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Teaching Techniques No. 9
Reading Prescription Labels (Teaching Techniques)
Jacob R. Stotler
Dr. Darrell Lang
The University of Wyoming
Alcohol and Enabling
Time needed
The concept being introduced is a teaching technique that is based on many aspects of
medicine and assessment of the human being. Where we are familiar with many tools in
psychology, we are almost definitely aware that what makes up good assessments are good tools,
and as we include proven theories and evidence based applications of psychology and medicine,
even sociological tools and psycho-social benefits, we then too become abled to test for the
presence of these attributes and use of strategies within individuals. As we can diagnoses
disorders from tests, we too can identify and consummate strategic tests to assure that people are
using the psychosocial / sociological prevention tools that they have, to the most optimal
applications, while integrating psychological heuristics such as the attention behavior gap, the
recommended theoretical aspects of coping with loss or grief, the idea that over-willingness is a
factor of decreasing the achievement of goals, the application that people within a certain frame
act within the frame that is introduced (the anchor heuristic). Where these tools are not much
medication of prognostic applications, but they are essential and proven factors of the
functioning of the human, and then also they are salient aspects of what can reduce human error.
As was mentioned in the last teaching technique where we have a certain checklist that
accommodates an appropriate / nearly flawless strategy of medication administration, we are
introducing now a checklist that scans or assures that people are making decisions and making
rational judicious judgements about if the circumstances or people around them are enablers or if
decisions, events and people a rein facto healthy leaders and confreres in someone’s life.
Thus, the time needed for this specific learning strategy, which can be defined as a
technology “trainer” device, is such that that a person needs only a few moments to review the
checklist or take the “SFR assessment:” for making decisions, this application is available in an
APP which offers assessments for good decision making. SFR standing for Short Form Rationale
decision making assessment checklist.
The App and checklists tests the person’s psyche /decision making and strategies for
appropriates psychological measures and uses psychological constructs and heuristics to assist
manage decision based on a “plan to goal strategy” or “intention-behavior applicatory.”
National standards that this technique is affiliated
The national health standards relevant are such that of Standard 1: “health promotion and
disease prevention.” Standard 2 “analyzation of the influence of family, peers, culture,
technology and other health related factors.” Standard 3 “demonstration of the ability to access
valid information….and services to enhance health.” Standard 4 “ability to use interpersonal
communication skills to enhance health…” Standard 5 “demonstration of ability to use decision
making skills….” Standard 6 “students must demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills…”
Standard 7 “students to demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid
health risks.” Standard 8 “students to demonstrate the ability to advocate for….health”.
Assessments, Objectives and Procedures
The assessment introduced should be as a randomized technological / rote system, or a
systematic checklist is involved in screening a person’s ideas and screening the light of the
surroundings to clarify if the person feels strongly about their decision and the people around
them. The checklist is designed as a checklist, and APP for mobile device, and as a game. Where
people constantly screen their current state and psyche through the app top verify that they are
nearly or essentially making robust and stabilized decisions that match with their hopes and
aspirations for the future. Some scientists have called psych-heuristics – “prime examples of
boundedly rational mind tools, that utilize and evolutionary capacity of the psyche]” (Pachur &
Hertwig, 2006).
The objective is implicitly train and teach people through psyche adaptation and
experience that decisions and the people surrounding are an important aspect of the ideation of
making goals, pursuing long term achievement, as well as informing by implicit knowledge, the
activity of designing new aspirations and goals for long term pursuit. While with the limitless
and named psych-heuristics we face too that humans have been named to have evolutionary
processers, yet still have a “limited capacity information processor” (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006).
This gives us room on the subject of decision making, to imply that if we were to use science
based tools for scheduling and decision making, we would be lent to the idea of applying the
tools and thus the “limitation on our psyche” would be dedicated to a certain place, where a
system exists that adjustments can be rationalized by framing certain areas to fit within a
measure that we implement by a “behavior-intention” and psych-heuristics check, checklist.
The procedure would be taught to students from the grades of 7-12 to use such measures
as the SFR checklist, by app or mnemonic device that helps people program situations and
decisions and accommodate for healthy outcomes. Where we have that the technique involves
teaching that risky decisions are made by requisite in these grades, also that one of the first
applications of implementing an insight to decision making is removing the heat of the moment
and removing thyself from the movement to sasses these situations as a more prepotent executive
process than that of acting within that moment.
