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Our intention is to consolidate our experience with ibogaine into a practical
guide for ibogaine treatment providers to use. We hope to contribute to a
standard of excellent care for all who seek healing through the help of  this
sacred medicine. We are interested in co-creating a strong community
dynamic worldwide so that ibogaine therapy will continue to grow and
flourish. We believe that sharing information and establishing a spirit of
friendship with our peers will benefit all.
We acknowledge that this manual is a "work in process" and expect to
make changes and improvements. We welcome comments, suggestions,
constructive criticism, corrections, questions, etc.  Please direct all
feedback to


This manual includes protocols, guidelines, and suggestions for the
administration of ibogaine in addiction therapy, reset therapy, psychological
therapy, physical therapy, and personal development. The common thread
in all treatments using the ibogaine catalyst is based on the interpretation
that humans in this era have created a separate reality from the nature of the
world around them, their own true nature, and the social nature of humans as
a connected species. For many reasons these elements of separation have
begun to create a psychic illness in our species. This lack of connectedness
has manifested as a search for completion within ourselves and within this
so called life. This compulsion/need to potentiate illness within the body and
in relationships to others and oneself is at the core of drug abuse. Addiction,
being the obsession to continue on a path with little or no permanent value or
reward, permeates modern culture.  Even the pursuit of basic human needs
such as money, food, and sex is affected by the lack of connection. Modern
society is in complete denial of the karmic debt that is being paid with the
alienation that drives some of its members to the solution of self medicating
through chemical means: pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs, legal drugs, or
any combination thereof. Ironically, some of the more difficult treatments can
be those in which there is no substance (chemical) abuse -- the
detoxification of drugs from the body can be measured, the psycho-spiritual
healing is often more difficult to evaluate.

This medicine is a sacred tool in that the spirit of the plant, Iboga, is the true
healer. This does not detract from the personal contribution of healing energy
provided by facilitators, sitters, caregivers and all staff members including
those that provide supportive therapies, those that cook, those that clean.
The tradition of iboga is shamanistic by its very nature and history. The
tradition of iboga is about community. In West Central Africa, the birthplace
of the tradition of Bwiti, which means to care for, everyone in the community
is involved in an initiation.  We believe that it is essential that all staff
members undergo initiation with ibogaine in order to be able to provide the
best environment for a successful treatment and to contain the awareness of
each new person's stages of healing . In our facility all staff members that
are present during treatment and aftercare have been through their own
treatment with ibogaine. 

Ibogaine therapy is in its infancy. At this point in history, 2009,  there have
been an estimated six to seven thousand people worldwide who have
received ibogaine treatment for addiction therapy. It is estimated that an
additional eight to ten thousand used ibogaine for reasons other than
addiction therapy.  This manual primarily reflects the combined experience
of Eric Taub and Rocky Caravelli. Eric Taub, a guiding force in
the establishment of the Dream House Clinic, has been involved with
ibogaine therapy for 17 years and has participated in 1000 treatments. 
Rocky Caravelli has treated 400 people over the course of 5 years.  The
collective experiences of Eric and Rocky are the foundation for the models of
treatment contained in this manual. In addition, the information provided
includes the many elements necessary to create a safe and stable treatment

In our model, there are five categories of ibogaine treatment. We
acknowledge that the physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual aspects of all people are deeply interwoven. It is only for the
sake of practicality that we have 
established the following five distinct categories. 

     The first category is addiction therapy. Addiction therapy is for the
individual who is chemically dependent 
         on opiates, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, alcohol, and any
combination thereof.

     The second category is reset therapy. Reset therapy is for individuals
who have been free of narcotics or 
         pharmaceuticals drugs for a period of two months or more. 

     The third category is psychological therapy. Psychological therapy is for
individuals suffering from 
         depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome),
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), 
         eating disorders  and other mental/emotional conditions.

     The fourth category is physical therapy. Physical therapy is for
individuals suffering from conditions in  
         the body such as asthma, fibromyalgia, herpes, hepatitis, scar tissue
due to physical injury, chronic pain, 
         blockages in the nervous system, acidosis, digestive issues,
compromised circulation, and fertility problems. 
         This category developed from observing physical healing which
occurred when patients were undergoing 
         addiction or reset therapy. Ibogaine in the West, used for the treatment
of physical ailments, is very new. 
         The protocols we are using are in an experimental stage.
        The fifth category is personal development or psycho-spiritual growth.
This pertains to individuals 
          who are free of chemical dependence, who are mentally, emotionally,
and physically healthy, and who are 
          wanting to develop a deeper personal relationship with themselves
and to the spirit of the plant. This initiatory 
          experience, a transition to adulthood, involves the clearing of one's
history of the negative projections from   
          childhood as well as the projections of culture and society at large. 
The goal is to find one's
          dharma (purpose)  for this life. 

The Dream House Manual also includes basic information for facilitators who
are new to the field. We have provided pre and post treatment consent
forms which clarify the patients role in their own healing, an application form
which is an essential tool for the initial communication with and screening of
potential clients , and a lis t of medications , s upplements , and
contraindications in the pre and post treatment phases of treatment. We
encourage people to use their own expertise to enhance or modify any
information that we provide. We realize that we have only one perspective to
offer and know that every provider will adapt different methods and have
different experiences they will draw from to create their own system. It is
encouraging to think that there will be many different models of ibogaine
therapy to choose from which will allow clients to select the one that best
suits their particular needs. As ibogaine providers, we all have our distinct
offerings, some of us may offer more medical support, some may offer more
of a home environment, some will offer more creature comforts while others
may offer a special dietary regime or philosophy of healing. There may be
times when we wish to decline treatment for any number of reasons  or
circumstances but we may be able to recommend  another provider. We can
all  benefit from the spirit of community where information is shared and we
are helping each other when the need arises.    

The ibogaine journey is a profoundly personal one  and can be difficult on
many levels: physical, emotional, and  spiritual.  All of these aspects will be
discussed in detail in this manual. We have included a chapter describing
integration and aftercare, an essential element of ibogaine treatment. It is our
desire to share what we have learned through our work at the Dream House.
We anticipate that this manual will grow as we learn and we invite the
contributions of our peers in the ibogaine community. We are interested in
developing a strong and cohesive worldwide community of ibogaine

                           INTAKE AND PRETREATMENT

During intake, we don't search bags or conduct body searches. We do
request a surrender of all medications and substances that the client is
carrying. This is a free will center and we are not here to manage people
decision to stop or not stop taking drugs . Most addicts who have come this
far willingly submit their medications, and we have at least two days to
isolate intake problems . During intake we insist on administering all
essential medications ourselves, thereby relieving the client of this
responsibility and insuring that there will be no mixup or error. There are
medications that are cross-contradictive to use with ibogaine. We want to be
fully aware of everything that has been in the individual for 48 hours. Any
evidence of people still using is a reason to delay treatment. If people are
not sleeping or are still appearing loaded then we may wait. This is a self
surrender format for approaching treatment. If someone is not ready to do
treatment, of their own volition,  we will postpone. People's actions will
reveal their readiness to  follow the guidelines. It is our job to establish a
safe and comfortable space. The rest is on them.

During the intake we start a regimen of potassium, magnesium effervescent
supplement, vitamins B12 and C and natural remedies. Supplements are
helpful to condition the electrical current to the heart before treatment.
Chemical dependency and a compromised lifestyles amount to poorly
functioning digestive systems and toxin build-ups. We use natural remedies
to stimulate and cleanse digestion, constipation has to be addressed before
we begin treatment.

Basically, intake is oriented to keeping the client stable and comfortable.
Any withdrawal issues are undesirable before the day of treatment. For
stimulants, withdrawals occurs within 24 to 72 hours of separation, and the
'crashing' client may be stabilized with valium. Most stimulant's separation
also involves the reintroduction of sleeping and eating. If these features are
absent, the client may not have successfully separated from their drug of
choice. Basically, all clients are monitored during intake for comfort,
appetite, efficient digestion, sleep and some exercise.

The staff here has all undergone treatment and remembers their own
anxieties. We like to treat people as we would have like to have been
treated. In most cases, the fears and anxious energies have become
outsized, and our intake emphasizes personal understanding, non-
threatening circumstances,  and family-like nurturing in an environment of

In interactions with the clients, we answer as many questions as possible
about their treatments, and, inevitably, our own treatment experiences.
When relating our sessions we are careful not to project expectations onto
the clients with regards to visionary aspects, as well as physical stresses
and discomfort they should expect. We are still trying to keep them calm,
and the doctor's examination, the  paperwork and their own preparation
have all indicated to them how difficult their experience might be. This does
not really need reiteration before treatment. When describing the days after
treatment, we say that physically and emotionally the day after treatment is
a 'down' day, that day two is 50 percent better, and day three is 50 percent
better than day two, and so on.

