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      This report gives details of activities undertaken by the Global Environment Facility Small Grants
      Programme (GEF SGP) in Jamaica, during the first year of the fourth operational phase (OP4-Yr 1) of the
      GEF. This spans the period July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. While the report is geared towards giving
      information on projects approved during the reporting period, occasional reference may be made to
      projects approved outside of this period, but which have significantly contributed to the outputs of OP4-Yr
      1. In these instances, clear distinction will be made to avoid confusion.

      In Jamaica, the GEF focal areas of interest are biodiversity, climate change (mitigation) and land
      degradation. In addition to these, Jamaica is one of 10 participating countries in the United Nations
      Development Programme/Global Environment Facility (UNDP/GEF) Community-Based Adaptation (to
      Climate Change) Project (2007-2012). On October 24, 2008, SGP Jamaica received notification of its
      grant allocation in the sum of USD485, 000. This figure comprised USD 255,000 from SGP core funds
      and USD230, 000 from Jamaica’s RAF Biodiversity Country allocation. Over the reporting period, a total
      of 18 projects were approved, with two differed for funding during OP4-Yr 2 (July 1, 2008-June 30,
      20009). The 16 projects under implementation, accounted for USD 458,000 (94%) of the 2007/2008
      allocation. This disaggregates to USD 203,000 from the RAF Biodiversity allocation and the full sum of
      USD255, 000 from the Core SGP allocation. Individual grants varied in amounts from a maximum of
      USD40, 000 to a minimum of USD 17,000; the average being just over USD 25, 000.Table 1 below
      summarizes the activities undertaken in operational programmes of the respective focal areas.

                    Item                                  GEF Focal Area-Number of projects
                                                    Biodiversity     Climate            Land
     Operational Programme (OP)                                      Change         Degradation
OP 15-Sustainable Land Management                                                                                   8
OP 13-Conservation and Sustainable use of
Biodiversity important to agriculture                               4
OP 13-(as defined above) / OP 4-Mountain
Ecosystem                                                           1
OP 2-Coastal, Marine & Freshwater Ecosystem                         1
OP 6-Promoting adoption of Renewable energy
by removing barriers & reducing implementation
costs/ OP 15                                                                               1
OP6/ OP3-Forest Ecosystem                                           1

Total Number of Biodiversity Projects                               7
Total Number of Climate change
(mitigation) Projects                                                                      1
Total Number of Land Degradation
projects                                                                                                            8
                                                 Use of Funds Data
            Total Allocation (USD)                 RAF Funds (USD)                 Core Allocation (USD)
                485,000                                230,000                            255,000
Commitment of Funds per focal Area                     203,000                 30000                 225,000
Total Commitment for OP4-Yr 1                                                   458,000
      Table 1. Summary of Project Activity in GEF focal areas during OP4-Yr 1-SGP Jamaica

                                                                                               Page 1 of 10
As seen in table 1 (above), of the 16 projects approved in the reporting period, there were 7 biodiversity
projects, 8 land degradation projects and 1 climate change mitigation project. The total funding for
biodiversity projects amounted to USD203, 000, while USD 225,000 and USD30,000 were committed to
land degradation and climate change projects respectively (please see figure 1).

              Figure 1. Distribution of Committed funds among GEF Focal
                       Areas-SGP, Jamaica (July 1-June 30, 2008)

                                     Climate Change-
                                       Core, 30,000

                    Land Degradation-
                      Core, 225,000

                    Biodiversity-RAF    Land Degradation-Core      Climate Change-Core

 The recipient grantees count 6 Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and 10 Community-based
 Organizations (CBOs). Of these entities, 6 (3 CBOs, 3 NGOs) are headed by women, and in others
 women play key roles. This further confirms the verdict of the Country Programme strategy (CPS) that
 gender equality is not a major issue, where beneficiaries of grant funding is concerned. In Jamaica, sites
 where significant global environmental benefits can be secured include biodiversity hotspots, protected
 areas and forest reserves. These areas not contiguous but scattered across the 10,991 km2 of the
 island’s land area.

   Figure 2. Shows current projects under execution. With the exception of 2 projects (Hope
   Pastures, and Cotterwood), all projects commenced during OP4 Yr.1
                                                                                              Page 2 of 10
Given the disparate locations efforts have been made to focus activities within a number of these areas
 on a phased basis, in the reporting period Further, since, chief environmental problems are related to
 more than one focal area, a hybrid between a geographic and thematic focus has been selected. In this
 way a portion of the country grant allocation has been used for grant-making country-wide in areas
 where maximum global benefits can be attained (up to 50%) and the remainder of the allocation oriented
 towards priority themes as determined (and periodically revised) by the National Steering Committee.
 Only three new projects sited in Kingston; the rest are located in other parishes allowing for greater
 penetration into rural areas. Figure 2 (above) shows a map of current projects under execution.


2.1 OUTCOME- Biological Diversity Conservation-

Improved community management of protected areas and enhanced conservation of endemic
threatened, and endangered species

Under this GEF focal area, work was guided by priorities identified in SGP (Jamaica) Country Strategy for
utilization of Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) Funds. A total of 7 projects were approved in the sum
of USD 203,000, increasing the reach to 225 hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or
sustainably managed. Projects have been sited in at least three biodiversity global hotspots including,
the Cockpit Country, Dolphin Head Mountains (both in Western Jamaica) and the Portland Bight
Protected Area (Central Jamaica). This has resulted in the protection of over 56 globally significant
species (including the West Indian Whistling Duck, the Giant Swallowtail butterfly and Thatch Palm).
There has been wide engagement of community members in sensitization and training on biodiversity
conservation and community management as manifested by the participation of over 1500 persons in
over 55 communities. Already more than 40 households have benefitted from income generating activities
of projects (including but not limited to short-term employment), and have acquired skills necessary to
secure longer term sustainable livelihoods. The expectation is that the number of livelihood options will
increase significantly when projects once completed.

Figure 3. Restored inland pond at Comfort Hall- JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/02

                                                                                         Page 3 of 10
Individual projects have addressed the development of protocols for monitoring of endangered species
and improved community wetland management (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/11), the restoration of an inland
Pond (see figure 3 above) that has led to the regeneration of pond life, as manifested by increased in
counts of endemic species (including Jamaican slider turtle) and other marine species
(JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/02). Other projects have disseminated biodiversity lesson plans to over 25 schools
(JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/10), developed eco-tourism attractions and marketing programme that redounds to
the benefit of communities (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/08) and planted endemic tree species and timber trees
(JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/08, JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/10).