We also educate these young people about forefrontal thought / executive processes of
using the frontal lobe to initiate a conscious input to the brain processes, where we pay attention
to the moment that a decision can be made, is the only moment where we can input applications
of executive processes and thus by using the assessment guide a checklist, we rule that a priority
decision about making risky decisions is to pull out the app and use the checklist in place of
behavior and uninhibited action.
If we can insert the trainer (mobile App device) before action, we can train the person to
think about processes and disrupt decision making that happens from action to action behavior. If
we can insert the brain and the processes of inhibition at the proper time, we can nearly assure
that there is forethought in all behaviors and decisions, thus making sophistication and grander
articulation in thought. If we can interrupt the action to action processes of human behavior, we
make progress, if we can insert a trainer between this process we make further process, and if an
individual can see to agree with the program we thus make further progress still, and thus if the
person can memorize the checklist we apply an implicit process that evolves human cognition by
the place of implicit process, integrated by application.
These processes would be the purpose of the applications, thus and still the importance
would be to both, to interrupt systems and introduce further systems at the same time. Applying a
systemic application where only a placeholder now is held – the moment of passivity or
application to the introduction of inhibition.
The views of the person per their app or checklist would provide a means of how much
these people are applying these certain processes and viewing the website or using the
application. Judgements regarding further intervention linger on that note, where further action is
due to a person’s failure to use the system.
Materials and Preparation
The materials and preparations involved are thus dedicated to the design of the APP. It
makes sense both for these applications to offer a randomized system where new questions are
asked to frame persons decisions, and also if the checklist was the same. If a person was able to
check upon a checklist when they were associating with certain people, or before making
irrational or action to action decisions and behaviors, these people would be bound at benefit
because of the attention to systematic inhibition, thus equaling executive behaviors. This would
minimize enablers in the person’s life, increase inhibition to action and risky behavior, and
would also help curb a person’s decisions and behaviors to avoid alcohol, drugs and other risky
situations on the street, or away from the institution or societal structure. This application would
be relevant to other tough decision-making processes such that would be applicable to certain
diseases, disorders and disabilities too, where people sometimes rely on decision making, yet
may have distortion between knowing that decisions are important and being able to distinguish
why, and target optimal outcomes.
In closing, we are teaching science by science, and mitigating human error between both
transmission and receptivity, by utilizing psych heuristics that align people with their goals,
utilizing the mobile device and simplistic designs of psych-testing by implementing decision
making tests, before people make the decisions. The checklist should take only moments and
made of about 4 major questions, based on heuristics, based on science, based on minimizing
intention behavior gaps.
Pachur, T., & Hertwig, R. (2006). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval
primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory and Cognition. 32. 5. P. 983-1002. Retrieved April 4, 2019 from
aramdict=en-US .DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.32.5.983
Teaching Techniques No. 9
Reading Prescription Labels (Teaching Techniques)
Jacob R. Stotler
Dr. Darrell Lang
The University of Wyoming
Alcohol and Enabling
Time needed
The concept being introduced is a teaching technique that is based on many aspects of
medicine and assessment of the human being. Where we are familiar with many tools in
psychology, we are almost definitely aware that - what makes up good assessments are good
tools and proven to be so (reliable and valid), and as we include proven theories and evidence
based applications of psychology and medicine, even sociological tools and psycho-social
benefits, we then too become are abled to test for the presence of these attributes and use of
strategies within individuals.
As we can diagnoses disorders from tests, we too can identify and consummate strategic
tests to assure that people are using the psychosocial / sociological prevention tools that they
have, to the most optimal applications, while integrating psychological heuristics such as the
intention behavior gap, the recommended theoretical aspects of coping with loss or grief, the idea
that over-willingness is a factor of decreasing the achievement of goals, the application that
people within a certain frame act within the frame that is introduced (the anchor heuristic).
Where these tools are not much medication of prognostic applications, but they are essential and
proven factors of the functioning of the human, and then also they are salient aspects of what can
reduce human error.
As was mentioned in the last teaching technique where we have a certain checklist that
accommodates an appropriate / nearly flawless strategy of medication administration, we are
introducing now a checklist that scans, filters, or assures that people are making decisions and
making rational judicious judgements about if the circumstances or people around them are
enablers or if decisions, events and people are in fact in company to healthy leaders and
confreres in the person's life.
