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2020 IEEE 7th
International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS)
978-0-7381-0504-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
An Operational View into Docker Registry with
Scalability, Access Control and Image Assessment
Mohd Nizam Mohd Mydin
Advanced Computing Lab
MIMOS Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hishamadie Ahmad
Advanced Computing Lab
MIMOS Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mohammad Fairus Khalid
Advanced Computing Lab
MIMOS Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bukhary Ikhwan Ismail
Advanced Computing Lab
MIMOS Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Rajendar Kandan
Advanced Computing Lab
MIMOS Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Abstract—Today Docker Registry is extensively used due to
the popularity of containers in the realm of microservice
architecture. Container orchestration tools such as Docker
Swarm, Kubernetes and OpenShift, simplify the deployment of
containers. It has accelerated the usage of containers to an
unprecedented level. This emergence prompts a demand in
centralized repository where in previous installment, the
container images were kept locally. Putting images in a central
location is a great way for distributed Docker environment as
mentioned above. It solves the main problem of sharing images
among nodes. This however, exposes the Registry in a
vulnerable spot from availability and image vulnerability and
security point of view. In this paper, we will outline some of the
challenges that a central repository poses. We then propose
several practical approaches to overcome the challenges. We
integrate web proxy as a means of balancing web request,
adding user management with access control list and include an
image assessment tool to facilitate with vulnerability scanning.
Keywords—Docker, Docker Registry, Scalability,
Docker has been the de-facto platform to host container
thanks to its simplicity in the deployment of containers.
Container in itself is a form of virtual machine but without the
weight of emulating hardware resources. It is an abstraction of
application layer which combine code and dependencies that
is isolated from the host. Given this lightweight nature and the
emergence of microservice architecture, more and more
application are being ported to container. This makes Docker
container a highly sought-after deployment platform. As
container deployment become distributed and more complex,
a centralized repository is needed and are used to host
container images.
The default/stock open source Docker Registry is very
basic, if its to be used by itself without any modification. Some
areas that might post challenges are; (1) a single point of
failure and network choke point; (2) the default Registry has
only SSL/TLS for communication and lack of build in user
management and (3) a trusted Registry that validate the
integrity of images but does not check for vulnerability of the
images. Being an open source product, the stock Docker
Registry is designed in such a way that allows others to
enhance and complement the original Registry. Taking
advantage of this, we decided to tackle these three areas.
In this paper, we propose three added features to
compliment the stock Docker Registry. First, is to reconfigure
the Registry to be scalable. This is to support push and pull
request without having a single point of failure and to scale
the Registry. Second, we include a user management with
access control to restrict members and non-members the
capability to access owners images in the repository. Third,
we introduce an image vulnerability assessment features to
scan uploaded images into the Registry. All these features that
we assume as an essentials to the Docker Registry given the
importance it played in the containers environment.
Containerization of processes is not new. The method of
isolating processes and segregating file access can be trace
back to Unix V7 back in 1979 through a system call called
"chroot". From here, it evolved to FreeBSD Jails, Linux
VServer, Solaris Container, LXC and the latest, Docker [1].
Containerization itself is a method whereby an isolated area is
created within an Operating System under a set of resources.
This isolated area is confined to its own filesystem and
namespaces [2].
In comparison with virtualization, emulation of hardware
gives the freedom of running different sets of hardware types
[3]. It is independent with the underlying Operating Systems
[4]. As for container, it does not provide hardware isolation
and are very dependent on underlying Operating Systems.
Though it sounds restrictive, in reality containers are much
faster in term of performance, as the hardware communication
is direct and not through an emulated layer [5][6].
Modern software architecture such as microservice, utilize
container extensively. It provides a means of creating multiple
independent and modular application towards a bigger system.
Each application is packaged as a single image and then run
as individual container. These containers communicate with
each other through a protocol such as REST or RPC. Another
advantage of using container for microservice is, each
application or container can be scaled independently[7]. It’s
this scaling that increases the needs of Docker Registry as
container image needs to be available whenever an instance of
container is deployed to a distributed host.
The distribution of Docker images can be done in couple
of ways. One is through the docker-cli; image is saved into a
tarball, which then can then be untarred and register on the
destination host. The other is by using an independent
application called Docker Registry. Docker Registry is a
centralized store that keep Docker images. Some of well-
known Docker registries are Docker Hub, and Google
Container Registry. All of these registries host popular Docker
images such as Alpine, Ubuntu, Redis, Mongo and more. User
can create repository and push their images to the registry
which are separated by repository_name, image_name and
tags. Tags is an identifier that differentiate the same image
name. While repository_name is an arbitrary name given by
the user. If an image push request has the same name as an
existing image, the latter image is then replaced by the former
image. Hence having tags is crucial to identify differences
within the same images.
