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1. What is change management and why it is important to adapt to change and how to
adapt to change?
What is change management?
Change management is a systematic and structured process of developing and implementing
strategies and interventions for organizations transitioning from current state to a desired state.
Change management typically deals with incremental change, or first order change, and
transformational change, or second order change. Usually, first order change does not challenge
the established overall system and context of organization. It often associated with changes in
policies and procedures, individual needs, task and skill requirements, thus the change is
incremental. Sometimes, it is also called transactional change. On the other hand, second order
change involves changes in fundamental assumptions about reality coupled with a shift and
realigning of vision, values, culture, believes and attitudes, and core processes, thus called
transformational change. Change management is a process for managing the people-side of
The primary goal of change management is to enhance organizational performance ability and
capability through proactive or reactive actions to cope with either internally induced or externally
imposed changes. The purpose is to respond to, or anticipate in, the changing internal and external
environments for achieving strategic organizational goals.
why it is important to adapt to change?
Change is inevitable in life. Though emotionally disturbing, arming ourselves with lots of
adaptabilities will go a long way in handling change. People who adapt easily are flexible set of
people who you find excelling in a team. To measure your level of adaptability, you will need to
seek the opinion of others who understand you well. People who fail to adapt end up being too
rigid, making them form unhealthy habits.
Though adaptability may not be an inherent ability in us, it is something anybody can learn with
time. Adjusting our expectations will go a long way in helping flow with the winds of change, by
making us more adaptable.
Ways adaptability helps us
There are lots of benefits we can gain by being flexible and adaptable. If you have reached that
point in life where adaptability becomes necessary, just know there are lots of benefits to be
gained. It will definitely not be easy at first, but patience and practice can do a lot.
A, your value will increase at your workplace=- Adaptability opens up your mind to new ideas,
makes you question status quo, and gives you the willingness to go against convention. Adaptable
people aren’t scared of change, as they will first make necessary plans to handle it.
Most organizations are now emphasizing the importance of adaptability amongst the employees,
and this trend will definitely continue into the future. If you really want to shine out in the job
market by then, it is important for you to start now in sharpening your adaptability skills. Doing
so ensures you remain marketable even in the ever-changing business atmosphere.
B, Adaptability is a skill every leader must have: - Adaptability can’t afford to be missing if
you want to do well as a leader. Adaptable leaders earn the respect of their colleagues and motivate
those they lead to embrace change, making business operation as smooth as possible. Leaders are
always confronted with challenges that require them to be decisive in implementing change.
Failure to arrive at a decision as fast as possible can cause their organization to sink in fast.
C, Adaptability creates more happiness and overall life satisfaction: - Adaptability helps you
stand strong in seeming hopeless situation. Once you assure yourself that you have all it takes to
begin the change process right within you, you will have unlocked more happiness for yourself.
D, makes it possible for you to smoothly go through career changes: - If you are adaptable,
finding another job won’t be much of a work and when you finally find it, managing the job’s task
won’t take much effort from you. Overcoming procrastination will become quite easy for you, as
you will find updating your resume something you will be doing all the time. Adaptability
increases your chances of succeeding, as you will find yourself trying out different job roles while
searching for a job.
E, whenever life knocks you down, bouncing back will become easy: - There are times we
experience unexpected unpleasant situations in life. Being adaptable ensures you stay afloat when
adversities of life try to sink you down. Instead of running away from reality, you embrace it and
flow with it. Adaptable people are resilient people. Dean Becker, an expert in resiliency is the view
that our success in life is built on our ability to adapt.
How to adapt to change?
Adapting to change requires being flexible and ready when new situations and challenges arise.
Learn more about how adapting to change can make you a better team member and leader.
Adapting to change is a skill that allows you to face new challenges and situations as they arise.
For example, you may have to shift roles at your company or start a new job that requires you to
develop different skills or take on unfamiliar responsibilities. A person who can adapt to change
accepts these new opportunities and changing situations without panic or fear. Becoming an
adaptable person requires a positive attitude and a willingness to accept change as it happens.
There are many ways to become the kind of person who can adapt to change. Follow these tips to
help you adapt in times of change:
A, be positive: -Keep an open mind and always remain positive about changes in your life.
Reframe your stress or fear by thinking about using these transitions to your advantage or as an
opportunity to learn new skills. You may find that a new situation or crisis is a positive change
rather than a negative one.
B, keep your goals in sight: -When you face new challenges, keep your goals, values, and
aspirations in mind. You may feel discouraged or frustrated as change happens, but it’s vital to
revisit your aspirations and create a new plan to renew your determination and continue toward
your goals.
C, Plan for change: - Change is constant. If you anticipate change, you will be less likely to
experience frustration when it happens; plan for things to shift and anticipate new situations in
your work life.
2. Why change management fails in most cases in organizations? Elaborate with the
practical case you know
Our brains are hardwired to resist change. When change (especially organizational change) is
mentioned or introduced, it often triggers a fear response, which is why most of us are so darn
resistant to our familiar world deviating from what we know, even by the smallest degree.
As soon as something new happens, our brains automatically start trying to compare it with
previous things we already know and are familiar with. This process of comparing the two actually
uses up a lot of energy in the brain.