Project Code               Project Title               Grantee                     Grant Amount (USD)
                           Ramble Pond Turtle          Comfort Hall
                           Assessment and Pond         Community                   24,000
JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/02        restoration                 Development
                              Conserving Biodiversity  Southern Trelawny
JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/08           in Alps                  Environmental Agency        40,000
                              Biodiversity             Portland Environmental
JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/10           Conservation and         Protection Association      27,000
                              Awareness, Portland
                              Portland Bight              Caribbean Coastal Area   30,000
JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/11           Sustainable Wetland         Management
                              Project: Phase 1            Foundation
Table 2. List of individual project contributing to outcome 2.1 (biodiversity)


Capacity built in Sustainable Agriculture (in Eastern and Central Parishes) with significant
progress made in drought mitigation, prevention of soil erosion and generation of alternative

During the reporting period, the SGP country programme promoted sustainable land management
through the introduction and strengthening of new techniques in sustainable agriculture, and improved
watershed management. These were targeted outcome as outlined in the CPS. A total of eight projects
were approved with advanced implementation in three, while five commenced activities late in the
reporting period (June 2008). A total of USD255, 000 was committed in grant funds, with majority (5
projects) sited in eastern and central parishes (see figure 2 above). More than 108 hectares is under
sustainable land management through reforestation or improved farming techniques which avoid mal
practices such as slash and burn agriculture. This also increases the potential for carbon sequestration.
Reports indicate that more than 70 persons have already received direct benefit from the projects,
including new livelihoods, (comprising 15 females, 40 males and 15 children), while a total of 59 persons
have benefitted by now from training and other capacity building activities.

Four projects have focused on the use of high tunnel houses (HTHs) technology. The HTHs have
allowed crop cultivation in a weather proof, and pest free environment. Experiments have also been done
with new designs, leading to improved construction and notably, significant heat mitigation
(JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/07, JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03). Additionally, one project (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03)
has implemented a very successful drought mitigation initiative, which was presented as a case study to
the United Nations Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). Gravity fed irrigation has been merged with
the use of solar power to provide reliable watering of crops even when the national grid experiences
disruptions. Savings in electricity costs amounts to over USD110 per month. The employment of other soil
media including dried coconut husks (in grow bags) has also improved drainage and increased water and
nutrient recycling, while decreasing capital costs to the farmer. It also reduces the pressure on the soil
allowing greater time for recovery and even use of marginal lands for agriculture (see figure 3).

                                                                                        Page 4 of 10
The production of organic manure has also been undertaken by another project
      (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/01). This is produced by vermi-composting through combining the droppings from
      livestock (chicken), with shredded farm, and domestic waste (including cardboard), and allowing organic
      decomposition by worms. Experiments are also underway to use the leachate from the vermi-compost as
      an organic insecticide. Individuals have also been trained in gabion basket technology under this project,
      which has proven to be particularly effective in reducing land slippage and soil erosion in areas of high
      elevation, even if rainfall is high. Another project (JAM/06/11) which was approved in OP3, but only
      commenced implementation in OP4 (November 2007) has successfully used old tyres to create an
      effective terracing mechanism to halt soil erosion, and soil loss (see figure 5). The tyre bonding has
      proven to be very effective in this location, and has been used as an alternative to the more expensive
      options of contour stone walls. A nursery has also been repaired under this initiative, and it used to train
      mentally challenged students at the school in new techniques in horticulture and agriculture. The nursery
      also produces plants for sale and hence generation of alternative livelihoods. Cash crops are grown on
      the farm and intercropping practiced (planting of ground and tree crops in the same plot) as a means of
      preventing crop failure due to soil erosion. A collection of culinary herbs are also being grown on the farm,
      and these products are in high demand in the hotel industry.

Figure 4. High tunnel house under cultivation in                  Figure 5- Innovative tyre bonding used for soil conservation
Christiana (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03). Note use of grow               along slopes of the farm at the JAMR-JAM/06/11
bags, in lieu of soil. Vertical support promotes higher
growth of crops.

      Project Code                  Project Title                Grantee                  Grant Amount (USD)
                                    Application of vermin-
                                    composting and Land          Jeffrey Town Farmers     30,000
      JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/01          Management Techniques        Association Limited
                                    to reduce soil erosion and
                                    use of persistent
                                    Encouraging Sustainable      Christiana Potato
      JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03          Farming Through              growers Cooperative      30,000
                                    Reforestation and
                                    Protected Agriculture in
                                    Central Jamaica
                                    Santoy HTH
      JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/07          Development for Land         Santoy Farmer’s          40,000
                                    Degradation Management       Cooperative
                                    and Small Farmer

                                                                                                  Page 5 of 10
Project Code                 Project Title                Grantee                 Grant Amount (USD)
                             Improved Land                Jamaica Association     24,962
JAM/06/11                    Management in Four           on Mental Retardation
Table 3. List of individual SGP projects contributing outcome 2.2 (Land degradation)

2.3.1 OUTCOME- CLIMATE CHANGE (Mitigation)

Adoption of renewable energy in eastern and central parishes, as a supplement to reversing
unsustainable human practices.

Jamaica has a responsibility under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) to take steps to reduce its emission of green house gases as part of its climate mitigation
efforts. Unsustainable practices including, deforestation, over-reliance on fossil fuel, and indiscriminate
burning have the collective impact of increasing emissions of greenhouse gases by sources and reducing
removal by sinks. Additionally, deforestation increases susceptibility to land slides and soil erosion
contributing to the degradation of land and the physical vulnerability of people in surrounding areas. This
vulnerability is exacerbated in areas already prone to natural hazards and where human practices (such
as slash and burn agriculture) increase the incidence of tree removal. One project
(JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/05) funded in the sum of USD30,000 has tackled this directly. In Dallas Castle, an
area very prone to landslides, a women led CBO has engaged women and young people in the
application of renewable energy (solar and biogas) and soil conservation methodology. The project will
implement sustainable agriculture techniques (similar to those outlined in section 2.2 above), as an
alternative to hill side farming. Farm refuse along with other waste will be fed to a bio-digester to produce
methane. This along with a solar energy system already in place (financed through co-financing) will
provide renewable energy to totally power agro-processing and other activities at the community centre.
Another project (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/08/01) is integrating the use of solar energy into the operation of a
nature trail that is sited in one of the island’s most premier watersheds (Dunn’s River watershed). As also
noted in section 2.2, a solar pump installed on a farm (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03), is being used to power
irrigation of crops with harvested rain water. This has resulted both in reduction of greenhouse gases and
also savings in electricity costs of more than USD110 per month. The idea has been circulated to other
local and regional farmers (a presentation was made at a regional CaFAN1 workshop in Barbados).
Significant interest has been generated and efforts are underway made to replicate the use of the

