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Big Band Web App
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
I’m @AnjanaVakil
Recurse Center Non-Graduate
Mozilla TechSpeaker & Outreachy Alumna
Engineering Learning & Development Lead, Mapbox
location data platform for developers
maps, search, navigation
web, iOS, Android, Unity...
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
we use to
◍ get user stats
◍ monitor/test unpacker
◍ ask yoda who’s on call
◍ see who’s out tmrw
◍ pick a random teammate
Place your screenshot here
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
slack i/o
our slack-commands app
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
├─ cloudformation/ #app & cmd config
│ └─ slack-commands.template.js
├─ index.js #express app
├─ commands/
│ ├─ out.js
│ ├─ stats.js
│ └─ ...
└─ test/
├─ index.test.js
├─ out.test.js
├─ stats.test.js
└─ ...
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
All commands in a single app: Downsides
◍ Permissions?
◍ Least privilege
◍ Many different
teams involved
◍ Ownership?
◍ Code gumbo
◍ Always running
◍ No per-command
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
about computers
let’s talk about jazz
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
While swing music tended to feature
orchestrated big band arrangements,
bebop music highlighted improvisation.
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Big Band
Glenn Miller Orchestra, c. 1940
Big Band
out unpacker
slack i/o
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
“I kept thinking there's bound to be something
else. I could hear it sometimes. I couldn't play it....
I found that by using the higher intervals of a
chord as a melody line and backing them with
appropriately related changes, I could play the
thing I'd been hearing. It came alive.
- Charlie Parker
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Tommy Potter, Charlie Parker, Max Roach, Miles Davis, & Duke Jordan, NYC c. 1945
“As bebop was not intended for dancing, it
enabled the musicians to play at faster tempos.
Bebop musicians explored advanced harmonies,
complex syncopation, altered chords, extended
chords, chord substitutions, asymmetrical
phrasing, and intricate melodies.
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
yoda user-limits
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
“there’s bound to be something else”
◍ Assign a single owner/gatekeeper?
◍ Multiple single-command apps?
◍ Separate commands from router app
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
“serverless” functions to the rescue
AWS Lambda
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
what do you mean “serverless”
Actual Server
You own a computer
You put code on it
You run it constantly
(and you pay constantly)
You keep it healthy
Cloud Server
AWS owns a computer (or 2)
You put code on it
AWS runs it constantly
(and you pay constantly)
You tell AWS how to keep
it healthy
“No” Server
AWS owns a computer
You put code on it
AWS runs it when you ask
(and you pay only then)
AWS keeps it healthy
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
◍ Only concern: Input -> Output
◍ No state maintained between calls
◍ Can be side-effecting, though
(e.g. API call, database write)
◍ Limited resources & exec time (5m)
what do you mean “function”
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Lose the server if it’s...
◍ small
◍ short-lived
◍ self-contained
◍ needed occasionally
to lambda or not to lambda
Keep the server if it’s...
◍ heavy
◍ long-running
◍ interdependent
◍ needed constantly
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
balancerEC2s on ECS
old architecture
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
new architecture
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
├─ cloudformation/ #app & cmd config
│ └─ slack-commands.template.js
├─ index.js #express app code
├─ commands/ #cmd code
│ ├─ out.js
│ ├─ stats.js
│ └─ ...
└─ test/ #app & cmd tests
├─ index.test.js
├─ out.test.js
├─ stats.test.js
└─ ...
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
├─ cloudformation/ #app config
│ └─ slack-commands.template.js
├─ index.js #express app code
├─ commander.js #invoke lambdas
└─ test/
├─ commander.test.js
└─ index.test.js
├ cloudformation/ #cmd config
│ └ slack-command-{cmd}.template.js
├ index.js #cmd code
└ test/
└ index.test.js@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
what does a
look like?
