didn’t is most horrific. Also I am still mourning for the loss of my luggage; 
and my husband. 
My experience, after the collision, was damaging, and now I will be 
scarred for life. I am still in anguish a month later. 
All my valuable belongings were from the finest tailors, mainly Saville 
Rowe in London, which I would assume; you at least give me $100,000 to 
try and re-establish most things.
The so called ‘unsinkable’ Titanic is now lying at the bottom of the 
Atlantic Ocean (with my beloved husband). 
In return I would expect, not only the $100,000, which I will accept in a 
cheque, but also my ticket money. If I do not receive the money I am 
willing to sue your company, which I don’t think you would like, would 
Yours Faithfully, 
Isabelle Barlow 28.11,14 
White Star Line Ellenbrook 
Liverpool Longwall 
M72 7XJ Friday 21 2014 
Dear Sir, 
I’m complaining about the Titanic plummeting to the bottom of the 
ocean with my luggage on it. It was appalling. I paid £870 for a 
five star ride to New York but instead I paid for nearly my death. 
The ship was sinking, we were mortified. Five star? More like one 
star, I demand everything that was in my suitcase back 
and my money back also I want more money for the 
stress that I’m in.
The captain; J.Smith wasn’t that helpful when it was sinking, I said 
to him “what should I do?” 
He didn’t say anything he just strolled away. 
If that’s what a five star vessel is like I’m never ever going on one 
ever again. 
It’s the antithesis of fortuitousness to go on that dreadful boat. 
Yours sincerely, 
Margaret Astor 
(Jacob Green) 
King’s hotel By Gabriel Raven 
Times Square on 28.11.2014 
New York in Year 6 ICT 
28th May 1912 
White Star Line 
1264 LNO
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to complain about the loss of my wife’s life, and my overall 
awful experience on the R.M.S Titanic, (Which is supposed to be 
The ship jolted as it hit the iceberg and made for a horrible aftermath, (that I 
had to watch) the screaming, the dieing. But my wife, Victoria, died in agony 
that unfortunate night. Her death is your fault; fortunately I have a new 
occupation, which should hopefully make up for the waste of my money (£ 
If you could do me the grisly honour of collecting my wife’s frozen corpse 
from the floor of the Atlantic I would be more than pleased. But if you 
refuse I will throw my self off of my hotel balcony. Please don’t make me. 
Yours sincerely, 
Mr. Neshan Krokorian. 
(Please reply) 
P.S; Better luck next time. (With your ship I mean). 
Honey suckle 
Bush lane, 
Little Bytham, 
New York, 
18th January 1914 
White star line, 
42 High Street, 
Lang field,
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to complain about the astonishing standard of health, safety and service. 
I booked a ticket for the journey dated 5th December 1912. 
On my and the crew’s arrival there was nobody to greet us, and I thought that was a 
little bit rude. Furthermore the ship sank, now I am very grateful for the B& B, but 
next time don’t get people’s hopes up that it isn’t unsinkable. 
In addition my experience of being on a sinking ship is horrendous. I would be very 
grateful if you could offer me a new job, and even a bigger wage, is this the standard 
working class people should expect .How would you respond if you lost your jacket 
and your new shiny case. 
If I see or hear about a tragic moment again I will get on the angry side, because the 
people who came on the Titanic are most probably together at the bottom of the 
Atlantic Ocean. 
As having the experience on a sinking ship, and nearly wasting my life. I shall be 
getting on the phone, if I don’t get a letter back. 
Yours faithfully 
Mr Fredrick William Barrett 
Sophia Doherty 28.11.14 
White Star Line 
47, High Street 
Queens Town 
NG35 8FN 
The Grand House 
Copthorne Street 
New York 
NG34 6DH 
28th May 1912
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to complain about losing all of my possessions on 
board the RMS Titanic. I find it appallingly disgraceful that this 
ship has sunk (and people thought it was unsinkable!) because I 
brought all of my belongings with me, and they are now lost at the 
bottom of the ocean. 
Firstly, I was unimpressed on how I was treated while boarding 
the Titanic. This is because I was not shown to my room, but was 
directed. And not very well either, because I soon got lost. And 
when I did find the room, I was not pleased with the layout. But 
back to the sinking! Secondly I lost some very valuables’ that have 
been in my family for centuries. Lastly, your staff told my wife to 
not get into my lifeboat because it was full. And as a result, she 
went down with the ship. 
What I would like you to do is give me a refund. I am partly sad 
about the Titanic sinking, but mostly about losing my belongings 
and my wife! 
If you don’t at least give me a refund, I will be seeking legal advice 
about you. And this may just go to court! 
Just think that you created one of the grandest ships in history, do 
you really think that it would be grand behaviour if you did not 
help me? 
Yours Faithfully, 
Neshan Krekorian 
Mulberry Cottage 
Cranberry Lane 
Long Lane 
L74 6JM 
20th April 1912 
RMS Company 
Rosemary Lane 
I 27 3NJ 
Dear Sir, 
I’m writing to complain about my loss of money, family, dog and butler. 
My husband, Edward froze in the Atlantic Ocean; do you understand 
how much pain I’m in? Even my little corgi Rose drowned; she’s at the 
bottom of the sea. I’m not terribly impressed with your customer 
So much for the ship being ‘unsinkable’, my life was at risk- I could have 
died on that terrible day. I’m trying to say that I’m in great pain, now 
I’ll never be the same after that long night. How can I live when you 
monsters murdered my husband, what is the point of life because of 
Look at yourselves aren’t you proud of what you’ve done, my husband, 
head of a bank (the bank where your money is stored) dead. Think 
about how much ‘more’ money you could lose. 