Behind the Registry are two main API that is used to push
and pull Docker images. We describe what each of these API
call do:
PULL - when a pull command is issued from Docker
daemon, a manifest file is then fetch using GET method. This
manifest file is then used to determine if a layer is available
locally or needed to be pulled from the Registry. A HEAD
methods is used to check for available layers in the Registry.
When a layer is needed to be pulled from the Registry, a GET
method is then issued to the Registry blobs (a compressed
layer in the Registry), downloads and extracts it in the host
PUSH - In order to upload image from local host to the
Registry, a push command is issued from the Docker daemon.
This command is the exact opposite of PULL command. From
the created manifest during image build, a HEAD method is
issued to the Registry to check for any available layers already
in the Registry. If the layer is not found in the Registry, a
POST method is then issued to get the uuid (unique upload
identifier) and then upload is initiated using chunked transfers
by PUT method. After all the layers are uploaded, the manifest
is then uploaded to the Registry [8].
Improvements in Docker Registry have been proposed
ever since its inception. Some of the work have been made in
network and security area. Whilst most of what we suggested
in this paper resolve around operational features, we also
listed several previous works that touches on Docker Registry
implementation that are on the edge.
A method for risk assessment of container-based cloud
platform suggests three stages for quantitative risk
assessment. They are Image Assessment, Configuration
Assessment and Service Assessment. The measurement of all
three assessment is compiled into a quantitative measurement
that evaluates the risk of a container during runtime. Despite
a higher coverage of risk assessment in the three stages, we
propose an earlier assessment of Docker image, that is after an
image upload, where the assessment can be made before a
container is set to run [9] [10].
CoMICon, a co-operative management system for Docker
container images proposed a co-operative Registry nodes
through a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol. In this implementation,
the node will pull a missing layer from the closest node (if
available) before eventually pulling if from the main Registry.
This method is achieved by storing images in a form of layers
and sharing them between registries through P2P method.
Contrast to our method here where we use a shared storage,
CoMICon can utilized the speed of local storage while
maintaining image distribution with all Registry nodes [11].
Bolt, a hyper convergence design for container registries
proposed a tightly connected clusters of registries with the
same consolidated roles. The design uses consistent hashing
and Zookeeper making the nodes storage-aware and allows for
efficient caching strategies. The registries then form a
consistent hashing ring where Zookeeper is used to identify
them from each other. A modified Docker daemon (the
daemon needs to be aware of which registries stores which
layers) is then used on the client side to directly query the
Registry nodes for the requested layers. Compared with our
proposal, we are only looking at the scaling portion [12].
In this section, we discuss the implementations of three
new features for Docker Registry. (1) Design the Registry to
scale more than one instances, (2) add self-authentication and
authorization methods for accessing the Registry and (3)
adding an image vulnerability scanning service to the
A. Scalable Docker Registry
Docker Registry in itself have the capability to scale
thanks to its stateless nature. Stateless here means the Registry
is not keeping track of any communication states or sessions.
Taking advantage of this, we implement a proxy
(NGINX)[13] in front of the Registry. Through this proxy, we
can intercept requests made to the Registry and re-routing
them and possibly load-balance incoming request to the
Registry servers.
We configure NGINX with two different upstream:
1) PUSH upstream with ip_hash balancing
2) PULL upstream with least_conn balancing
PUSH upstream is designed to handle PUT, POST and
PATCH request. This is because we wanted Registry upload
request to stick to a single Registry server when uploading.
The objective is to maintain the image layer consistency when
PULL upstream on the other hand is configured to have
least_conn balancing for HEAD and GET request. Least
connection will use whichever server that is having the least
amount of connections at the time of request. With this
method, each of image layers can be pulled from different
Registry server thus contributing to faster image download.
By implementing these two methods, Docker Registry can
now be scale to a certain number. A single point of failure
would not be an issue. Performance in upload and download
of Docker images from and to the node increases.
B. User management
The user management takes the advantage of Docker
Registry built in token authentication feature. The default
Registry handles only validation. We utilize this feature to
incorporate our own user management feature.
The user management consist of two different parts. The
first part is the authentication. By following the flow from
figure 1, we can observe the process of authentication as such:
1. Docker client initiate a request either for pulling,
pushing or login, it does not matter as each request is
being check for a valid token.