Jamaica is one of 10 participating counties in the UNDP/GEF Community-based Adaption (to climate
change) project (CBA), which is funded by resources under the Strategic Priority on Adaptation. The five
year (2007-2012) initiative has a potential allocation of USD400,000 (maximum) per country. Each
country is expected to fund between 8 and 20 projects that generate global environmental benefits while
improving the resilience of ecosystems to climate change including variability. The objective of the CBA in
Jamaica as outlined in the CBA Country Programme Strategy (CCPS) is to integrate climate change risks
into sustainable community management of natural resources. The initial and second National
communications of Jamaica to the UNFCCC have identified Agriculture and Coastal Resources as priority
sectors and these will be the focus of sectoral activities under the CBA. During the reporting period five
concepts were received, and three technically cleared. One project proposal developed from planning
grant (CBA/JAM/SPA/08/01) seeks to “Reduce Climate Change-Driven Erosion and Landslide Risks
through Sustainable Agriculture for Safer Slopes (in the Blue mountains)”. The proposal was circulated to
the other 9 participating countries as best practice example and is pending submission to the National
Coordinating Committee of the CBA.

Over the review period, through three co-financing agreements, the sum of USD 103,000 was availed to
the SGP Jamaica. Details of the contributions are outlined in table 4 below. Two of agreements were
through parallel funding from National Environmental Funds and the third via joint programming with the

    The acronym CaFAN stands for Caribbean Farmers Network

                                                                                          Page 6 of 10
UNDP. Other efforts were made to secure funding from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency
(JICA), the Japanese Embassy, the European Union (EU) and the Forest Conservation (National) Fund. It
is hoped that these efforts will bear fruit in OP4-Yr 2. It should be noted that negotiations for, and the
duration of, funding agreements in general are not synchronized with the GEF Financial year. Challenges
associated with this are elaborated in section 5.1 (below).

Donor                 Amount (USD)          Duration of          Type of              Comment
                                            agreement            Agreement
                                                                                      The initial agreement was for
1. Environmental      63,982.56             August 1, 2007-      Parallel Funding     USD100,000. Due to late
Foundation of                               July 31, 2008                             receipt of SGP’s grant
Jamaica                                                                               allocation, and differences
                                                                                      with call/ review periods, this
                                                                                      sum of nearly USD 64,000
                                                                                      was utilized. Gratefully
                                                                                      USD55,00 has already been
                                                                                      committed for OP4-Yr2. To
                                                                                      date, 4 projects have
                                                                                      benefitted from the
2. USAID Rural                                                                         The donor closed
Enterprise,           50,000                March 20,2007-       Parallel Funding     operations in Jamaica in
Agricultural and                            December 31,                              April 2008. However, in-cash
                                                                                      contributions were made to
Community                                   2007
                                                                                      two grantees referred by
Tourism (REACT)                                                                       SGP. Also technical support
Project                                                                               was rendered to three other
                                                                                      SGP projects
3. United Nations                                                                     TRAC funds have been
Development           8,000                 June 2008-           Joint Programming    availed. This amount is
Programme                                   December 31,                              however the balance of
                                                                                      funds (20,000) committed in
                                                                                      OP3-Yr2. The initial sum is
                                                                                      funding a worthy project
                                                                                      (JAMR) and part of the
                                                                                      current sum was use to part
                                                                                      sponsor a historic
                                                                                      knowledge management
Table 4. List of Co-financing valid over review period


The SGP in Jamaica embarked on an initiative of grantee exchange and sharing of experiences with
other donors. To date 10 projects have benefitted from referrals made to other donors (as outlined in
section 3 above). Other projects have also been able to leverage non-GEF funding due to the support
committed by SGP. Project JAM/OP4/1/RAF/08/02 provides one instance of this. The project in Christiana
JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03 (through Devon Farmers Resource Centre) has been selected as the mother
farm for one of the green house clusters being set up by the Ministry of Agriculture through the Rural
Agricultural Development Authority (RADA). It will serve farmers in the adjoining parishes of Clarendon,
St. Ann, Trelawny and St. Elizabeth in areas such as Cascade Lorrimers, Alston Baillieston, Spaldings,
Albert Town (please see figure 6). Another grantee, the Portland Environment Protection Association
(PEPA) based on the success of a previous SGP project (JAM/06/07) helped with project development,
and now sits on the steering committee of a medium-size GEF funded (IWCAM) project that is addressing
watershed management in the parish of Portland. The Jeffrey Town Farmers Association
(JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/01), through equipment and funding from United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has set up a community radio station (called JET fm). The grantee
uses this medium to share best practices learnt in agriculture and sustainable land management with
other farmers and community members in the surrounding communities and beyond.

                                                                                        Page 7 of 10
To observe the 3rd Anniversary of the launch of the SGP in Jamaica, a forum was hosted on June 9,
2008, under the theme “Energy efficiency and Sustainable Agriculture: Pathways to Sustainable
Development”. The event brought together GEF Implementing agencies, Government Representatives,
past and current grantees, donor agencies, NSC members, academia and the media, among other
stakeholders. In the first session we presented the accomplishments of the programme to date, as well as
made appeals for continued support and co-financing. This was very well received. We also informed the
audience of the UNDP/GEF CBA project that is being implemented using the mechanism of the SGP.

The occasion was also used to sign 7 new MoAs, which was highly praised by the RR, GEF Focal
Operational Point as well as the keynote speaker the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture
and Lands. The event was extensively covered by the media (over 14 media houses attended). Kindly
see story captured in one of our daily papers, which is also posted on their website, and spotlighted on
the SGP global website.

A symposium on sustainable agriculture was also convened, which showcased among other things
lessons learnt from projects funded by GEF SGP (JAM/OP3/2/06/14, JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03). We had
representation from a number of very influential local, national and regional agencies, as well as a
number of grass roots community groups. The discussants included representatives from the Ministry of
Agriculture, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), and the Caribbean Agricultural
Development and Research Institute (CARDI). There was unanimous endorsement of our plans to
formalise a draft paper on sustainable agriculture out of this session. This will be peer reviewed and
presented to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA). This
could serve as a blue print for agricultural policy at a time when there is growing concern for food security.
Both events were complemented by displays mounted by SGP grantees, the RADA, and the Petroleum
Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ). The latter show cased among other things, outcomes from a UNDP project
focussed on energy efficiency in hospitals and schools. The UNDP very kindly co-financed the event.