Now I’m asking you to refund every penny that was on your ship, plus 
extra for a new dog and a funeral for Edward and Rose. If you don’t 
then I will sue your company for killing my husband and dog. 
Thank you for reading this letter, I hope you take this into your deepest 
thoughts, and your most needed thing to do. 
Yours Sincerely 
Margaret Astor 
By Livia Blackwood 28.11.14 
White Star Line Company 
19, Bay Hill 
NPG3 1ZQ VQ96 12Z, 
6, Floance 
2 7 th 
November 1912 
Dear White Star Lines, 
I am complaining about my treasures that were lost when the Titanic 
went down. 
My jewellery, my husband and my waiter were lost in the sea, when 
your ‘unsinkable’ ship went down last week. 
I am very upset about losing my treasures. I really want my money 
back and my jewellery back with additional jewels quick!! (which is 
While I was on the Titanic hardly anybody greeted me or opened my 
door, except for my waiter Jenny (who died.) 
You can never re-place my husband, but I would like you to pay for 
his funeral money which is probably going to be £15000. 
Is this the standard which I deserve from a ‘5’ star ship? 
I have a plethora of complains but these are the main ones. 
I’m looking forward to seeing your letter back!!
Your sincerely 
Margaret Astor. 
PS: Your ship was rubbish by the way  ! 
Oliver. H 
White Star Line Company 
86,New Maya, 
H N 36 GNG 
Manchester Road 
Little Hood, 
New Your, 
Middle Kingdom, 
E M 10 5 J 6 
April 22nd 1912 
Dear Sir/Madam, 
I am writing to complain about the appalling incident aboard 
R.M.S Titanic. It was suppose to be unsinkable. I lost all of my 
photos off my family and now they are at the bottom of the 
Atlantic Ocean. 
I just wanted a new life for me and my wife. I hope your are 
going to do something about your ships or I will not go on your 
ships ever aging. 
I lost all of my clothes so I have to wear these clothes 
everyday. I lost my passport so I can not go anywhere and 
worst of all lost all of my money as well. 
I want all of my clothes back infect I want more as well. I want 
£200 form my wife’s funeral and I want £140 for my ticket, I
want a new passport and If you don’t give me everything then 
I will hire a lower and sew you for everything you have got. 
Yours sincerely 
Neshan Krekoian. 
Eugene Mulroy 
Pasely Manor 
Rittle Lane 
19th April 1912 
White Star-Line Company 
21 Prim Highroad 
New York 
Dear Mr Ismay, 
I am solemnly complaining about the frantic night I had aboard the Titanic- your ‘Ship’ scared me for 
life, during my stay on the Titanic, during the week commencing 10th April 1912, which I booked. 
During this matter all my finery was lost, I am now in an appalling state: No clothes (except the ones that 
I wore when she sank) Money, got none. Not to mention my sister has a baby, he has a critical cold- if he 
were to die I would have to go into legal advice/a doctor to see what caused this matter- perhaps because 
of cold? 
Devastated, am I at this, of course! As this really isn’t your bog-standard ship, the money I spent to have 
a glorious time, nearly paid for my death! 
Is this really what the ‘Unsinkable’ Titanic gives us? Should I just accept? That relatives were lost, you 
can never bring them back! To soothe the pain I would like my jewels to be returned, will that be do-able? 
I am feeling emotionally abused, about people that died; and I will question your authority on this, was 
there enough life-boat? 
Last year I had bespoke designer pieces prepared from every continent, can you comprehend how much 
that costs? If so you’ll have the sense to realize that a refund is not enough, especially as I have lost 
something irreplaceable… 
As recompense, I shall have all my jewellery added up exactly to expense-fortunately I had ‘some’ 
money in my clutch-bag, but the rest I expect in a re-fund. As I said my nephew’s ill, my finery lost- I’m 
insulted. You thought your ship was ‘unsinkable’; it sank!
Yours faithfully 
Miss Astor 
Mere Drive 
White Star Line Company 
VWP4 37A 
21st November 1912 
Dear Sir/Madame ,
I am writing to you to complain about the Titanic sinking because, I 
lost all of my belongings and had to start from scratch, (this was 
People said that the vessel is ‘unsinkable ’, and when we were told 
that the ship was sinking, our room was almost full of water! When I 
asked the captain a question he just turned around and walked 
away, which was disrespectful. 
I expected that all of the crew would apologize - the captain as 
After that dreadful loss I demand to get all of my equipment back, 
eg; expensive clothes and shoes etc. Or you could just give me 
1,000,000 pounds instead because; I had a lot of properties in there 
that reminded me of my family who are dead. Plus all of my 
EXSPENSIVE clothes from the finest boutique shops from Paris 
and Berlin!!! 
Kind regards 
Margaret Astor M.Astor 
Ben C. 
White Star Company 
59 High Street 
Belfast 4 Elmtree lane 
B58 1ST New York 
N64 5AC
ber 1912 
Dear Sir, 
I am writing to complain about the loss of my luggage on the Titanic. 
(It was the Unsinkable Titanic.) 
I can’t believe such a beautiful ship, like the Titanic, killed so many 
people. It was an atrocious experience; I have spent a plethora of time 
purchasing myself with clothes, which has misused my money. 
I also lost my husband in the appalling incident; he can never be 
replaced, (but you can replace my clothes and jewellery.) 
Most of my clothes were bespoke for me! I had five dresses made from 
the finest designers in Paris. All I ask is the money to go back to Paris, 
and reclaim my belongings. 
Do you really think people will go on one of your vessels again? 
I want money for my husband’s funeral, and the right kind of clothing 
for my class. If not I’m sure I could keep my eyes open for a solicitor. 