On day 2 we start with clean foods including yoghurt, fruits and grains,
avoiding heavy, fatty foods. All new clients visit Dr Chavez for physical
evaluation and health interview. Particularly important is the success of the
cleansing Nopal cactus or other laxatives in opiate addicts suffering from
constipation. The Doctor evaluates family history, addiction history, and the
client's point of view towards the  detox process.

Once the Doctor has cleared the clients for treatment, the following day, the
rest of the day is for orientation, beach-time, or whatever the individual feels
up to. By 10 p.m., opiate addicts take their last medications before
treatment. The time release long lasting MS Contin will generally hold them
comfortably until the following day in the early afternoon.  We may raise the
last dose that evening to secure this outcome. There is no use of IV
administering of drugs in the house. All doses are oral.  In preparation for
treatment we want a good nights sleep and a good meal. Clients may not
sleep for 48 hours after we begin treatment so people are going to need their

On day 3 of intake,  we start with a simple diet of fresh fruit yogurt and
cereal for the final meal before treatment. The intake regimen for food and
supplements may be followed rigidly, but during their first week with us,
most clients lose 10 lbs during the treatment. Hydration is absolutely crucial
to successful treatments, and on this day particular attention is paid to
regular drinking of water and electrolyte-loaded drinks. Supplements and
medicines are eschewed on this day; we want no cross-effects with the
ibogaine. In rare conditions we administer anti-nausea medication before

The main facilitator meditates on the treatments in the afternoon. This is to
ask for guidance, clearance and finalization of the administration protocols
for each client, based on using habits, physical pattern of abuse, and the
physical and emotional balance of the person. Specific recommendations
may present themselves regarding the music playlist or dosage
administration, or warnings may sound about a client's instability, there have
been many times that there is a feeling of apprehension or concern. If this is
really strong we may wait a day and continue to support their health and
rest. We will not begin treatment until this gut feeling has gone away. It has
taken a long time to develop a trust to these feelings but looking back every
time we have had complications that feeling had been present and had not
been listened to. This work is intuitive and does require a awareness that
intuition does exist we have become dependent on this guidance and have
grown to deeply appreciate this connection to the medicine.

We may have to pre-start certain clients because of signs of withdrawals.
This can be addressed with a suitable dose as to alleviate the symptoms
until we can begin the full treatment for all the clients, which occurs around
sundown. We are on a night-treatment cycle, we have found that doing the
treatment in the evening is beneficial to keeping on a regular sleep schedule
and easier to recover in the day after hours and better care is available if
needs arise We've prepared each room by saging, placing two vomit bowls
(one on each side of the bed), and three candles. The rooms should be tidy
and uncluttered.

The preparation of the person before the treatment begins by having them
shower and wear loose white clothing and to lay out any items from home to
help support them emotionally. Pictures of family, sacred items from their
home, crystals or good luck charms, etc. We offer a tall candle to set
intentions into that will burn from the beginning of the session till the time it
burns out to signify the transition from the old life to the new. We also have a
rattle for the person to use either for participation in the music or as a
system to call for assistance. Bells are also good for getting our attention.
Even though we are in the sitting room and can see the individual its always
good to have other systems for people to get attention anytime and feel
secure to have a way to be cared for always at hand. 

Each person is saged to clear any energy and acknowledge the spirit world.
We do a spiritual wash with a perfume of many herbs over their head and
arms and legs and wash hands with lavender blossoms to clear any toxins
from their hands. This cleansing ritual aids in good dreams, we believe .
After staff is saged and all the members going through treatment are finished
being saged, we use a song, a traditional Bwiti harp song, to clear the field.
Everyone (staff and the people being treated) sit down to taste the medicine
by dipping a finger into the powder .  We sit with the experience for a few
minutes to allow the body to meet the medicine. It makes the introduction to
the first exposure a delicate into a gentle offering to the body. People can
feel this small dose sometimes and will support the idea of its efficiency.
The body will identify the compound and create proper enzymes and its
capacity to break down the ibogaine. It enables people to have more
confidence with their experience on the larger doses.

At this time we offer the 1st dose of the ibogaine. Each person has a chance
to place into the capsule his or her desire for healing . As the capsule is
swallowed, we ring little bells over their head to call the spirits, followed by
ringing the bells over the stomach and behind the back. Sometimes we use
a traditional word to acknowledge this stage. After consuming this 1st dose,
we place an offering from us, the staff, to the spirit consisting of a bracelet
made from the Venetian glass beads that were used, centuries ago, to
purchase slaves. We ask the spirits to please help this person, our friend, to
be delivered from the bondage of self in which they are caught. We ask for
gentleness in the session and for the person to receive all the healing they
have come for. We then ask the person to stand up, jump, and say
"Bakaye" to which we reply, aye,"Basse" (blessings).
For 15 to 20 min people are free to move about and do whatever they wish
to do. Then we guide them to the treatment bedroom where it is suggested
that they listen to the music of the Bwiti and lay in a  comfortable position.
We guide them to  let go of any fears and know that all things have led them 
to this point in time. The rest of their experience is between them and the
plant medicine . We will do our job to make sure all the necessities are
provided for their comfort and support. We will monitor them closely for the
next 24 hours, checking on them regularly with out interfering with the
process unless they request our presence and support. We explain that we
will announce our presence in their room with bells or rattles and that we
wish to give them space to be in their process without the consciousness of
our presence in the room unless they specifically request it.

                  (methamphetamine, cocaine, and crack)

The treatment for methamphetamine and crack cocaine addiction begins
with a pretreatment phase. The first consideration is time off of stimulants
before treatment begins --  the minimum time being 72 hours but a 5 day
period is better. The Ibogaine does not relieve the physical symptoms of
detox in stimulants. What it does is remove the cravings for them.  We can
use small doses of 3 to 6 mg/k of ibogaine after 72 hours from last ingestion
of substances to help relieve cravings and obtain time away from stimulants
before administering the therapeutic flood dose. The 2nd major consideration
is nutritional support. It is necessary to support the person's body  through a
healthy diet, supplements, hydration to eliminate constipation. And sleep. In
treating stimulants there is a side effect -- sleeping during the treatment.
This is unusual compared to any other treatments.  Stimulants abuse the
central nervous system  and the ibogaine just puts them down. It is
important to have some time off of stimulants so that the person has a
chance to experience the dream phase of the treatment. The more time off of
the stimulants, the more chance the mind has balanced itself chemically and
the more the individual can receive from the therapy.

There is few known respiratory arrests from using meth or cocaine 12 hours
before treatment. The individuals were resuscitated a few times before
stabilizing on their own. Also some seizures have occurred with stimulants
present in the system during treatment. Because of this experience, we
require 72 hours minimum from last ingestion. We have also witnessed that
using stimulants      during or after treatment can cause people to stop
breathing and or have seizures. It is important for people to understand the
severity of using while on ibogaine. Another reason we wait  is that we want
to make sure that anything  a client has brought and is hiding has been used
before treatment. It is an addict's nature to make sure they are going to be
comfortable if things go wrong. We see this more with stimulants (people
hiding dope) than any other treatment. To help people to sleep and get some
time to rejuvenate from using we use valium. Valium also aids in the
discomfort of detox from stimulants. Rest, food, and supplements are all
that someone really needs for a few days. 

After 72 hours, we administer 3 to 6 mg/k of  ibogaine to help support this
1st stage of treatment , and to give relief to craving and to start the build up
of nor-ibogaine. This also buys a little time before the flood dose. We need
to begin treatment within 72 hours for a known fact that the body will begin
to crave the stimulants and you don't want to loose your client before
treatment can begin. 72 hours seems to be about the most an addict can
handle before needing to use stimulants again. 

Two days later, we give a flood dose of 9 to 15 ml/kg  depending on the
stability of the individual.  Again, we follow up 3 to 4 days later with a
booster of 3 to 5 mg/k. This insures the nor-ibogaine metabolite has built up
to support  a substantial reset on the neuroreceptors, erasing the history of
stimulants from the body. This simple protocol can alleviate many years of
continued use of meth and crack with a sense of well being within 72 hours
from the flood dose treatment. The goal is to be free of cravings to a non-
addicted state with a normal appetite, normal sleep patterns, healthy
digestion, elimination of sugar cravings, loss of depression, and no
psychological cravings for stimulants. Although this treatment is longer from
start to end. than the treatment for heroin and other short acting opiates, it in
long run is very supportive to a new lifestyle free of stimulants. 
The main goal is to build up the ibogaine to 18 to 24 ml/kg total,  (the same
as heroin but over a of 1 week period) time . though a slower build over
many treatments , It is the metabolite nor-ibogaine we are trying to insure
build up in the body. It seems to have a large impact on the relief from
cravings for a few months after. 

