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National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST), Japan
Makoto YUI, @myui
Hivemall: Scalable Machine Learning
Library for Apache Hive
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Plan of the talk
• What is Hivemall
• Why Hivemall
• What Hivemall can do
• How to use Hivemall
• How Hivemall works
• How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark
• Experimental Evaluation
• Conclusion
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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What is Hivemall
• A collection of machine learning algorithms
implemented as Hive UDFs/UDTFs
• Classification & Regression
• Recommendation
• k-Nearest Neighbor Search
.. and more
• An open source project on Github
• Licensed under LGPL
• (
• 4 contributors
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Reactions to the release
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Reactions to the release
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Motivation – Why a new ML framework?
Vowpal Wabbit?
(w/ Hadoop streaming)
Spark MLlib?
0xdata H2O? Cloudera Oryx?
Machine Learning frameworks out there
that run with Hadoop
Quick Poll:
How many people in this room are using them?
6 / 43
Framework User interface
Mahout Java API Programming
Spark MLlib/MLI Scala API programming
Scala Shell (REPL)
H2O R programming
Cloudera Oryx Http REST API programming
Vowpal Wabbit
(w/ Hadoop streaming)
C++ API programming
Command Line
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Motivation – Why a new ML framework?
Existing distributed machine learning frameworks
are NOT easy to use
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Classification with Mahout
Find the complete code at
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why Hivemall
1. Ease of use
• No programming
• Every machine learning step is done within HiveQL
• No compilation/packaging overhead
• Easy for existing Hive users
• You can evaluate Hivemall within 5 minutes or so
• Installation is just as follows
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why Hivemall
2. Scalable to data
• Scalable to # of training/testing instances
• Scalable to # of features
• Built-in support for feature hashing
• Scalable to the size of prediction model
• Suppose there are 200 labels * 100 million
features ⇒ Requires 150GB
• Hivemall does not need a prediction model fit
in memory both in the training/prediction
• Feature engineering step is also scalable
and parallelized using Hive
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why Hivemall
3. Scalable to computing resources
• Exploiting the benefits of Hadoop &
• Provisioning the machine learning
service on Amazon Elastic MapReduce
• Provides an EMR bootstrap for the
automated setup
Find an example on
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why Hivemall
4. Supports the state-of-the-art online
learning algorithms (for classification)
• Less configuration parameters
(no learning rate as one in SGD)
• CW, AROW[1], and SCW[2] are not yet
supported in the other ML frameworks
• Surprising fast convergence properties
(few iterations is enough)
1. Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW), Crammer et al., NIPS 2009
2. Exact Soft Confidence-Weighted Learning (SCW), Wang et al., ICML 2012
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why Hivemall
Classification Accuracy
Perceptron 0.9460
(a.k.a. Online-SVM)
LibLinear 0.9636
LibSVM/TinySVM 0.9643
Confidence Weighted (CW) 0.9656
AROW [1] 0.9660
SCW [2] 0.9662
4. Supports the state-of-the-art online
learning algorithms (for classification)
CW-variants are very smart online ML algorithm
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why CW variants are so good?
Suppose a binary classification setting to classify
sentences positive or negative
→ learn the weight for each word (each word is a feature)
I like this authorPositive
I like this author, but found this book dullNegative
Label Feature Vector
Naïve update will reduce both at same rateWlike Wdull
CW-variants adjust weights at different rates
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why CW variants are so good?
Adjust a weight
Adjust a weight &
0.6 0.80.6
At this confidence,
the weight is 0.5
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Why Hivemall
4. Supports the state-of-the-art online
learning algorithms (for classification)
• Fast convergence properties
• Perform small update where confidence
is enough
• Perform large update where confidence is
low (e.g., at the beginning)
• A few iterations are enough
16 / 43
Plan of the talk
• What is Hivemall
• Why Hivemall
• What Hivemall can do
• How to use Hivemall
• How Hivemall works
• How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark
• Experimental Evaluation
• Conclusion
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
What Hivemall can do
• Classification (both one- and multi-class)
 Perceptron
 Passive Aggressive (PA)
 Confidence Weighted (CW)
 Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW)
 Soft Confidence Weighted (SCW)
• Regression
 Logistic Regression using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
 PA Regression
 AROW Regression
• k-Nearest Neighbor & Recommendation
 Minhash and b-Bit Minhash (LSH variant)
 Brute-force search using similarity measures (cosine similarity)
• Feature engineering
 Feature hashing
 Feature scaling (normalization, z-score)
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall
Feature Vector
Feature Vector
Data preparation
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Create external table e2006tfidf_train (
rowid int,
label float,
features ARRAY<STRING>
How to use Hivemall - Data preparation
Define a Hive table for training/testing data
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall
Feature Vector
Feature Vector
Feature Engineering
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
create view e2006tfidf_train_scaled
as label,
Applying a Min-Max Feature Normalization
How to use Hivemall - Feature Engineering
Transforming a label value
to a value between 0.0 and 1.0
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall
Feature Vector
Feature Vector
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall - Training
avg(weight) as weight
SELECT logress(features,label,..)