Yours faithfully 
Mrs M.Astor 
Anna 28.11.14 
Hotel Liberty 
Skies Lane 
New York
White Star Line 1QU4 7AB 
Darth Street 21ST May 1912 
NF85 3GN 
Dear White Star Line, 
I am writing to complain about the unspeakable ‘Titanic’ 
disaster. I was a worker on the vessel and only just 
As a result of what happened, I think that I should get 
compensated. It has scared me for life, and I almost died! I 
bring home all the money for my family; so who will pay for 
them now I’ve lost my job. 
It’s only fair that I get some money and transport back to 
Liverpool. Not only did I almost die and lost wonderful 
friends, I was supposed to go home to my family on the 
How must my family feel, having their son injured and 
almost killed? If nothing happens I will be speaking to my 
legal representative (not a cheerful man!). 
That is all I have to say about this and I hope to hear from 
you soon. 
Yours sincerely 
Fredrick Barrott Amy Doyle 
Barry hotel 
Eye lain 
New York
28th May 1912 
White star line 
M28 234 
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to complain about the appalling service of the R.M.S.Titanic. You 
said that she was unsinkable, you lied. 
The food was not to my standards and I got lost on the way to my room. 
My experience went from bad to worse, I wasn’t in the first lifeboat, I lost my 
husband and my boy because one of your officers shot him to keep them calm. Did 
they look calm to you? When I finally got in a lifeboat I had a horrible sight of 
the Titanic going down, I could hear the shrieks of pain and death .I am scarred for 
Is this the kind of service I should expect for a 1st class passenger? 
I expect NOT . This is the kind of service I expect for a working class. So why 
should I get it from you? 
I would be ever so grateful if you could get me all the top-prised jewellery, dresses 
and food, if you don’t I will report you and leave it to the government. It’s your 
dissection, send me the things I want or tell it to the government. 
Yours sincerely 
Honey Suckle 
Needle Lane 
White Star Line M28 7XG
47, High Street 
NG3 9FS 
Dear Sir, 
I am writing to complain about the appalling state you left me and my 
husband in during the Titanic disaster (14th April 1912); which my husband 
and I booked. 
On our arrival considering we were 1st class passengers we were treated like 
slaves from Alford, “Who do you think we are?” Some 1st class passengers 
were very quite rude, even the plethora of foods weren’t up to our 
I am writing to complain about the disgraceful collision, 
Our when experience I was went travelling from bad 1st to worse, Class when (to New the word York) finally on spread the 
to us 
that “Unsinkable” the “unsinkable” Titanic. 
Titanic was about to sink, there were only 4 life-boats 
left and they could only fit me in, not my husband. Unfortunately that was 
the last time I ever saw my beloved husband, (I shall be scarred for life!). 
If Do you you are thinking think I of deserved setting another that White horrific Star Line shock? 
Ship to sail then I 
suggest you think again, because you don’t want another ‘unsinkable ship’ 
sat at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, do you? 
Referring to this tragic incident that happened, if you could do me this one 
favour, of giving me a refund that would be highly appreciated. Should you 
not comply with this request then I shall be seeking legal advice. 
Yours Faithfully 
Charlotte Butler 28.11.14 
To make matters worse, when I got to New York, husband-less, 
my lives worth of fortune was lost and I had to make 
What state do you want to put 1st Class passengers in? 
Whilst on the “best ship in the world” I had to wait a 
whole 55 minutes to be put onto a lifeboat! 
You should be ashamed, making a woman like me wait. 
I could go on but it’s too agonizing to put pen to paper 
about; when I got to New York I had to acquire $500 
worth of garments that I lost. 
I would like you to compensate the loss of my money 
($1565 because of my husband and my belongings and 
diamond jewellery set.) 
12 Honeysuckle Cottage 
Bush Lane 
Little Grantham 
Dear Sir or Madam, 
my home in a 1 star hotel. 
White-Star Line Company 
17 Maple Road 
M37 49G 
Whilst on the “best ship in the world” I had to wait a 
whole 55 minutes to be put onto a lifeboat! 
Should you not comply with this request, I shall be 
contacting the over-seas travel directors.
NG34 6DH 
23th April 1912 
Ainly Bridge Mansion, 
Ping Whiff Lane, 
New York, 
Z12 A11
White Star Line, 
12 Fortune Street, 
Belfast, March 11th 1913 
9BC2 34G 
Dear Sir/Madam 
I’m writing angrily today to complain about the Titanic’s first voyage, and as everyone 
in the world knows it sunk! I’m Miss Margaret Astor, It has scared me for life, I will 
never go on a ship again- ‘Unsinkable’ really? 
I lost my dog who was new and I wanted him to go on the titanic for pleasure and 
comfort but not for fear and death. I also lost all of my helpful butcher and servants, 
who were really nice and if you had met them you would regret the ship sinking. There’s 
not only that, I also lost my only picture of my mother who died of cancer 3 years ago, 
dreadfully I lost all my amazing, comfy clothes and hats, so now I’m left with just one 
pair of each. 
Frantically I would like you to buy me 100 more hats (not caps), 20 more dresses, a 
dog (chiwawa), 11 helpful butchers and servants and get my picture from the sea of my 
dead mother if possible. I know you wouldn’t like it so why make other people go 
through it? 
I thought I would get to New York safely; not in a life boat! 
If you don’t give me what j want I will call the best council in New York City and they 
will get the cops into it! I want it all. 
Yours faithfully, 
Miss Margaret Astor 
P.S- Make it as soon as soon as possible! 
By Heidi Wild 
Loo Lu Kanvian House 
Candy Lane 
New York
M7654 GH 
20th March 1912 
White Star Line 
50 High Street 
Dear Sir or Madame 
I am writing to complain about the horrible experience of the Titanic, when all my jewels and 
valuables went down with it! 