It is common for stimulant users to have experienced psychosis. This can
make them vulnerable to experience some kind of instability during the
ibogaine treatment. This is a concern for facilitators.  Proper handling and 
the responsibility to provide a safe and healing environment for the
individual's mental state is crucial. These individuals are so tuned to
stimulants and the using behavior,  that it is difficult for them to maintain
emotional balance. Medications may be necessary to stabilize these
persons for comfort and for the protection of themselves and others. If
someone is showing signs of psychosis, it will normally come up in the 1st
phase of dosing, before the main treatment. It will be easier to handle at that
dose than during a flood dose. If this does come up in the 1st phase, more
time may be needed before the main treatment can be given. It also may be
difficult to spot in the 1st phase of treatment, only by observing and asking
questions will you be able to determine an instability in the mind. This
instability normally wears off within 24 to 36 hours. If it is serious and there
is any sign that the person could possibly hurt themselves or others,
medication must be used. Tranquilizers or heavy sedatives may be
necessary.  The person will need to remain under observation until they are
out of the psychosis and a staff will be needed to manage this situation.

Physical compromise in the heart rhythms is common with extended
stimulant use. This is another reason we wait 3 days. The known side effect
of heart palpations can occur during the 1st days of detox from
methamphetamine and crack cocaine. It is very important to wait till this side
effect of detox is no longer present.  A doctor can either run another EKG or
listen for arrhythmia. If there are other damages in the heart from stimulants
they will be revealed in the EKG. Almost everyone coming off meth will
describe an electric shock type of discomfort when the meth is leaving. It
will be felt coming down the arms to the hands and legs to the feet again.
The central nervous system has been working so hard for so long that the
heart goes soft in its pulse and BP will drop, as a result of the absence of
stimulants. These feelings  are very uncomfortable and medications for pain
can relieve some of these discomforts and aid in support from , anxiety, and
sleep depravation. During this period of 3 days detox we can support the
diet, give supplements and hydration. Make sure that constipation has been

We will include protocols for stimulants from the last five years.  In the last
two years we have developed a consistent outline for treatment, a standard
nor-ibogaine build up and treatment approach that includes proper medical
screening and emotional support. We are confident of its effectiveness. Most
other programs are 30 days to 3 months with normal appetite and sleep
patterns returning in two months. Ibogaine achieves this within 2 weeks.
Clarity and mental stability return much faster. Mania and depression are
stabilized within two weeks. Sometimes nurontin 300 to 1800 mg is used to
help mania, Depression is gone within a few days. This rate of healing, in
itself, substantiate ibogaine's usefulness in detox.  The individual will have a
loss of cravings for 2 to 6 months or longer. It does take several days for the
ibogaine to set up in the system and give the full benefits so a little patience
in the beginning is good advise to people seeking the treatment. 
Sexual elevation in meth and cocaine use is predominant and popular in the
gay community as well as the straight community. Ibogaine seems to
address the core of this addiction also. We have often seen healing in
peoples sexual energy from ibogaine treatment. We have seen people return
to  the intimacy in sexual relationships that they have lost in stimulant
standard protocol outline :

admission to treatment 72 hour pre treatment protocol for preparation

72 hour mark 1st booster of 3 to 6 mg/kg is administered 

48 hours later flood dose of ibogaine 9 ml/kg to 15 mg/kg

48 to 72 hours later a fallow-up treatment of 3 to 5 mg/kg

minimum of 18 mg/kg this is light framed women 
maximum of 26 mg /kg depending on weight and habit.

this is a 9 to 10 day process, time should not be compromised, we have
learned a lot by taking just a little time to let this setup. Our program asks 2
weeks from start to end for complete recovery and effective treatment.


                                                 Treatment for alcohol

Ibogaines usefulness for alcohol  is effective in treating both the physical
desire and the obsessive compulsive mind. There are some new treatments
coming for alcohol reset that will be very beneficial and work in the same
areas we are trying to address . Cravings of the alcohol, the memory of the
using of alcohol and the minds relationship to the spirit of alcohol are the
areas to treat. our desired outcome is so that there is a window or
opportunity to move away from the dependency. Ibogaine will not stop the
withdrawals from physical dependence of alcohol. The suggestion is to 1st
detox  the body from physical addiction and  to have 72 hours from last
consumption. The protocol and pre treatment format is the same as
stimulant and opiate as far as supplement and medical requests for EGK
and liver function.
      Traditional detox from alcohol can be very dangerous in physical
dependence usually 750 ml to 1 liter a day of  alcohol 80  proof or stronger
will establish this level of dependence. The concerns for the 1st 72 hours are
to monitor for seziors, hallucinations, liver problems and function ,
dehydration, delirium tremens , tremors, kidney failure, heart failure and
stomach and esophagus deterioration and bleeding from the anus normal
alcohol abuse side effects. A whole list for symptoms of withdrawals have to
be managed to get threw the 1st stage of detox.
         Medications in alcohol detox are recommended for stability and
comfort. valium is useful in seizors management, it also aids in the
symptoms of tremors , shaking and lack of sleeping 10 mg every 8 hours is
normal and some times Nurontin 900 to 1800 mg is used if a history of
seizures is known during detox . Librium is as beneficial and has less of a
psychotropic effect than valium or clonopin,  Sleep and normal daily routine
are hard to maintain with out some support from medications. . Low doses
of opiates maybe used and will be beneficial for the discomfort from detox.
Sometimes we need to taper the use of the alcohol under supervision and
reduce the intake of alcohol over a couple of days. This  will also help in the
stability of the body . Within a short period of time the alcohol will be treated
and the body cleansed of all substances, the addiction is going to be
treated on many levels and the goal for people to feel comfortable, rested
and stable prior to the ibogaine is far more important than trying to not use
medications based on morals or some individual beliefs that being nice to
the body is not learning something. It is more important  to keep the person
in a margin of physical safety and stability. Alcohol detox is no joke and can
be very damaging to the body, To stop or not stop both have serious
consequences . The old treatment approach of taking everything away and
letting them shake it out is barbaric , so is not giving something back in its
place , it is not an effective form of treatment. We are not trying to teach
someone a lesson or help to remember how hard the detox was so they
don't drink again or that suffering will be a good reminder to not drink. These
are all false in effectiveness and is rooted in beliefs from people who do not
understand addiction.  In ibogaine treatment the whole idea is to add
something back that will help in the healing of the mind, body and spirit.
after treatment it is not uncomfortable to adjust to this new body free of any
substances, no necessity for anti depressants medications or mood
stabilizers , energy returns quickly,  sleep patterns and diet come easy once
threw the main faze of treatment.
      These are things in the past that have not been easy to address
without actually causing more complications or psychological dependence .
The common use of anti depressants and bi polar meds and tranquilizers
extend sometimes for years after traditional detox and cause damage of
their own . The psychic relationship to having to keep taking drugs whether
from a doctor or dealer seems to have a negative effect on long term
relationship to abstinence from  drugs and a sense of weak esteem can be
created as a result if not being successful in fully transitioning from 
chemical dependence. There are many people who do have to take
medications due to real diagnosis. some how It has become a standard
protocol to give these medications to people  once detoxed from drugs or
alcohol in western medicine style treatment centers . The out come of
ibogaine therapy is a rejuvenation or rebalance of the nero-receptors and
transmitters of the brain to help repair the damages from being out of
balance due to chemical dependency. This effect alone can save many
years of recovery at the normal rate of rebalancing and the risks of working
with pharmaceutical medications and the fact that really there is no way to
know if they will do the job and help to heal anything . It can treat the
symptoms but doesn't allow for the mind to actually repair and function

When the individual has been off alcohol 72 hours and has stabilized a little
physically you may begin the 1st phase of treatment 

1st stage of treatment: 
       5 mg/kl is a good starting dose for the 1st stage of treatment . This will
start to begin the process of the nor- ibogaine build up and to start the reset
on the addiction in the mind and body also allowing more time for the body
to recover . Alcohol in its extreme dependency is very hard on the body over
time . Many compromises in diet and hydration have been demanding and
need time to recover from physically. liver damage is also predominate and
even with swelling you can begin this 1st faze and help to create a rapid
recovery from the alcohol damage.