Thus, the time needed for this specific learning strategy, which can be defined as a
technology “trainer” device, is such that that a person needs only a few moments to review the
checklist or take the “SFR assessment:” for making decisions, this application is available in an
APP which offers assessments for good decision making. SFR standing for Short Form Rationale
decision making assessment checklist.
The App and checklists tests the person’s psyche /decision making and strategies for
appropriates psychological measures and uses psychological constructs and heuristics to assist
manage decision based on a “plan to goal strategy,” or “intention-behavior applicatory.”
National standards that this technique is affiliated
The national health standards relevant are such that of Standard 1: “health promotion and
disease prevention.” Standard 2 “analyzation of the influence of family, peers, culture,
technology and other health related factors.” Standard 3 “demonstration of the ability to access
valid information….and services to enhance health.” Standard 4 “ability to use interpersonal
communication skills to enhance health…” Standard 5 “demonstration of ability to use decision
making skills….” Standard 6 “students must demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills…”
Standard 7 “students to demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid
health risks.” Standard 8 “students to demonstrate the ability to advocate for….health”.
Assessments, Objectives and Procedures
The assessment introduced should be as a randomized technological / rote system, or a
systematic checklist is involved in screening a person’s ideas and screening the light of the
surroundings to clarify if the person feels strongly about their decision and the people around
them. The checklist is designed as a checklist, and APP for mobile device, and as a game. Where
people constantly screen their current state and psyche through the app top verify that they are
nearly or essentially making robust and stabilized decisions that match with their hopes and
aspirations for the future. Some scientists have called psych-heuristics – “prime examples
of boundedly rational mind tools, that utilize an [evolutionary capacity of the psyche]” (Pachur
& Hertwig, 2006).
The objective is implicitly train and teach people through psyche adaptation and
experience that decisions and the people surrounding are an important aspect of the ideation of
making goals, pursuing long term achievement, as well as informing by implicit knowledge, the
activity of designing new aspirations and goals for long term pursuit. While with the limitless
and named psych-heuristics we face too that humans have been named to have evolutionary
processers, yet still have a “limited capacity information processor” (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006).
This gives us room on the subject of decision making, to imply that if we were to use science
based tools for scheduling and decision making, we would be lent to the idea of applying the
tools and thus the “limitation on our psyche” would be dedicated to a certain place, where a
system exists that adjustments can be rationalized by framing certain areas to fit within a
measure that we implement by a “behavior-intention” and psych-heuristics check,
counseling and psychology / therapy based applications and psyche-tools applied within an
assessment design into a checklist.
The procedure would be taught to students from the grades of 7-12 to use such measures
as the SFR checklist, by app or mnemonic device that helps people program situations and
decisions and accommodate for healthy outcomes. Where we have that the technique involves
teaching that risky decisions are made by requisite in these grades, also that one of the first
applications of implementing an insight to decision making is removing the heat of the moment
and removing thyself from the movement to asses (at distance) these situations as a more
prepotent executive process than that of acting within that unchosen moment.
We also educate these young people about forefrontal thought / executive processes of
using the frontal lobe to initiate a conscious input to the brain processes, where we pay attention
to the moment that a decision can be made, is the only moment where we can input applications
of executive processes and thus by using the assessment guide a checklist, we rule that a priority
decision about making risky decisions is to pull out the app, and use the checklist in place of
behavior and uninhibited action.
If we can insert the trainer (mobile APP device) before action, we can train the person to
think about processes and disrupt decision making that happens from action to action behavior. If
we can insert the brain and the processes of inhibition at the proper time, we can nearly assure
that there is forethought in all behaviors and decisions, thus making sophistication and grander
articulation in thought. If we can interrupt the action to action processes of human behavior, we
make progress, if we can insert a trainer between this process we make further process, and if an
individual can see to agree with the program we thus make further progress still, and thus if the
person can memorize the checklist we apply an implicit process that evolves human cognition by
the place of implicit process, integrated by application.
These processes would be the purpose of the applications, thus and still the importance
would be to both, to interrupt systems and introduce further systems at the same time. Applying a
systemic application where only a placeholder now is held – the moment of passivity or
application to the introduction of inhibition.
