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Coronavirus VIII
SPAIN & global context
• A little context
• Level of social concern and alarm
• How we report: Media role and audience evolution
• New habits
• Changes in consumption
• After the coronavirus
• The role of brands
• Annex: Sources and methodology
Fuente: Estudio HMG & Canal Sondeo
How do we feel?
• Spanish citizens are somewhat more positive and encouraged after the government's announcement of the beginning of the "de-escalation": 40% declare that their mood and
assessment of the situation we are experiencing is quite or much more positive, compared to 48% who feel the same way and only 13% who are quite or much more negative.
• Along the same lines, although the predominant emotions remain negative (worry, uncertainty, sadness, tiredness ...), 21% choose a positive word to define their mood: hopeful,
expectant, calm, happy, normal, encouraged ...
• Concern for the economy remains high, much more for the global and national economy than for the domestic one (this difference is also present in most of the surrounding
countries). However, this concern has already stopped growing, and even decreases slightly in the last 2 weeks.
• Health (own/family contagion) is still the biggest fear, as well as restriction of activities and travel and not being able to afford expenses. 56% are very or fairly worried about
losing their job.
• For the majority of Spaniards (60%), a "reasonable" normality will not occur in our country until 5 or more months after the beginning of the pandemic. More and more people
are betting on this longer period.
• We are proud of our country for having prioritized the care and health of people over the economy (62%), and only 33% believe that Spain has been too strict in the harshness
of the confinement and the paralysis of labor and economic activity.
• The security forces (7.4/10), citizens (7/10) and small and medium enterprises (6.9/10), the social actors best valued well above governments and political parties. Brands
approve (6/10)
Consumption and attitudes to the media
• Although the audiences of all media continue to be high, a gradual decline has been observed for the past two weeks: TV is now below 8 million daily audience (which is still one
million more than before the confinement).
• TV and Radio continue to be by far the best rated media. They both rank 1st and 2nd in: Complete, understandable/easy, providing positive and generally respectful values
(plus radio). TV also has its "negative side", for many it can sometimes be too sensationalist and also partisan/interested, although these negative attributes are led by the RRSS.
In any case, TV is still seen as the most indispensable Media in this crisis.
• However, it is important to note that we are beginning to feel over-informed about the Covid-19 issue, and this, together with the fact that it is increasingly difficult to
differentiate between "fake news" and true and contrasting information, leads to a certain effect of saturation and confusion. This is a key moment for the media regarding its
future image of credibility.
• There is a growing perception that people are more receptive to advertising (which is closely related to the high media consumption of these weeks)
New habits, purchase and consumption.
• As for new habits and activities within home that will continue after the end of the confinement, rk is led by video conferences with friends and family, cooking,
teleworking and in general more online training. It seems that the "passion for cooking" and family games is starting to fade a little (because the children can now go out
into the street).
• The biggest opening to buy online products that were previously only purchased physically continues: 65% have bought something online in the last week and 60% of
them have started categories that they did not buy before. Food/drink, clothing/shoes, technology and hygiene/cleaning, which are still the most popular categories
bought online.
• It maintains the idea that in the post-confinement will continue to prioritize the purchase in proximity, looking for more natural products, and national.
• The intention to purchase large quantities/units continues to decline.
• According to KANTAR consulting firm, the process of consideration and purchase is changing: The moment of purchase is more stressful, (it has to be done fast and you
are under pressure: The list is more routine, the decisions are more taken, there is less time for exploration... Although most of the purchase is still in physical store (the
closest) the experience is more satisfactory online (fast delivery, less fear of contagion ...). Price and promotion become even more important and the retailer is more
important than the brands. Brands have to understand this new "purchase journey" well in order to adapt to these new behaviours and needs
¿Qué haremos después del aislamiento? ¿Volverán nuestros hábitos a la normalidad?
• According to this week's HMG-ODEC trailer on post-isolation habit changes, the rk of the future remains similar: more savings, more exercise and more shopping online.
The intention to save more in the future, although it is high, is starting to decrease vs. previous weeks, a sign that the fear of the future is also starting to relax little by
little. The only activity whose future intention continues to grow is to do more physical exercise.
• What we miss the most: Taking a little trip/run away, going out to a bar or café with friends, shopping... Which doesn't mean we're going to do it in masse (when we
can) as fear of contagion and control of spending are still important brakes. The idea is that it will be done, but less often than before, by choosing the right occasions.
• In the values and way of living in society. This is how we see ourselves in the future :
• We will avoid physical contact and crowds, control spending more, show more willingness to brands and companies that have collaborated with the crisis and
spend more time with loved ones and less time working (+4pp). Those who think that teleworking will be part of our lives grow by 5pp. We are a little less clear
that we are going to be really more supportive (-4pp)
What about the vacation this summer?
• A majority (63%) plan to go on vacation or at least take a short break. August is the preferred month: 52% (slightly more in the second half than in the first), followed by
July (36%) and September (30%)
Role and value of brands/companies during and after COVID-19:
• As for future actions (post-quarantine), this week continues the high demand for brands in all initiatives, although the only one that is growing is the return to
normality in the communication of products/services, while the demand for donations and optimistic/motivational campaigns in general is falling.
• It is also a time of opportunity for companies and brands in many sectors, especially those related to :
• Prevention and improvement of health
• Online training: For children and also for adults
• Tools and applications that enhance the teleworking experience
• Services that help to reconcile work and child/dependent care
• Telemedicine
• Healthy eating: Products, training/information, applications
• Sports and online training
• …..
Fuente: Estudio HMG & Canal Sondeo
We are already almost in the 4 million co-signed co-signed cases of Covid-19 worldwide:
Spain remains the 2nd country in cases, and the 4th in deaths, surpassed by US, UK and Italy
Recovered already exceed 133,000.
Spain: The contagion curve is already dominated, but there are no new cases
still, with great difference by region
Fuente: Ministerio de Sanidad. Gráfico RTVE. Datos a 8 de Mayo 2020
Community of Madrid and Catalonia, the most affected with great
difference over the rest
11% 28% 49% 10% 3%
Citizens somewhat more positive and encouraged after the government's
announcement of the start of de-escalation
The announcement of the de-escalated has positively impacted almost 40%; 13 per cent who have done so in a negative way.