This mental fatigue can then increase our fear. No wonder we groan and internally panic and want
to ignore organizational change.
Five Common Reasons Organizational Change Fails
A, Poor Planning Sets Up Organizational Change for Failure: - Often, leaders are so focused
on getting their “content” solution designed that they dive right into the design phase of
organizational change without adequately doing the upfront planning work required. This sets the
effort up for failure right from the start. Instead, identify all the conditions and activities that must
occur early to set the project up for success, like: a) change roles, governance and decision-
making, b) stakeholder engagement strategy and communications, c) timeline, resources and
capacity, and d) key initiatives and how to integrate them for maximum speed and efficiency.
Without a well-designed change process plan, a likely outcome will be a false start, resistance,
and/or eventual failure.
B, Inadequate Support from Leadership: - Organizational change does not succeed without
leadership support. And lip service is not enough. do. They must be active, consistently supporting
the change teams as they design and implement changes. They must be out communicating the
benefits of the change to stakeholders and listening to and responding to their concerns. If your
leaders are not prepared to stay actively involved, perhaps it isn’t the right time for them to launch
a major change effort. Forbes magazine supports the fact leadership support plays a crucial role
for the success of organizational change, saying that successful change initiatives start at the top
and organizations should "set up a top-level team of experts, reporting directly to the CEO".
C, Lack of Resources: - Lack of resources is one of the most common reasons why organizational
change fails in most organizations. Adoption and sustainment of change are long term investments.
They don’t occur just because an awesome solution was designed. It has to get implemented, and
then tested, refined, and reinforced. This generally is a longer, and costlier endeavor than most
change leaders realize. If you don’t plan and resource the latter phases of change, you’ll not realize
the full benefits you set out to achieve.
D, Priority Focus on Systems vs. People: - Leaders often focus more on the system changes than
the people that have to make and live with them. Don’t forget that while you need to have systems
in place, it’s the people who matter most. “Sustained change is always driven by people,” says Lee
Colan in his article “10 Reasons Change Efforts Fail.” “Even implementing new software
successfully is more about the people who will use is, install it, train it, and support it than it is
about the system itself.”
E, Inadequate Change Leadership Skills: - One could easily argue that this is the 1 cause of
failed organizational change. Why? Because every issue or problem within a given change
initiative either gets prevented, solved, or caused by the skill of the change leaders in charge. And
the truth is, we don’t adequately train our leaders to become competent change leaders. Leadership
development is a part of virtually all large organizations, but change leadership development is
sorely missing. The net is that leaders tend to run change initiatives like they run their
organizations, and the two are vastly different.
3. Change for the sake of change is no change at all”. Comment on this statement and
show why change for the sake of change could be detrimental to the health of the
No one disputes that firms have to make organizational changes when the business environment
demands them. But the idea that a firm might want change for its own sake often provokes
skepticism. Why inflict all that pain if you don’t have to?
That is a dangerous attitude. A company periodically needs to shake itself up, regardless of the
competitive landscape. Even if the external environment is not changing in ways that demand a
response, the internal environment probably is. The human dynamics within an organization are
constantly shifting and require the organization to change along with them. Over time, informal
networks mirror the formal structure, which is how silos develop. Restructuring gets people to start
forming new networks, making the organization as a whole more creative. It also disrupts all the
routines in an organization that collectively stifle innovation and adaptability. Finally,
restructuring breaks up the outdated power structures that may be quietly misdirecting a company’s
resource allocation.
All these processes silo formation, the accretion of deadening routines, and the emergence of
corporate baronies take place all the time. But when everything is going well, you tend not to
notice them, just as many seemingly fit people don’t realize that their arteries are dangerously
clogged. We present here a simple questionnaire that can serve as a kind of cholesterol test for
your company, enabling you to see if your regimen needs minor or major adjustments. We begin,
though, by looking at the ways that unhealthy structures and patterns can build up, threatening
your firm’s health.
The Formation of Silos: - Most companies and business units are organized around a single
criterion be it function, product, geography, or market. The problem with this is that
communication and collaboration tend to become trapped in functional, product, geographic, or
other silos. As a result, a functionally organized firm, for instance, may be slow to recognize
product opportunities, while a product-oriented firm may find itself duplicating work.
In theory, the solution is to organize as a matrix in order to force interaction across dimensions.
But matrix organizations are notoriously difficult to manage because they blur accountability and
slow down decision making. A better solution, we submit, is to periodically reorient the
organization around a different criterion. When a firm reorganizes in this way, the old networks
and culture do not suddenly vanish; employees often maintain their old patterns of interaction for
quite a while, as first observed by professors Jackson Nickerson and Todd Zenger of Washington
University. So, at least for the near term, employees cooperate along both informal and formal
networks. As a consequence, the firm gets the best of both worlds.
The Deadening Impact of Routine: - Communication and collaboration are not the only
victims of organizational stability. The longer things are done a particular way, the harder it is to
adapt when markets shift. Worse, the less people in organizations explore and search for new
opportunities, the less capable they are of doing so.
The Emergence of Entrenched Interests: - If you avoid making changes for too long, a third
problem emerges: Companies gradually become seriously inefficient at allocating resources. The
more resources a particular unit acquires, the more it can acquire. At first, a unit’s power may
accurately reflect its importance, but over time that power may no longer be justified. The company
may be better off assigning a larger proportion of its resources elsewhere.