The views of the person per their app or checklist would provide a means of how much
these people are applying these certain processes and viewing the website, or using the
application. Judgments regarding further intervention linger on that note, where further action is
due to a person’s failure or utility to use the system.
Materials and Preparation
The materials and preparations involved are thus dedicated to the design of the APP. It
makes sense both for these applications to offer a randomized system where new questions are
asked to frame persons decisions, and also if the checklist was the same every time it was
consulted. If a person was able to check upon a checklist when they were associating with
certain people, or before making irrational or action to action decisions and behaviors, these
people would be bound at benefit because of the attention to systematic inhibition, thus equaling
executive behaviors. This would minimize enablers in the person’s life, increase inhibition to
action and risky behavior, and would also help curb a person’s decisions and behaviors to avoid
alcohol, drugs and other risky situations on the street, or away from the institution or societal
structure. This application would be relevant to other tough decision-making processes such that
would be applicable to certain diseases, disorders and disabilities too, where people sometimes
rely on decision making, yet may have distortion between knowing that decisions are important
and being able to distinguish why, and target optimal outcomes.
In closing, we are teaching science by science, and mitigating human error thus between
both transmission and receptivity, by utilizing psych heuristics that aligns people with their
goals, utilizing the mobile device, and simplifying the psych-based designs we know of in
science of psych-testing, by implementing decision making tests, before people make the
decisions. The checklist should take only moments and made of about 4 major questions, based
on heuristics, based on science, based on minimizing intention behavior gaps.
Pachur, T., & Hertwig, R. (2006). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval
primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory
and Cognition. 32. 5. P. 983-1002. Retrieved April 4, 2019 from
&paramdict=en-US .DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.32.5.983

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  • 1. Running head: TEACHING TECHNIQUES NO. 2 Teaching Techniques No. 9 Reading Prescription Labels (Teaching Techniques) Jacob R. Stotler HLED-4030-40 Dr. Darrell Lang The University of Wyoming Alcohol and Enabling Time needed The concept being introduced is a teaching technique that is based on many aspects of medicine and assessment of the human being. Where we are familiar with many tools in psychology, we are almost definitely aware that what makes up good assessments are good tools, and as we include proven theories and evidence based applications of psychology and medicine, even sociological tools and psycho-social benefits, we then too become abled to test for the presence of these attributes and use of strategies within individuals. As we can diagnoses disorders from tests, we too can identify and consummate strategic tests to assure that people are using the psychosocial / sociological prevention tools that they have, to the most optimal applications, while integrating psychological heuristics such as the attention behavior gap, the recommended theoretical aspects of coping with loss or grief, the idea that over-willingness is a factor of decreasing the achievement of goals, the application that people within a certain frame act within the frame that is introduced (the anchor heuristic). Where these tools are not much
  • 2. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 2 medication of prognostic applications, but they are essential and proven factors of the functioning of the human, and then also they are salient aspects of what can reduce human error. As was mentioned in the last teaching technique where we have a certain checklist that accommodates an appropriate / nearly flawless strategy of medication administration, we are introducing now a checklist that scans or assures that people are making decisions and making rational judicious judgements about if the circumstances or people around them are enablers or if decisions, events and people a rein facto healthy leaders and confreres in someone’s life. Thus, the time needed for this specific learning strategy, which can be defined as a technology “trainer” device, is such that that a person needs only a few moments to review the checklist or take the “SFR assessment:” for making decisions, this application is available in an APP which offers assessments for good decision making. SFR standing for Short Form Rationale decision making assessment checklist. The App and checklists tests the person’s psyche /decision making and strategies for appropriates psychological measures and uses psychological constructs and heuristics to assist manage decision based on a “plan to goal strategy” or “intention-behavior applicatory.” National standards that this technique is affiliated The national health standards relevant are such that of Standard 1: “health promotion and disease prevention.” Standard 2 “analyzation of the influence of family, peers, culture, technology and other health related factors.” Standard 3 “demonstration of the ability to access valid information….and services to enhance health.” Standard 4 “ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health…” Standard 5 “demonstration of ability to use decision