Piensas que a partir del reciente anuncio del gobierno del inicio progresivo de la “desescalada” en varias fases, tu estado de ánimo y valoración de las situación que vivimos es…
Crees que como consecuencia de esta crisis que estamos viviendo evolucionaremos a ser una sociedad/país más unido y con mayor orgullo de pertenencia? | Base: 500
Mucho más
más negativo
Bastante más
Mucho más
40% 13% 26%
Mood and assessment of the situation from the
progressive announcement of the de-escalation
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
All worries begin to drop after the announcement of the "de-escalated".
Health (self-contagion/family) remains the first, followed by "not being able to cope
with expenses" and restrictions on daily life and travel
¿Cuáles son tus mayores preocupaciones en el corto plazo cuando se termine el aislamiento obligatorio debido al coronavirus? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500
T2B: No me preocupa nada+ Me preocupa poco; B2B: Me preocupa bastante+ Me preocupa mucho.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8: 1-3 mayo
Losing the job worries just over half of Spaniards
Although there are no major changes yet, the slight decline in pessimism continues.
¿Debido al coronavirus, ¿Crees que la ECONOMIA MUNDIAL se verá AFECTADA? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU PAIS? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU HOGAR? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante en
desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
Economy: General tonic remains pessimistic, though less domestic than
national and global
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8: 1-3 mayo
The forecast back to normal is more than 5 months for almost 60% of Spaniards
When do you think we'll be back to normal?
Fuente: Zinklar
Concern, uncertainty and sadness are the 3 prevailing feelings, but they also
appear already hopeful, expectant and quiet in the top 10.
¿Si tuvieras que definir con una palabra cual es tu estado de ánimo actual en relación a la situación que estamos viviendo ¿Cuál sería esa palabra/emoción?. (respuesta abierta) | Base: 500
Desesperanzado Menciones por encima del 1%.
Ns+Nc 2%
Already 21% shows emotions/positive mood
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
Proud of our country for prioritising people's care and health over the economy
Citizens clearly agree that health and care has been ahead of the economy. 62% think that the confinement and paralysis of work and economic activity
has been what was required at the moment.
¿Como crees que hemos reaccionado como país frente al COVID 19 en relación al resto de países de nuestro entorno también afectados? Valora las siguientes frases según tu opinión
Totalmente de
Bastante de
Bastante en
Totalmente en
I am proud of my country because it has prioritized people's care and
health over the potential economic consequences.
I think we have been too strict in the toughness of confinement and the
paralysis of work and economic activity.
62% 38%
33% 67%
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
Political parties and their leaders, and the central government fail to pass.
Valora de 0 a 10 el papel desempeñando por diferentes entes y grupos en esta crisis que ha generado el Covid 19 | Base: 500 B3B=Valoraciones 8+9+10; B2B= valoraciones 1+2+3.
El ejército y las distintas fuerzas de seguridad
Los ciudadanos
Las empresas medianas y pequeñas
Las grandes empresas/compañías/corporaciones
El gobierno municipal de mi ciudad o pueblo
Las marcas
El gobierno de mi autonomía
El gobierno central
Los partidos políticos y sus dirigentes
Medium role played
Security forces, citizens and medium and small businesses, the top valued
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
In Europe, Italy, Spain and France they remain the least satisfied countries with their
current situation. Germany and the UK are the most satisfied.
Satisfaction level with your life in the last 2 weeks (data at 29-04. Data sheet by country in Annex)
Perceived level of job security in the last 6 weeks (data at 16/04. Data sheet by country in Annex)
The sense of job insecurity has grown in the UK and France.
In Italy and Spain it remains high, but has not worsened since the end of March
Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
Perceived level of support from... (data at 29/04. Data sheet by country in Annex)
Spain and the UK, the ones who feel less supported by their employer and their local
community, France the least so.
Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
The countries that feel most supported by their government are THE UK (43% but it drops markedly) and Germany (36%). France once again the least (19%). Italy 27% and
Spain 24%
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora
The role given to the media is somewhat
reduced from being "Very Important" to
"Pretty Important".
Still, the % of individuals who continue to
consider them important in general
TV continues to be considered the indispensable
media, although its perception as truthful/credible
Tech purchases have grown by 46% since the
W4C. Purchases of Smartphones, laptops and
digital TV receivers are descending and
smart TV, tablets and computer peripherals
are increasing.
With regard to Covid's
info processing, the
Social Media is still
considered the most
sensationalist media
OTT's hiring has grown by 8% vs S4C.
The under-25s consume series more
compulsively and the 35-44 strip
consumes the most television
as a family
From 6:00 to 13:00 is the preferred radio
listening time. However, 40% of the
population did not listen to radio
We connect to the
internet 30% more than
before confinement. The
device whose use has
grown the most during
confinement is the
console (80%)
The media in Covid-19
TTOs continue to be
considered the media that
entertains the most and
helps to spend these
moments better.
The role of the media remains highly relevant, although it goes from very
important to quite important.
During confinement, the role of the media seems to him...
Muy importante
Bastante importante
Poco importante
Nada importante
W4C: 93%
W5C: 94%
W6C: 95%
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. S4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / S5C: 13-19 Abril 2020/ S6C: 20-26 Abril
Medios de comunicación: Valoración
Open Television increases its perception as an indispensable medium, and it goes down as a
more believable medium
OTTs remain the best choice for entertainment.
Social Media loses some of their recognition as the best channel to discover new features
W4C W5C W6C % dif (vs W4)
TV en abierto
Essential 42,5% 34,7% 44,2% 4,0%
Better to find out 37,5% 38,4% 37,1% -1,0%
Makes an effort to adapt to new public circumstances 36,8% 34,6% 35,5% -3,4%
More believable/truthful 34,6% 31,6% 31,6% -8,8%
OTT platforms More entertaining 33,8% 37,5% 32,9% -2,6%
It helps more to spend these moments better 27,5% 27,7% 27,9% 1,5%
Social Media I discover more interesting things I didn't know 17,4% 16,6% 16,2% -6,7%
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. S4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / S5C: 13-19 Abril 2020/ S6C: 20-26 Abril
Thinking about the treatment given to the Covid-
19 the different media. What would you say offers
an information...?