 2nd stage of treatment :
          After 48 hours from the 1st stage you may prepare for the 2nd. stage
which is the primary therapy session and reset. The dose ranges are
between 10 to 18 mg/kg depending on the tolerance of the individual. Based
on the effects of the 1st stage treatment the tolerance is better understood to
the ibogaine and no test dose is necessary. Most people are very
comfortable now with the ibogaine in the low doses .  People are more
relaxed and don't have allot of fear or apprehension , knowing that there is
some familiarity to the ibogaine. A 10 mg/kg starting dose  fallowed by 2 to 5
mg/kg is normal.  By the time this treatment is complete the 1st signs of
cravings diminishing  is addressed because of the 1st phase of treatment
using the 5 mg/kg dose. It has broken down and beginning to store in the
body. It still takes an additional 72 hours to begin to really feel the shift and
the well being that comes from the levels of ibogaine we are working with.

3rd . stage of treatment 
             3 to 6 mg/kl is administered 3 days after the flood dose treatment .
Again this is beneficial for psycho therapeutic reasons many things have
come to the surface from the 1st and 2nd stages of treatment and some
opportunity to look into these. The build up of the metabolite of nor- ibogaine
which will help to support the loss of craving is setting into the body . The
nor-ibogaine will remain in the body for 2 months and help to keep a state of
well being and keep any depression from getting inside . The release of the
memory of the addiction and the loss of cravings in the dopamine uptake
area of the brain foster  the desired goals for treatment out come . It takes
about a week to really feel the benefits sink into the system and the physical
stability return from the damages and abuse this is very rapid and is also
very supportive to cultivating  a healthy life. 

Alcohol treatments in tolerances below the 750 ml liter a day or more can
normally move the treatment to 24 hours from last drink The level of ibogaine
may be decreased in comparison to heavy physical dependence . The
desired outcome definition can aid in the amount of ibogaine necessary to
achieve a complete detox and reset from the history of addiction. those who
are poly substance users may still need to fallow the 72 hour stabilizing
protocol due to the cross contradiction in stimulant dependence . 

Treatment outline 72 hours from last intake of alcohol

3 to 6 mg/kg preparatory dose for aiding in detox and liver cleanse and
controlling the cravings

8.6 to 15 mg/kg for actual treatment dose. health and stability make a big
impression on dose weights

3 to 4 mg/kg for nor-ibogaine metabolite build up." not necessary in the
lower tolerance alcohol group"

total treatment dosages 13 mg to 20 mg/kg depending on habit, sex, age,
health, etc.

                   FACILITATORS / PROVIDERS

     Is the name we give ourselves who administer and conduct the
treatment with ibogaine . We are not therapists or counselors or doctors .
These titles would confuse people and are not the truth we are providers of
the therapy using the ibogaine and have been trained threw a primary
treatment of our own and by conducting treatments over a period of time
normally under the supervision of an experienced provider. We like the term
provider because it signifies that we offer something to be received and also
that it is the receiving of the individual that makes this work . They have
chosen to make this change, we are not carriers of the treatment ,we provide
the environment the medicine the protocol for administering for effective
treatment and share our experience for the emotional support to get threw
the parts that may seem confusing. We help to protect them from all
distractions in the environment  and aid in the comfort of there experience so
they may be able to go the distances and go threw the topics of their life
which are important to them, it is really their show and their healing we are
just agents or trusted servants that the medicine has chosen to do the work.
Our job is for them to not worry about how this happens or worry about all
the levels of comfort necessary to make this happen smoothly and safely.
The conditions we have found best is to give enough space for them to be
able to fallow threw with their decision to get off the drugs or to find their
own answers to their problems . I have no way of knowing in the short time
we spend together what is best for anyone its between them and the
medicine . Its the one who does the healing and in most cases is also the
one who guided them to us to do the work. There are many different models
for treatment the medical, the religious, ,the traditional, the
psychotherapeutic and many more we have tried to include all of these but
without any projection of our own beliefs . A neutral belief zone . We don't
ask anyone to believe anything, it is for them to experience one on one with
the medicine as the therapist or doctor ,iboga is the counselor. The primary
facilitator has many responsibility's from managing the house to screening to
discussing the therapy needed and to design the protocol , to assure safety
and to help to integrate and understand the stages of recover and offer some
guidance of what to do next when asked ,  to guide the caregivers and to
make sure all the necessity's are met to be able to achieve the desired
outcome . 

      On the physical level there can be a great many challenges such as
ataxia (dizziness), nausea, vomiting, raise in body temperature accompanied
by sweating. An experienced provider will be available to attend to the
physical needs of the person without being emotionally effected personally
-- this is especially useful in the case of vomiting where a person needs to
be able to release and feel supported. It can happen that the provider may
actually be interfering by offering too much "sympathy" rather than simply
being there and assuring the person that their process is part of releasing
what needs to be released.
      The medical stability of the individual is normally shared with our doctor
there are many signals of the body to watch for and to see if at any moment
something is needed to maintain a stable and safe transition off the
substances dependent upon. If some one starts to regress it is important to
take action, identify why it is happening and the proper treatment. Simple
things can cause big problems during the 1st 48 hours, there is a rhythm or
pattern of progress that should remain steady and people should gain
strength over time . If there is something being revealed and is needing
attention it is the facilitator who makes the decision on what to do next.
      Its important to have done CPR and emergency response training to
make certain you can help support someone in an emergency. If some one is
on a diet of drugs for 10 years and suddenly we change the diet. The body
can have different reactions, high blood pressure, low blood pressure,
arrhythmia, bradycardia, dehydration, lack of electrolytes, infections,
throwing up blood, no motor coordination for extended periods of time,
seizers , almost always there is something on the other side of the detox
after treatment, our role is to spot problems before they become a threat to
someone's health, protective action to help their transition to health.
        Psycospiritual treatments rarely have any major physical problem,
more psychological issues come up and they are as difficult to handle at
times as any physical problem, mental stability is a whole other field where
people need guidance to get from point A to B . There are times when
people go into mental states of paranoia , psychotic breaks , mania,
depression. These are normally for only a short time but require delicate
nature and approach. If some one is really in a state of confusion and are not
themselves. Having a positive helpful response can prevent a trauma from
being imbedded in the healing. These situations can be difficult and having a
doctor to refer these things too can help tremendously at times. A
community of us are available to answer questions and its a good idea to
run things by people if your on your own working with someone.  
     The emotional challenges can be tied to the physical sensations or can
be a result of the content of the dreams. Here is where the role of the
provider as a listener and a holder of space can come into play. There is
room for the provider to engage but it is rare that this is appropriate during
the dreaming phase of the journey. For quite some time it was our policy to
sit close by the client  during their entire journey. We have discovered that it
is wise to make space for people to have privacy as long as we are able to
see them and monitor their condition from a nearby space.  On the spiritual
level the main concern has to do with intention: is the person coming to us
actually looking for their truth or trying to hide within another motivation such
as pleasing the parent/spouse/lover who is paying for the treatment. More
and more we are learning to address this  aspect in the pretreatment phase.

The key to the facilitation of ibogaine is to be present. It could be compared
to the experience of childbirth. There is an element of unpredictability --
each treatment is unique and any number of situations can arise that may
require a facilitator to think "outside the box." It is our intention to provide
not just the "practical" information regarding dosages, contraindications, etc.
but the conceptual information that has to do with very real conditions for
this therapy, such as understanding someone's needs without getting
involved as a "carrier" thus enabling the initiate to have an independent
journey, supported but not interfered with by the provider. To truly hold
space for a person on an ibogaine journey is to listen and to be able to react
without ego in the mix.

The question for some one who wants to be a provider is why. Is there ones
own motives involved are they good are they selfish are they honest . Is it for
the money,or to be a big shot. Lost motives and giving ibogaine will attract
trouble . Using peoples treatments to stay healthy themselves will eventually
wear off thinking that we are doing the healing or providing a healing will be a
big let down to the ego later . Its easy to turn this into a accomplishment that
we did and forget what the medicine did we just aid in providing the 
facilitation of the treatment any thing else is coming from unresolved issues
of our own and can cause a lot of damage emotionally and possibly
physically if someone is doing this for the wrong reasons. Most i've spoken
to, who do this work feel they were chosen by something, by the Spirit. It
turns the past into a valuable resource  that we had been in training all our
lives. To do this work in the field we specialize in, which is addiction. It
helps to heal the shame and guilt  stored up over a life time, because of
using, it lets us  pay back some of the energy people had given to us in the
long process it took to get off drugs . I also feel that for most who were
called, we were blessed with an understanding of this medicine that it
speaks to us and guides us in everything we do with people, To learn to
trust this inner intuition and live by it is a very rewarding experience. From
what dose to give and when and how to help , and who we can and can't
help, knowing our limits and seeing possible hazards . This does take time
to understand and working with people is the best way to keep learning . A
good teacher is very important to have. Someone who has been doing this
longer and has seen some of the complications that come up and how to
work threw it. This has been a field of work that we have passed on to each
other. It is not a necessity to have been an addict to be able to work with
addiction therapy clients. There are many who just love what can be
accomplished with this medicine and love people, and participating in their
healing. It does offer an insight to the behavior of addiction and to be able to
relate to the process 1st hand. To have done ibogaine therapy for addiction
is a great benefit to have, 1st hand experience.