Knowing When to Change: - Companies that take the initiative with change in the ways we’ve
described will, on the whole, avoid the coronary-inducing bursts of massive reorganization and
restructuring that characterize many large firms. Even if they do have to undergo radical change,
they will be better prepared to survive it.
4. A well-established manufacturing unit plans to introduce new machines and new
methods of production. The workers in the factory numbering two hundred are
fearful of the change and are resisting it in many ways. How will you advise the
management to tackle the problem?
To put it simply, change is scary and challenging. Maintaining an existing habit is easier than
changing. Trying something new means there is a possibility of failure. Most people prefer to stay
in their comfort zone than venture into unknown territory. Even individuals who claim to enjoy
change may find it challenging in the workplace. After all, choosing to make a change in one’s
personal life is very different than accepting top-down organizational change. Resistance to change
in the workplace occurs because most often employees don’t have a choice. This triggers a sense
of lost control and uncertainty.
Imagine organization-wide new software implementation. As an employee, you are competent
using the old platform, and don’t necessarily understand the need for a new system. What
you do understand is: This will require effort to relearn basic functions. Consciously or
subconsciously, you might fear that the change will hurt your job performance.
While there is a misconception that change only affects low-level employees, this is not the case.
The change affects everyone in an organization from maintenance to upper management.
Additionally, resistance has nothing to do with intelligence. Not even the smartest among us are
not immune to the scariness of impending changes.
How will you advise the management to tackle the problem?
A, overcome opposition: - Regardless of how well companies manage a change, there is always
going to be resistance. Companies should engage those who are opposed to a change. By doing
this, they can actively see what their concerns are and possibly alleviate the problem in a timely
manner. By allowing employees time to give their input, it assures them that they are part of a
team that actually cares about its employees.
Communicating both early and often is necessary when trying to convey anything to employees.
There should be a constant conversation between the C-Suite and the general employees on what
is happening day to day, and for what is to come in the future. The best piece of advice that a
company can take in this regard is to be truthful, straightforward, and timely with big changes in
the workplace. Company-wide emails and intranets are great tools to utilize and this allows for
employees to ask questions and stay informed.
Innovation and improvement are two things that are occurring on a daily basis. With new ideas
and suggestions there are always ways to improve as a company, whether it be changing the
outlook on an assignment, or changing the way the office dynamic is on a day-to-day basis.
Regardless of what it is, there are always ways to improve, and this could really affect how
employees look at change management in the workplace.
B, effectively engage employees: - Listen, listen, listen. If there is another piece advice that a
company should take, it’s to receive and respond to the feedback that is provided by the employees.
They are the ones making sure that all the clients are happy and that all the work gets done, so
keeping them in the loop is vital. Ask employees probing questions: Is the change working? What
can we do to make it work better? Do employees have any questions or concerns? These are all
great questions to ask, but if feedback is going to be collected, it actually needs to be read and
utilized. Leveraging an employee engagement survey is a great first step. These answers can be
used to change the plan accordingly, and show employees that their ideas and concerns are being
heard. Understanding that no two employees are the same is another important tactic to use when
trying to understand the employee’s concern. Being able to realize that there are going to be many
different reasons for opposition depending on the person is pertinent, because then managers can
tailor ways to work out these problems.
C, implement change in several stages: - Change doesn’t happen all at once. Companies should
first prepare for the change, then take action on the change and make a plan for managing the
change, and third, support the change and assure that all is going as planned.
D, communicate change effectively: -The best way that you as an employer can communicate
change is to explicitly tell employees what is going on. Using a blend of formal and informal
communication allows you to ensure that all employees receive the news about the change in some
way or another. With all the communication outlets such as email, company intranets, town halls,
and face-to-face meetings, the message is going to get across the company. Employing several
different ways to communicate change helps explain the vision, goals and expectations for what
needs to happen and why.
5. List and describes the types of organizational changes that bring competitive
advantages in the workplace?
Organizational change is a business necessity. Employees leave, and new employees are hired,
new teams and departments are created as the company grows, and businesses adopt new
technology to stay ahead of the curve. The key to successful, productive organizational change is
the way you manage it. It’s vital to keep employees in the loop and ensure that they understand
what the changes are and how employees will be affected.
With effective organizational change management, you can keep the business running smoothly
during the transition. For example, offering effective training helps employees learn new
technology faster. That way, they fully adopt the technology, and the organizational change isn’t
bogged down by support tickets and frustrated users.
By identifying the types of organizational change, you will be implementing, you can make a plan
for keeping employees informed. You can ask for feedback as you implement the change and then
make adjustments to your change management plan so that your team has the support, they need
to maintain high morale and facilitate the change from their end.
Types of Organizational Change: - Different types of organizational change require different
strategies. Everything from implementation to communication must be tailored to the type of
change to be made.
Here are the six most common types of organizational change, along with change management
examples for each:
 Strategic change
Organizations implement strategic changes to their business to achieve goals, boost competitive
advantage in the market, or respond to market opportunities or threats. A strategic change includes
making changes to the business’s policies, structure, or processes. The upper management and the
Chief Executive Officer often bear the responsibility for strategic change.