Week 6C
Complete and truthful
1st Place TV 34,2%
2nd Place Radio 30,0%
Well told, understandable
1st Place TV 42,4%
2nd Place Radio 30,6%
1st Place RRSS 59,0%
2nd Place TV 32,2%
Positive values for coexistence
1st Place TV 39,9%
2nd Place Radio 31,9%
Appropriate tone, respectful
1st Place Radio 37,9%
2nd Place TV 36,8%
Partisan, interested
1st Place TV 45,5%
2nd Place RRSS 36,8%
% indiv
TV and Radio top positions in truthfulness, easy to understand, provide positive values of
coexistence and appropriate and respectful tone. TV also receives criticism as it is the second
most sensationalist media and the first most partisan and interested.
Social Media the worst rated media: 1st in sensationalist, 2nd in partisan and interested
Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. S4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / S5C: 13-19 Abril 2020/ S6C: 20-26 Abril
We begin to feel over-informed about the Covid-19 theme, this coupled with the
increasingly difficult to differentiate "fake news" from truthful and proven
information, leads to a certain effect of saturation and confusion
How much information do we receive about the
Y pensando en la información disponible sobre la crisis del COVID-19, independientemente del medio por el que le llega. Según su opinión, diría que la información que le llega sobre el COVID-19 es…
Fuente: GFK Coronavirus Trácking Pulse. Muestra=500. 28-30 abril
Media and supports that are more transparent and respectful have the great opportunity to position themselves as more reliable and objective
It's getting harder and harder to distinguish between real and
fake news
In this eighth the audience continues with a fall trend, this week already below 8 million, with coverage closer to 72% and around
260 minutes per day
The TV Audience: Continue the Slow Down
Fuente: Kantar Media – TTV - PYB – Indiv. 4+
En consumo de Video On Demand y Consolas conectadas a través de la TV también va bajando y esta semana se
ha estabilizado en trono a 1 millón 360
09/03 a 12/03 04/05 a 07/05
AM (´000)
7% 11%
93% 89%
09/03 a 12/03 04/05 a 07/05
40% say they are seeing more publicity than before confinement (in line with high media
audience/minute growth).
Frequency 'I'm watching advertising'
En estos momentos de confinamiento ¿dirías que estás viendo más publicidad (en TV, en internet o en cualquier otro lugar)…
Fuente: GFK Coronavirus Trácking Pulse. Muestra=500. 28-30 abril
Future media habits: the rk of changes that isolation will leave us is similar to that of the past weeks:
increased use of payment platforms, access to Social Media and in general the increase in internet
use (entertainment and information).
Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos en el futuro respecto a uso de los medios de comunicación como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades
con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes.
The forecast of reading more newspapers online (effect of news saturation?) falls.
7 pp up those who think they will look at outside advertising just like before.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8: 1-3 mayo
New confinement habits
¿Que hábitos que se han comenzado como como consecuencia del coronavirus cree que permanecerán en el futuro?: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos
frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
New habits acquired in confinement that will continue: videoconferences with friends and family,
"passion" for cooking, telework and generally more training.
The intention to do more of almost all the activities is down vs. the previous week: Especially "learning to cook" (-15pp those who think they will do it
more than before and +7 pp those who will do it the same) and playing family games at home (-7pp).
Similar future intention continues and virtual meetings with friends and family shopping online.
"Side effects" of coronavirus
Spaniards and Italians who recognize less healthy habits: eating less healthy, smoking more
and exercising less. They are also the ones who feel most stressed
UK drinkers who drink more alcohol (with significant growth in the last week)
Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
How it will affect post-confinement consumption
Material protección, desinfectante
Productos higiene,limpieza
Hogar:decoración, muebles
Entretenimiento, manualidades
Otros Supermercados (sin esp)
Productos higiene,limpieza
Amazon (sin esp.)
Hogar:decoración, muebles
Comida juguetes mascotas
Juguetes,Juegos de mesa
¿Has realizado alguna compra online durante esta última semana de cualquier producto o servicio? Para cada cosa que hayas comparado, anota por favor si era la primera vez que comprabas ese tipo de producto o
servicio por internet, y si crees que lo seguirás comprando por internet en el futuro, cuando acabe el aislamiento (independientemente de si era o no la primera vez). (Respuesta abierta) | Base: 500
65% have made any online purchases in the last week: Food/drink, Technology,
Clothing/shoes and Hygiene/cleaning are still the most purchased.
Among those who have purchased online, 60% have purchased products they had not previously purchased before, mainly food, drink and technology.
78% say they will continue to shop online.
65% Have purchased online in the last week
Purchase made online Bought for the first time You'll continue to shop
Productos higiene, limpieza
Amazon,Ebay (sin esp.)
Material protección,desinfectante
Entretenimiento, manualidades
Juegos de mesa, juguetes
Supermercados (sin esp.)
Comida,juguetes Mascotas
Rk products above 3%. Base: They have purchased online.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Una vez acabado totalmente el confinamiento, ¿Crees que cambiará algo en tu forma de comprar productos básicos para el hogar (alimentación, limpieza, higiene personal), respecto a lo que hacías antes de la cuarentena?
Expresa el grado de acuerdo desacuerdo con las siguientes frases. (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
In post-confinement, near-purchase will continue to be prioritized, looking for more natural,
and domestic products where possible.
The intention to purchase large quantities/units
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Big changes that covid-19 has brought to our home commodity decision-making and
purchasing process:
Opportunities to impact our shoppers before they reach the store, also through digital
media, increase.
We make more routine, less exploratory purchases:
It's key to build the shopping experience before you
get to the store
New habits and new opportunities for FMCG brands: Changing routines in purchasing and
increasing media consumption
Brands need to understand these changes in the buying process, to adapt to that
reality, but also to take advantage of the new opportunities that arise
What I'm going to change after the coronavirus?
Will I return to the same thing or are there changes that will remain?
How will this crisis affect my future habits and mindset?
The intention to increase savings is somewhat lowered. The only activity whose intention continues to grow is to exercise
Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento?
(Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes.
On post-isolation habit change, the rk remains similar: more savings, physical exercise
and online shopping.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Small getaways, going to a bar or restaurant and shopping are the activities most
eager to recover.