as (feature,weight)
FROM train
) t
GROUP BY feature
Training by logistic regression
map-only task to learn a prediction model
Shuffle map-outputs to reduces by feature
Reducers perform model averaging
in parallel
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall - Training
CREATE TABLE news20b_cw_model1 AS
voted_avg(weight) as weight
as (feature,weight)
) t
GROUP BY feature
Training of Confidence Weighted Classifier
Vote to use negative or positive
weights for avg
+0.7, +0.3, +0.2, -0.1, +0.7
Training for the CW classifier
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
create table news20mc_ensemble_model1 as
cast(feature as int) as feature,
cast(voted_avg(weight) as float) as weight
as (label,feature,weight)
union all
as (label,feature,weight)
union all
as (label,feature,weight)
) t
group by label, feature;
Ensemble learning for stable prediction performance
Just stack prediction models
by union all
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall
Feature Vector
Feature Vector
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How to use Hivemall - Prediction
CREATE TABLE lr_predict
sigmoid(sum(m.weight)) as prob
testing_exploded t LEFT OUTER JOIN
lr_model m ON (t.feature = m.feature)
Prediction is done by LEFT OUTER JOIN
between test data and prediction model
No need to load the entire model into memory
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Plan of the talk
• What is Hivemall
• Why Hivemall
• What Hivemall can do
• How to use Hivemall
• How Hivemall works
• How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark
• Experimental Evaluation
• Conclusion
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Implemented machine learning algorithms as User-
Defined Table generating Functions (UDTFs)
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
How Hivemall works in the training
+1, <1,2>
+1, <1,7,9>
-1, <1,3, 9>
+1, <3,8>
<label, array<features>>
tuple<feature, weights>
Prediction model
<feature, weights>
param-mix param-mix
by feature
train train
 Friendly to the Hive relational
query engine
• Resulting prediction model is
a relation of feature and its
 Embarrassingly parallel
• # of mapper and reducers are
 Bagging-like effect which helps
to reduce the variance of each
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
train train
+1, <1,2>
+1, <1,7,9>
-1, <1,3, 9>
+1, <3,8>
<label, array<features >
array<sum of weight>,
Prediction model
-1, <2,7, 9>
+1, <3,8>
-1, <2,7, 9>
+1, <3,8>
train train
Why not UDAF (as one in MADLib)
4 ops in parallel
2 ops in parallel
No parallelism
Machine learning as an aggregate function
Bottleneck in the final merge
Throughput limited by its fan out
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How to deal with Iterations
Iterations are mandatory to get a good prediction
• However, MapReduce is not suited for iterations because
IN/OUT of MR job is through HDFS
• Spark avoid it by in-memory computation
iter. 1 iter. 2 . . .
iter. 1 iter. 2
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val data = spark.textFile(...).map(readPoint).cache()
for (i <- 1 to ITERATIONS) {
val gradient = =>
(1 / (1 + exp(-p.y*(w dot p.x))) - 1) * p.y * p.x
).reduce(_ + _)
w -= gradient
Repeated MapReduce steps
to do gradient descent
For each node, loads data
in memory once
This is just a toy example! Why?
Training with Iterations in Spark
Logistic Regression example of Spark
Input to the gradient computation should be shuffled
for each iteration (without it, more iteration is required)
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
What MLlib actually do?