2. Docker Registry checks for valid token. If no token is
found, our request will be replied with the address of
where we can authenticate and request for token.
3. Docker daemon now forward our request to the user
management server (this is the address that is given to
us by the Registry server) with our authentication
values for validation.
4. Using authentication values from the request, the user
management checks its validity from the user
5. User validation is then returned to the user
6. User management then returns the response to the
Docker daemon. This response will contain a token if
the user is valid and an error messages if the user is
not valid.
7. A second request is then made to the Docker Registry,
this time with token.
Since we are now a valid user, a request to the Docker
Registry is now valid. User can now pull or push
images into the Docker Registry.
Fig. 1: Authentication flow
Authorization grants the permission for user to make a
PUSH or PULL request to user’s’ repository. A repository is
a dedicated assign work area where images are kept. As an
example, observe the following Registry path:
Project1 in this case is the repository. This repository can
be created beforehand by using the user management UI.
Through a Registry notification system, the user
management can intercept a request made and determine if a
particular user is authorized to pull an image or push an image
to and from the repository. We designed the authorization
portion to allow owner of images to decide the visibility of
their repository and the images in it. This visibility is defined
as such:
Visibility Description
Any member & non-member can pull and push
images into this repository
Only member can pull images from the
Only member can pull and push images into the
Only repository/workspace owner has the
permission to pull and push images.
C. Image vulnerability scanning
We use a tool called Anchore in this setup[14]. Anchore is
an open source Docker image inspection, analysis and
certification tool. It runs standalone or can be integrated
within an orchestration’s platform. There is also an enterprise
version of Anchore, that adds graphical UI for all its
management and backend-end control, but in this
implementation, we adopt the open source version.
By utilizing Docker Registry notification, we set up a
messaging service that will store the name of images that is
being pushed into the Registry. From here, we then register
this name into Anchore through a REST request. Anchore in
this setup is configured to pull any images from the Registry
and scanned them. The result of the scanned images is kept
within Anchore and can be reach via Anchore CLI or REST
request. User is then presented through a UI of their images in
the Registry with the results of the scanning.
The importance of Docker Registry can be observed by
looking at the adoption rate of Docker containers. According
to Datadog, based on companies that uses their product, nearly
one quarter of companies have adopted Docker and 20% of
hosts monitored by them are a Docker hosts[15]. In 2018, it
has been observed with a 75% growth of adaptation. With this
positive trending towards Docker usage, the importance of
having a scalable and secure Docker Registry is not a mere
suggestion anymore, it is crucial.
In this paper, we outline three of the most crucial
implementations that increases productivity, performance and
security. Productivity as in managing authentication and
authorization to valid users, performance as in scaling the
Registry into multi hosts image servers and security as in
scanning images for vulnerability before using them.
Looking forward, the features of Docker Registry will
always evolve, but in retrospective, our paper addresses the
core features that should be enhance.
[1] D. Bernstein, “Containers and Cloud: From LXC to Docker to
Kubernetes,” IEEE Cloud Comput., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 81–84, 2014.
[2] B. I. Ismail et al., “Evaluation of Docker as Edge computing platform,”
in 2015 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), 2015, pp. 130–
[3] C. Anderson, “Docker, Software Engineering,” in IEEE Software,
2015, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 102–105.
[4] M. Satyanarayanan, P. Bahl, R. Caceres, and N. Davies, “The Case for
VM-Base Cloudlets in Mobile Computing,” Pervasive Comput., vol. 8,
no. 4, pp. 14–23, 2009.
[5] M. G. Xavier, M. V Neves, F. D. Rossi, T. C. Ferreto, T. Lange, and C.
a F. De Rose, “Performance Evaluation of Container-based
Virtualization for High Performance Computing Environments,” Proc.
2013 21st Euromicro Int. Conf. Parallel, Distrib. Network-Based
Process., no. LXC, pp. 233–240, 2013.
[6] W. Felter, A. Ferreira, R. Rajamony, and J. Rubio, “An Updated
Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers,”
Technology, vol. 25482, 2014.
[7] M. G. Xavier, I. C. De Oliveira, F. D. Rossi, R. D. Dos Passos, K. J.
Matteussi, and C. a. F. De Rose, “A Performance Isolation Analysis of
Disk-Intensive Workloads on Container-Based Clouds,” 2015 23rd
Euromicro Int. Conf. Parallel, Distrib. Network-Based Process., no.
FEBRUARY, pp. 253–260, 2015.