Go to hairdressing, spa or similar (12%)
Going to the gym (9%)
Go to the cinema (8%)
Shopping (12%)
Go to a bar or restaurant (20%)
Go to a concert or live sporting event (7%)
Make a small trip/weekend getaway (24%)
Which of these activities you can't do now you feel more like recovering and are you going to try to do it as soon as it's allowed? Please
order them according to your order of interest. (Suggested items. Unique response)
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Sí, en la 1ª quincena de julio
Sí, en la 2ª quincena de julio
Sí, en la 1ª quincena de Agosto
Sí, en las 2ª quincena de Agosto
Sí, en la 1º quincena de Septiembre
Sí, en la 2ª quincena de Septiembre
Suponiendo que el 1 de julio ya se puedan realizar desplazamientos por España. ¿Crees que realizarás alguna salida/viaje por ocio o vacaciones (más de 5 días) durante los meses de julio/agosto/septiembre?
(Respuesta simple) | Base: 500.
Holidays after confinement: 63% predisposed to take a trip during the summer holidays.
63% Will make some departure/vacation
The month of August is the most chosen to make an out/trip during the summer months.
July: 36,1%
September: 29,5%
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Como piensa vd que el coronavirus va a afectar a nuestro comportamiento futuro y a nuestra sociedad? Por favor, exprese su grado de acuerdo/desacuerdo con las siguientes frases.
T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
Changes in our values and the way we live in society
The behavior after the coronavirus will change: we will control more the expense, we will avoid the physical contact and the agglomerations, , we
will show more predisposition the brands and companies that have collaborated with the crisis and we will dedicate more time to be with the dear
people and less to work (although this perception lowers vs. previous week).
Although still in the majority, those who think that teleworking will be part of our lives are down somewhat.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Citizens divided in terms of evolution as a country.
Piensas que a partir del reciente anuncio del gobierno del inicio progresivo de la “desescalada” en varias fases, tu estado de ánimo y valoración de las situación que vivimos es…
Crees que como consecuencia de esta crisis que estamos viviendo evolucionaremos a ser una sociedad/país más unido y con mayor orgullo de pertenencia? | Base: 500
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
Totalmente en
Bastante en
Bastante de
Totalmente de
We will evolve towards a more united
society/country with greater pride in belonging
8% 41% 38% 13% 49% 51%
50% believe that we will evolve towards a more united society with greater pride of belonging, the other half thinks the same.
Considering the changes you've made to your behavior from the beginning
coronavirus outbreak, what are the chances of it being part of your lifestyle in the future?
The highest levels of intention to incorporate new lifestyle changes are seen in Italy and
Spain, where around 40% think so
Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
Spaniards, are the ones who most believe that in the future they will be more concerned about
health and will be less materialistic (1/3) and will save more (46%). Italians very similar to Spain
In the UK, the most optimistic about the future (30%)
Attitudes and activities likely to take place once the Coronavirus crisis is over
Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
Communication or silence? | They are sued? | How they're responding?
En estos días, muchas empresas y marcas han tomado distintas iniciativas respecto al coronavirus. Vamos a hablar ahora sobre lo que te gustaría que hicieran las marcas y empresas en los
próximos meses, una vez que se volvamos a una cierta normalidad. (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo.
Future actions (post-quarantine): high demand continues to be placed on brands in all
initiatives, although the only one that is beginning to grow is that of a return to normality
in the communication of products/services, while that of donations and
optimistic/enthusiastic campaigns in general is falling.
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril
Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
Health and educational services, among the most demanded by citizens
Moment of opportunity for businesses and brands
• Datasheets and Sources consulted
• The response of brands to the near future: How to (re)build brands really meaningful
Ficha técnica estudio HMG &
Individuos de España de 16 años o más.
Nacional, segmentado por Áreas Nielsen.
Muestra de 500 entrevistas, con un error muestral de ± 4,38% para p=q=50% con un 95% de intervalo de confianza.
Cuotas: Edad
Mediante entrevista ON line
Ola sem 5: Del 10 al 12 de abril de 2020
Ola sem 6: Del 17 al 19 de abril de 2020
Ola sem 7: Del 24 al 26 de abril de 2020
Ola sem 8: Del 1 al 3 de Mayo de 2020
Otros estudios y fuentes consultadas
• ZINKLAR: Tracking semanal Impacto COVID-19 España
• MORE THAN RESEARCH: Expectativas sobre vacaciones 2020 en España
• MEANINGFUL BRANDS (by Havas Group)
• MEDIOS: AIMC Cuaderno de bitácora, KANTAR (Audiencia TV)
• RUIZ NICOLI/ASU Network/Connecting Vision. Covid -19 ¿Y ahora qué? Ideas para un nuevo futuro
• Centro de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad John Hopkins USA
• Organización Mundial de la Salud
• Ministerio de Sanidad y Dptos Sanidad CCAA.

