safety more safety and reliability quality of life energy saving cost saving data centre sustainability traffic control wifi smart cities cut down in maintenance costs hotels time management healthcare home improvement offices industry supermarkets refrigiratio cooling lower electrical costs government hospitals supermarkets; energy saving; cooling; refrigiratio meldungen für einwohner notrufe für jeder zugänglich videoüberwachung an jeder beliebiger stelle dynamische verkehrszeichen parkplatz management vermeidung lichtverschmutzung touristen informationen informationen über öffentliche verkehrsmittel wifiinternet in der stadt intelligentes verkehrsmanagement ladestationen für elektrofahrzeuge ein-/ ausschalten und dimmen der leuchten schrittweise umstellung auf led macht der ersatz i kosteneinsparung 25% -45% erhebliche verlängerung der lebensdauer von led e amortisierung zwischen 2 und 7 jahre wartung in echtzeit funktion und fehleranalyse der leuchten umstellung der stabiluxauf die ideale spannung fü fernsteuerung und Überwachung jedes lichtpunktes öffentlichen beleuchtungsanlagen. smart city sicherheit energieeinsparung verringerten wartungskosten power line systems steuerung und Überwachung straßen - und außenbeleuchtungen wheelchairs for disabled seaside public places parks cycle lanes resorts cities lay-bys recharging car parks vehicle recharging service areas shopping centers bicycles scooters segways no renovation works no need to install new cables integrated single intelligent platform ip solutions energy savings control consumption analysis comfort control of acces gates handsfree acces parking system cashless services parking space occupancy integrated vehicle management vehicle detection system automatic vehicle identification inform traffic bulletins for citizens use intelligent dynamic signs to inform citizens a associate traffic with noise impact and pollution plan traffic flows in an optimal way adjust road lighting in relation to traffic better imaging reliability payback period of less than 3 years save 8% to 15% on the power for your entire superm controls luminous pollution reconciles safety less disposal of exhausted lamps savings and quality constant and uniform lighting greater driving safety considirable saving of co2 avoid shadow cones compliance with uni standard 10819 average life of the lamps is doubled need for replacement is reduced ignition cysles for each type of lamp soft-start function energy savings up to 50% programmable ignition time petrol stations public offices schools shopping centres medical facilities industries museums
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