 People-centric organizational change
While all changes affect people, people-centric types of organizational change include instituting
new parental leave policies or bringing in new hires. When implementing a people-centric change,
the leadership must bear in mind that employees will naturally resist change.
A people‐centric change requires transparency, communication, effective leadership, and an
empathetic approach.
Note: Many change management models, such as the Kübler-Ross Change Curve and Satir
Change Model, focus specifically on managing emotional reactions to change.
 Structural change
Structural changes are changes made to the organization’s structure that might stem from internal
or external factors and typically affect how the company is run. Structural changes include major
shifts in the management hierarchy, team organization, the responsibilities attributed to different
departments, the chain of command, job structure, and administrative procedures.
Circumstances that lead to structural change include mergers and acquisitions, job duplication,
changes in the market, and process or policy changes. These changes often overlap with people-
centric changes as they directly affect most, if not all, employees.
 Technological change
The increasing market competition and constantly evolving technology led to technological change
within organizations. Technology change often involves introducing new software or system to
improve business processes. However, technology project goals are often improperly defined and
poorly communicated, which scares and frustrates your employees and ultimately leads to
Technology change management is all about identifying new technology and implementing
a digital strategy for improved productivity and profitability.
 Unplanned change
Unplanned change is defined as a necessary action following unexpected events. An unplanned
change cannot be predicted but can be dealt with by effective change management.
 Remedial change
Remedial changes are reactionary. This type of change occurs when a problem is identified, and a
solution needs to be implemented. As these changes are designed to address an issue; they call for
immediate action.
Reactionary change may not be ideal, but it’s inevitable. The benefit of the remedial change is that
judging its success is quick and simple.
6. Most of change programs implement in public sectors in our country such as BPR,
BSC and the like were not fully bring intended results. What do think the reasons
from course concepts or from practical experience you know?
Both BPR and BCS programs did not succeed as expected and failed to produce desired results
in our country due to: Insufficient education and training, uncertainty, habit, concern over
personal loss, Lack of employee involvement, Lack of management understanding of the change,
Fear of losing job, Not providing required physical resources, Lack of organizational flexibility
and participation and the belief that the change is not in the organization's best interest. Poor
management managers who were involved in the process of change implementation found lack
of managers’ ability to manage change and reduce resistance as the major obstacle to the change
programs. Many of the obstacles hindering change programs such as lack of a clear vision, poor
planning, ineffective strategies, poor organizational culture, poor communication, inadequate
resources, and employee resistance to change are linked to how effectively the change program
is managed. In our country ineffective managers create more stress for employees who are
applying the organizational change. The other cause of resistance is the fear of losing something
already possessed. They fear the loss of status, money, authority, friendships, personal
convenience, or other economic benefits that they value.
Beside to this change program introduced in our country politicized before introduced to the
organization in case of this for some period of time it exaggerated and not continued.
Some reasons are mentioned here:
 No clear and compelling case for change
In case of our country people don’t understand why change is necessary, and resistance inevitably
builds. Most major transformations are justified from a financial return’s standpoint, but the
rationale for large-scale change must be clear and compelling for all of the key stakeholders. It
didn’t help critical groups of people understand why change is necessary and how it will affect
them, even with a solid intellectual rationale for change, people inevitably want to understand the
implications for and impact on them.
 Administrative processes.
Processes that act as pressures for change include communications, decision making, leadership,
and motivational strategies, to name only a few. Breakdowns or problems in any of these processes
can create pressures for change. Communications may be inadequate; decisions may be of poor
quality; leadership may be inappropriate for the situation; and staff motivation may be nonexistent.
Such processes reflect breakdowns or problems in the school district/school and may reflect the
need for change). Some symptoms of people problems are poor performance levels worker; high
absenteeism; high dropout rate; high turnover; poor community relations, poor management-union
relations; and low levels of staff morale and job satisfaction.
 Uncertainty
Our community may resist change because they are worried about how their work and lives will
be affected by the proposed change. Even if they have some appreciable dissatisfaction with their
present jobs, they have learned what their range of responsibilities is and what their administrator's
reaction to their behavior will be in certain situations. Any change creates some potential
 Concern over Personal Loss
Appropriate change should may benefit the whole community, but for some staff members, the
cost of change in terms of lost power, prestige, salary, quality of work, or other benefits will not
be sufficiently offset by the rewards of change. Organization members may feel change will
diminish their decision-making authority, accessibility to information, autonomy, and the inherent
characteristics of the job.
 Group Resistance
Groups establish norms of behavior and performance that are communicated to members. This
communication establishes the boundaries of expected behaviors. Failure to comply with such
norms usually results in sanctions against group members by the group. The more cohesive the
staff is, the greater their resistance to change will be. This may explain partially what causes
wildcat strikes by employees introduce changes without proper notification and preparation
 Dependence
All humans begin life in a dependent state. Thus, dependence is instilled in all people to a certain
extent. Dependency, in and of itself, is not all bad; but if carried to extremes, dependency on others
can lead to resistance to change. For instance, staff members who are highly dependent on their
leader for feedback on their performance will probably not adopt any new methods or strategies
unless the leader personally endorses their behavior and indicates how the proposed changes will
improve the staff member’s performance.