I bet you knew it was going to sink, and now we have hardly any clothes to wear, and I and my 
daughter have lost all of our valuables, which were so important to us, like our dresses! Also, 
when we were waiting to board the ship it took 15-30 minutes to get on probably because you were 
all messing about with the dirty third class. 
Also that was mine and my daughter’s first time going on a ship because we’re so scared 
discouraged that it might sink and now we’re definitely discouraged! Not forgetting one of my 
daughters I lost because of another ship like yours! You said it was unsinkable when it 
(SANK) well think again because it sank didn’t it! That was turning into mine and my 
daughter’s best holiday but now it’s a nightmare stuck in my head! 
So I want you to give my money back, more sumptuous clothes including a new free house and 
it’s got to be big, with furniture in! Also I’m sure other people will think the same. 
Yours faithfully 
Margaret. Astor P. S if you don’t get these I’ll call a Loyer! 
(Alex W)

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Whole class of letters complaint nov2014

  • 1. 23 Cottage Street New York America Ng64 79C White star line Liverpool England M73 64D Monday 21st April 1912 Dear Sir/Madam, I am so sorry to bother you so soon, but I am afraid I must protest! After the Titanic plummeted I started to get extremely overwhelmed… During the days inauguration April 12th I boarded the famous ship: Titanic, only to find my journey ended on the ‘night of terror’: April 14th! From that entire disturbance I must earn something! Since my dog and husband died (on your vessel) I wish to receive money for their funeral, as well as a recompense for my ticket! Other members of the first class passengers got their money back, why shouldn’t I If you did pay me back a refund I will stop bothering you and you would be my hero! Not only did you take life away from my most prized people/animal, you ruined all of my bespoke belongings (of the highest quality and extremely expensive!)… All I ask for is my money back, for my: dog and husband’s funeral, a refund for my ticket and of Course my prized possessions of clothes and jewellery! If you do not however, I will speak to a solicitor! Kind Regards Margret Astor Sammy Ruddock
  • 2. Anfield rd Liverpool, England, L33 44M 17th April 1912 White Star Line 47 High street Liverpool N35 8FN Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing to: complaining about the astonishing RMS Titanic disaster. Because I lost my money my home everything. I am Fredrick William Barnett I was in the Titanic boiler room. I will hopefully resave a new job, but if not I will be speaking to my lawyers and take this to court! I want some clothes and somewhere to stay. When you another ship count me in because I still won’t a job from you. In addition I need some money because my mother is ill how would you feel if your mum was ill and no body gave you money would you? Find me a job as soon as possible. Oh by the way I hope you get sewed and I didn’t tell you how much I want including my job money £500 and including How much I should have got £500. Yours sincerely Fredrick William Barnett Luke dyson
  • 3. Men’s Hotel Central park New York HG23 7YT White Star Line Poll Street Liverpool Mf56 9hg 29th May 1912 Dear Sir or Madame I am writing to complain about the Titanic, which me and my daughter lost my wife on. For one you have scared my daughter, because she had to watch her mum go down with the Titanic, do you know how I feel about that because my wife is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. I hope you feel bad about that… So not only am I upset so is my daughter (who is in hospital) she can’t look at any pictures of her mother because she burst out crying. So I firstly wont my money back and for you to pay my little girls hospital bill (since you broken her arm) on that
  • 4. silly unsinkable ship plus £100 to pay for all our belongings. So I will expect a letter back and the thing you owe me. You’re faithfully P.S I hope to hear Back from you. Mr Fredrick William Barrett Leoni Rothwell 28.11.14 White Star Line Henry Street 102 Liverpool Street London Liverpool 19 April 1912 M287KL Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about my experience on the Titanic during its sinking on the 15th April 1912. I am outraged that your crew didn’t let my personal maid on my life-boat.
  • 5. I have lost all my clothes and my jewellery. If you do not repay me for my precious jewels I might sue you, and it will be in the hands of the government. In addition I had a 15 minute wait to get onto a life-boat and my husband was lost in our cabin. I expect to get a full refund on all of my tickets (£7899.99.)You promised us an unsinkable ship, and what do we get? A night to remember (a sunken ship.) I am very disappointed in your company and I would like to see improvements, I hope a plethora of people will expect the same. Yours Sincerely Margret Aster Aimee Stiff 28/11/14 White Star Line Company 331, Princess Avenue Liverpool
  • 6. England VW86 8QB 2, Queen Avenue New York America M41 7XH 24th April 1912 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about the R.M.S. Titanic’s Maiden Voyage. My main complaint is about the sinking. I paid hundreds of dollars for a pleasant and ecstatic journey back to New York. I took two industrious maids with me and one youthful strong nanny. I regretfully say that one of my outstanding maids froze to death on the Titanic. This not what a first class passenger should expect. Most of my belongings; diamonds, jewellery, paintings and clothes went down with ship. So much for the vessel being unsinkable! I am devastated and infuriated about my time on the liner (who wouldn’t be?) Do you know how far away Paris is from America? How am I supposed to get those glossy silky-smooth dresses back now? I would like a refund (plus a couple of hundred dollars for my dresses) and a new maid who is of the highest quality. If I don’t receive these things I will be forced to involve a solicitor. (Like I bet you have already been told)! Yours Faithfully, Mrs Margret Astor,(a first class passenger) (ALICE TAYLOR)
  • 7. Ellenbrook, Lady Mere Drive, Manchester, England M28 7DH 20th April 1912 RMS Titanic, High Street, Southampton, Liverpool, England NB52 7PZ Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about the appalling sinking of the immeasurable Titanic. Now I have lost a vast amount of money and family. On our arrival we were greeted by an enormous amount of chaos and queues. In that case, I had to wait around for 30 minutes until I finally got on the grand vessel.. My experience has gone down hill, extremely fast. My best collections of my beautiful gowns are now rewind! (Because of that disaster from the Titanic). Thanks to that I’m expecting a full refund and extra money to replace my precious gowns. If you do not plead to do so I will have to take this matter to court. Was your ship really unsinkable? Yours faithfully Margaret Astor By Mia 28.11.14