Val data = ..
for (i <- 1 to numIterations) {
val sampled =
val gradient =
w -= gradient
Mini-batch Gradient Descent with Sampling
Iterations are mandatory for convergence because
each iteration uses only small fraction of data
sample subset of data (partitioned RDD)
averaging the subgradients over the sampled data
using Spark MapReduce
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How to deal with Iterations in Hivemall
Hivemall provides the amplify UDTF to enumerate
iteration effects in machine learning without several
MapReduce steps
SET hivevar:xtimes=3;
CREATE VIEW training_x3
amplify(${xtimes}, *) as (rowid, label, features)
) t
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Map-only shuffling and amplifying
rand_amplify UDTF randomly shuffles the
input rows for each Map task
CREATE VIEW training_x3
rand_amplify(${xtimes}, ${shufflebuffersize}, *)
as (rowid, label, features)
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Detailed plan w/ map-local shuffle
(distributed by feature)
Reduce write
Table scan
Rand Amplifier
Map write
Logress UDTF
Partial aggregate
Table scan
Rand Amplifier
Map write
Logress UDTF
Partial aggregate
Reduce write
Scanned entries
are amplified and
then shuffled
Note this is a pipeline op.
The Rand Amplifier operator is interleaved between
the table scan and the training operator
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Plain 89.718 0.734805
amplifier+clustered by
(a.k.a. global shuffle)
479.855 0.746214
(a.k.a. map-local shuffle)
116.424 0.743392
Performance effects of amplifiers
With the map-local shuffle, prediction accuracy
got improved with an acceptable overhead
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Plan of the talk
• What is Hivemall
• Why Hivemall
• What Hivemall can do
• How to use Hivemall
• How Hivemall works
• How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark
• Experimental Evaluation
• Conclusion
Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
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Experimental Evaluation
Compared the performance of our batch learning
scheme to state-of-the-art machine learning
techniques, namely Bismarck and Vowpal Wabbit
• Dataset
KDD Cup 2012, Track 2 dataset, which is one of the largest
publically available datasets for machine learning, provided
by a commercial search engine provider
• The training data is about 235 million records in 33 GB
• # of feature dimensions is about 54 million
• Task
Predicting Click-Through-Rates of search engine ads
• Experimental Environment
In-house 33 commodity servers (32 slaves nodes for Hadoop)
each equipped with 8 processors and 24 GB memory
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Hivemall VW1 VW32 Bismarck
Hivemall VW1 VW32 Bismarck
Throughput: 2.3 million tuples/sec on 32 nodes
Latency: 96 sec for training 235 million records of 23 GB
Performance comparison
Prediction performance
(AUC) is good
Elapsed time (sec) for training
The lower, the better
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
val training = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc,
"hdfs://host:8020/small/training_libsvmfmt", multiclass = false)
val model = LogisticRegressionWithSGD.train(training, numIterations)
How about Spark 1.0 MLlib
Works fine for small data (10k training examples in about 1.5 MB)
on 33 nodes with allocating 5 GB memory to each worker
LoC is small and easy to understand
However, Spark does not work for large dataset
(235 million training example of 2^24 feature dimensions in
about 33 GB)
Further investigation is required
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Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose
Hivemall is an open source library that provides a
collection of machine learning algorithms as Hive
 Easy to use
 Scalable to computing resources
 Runs on Amazon EMR
 Support state of the art classification algorithms
 Plan to support Shark/Spark SQL
Project Site: or
Message of this talk: Please evaluate Hivemall by yourself.