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Place your screenshot here
user stats commmand
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => {
const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env;
const user = event.args[0];
const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d
const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date));
if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date'));
const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken);
request(requrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode);
try { const data = JSON.parse(body); }
catch(err) { return callback(err); }
return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data));
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => {
const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env;
const user = event.args[0];
const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d
const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date));
if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date'));
const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken);
request(requrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode);
try { const data = JSON.parse(body); }
catch(err) { return callback(err); }
return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data));
handler function
(we tell Lambda its name)
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => {
const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env;
const user = event.args[0];
const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d
const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date));
if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date'));
const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken);
request(requrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode);
try { const data = JSON.parse(body); }
catch(err) { return callback(err); }
return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data));
execution environment
we can configure
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => {
const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env;
const user = event.args[0];
const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d
const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date));
if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date'));
const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken);
request(requrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode);
try { const data = JSON.parse(body); }
catch(err) { return callback(err); }
return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data));
input { args: [ “vakila”, “1/1”, “3/22”] }
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => {
const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env;
const user = event.args[0];
const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d
const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date));
if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date'));
const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken);
request(requrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode);
try { const data = JSON.parse(body); }
catch(err) { return callback(err); }
return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data));
aws runtime info
(e.g. time remaining - ignored here)
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => {
const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env;
const user = event.args[0];
const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d
const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date));
if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date'));
const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken);
request(requrl, (err, res, body) => {
if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode);
try { const data = JSON.parse(body); }
catch(err) { return callback(err); }
return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data));
“ok, I’m done” function
(AWS passes this when executing)
error data
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
we wrote a function!
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
do we get it up there?
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
◍ JSON template - “just code”
◍ define your AWS stack components
◍ upload -> AWS builds your stack
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "slack-command-stats",
"Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...}
"Resources": {
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {...}
"CommandRole": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
"Properties": {...}
"Outputs": { ... }
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "slack-command-stats",
"Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...}
"Resources": {
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {...}
"CommandRole": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
"Properties": {...}
"Outputs": { ... }
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "slack-command-stats",
"Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...}
"Resources": {
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {...}
"CommandRole": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
"Properties": {...}
"Outputs": { ... }
for function
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "slack-command-stats",
"Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...}
"Resources": {
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {...}
"CommandRole": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
"Properties": {...}
"Outputs": { ... }
the good stuff
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
helps find it later
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
code to run
the good stuff
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
can pass in params
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
from earlier
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
what to run it on
totally not a server
Cloud::Formation templates
"Command": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production",
"Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} },
"Handler": "index.command",
"Environment": { "Variables": {
"ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" },
"MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } },
"Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] },
"Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60,
"Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ]
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
arbitrary tags
e.g. who owns this?
Mapbox open-source AWS
Command-line tools
lambda-cfn create & deploy Node Lambda functions
cfn-config configure/start/update CFN stacks
JS libraries
cloudfriend easily assemble CFN templates in JS
decrypt-kms-env use secret environment vars
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
we deployed a function!
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
do we call it?
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
testing in the AWS console (manually)
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
in Node with AWS SDK
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const runCommand = (req, res, next) => {
const [commandName, ...args] = = req.slackText;
const params = {
FunctionName: `slack-command-${commandName}-production`, // our convention
Payload: JSON.stringify({ args: args }), // the `event` Lambda receives