     Figure 6. Geographic area for replication of sustainable agriculture project-

                                                                                           Page 8 of 10

5.1 Lessons learnt

In responding to the Joint Evaluation (2007) recommendations for global SGP, the Jamaica country
programme has taken a number of steps. These are elaborated below:

Improved reporting and financial management: In preparation for an audit during OP4, the reporting
requirements for projects have been improved, and the programme has attempted to comply with all the
reporting protocols of CPMT/UNOPS. Templates for project interim and final reports have been revised,
and additional financial reporting is required. A special MS Excel spreadsheet with built in formulas has
been circulated and is being used by all grantees. The NSC is kept thoroughly briefed and provide
feedback and guidance on the financial management of the programme.

Handling conflict of Interest: Care has been taken not to award project in which NSC members have
direct stake. No such projects were considered or approved in the reporting period.

Submission of Annual report: SGP Jamaica supports the move to submit annual programme reports. It
envisages that timely reporting will be adhered to.

Improved Monitoring and Evaluation and website updating: The programme has intensified its efforts in
monitoring and evaluation. There has been more active involvement of NSC members, and reports on all
field trips are circulated within 1 week of completion. Website updating has also improved, although there
is need for improvement in this area. This could be significantly addressed once staff replacement is

5.2 Challenges or other matters

Among the challenges encountered over the review period are the following:

   I. Late receipt of allocation of grant funds: Jamaica’s allocation for 2007/2008 was received on
      October 24, 2007. This was well after the last scheduled NSC approval meeting, and significantly
      curtailed the interlude over which grant making was possible. Uncertainties regarding the amount
      and receipt of funds (from GEF/CPMT) also affected negotiations for and fulsome use of leveraged
      co-financing. Further, given set times for call and review periods of other local donors, SGP grantee
      experienced difficulties (and were disadvantaged) in accessing counterpart funding. It is hoped that
      the GEF will allow for consistent, predictable and timely release of funding.
  II. Expiry of Co-financing before end of GEF financial: In general donor funding is not synchronized
      with the GEF financial year. In many cases (especially with the UNDP) funding expires at the end of
      a calendar year, while SGP grant making is still progressing. Gaps between negotiations for new
      funds, therefore limits available co-financing at the start of each calendar year and also timely
      website reporting of same.
 III. Cuts to admin budget: The significant cuts to the global administrative budget pose serious
      challenges to SGP Jamaica. This is further compounded by the fact that most donors are not
      interested in funding administrative activities of the programme.
 IV. Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) challenges: In keeping with the mandate for cost-effectiveness of
      field monitoring travel, direct re-imbursements have been adopted and the maximum number of
      trips is combined as much as possible. The latter measure however poses challenges to NSC
      participation, especially in cases where multiple overnights are necessary.
  V. Difficulties Website update: during the reporting period, there were a number of times when the
      SGP website could not be updated from our end. This affected timely updating of records,
      especially at times which were scheduled for this activity.

                                                                                         Page 9 of 10

A. Priorities
Over the next reporting period (July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009) SGP Jamaica will intensify efforts to secure global environmental benefits in the GEF
focal areas of biodiversity, climate change (adaptation and mitigation) and land degradation. We endeavour to achieve a more balanced portfolio of
projects (in GEF focal areas), especially in respect to number of climate change mitigation projects. More active implementation of CBA projects, and
due reporting on same are planned. SGP Jamaica has commenced discussions with the UNDP (Jamaica) CO to provide monthly supplements for its
Newsletter and will pursue this fully. This will provide greater visibility for SGP, enhance knowledge sharing among all stakeholders, improve
collaboration between UNDP and SGP, and allow for feedback with constituents. We will endeavour to secure additional co-financing, while fully
utilizing funds committed under current agreements. At least one major knowledge management publication is targeted, and this will be circulated to
senior policy makers, among other stakeholders. Monitoring and evaluation will also be further enhanced with more active participation of NSC

B. Funds Needed
Given strong competition for grant funds, Jamaica estimates that its optimal grant allocation for 2008/2009 is USD500,000. This could be a composite
of USD250 each for Core and RAF allocations.

C. Table 5. Proposed Abridged Work plan: July 2008-June 2009
                                                                          Proposed Implementation by Month
        Item-Target               Jul-08   Aug-08   Sep-08    Oct-08     Nov-08   Dec-08  Jan-09     Feb-09         Mar-09     Apr-09    May-09        Jun-09
 1. Develop and implement
diverse portfolio of projects-6
Biodiversity, 3-Land
degradation, 4-climate change
 2. Implementation of CBA
projects- Target: 2 projects
 3. SGP Supplements for
UNDP newsletter developed-
 4. Secure additional co-
financing-Target: USD
100,000 (including in-kind)
 5. Develop SGP KM
publication-Target 1
 6. Timely website updates-All
projects updated
  7. Enhance M&E with NSC-
Target: at least 4

                                                                                                                                 Page 10 of 10

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Semelhante a Annual Country Programme Report Highlights Jamaica's Environmental Projects

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Semelhante a Annual Country Programme Report Highlights Jamaica's Environmental Projects (20)

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Mais de Gherghescu Gabriel

Modele si variante bac matematica m1 2010 (model oficial)
Modele si variante bac matematica m1   2010 (model oficial)Modele si variante bac matematica m1   2010 (model oficial)
Modele si variante bac matematica m1 2010 (model oficial)Gherghescu Gabriel
9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)
9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)
9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)Gherghescu Gabriel
9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)
9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)
9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)Gherghescu Gabriel
6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)
6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)
6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)Gherghescu Gabriel
6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)
6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)
6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)Gherghescu Gabriel
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliuAlgebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliuGherghescu Gabriel
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si teste cu rezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si  teste cu rezolvari in detaliuAlgebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si  teste cu rezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si teste cu rezolvari in detaliuGherghescu Gabriel
AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996
AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996
AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996Gherghescu Gabriel
Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi
Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi
Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi Gherghescu Gabriel
Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5
Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5
Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5Gherghescu Gabriel
A3 electrical AUDI A3 1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
A3 electrical AUDI A3  1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRA3 electrical AUDI A3  1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
A3 electrical AUDI A3 1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGherghescu Gabriel
Siguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Siguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRSiguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Siguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGherghescu Gabriel
Siguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDI
Siguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDISiguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDI
Siguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDIGherghescu Gabriel
Motor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Motor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRMotor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Motor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGherghescu Gabriel
General AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
General AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGeneral AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
General AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGherghescu Gabriel
Compart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Compart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRCompart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Compart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGherghescu Gabriel
Air flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Air flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRAir flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Air flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGherghescu Gabriel