[8] Docker Inc, “About Registry.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06-Apr-
[9] E. Mostajeran, M. N. M. Mydin, M. F. Khalid, B. I. Ismail, R. Kandan,
and O. H. Hoe, “Quantitative risk assessment of container based cloud
platform,” in 2017 IEEE Conference on Application, Information and
Network Security (AINS), 2017, pp. 19–24.
[10] E. Mostajeran, M. F. Khalid, M. N. M. Mydin, B. I. Ismail, and H. H.
Ong, “Multifaceted Trust Assessment Framework for Container based
Edge Computing Platform,” in Fifth International Conference On
Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2016, 2016.
[11] S. Nathan, R. Ghosh, T. Mukherjee, and K. Narayanan, “CoMICon: A
Co-Operative Management System for Docker Container Images,” in
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E),
2017, pp. 116–126.
[12] M. Littley et al., “Bolt: Towards a Scalable Docker Registry via
Hyperconvergence,” in 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2019, pp. 358–366.
[13] F5 Networks Inc, “What is NGINX?” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-
[14] I. Anchore, “Anchore Engine AN OPEN SOURCE TOOL FOR DEEP
[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-
[15] DataDog, “8 suprising facts about real docker adoption,” 2018.
[Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 02-Apr-2020].

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An operational view into docker registry with scalability, access control and image assessment

  • 1. 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS) 978-0-7381-0504-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE An Operational View into Docker Registry with Scalability, Access Control and Image Assessment Mohd Nizam Mohd Mydin Advanced Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Hishamadie Ahmad Advanced Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mohammad Fairus Khalid Advanced Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bukhary Ikhwan Ismail Advanced Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Rajendar Kandan Advanced Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Abstract—Today Docker Registry is extensively used due to the popularity of containers in the realm of microservice architecture. Container orchestration tools such as Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and OpenShift, simplify the deployment of containers. It has accelerated the usage of containers to an unprecedented level. This emergence prompts a demand in centralized repository where in previous installment, the container images were kept locally. Putting images in a central location is a great way for distributed Docker environment as mentioned above. It solves the main problem of sharing images among nodes. This however, exposes the Registry in a vulnerable spot from availability and image vulnerability and security point of view. In this paper, we will outline some of the challenges that a central repository poses. We then propose several practical approaches to overcome the challenges. We integrate web proxy as a means of balancing web request, adding user management with access control list and include an image assessment tool to facilitate with vulnerability scanning. Keywords—Docker, Docker Registry, Scalability, Vulnerability I. INTRODUCTION Docker has been the de-facto platform to host container thanks to its simplicity in the deployment of containers. Container in itself is a form of virtual machine but without the weight of emulating hardware resources. It is an abstraction of application layer which combine code and dependencies that is isolated from the host. Given this lightweight nature and the emergence of microservice architecture, more and more application are being ported to container. This makes Docker container a highly sought-after deployment platform. As container deployment become distributed and more complex, a centralized repository is needed and are used to host container images. The default/stock open source Docker Registry is very basic, if its to be used by itself without any modification. Some areas that might post challenges are; (1) a single point of failure and network choke point; (2) the default Registry has only SSL/TLS for communication and lack of build in user management and (3) a trusted Registry that validate the integrity of images but does not check for vulnerability of the images. Being an open source product, the stock Docker Registry is designed in such a way that allows others to enhance and complement the original Registry. Taking advantage of this, we decided to tackle these three areas. In this paper, we propose three added features to compliment the stock Docker Registry. First, is to reconfigure the Registry to be scalable. This is to support push and pull request without having a single point of failure and to scale the Registry. Second, we include a user management with access control to restrict members and non-members the capability to access owners images in the repository. Third, we introduce an image vulnerability assessment features to scan uploaded images into the Registry. All these features that we assume as an essentials to the Docker Registry given the importance it played in the containers environment. II. BACKGROUND Containerization of processes is not new. The method of isolating processes and segregating file access can be trace back to Unix V7 back in 1979 through a system call called "chroot". From here, it evolved to FreeBSD Jails, Linux VServer, Solaris Container, LXC and the latest, Docker [1]. Containerization itself is a method whereby an isolated area is created within an Operating System under a set of resources. This isolated area is confined to its own filesystem and namespaces [2]. In comparison with virtualization, emulation of hardware gives the freedom of running different sets of hardware types [3]. It is independent with the underlying Operating Systems [4]. As for container, it does not provide hardware isolation and are very dependent on underlying Operating Systems. Though it sounds restrictive, in reality containers are much faster in term of performance, as the hardware communication is direct and not through an emulated layer [5][6]. Modern software architecture such as microservice, utilize container extensively. It provides a means of creating multiple independent and modular application towards a bigger system. Each application is packaged as a single image and then run as individual container. These containers communicate with each other through a protocol such as REST or RPC. Another advantage of using container for microservice is, each application or container can be scaled independently[7]. It’s this scaling that increases the needs of Docker Registry as container image needs to be available whenever an instance of container is deployed to a distributed host.