  • 8. White Star Line Ellen brook Long wall 47High Street London NG358FN Dear Sir I am writing to complain about the sinking of the voluminous Titanic. I have lost my son because of you! You said the ship was “unsinkable” I am scarred for life now. I have lost my grandma’s ring (who died 12 years ago) and now we have nothing to remember her by, even her pictures are floating around in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The experience of it left me devastated. Our experience went from bad from horrendously bad. When we were directed to the lifeboats, everybody had a sniggering look at me. When we were in the ocean people were trying to tip us over for their own survival. (Mostly third class passengers) Is this the luxury you expect from the great Titanic? It turned to a survival game for the people without a lifeboat. After our dreadful experience I am asking for my money back, but you can’t bring back my son though can you? If you don’t I will be contacting my solicitor. I want to buy a replica ring like my grandma’s with the money you’re going to give me. Yours sincerely, Margaret Astor PS; don’t create another ship because a whole plethora of people won’t buy your tickets for your cruise liner. (Luke Tinsley)
  • 9. White Star Line Company 61Malfest lane Liverpool M42 3ZA 1912 May 13th Ellenbrook Longwall Ladyhill View M28 7LH Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to complain about the disheartening Titanic palanquin, full of consternation and degradation. You’ve destroyed my clothes and luggage, this was so post to be a nice trip worth a lot of money, but it turns into a night to remember. The issue is that I have no money left, no clothes to ware, it’s like being robbed! Would you be a tiny bit generous and give me all of my money back, also for the clothes, £2500 (now you know how much I had)! I was hoping for a nice a calm trip of alleviation but you couldn’t even do that! If you don’t give me a refund, I will try shutting you down! Is it really hard to have a nice 5 star holiday? I would be very obliged if you give me the discomposure I need, and a little bit more money for a house. Please don’t leave this letter on the table, please be philanthropic, my family in Russia are tormented (sick)! This is my last piece of paper, thank you! Also, my wife; Susan Krekorian she was also killed in the disaster and you’ve indisputably ruined my life! Yours sincerely Mr Neshan Krekorian Luke Winterbottom
  • 10. White star line Bush Line 54 Rose line, London Worley, Great Britain, 3N7 9C2 24th April 1912 Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about the Titanic sinking. I have lost all of my jewels and clothes. You promised it was unsinkable, I have lost my husband and my beautiful dresses. I lost all of my family: my children, my husband and my mother they all froze to death. So I will expect money to organise a funeral. I would also like to point out that I lost my wedding ring. I would like to suggest that you will buy me brand new jewels and top quality clothes from England. I want this by 30th April 1912 and they better not have stains on them. I expected that she was upper class, but she wasn’t (the Titanic.) I am asking for a lot but I lost my family and all for my stuff. I will get the police in to this if it does get here on time. You’re faithfully, Mrs Aster Isobel knapman 28.11.2014
  • 11. White Star Line 16, Liverpool Street Liverpool H17P 6JH Green House New York Queens H197 4EG Dear Sir, 1912 I am writing to complain about the tragedy of the “unsinkable ship”; the Titanic, I was left traumatized and scared for life. I was the last person to leave the boiler room, and honestly we did everything to save her. I made sure the children and women were off before me, and I was last to leave the vessel. My dreadful experience went from horrific to traumatic as I was obliged to be put on a lifeboat and watch the suffering and death as the Titanic went down. Obviously I’m grateful for being put on a lifeboat, but I have no luggage, no food, nowhere to stay and no job. It would be most appreciated to have my luggage and accommodation all FULLY compensated. Am I asking for too much? Yours Gratefully,
  • 12. Mr. Fredrick William (PS. If you don’t comply, expect I shall take this matter to court.) By Haydn Owen Transberry Flat, 25 Hedge Street, New York, America, Ex-employee, PM29 6AD White Star Line, 96 Crumpet Road, Liverpool, England, Head Manager, NS48 7PQ 18th April 1912 Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing to complain about the tragic, anguished loss of the disastrous, heart-wrenching Titanic. I despise the fact that I have lost yet another well-paying job, (not for my fault, again,) and I didn’t get a single flipping penny for it! You will never guess what I have to survive on a desperately destitute day: A single slice of burnt toast, gooey out-of-date jam, begrimed water and ½ a bowl of peanuts with no salt on, (and that’s just because they’re free!!!)
  • 13. On my abhorrent arrival, there was nowhere to turn; I was so discombobulated, so I was forced to beg. I managed to rent a diabolical flat that had a putrid smell of rotten eggs and a sinister pong that I can’t put my finger on; also, the floor is diseased with loathsome, ghastly toadstools. That’s the best someone like me can do!! Solicitors will be involved if you don’t: double my hard working pay plus the money I lost ($583.78,) and find me a new decent job, (except for working on a ship.) If only you had been there, then you would have been scared for your luxurious life as well. You don’t usually get that monstrous disaster from a 10 star majestic vessel, do you?! I am outraged! I am looking forward to getting my reasonable wishes, Yours truly, MR. F W Barret (your ex-employee) (PS. return my diamond brooch as well. If not £100 to replace it; not including the other £583.78) Huntington Lane Appletown New York City N06 57S 18th May 1912 White Star Line Parting road Belfast M28 94X Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about my appalling journey to New York City, on your vessel. Fortunately, I survived the mishap, but the plethora of other people that didn’t is most horrific. Also I am still mourning for the loss of my luggage; and my husband. My experience, after the collision, was damaging, and now I will be scarred for life. I am still in anguish a month later. All my valuable belongings were from the finest tailors, mainly Saville Rowe in London, which I would assume; you at least give me $100,000 to try and re-establish most things.