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Rocky Caravelli Presentation PDF 2009 Sayulita

  • 1. Intention Our intention is to consolidate our experience with ibogaine into a practical guide for ibogaine treatment providers to use. We hope to contribute to a standard of excellent care for all who seek healing through the help of  this sacred medicine. We are interested in co-creating a strong community dynamic worldwide so that ibogaine therapy will continue to grow and flourish. We believe that sharing information and establishing a spirit of friendship with our peers will benefit all.                                                                                            We acknowledge that this manual is a "work in process" and expect to make changes and improvements. We welcome comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, corrections, questions, etc.  Please direct all feedback to Introduction This manual includes protocols, guidelines, and suggestions for the administration of ibogaine in addiction therapy, reset therapy, psychological therapy, physical therapy, and personal development. The common thread in all treatments using the ibogaine catalyst is based on the interpretation that humans in this era have created a separate reality from the nature of the world around them, their own true nature, and the social nature of humans as a connected species. For many reasons these elements of separation have begun to create a psychic illness in our species. This lack of connectedness has manifested as a search for completion within ourselves and within this so called life. This compulsion/need to potentiate illness within the body and in relationships to others and oneself is at the core of drug abuse. Addiction, being the obsession to continue on a path with little or no permanent value or reward, permeates modern culture.  Even the pursuit of basic human needs such as money, food, and sex is affected by the lack of connection. Modern society is in complete denial of the karmic debt that is being paid with the alienation that drives some of its members to the solution of self medicating through chemical means: pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs, legal drugs, or any combination thereof. Ironically, some of the more difficult treatments can be those in which there is no substance (chemical) abuse -- the detoxification of drugs from the body can be measured, the psycho-spiritual healing is often more difficult to evaluate. This medicine is a sacred tool in that the spirit of the plant, Iboga, is the true healer. This does not detract from the personal contribution of healing energy
  • 2. provided by facilitators, sitters, caregivers and all staff members including those that provide supportive therapies, those that cook, those that clean. The tradition of iboga is shamanistic by its very nature and history. The tradition of iboga is about community. In West Central Africa, the birthplace of the tradition of Bwiti, which means to care for, everyone in the community is involved in an initiation.  We believe that it is essential that all staff members undergo initiation with ibogaine in order to be able to provide the best environment for a successful treatment and to contain the awareness of each new person's stages of healing . In our facility all staff members that are present during treatment and aftercare have been through their own treatment with ibogaine.  Ibogaine therapy is in its infancy. At this point in history, 2009,  there have been an estimated six to seven thousand people worldwide who have received ibogaine treatment for addiction therapy. It is estimated that an additional eight to ten thousand used ibogaine for reasons other than addiction therapy.  This manual primarily reflects the combined experience of Eric Taub and Rocky Caravelli. Eric Taub, a guiding force in the establishment of the Dream House Clinic, has been involved with ibogaine therapy for 17 years and has participated in 1000 treatments.  Rocky Caravelli has treated 400 people over the course of 5 years.  The collective experiences of Eric and Rocky are the foundation for the models of treatment contained in this manual. In addition, the information provided includes the many elements necessary to create a safe and stable treatment center.  In our model, there are five categories of ibogaine treatment. We acknowledge that the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of all people are deeply interwoven. It is only for the sake of practicality that we have  established the following five distinct categories.       The first category is addiction therapy. Addiction therapy is for the individual who is chemically dependent           on opiates, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, alcohol, and any combination thereof.      The second category is reset therapy. Reset therapy is for individuals who have been free of narcotics or           pharmaceuticals drugs for a period of two months or more.       The third category is psychological therapy. Psychological therapy is for individuals suffering from 
  • 3.          depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome), OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder),           eating disorders  and other mental/emotional conditions.      The fourth category is physical therapy. Physical therapy is for individuals suffering from conditions in            the body such as asthma, fibromyalgia, herpes, hepatitis, scar tissue due to physical injury, chronic pain,           blockages in the nervous system, acidosis, digestive issues, compromised circulation, and fertility problems.           This category developed from observing physical healing which occurred when patients were undergoing           addiction or reset therapy. Ibogaine in the West, used for the treatment of physical ailments, is very new.           The protocols we are using are in an experimental stage.            The fifth category is personal development or psycho-spiritual growth. This pertains to individuals            who are free of chemical dependence, who are mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy, and who are            wanting to develop a deeper personal relationship with themselves and to the spirit of the plant. This initiatory            experience, a transition to adulthood, involves the clearing of one's history of the negative projections from              childhood as well as the projections of culture and society at large.  The goal is to find one's dharma (purpose)  for this life.  The Dream House Manual also includes basic information for facilitators who are new to the field. We have provided pre and post treatment consent forms which clarify the patients role in their own healing, an application form which is an essential tool for the initial communication with and screening of potential clients , and a lis t of medications , s upplements , and contraindications in the pre and post treatment phases of treatment. We encourage people to use their own expertise to enhance or modify any information that we provide. We realize that we have only one perspective to offer and know that every provider will adapt different methods and have different experiences they will draw from to create their own system. It is encouraging to think that there will be many different models of ibogaine therapy to choose from which will allow clients to select the one that best suits their particular needs. As ibogaine providers, we all have our distinct offerings, some of us may offer more medical support, some may offer more of a home environment, some will offer more creature comforts while others
  • 4. may offer a special dietary regime or philosophy of healing. There may be times when we wish to decline treatment for any number of reasons  or circumstances but we may be able to recommend  another provider. We can all  benefit from the spirit of community where information is shared and we are helping each other when the need arises.     The ibogaine journey is a profoundly personal one  and can be difficult on many levels: physical, emotional, and  spiritual.  All of these aspects will be discussed in detail in this manual. We have included a chapter describing integration and aftercare, an essential element of ibogaine treatment. It is our desire to share what we have learned through our work at the Dream House. We anticipate that this manual will grow as we learn and we invite the contributions of our peers in the ibogaine community. We are interested in developing a strong and cohesive worldwide community of ibogaine providers.       INTAKE AND PRETREATMENT During intake, we don't search bags or conduct body searches. We do request a surrender of all medications and substances that the client is carrying. This is a free will center and we are not here to manage people decision to stop or not stop taking drugs . Most addicts who have come this far willingly submit their medications, and we have at least two days to isolate intake problems . During intake we insist on administering all essential medications ourselves, thereby relieving the client of this responsibility and insuring that there will be no mixup or error. There are medications that are cross-contradictive to use with ibogaine. We want to be fully aware of everything that has been in the individual for 48 hours. Any evidence of people still using is a reason to delay treatment. If people are not sleeping or are still appearing loaded then we may wait. This is a self surrender format for approaching treatment. If someone is not ready to do treatment, of their own volition,  we will postpone. People's actions will reveal their readiness to  follow the guidelines. It is our job to establish a safe and comfortable space. The rest is on them. During the intake we start a regimen of potassium, magnesium effervescent supplement, vitamins B12 and C and natural remedies. Supplements are helpful to condition the electrical current to the heart before treatment. Chemical dependency and a compromised lifestyles amount to poorly functioning digestive systems and toxin build-ups. We use natural remedies to stimulate and cleanse digestion, constipation has to be addressed before
