settlement injured compensation personal injury attorney personal injury lawyer attorney lawyer personal injury claim car accident contingency basis contingency fee trial saving lives discomfort party-at-fault vehicle collide auto accident doctor seatbelt auto wreck micro-fractures impact injury collision medical professional slow speed passengers slow-speed auto wreck car wreck reasonable claims results workplace injury injuries incurred personal injury case goals start to finish injuries expectations attainable accident injuries level of accident network loss of income personal injury settlement scientific testing witnesses jury award expense lien expert witnesses depositions negotiated fee cost waive attorney fee private investigator expenses medical records medical expenses accident reconstructions settlement offer insurance settlement publicity negotiate justice research insurance company level of risk defendant negotiation jury trial plaintiff evidence find an attorney hiring a lawyer hiring an attorney missed work broken bones personal injury good health negligence not at fault find a lawyer investigate accident minor injury uncertainty medical attention medical bills medical care court fees expert witness how charge expert communication experienced type of case insurance companies injury attorney how many handled choosing attorney questions specialty injury lawyer
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