 Poor Awareness in the Proposed Change
Organization members may resist change because they are poor aware in the proposed change.
Due to we think that such working environment is not appropriate for our country and poor of
working culture in our country.
assignment change management assignment.docx

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assignment change management assignment.docx

  • 1. 1. What is change management and why it is important to adapt to change and how to adapt to change? What is change management? Change management is a systematic and structured process of developing and implementing strategies and interventions for organizations transitioning from current state to a desired state. Change management typically deals with incremental change, or first order change, and transformational change, or second order change. Usually, first order change does not challenge the established overall system and context of organization. It often associated with changes in policies and procedures, individual needs, task and skill requirements, thus the change is incremental. Sometimes, it is also called transactional change. On the other hand, second order change involves changes in fundamental assumptions about reality coupled with a shift and realigning of vision, values, culture, believes and attitudes, and core processes, thus called transformational change. Change management is a process for managing the people-side of change. The primary goal of change management is to enhance organizational performance ability and capability through proactive or reactive actions to cope with either internally induced or externally imposed changes. The purpose is to respond to, or anticipate in, the changing internal and external environments for achieving strategic organizational goals. why it is important to adapt to change? Change is inevitable in life. Though emotionally disturbing, arming ourselves with lots of adaptabilities will go a long way in handling change. People who adapt easily are flexible set of people who you find excelling in a team. To measure your level of adaptability, you will need to seek the opinion of others who understand you well. People who fail to adapt end up being too rigid, making them form unhealthy habits.
  • 2. Though adaptability may not be an inherent ability in us, it is something anybody can learn with time. Adjusting our expectations will go a long way in helping flow with the winds of change, by making us more adaptable. Ways adaptability helps us There are lots of benefits we can gain by being flexible and adaptable. If you have reached that point in life where adaptability becomes necessary, just know there are lots of benefits to be gained. It will definitely not be easy at first, but patience and practice can do a lot. A, your value will increase at your workplace=- Adaptability opens up your mind to new ideas, makes you question status quo, and gives you the willingness to go against convention. Adaptable people aren’t scared of change, as they will first make necessary plans to handle it. Most organizations are now emphasizing the importance of adaptability amongst the employees, and this trend will definitely continue into the future. If you really want to shine out in the job market by then, it is important for you to start now in sharpening your adaptability skills. Doing so ensures you remain marketable even in the ever-changing business atmosphere. B, Adaptability is a skill every leader must have: - Adaptability can’t afford to be missing if you want to do well as a leader. Adaptable leaders earn the respect of their colleagues and motivate those they lead to embrace change, making business operation as smooth as possible. Leaders are always confronted with challenges that require them to be decisive in implementing change. Failure to arrive at a decision as fast as possible can cause their organization to sink in fast. C, Adaptability creates more happiness and overall life satisfaction: - Adaptability helps you stand strong in seeming hopeless situation. Once you assure yourself that you have all it takes to begin the change process right within you, you will have unlocked more happiness for yourself. D, makes it possible for you to smoothly go through career changes: - If you are adaptable, finding another job won’t be much of a work and when you finally find it, managing the job’s task won’t take much effort from you. Overcoming procrastination will become quite easy for you, as you will find updating your resume something you will be doing all the time. Adaptability increases your chances of succeeding, as you will find yourself trying out different job roles while searching for a job.
  • 3. E, whenever life knocks you down, bouncing back will become easy: - There are times we experience unexpected unpleasant situations in life. Being adaptable ensures you stay afloat when adversities of life try to sink you down. Instead of running away from reality, you embrace it and flow with it. Adaptable people are resilient people. Dean Becker, an expert in resiliency is the view that our success in life is built on our ability to adapt. How to adapt to change? Adapting to change requires being flexible and ready when new situations and challenges arise. Learn more about how adapting to change can make you a better team member and leader. Adapting to change is a skill that allows you to face new challenges and situations as they arise. For example, you may have to shift roles at your company or start a new job that requires you to develop different skills or take on unfamiliar responsibilities. A person who can adapt to change accepts these new opportunities and changing situations without panic or fear. Becoming an adaptable person requires a positive attitude and a willingness to accept change as it happens. There are many ways to become the kind of person who can adapt to change. Follow these tips to help you adapt in times of change: A, be positive: -Keep an open mind and always remain positive about changes in your life. Reframe your stress or fear by thinking about using these transitions to your advantage or as an opportunity to learn new skills. You may find that a new situation or crisis is a positive change rather than a negative one. B, keep your goals in sight: -When you face new challenges, keep your goals, values, and aspirations in mind. You may feel discouraged or frustrated as change happens, but it’s vital to revisit your aspirations and create a new plan to renew your determination and continue toward your goals. C, Plan for change: - Change is constant. If you anticipate change, you will be less likely to experience frustration when it happens; plan for things to shift and anticipate new situations in your work life.