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COVID-19 // Spain POV Vol.3 (English)

  • 2. CORONAVIRUS SPAIN • A little context • Level of social concern and alarm • How we report: Media role and audience evolution • New habits • Changes in consumption • After the coronavirus • The role of brands • Annex: Sources and methodology
  • 4. Conclusions How do we feel? • Spanish citizens are somewhat more positive and encouraged after the government's announcement of the beginning of the "de-escalation": 40% declare that their mood and assessment of the situation we are experiencing is quite or much more positive, compared to 48% who feel the same way and only 13% who are quite or much more negative. • Along the same lines, although the predominant emotions remain negative (worry, uncertainty, sadness, tiredness ...), 21% choose a positive word to define their mood: hopeful, expectant, calm, happy, normal, encouraged ... • Concern for the economy remains high, much more for the global and national economy than for the domestic one (this difference is also present in most of the surrounding countries). However, this concern has already stopped growing, and even decreases slightly in the last 2 weeks. • Health (own/family contagion) is still the biggest fear, as well as restriction of activities and travel and not being able to afford expenses. 56% are very or fairly worried about losing their job. • For the majority of Spaniards (60%), a "reasonable" normality will not occur in our country until 5 or more months after the beginning of the pandemic. More and more people are betting on this longer period. • We are proud of our country for having prioritized the care and health of people over the economy (62%), and only 33% believe that Spain has been too strict in the harshness of the confinement and the paralysis of labor and economic activity. • The security forces (7.4/10), citizens (7/10) and small and medium enterprises (6.9/10), the social actors best valued well above governments and political parties. Brands approve (6/10) Consumption and attitudes to the media • Although the audiences of all media continue to be high, a gradual decline has been observed for the past two weeks: TV is now below 8 million daily audience (which is still one million more than before the confinement). • TV and Radio continue to be by far the best rated media. They both rank 1st and 2nd in: Complete, understandable/easy, providing positive and generally respectful values (plus radio). TV also has its "negative side", for many it can sometimes be too sensationalist and also partisan/interested, although these negative attributes are led by the RRSS. In any case, TV is still seen as the most indispensable Media in this crisis. • However, it is important to note that we are beginning to feel over-informed about the Covid-19 issue, and this, together with the fact that it is increasingly difficult to differentiate between "fake news" and true and contrasting information, leads to a certain effect of saturation and confusion. This is a key moment for the media regarding its future image of credibility. • There is a growing perception that people are more receptive to advertising (which is closely related to the high media consumption of these weeks)
  • 5. Conclusions New habits, purchase and consumption. • As for new habits and activities within home that will continue after the end of the confinement, rk is led by video conferences with friends and family, cooking, teleworking and in general more online training. It seems that the "passion for cooking" and family games is starting to fade a little (because the children can now go out into the street). • The biggest opening to buy online products that were previously only purchased physically continues: 65% have bought something online in the last week and 60% of them have started categories that they did not buy before. Food/drink, clothing/shoes, technology and hygiene/cleaning, which are still the most popular categories bought online. • It maintains the idea that in the post-confinement will continue to prioritize the purchase in proximity, looking for more natural products, and national. • The intention to purchase large quantities/units continues to decline. • According to KANTAR consulting firm, the process of consideration and purchase is changing: The moment of purchase is more stressful, (it has to be done fast and you are under pressure: The list is more routine, the decisions are more taken, there is less time for exploration... Although most of the purchase is still in physical store (the closest) the experience is more satisfactory online (fast delivery, less fear of contagion ...). Price and promotion become even more important and the retailer is more important than the brands. Brands have to understand this new "purchase journey" well in order to adapt to these new behaviours and needs ¿Qué haremos después del aislamiento? ¿Volverán nuestros hábitos a la normalidad? • According to this week's HMG-ODEC trailer on post-isolation habit changes, the rk of the future remains similar: more savings, more exercise and more shopping online. The intention to save more in the future, although it is high, is starting to decrease vs. previous weeks, a sign that the fear of the future is also starting to relax little by little. The only activity whose future intention continues to grow is to do more physical exercise. • What we miss the most: Taking a little trip/run away, going out to a bar or café with friends, shopping... Which doesn't mean we're going to do it in masse (when we can) as fear of contagion and control of spending are still important brakes. The idea is that it will be done, but less often than before, by choosing the right occasions. • In the values and way of living in society. This is how we see ourselves in the future : • We will avoid physical contact and crowds, control spending more, show more willingness to brands and companies that have collaborated with the crisis and spend more time with loved ones and less time working (+4pp). Those who think that teleworking will be part of our lives grow by 5pp. We are a little less clear that we are going to be really more supportive (-4pp)
  • 6. Conclusions What about the vacation this summer? • A majority (63%) plan to go on vacation or at least take a short break. August is the preferred month: 52% (slightly more in the second half than in the first), followed by July (36%) and September (30%) Role and value of brands/companies during and after COVID-19: • As for future actions (post-quarantine), this week continues the high demand for brands in all initiatives, although the only one that is growing is the return to normality in the communication of products/services, while the demand for donations and optimistic/motivational campaigns in general is falling. • It is also a time of opportunity for companies and brands in many sectors, especially those related to : • Prevention and improvement of health • Online training: For children and also for adults • Tools and applications that enhance the teleworking experience • Services that help to reconcile work and child/dependent care • Telemedicine • Healthy eating: Products, training/information, applications • Sports and online training • …..
  • 8. We are already almost in the 4 million co-signed co-signed cases of Covid-19 worldwide: Spain remains the 2nd country in cases, and the 4th in deaths, surpassed by US, UK and Italy Recovered already exceed 133,000.
  • 9. Spain: The contagion curve is already dominated, but there are no new cases still, with great difference by region Fuente: Ministerio de Sanidad. Gráfico RTVE. Datos a 8 de Mayo 2020
  • 10. Community of Madrid and Catalonia, the most affected with great difference over the rest