  • 3. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 3 making skills….” Standard 6 “students must demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills…” Standard 7 “students to demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid health risks.” Standard 8 “students to demonstrate the ability to advocate for….health”. Assessments, Objectives and Procedures The assessment introduced should be as a randomized technological / rote system, or a systematic checklist is involved in screening a person’s ideas and screening the light of the surroundings to clarify if the person feels strongly about their decision and the people around them. The checklist is designed as a checklist, and APP for mobile device, and as a game. Where people constantly screen their current state and psyche through the app top verify that they are nearly or essentially making robust and stabilized decisions that match with their hopes and aspirations for the future. Some scientists have called psych-heuristics – “prime examples of boundedly rational mind tools, that utilize and evolutionary capacity of the psyche]” (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006). The objective is implicitly train and teach people through psyche adaptation and experience that decisions and the people surrounding are an important aspect of the ideation of making goals, pursuing long term achievement, as well as informing by implicit knowledge, the activity of designing new aspirations and goals for long term pursuit. While with the limitless and named psych-heuristics we face too that humans have been named to have evolutionary processers, yet still have a “limited capacity information processor” (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006). This gives us room on the subject of decision making, to imply that if we were to use science based tools for scheduling and decision making, we would be lent to the idea of applying the tools and thus the “limitation on our psyche” would be dedicated to a certain place, where a
  • 4. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 4 system exists that adjustments can be rationalized by framing certain areas to fit within a measure that we implement by a “behavior-intention” and psych-heuristics check, checklist. The procedure would be taught to students from the grades of 7-12 to use such measures as the SFR checklist, by app or mnemonic device that helps people program situations and decisions and accommodate for healthy outcomes. Where we have that the technique involves teaching that risky decisions are made by requisite in these grades, also that one of the first applications of implementing an insight to decision making is removing the heat of the moment and removing thyself from the movement to sasses these situations as a more prepotent executive process than that of acting within that moment. We also educate these young people about forefrontal thought / executive processes of using the frontal lobe to initiate a conscious input to the brain processes, where we pay attention to the moment that a decision can be made, is the only moment where we can input applications of executive processes and thus by using the assessment guide a checklist, we rule that a priority decision about making risky decisions is to pull out the app and use the checklist in place of behavior and uninhibited action. If we can insert the trainer (mobile App device) before action, we can train the person to think about processes and disrupt decision making that happens from action to action behavior. If we can insert the brain and the processes of inhibition at the proper time, we can nearly assure that there is forethought in all behaviors and decisions, thus making sophistication and grander articulation in thought. If we can interrupt the action to action processes of human behavior, we make progress, if we can insert a trainer between this process we make further process, and if an individual can see to agree with the program we thus make further progress still, and thus if the
  • 5. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 5 person can memorize the checklist we apply an implicit process that evolves human cognition by the place of implicit process, integrated by application. These processes would be the purpose of the applications, thus and still the importance would be to both, to interrupt systems and introduce further systems at the same time. Applying a systemic application where only a placeholder now is held – the moment of passivity or application to the introduction of inhibition. The views of the person per their app or checklist would provide a means of how much these people are applying these certain processes and viewing the website or using the application. Judgements regarding further intervention linger on that note, where further action is due to a person’s failure to use the system. Materials and Preparation The materials and preparations involved are thus dedicated to the design of the APP. It makes sense both for these applications to offer a randomized system where new questions are asked to frame persons decisions, and also if the checklist was the same. If a person was able to check upon a checklist when they were associating with certain people, or before making irrational or action to action decisions and behaviors, these people would be bound at benefit because of the attention to systematic inhibition, thus equaling executive behaviors. This would minimize enablers in the person’s life, increase inhibition to action and risky behavior, and would also help curb a person’s decisions and behaviors to avoid alcohol, drugs and other risky situations on the street, or away from the institution or societal structure. This application would be relevant to other tough decision-making processes such that would be applicable to certain
  • 6. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 6 diseases, disorders and disabilities too, where people sometimes rely on decision making, yet may have distortion between knowing that decisions are important and being able to distinguish why, and target optimal outcomes. In closing, we are teaching science by science, and mitigating human error between both transmission and receptivity, by utilizing psych heuristics that align people with their goals, utilizing the mobile device and simplistic designs of psych-testing by implementing decision making tests, before people make the decisions. The checklist should take only moments and made of about 4 major questions, based on heuristics, based on science, based on minimizing intention behavior gaps.