  • 14. The so called ‘unsinkable’ Titanic is now lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean (with my beloved husband). In return I would expect, not only the $100,000, which I will accept in a cheque, but also my ticket money. If I do not receive the money I am willing to sue your company, which I don’t think you would like, would you? Yours Faithfully, Mrs.M.Astor Isabelle Barlow 28.11,14 White Star Line Ellenbrook Liverpool Longwall M72 7XJ Friday 21 2014 Dear Sir, I’m complaining about the Titanic plummeting to the bottom of the ocean with my luggage on it. It was appalling. I paid £870 for a five star ride to New York but instead I paid for nearly my death. The ship was sinking, we were mortified. Five star? More like one star, I demand everything that was in my suitcase back and my money back also I want more money for the stress that I’m in.
  • 15. The captain; J.Smith wasn’t that helpful when it was sinking, I said to him “what should I do?” He didn’t say anything he just strolled away. If that’s what a five star vessel is like I’m never ever going on one ever again. It’s the antithesis of fortuitousness to go on that dreadful boat. Yours sincerely, Margaret Astor (Jacob Green) King’s hotel By Gabriel Raven Times Square on 28.11.2014 New York in Year 6 ICT 7682OGH 28th May 1912 White Star Line Merseyside Liverpool 1264 LNO
  • 16. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the loss of my wife’s life, and my overall awful experience on the R.M.S Titanic, (Which is supposed to be “unsinkable”). The ship jolted as it hit the iceberg and made for a horrible aftermath, (that I had to watch) the screaming, the dieing. But my wife, Victoria, died in agony that unfortunate night. Her death is your fault; fortunately I have a new occupation, which should hopefully make up for the waste of my money (£ 40.00). If you could do me the grisly honour of collecting my wife’s frozen corpse from the floor of the Atlantic I would be more than pleased. But if you refuse I will throw my self off of my hotel balcony. Please don’t make me. Yours sincerely, Mr. Neshan Krokorian. (Please reply) P.S; Better luck next time. (With your ship I mean). Honey suckle Cottage, Bush lane, Little Bytham, New York, NG346DH, 18th January 1914 White star line, 42 High Street, Lang field,
  • 17. Lincolnshire, NT468FN Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the astonishing standard of health, safety and service. I booked a ticket for the journey dated 5th December 1912. On my and the crew’s arrival there was nobody to greet us, and I thought that was a little bit rude. Furthermore the ship sank, now I am very grateful for the B& B, but next time don’t get people’s hopes up that it isn’t unsinkable. In addition my experience of being on a sinking ship is horrendous. I would be very grateful if you could offer me a new job, and even a bigger wage, is this the standard working class people should expect .How would you respond if you lost your jacket and your new shiny case. If I see or hear about a tragic moment again I will get on the angry side, because the people who came on the Titanic are most probably together at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. As having the experience on a sinking ship, and nearly wasting my life. I shall be getting on the phone, if I don’t get a letter back. Yours faithfully Mr Fredrick William Barrett Sophia Doherty 28.11.14 White Star Line 47, High Street Queens Town NG35 8FN The Grand House Copthorne Street New York NG34 6DH 28th May 1912
  • 18. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about losing all of my possessions on board the RMS Titanic. I find it appallingly disgraceful that this ship has sunk (and people thought it was unsinkable!) because I brought all of my belongings with me, and they are now lost at the bottom of the ocean. Firstly, I was unimpressed on how I was treated while boarding the Titanic. This is because I was not shown to my room, but was directed. And not very well either, because I soon got lost. And when I did find the room, I was not pleased with the layout. But back to the sinking! Secondly I lost some very valuables’ that have been in my family for centuries. Lastly, your staff told my wife to not get into my lifeboat because it was full. And as a result, she went down with the ship. What I would like you to do is give me a refund. I am partly sad about the Titanic sinking, but mostly about losing my belongings and my wife! If you don’t at least give me a refund, I will be seeking legal advice about you. And this may just go to court! Just think that you created one of the grandest ships in history, do you really think that it would be grand behaviour if you did not help me? Yours Faithfully, Neshan Krekorian Mulberry Cottage Cranberry Lane Long Lane Winsor London L74 6JM 20th April 1912 RMS Company Rosemary Lane Belfast
  • 19. Ireland I 27 3NJ Dear Sir, I’m writing to complain about my loss of money, family, dog and butler. My husband, Edward froze in the Atlantic Ocean; do you understand how much pain I’m in? Even my little corgi Rose drowned; she’s at the bottom of the sea. I’m not terribly impressed with your customer service. So much for the ship being ‘unsinkable’, my life was at risk- I could have died on that terrible day. I’m trying to say that I’m in great pain, now I’ll never be the same after that long night. How can I live when you monsters murdered my husband, what is the point of life because of you? Look at yourselves aren’t you proud of what you’ve done, my husband, head of a bank (the bank where your money is stored) dead. Think about how much ‘more’ money you could lose. Now I’m asking you to refund every penny that was on your ship, plus extra for a new dog and a funeral for Edward and Rose. If you don’t then I will sue your company for killing my husband and dog. Thank you for reading this letter, I hope you take this into your deepest thoughts, and your most needed thing to do. Yours Sincerely Margaret Astor By Livia Blackwood 28.11.14 White Star Line Company 19, Bay Hill Liverpool, NPG3 1ZQ VQ96 12Z, 6, Floance Street
  • 20. Seattle 2 7 th November 1912 Dear White Star Lines, I am complaining about my treasures that were lost when the Titanic went down. My jewellery, my husband and my waiter were lost in the sea, when your ‘unsinkable’ ship went down last week. I am very upset about losing my treasures. I really want my money back and my jewellery back with additional jewels quick!! (which is £1,000,000.) While I was on the Titanic hardly anybody greeted me or opened my door, except for my waiter Jenny (who died.) You can never re-place my husband, but I would like you to pay for his funeral money which is probably going to be £15000. Is this the standard which I deserve from a ‘5’ star ship? I have a plethora of complains but these are the main ones. I’m looking forward to seeing your letter back!!