  • 4. 2. Why change management fails in most cases in organizations? Elaborate with the practical case you know Our brains are hardwired to resist change. When change (especially organizational change) is mentioned or introduced, it often triggers a fear response, which is why most of us are so darn resistant to our familiar world deviating from what we know, even by the smallest degree. As soon as something new happens, our brains automatically start trying to compare it with previous things we already know and are familiar with. This process of comparing the two actually uses up a lot of energy in the brain. This mental fatigue can then increase our fear. No wonder we groan and internally panic and want to ignore organizational change. Five Common Reasons Organizational Change Fails A, Poor Planning Sets Up Organizational Change for Failure: - Often, leaders are so focused on getting their “content” solution designed that they dive right into the design phase of organizational change without adequately doing the upfront planning work required. This sets the effort up for failure right from the start. Instead, identify all the conditions and activities that must occur early to set the project up for success, like: a) change roles, governance and decision- making, b) stakeholder engagement strategy and communications, c) timeline, resources and capacity, and d) key initiatives and how to integrate them for maximum speed and efficiency. Without a well-designed change process plan, a likely outcome will be a false start, resistance, and/or eventual failure. B, Inadequate Support from Leadership: - Organizational change does not succeed without leadership support. And lip service is not enough. do. They must be active, consistently supporting the change teams as they design and implement changes. They must be out communicating the benefits of the change to stakeholders and listening to and responding to their concerns. If your leaders are not prepared to stay actively involved, perhaps it isn’t the right time for them to launch a major change effort. Forbes magazine supports the fact leadership support plays a crucial role
  • 5. for the success of organizational change, saying that successful change initiatives start at the top and organizations should "set up a top-level team of experts, reporting directly to the CEO". C, Lack of Resources: - Lack of resources is one of the most common reasons why organizational change fails in most organizations. Adoption and sustainment of change are long term investments. They don’t occur just because an awesome solution was designed. It has to get implemented, and then tested, refined, and reinforced. This generally is a longer, and costlier endeavor than most change leaders realize. If you don’t plan and resource the latter phases of change, you’ll not realize the full benefits you set out to achieve. D, Priority Focus on Systems vs. People: - Leaders often focus more on the system changes than the people that have to make and live with them. Don’t forget that while you need to have systems in place, it’s the people who matter most. “Sustained change is always driven by people,” says Lee Colan in his article “10 Reasons Change Efforts Fail.” “Even implementing new software successfully is more about the people who will use is, install it, train it, and support it than it is about the system itself.” E, Inadequate Change Leadership Skills: - One could easily argue that this is the 1 cause of failed organizational change. Why? Because every issue or problem within a given change initiative either gets prevented, solved, or caused by the skill of the change leaders in charge. And the truth is, we don’t adequately train our leaders to become competent change leaders. Leadership development is a part of virtually all large organizations, but change leadership development is sorely missing. The net is that leaders tend to run change initiatives like they run their organizations, and the two are vastly different. 3. Change for the sake of change is no change at all”. Comment on this statement and show why change for the sake of change could be detrimental to the health of the organization? No one disputes that firms have to make organizational changes when the business environment demands them. But the idea that a firm might want change for its own sake often provokes skepticism. Why inflict all that pain if you don’t have to? That is a dangerous attitude. A company periodically needs to shake itself up, regardless of the competitive landscape. Even if the external environment is not changing in ways that demand a
  • 6. response, the internal environment probably is. The human dynamics within an organization are constantly shifting and require the organization to change along with them. Over time, informal networks mirror the formal structure, which is how silos develop. Restructuring gets people to start forming new networks, making the organization as a whole more creative. It also disrupts all the routines in an organization that collectively stifle innovation and adaptability. Finally, restructuring breaks up the outdated power structures that may be quietly misdirecting a company’s resource allocation. All these processes silo formation, the accretion of deadening routines, and the emergence of corporate baronies take place all the time. But when everything is going well, you tend not to notice them, just as many seemingly fit people don’t realize that their arteries are dangerously clogged. We present here a simple questionnaire that can serve as a kind of cholesterol test for your company, enabling you to see if your regimen needs minor or major adjustments. We begin, though, by looking at the ways that unhealthy structures and patterns can build up, threatening your firm’s health. The Formation of Silos: - Most companies and business units are organized around a single criterion be it function, product, geography, or market. The problem with this is that communication and collaboration tend to become trapped in functional, product, geographic, or other silos. As a result, a functionally organized firm, for instance, may be slow to recognize product opportunities, while a product-oriented firm may find itself duplicating work. In theory, the solution is to organize as a matrix in order to force interaction across dimensions. But matrix organizations are notoriously difficult to manage because they blur accountability and slow down decision making. A better solution, we submit, is to periodically reorient the organization around a different criterion. When a firm reorganizes in this way, the old networks and culture do not suddenly vanish; employees often maintain their old patterns of interaction for quite a while, as first observed by professors Jackson Nickerson and Todd Zenger of Washington University. So, at least for the near term, employees cooperate along both informal and formal networks. As a consequence, the firm gets the best of both worlds. The Deadening Impact of Routine: - Communication and collaboration are not the only victims of organizational stability. The longer things are done a particular way, the harder it is to
  • 7. adapt when markets shift. Worse, the less people in organizations explore and search for new opportunities, the less capable they are of doing so. The Emergence of Entrenched Interests: - If you avoid making changes for too long, a third problem emerges: Companies gradually become seriously inefficient at allocating resources. The more resources a particular unit acquires, the more it can acquire. At first, a unit’s power may accurately reflect its importance, but over time that power may no longer be justified. The company may be better off assigning a larger proportion of its resources elsewhere. Knowing When to Change: - Companies that take the initiative with change in the ways we’ve described will, on the whole, avoid the coronary-inducing bursts of massive reorganization and restructuring that characterize many large firms. Even if they do have to undergo radical change, they will be better prepared to survive it. 4. A well-established manufacturing unit plans to introduce new machines and new methods of production. The workers in the factory numbering two hundred are fearful of the change and are resisting it in many ways. How will you advise the management to tackle the problem? To put it simply, change is scary and challenging. Maintaining an existing habit is easier than changing. Trying something new means there is a possibility of failure. Most people prefer to stay in their comfort zone than venture into unknown territory. Even individuals who claim to enjoy change may find it challenging in the workplace. After all, choosing to make a change in one’s personal life is very different than accepting top-down organizational change. Resistance to change in the workplace occurs because most often employees don’t have a choice. This triggers a sense of lost control and uncertainty. Imagine organization-wide new software implementation. As an employee, you are competent using the old platform, and don’t necessarily understand the need for a new system. What you do understand is: This will require effort to relearn basic functions. Consciously or subconsciously, you might fear that the change will hurt your job performance. While there is a misconception that change only affects low-level employees, this is not the case. The change affects everyone in an organization from maintenance to upper management.