  • 7. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 7 References Pachur, T., & Hertwig, R. (2006). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 32. 5. P. 983-1002. Retrieved April 4, 2019 from 2004&ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF- 8& %3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.atitle=On+the+psychology+of+the+recognition+heuri stic%3A+Retrieval+primacy+as+a+key+determinant+of+its+use&rft.jtitle=Journal+of+Experimen tal+Psychology%3A+Learning%2C+Memory%2C+and+Cognition& 1285&rft.volume=32&rft.issue=5&rft.spage=983&rft.epage=1002&rft_id=info:doi/10.1037%2F0 278- 7393.32.5.983&rft.externalDBID=n%2Fa&rft.externalDocID=10_1037_0278_7393_32_5_983&p aramdict=en-US .DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.32.5.983
  • 8. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 8 Teaching Techniques No. 9 Reading Prescription Labels (Teaching Techniques) Jacob R. Stotler HLED-4030-40 Dr. Darrell Lang The University of Wyoming Alcohol and Enabling
  • 9. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 9 Time needed The concept being introduced is a teaching technique that is based on many aspects of medicine and assessment of the human being. Where we are familiar with many tools in psychology, we are almost definitely aware that - what makes up good assessments are good tools and proven to be so (reliable and valid), and as we include proven theories and evidence based applications of psychology and medicine, even sociological tools and psycho-social benefits, we then too become are abled to test for the presence of these attributes and use of strategies within individuals. As we can diagnoses disorders from tests, we too can identify and consummate strategic tests to assure that people are using the psychosocial / sociological prevention tools that they have, to the most optimal applications, while integrating psychological heuristics such as the intention behavior gap, the recommended theoretical aspects of coping with loss or grief, the idea that over-willingness is a factor of decreasing the achievement of goals, the application that people within a certain frame act within the frame that is introduced (the anchor heuristic). Where these tools are not much medication of prognostic applications, but they are essential and proven factors of the functioning of the human, and then also they are salient aspects of what can reduce human error. As was mentioned in the last teaching technique where we have a certain checklist that accommodates an appropriate / nearly flawless strategy of medication administration, we are introducing now a checklist that scans, filters, or assures that people are making decisions and making rational judicious judgements about if the circumstances or people around them are enablers or if decisions, events and people are in fact in company to healthy leaders and confreres in the person's life. Thus, the time needed for this specific learning strategy, which can be defined as a technology “trainer” device, is such that that a person needs only a few moments to review the checklist or take the “SFR assessment:” for making decisions, this application is available in an APP which offers assessments for good decision making. SFR standing for Short Form Rationale decision making assessment checklist. The App and checklists tests the person’s psyche /decision making and strategies for appropriates psychological measures and uses psychological constructs and heuristics to assist manage decision based on a “plan to goal strategy,” or “intention-behavior applicatory.” National standards that this technique is affiliated The national health standards relevant are such that of Standard 1: “health promotion and disease prevention.” Standard 2 “analyzation of the influence of family, peers, culture, technology and other health related factors.” Standard 3 “demonstration of the ability to access
  • 10. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 10 valid information….and services to enhance health.” Standard 4 “ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health…” Standard 5 “demonstration of ability to use decision making skills….” Standard 6 “students must demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills…” Standard 7 “students to demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid health risks.” Standard 8 “students to demonstrate the ability to advocate for….health”. Assessments, Objectives and Procedures The assessment introduced should be as a randomized technological / rote system, or a systematic checklist is involved in screening a person’s ideas and screening the light of the surroundings to clarify if the person feels strongly about their decision and the people around them. The checklist is designed as a checklist, and APP for mobile device, and as a game. Where people constantly screen their current state and psyche through the app top verify that they are nearly or essentially making robust and stabilized decisions that match with their hopes and aspirations for the future. Some scientists have called psych-heuristics – “prime examples of boundedly rational mind tools, that utilize an [evolutionary capacity of the psyche]” (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006). The objective is implicitly train and teach people through psyche adaptation and experience that decisions and the people surrounding are an important aspect of the ideation of making goals, pursuing long term achievement, as well as informing by implicit knowledge, the activity of designing new aspirations and goals for long term pursuit. While with the limitless and named psych-heuristics we face too that humans have been named to have evolutionary processers, yet still have a “limited capacity information processor” (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006). This gives us room on the subject of decision making, to imply that if we were to use science based tools for scheduling and decision making, we would be lent to the idea of applying the tools and thus the “limitation on our psyche” would be dedicated to a certain place, where a system exists that adjustments can be rationalized by framing certain areas to fit within a measure that we implement by a “behavior-intention” and psych-heuristics check, counseling and psychology / therapy based applications and psyche-tools applied within an assessment design into a checklist. The procedure would be taught to students from the grades of 7-12 to use such measures as the SFR checklist, by app or mnemonic device that helps people program situations and decisions and accommodate for healthy outcomes. Where we have that the technique involves teaching that risky decisions are made by requisite in these grades, also that one of the first applications of implementing an insight to decision making is removing the heat of the moment and removing thyself from the movement to asses (at distance) these situations as a more prepotent executive process than that of acting within that unchosen moment. We also educate these young people about forefrontal thought / executive processes of using the frontal lobe to initiate a conscious input to the brain processes, where we pay attention to the moment that a decision can be made, is the only moment where we can input applications of executive processes and thus by using the assessment guide a checklist, we rule that a priority decision about making risky decisions is to pull out the app, and use the checklist in place of behavior and uninhibited action.