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({ region: 'us-east-1' });
.catch((err) => err.message) // pass on error message as response data
.then((data) => res.json(formatForSlack(data)));
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
did we do all that?
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
Before (single app)
◍ Many secrets in one
◍ Updating your code
updates whole stack
◍ No fine-grained cost
Refactoring to Lambda: Benefits
After (multiple Lambdas)
◍ Each stack only knows
its own secrets
◍ Updating your code
leaves others untouched
◍ Each stack/fn can be
tagged & cost-monitored
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
next steps
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
next steps
@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
✌ Team Mapbox
Young Hahn, Emily McAfee,
Kelly Young, Jake Pruitt, Andrew Evans
JazzCon.Tech Organizers
Images from Wikimedia
Template by

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JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Андрей Андрийко. Гексагональна архітектура в Nodejs проекті
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Борис Могила. Svelte. Почему нам не нужно run-time ядро
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From Big Band Web App to Serverless Bebop

  • 1. from Big Band Web App to Serverless Bebop @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 2. Hello! I’m @AnjanaVakil Recurse Center Non-Graduate Mozilla TechSpeaker & Outreachy Alumna Engineering Learning & Development Lead, Mapbox
  • 3. location data platform for developers maps, search, navigation web, iOS, Android, Unity... @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 5. we use to ◍ get user stats ◍ monitor/test unpacker uploads ◍ ask yoda who’s on call ◍ see who’s out tmrw ◍ pick a random teammate Place your screenshot here @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 7. codebase slack-commands/ ├─ ├─ cloudformation/ #app & cmd config │ └─ slack-commands.template.js ├─ index.js #express app ├─ commands/ │ ├─ out.js │ ├─ stats.js │ └─ ... └─ test/ ├─ index.test.js ├─ out.test.js ├─ stats.test.js └─ ... @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 8. All commands in a single app: Downsides Security ◍ Permissions? Secrets? ◍ Least privilege Maintenance ◍ Many different teams involved ◍ Ownership? Support? ◍ Code gumbo Cost ◍ Always running ◍ No per-command breakdown @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 9. enough about computers let’s talk about jazz @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 10. “ While swing music tended to feature orchestrated big band arrangements, bebop music highlighted improvisation. @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 wikipedia
  • 11. Big Band Glenn Miller Orchestra, c. 1940
  • 12. Big Band out unpacker status yoda Express slack i/o auth user- limits @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 13. “I kept thinking there's bound to be something else. I could hear it sometimes. I couldn't play it.... I found that by using the higher intervals of a chord as a melody line and backing them with appropriately related changes, I could play the thing I'd been hearing. It came alive. - Charlie Parker @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 wikipedia
  • 14. Bebop Tommy Potter, Charlie Parker, Max Roach, Miles Davis, & Duke Jordan, NYC c. 1945
  • 15. “As bebop was not intended for dancing, it enabled the musicians to play at faster tempos. Bebop musicians explored advanced harmonies, complex syncopation, altered chords, extended chords, chord substitutions, asymmetrical phrasing, and intricate melodies. @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 wikipedia
  • 17. “there’s bound to be something else” ◍ Assign a single owner/gatekeeper? ◍ Multiple single-command apps? ◍ Separate commands from router app @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 18. “serverless” functions to the rescue AWS Lambda @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 19. what do you mean “serverless” Actual Server You own a computer You put code on it You run it constantly (and you pay constantly) You keep it healthy Cloud Server AWS owns a computer (or 2) You put code on it AWS runs it constantly (and you pay constantly) You tell AWS how to keep it healthy “No” Server AWS owns a computer You put code on it AWS runs it when you ask (and you pay only then) AWS keeps it healthy @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 20. ◍ Only concern: Input -> Output ◍ No state maintained between calls ◍ Can be side-effecting, though (e.g. API call, database write) ◍ Limited resources & exec time (5m) what do you mean “function” @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 21. Lose the server if it’s... ◍ small ◍ short-lived ◍ self-contained ◍ needed occasionally to lambda or not to lambda Keep the server if it’s... ◍ heavy ◍ long-running ◍ interdependent ◍ needed constantly @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 22. HTTP API endpoint AWS load balancerEC2s on ECS JS JSJS old architecture @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 24. old codebase slack-commands/ ├─ ├─ cloudformation/ #app & cmd config │ └─ slack-commands.template.js ├─ index.js #express app code ├─ commands/ #cmd code │ ├─ out.js │ ├─ stats.js │ └─ ... └─ test/ #app & cmd tests ├─ index.test.js ├─ out.test.js ├─ stats.test.js └─ ... @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 25. new codebase slack-commands/ ├─ ├─ cloudformation/ #app config │ └─ slack-commands.template.js ├─ index.js #express app code ├─ commander.js #invoke lambdas └─ test/ ├─ commander.test.js └─ index.test.js slack-command-{cmd}/ ├ ├ cloudformation/ #cmd config │ └ slack-command-{cmd}.template.js ├ index.js #cmd code └ test/ └ index.test.js@AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 26. what does a function look like? @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 27. Place your screenshot here user stats commmand @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 28. module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => { const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env; const user = event.args[0]; const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date)); if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date')); const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken); request(requrl, (err, res, body) => { if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode); try { const data = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data)); }); } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 29. module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => { const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env; const user = event.args[0]; const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date)); if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date')); const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken); request(requrl, (err, res, body) => { if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode); try { const data = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data)); }); } handler function (we tell Lambda its name) @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 30. module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => { const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env; const user = event.args[0]; const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date)); if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date')); const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken); request(requrl, (err, res, body) => { if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode); try { const data = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data)); }); } execution environment we can configure @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 31. module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => { const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env; const user = event.args[0]; const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date)); if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date')); const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken); request(requrl, (err, res, body) => { if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode); try { const data = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data)); }); } input { args: [ “vakila”, “1/1”, “3/22”] } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 32. module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => { const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env; const user = event.args[0]; const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date)); if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date')); const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken); request(requrl, (err, res, body) => { if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode); try { const data = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data)); }); } aws runtime info (e.g. time remaining - ignored here) @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 33. module.exports.command = (event, context, callback) => { const { ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken } = process.env; const user = event.args[0]; const from = new Date(event.args[1] || (+new Date - 864e5*30)); // 30d const to = new Date(event.args[2] || (+new Date)); if (isNaN(from)||isNaN(to)) return callback(new Error('invalid date')); const requrl = getStatsUrl(user, from, to, ApiCoreUrl, MapboxToken); request(requrl, (err, res, body) => { if (err||res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(err||res.statusCode); try { const data = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, formatStatsMessage(user, data)); }); } “ok, I’m done” function (AWS passes this when executing) error data @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 34. we wrote a function! yay @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 35. do we get it up there? how @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 36. Cloud::Formation templates ◍ JSON template - “just code” ◍ define your AWS stack components ◍ upload -> AWS builds your stack @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 37. Cloud::Formation templates { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "slack-command-stats", "Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...} "Resources": { "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": {...} }, "CommandRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": {...} } }, "Outputs": { ... } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 38. Cloud::Formation templates { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "slack-command-stats", "Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...} "Resources": { "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": {...} }, "CommandRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": {...} } }, "Outputs": { ... } } stack input params @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 39. Cloud::Formation templates { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "slack-command-stats", "Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...} "Resources": { "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": {...} }, "CommandRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": {...} } }, "Outputs": { ... } } aws permissions for function @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 40. Cloud::Formation templates { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "slack-command-stats", "Parameters": { "ApiCoreUrl": {...}, "MapboxToken": {...} "Resources": { "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": {...} }, "CommandRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": {...} } }, "Outputs": { ... } } actual lambda function the good stuff @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 41. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 42. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 function name helps find it later
  • 43. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 code to run the good stuff
  • 44. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 execution environment can pass in params
  • 45. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 permissions from earlier
  • 46. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 what to run it on totally not a server
  • 47. Cloud::Formation templates "Command": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "Properties": { "FunctionName": "slack-command-stats-production", "Code": { "S3Bucket": {...}, "S3Key": {...} }, "Handler": "index.command", "Environment": { "Variables": { "ApiCoreUrl": { "Ref": "ApiCoreUrl" }, "MapboxToken": { "Ref": "MapboxToken" } } }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["CommandRole","Arn"] }, "Runtime": "nodejs4.3", "MemorySize": 128, "Timeout": 60, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Team", "Value": "EngOps"} ] } } @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018 arbitrary tags e.g. who owns this?
  • 48. Mapbox open-source AWS helpers Command-line tools lambda-cfn create & deploy Node Lambda functions cfn-config configure/start/update CFN stacks JS libraries cloudfriend easily assemble CFN templates in JS decrypt-kms-env use secret environment vars @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 49. we deployed a function! yay @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 50. do we call it? how @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 51. testing in the AWS console (manually) @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 52. in Node with AWS SDK const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const runCommand = (req, res, next) => { const [commandName, ...args] = = req.slackText; const params = { FunctionName: `slack-command-${commandName}-production`, // our convention Payload: JSON.stringify({ args: args }), // the `event` Lambda receives }; const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({ region: 'us-east-1' }); lambda.invoke(params).promise() .catch((err) => err.message) // pass on error message as response data .then((data) => res.json(formatForSlack(data))); }; @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 53. why did we do all that? @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 54. Before (single app) ◍ Many secrets in one stack ◍ Updating your code updates whole stack ◍ No fine-grained cost analysis Refactoring to Lambda: Benefits After (multiple Lambdas) ◍ Each stack only knows its own secrets ◍ Updating your code leaves others untouched ◍ Each stack/fn can be tagged & cost-monitored @AnjanaVakil JazzCon.Tech 2018
  • 57. Merci! @AnjanaVakil ✌ Team Mapbox Young Hahn, Emily McAfee, Kelly Young, Jake Pruitt, Andrew Evans JazzCon.Tech Organizers Images from Wikimedia Template by