  • 8. Additionally, resistance has nothing to do with intelligence. Not even the smartest among us are not immune to the scariness of impending changes. How will you advise the management to tackle the problem? A, overcome opposition: - Regardless of how well companies manage a change, there is always going to be resistance. Companies should engage those who are opposed to a change. By doing this, they can actively see what their concerns are and possibly alleviate the problem in a timely manner. By allowing employees time to give their input, it assures them that they are part of a team that actually cares about its employees. Communicating both early and often is necessary when trying to convey anything to employees. There should be a constant conversation between the C-Suite and the general employees on what is happening day to day, and for what is to come in the future. The best piece of advice that a company can take in this regard is to be truthful, straightforward, and timely with big changes in the workplace. Company-wide emails and intranets are great tools to utilize and this allows for employees to ask questions and stay informed. Innovation and improvement are two things that are occurring on a daily basis. With new ideas and suggestions there are always ways to improve as a company, whether it be changing the outlook on an assignment, or changing the way the office dynamic is on a day-to-day basis. Regardless of what it is, there are always ways to improve, and this could really affect how employees look at change management in the workplace. B, effectively engage employees: - Listen, listen, listen. If there is another piece advice that a company should take, it’s to receive and respond to the feedback that is provided by the employees. They are the ones making sure that all the clients are happy and that all the work gets done, so keeping them in the loop is vital. Ask employees probing questions: Is the change working? What can we do to make it work better? Do employees have any questions or concerns? These are all great questions to ask, but if feedback is going to be collected, it actually needs to be read and utilized. Leveraging an employee engagement survey is a great first step. These answers can be used to change the plan accordingly, and show employees that their ideas and concerns are being heard. Understanding that no two employees are the same is another important tactic to use when
  • 9. trying to understand the employee’s concern. Being able to realize that there are going to be many different reasons for opposition depending on the person is pertinent, because then managers can tailor ways to work out these problems. C, implement change in several stages: - Change doesn’t happen all at once. Companies should first prepare for the change, then take action on the change and make a plan for managing the change, and third, support the change and assure that all is going as planned. D, communicate change effectively: -The best way that you as an employer can communicate change is to explicitly tell employees what is going on. Using a blend of formal and informal communication allows you to ensure that all employees receive the news about the change in some way or another. With all the communication outlets such as email, company intranets, town halls, and face-to-face meetings, the message is going to get across the company. Employing several different ways to communicate change helps explain the vision, goals and expectations for what needs to happen and why. 5. List and describes the types of organizational changes that bring competitive advantages in the workplace? Organizational change is a business necessity. Employees leave, and new employees are hired, new teams and departments are created as the company grows, and businesses adopt new technology to stay ahead of the curve. The key to successful, productive organizational change is the way you manage it. It’s vital to keep employees in the loop and ensure that they understand what the changes are and how employees will be affected. With effective organizational change management, you can keep the business running smoothly during the transition. For example, offering effective training helps employees learn new technology faster. That way, they fully adopt the technology, and the organizational change isn’t bogged down by support tickets and frustrated users. By identifying the types of organizational change, you will be implementing, you can make a plan for keeping employees informed. You can ask for feedback as you implement the change and then
  • 10. make adjustments to your change management plan so that your team has the support, they need to maintain high morale and facilitate the change from their end. Types of Organizational Change: - Different types of organizational change require different strategies. Everything from implementation to communication must be tailored to the type of change to be made. Here are the six most common types of organizational change, along with change management examples for each:  Strategic change Organizations implement strategic changes to their business to achieve goals, boost competitive advantage in the market, or respond to market opportunities or threats. A strategic change includes making changes to the business’s policies, structure, or processes. The upper management and the Chief Executive Officer often bear the responsibility for strategic change.  People-centric organizational change While all changes affect people, people-centric types of organizational change include instituting new parental leave policies or bringing in new hires. When implementing a people-centric change, the leadership must bear in mind that employees will naturally resist change. A people‐centric change requires transparency, communication, effective leadership, and an empathetic approach. Note: Many change management models, such as the Kübler-Ross Change Curve and Satir Change Model, focus specifically on managing emotional reactions to change.  Structural change Structural changes are changes made to the organization’s structure that might stem from internal or external factors and typically affect how the company is run. Structural changes include major shifts in the management hierarchy, team organization, the responsibilities attributed to different departments, the chain of command, job structure, and administrative procedures.