Mais de Gherghescu Gabriel (20)

Modele si variante bac matematica m1 2010 (model oficial)
Modele si variante bac matematica m1   2010 (model oficial)Modele si variante bac matematica m1   2010 (model oficial)
Modele si variante bac matematica m1 2010 (model oficial)
9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)
9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)
9 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)
9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)
9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (prima sesiune)
9 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (prima sesiune)
6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)
6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)
6 varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)
6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)
6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1   2010 (sesiune august)
6 barem varianta oficiala bac matematica m1 2010 (sesiune august)
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliuAlgebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a teorie cu teste si nrezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si teste cu rezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si  teste cu rezolvari in detaliuAlgebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si  teste cu rezolvari in detaliu
Algebra clasa a 9a si a 10 a cu teorie si teste cu rezolvari in detaliu
AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996
AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996
AUDI Siguranţe fuzibile incepand cu an 1996
Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi
Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi
Pionier deh 2000 mp ownersmanual1019 audi
Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5
Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5
Montare carlig remorcare audi a4 b5
Cutie sigurante audi
Cutie sigurante audiCutie sigurante audi
Cutie sigurante audi
A3 1997 AUDI maintenance
A3 1997 AUDI maintenanceA3 1997 AUDI maintenance
A3 1997 AUDI maintenance
A3 electrical AUDI A3 1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
A3 electrical AUDI A3  1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRA3 electrical AUDI A3  1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
A3 electrical AUDI A3 1997 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Siguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Siguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRSiguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Siguranţe fuzibile şi relee AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Siguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDI
Siguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDISiguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDI
Siguranţe fuzibile pana in anul 1996 AUDI
Motor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Motor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRMotor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Motor AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
General AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
General AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRGeneral AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
General AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Compart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Compart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRCompart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Compart 3 AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Audi a6 adr
Audi a6 adrAudi a6 adr
Audi a6 adr
Air flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Air flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADRAir flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR
Air flow sensors AUDI A4 B5 1996 2000 1.8 20V 4ADR


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Último (20)

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Annual Country Programme Report Highlights Jamaica's Environmental Projects