  • 21. Your sincerely Margaret Astor. PS: Your ship was rubbish by the way  ! Oliver. H White Star Line Company 86,New Maya, England, Liverpool, H N 36 GNG Manchester Road Little Hood, New Your, Middle Kingdom, E M 10 5 J 6 April 22nd 1912 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about the appalling incident aboard R.M.S Titanic. It was suppose to be unsinkable. I lost all of my photos off my family and now they are at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. I just wanted a new life for me and my wife. I hope your are going to do something about your ships or I will not go on your ships ever aging. I lost all of my clothes so I have to wear these clothes everyday. I lost my passport so I can not go anywhere and worst of all lost all of my money as well. I want all of my clothes back infect I want more as well. I want £200 form my wife’s funeral and I want £140 for my ticket, I
  • 22. want a new passport and If you don’t give me everything then I will hire a lower and sew you for everything you have got. Yours sincerely Neshan Krekoian. Eugene Mulroy Pasely Manor Rittle Lane Teatul Ottawa ZY2086 19th April 1912 White Star-Line Company 21 Prim Highroad Toocan New York SOF5612 Dear Mr Ismay, I am solemnly complaining about the frantic night I had aboard the Titanic- your ‘Ship’ scared me for life, during my stay on the Titanic, during the week commencing 10th April 1912, which I booked. During this matter all my finery was lost, I am now in an appalling state: No clothes (except the ones that I wore when she sank) Money, got none. Not to mention my sister has a baby, he has a critical cold- if he were to die I would have to go into legal advice/a doctor to see what caused this matter- perhaps because of cold? Devastated, am I at this, of course! As this really isn’t your bog-standard ship, the money I spent to have a glorious time, nearly paid for my death! Is this really what the ‘Unsinkable’ Titanic gives us? Should I just accept? That relatives were lost, you can never bring them back! To soothe the pain I would like my jewels to be returned, will that be do-able? I am feeling emotionally abused, about people that died; and I will question your authority on this, was there enough life-boat? Last year I had bespoke designer pieces prepared from every continent, can you comprehend how much that costs? If so you’ll have the sense to realize that a refund is not enough, especially as I have lost something irreplaceable… As recompense, I shall have all my jewellery added up exactly to expense-fortunately I had ‘some’ money in my clutch-bag, but the rest I expect in a re-fund. As I said my nephew’s ill, my finery lost- I’m insulted. You thought your ship was ‘unsinkable’; it sank!
  • 23. Yours faithfully Miss Astor Southampton Man Mere Drive Sponge Python Glossop ZB4Z 3RS White Star Line Company Liverpool England VWP4 37A 21st November 1912 Dear Sir/Madame ,
  • 24. I am writing to you to complain about the Titanic sinking because, I lost all of my belongings and had to start from scratch, (this was annoying.) People said that the vessel is ‘unsinkable ’, and when we were told that the ship was sinking, our room was almost full of water! When I asked the captain a question he just turned around and walked away, which was disrespectful. I expected that all of the crew would apologize - the captain as well!!! After that dreadful loss I demand to get all of my equipment back, eg; expensive clothes and shoes etc. Or you could just give me 1,000,000 pounds instead because; I had a lot of properties in there that reminded me of my family who are dead. Plus all of my EXSPENSIVE clothes from the finest boutique shops from Paris and Berlin!!! Kind regards Margaret Astor M.Astor Ben C. White Star Company 59 High Street Belfast 4 Elmtree lane B58 1ST New York N64 5AC
  • 25. 21stSeptem ber 1912 Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about the loss of my luggage on the Titanic. (It was the Unsinkable Titanic.) I can’t believe such a beautiful ship, like the Titanic, killed so many people. It was an atrocious experience; I have spent a plethora of time purchasing myself with clothes, which has misused my money. I also lost my husband in the appalling incident; he can never be replaced, (but you can replace my clothes and jewellery.) Most of my clothes were bespoke for me! I had five dresses made from the finest designers in Paris. All I ask is the money to go back to Paris, and reclaim my belongings. Do you really think people will go on one of your vessels again? I want money for my husband’s funeral, and the right kind of clothing for my class. If not I’m sure I could keep my eyes open for a solicitor. Yours faithfully Mrs M.Astor Anna 28.11.14 Hotel Liberty Skies Lane New York
  • 26. America White Star Line 1QU4 7AB Darth Street 21ST May 1912 Liverpool NF85 3GN Dear White Star Line, I am writing to complain about the unspeakable ‘Titanic’ disaster. I was a worker on the vessel and only just survived. As a result of what happened, I think that I should get compensated. It has scared me for life, and I almost died! I bring home all the money for my family; so who will pay for them now I’ve lost my job. It’s only fair that I get some money and transport back to Liverpool. Not only did I almost die and lost wonderful friends, I was supposed to go home to my family on the ‘Titanic’. How must my family feel, having their son injured and almost killed? If nothing happens I will be speaking to my legal representative (not a cheerful man!). That is all I have to say about this and I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely 28.11.14 Fredrick Barrott Amy Doyle Barry hotel Eye lain New York