  • 12. 11% 28% 49% 10% 3% Citizens somewhat more positive and encouraged after the government's announcement of the start of de-escalation The announcement of the de-escalated has positively impacted almost 40%; 13 per cent who have done so in a negative way. Piensas que a partir del reciente anuncio del gobierno del inicio progresivo de la “desescalada” en varias fases, tu estado de ánimo y valoración de las situación que vivimos es… Crees que como consecuencia de esta crisis que estamos viviendo evolucionaremos a ser una sociedad/país más unido y con mayor orgullo de pertenencia? | Base: 500 Mucho más negativo Bastante más negativo Bastante más positivo Mucho más positivo 40% 13% 26% T2B B2B DIF PP Igual Mood and assessment of the situation from the progressive announcement of the de-escalation Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
  • 13. All worries begin to drop after the announcement of the "de-escalated". Health (self-contagion/family) remains the first, followed by "not being able to cope with expenses" and restrictions on daily life and travel ¿Cuáles son tus mayores preocupaciones en el corto plazo cuando se termine el aislamiento obligatorio debido al coronavirus? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: No me preocupa nada+ Me preocupa poco; B2B: Me preocupa bastante+ Me preocupa mucho. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8: 1-3 mayo Losing the job worries just over half of Spaniards
  • 14. Although there are no major changes yet, the slight decline in pessimism continues. ¿Debido al coronavirus, ¿Crees que la ECONOMIA MUNDIAL se verá AFECTADA? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU PAIS? ¿Y la ECONOMIA DE TU HOGAR? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. Economy: General tonic remains pessimistic, though less domestic than national and global Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8: 1-3 mayo
  • 15. The forecast back to normal is more than 5 months for almost 60% of Spaniards When do you think we'll be back to normal? Fuente: Zinklar 57% 16% 12% 10% 5% 1%
  • 16. Concern, uncertainty and sadness are the 3 prevailing feelings, but they also appear already hopeful, expectant and quiet in the top 10. ¿Si tuvieras que definir con una palabra cual es tu estado de ánimo actual en relación a la situación que estamos viviendo ¿Cuál sería esa palabra/emoción?. (respuesta abierta) | Base: 500 16,3 5,8 5,4 4,8 4,0 3,2 3,2 3,0 3,0 2,8 2,6 2,6 1,8 1,8 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 Preocupado Incertidumbre Triste Esperanzado Deprimido Cansado Expectante Aburrido Ansioso Tranquilo agobiado Feliz Bueno Normal Miedo Enfadado Estresado Animado Bien Desanimado Harto Mal Inseguro Positivo Confundido Impotencia Inquieto Decepcionado Pesimista Desesperanzado Menciones por encima del 1%. Ns+Nc 2% Already 21% shows emotions/positive mood Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
  • 17. Proud of our country for prioritising people's care and health over the economy Citizens clearly agree that health and care has been ahead of the economy. 62% think that the confinement and paralysis of work and economic activity has been what was required at the moment. ¿Como crees que hemos reaccionado como país frente al COVID 19 en relación al resto de países de nuestro entorno también afectados? Valora las siguientes frases según tu opinión Totalmente de acuerdo Bastante de acuerdo Bastante en desacuerdo Totalmente en desacuerdo T2B B2B DIF PP 18,0 11,0 44,0 22,0 23,0 36,0 15,0 31,0 I am proud of my country because it has prioritized people's care and health over the potential economic consequences. I think we have been too strict in the toughness of confinement and the paralysis of work and economic activity. 62% 38% 33% 67% 23% -34% Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
  • 18. Political parties and their leaders, and the central government fail to pass. Valora de 0 a 10 el papel desempeñando por diferentes entes y grupos en esta crisis que ha generado el Covid 19 | Base: 500 B3B=Valoraciones 8+9+10; B2B= valoraciones 1+2+3. 7,35 7,03 6,85 6,24 5,86 5,99 5,43 4,40 3,56 El ejército y las distintas fuerzas de seguridad Los ciudadanos Las empresas medianas y pequeñas Las grandes empresas/compañías/corporaciones El gobierno municipal de mi ciudad o pueblo Las marcas El gobierno de mi autonomía El gobierno central Los partidos políticos y sus dirigentes T3B (1+2+3) B3B (8+9+10) 8%57% 6%48% 4%44% 8%34% 12%29% 9%29% 17%25% 33%19% 39%9% Medium role played Security forces, citizens and medium and small businesses, the top valued stakeholders. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo
  • 20. Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo) In Europe, Italy, Spain and France they remain the least satisfied countries with their current situation. Germany and the UK are the most satisfied. Satisfaction level with your life in the last 2 weeks (data at 29-04. Data sheet by country in Annex)
  • 21. Perceived level of job security in the last 6 weeks (data at 16/04. Data sheet by country in Annex) The sense of job insecurity has grown in the UK and France. In Italy and Spain it remains high, but has not worsened since the end of March Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04 (ficha técnica en anexo) 50% 31% 50% 34%34%
  • 22. Perceived level of support from... (data at 29/04. Data sheet by country in Annex) Spain and the UK, the ones who feel less supported by their employer and their local community, France the least so. Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo) The countries that feel most supported by their government are THE UK (43% but it drops markedly) and Germany (36%). France once again the least (19%). Italy 27% and Spain 24%
  • 24. Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora The role given to the media is somewhat reduced from being "Very Important" to "Pretty Important". Still, the % of individuals who continue to consider them important in general TV continues to be considered the indispensable media, although its perception as truthful/credible declines. Tech purchases have grown by 46% since the W4C. Purchases of Smartphones, laptops and digital TV receivers are descending and smart TV, tablets and computer peripherals are increasing. With regard to Covid's info processing, the Social Media is still considered the most sensationalist media OTT's hiring has grown by 8% vs S4C. The under-25s consume series more compulsively and the 35-44 strip consumes the most television as a family From 6:00 to 13:00 is the preferred radio listening time. However, 40% of the population did not listen to radio yesterday. We connect to the internet 30% more than before confinement. The device whose use has grown the most during confinement is the console (80%) The media in Covid-19 TTOs continue to be considered the media that entertains the most and helps to spend these moments better.
  • 25. The role of the media remains highly relevant, although it goes from very important to quite important. During confinement, the role of the media seems to him... 54% 39% 47% 48% 4% 1% Muy importante Bastante importante Poco importante Nada importante S4C S5C S6C W4C: 93% W5C: 94% W6C: 95% Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. S4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / S5C: 13-19 Abril 2020/ S6C: 20-26 Abril
  • 26. Medios de comunicación: Valoración Open Television increases its perception as an indispensable medium, and it goes down as a more believable medium OTTs remain the best choice for entertainment. Social Media loses some of their recognition as the best channel to discover new features W4C W5C W6C % dif (vs W4) TV en abierto Essential 42,5% 34,7% 44,2% 4,0% Better to find out 37,5% 38,4% 37,1% -1,0% Makes an effort to adapt to new public circumstances 36,8% 34,6% 35,5% -3,4% More believable/truthful 34,6% 31,6% 31,6% -8,8% OTT platforms More entertaining 33,8% 37,5% 32,9% -2,6% It helps more to spend these moments better 27,5% 27,7% 27,9% 1,5% Social Media I discover more interesting things I didn't know 17,4% 16,6% 16,2% -6,7% Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. S4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / S5C: 13-19 Abril 2020/ S6C: 20-26 Abril