  • 1. ANNUAL COUNTRY PROGRAMME REPORT-[JAMAICA] 1. PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW This report gives details of activities undertaken by the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) in Jamaica, during the first year of the fourth operational phase (OP4-Yr 1) of the GEF. This spans the period July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. While the report is geared towards giving information on projects approved during the reporting period, occasional reference may be made to projects approved outside of this period, but which have significantly contributed to the outputs of OP4-Yr 1. In these instances, clear distinction will be made to avoid confusion. In Jamaica, the GEF focal areas of interest are biodiversity, climate change (mitigation) and land degradation. In addition to these, Jamaica is one of 10 participating countries in the United Nations Development Programme/Global Environment Facility (UNDP/GEF) Community-Based Adaptation (to Climate Change) Project (2007-2012). On October 24, 2008, SGP Jamaica received notification of its grant allocation in the sum of USD485, 000. This figure comprised USD 255,000 from SGP core funds and USD230, 000 from Jamaica’s RAF Biodiversity Country allocation. Over the reporting period, a total of 18 projects were approved, with two differed for funding during OP4-Yr 2 (July 1, 2008-June 30, 20009). The 16 projects under implementation, accounted for USD 458,000 (94%) of the 2007/2008 allocation. This disaggregates to USD 203,000 from the RAF Biodiversity allocation and the full sum of USD255, 000 from the Core SGP allocation. Individual grants varied in amounts from a maximum of USD40, 000 to a minimum of USD 17,000; the average being just over USD 25, 000.Table 1 below summarizes the activities undertaken in operational programmes of the respective focal areas. Item GEF Focal Area-Number of projects Biodiversity Climate Land Operational Programme (OP) Change Degradation OP 15-Sustainable Land Management 8 OP 13-Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity important to agriculture 4 OP 13-(as defined above) / OP 4-Mountain Ecosystem 1 OP 2-Coastal, Marine & Freshwater Ecosystem 1 OP 6-Promoting adoption of Renewable energy by removing barriers & reducing implementation costs/ OP 15 1 OP6/ OP3-Forest Ecosystem 1 Total Number of Biodiversity Projects 7 Total Number of Climate change (mitigation) Projects 1 Total Number of Land Degradation projects 8 Use of Funds Data Total Allocation (USD) RAF Funds (USD) Core Allocation (USD) 485,000 230,000 255,000 Commitment of Funds per focal Area 203,000 30000 225,000 Total Commitment for OP4-Yr 1 458,000 Table 1. Summary of Project Activity in GEF focal areas during OP4-Yr 1-SGP Jamaica Page 1 of 10
  • 2. As seen in table 1 (above), of the 16 projects approved in the reporting period, there were 7 biodiversity projects, 8 land degradation projects and 1 climate change mitigation project. The total funding for biodiversity projects amounted to USD203, 000, while USD 225,000 and USD30,000 were committed to land degradation and climate change projects respectively (please see figure 1). Figure 1. Distribution of Committed funds among GEF Focal Areas-SGP, Jamaica (July 1-June 30, 2008) Climate Change- Core, 30,000 Biodiversity-RAF, 203,000 Land Degradation- Core, 225,000 Biodiversity-RAF Land Degradation-Core Climate Change-Core The recipient grantees count 6 Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and 10 Community-based Organizations (CBOs). Of these entities, 6 (3 CBOs, 3 NGOs) are headed by women, and in others women play key roles. This further confirms the verdict of the Country Programme strategy (CPS) that gender equality is not a major issue, where beneficiaries of grant funding is concerned. In Jamaica, sites where significant global environmental benefits can be secured include biodiversity hotspots, protected areas and forest reserves. These areas not contiguous but scattered across the 10,991 km2 of the island’s land area. Figure 2. Shows current projects under execution. With the exception of 2 projects (Hope Pastures, and Cotterwood), all projects commenced during OP4 Yr.1 Page 2 of 10
  • 3. Given the disparate locations efforts have been made to focus activities within a number of these areas on a phased basis, in the reporting period Further, since, chief environmental problems are related to more than one focal area, a hybrid between a geographic and thematic focus has been selected. In this way a portion of the country grant allocation has been used for grant-making country-wide in areas where maximum global benefits can be attained (up to 50%) and the remainder of the allocation oriented towards priority themes as determined (and periodically revised) by the National Steering Committee. Only three new projects sited in Kingston; the rest are located in other parishes allowing for greater penetration into rural areas. Figure 2 (above) shows a map of current projects under execution. 2. OUTCOMES AND IMPACT 2.1 OUTCOME- Biological Diversity Conservation- Improved community management of protected areas and enhanced conservation of endemic threatened, and endangered species Under this GEF focal area, work was guided by priorities identified in SGP (Jamaica) Country Strategy for utilization of Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) Funds. A total of 7 projects were approved in the sum of USD 203,000, increasing the reach to 225 hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed. Projects have been sited in at least three biodiversity global hotspots including, the Cockpit Country, Dolphin Head Mountains (both in Western Jamaica) and the Portland Bight Protected Area (Central Jamaica). This has resulted in the protection of over 56 globally significant species (including the West Indian Whistling Duck, the Giant Swallowtail butterfly and Thatch Palm). There has been wide engagement of community members in sensitization and training on biodiversity conservation and community management as manifested by the participation of over 1500 persons in over 55 communities. Already more than 40 households have benefitted from income generating activities of projects (including but not limited to short-term employment), and have acquired skills necessary to secure longer term sustainable livelihoods. The expectation is that the number of livelihood options will increase significantly when projects once completed. Figure 3. Restored inland pond at Comfort Hall- JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/02 Page 3 of 10
  • 4. Individual projects have addressed the development of protocols for monitoring of endangered species and improved community wetland management (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/11), the restoration of an inland Pond (see figure 3 above) that has led to the regeneration of pond life, as manifested by increased in counts of endemic species (including Jamaican slider turtle) and other marine species (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/02). Other projects have disseminated biodiversity lesson plans to over 25 schools (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/10), developed eco-tourism attractions and marketing programme that redounds to the benefit of communities (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/08) and planted endemic tree species and timber trees (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/08, JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/10). Project Code Project Title Grantee Grant Amount (USD) Ramble Pond Turtle Comfort Hall Assessment and Pond Community 24,000 JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/02 restoration Development Committee Conserving Biodiversity Southern Trelawny JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/08 in Alps Environmental Agency 40,000 Biodiversity Portland Environmental JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/10 Conservation and Protection Association 27,000 Awareness, Portland Portland Bight Caribbean Coastal Area 30,000 JAM/OP4/1/RAF/07/11 Sustainable Wetland Management Project: Phase 1 Foundation Table 2. List of individual project contributing to outcome 2.1 (biodiversity) 2.2 OUTCOME- LAND DEGRADATION PREVENTION- SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT Capacity built in Sustainable Agriculture (in Eastern and Central Parishes) with significant progress made in drought mitigation, prevention of soil erosion and generation of alternative livelihoods. During the reporting period, the SGP country programme promoted sustainable land management through the introduction and strengthening of new techniques in sustainable agriculture, and improved watershed management. These were targeted outcome as outlined in the CPS. A total of eight projects were approved with advanced implementation in three, while five commenced activities late in the reporting period (June 2008). A total of USD255, 000 was committed in grant funds, with majority (5 projects) sited in eastern and central parishes (see figure 2 above). More than 108 hectares is under sustainable land management through reforestation or improved farming techniques which avoid mal practices such as slash and burn agriculture. This also increases the potential for carbon sequestration. Reports indicate that more than 70 persons have already received direct benefit from the projects, including new livelihoods, (comprising 15 females, 40 males and 15 children), while a total of 59 persons have benefitted by now from training and other capacity building activities. Four projects have focused on the use of high tunnel houses (HTHs) technology. The HTHs have allowed crop cultivation in a weather proof, and pest free environment. Experiments have also been done with new designs, leading to improved construction and notably, significant heat mitigation (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/07, JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03). Additionally, one project (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03) has implemented a very successful drought mitigation initiative, which was presented as a case study to the United Nations Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). Gravity fed irrigation has been merged with the use of solar power to provide reliable watering of crops even when the national grid experiences disruptions. Savings in electricity costs amounts to over USD110 per month. The employment of other soil media including dried coconut husks (in grow bags) has also improved drainage and increased water and nutrient recycling, while decreasing capital costs to the farmer. It also reduces the pressure on the soil allowing greater time for recovery and even use of marginal lands for agriculture (see figure 3). Page 4 of 10