  • 5. we begin treatment. Basically, intake is oriented to keeping the client stable and comfortable. Any withdrawal issues are undesirable before the day of treatment. For stimulants, withdrawals occurs within 24 to 72 hours of separation, and the 'crashing' client may be stabilized with valium. Most stimulant's separation also involves the reintroduction of sleeping and eating. If these features are absent, the client may not have successfully separated from their drug of choice. Basically, all clients are monitored during intake for comfort, appetite, efficient digestion, sleep and some exercise. The staff here has all undergone treatment and remembers their own anxieties. We like to treat people as we would have like to have been treated. In most cases, the fears and anxious energies have become outsized, and our intake emphasizes personal understanding, non- threatening circumstances,  and family-like nurturing in an environment of self-responsibility. In interactions with the clients, we answer as many questions as possible about their treatments, and, inevitably, our own treatment experiences. When relating our sessions we are careful not to project expectations onto the clients with regards to visionary aspects, as well as physical stresses and discomfort they should expect. We are still trying to keep them calm, and the doctor's examination, the  paperwork and their own preparation have all indicated to them how difficult their experience might be. This does not really need reiteration before treatment. When describing the days after treatment, we say that physically and emotionally the day after treatment is a 'down' day, that day two is 50 percent better, and day three is 50 percent better than day two, and so on. On day 2 we start with clean foods including yoghurt, fruits and grains, avoiding heavy, fatty foods. All new clients visit Dr Chavez for physical evaluation and health interview. Particularly important is the success of the cleansing Nopal cactus or other laxatives in opiate addicts suffering from constipation. The Doctor evaluates family history, addiction history, and the client's point of view towards the  detox process. Once the Doctor has cleared the clients for treatment, the following day, the rest of the day is for orientation, beach-time, or whatever the individual feels up to. By 10 p.m., opiate addicts take their last medications before treatment. The time release long lasting MS Contin will generally hold them comfortably until the following day in the early afternoon.  We may raise the last dose that evening to secure this outcome. There is no use of IV
  • 6. administering of drugs in the house. All doses are oral.  In preparation for treatment we want a good nights sleep and a good meal. Clients may not sleep for 48 hours after we begin treatment so people are going to need their strength.  On day 3 of intake,  we start with a simple diet of fresh fruit yogurt and cereal for the final meal before treatment. The intake regimen for food and supplements may be followed rigidly, but during their first week with us, most clients lose 10 lbs during the treatment. Hydration is absolutely crucial to successful treatments, and on this day particular attention is paid to regular drinking of water and electrolyte-loaded drinks. Supplements and medicines are eschewed on this day; we want no cross-effects with the ibogaine. In rare conditions we administer anti-nausea medication before treatment. The main facilitator meditates on the treatments in the afternoon. This is to ask for guidance, clearance and finalization of the administration protocols for each client, based on using habits, physical pattern of abuse, and the physical and emotional balance of the person. Specific recommendations may present themselves regarding the music playlist or dosage administration, or warnings may sound about a client's instability, there have been many times that there is a feeling of apprehension or concern. If this is really strong we may wait a day and continue to support their health and rest. We will not begin treatment until this gut feeling has gone away. It has taken a long time to develop a trust to these feelings but looking back every time we have had complications that feeling had been present and had not been listened to. This work is intuitive and does require a awareness that intuition does exist we have become dependent on this guidance and have grown to deeply appreciate this connection to the medicine. We may have to pre-start certain clients because of signs of withdrawals. This can be addressed with a suitable dose as to alleviate the symptoms until we can begin the full treatment for all the clients, which occurs around sundown. We are on a night-treatment cycle, we have found that doing the treatment in the evening is beneficial to keeping on a regular sleep schedule and easier to recover in the day after hours and better care is available if needs arise We've prepared each room by saging, placing two vomit bowls (one on each side of the bed), and three candles. The rooms should be tidy and uncluttered. The preparation of the person before the treatment begins by having them shower and wear loose white clothing and to lay out any items from home to help support them emotionally. Pictures of family, sacred items from their
  • 7. home, crystals or good luck charms, etc. We offer a tall candle to set intentions into that will burn from the beginning of the session till the time it burns out to signify the transition from the old life to the new. We also have a rattle for the person to use either for participation in the music or as a system to call for assistance. Bells are also good for getting our attention. Even though we are in the sitting room and can see the individual its always good to have other systems for people to get attention anytime and feel secure to have a way to be cared for always at hand.  Each person is saged to clear any energy and acknowledge the spirit world. We do a spiritual wash with a perfume of many herbs over their head and arms and legs and wash hands with lavender blossoms to clear any toxins from their hands. This cleansing ritual aids in good dreams, we believe . After staff is saged and all the members going through treatment are finished being saged, we use a song, a traditional Bwiti harp song, to clear the field. Everyone (staff and the people being treated) sit down to taste the medicine by dipping a finger into the powder .  We sit with the experience for a few minutes to allow the body to meet the medicine. It makes the introduction to the first exposure a delicate into a gentle offering to the body. People can feel this small dose sometimes and will support the idea of its efficiency. The body will identify the compound and create proper enzymes and its capacity to break down the ibogaine. It enables people to have more confidence with their experience on the larger doses. At this time we offer the 1st dose of the ibogaine. Each person has a chance to place into the capsule his or her desire for healing . As the capsule is swallowed, we ring little bells over their head to call the spirits, followed by ringing the bells over the stomach and behind the back. Sometimes we use a traditional word to acknowledge this stage. After consuming this 1st dose, we place an offering from us, the staff, to the spirit consisting of a bracelet made from the Venetian glass beads that were used, centuries ago, to purchase slaves. We ask the spirits to please help this person, our friend, to be delivered from the bondage of self in which they are caught. We ask for gentleness in the session and for the person to receive all the healing they have come for. We then ask the person to stand up, jump, and say "Bakaye" to which we reply, aye,"Basse" (blessings).              For 15 to 20 min people are free to move about and do whatever they wish to do. Then we guide them to the treatment bedroom where it is suggested that they listen to the music of the Bwiti and lay in a  comfortable position. We guide them to  let go of any fears and know that all things have led them  to this point in time. The rest of their experience is between them and the plant medicine . We will do our job to make sure all the necessities are
  • 8. provided for their comfort and support. We will monitor them closely for the next 24 hours, checking on them regularly with out interfering with the process unless they request our presence and support. We explain that we will announce our presence in their room with bells or rattles and that we wish to give them space to be in their process without the consciousness of our presence in the room unless they specifically request it. STIMULANT DETOXIFICATION PROTOCOL   (methamphetamine, cocaine, and crack) The treatment for methamphetamine and crack cocaine addiction begins with a pretreatment phase. The first consideration is time off of stimulants before treatment begins --  the minimum time being 72 hours but a 5 day period is better. The Ibogaine does not relieve the physical symptoms of detox in stimulants. What it does is remove the cravings for them.  We can use small doses of 3 to 6 mg/k of ibogaine after 72 hours from last ingestion of substances to help relieve cravings and obtain time away from stimulants before administering the therapeutic flood dose. The 2nd major consideration is nutritional support. It is necessary to support the person's body  through a healthy diet, supplements, hydration to eliminate constipation. And sleep. In treating stimulants there is a side effect -- sleeping during the treatment. This is unusual compared to any other treatments.  Stimulants abuse the central nervous system  and the ibogaine just puts them down. It is important to have some time off of stimulants so that the person has a chance to experience the dream phase of the treatment. The more time off of the stimulants, the more chance the mind has balanced itself chemically and the more the individual can receive from the therapy. There is few known respiratory arrests from using meth or cocaine 12 hours before treatment. The individuals were resuscitated a few times before stabilizing on their own. Also some seizures have occurred with stimulants present in the system during treatment. Because of this experience, we require 72 hours minimum from last ingestion. We have also witnessed that using stimulants during or after treatment can cause people to stop breathing and or have seizures. It is important for people to understand the severity of using while on ibogaine. Another reason we wait  is that we want to make sure that anything  a client has brought and is hiding has been used before treatment. It is an addict's nature to make sure they are going to be comfortable if things go wrong. We see this more with stimulants (people hiding dope) than any other treatment. To help people to sleep and get some time to rejuvenate from using we use valium. Valium also aids in the
  • 9. discomfort of detox from stimulants. Rest, food, and supplements are all that someone really needs for a few days.  After 72 hours, we administer 3 to 6 mg/k of  ibogaine to help support this 1st stage of treatment , and to give relief to craving and to start the build up of nor-ibogaine. This also buys a little time before the flood dose. We need to begin treatment within 72 hours for a known fact that the body will begin to crave the stimulants and you don't want to loose your client before treatment can begin. 72 hours seems to be about the most an addict can handle before needing to use stimulants again.  Two days later, we give a flood dose of 9 to 15 ml/kg  depending on the stability of the individual.  Again, we follow up 3 to 4 days later with a booster of 3 to 5 mg/k. This insures the nor-ibogaine metabolite has built up to support  a substantial reset on the neuroreceptors, erasing the history of stimulants from the body. This simple protocol can alleviate many years of continued use of meth and crack with a sense of well being within 72 hours from the flood dose treatment. The goal is to be free of cravings to a non- addicted state with a normal appetite, normal sleep patterns, healthy digestion, elimination of sugar cravings, loss of depression, and no psychological cravings for stimulants. Although this treatment is longer from start to end. than the treatment for heroin and other short acting opiates, it in long run is very supportive to a new lifestyle free of stimulants.  The main goal is to build up the ibogaine to 18 to 24 ml/kg total,  (the same as heroin but over a of 1 week period) time . though a slower build over many treatments , It is the metabolite nor-ibogaine we are trying to insure build up in the body. It seems to have a large impact on the relief from cravings for a few months after.  It is common for stimulant users to have experienced psychosis. This can make them vulnerable to experience some kind of instability during the ibogaine treatment. This is a concern for facilitators.  Proper handling and  the responsibility to provide a safe and healing environment for the individual's mental state is crucial. These individuals are so tuned to stimulants and the using behavior,  that it is difficult for them to maintain emotional balance. Medications may be necessary to stabilize these persons for comfort and for the protection of themselves and others. If someone is showing signs of psychosis, it will normally come up in the 1st phase of dosing, before the main treatment. It will be easier to handle at that dose than during a flood dose. If this does come up in the 1st phase, more time may be needed before the main treatment can be given. It also may be difficult to spot in the 1st phase of treatment, only by observing and asking questions will you be able to determine an instability in the mind. This