  • 11. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 11 If we can insert the trainer (mobile APP device) before action, we can train the person to think about processes and disrupt decision making that happens from action to action behavior. If we can insert the brain and the processes of inhibition at the proper time, we can nearly assure that there is forethought in all behaviors and decisions, thus making sophistication and grander articulation in thought. If we can interrupt the action to action processes of human behavior, we make progress, if we can insert a trainer between this process we make further process, and if an individual can see to agree with the program we thus make further progress still, and thus if the person can memorize the checklist we apply an implicit process that evolves human cognition by the place of implicit process, integrated by application. These processes would be the purpose of the applications, thus and still the importance would be to both, to interrupt systems and introduce further systems at the same time. Applying a systemic application where only a placeholder now is held – the moment of passivity or application to the introduction of inhibition. The views of the person per their app or checklist would provide a means of how much these people are applying these certain processes and viewing the website, or using the application. Judgments regarding further intervention linger on that note, where further action is due to a person’s failure or utility to use the system. Materials and Preparation The materials and preparations involved are thus dedicated to the design of the APP. It makes sense both for these applications to offer a randomized system where new questions are asked to frame persons decisions, and also if the checklist was the same every time it was consulted. If a person was able to check upon a checklist when they were associating with certain people, or before making irrational or action to action decisions and behaviors, these people would be bound at benefit because of the attention to systematic inhibition, thus equaling executive behaviors. This would minimize enablers in the person’s life, increase inhibition to action and risky behavior, and would also help curb a person’s decisions and behaviors to avoid alcohol, drugs and other risky situations on the street, or away from the institution or societal structure. This application would be relevant to other tough decision-making processes such that would be applicable to certain diseases, disorders and disabilities too, where people sometimes rely on decision making, yet may have distortion between knowing that decisions are important and being able to distinguish why, and target optimal outcomes. In closing, we are teaching science by science, and mitigating human error thus between both transmission and receptivity, by utilizing psych heuristics that aligns people with their goals, utilizing the mobile device, and simplifying the psych-based designs we know of in science of psych-testing, by implementing decision making tests, before people make the decisions. The checklist should take only moments and made of about 4 major questions, based on heuristics, based on science, based on minimizing intention behavior gaps.
  • 12. TEACHING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 12 References Pachur, T., & Hertwig, R. (2006). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 32. 5. P. 983-1002. Retrieved April 4, 2019 from 2004&ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF- 8& kev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.atitle=On+the+psychology+of+the+recognition+ heuristic%3A+Retrieval+primacy+as+a+key+determinant+of+its+use&rft.jtitle=Journal+of+Ex perimental+Psychology%3A+Learning%2C+Memory%2C+and+Cognition& +Thorsten& 1285&rft.volume=32&rft.issue=5&rft.spage=983&rft.epage=1002&rft_id=info:doi/10.1037%2F 0278- 7393.32.5.983&rft.externalDBID=n%2Fa&rft.externalDocID=10_1037_0278_7393_32_5_983 &paramdict=en-US .DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.32.5.983