  • 5. The production of organic manure has also been undertaken by another project (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/01). This is produced by vermi-composting through combining the droppings from livestock (chicken), with shredded farm, and domestic waste (including cardboard), and allowing organic decomposition by worms. Experiments are also underway to use the leachate from the vermi-compost as an organic insecticide. Individuals have also been trained in gabion basket technology under this project, which has proven to be particularly effective in reducing land slippage and soil erosion in areas of high elevation, even if rainfall is high. Another project (JAM/06/11) which was approved in OP3, but only commenced implementation in OP4 (November 2007) has successfully used old tyres to create an effective terracing mechanism to halt soil erosion, and soil loss (see figure 5). The tyre bonding has proven to be very effective in this location, and has been used as an alternative to the more expensive options of contour stone walls. A nursery has also been repaired under this initiative, and it used to train mentally challenged students at the school in new techniques in horticulture and agriculture. The nursery also produces plants for sale and hence generation of alternative livelihoods. Cash crops are grown on the farm and intercropping practiced (planting of ground and tree crops in the same plot) as a means of preventing crop failure due to soil erosion. A collection of culinary herbs are also being grown on the farm, and these products are in high demand in the hotel industry. Figure 4. High tunnel house under cultivation in Figure 5- Innovative tyre bonding used for soil conservation Christiana (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03). Note use of grow along slopes of the farm at the JAMR-JAM/06/11 bags, in lieu of soil. Vertical support promotes higher growth of crops. Project Code Project Title Grantee Grant Amount (USD) Application of vermin- composting and Land Jeffrey Town Farmers 30,000 JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/01 Management Techniques Association Limited to reduce soil erosion and use of persistent chemicals Encouraging Sustainable Christiana Potato JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03 Farming Through growers Cooperative 30,000 Reforestation and Protected Agriculture in Central Jamaica Santoy HTH JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/07 Development for Land Santoy Farmer’s 40,000 Degradation Management Cooperative and Small Farmer Development Page 5 of 10
  • 6. Project Code Project Title Grantee Grant Amount (USD) Improved Land Jamaica Association 24,962 JAM/06/11 Management in Four on Mental Retardation Parishes Table 3. List of individual SGP projects contributing outcome 2.2 (Land degradation) 2.3.1 OUTCOME- CLIMATE CHANGE (Mitigation) Adoption of renewable energy in eastern and central parishes, as a supplement to reversing unsustainable human practices. Jamaica has a responsibility under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to take steps to reduce its emission of green house gases as part of its climate mitigation efforts. Unsustainable practices including, deforestation, over-reliance on fossil fuel, and indiscriminate burning have the collective impact of increasing emissions of greenhouse gases by sources and reducing removal by sinks. Additionally, deforestation increases susceptibility to land slides and soil erosion contributing to the degradation of land and the physical vulnerability of people in surrounding areas. This vulnerability is exacerbated in areas already prone to natural hazards and where human practices (such as slash and burn agriculture) increase the incidence of tree removal. One project (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/05) funded in the sum of USD30,000 has tackled this directly. In Dallas Castle, an area very prone to landslides, a women led CBO has engaged women and young people in the application of renewable energy (solar and biogas) and soil conservation methodology. The project will implement sustainable agriculture techniques (similar to those outlined in section 2.2 above), as an alternative to hill side farming. Farm refuse along with other waste will be fed to a bio-digester to produce methane. This along with a solar energy system already in place (financed through co-financing) will provide renewable energy to totally power agro-processing and other activities at the community centre. Another project (JAM/OP4/1/RAF/08/01) is integrating the use of solar energy into the operation of a nature trail that is sited in one of the island’s most premier watersheds (Dunn’s River watershed). As also noted in section 2.2, a solar pump installed on a farm (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03), is being used to power irrigation of crops with harvested rain water. This has resulted both in reduction of greenhouse gases and also savings in electricity costs of more than USD110 per month. The idea has been circulated to other local and regional farmers (a presentation was made at a regional CaFAN1 workshop in Barbados). Significant interest has been generated and efforts are underway made to replicate the use of the technology. 2.3.2 OUTCOME-CLIMATE CHANGE (Adaptation) Jamaica is one of 10 participating counties in the UNDP/GEF Community-based Adaption (to climate change) project (CBA), which is funded by resources under the Strategic Priority on Adaptation. The five year (2007-2012) initiative has a potential allocation of USD400,000 (maximum) per country. Each country is expected to fund between 8 and 20 projects that generate global environmental benefits while improving the resilience of ecosystems to climate change including variability. The objective of the CBA in Jamaica as outlined in the CBA Country Programme Strategy (CCPS) is to integrate climate change risks into sustainable community management of natural resources. The initial and second National communications of Jamaica to the UNFCCC have identified Agriculture and Coastal Resources as priority sectors and these will be the focus of sectoral activities under the CBA. During the reporting period five concepts were received, and three technically cleared. One project proposal developed from planning grant (CBA/JAM/SPA/08/01) seeks to “Reduce Climate Change-Driven Erosion and Landslide Risks through Sustainable Agriculture for Safer Slopes (in the Blue mountains)”. The proposal was circulated to the other 9 participating countries as best practice example and is pending submission to the National Coordinating Committee of the CBA. 3. CO-FINANCING Over the review period, through three co-financing agreements, the sum of USD 103,000 was availed to the SGP Jamaica. Details of the contributions are outlined in table 4 below. Two of agreements were through parallel funding from National Environmental Funds and the third via joint programming with the 1 The acronym CaFAN stands for Caribbean Farmers Network Page 6 of 10
  • 7. UNDP. Other efforts were made to secure funding from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Japanese Embassy, the European Union (EU) and the Forest Conservation (National) Fund. It is hoped that these efforts will bear fruit in OP4-Yr 2. It should be noted that negotiations for, and the duration of, funding agreements in general are not synchronized with the GEF Financial year. Challenges associated with this are elaborated in section 5.1 (below). Donor Amount (USD) Duration of Type of Comment agreement Agreement The initial agreement was for 1. Environmental 63,982.56 August 1, 2007- Parallel Funding USD100,000. Due to late Foundation of July 31, 2008 receipt of SGP’s grant Jamaica allocation, and differences with call/ review periods, this sum of nearly USD 64,000 was utilized. Gratefully USD55,00 has already been committed for OP4-Yr2. To date, 4 projects have benefitted from the agreement. 