  • 27. Thinking about the treatment given to the Covid- 19 the different media. What would you say offers an information...? Week 6C Complete and truthful 1st Place TV 34,2% 2nd Place Radio 30,0% Well told, understandable 1st Place TV 42,4% 2nd Place Radio 30,6% Sensationalist 1st Place RRSS 59,0% 2nd Place TV 32,2% Positive values for coexistence 1st Place TV 39,9% 2nd Place Radio 31,9% Appropriate tone, respectful 1st Place Radio 37,9% 2nd Place TV 36,8% Partisan, interested 1st Place TV 45,5% 2nd Place RRSS 36,8% % indiv TV and Radio top positions in truthfulness, easy to understand, provide positive values of coexistence and appropriate and respectful tone. TV also receives criticism as it is the second most sensationalist media and the first most partisan and interested. Social Media the worst rated media: 1st in sensationalist, 2nd in partisan and interested Fuente: AIMC. Cuaderno de bitácora. S4C: 6-12 Abril 2020 / S5C: 13-19 Abril 2020/ S6C: 20-26 Abril
  • 28. We begin to feel over-informed about the Covid-19 theme, this coupled with the increasingly difficult to differentiate "fake news" from truthful and proven information, leads to a certain effect of saturation and confusion How much information do we receive about the Coronavirus? Y pensando en la información disponible sobre la crisis del COVID-19, independientemente del medio por el que le llega. Según su opinión, diría que la información que le llega sobre el COVID-19 es… Fuente: GFK Coronavirus Trácking Pulse. Muestra=500. 28-30 abril Media and supports that are more transparent and respectful have the great opportunity to position themselves as more reliable and objective It's getting harder and harder to distinguish between real and fake news
  • 29. In this eighth the audience continues with a fall trend, this week already below 8 million, with coverage closer to 72% and around 260 minutes per day The TV Audience: Continue the Slow Down Fuente: Kantar Media – TTV - PYB – Indiv. 4+ En consumo de Video On Demand y Consolas conectadas a través de la TV también va bajando y esta semana se ha estabilizado en trono a 1 millón 360 67683 158 90 169 0 400 800 1.200 09/03 a 12/03 04/05 a 07/05 AM (´000) INTERNET PLAY OTROS CONSUMOS 7% 11% 93% 89% 09/03 a 12/03 04/05 a 07/05 Reparto audiencia NO TTV TTV
  • 30. 40% say they are seeing more publicity than before confinement (in line with high media audience/minute growth). Frequency 'I'm watching advertising' En estos momentos de confinamiento ¿dirías que estás viendo más publicidad (en TV, en internet o en cualquier otro lugar)… Fuente: GFK Coronavirus Trácking Pulse. Muestra=500. 28-30 abril
  • 31. Future media habits: the rk of changes that isolation will leave us is similar to that of the past weeks: increased use of payment platforms, access to Social Media and in general the increase in internet use (entertainment and information). Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos en el futuro respecto a uso de los medios de comunicación como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes. The forecast of reading more newspapers online (effect of news saturation?) falls. 7 pp up those who think they will look at outside advertising just like before. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8: 1-3 mayo
  • 33. ¿Que hábitos que se han comenzado como como consecuencia del coronavirus cree que permanecerán en el futuro?: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril New habits acquired in confinement that will continue: videoconferences with friends and family, "passion" for cooking, telework and generally more training. The intention to do more of almost all the activities is down vs. the previous week: Especially "learning to cook" (-15pp those who think they will do it more than before and +7 pp those who will do it the same) and playing family games at home (-7pp). Similar future intention continues and virtual meetings with friends and family shopping online.
  • 34. "Side effects" of coronavirus Spaniards and Italians who recognize less healthy habits: eating less healthy, smoking more and exercising less. They are also the ones who feel most stressed UK drinkers who drink more alcohol (with significant growth in the last week) Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
  • 35. How it will affect post-confinement consumption
  • 36. 20,1 12,8 7,9 7,9 6,7 4,9 4,6 3,6 3,3 3,3 Comida,Bebida Tecnología Material protección, desinfectante Productos higiene,limpieza Hogar:decoración, muebles Ropa,Calzado Electrodomésticos Entretenimiento, manualidades Cosmética,Perfumería Otros Supermercados (sin esp) 23,7 18,2 17,6 11,9 10,0 8,8 5,5 5,5 4,0 3,3 3,3 Comida,Bebida Ropa,Calzado Tecnología Productos higiene,limpieza Amazon (sin esp.) Cosmética,Perfumería Libros,Comics,Películas,Música Hogar:decoración, muebles Comida juguetes mascotas Farmacia Juguetes,Juegos de mesa ¿Has realizado alguna compra online durante esta última semana de cualquier producto o servicio? Para cada cosa que hayas comparado, anota por favor si era la primera vez que comprabas ese tipo de producto o servicio por internet, y si crees que lo seguirás comprando por internet en el futuro, cuando acabe el aislamiento (independientemente de si era o no la primera vez). (Respuesta abierta) | Base: 500 65% have made any online purchases in the last week: Food/drink, Technology, Clothing/shoes and Hygiene/cleaning are still the most purchased. Among those who have purchased online, 60% have purchased products they had not previously purchased before, mainly food, drink and technology. 78% say they will continue to shop online. 65% Have purchased online in the last week Purchase made online Bought for the first time You'll continue to shop 37,4 26,7 21,6 17,0 11,9 11,2 10,3 8,8 6,7 5,8 4,9 4,6 4,6 4,0 4,0 3,0 Comida,Bebida Tecnología Ropa,Calzado Productos higiene, limpieza Amazon,Ebay (sin esp.) Hogar:decoración,muebles Cosmética,Perfumería Material protección,desinfectante Libros,Comics,Películas,Música Electrodomésticos Entretenimiento, manualidades Juegos de mesa, juguetes Supermercados (sin esp.) Farmacia,Parafarmacia Comida,juguetes Mascotas Complementos Rk products above 3%. Base: They have purchased online. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 37. Una vez acabado totalmente el confinamiento, ¿Crees que cambiará algo en tu forma de comprar productos básicos para el hogar (alimentación, limpieza, higiene personal), respecto a lo que hacías antes de la cuarentena? Expresa el grado de acuerdo desacuerdo con las siguientes frases. (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. In post-confinement, near-purchase will continue to be prioritized, looking for more natural, and domestic products where possible. The intention to purchase large quantities/units Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 38. #insightsvscovid19 Big changes that covid-19 has brought to our home commodity decision-making and purchasing process:
  • 39. Opportunities to impact our shoppers before they reach the store, also through digital media, increase. #insightsvscovid19 We make more routine, less exploratory purchases: It's key to build the shopping experience before you get to the store New habits and new opportunities for FMCG brands: Changing routines in purchasing and increasing media consumption
  • 40. #insightsvscovid19 Brands need to understand these changes in the buying process, to adapt to that reality, but also to take advantage of the new opportunities that arise
  • 41. What I'm going to change after the coronavirus? Will I return to the same thing or are there changes that will remain? How will this crisis affect my future habits and mindset?
