hscic the health and social care information centre health nhs healthcare hett healthcare efficiency through technology gp2gp social care patients smoking ehi live case study obesity alcohol drinking drug use nhsmail data quality care cih electronic patient records gp young people diabetes data linkage nice it immunisation technology esr prescribing confidential hospital electronic prescription service eps spine andy williams nhs england data services for commissioners dsfc audit government bureaucracy publications lifestyle dental adult social care outcomes framework indicators quality and outcomes framework indicators choose and book lsp data linkage and extract service nhs pathways clinical audit service proms information governance information standards gp prescribing data clare sanderson disc medication dispensing community medicine electronic staff record healthcare efficiency collaborative working babies teenage infections psychological therapies duties corporate values planning business plan trusts kneereplacement hipreplacement hip knee strategy contraception workforce elderly hospital care health care guidance confideniality dh contracts london code of practice caldicott guardian busting bureaucracy mental health diabetes audit qof public trust heathcare efficiency through technology the standardisation committee for care information electronic document management systems scci edm martin severs guide to confidentiality in health and social care use of information gp systems of choice gpsoc scr sumary care record data access request service dars death mortality nhs choices gp payments service kingsley manning health and social care act accounts annual report patient records ccgs doctors population services indicators data service for commissioners mortality database data services julie henderson msds cyphs camhs maternity child health netta hollings health survey england child measurement programme innovation cost tips data data collection findings burden patient care safety public inquiry surveys diet screening public health blood bank health survey for england infant feeding survey adult psychiatric the francis report clinical commissioning group outcomes indicator se ccgois west suffolk nhs trust lung cancer paperless cab nhs e-rs nhs e-referral service national statistics commissioners health and social care informatics skills national audit social care intelligence service nascis child protection information sharing health and social care information sharing program the national health it conference and exhibition hc2014 pacs data linkage stakeholder forum dave cronin child protection intelligent data toolkit patien treating confidential information with respect calicott informatics cprd the clinical practice research datalink the human genome project big data mark davies pharma times patient confidentiality guide to confidentiality health information flows record standards quality standards national institute for health and care excellence quality information and technology dr. mark davies electronic health record transfer a guide to confidentiality in health and social ca confidential information ers e-referral service safer care and effective decision making java java script information technology dojo session
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