5 minutes is enough for a quick start 
Slide available on
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Hivemall: Scalable Machine Learning Library for Apache Hive

  • 1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan Makoto YUI, @myui Hivemall: Scalable Machine Learning Library for Apache Hive Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 1 / 43
  • 2. Plan of the talk • What is Hivemall • Why Hivemall • What Hivemall can do • How to use Hivemall • How Hivemall works • How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark • Experimental Evaluation • Conclusion Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 2 / 43
  • 3. What is Hivemall • A collection of machine learning algorithms implemented as Hive UDFs/UDTFs • Classification & Regression • Recommendation • k-Nearest Neighbor Search .. and more • An open source project on Github • Licensed under LGPL • ( • 4 contributors Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 3 / 43
  • 4. Reactions to the release Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 4 / 43
  • 5. Reactions to the release Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 5 / 43
  • 6. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Motivation – Why a new ML framework? Mahout? Vowpal Wabbit? (w/ Hadoop streaming) Spark MLlib? 0xdata H2O? Cloudera Oryx? Machine Learning frameworks out there that run with Hadoop Quick Poll: How many people in this room are using them? 6 / 43
  • 7. Framework User interface Mahout Java API Programming Spark MLlib/MLI Scala API programming Scala Shell (REPL) H2O R programming GUI Cloudera Oryx Http REST API programming Vowpal Wabbit (w/ Hadoop streaming) C++ API programming Command Line Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Motivation – Why a new ML framework? Existing distributed machine learning frameworks are NOT easy to use 7 / 43
  • 8. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Classification with Mahout org/apache/mahout/classifier/sgd/ Find the complete code at 8 / 43
  • 9. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why Hivemall 1. Ease of use • No programming • Every machine learning step is done within HiveQL • No compilation/packaging overhead • Easy for existing Hive users • You can evaluate Hivemall within 5 minutes or so • Installation is just as follows 9 / 43
  • 10. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why Hivemall 2. Scalable to data • Scalable to # of training/testing instances • Scalable to # of features • Built-in support for feature hashing • Scalable to the size of prediction model • Suppose there are 200 labels * 100 million features ⇒ Requires 150GB • Hivemall does not need a prediction model fit in memory both in the training/prediction • Feature engineering step is also scalable and parallelized using Hive 10 / 43
  • 11. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why Hivemall 3. Scalable to computing resources • Exploiting the benefits of Hadoop & Hive • Provisioning the machine learning service on Amazon Elastic MapReduce • Provides an EMR bootstrap for the automated setup Find an example on 11 / 43
  • 12. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why Hivemall 4. Supports the state-of-the-art online learning algorithms (for classification) • Less configuration parameters (no learning rate as one in SGD) • CW, AROW[1], and SCW[2] are not yet supported in the other ML frameworks • Surprising fast convergence properties (few iterations is enough) 1. Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW), Crammer et al., NIPS 2009 2. Exact Soft Confidence-Weighted Learning (SCW), Wang et al., ICML 2012 12 / 43
  • 13. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why Hivemall Algorithms News20.binary Classification Accuracy Perceptron 0.9460 Passive-Aggressive (a.k.a. Online-SVM) 0.9604 LibLinear 0.9636 LibSVM/TinySVM 0.9643 Confidence Weighted (CW) 0.9656 AROW [1] 0.9660 SCW [2] 0.9662 Better 4. Supports the state-of-the-art online learning algorithms (for classification) CW-variants are very smart online ML algorithm 13 / 43
  • 14. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why CW variants are so good? Suppose a binary classification setting to classify sentences positive or negative → learn the weight for each word (each word is a feature) I like this authorPositive I like this author, but found this book dullNegative Label Feature Vector Naïve update will reduce both at same rateWlike Wdull CW-variants adjust weights at different rates 14 / 43
  • 15. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why CW variants are so good? weight weight Adjust a weight Adjust a weight & confidence 0.6 0.80.6 0.80.6 At this confidence, the weight is 0.5 Confidence (covariance) 0.5 15 / 43
  • 16. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Why Hivemall 4. Supports the state-of-the-art online learning algorithms (for classification) • Fast convergence properties • Perform small update where confidence is enough • Perform large update where confidence is low (e.g., at the beginning) • A few iterations are enough 16 / 43
  • 17. Plan of the talk • What is Hivemall • Why Hivemall • What Hivemall can do • How to use Hivemall • How Hivemall works • How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark • Experimental Evaluation • Conclusion Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 17 / 43