  • 27. M287XJ 28th May 1912 White star line Docks Liverpool M28 234 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the appalling service of the R.M.S.Titanic. You said that she was unsinkable, you lied. The food was not to my standards and I got lost on the way to my room. My experience went from bad to worse, I wasn’t in the first lifeboat, I lost my husband and my boy because one of your officers shot him to keep them calm. Did they look calm to you? When I finally got in a lifeboat I had a horrible sight of the Titanic going down, I could hear the shrieks of pain and death .I am scarred for life. Is this the kind of service I should expect for a 1st class passenger? I expect NOT . This is the kind of service I expect for a working class. So why should I get it from you? I would be ever so grateful if you could get me all the top-prised jewellery, dresses and food, if you don’t I will report you and leave it to the government. It’s your dissection, send me the things I want or tell it to the government. Yours sincerely Mrs.M.Astor. Honey Suckle Cottage Needle Lane London White Star Line M28 7XG
  • 28. 47, High Street Belfast NG3 9FS Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about the appalling state you left me and my husband in during the Titanic disaster (14th April 1912); which my husband and I booked. On our arrival considering we were 1st class passengers we were treated like slaves from Alford, “Who do you think we are?” Some 1st class passengers were very quite rude, even the plethora of foods weren’t up to our standards! I am writing to complain about the disgraceful collision, Our when experience I was went travelling from bad 1st to worse, Class when (to New the word York) finally on spread the to us that “Unsinkable” the “unsinkable” Titanic. Titanic was about to sink, there were only 4 life-boats left and they could only fit me in, not my husband. Unfortunately that was the last time I ever saw my beloved husband, (I shall be scarred for life!). If Do you you are thinking think I of deserved setting another that White horrific Star Line shock? Ship to sail then I suggest you think again, because you don’t want another ‘unsinkable ship’ sat at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, do you? Referring to this tragic incident that happened, if you could do me this one favour, of giving me a refund that would be highly appreciated. Should you not comply with this request then I shall be seeking legal advice. Yours Faithfully Mrs.M.Astor Charlotte Butler 28.11.14 To make matters worse, when I got to New York, husband-less, my lives worth of fortune was lost and I had to make What state do you want to put 1st Class passengers in? Whilst on the “best ship in the world” I had to wait a whole 55 minutes to be put onto a lifeboat! You should be ashamed, making a woman like me wait. I could go on but it’s too agonizing to put pen to paper about; when I got to New York I had to acquire $500 worth of garments that I lost. I would like you to compensate the loss of my money ($1565 because of my husband and my belongings and diamond jewellery set.) 12 Honeysuckle Cottage Bush Lane Little Grantham Grantham Lincolnshire Dear Sir or Madam, my home in a 1 star hotel. White-Star Line Company 17 Maple Road Belfast Ireland M37 49G Whilst on the “best ship in the world” I had to wait a whole 55 minutes to be put onto a lifeboat! Should you not comply with this request, I shall be contacting the over-seas travel directors.
  • 29. NG34 6DH 23th April 1912 Ainly Bridge Mansion, Ping Whiff Lane, New York, Z12 A11
  • 30. White Star Line, 12 Fortune Street, Belfast, March 11th 1913 9BC2 34G Dear Sir/Madam I’m writing angrily today to complain about the Titanic’s first voyage, and as everyone in the world knows it sunk! I’m Miss Margaret Astor, It has scared me for life, I will never go on a ship again- ‘Unsinkable’ really? I lost my dog who was new and I wanted him to go on the titanic for pleasure and comfort but not for fear and death. I also lost all of my helpful butcher and servants, who were really nice and if you had met them you would regret the ship sinking. There’s not only that, I also lost my only picture of my mother who died of cancer 3 years ago, dreadfully I lost all my amazing, comfy clothes and hats, so now I’m left with just one pair of each. Frantically I would like you to buy me 100 more hats (not caps), 20 more dresses, a dog (chiwawa), 11 helpful butchers and servants and get my picture from the sea of my dead mother if possible. I know you wouldn’t like it so why make other people go through it? I thought I would get to New York safely; not in a life boat! If you don’t give me what j want I will call the best council in New York City and they will get the cops into it! I want it all. Yours faithfully, Miss Margaret Astor P.S- Make it as soon as soon as possible! By Heidi Wild Loo Lu Kanvian House Candy Lane New York
  • 31. M7654 GH 20th March 1912 White Star Line 50 High Street Southampton M6056N6 Dear Sir or Madame I am writing to complain about the horrible experience of the Titanic, when all my jewels and valuables went down with it! I bet you knew it was going to sink, and now we have hardly any clothes to wear, and I and my daughter have lost all of our valuables, which were so important to us, like our dresses! Also, when we were waiting to board the ship it took 15-30 minutes to get on probably because you were all messing about with the dirty third class. Also that was mine and my daughter’s first time going on a ship because we’re so scared discouraged that it might sink and now we’re definitely discouraged! Not forgetting one of my daughters I lost because of another ship like yours! You said it was unsinkable when it (SANK) well think again because it sank didn’t it! That was turning into mine and my daughter’s best holiday but now it’s a nightmare stuck in my head! So I want you to give my money back, more sumptuous clothes including a new free house and it’s got to be big, with furniture in! Also I’m sure other people will think the same. Yours faithfully Margaret. Astor P. S if you don’t get these I’ll call a Loyer! (Alex W)