  • 42. The intention to increase savings is somewhat lowered. The only activity whose intention continues to grow is to exercise Como cree que cambiarán sus hábitos como consecuencia del coronavirus: En los próximos meses tras el fin del aislamiento ¿Cree vd que hará las siguientes actividades con más o menos frecuencia que antes del confinamiento? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. T2B: Bastante más que antes + Algo más que antes; B2B: Algo menos que antes+ Bastante menos que antes. On post-isolation habit change, the rk remains similar: more savings, physical exercise and online shopping. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 43. Small getaways, going to a bar or restaurant and shopping are the activities most eager to recover. Go to hairdressing, spa or similar (12%) Going to the gym (9%) Go to the cinema (8%) Shopping (12%) Go to a bar or restaurant (20%) Go to a concert or live sporting event (7%) Make a small trip/weekend getaway (24%) Which of these activities you can't do now you feel more like recovering and are you going to try to do it as soon as it's allowed? Please order them according to your order of interest. (Suggested items. Unique response) Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 44. 17,1 19,0 24,4 27,8 16,8 12,7 Sí, en la 1ª quincena de julio Sí, en la 2ª quincena de julio Sí, en la 1ª quincena de Agosto Sí, en las 2ª quincena de Agosto Sí, en la 1º quincena de Septiembre Sí, en la 2ª quincena de Septiembre August:52,2% Suponiendo que el 1 de julio ya se puedan realizar desplazamientos por España. ¿Crees que realizarás alguna salida/viaje por ocio o vacaciones (más de 5 días) durante los meses de julio/agosto/septiembre? (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500. Holidays after confinement: 63% predisposed to take a trip during the summer holidays. 63% Will make some departure/vacation The month of August is the most chosen to make an out/trip during the summer months. July: 36,1% September: 29,5% Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 45. Como piensa vd que el coronavirus va a afectar a nuestro comportamiento futuro y a nuestra sociedad? Por favor, exprese su grado de acuerdo/desacuerdo con las siguientes frases. T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. Changes in our values and the way we live in society The behavior after the coronavirus will change: we will control more the expense, we will avoid the physical contact and the agglomerations, , we will show more predisposition the brands and companies that have collaborated with the crisis and we will dedicate more time to be with the dear people and less to work (although this perception lowers vs. previous week). Although still in the majority, those who think that teleworking will be part of our lives are down somewhat. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 46. Citizens divided in terms of evolution as a country. Piensas que a partir del reciente anuncio del gobierno del inicio progresivo de la “desescalada” en varias fases, tu estado de ánimo y valoración de las situación que vivimos es… Crees que como consecuencia de esta crisis que estamos viviendo evolucionaremos a ser una sociedad/país más unido y con mayor orgullo de pertenencia? | Base: 500 Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 8: 27-3 mayo Totalmente en desacuerdo Bastante en desacuerdo Bastante de acuerdo Totalmente de acuerdo We will evolve towards a more united society/country with greater pride in belonging 8% 41% 38% 13% 49% 51% T2B B2B 50% believe that we will evolve towards a more united society with greater pride of belonging, the other half thinks the same.
  • 47. Considering the changes you've made to your behavior from the beginning coronavirus outbreak, what are the chances of it being part of your lifestyle in the future? The highest levels of intention to incorporate new lifestyle changes are seen in Italy and Spain, where around 40% think so Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
  • 48. Spaniards, are the ones who most believe that in the future they will be more concerned about health and will be less materialistic (1/3) and will save more (46%). Italians very similar to Spain In the UK, the most optimistic about the future (30%) Attitudes and activities likely to take place once the Coronavirus crisis is over Fuente: Toluna. Consumer Reactions to COVID- 19. Sem1 31/03. Sem 2 16/04. Sem 3 29-04 (ficha técnica en anexo)
  • 49. THE ROLE OF BRANDS BEFORE COVID-19 Communication or silence? | They are sued? | How they're responding?
  • 50. En estos días, muchas empresas y marcas han tomado distintas iniciativas respecto al coronavirus. Vamos a hablar ahora sobre lo que te gustaría que hicieran las marcas y empresas en los próximos meses, una vez que se volvamos a una cierta normalidad. (Respuesta simple) | Base: 500 T2B: Bastante de acuerdo + Totalmente de acuerdo; B2B: Bastante en desacuerdo+ Totalmente en desacuerdo. Future actions (post-quarantine): high demand continues to be placed on brands in all initiatives, although the only one that is beginning to grow is that of a return to normality in the communication of products/services, while that of donations and optimistic/enthusiastic campaigns in general is falling. Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogidade datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 Abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril Fuente: Estudio HMG & ODEC. Recogida de datos: Sem 5: 10-12 abril, Sem 6: 17-19 abril, Sem 7: 24-26 abril , Sem 8:1-3 mayo
  • 51. Health and educational services, among the most demanded by citizens
  • 52. Moment of opportunity for businesses and brands
  • 53. ANEXO • Datasheets and Sources consulted • The response of brands to the near future: How to (re)build brands really meaningful
  • 54. Ficha técnica estudio HMG & UNIVERSO OBJETO DE ESTUDIO Individuos de España de 16 años o más. ÁMBITO GEOGRÁFICO Y PUNTOS DE MUESTREO Nacional, segmentado por Áreas Nielsen. TAMAÑO MUESTRAL Y ERROR MUESTRAL Muestra de 500 entrevistas, con un error muestral de ± 4,38% para p=q=50% con un 95% de intervalo de confianza. PLAN MUESTRAL: VARIABLES ESTRATIFICACIÓN Cuotas: Edad Sexo Zona TÉCNICA DE RECOGIDA DE INFORMACIÓN Mediante entrevista ON line FECHAS TRABAJO DE CAMPO Ola sem 5: Del 10 al 12 de abril de 2020 Ola sem 6: Del 17 al 19 de abril de 2020 Ola sem 7: Del 24 al 26 de abril de 2020 Ola sem 8: Del 1 al 3 de Mayo de 2020
  • 55. Otros estudios y fuentes consultadas • ZINKLAR: Tracking semanal Impacto COVID-19 España • KANTAR: • MORE THAN RESEARCH: Expectativas sobre vacaciones 2020 en España • TOLUNA : • MEANINGFUL BRANDS (by Havas Group) • MEDIOS: AIMC Cuaderno de bitácora, KANTAR (Audiencia TV) • RUIZ NICOLI/ASU Network/Connecting Vision. Covid -19 ¿Y ahora qué? Ideas para un nuevo futuro • Centro de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad John Hopkins USA • Organización Mundial de la Salud • Ministerio de Sanidad y Dptos Sanidad CCAA. #insightsvscovid19