  • 10. instability normally wears off within 24 to 36 hours. If it is serious and there is any sign that the person could possibly hurt themselves or others, medication must be used. Tranquilizers or heavy sedatives may be necessary.  The person will need to remain under observation until they are out of the psychosis and a staff will be needed to manage this situation. Physical compromise in the heart rhythms is common with extended stimulant use. This is another reason we wait 3 days. The known side effect of heart palpations can occur during the 1st days of detox from methamphetamine and crack cocaine. It is very important to wait till this side effect of detox is no longer present.  A doctor can either run another EKG or listen for arrhythmia. If there are other damages in the heart from stimulants they will be revealed in the EKG. Almost everyone coming off meth will describe an electric shock type of discomfort when the meth is leaving. It will be felt coming down the arms to the hands and legs to the feet again. The central nervous system has been working so hard for so long that the heart goes soft in its pulse and BP will drop, as a result of the absence of stimulants. These feelings  are very uncomfortable and medications for pain can relieve some of these discomforts and aid in support from , anxiety, and sleep depravation. During this period of 3 days detox we can support the diet, give supplements and hydration. Make sure that constipation has been addressed.  We will include protocols for stimulants from the last five years.  In the last two years we have developed a consistent outline for treatment, a standard nor-ibogaine build up and treatment approach that includes proper medical screening and emotional support. We are confident of its effectiveness. Most other programs are 30 days to 3 months with normal appetite and sleep patterns returning in two months. Ibogaine achieves this within 2 weeks. Clarity and mental stability return much faster. Mania and depression are stabilized within two weeks. Sometimes nurontin 300 to 1800 mg is used to help mania, Depression is gone within a few days. This rate of healing, in itself, substantiate ibogaine's usefulness in detox.  The individual will have a loss of cravings for 2 to 6 months or longer. It does take several days for the ibogaine to set up in the system and give the full benefits so a little patience in the beginning is good advise to people seeking the treatment.    Sexual elevation in meth and cocaine use is predominant and popular in the gay community as well as the straight community. Ibogaine seems to address the core of this addiction also. We have often seen healing in peoples sexual energy from ibogaine treatment. We have seen people return to  the intimacy in sexual relationships that they have lost in stimulant abuse.
  • 11. standard protocol outline : admission to treatment 72 hour pre treatment protocol for preparation 72 hour mark 1st booster of 3 to 6 mg/kg is administered  48 hours later flood dose of ibogaine 9 ml/kg to 15 mg/kg 48 to 72 hours later a fallow-up treatment of 3 to 5 mg/kg minimum of 18 mg/kg this is light framed women  maximum of 26 mg /kg depending on weight and habit. this is a 9 to 10 day process, time should not be compromised, we have learned a lot by taking just a little time to let this setup. Our program asks 2 weeks from start to end for complete recovery and effective treatment.   Treatment for alcohol Ibogaines usefulness for alcohol  is effective in treating both the physical desire and the obsessive compulsive mind. There are some new treatments coming for alcohol reset that will be very beneficial and work in the same areas we are trying to address . Cravings of the alcohol, the memory of the using of alcohol and the minds relationship to the spirit of alcohol are the areas to treat. our desired outcome is so that there is a window or opportunity to move away from the dependency. Ibogaine will not stop the withdrawals from physical dependence of alcohol. The suggestion is to 1st detox  the body from physical addiction and  to have 72 hours from last consumption. The protocol and pre treatment format is the same as stimulant and opiate as far as supplement and medical requests for EGK and liver function. Traditional detox from alcohol can be very dangerous in physical dependence usually 750 ml to 1 liter a day of  alcohol 80  proof or stronger will establish this level of dependence. The concerns for the 1st 72 hours are to monitor for seziors, hallucinations, liver problems and function , dehydration, delirium tremens , tremors, kidney failure, heart failure and stomach and esophagus deterioration and bleeding from the anus normal alcohol abuse side effects. A whole list for symptoms of withdrawals have to be managed to get threw the 1st stage of detox.          Medications in alcohol detox are recommended for stability and
  • 12. comfort. valium is useful in seizors management, it also aids in the symptoms of tremors , shaking and lack of sleeping 10 mg every 8 hours is normal and some times Nurontin 900 to 1800 mg is used if a history of seizures is known during detox . Librium is as beneficial and has less of a psychotropic effect than valium or clonopin,  Sleep and normal daily routine are hard to maintain with out some support from medications. . Low doses of opiates maybe used and will be beneficial for the discomfort from detox. Sometimes we need to taper the use of the alcohol under supervision and reduce the intake of alcohol over a couple of days. This  will also help in the stability of the body . Within a short period of time the alcohol will be treated and the body cleansed of all substances, the addiction is going to be treated on many levels and the goal for people to feel comfortable, rested and stable prior to the ibogaine is far more important than trying to not use medications based on morals or some individual beliefs that being nice to the body is not learning something. It is more important  to keep the person in a margin of physical safety and stability. Alcohol detox is no joke and can be very damaging to the body, To stop or not stop both have serious consequences . The old treatment approach of taking everything away and letting them shake it out is barbaric , so is not giving something back in its place , it is not an effective form of treatment. We are not trying to teach someone a lesson or help to remember how hard the detox was so they don't drink again or that suffering will be a good reminder to not drink. These are all false in effectiveness and is rooted in beliefs from people who do not understand addiction.  In ibogaine treatment the whole idea is to add something back that will help in the healing of the mind, body and spirit. after treatment it is not uncomfortable to adjust to this new body free of any substances, no necessity for anti depressants medications or mood stabilizers , energy returns quickly,  sleep patterns and diet come easy once threw the main faze of treatment. These are things in the past that have not been easy to address without actually causing more complications or psychological dependence . The common use of anti depressants and bi polar meds and tranquilizers extend sometimes for years after traditional detox and cause damage of their own . The psychic relationship to having to keep taking drugs whether from a doctor or dealer seems to have a negative effect on long term relationship to abstinence from  drugs and a sense of weak esteem can be created as a result if not being successful in fully transitioning from  chemical dependence. There are many people who do have to take medications due to real diagnosis. some how It has become a standard protocol to give these medications to people  once detoxed from drugs or alcohol in western medicine style treatment centers . The out come of ibogaine therapy is a rejuvenation or rebalance of the nero-receptors and transmitters of the brain to help repair the damages from being out of
  • 13. balance due to chemical dependency. This effect alone can save many years of recovery at the normal rate of rebalancing and the risks of working with pharmaceutical medications and the fact that really there is no way to know if they will do the job and help to heal anything . It can treat the symptoms but doesn't allow for the mind to actually repair and function normally.     When the individual has been off alcohol 72 hours and has stabilized a little physically you may begin the 1st phase of treatment  1st stage of treatment:         5 mg/kl is a good starting dose for the 1st stage of treatment . This will start to begin the process of the nor- ibogaine build up and to start the reset on the addiction in the mind and body also allowing more time for the body to recover . Alcohol in its extreme dependency is very hard on the body over time . Many compromises in diet and hydration have been demanding and need time to recover from physically. liver damage is also predominate and even with swelling you can begin this 1st faze and help to create a rapid recovery from the alcohol damage.    2nd stage of treatment :           After 48 hours from the 1st stage you may prepare for the 2nd. stage which is the primary therapy session and reset. The dose ranges are between 10 to 18 mg/kg depending on the tolerance of the individual. Based on the effects of the 1st stage treatment the tolerance is better understood to the ibogaine and no test dose is necessary. Most people are very comfortable now with the ibogaine in the low doses .  People are more relaxed and don't have allot of fear or apprehension , knowing that there is some familiarity to the ibogaine. A 10 mg/kg starting dose  fallowed by 2 to 5 mg/kg is normal.  By the time this treatment is complete the 1st signs of cravings diminishing  is addressed because of the 1st phase of treatment using the 5 mg/kg dose. It has broken down and beginning to store in the body. It still takes an additional 72 hours to begin to really feel the shift and the well being that comes from the levels of ibogaine we are working with.    3rd . stage of treatment               3 to 6 mg/kl is administered 3 days after the flood dose treatment . Again this is beneficial for psycho therapeutic reasons many things have come to the surface from the 1st and 2nd stages of treatment and some opportunity to look into these. The build up of the metabolite of nor- ibogaine which will help to support the loss of craving is setting into the body . The