  • 18. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose What Hivemall can do • Classification (both one- and multi-class)  Perceptron  Passive Aggressive (PA)  Confidence Weighted (CW)  Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors (AROW)  Soft Confidence Weighted (SCW) • Regression  Logistic Regression using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)  PA Regression  AROW Regression • k-Nearest Neighbor & Recommendation  Minhash and b-Bit Minhash (LSH variant)  Brute-force search using similarity measures (cosine similarity) • Feature engineering  Feature hashing  Feature scaling (normalization, z-score) 18 / 43
  • 19. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall Machine Learning Training Prediction Prediction Model Label Feature Vector Feature Vector Label Data preparation 19 / 43
  • 20. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Create external table e2006tfidf_train ( rowid int, label float, features ARRAY<STRING> ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '¥t' COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY ",“ STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/dataset/E2006- tfidf/train'; How to use Hivemall - Data preparation Define a Hive table for training/testing data 20 / 43
  • 21. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall Machine Learning Training Prediction Prediction Model Label Feature Vector Feature Vector Label Feature Engineering 21 / 43
  • 22. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose create view e2006tfidf_train_scaled as select rowid, rescale(target,${min_label},${max_label}) as label, features from e2006tfidf_train; Applying a Min-Max Feature Normalization How to use Hivemall - Feature Engineering Transforming a label value to a value between 0.0 and 1.0 22 / 43
  • 23. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall Machine Learning Training Prediction Prediction Model Label Feature Vector Feature Vector Label Training 23 / 43
  • 24. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall - Training CREATE TABLE lr_model AS SELECT feature, avg(weight) as weight FROM ( SELECT logress(features,label,..) as (feature,weight) FROM train ) t GROUP BY feature Training by logistic regression map-only task to learn a prediction model Shuffle map-outputs to reduces by feature Reducers perform model averaging in parallel 24 / 43
  • 25. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall - Training CREATE TABLE news20b_cw_model1 AS SELECT feature, voted_avg(weight) as weight FROM (SELECT train_cw(features,label) as (feature,weight) FROM news20b_train ) t GROUP BY feature Training of Confidence Weighted Classifier Vote to use negative or positive weights for avg +0.7, +0.3, +0.2, -0.1, +0.7 Training for the CW classifier 25 / 43
  • 26. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose create table news20mc_ensemble_model1 as select label, cast(feature as int) as feature, cast(voted_avg(weight) as float) as weight from (select train_multiclass_cw(addBias(features),label) as (label,feature,weight) from news20mc_train_x3 union all select train_multiclass_arow(addBias(features),label) as (label,feature,weight) from news20mc_train_x3 union all select train_multiclass_scw(addBias(features),label) as (label,feature,weight) from news20mc_train_x3 ) t group by label, feature; Ensemble learning for stable prediction performance Just stack prediction models by union all 26 / 43
  • 27. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall Machine Learning Training Prediction Prediction Model Label Feature Vector Feature Vector Label Prediction 27 / 43
  • 28. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How to use Hivemall - Prediction CREATE TABLE lr_predict as SELECT t.rowid, sigmoid(sum(m.weight)) as prob FROM testing_exploded t LEFT OUTER JOIN lr_model m ON (t.feature = m.feature) GROUP BY t.rowid Prediction is done by LEFT OUTER JOIN between test data and prediction model No need to load the entire model into memory 28 / 43
  • 29. Plan of the talk • What is Hivemall • Why Hivemall • What Hivemall can do • How to use Hivemall • How Hivemall works • How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark • Experimental Evaluation • Conclusion Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 29 / 43
  • 30. Implemented machine learning algorithms as User- Defined Table generating Functions (UDTFs) Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose How Hivemall works in the training +1, <1,2> .. +1, <1,7,9> -1, <1,3, 9> .. +1, <3,8> tuple <label, array<features>> tuple<feature, weights> Prediction model UDTF Relation <feature, weights> param-mix param-mix Training table Shuffle by feature train train  Friendly to the Hive relational query engine • Resulting prediction model is a relation of feature and its weight  Embarrassingly parallel • # of mapper and reducers are configurable  Bagging-like effect which helps to reduce the variance of each classifier/partition 30 / 43
  • 31. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose train train +1, <1,2> .. +1, <1,7,9> -1, <1,3, 9> .. +1, <3,8> merge tuple <label, array<features > array<weight> array<sum of weight>, array<count> Training table Prediction model -1, <2,7, 9> .. +1, <3,8> final merge merge -1, <2,7, 9> .. +1, <3,8> train train array<weight> Why not UDAF (as one in MADLib) 4 ops in parallel 2 ops in parallel No parallelism Machine learning as an aggregate function Bottleneck in the final merge Throughput limited by its fan out Memory consumption grows Parallelism decreases 31 / 43