  • 2. The distribution of Docker images can be done in couple of ways. One is through the docker-cli; image is saved into a tarball, which then can then be untarred and register on the destination host. The other is by using an independent application called Docker Registry. Docker Registry is a centralized store that keep Docker images. Some of well- known Docker registries are Docker Hub, and Google Container Registry. All of these registries host popular Docker images such as Alpine, Ubuntu, Redis, Mongo and more. User can create repository and push their images to the registry which are separated by repository_name, image_name and tags. Tags is an identifier that differentiate the same image name. While repository_name is an arbitrary name given by the user. If an image push request has the same name as an existing image, the latter image is then replaced by the former image. Hence having tags is crucial to identify differences within the same images. Behind the Registry are two main API that is used to push and pull Docker images. We describe what each of these API call do: PULL - when a pull command is issued from Docker daemon, a manifest file is then fetch using GET method. This manifest file is then used to determine if a layer is available locally or needed to be pulled from the Registry. A HEAD methods is used to check for available layers in the Registry. When a layer is needed to be pulled from the Registry, a GET method is then issued to the Registry blobs (a compressed layer in the Registry), downloads and extracts it in the host [8]. PUSH - In order to upload image from local host to the Registry, a push command is issued from the Docker daemon. This command is the exact opposite of PULL command. From the created manifest during image build, a HEAD method is issued to the Registry to check for any available layers already in the Registry. If the layer is not found in the Registry, a POST method is then issued to get the uuid (unique upload identifier) and then upload is initiated using chunked transfers by PUT method. After all the layers are uploaded, the manifest is then uploaded to the Registry [8]. III. RELATED WORK Improvements in Docker Registry have been proposed ever since its inception. Some of the work have been made in network and security area. Whilst most of what we suggested in this paper resolve around operational features, we also listed several previous works that touches on Docker Registry implementation that are on the edge. A method for risk assessment of container-based cloud platform suggests three stages for quantitative risk assessment. They are Image Assessment, Configuration Assessment and Service Assessment. The measurement of all three assessment is compiled into a quantitative measurement that evaluates the risk of a container during runtime. Despite a higher coverage of risk assessment in the three stages, we propose an earlier assessment of Docker image, that is after an image upload, where the assessment can be made before a container is set to run [9] [10]. CoMICon, a co-operative management system for Docker container images proposed a co-operative Registry nodes through a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol. In this implementation, the node will pull a missing layer from the closest node (if available) before eventually pulling if from the main Registry. This method is achieved by storing images in a form of layers and sharing them between registries through P2P method. Contrast to our method here where we use a shared storage, CoMICon can utilized the speed of local storage while maintaining image distribution with all Registry nodes [11]. Bolt, a hyper convergence design for container registries proposed a tightly connected clusters of registries with the same consolidated roles. The design uses consistent hashing and Zookeeper making the nodes storage-aware and allows for efficient caching strategies. The registries then form a consistent hashing ring where Zookeeper is used to identify them from each other. A modified Docker daemon (the daemon needs to be aware of which registries stores which layers) is then used on the client side to directly query the Registry nodes for the requested layers. Compared with our proposal, we are only looking at the scaling portion [12]. IV. PROPOSED METHOD In this section, we discuss the implementations of three new features for Docker Registry. (1) Design the Registry to scale more than one instances, (2) add self-authentication and authorization methods for accessing the Registry and (3) adding an image vulnerability scanning service to the Registry. A. Scalable Docker Registry Docker Registry in itself have the capability to scale thanks to its stateless nature. Stateless here means the Registry is not keeping track of any communication states or sessions. Taking advantage of this, we implement a proxy (NGINX)[13] in front of the Registry. Through this proxy, we can intercept requests made to the Registry and re-routing them and possibly load-balance incoming request to the Registry servers. We configure NGINX with two different upstream: 1) PUSH upstream with ip_hash balancing 2) PULL upstream with least_conn balancing PUSH upstream is designed to handle PUT, POST and PATCH request. This is because we wanted Registry upload request to stick to a single Registry server when uploading. The objective is to maintain the image layer consistency when uploading. PULL upstream on the other hand is configured to have least_conn balancing for HEAD and GET request. Least connection will use whichever server that is having the least amount of connections at the time of request. With this method, each of image layers can be pulled from different Registry server thus contributing to faster image download. By implementing these two methods, Docker Registry can now be scale to a certain number. A single point of failure would not be an issue. Performance in upload and download of Docker images from and to the node increases. B. User management The user management takes the advantage of Docker Registry built in token authentication feature. The default Registry handles only validation. We utilize this feature to incorporate our own user management feature. The user management consist of two different parts. The first part is the authentication. By following the flow from figure 1, we can observe the process of authentication as such:
