ict fled ict quality in-class problems students' needs motivation disruptive behaviour discipline classroom management relationships classroom management sqc fled project management child brides_why_how? innovation hayalkoksal; türkiye; ict İmece circles classroom management art extra-curricular activi accountability failure quality elt ict undersupplied students challenge care communication caring mediating standards parent-teacher relatitonship in turkey peer-relationships ict bullying education and training academic failure change plans behaviour change fled ict discipline problem solving discipline fled ict parents teachers fled ict peer-relationships teacher fled needs ict tqe tky reading habits atatürk tqe;ict; environment education success life peace leading seagulls project management ict quality hygiene in primary schools haikudeck İmece halkası eğitimi circles boğaziçi university collaboration İmece ict seagulls project teamwork sqc street children problem_conflicts and solutions othering_ötekileştirme_why_how? musicians and community multicultural problems_why and how? alternative medicine_what_why? how? leadership for democracy crime tendency_why and how? hate crimes_why_how? conflict with disabled people_why_h adolescence problems and sexuality_what_why_how? values education_what_why_how? stage fear_why_how? project-based training _why_how? professional guidance to elt teachers during pre-s poisonous pedagogy: what-why_how? mi in elt_why_how elt education and ministry fun in education; İmece circles burnout teachers_why_how dr. hayal köksal cms lucknow ındia turkey istanbul tqe
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