  • 14. nor-ibogaine will remain in the body for 2 months and help to keep a state of well being and keep any depression from getting inside . The release of the memory of the addiction and the loss of cravings in the dopamine uptake area of the brain foster  the desired goals for treatment out come . It takes about a week to really feel the benefits sink into the system and the physical stability return from the damages and abuse this is very rapid and is also very supportive to cultivating  a healthy life.  Alcohol treatments in tolerances below the 750 ml liter a day or more can normally move the treatment to 24 hours from last drink The level of ibogaine may be decreased in comparison to heavy physical dependence . The desired outcome definition can aid in the amount of ibogaine necessary to achieve a complete detox and reset from the history of addiction. those who are poly substance users may still need to fallow the 72 hour stabilizing protocol due to the cross contradiction in stimulant dependence .  Treatment outline 72 hours from last intake of alcohol 3 to 6 mg/kg preparatory dose for aiding in detox and liver cleanse and controlling the cravings 8.6 to 15 mg/kg for actual treatment dose. health and stability make a big impression on dose weights 3 to 4 mg/kg for nor-ibogaine metabolite build up." not necessary in the lower tolerance alcohol group" total treatment dosages 13 mg to 20 mg/kg depending on habit, sex, age, health, etc. FACILITATORS / PROVIDERS Is the name we give ourselves who administer and conduct the treatment with ibogaine . We are not therapists or counselors or doctors . These titles would confuse people and are not the truth we are providers of the therapy using the ibogaine and have been trained threw a primary treatment of our own and by conducting treatments over a period of time normally under the supervision of an experienced provider. We like the term provider because it signifies that we offer something to be received and also that it is the receiving of the individual that makes this work . They have chosen to make this change, we are not carriers of the treatment ,we provide the environment the medicine the protocol for administering for effective
  • 15. treatment and share our experience for the emotional support to get threw the parts that may seem confusing. We help to protect them from all distractions in the environment  and aid in the comfort of there experience so they may be able to go the distances and go threw the topics of their life which are important to them, it is really their show and their healing we are just agents or trusted servants that the medicine has chosen to do the work. Our job is for them to not worry about how this happens or worry about all the levels of comfort necessary to make this happen smoothly and safely. The conditions we have found best is to give enough space for them to be able to fallow threw with their decision to get off the drugs or to find their own answers to their problems . I have no way of knowing in the short time we spend together what is best for anyone its between them and the medicine . Its the one who does the healing and in most cases is also the one who guided them to us to do the work. There are many different models for treatment the medical, the religious, ,the traditional, the psychotherapeutic and many more we have tried to include all of these but without any projection of our own beliefs . A neutral belief zone . We don't ask anyone to believe anything, it is for them to experience one on one with the medicine as the therapist or doctor ,iboga is the counselor. The primary facilitator has many responsibility's from managing the house to screening to discussing the therapy needed and to design the protocol , to assure safety and to help to integrate and understand the stages of recover and offer some guidance of what to do next when asked ,  to guide the caregivers and to make sure all the necessity's are met to be able to achieve the desired outcome .        On the physical level there can be a great many challenges such as ataxia (dizziness), nausea, vomiting, raise in body temperature accompanied by sweating. An experienced provider will be available to attend to the physical needs of the person without being emotionally effected personally -- this is especially useful in the case of vomiting where a person needs to be able to release and feel supported. It can happen that the provider may actually be interfering by offering too much "sympathy" rather than simply being there and assuring the person that their process is part of releasing what needs to be released.       The medical stability of the individual is normally shared with our doctor there are many signals of the body to watch for and to see if at any moment something is needed to maintain a stable and safe transition off the substances dependent upon. If some one starts to regress it is important to take action, identify why it is happening and the proper treatment. Simple things can cause big problems during the 1st 48 hours, there is a rhythm or pattern of progress that should remain steady and people should gain strength over time . If there is something being revealed and is needing
  • 16. attention it is the facilitator who makes the decision on what to do next.       Its important to have done CPR and emergency response training to make certain you can help support someone in an emergency. If some one is on a diet of drugs for 10 years and suddenly we change the diet. The body can have different reactions, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, arrhythmia, bradycardia, dehydration, lack of electrolytes, infections, throwing up blood, no motor coordination for extended periods of time, seizers , almost always there is something on the other side of the detox after treatment, our role is to spot problems before they become a threat to someone's health, protective action to help their transition to health. Psycospiritual treatments rarely have any major physical problem, more psychological issues come up and they are as difficult to handle at times as any physical problem, mental stability is a whole other field where people need guidance to get from point A to B . There are times when people go into mental states of paranoia , psychotic breaks , mania, depression. These are normally for only a short time but require delicate nature and approach. If some one is really in a state of confusion and are not themselves. Having a positive helpful response can prevent a trauma from being imbedded in the healing. These situations can be difficult and having a doctor to refer these things too can help tremendously at times. A community of us are available to answer questions and its a good idea to run things by people if your on your own working with someone.        The emotional challenges can be tied to the physical sensations or can be a result of the content of the dreams. Here is where the role of the provider as a listener and a holder of space can come into play. There is room for the provider to engage but it is rare that this is appropriate during the dreaming phase of the journey. For quite some time it was our policy to sit close by the client  during their entire journey. We have discovered that it is wise to make space for people to have privacy as long as we are able to see them and monitor their condition from a nearby space.  On the spiritual level the main concern has to do with intention: is the person coming to us actually looking for their truth or trying to hide within another motivation such as pleasing the parent/spouse/lover who is paying for the treatment. More and more we are learning to address this  aspect in the pretreatment phase. The key to the facilitation of ibogaine is to be present. It could be compared to the experience of childbirth. There is an element of unpredictability -- each treatment is unique and any number of situations can arise that may require a facilitator to think "outside the box." It is our intention to provide not just the "practical" information regarding dosages, contraindications, etc. but the conceptual information that has to do with very real conditions for this therapy, such as understanding someone's needs without getting involved as a "carrier" thus enabling the initiate to have an independent
  • 17. journey, supported but not interfered with by the provider. To truly hold space for a person on an ibogaine journey is to listen and to be able to react without ego in the mix. The question for some one who wants to be a provider is why. Is there ones own motives involved are they good are they selfish are they honest . Is it for the money,or to be a big shot. Lost motives and giving ibogaine will attract trouble . Using peoples treatments to stay healthy themselves will eventually wear off thinking that we are doing the healing or providing a healing will be a big let down to the ego later . Its easy to turn this into a accomplishment that we did and forget what the medicine did we just aid in providing the  facilitation of the treatment any thing else is coming from unresolved issues of our own and can cause a lot of damage emotionally and possibly physically if someone is doing this for the wrong reasons. Most i've spoken to, who do this work feel they were chosen by something, by the Spirit. It turns the past into a valuable resource  that we had been in training all our lives. To do this work in the field we specialize in, which is addiction. It helps to heal the shame and guilt  stored up over a life time, because of using, it lets us  pay back some of the energy people had given to us in the long process it took to get off drugs . I also feel that for most who were called, we were blessed with an understanding of this medicine that it speaks to us and guides us in everything we do with people, To learn to trust this inner intuition and live by it is a very rewarding experience. From what dose to give and when and how to help , and who we can and can't help, knowing our limits and seeing possible hazards . This does take time to understand and working with people is the best way to keep learning . A good teacher is very important to have. Someone who has been doing this longer and has seen some of the complications that come up and how to work threw it. This has been a field of work that we have passed on to each other. It is not a necessity to have been an addict to be able to work with addiction therapy clients. There are many who just love what can be accomplished with this medicine and love people, and participating in their healing. It does offer an insight to the behavior of addiction and to be able to relate to the process 1st hand. To have done ibogaine therapy for addiction is a great benefit to have, 1st hand experience.