  • 11. Circumstances that lead to structural change include mergers and acquisitions, job duplication, changes in the market, and process or policy changes. These changes often overlap with people- centric changes as they directly affect most, if not all, employees.  Technological change The increasing market competition and constantly evolving technology led to technological change within organizations. Technology change often involves introducing new software or system to improve business processes. However, technology project goals are often improperly defined and poorly communicated, which scares and frustrates your employees and ultimately leads to resistance. Technology change management is all about identifying new technology and implementing a digital strategy for improved productivity and profitability.  Unplanned change Unplanned change is defined as a necessary action following unexpected events. An unplanned change cannot be predicted but can be dealt with by effective change management.  Remedial change Remedial changes are reactionary. This type of change occurs when a problem is identified, and a solution needs to be implemented. As these changes are designed to address an issue; they call for immediate action. Reactionary change may not be ideal, but it’s inevitable. The benefit of the remedial change is that judging its success is quick and simple. 6. Most of change programs implement in public sectors in our country such as BPR, BSC and the like were not fully bring intended results. What do think the reasons from course concepts or from practical experience you know? Both BPR and BCS programs did not succeed as expected and failed to produce desired results in our country due to: Insufficient education and training, uncertainty, habit, concern over personal loss, Lack of employee involvement, Lack of management understanding of the change, Fear of losing job, Not providing required physical resources, Lack of organizational flexibility
  • 12. and participation and the belief that the change is not in the organization's best interest. Poor management managers who were involved in the process of change implementation found lack of managers’ ability to manage change and reduce resistance as the major obstacle to the change programs. Many of the obstacles hindering change programs such as lack of a clear vision, poor planning, ineffective strategies, poor organizational culture, poor communication, inadequate resources, and employee resistance to change are linked to how effectively the change program is managed. In our country ineffective managers create more stress for employees who are applying the organizational change. The other cause of resistance is the fear of losing something already possessed. They fear the loss of status, money, authority, friendships, personal convenience, or other economic benefits that they value. Beside to this change program introduced in our country politicized before introduced to the organization in case of this for some period of time it exaggerated and not continued. Some reasons are mentioned here:  No clear and compelling case for change In case of our country people don’t understand why change is necessary, and resistance inevitably builds. Most major transformations are justified from a financial return’s standpoint, but the rationale for large-scale change must be clear and compelling for all of the key stakeholders. It didn’t help critical groups of people understand why change is necessary and how it will affect them, even with a solid intellectual rationale for change, people inevitably want to understand the implications for and impact on them.  Administrative processes. Processes that act as pressures for change include communications, decision making, leadership, and motivational strategies, to name only a few. Breakdowns or problems in any of these processes can create pressures for change. Communications may be inadequate; decisions may be of poor quality; leadership may be inappropriate for the situation; and staff motivation may be nonexistent. Such processes reflect breakdowns or problems in the school district/school and may reflect the need for change). Some symptoms of people problems are poor performance levels worker; high
  • 13. absenteeism; high dropout rate; high turnover; poor community relations, poor management-union relations; and low levels of staff morale and job satisfaction.  Uncertainty Our community may resist change because they are worried about how their work and lives will be affected by the proposed change. Even if they have some appreciable dissatisfaction with their present jobs, they have learned what their range of responsibilities is and what their administrator's reaction to their behavior will be in certain situations. Any change creates some potential uncertainties.  Concern over Personal Loss Appropriate change should may benefit the whole community, but for some staff members, the cost of change in terms of lost power, prestige, salary, quality of work, or other benefits will not be sufficiently offset by the rewards of change. Organization members may feel change will diminish their decision-making authority, accessibility to information, autonomy, and the inherent characteristics of the job.  Group Resistance Groups establish norms of behavior and performance that are communicated to members. This communication establishes the boundaries of expected behaviors. Failure to comply with such norms usually results in sanctions against group members by the group. The more cohesive the staff is, the greater their resistance to change will be. This may explain partially what causes wildcat strikes by employees introduce changes without proper notification and preparation  Dependence All humans begin life in a dependent state. Thus, dependence is instilled in all people to a certain extent. Dependency, in and of itself, is not all bad; but if carried to extremes, dependency on others can lead to resistance to change. For instance, staff members who are highly dependent on their leader for feedback on their performance will probably not adopt any new methods or strategies unless the leader personally endorses their behavior and indicates how the proposed changes will improve the staff member’s performance.
  • 14.  Poor Awareness in the Proposed Change Organization members may resist change because they are poor aware in the proposed change. Due to we think that such working environment is not appropriate for our country and poor of working culture in our country.