  • 32. How to deal with Iterations Iterations are mandatory to get a good prediction model • However, MapReduce is not suited for iterations because IN/OUT of MR job is through HDFS • Spark avoid it by in-memory computation iter. 1 iter. 2 . . . Input HDFS read HDFS write HDFS read HDFS write iter. 1 iter. 2 Input 32 / 43
  • 33. val data = spark.textFile(...).map(readPoint).cache() for (i <- 1 to ITERATIONS) { val gradient = => (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y*(w dot p.x))) - 1) * p.y * p.x ).reduce(_ + _) w -= gradient } Repeated MapReduce steps to do gradient descent For each node, loads data in memory once This is just a toy example! Why? Training with Iterations in Spark Logistic Regression example of Spark Input to the gradient computation should be shuffled for each iteration (without it, more iteration is required) 33 / 43
  • 34. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose What MLlib actually do? Val data = .. for (i <- 1 to numIterations) { val sampled = val gradient = w -= gradient } Mini-batch Gradient Descent with Sampling Iterations are mandatory for convergence because each iteration uses only small fraction of data GradientDescent.scala sample subset of data (partitioned RDD) averaging the subgradients over the sampled data using Spark MapReduce 34 / 43
  • 35. How to deal with Iterations in Hivemall Hivemall provides the amplify UDTF to enumerate iteration effects in machine learning without several MapReduce steps SET hivevar:xtimes=3; CREATE VIEW training_x3 as SELECT * FROM ( SELECT amplify(${xtimes}, *) as (rowid, label, features) FROM training ) t CLUSTER BY RANDOM 35 / 43
  • 36. Map-only shuffling and amplifying rand_amplify UDTF randomly shuffles the input rows for each Map task CREATE VIEW training_x3 as SELECT rand_amplify(${xtimes}, ${shufflebuffersize}, *) as (rowid, label, features) FROM training; 36 / 43
  • 37. Detailed plan w/ map-local shuffle … Shuffle (distributed by feature) Reducetask Merge Aggregate Reduce write Maptask Table scan Rand Amplifier Map write Logress UDTF Partial aggregate Maptask Table scan Rand Amplifier Map write Logress UDTF Partial aggregate Reducetask Merge Aggregate Reduce write Scanned entries are amplified and then shuffled Note this is a pipeline op. The Rand Amplifier operator is interleaved between the table scan and the training operator 37 / 43
  • 38. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Method ELAPSED TIME (sec) AUC Plain 89.718 0.734805 amplifier+clustered by (a.k.a. global shuffle) 479.855 0.746214 rand_amplifier (a.k.a. map-local shuffle) 116.424 0.743392 Performance effects of amplifiers With the map-local shuffle, prediction accuracy got improved with an acceptable overhead 38 / 43
  • 39. Plan of the talk • What is Hivemall • Why Hivemall • What Hivemall can do • How to use Hivemall • How Hivemall works • How to deal with iterations w/ comparing to Spark • Experimental Evaluation • Conclusion Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 39 / 43
  • 40. Experimental Evaluation Compared the performance of our batch learning scheme to state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, namely Bismarck and Vowpal Wabbit • Dataset KDD Cup 2012, Track 2 dataset, which is one of the largest publically available datasets for machine learning, provided by a commercial search engine provider • The training data is about 235 million records in 33 GB • # of feature dimensions is about 54 million • Task Predicting Click-Through-Rates of search engine ads • Experimental Environment In-house 33 commodity servers (32 slaves nodes for Hadoop) each equipped with 8 processors and 24 GB memory 40 40 / 43
  • 41. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose 116.4 596.67 493.81 755.24 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hivemall VW1 VW32 Bismarck 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 Hivemall VW1 VW32 Bismarck Throughput: 2.3 million tuples/sec on 32 nodes Latency: 96 sec for training 235 million records of 23 GB Performance comparison Prediction performance (AUC) is good Elapsed time (sec) for training The lower, the better 41 / 43
  • 42. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose val training = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, "hdfs://host:8020/small/training_libsvmfmt", multiclass = false) val model = LogisticRegressionWithSGD.train(training, numIterations) .. How about Spark 1.0 MLlib Works fine for small data (10k training examples in about 1.5 MB) on 33 nodes with allocating 5 GB memory to each worker LoC is small and easy to understand However, Spark does not work for large dataset (235 million training example of 2^24 feature dimensions in about 33 GB) Further investigation is required 42 / 43
  • 43. Hadoop Summit 2014, San Jose Conclusion Hivemall is an open source library that provides a collection of machine learning algorithms as Hive UDFs/UDTFs  Easy to use  Scalable to computing resources  Runs on Amazon EMR  Support state of the art classification algorithms  Plan to support Shark/Spark SQL Project Site: or Message of this talk: Please evaluate Hivemall by yourself. 5 minutes is enough for a quick start  Slide available on 43 / 43

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