  • 3. 1. Docker client initiate a request either for pulling, pushing or login, it does not matter as each request is being check for a valid token. 2. Docker Registry checks for valid token. If no token is found, our request will be replied with the address of where we can authenticate and request for token. 3. Docker daemon now forward our request to the user management server (this is the address that is given to us by the Registry server) with our authentication values for validation. 4. Using authentication values from the request, the user management checks its validity from the user database. 5. User validation is then returned to the user management. 6. User management then returns the response to the Docker daemon. This response will contain a token if the user is valid and an error messages if the user is not valid. 7. A second request is then made to the Docker Registry, this time with token. Since we are now a valid user, a request to the Docker Registry is now valid. User can now pull or push images into the Docker Registry. Fig. 1: Authentication flow Authorization grants the permission for user to make a PUSH or PULL request to user’s’ repository. A repository is a dedicated assign work area where images are kept. As an example, observe the following Registry path: Project1 in this case is the repository. This repository can be created beforehand by using the user management UI. Through a Registry notification system, the user management can intercept a request made and determine if a particular user is authorized to pull an image or push an image to and from the repository. We designed the authorization portion to allow owner of images to decide the visibility of their repository and the images in it. This visibility is defined as such: TABLE I: REPOSITORY VISIBILITY Visibility Description PUBLIC Any member & non-member can pull and push images into this repository PULL ONLY Only member can pull images from the repository PUSH & PULL Only member can pull and push images into the repository PRIVATE Only repository/workspace owner has the permission to pull and push images. C. Image vulnerability scanning We use a tool called Anchore in this setup[14]. Anchore is an open source Docker image inspection, analysis and certification tool. It runs standalone or can be integrated within an orchestration’s platform. There is also an enterprise version of Anchore, that adds graphical UI for all its management and backend-end control, but in this implementation, we adopt the open source version. By utilizing Docker Registry notification, we set up a messaging service that will store the name of images that is being pushed into the Registry. From here, we then register this name into Anchore through a REST request. Anchore in this setup is configured to pull any images from the Registry and scanned them. The result of the scanned images is kept within Anchore and can be reach via Anchore CLI or REST request. User is then presented through a UI of their images in the Registry with the results of the scanning. V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The importance of Docker Registry can be observed by looking at the adoption rate of Docker containers. According to Datadog, based on companies that uses their product, nearly one quarter of companies have adopted Docker and 20% of hosts monitored by them are a Docker hosts[15]. In 2018, it has been observed with a 75% growth of adaptation. With this positive trending towards Docker usage, the importance of having a scalable and secure Docker Registry is not a mere suggestion anymore, it is crucial. In this paper, we outline three of the most crucial implementations that increases productivity, performance and security. Productivity as in managing authentication and authorization to valid users, performance as in scaling the Registry into multi hosts image servers and security as in scanning images for vulnerability before using them. Looking forward, the features of Docker Registry will always evolve, but in retrospective, our paper addresses the core features that should be enhance. REFERENCES [1] D. Bernstein, “Containers and Cloud: From LXC to Docker to Kubernetes,” IEEE Cloud Comput., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 81–84, 2014. [2] B. I. Ismail et al., “Evaluation of Docker as Edge computing platform,” in 2015 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), 2015, pp. 130– 135. [3] C. Anderson, “Docker, Software Engineering,” in IEEE Software, 2015, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 102–105. [4] M. Satyanarayanan, P. Bahl, R. Caceres, and N. Davies, “The Case for VM-Base Cloudlets in Mobile Computing,” Pervasive Comput., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 14–23, 2009. [5] M. G. Xavier, M. V Neves, F. D. Rossi, T. C. Ferreto, T. Lange, and C. a F. De Rose, “Performance Evaluation of Container-based Virtualization for High Performance Computing Environments,” Proc.
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