2. USAID Rural The donor closed Enterprise, 50,000 March 20,2007- Parallel Funding operations in Jamaica in Agricultural and December 31, April 2008. However, in-cash contributions were made to Community 2007 two grantees referred by Tourism (REACT) SGP. Also technical support Project was rendered to three other SGP projects 3. United Nations TRAC funds have been Development 8,000 June 2008- Joint Programming availed. This amount is Programme December 31, however the balance of funds (20,000) committed in 2008 OP3-Yr2. The initial sum is funding a worthy project (JAMR) and part of the current sum was use to part sponsor a historic knowledge management session. Table 4. List of Co-financing valid over review period 4. MAINSTREAMING, UPSCALING, REPLICATION The SGP in Jamaica embarked on an initiative of grantee exchange and sharing of experiences with other donors. To date 10 projects have benefitted from referrals made to other donors (as outlined in section 3 above). Other projects have also been able to leverage non-GEF funding due to the support committed by SGP. Project JAM/OP4/1/RAF/08/02 provides one instance of this. The project in Christiana JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03 (through Devon Farmers Resource Centre) has been selected as the mother farm for one of the green house clusters being set up by the Ministry of Agriculture through the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA). It will serve farmers in the adjoining parishes of Clarendon, St. Ann, Trelawny and St. Elizabeth in areas such as Cascade Lorrimers, Alston Baillieston, Spaldings, Albert Town (please see figure 6). Another grantee, the Portland Environment Protection Association (PEPA) based on the success of a previous SGP project (JAM/06/07) helped with project development, and now sits on the steering committee of a medium-size GEF funded (IWCAM) project that is addressing watershed management in the parish of Portland. The Jeffrey Town Farmers Association (JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/01), through equipment and funding from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has set up a community radio station (called JET fm). The grantee uses this medium to share best practices learnt in agriculture and sustainable land management with other farmers and community members in the surrounding communities and beyond. Page 7 of 10
  • 8. To observe the 3rd Anniversary of the launch of the SGP in Jamaica, a forum was hosted on June 9, 2008, under the theme “Energy efficiency and Sustainable Agriculture: Pathways to Sustainable Development”. The event brought together GEF Implementing agencies, Government Representatives, past and current grantees, donor agencies, NSC members, academia and the media, among other stakeholders. In the first session we presented the accomplishments of the programme to date, as well as made appeals for continued support and co-financing. This was very well received. We also informed the audience of the UNDP/GEF CBA project that is being implemented using the mechanism of the SGP. The occasion was also used to sign 7 new MoAs, which was highly praised by the RR, GEF Focal Operational Point as well as the keynote speaker the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. The event was extensively covered by the media (over 14 media houses attended). Kindly see story captured in one of our daily papers, which is also posted on their website, and spotlighted on the SGP global website. 0500_136557_OBS_SEVEN_NGOS_GET_UNDP_GRANTS.asp . A symposium on sustainable agriculture was also convened, which showcased among other things lessons learnt from projects funded by GEF SGP (JAM/OP3/2/06/14, JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03). We had representation from a number of very influential local, national and regional agencies, as well as a number of grass roots community groups. The discussants included representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), and the Caribbean Agricultural Development and Research Institute (CARDI). There was unanimous endorsement of our plans to formalise a draft paper on sustainable agriculture out of this session. This will be peer reviewed and presented to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA). This could serve as a blue print for agricultural policy at a time when there is growing concern for food security. Both events were complemented by displays mounted by SGP grantees, the RADA, and the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ). The latter show cased among other things, outcomes from a UNDP project focussed on energy efficiency in hospitals and schools. The UNDP very kindly co-financed the event. Figure 6. Geographic area for replication of sustainable agriculture project- JAM/OP4/1/CORE/07/03 Page 8 of 10
  • 9. 5. LESSONS LEARNT, CHALLENGES OR OTHER MATTERS 5.1 Lessons learnt In responding to the Joint Evaluation (2007) recommendations for global SGP, the Jamaica country programme has taken a number of steps. These are elaborated below: Improved reporting and financial management: In preparation for an audit during OP4, the reporting requirements for projects have been improved, and the programme has attempted to comply with all the reporting protocols of CPMT/UNOPS. Templates for project interim and final reports have been revised, and additional financial reporting is required. A special MS Excel spreadsheet with built in formulas has been circulated and is being used by all grantees. The NSC is kept thoroughly briefed and provide feedback and guidance on the financial management of the programme. Handling conflict of Interest: Care has been taken not to award project in which NSC members have direct stake. No such projects were considered or approved in the reporting period. Submission of Annual report: SGP Jamaica supports the move to submit annual programme reports. It envisages that timely reporting will be adhered to. Improved Monitoring and Evaluation and website updating: The programme has intensified its efforts in monitoring and evaluation. There has been more active involvement of NSC members, and reports on all field trips are circulated within 1 week of completion. Website updating has also improved, although there is need for improvement in this area. This could be significantly addressed once staff replacement is done. 5.2 Challenges or other matters Among the challenges encountered over the review period are the following: I. Late receipt of allocation of grant funds: Jamaica’s allocation for 2007/2008 was received on October 24, 2007. This was well after the last scheduled NSC approval meeting, and significantly curtailed the interlude over which grant making was possible. Uncertainties regarding the amount and receipt of funds (from GEF/CPMT) also affected negotiations for and fulsome use of leveraged co-financing. Further, given set times for call and review periods of other local donors, SGP grantee experienced difficulties (and were disadvantaged) in accessing counterpart funding. It is hoped that the GEF will allow for consistent, predictable and timely release of funding. II. Expiry of Co-financing before end of GEF financial: In general donor funding is not synchronized with the GEF financial year. In many cases (especially with the UNDP) funding expires at the end of a calendar year, while SGP grant making is still progressing. Gaps between negotiations for new funds, therefore limits available co-financing at the start of each calendar year and also timely website reporting of same. III. Cuts to admin budget: The significant cuts to the global administrative budget pose serious challenges to SGP Jamaica. This is further compounded by the fact that most donors are not interested in funding administrative activities of the programme. IV. Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) challenges: In keeping with the mandate for cost-effectiveness of field monitoring travel, direct re-imbursements have been adopted and the maximum number of trips is combined as much as possible. The latter measure however poses challenges to NSC participation, especially in cases where multiple overnights are necessary. V. Difficulties Website update: during the reporting period, there were a number of times when the SGP website could not be updated from our end. This affected timely updating of records, especially at times which were scheduled for this activity. Page 9 of 10
  • 10. 6. WAY FORWARD A. Priorities Over the next reporting period (July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009) SGP Jamaica will intensify efforts to secure global environmental benefits in the GEF focal areas of biodiversity, climate change (adaptation and mitigation) and land degradation. We endeavour to achieve a more balanced portfolio of projects (in GEF focal areas), especially in respect to number of climate change mitigation projects. More active implementation of CBA projects, and due reporting on same are planned. SGP Jamaica has commenced discussions with the UNDP (Jamaica) CO to provide monthly supplements for its Newsletter and will pursue this fully. This will provide greater visibility for SGP, enhance knowledge sharing among all stakeholders, improve collaboration between UNDP and SGP, and allow for feedback with constituents. We will endeavour to secure additional co-financing, while fully utilizing funds committed under current agreements. At least one major knowledge management publication is targeted, and this will be circulated to senior policy makers, among other stakeholders. Monitoring and evaluation will also be further enhanced with more active participation of NSC members. B. Funds Needed Given strong competition for grant funds, Jamaica estimates that its optimal grant allocation for 2008/2009 is USD500,000. This could be a composite of USD250 each for Core and RAF allocations. C. Table 5. Proposed Abridged Work plan: July 2008-June 2009 Proposed Implementation by Month Item-Target Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 1. Develop and implement diverse portfolio of projects-6 Biodiversity, 3-Land degradation, 4-climate change 2. Implementation of CBA projects- Target: 2 projects 3. SGP Supplements for UNDP newsletter developed- Target:3 4. Secure additional co- financing-Target: USD 100,000 (including in-kind) 5. Develop SGP KM publication-Target 1 6. Timely website updates-All projects updated 7. Enhance M&E with NSC- Target: at least 4 Page 10 of 10