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ITSM Specialization Sourcing
    Prof. Frank Willems

Lecture 4: Outsourcing

•   Outsourcing as a solution
•   Define the scope of outsourcing
•   Experience with outsourcing
•   Building a business case
•   Change approach for outsourcing


What is outsourcing?

• Outsourcing is the decision taken by an organisation
  to contract or sell the organisation assets, people,
  process and/or activities to a third party supplier,
  which in exchange provides and manages assets and
  services for monetary returns over an agreed period
  of time.

• Definable components of your business to be done by
  a third party, that you did yourselves before

Define the scope of outsourcing

ISO/OSI framework for plotting scope

                                                                                                                                                 Webportal and website
                                                                                 Application C
                                                                 Application B

                                                                                                 Application D

                                                                                                                 Application E

                                                                                                                                 Application F
                    Office applications

                                          Generic applications
                                          Application A


Basic link system

Control and

Network transport
and connectivity
(netwcrk)                                                        Common basic infrastrucure
Access (network)
Define scope in terms of scenario’s
    and staffing

      scopeparts: Infrastructure and application component                    Staff Component
                                                             Information         Head of Division
                                                             Management          1 FTE

                                                             Functional          Helpdesk
                                                             Management          1 FTE

Process                                                      Operational
                                                                                 1 FTE
                                                                                 1 FTE
Basic link system             Scenario 3                     management          Application
                                                                                 1,06 FTE /
                                                                                 0,88 FTE
(Middleware )
Control & monitoring
(Serverparc)                                                                                        Network
Network transport and                                                                               (1 FTE)
connectivity (netwcrk)        Scenario 2                     Netwerk- and
Access (network))                                                                                   (1 FTE)

                                                                              Own company              Hired

Scope plotted on IT management

                     Management   Directing   Service


                                                        Network- and
                                                        Scenario 3
                                                        Scenario 2
Always define 3-5 scenario’s

• Scenario 0 : Current situation
    – Imaging current situation: for comparing the different scenarios
• Scenario 1: professionalisation scenario
    – The implementation of the recommendations. None sourcing
• Scenario 2: outsourcing of ICT services
    – The outsourcing of ICT facilities (desktop management, network
      management, infrastructure, server and hardware monitoring, hosting web
• Scenario 3: outsourcing of ICT services and application mgt
    – The outsourcing of ICT facilities (desktop management, network
      management, infrastructure, server and hardware monitoring, hosting web
      sites), data management and application management
• Scenario 4 : Collaboration
    – In the ICT field (desktop management, network management,
      infrastructure, server and hardware monitoring, hosting web sites, data
      management and application management) collaborate with more of the
      same organizations
The scope is plotted on the
            Kraljic model
Large added value

                         What is the extent to which the product / service
                                                                                    nd                                                                    th
                                                                                   2 generation sourcing                                                 4 generation sourcing

                                                                                                 Leverage                                                          Strategic
                         adds value for the business

                                                                                                                                                Scenario 4
                                                                                                                                                         3   generation sourcing

                                                                                                                            Scenario 3
Less added value

                                                                                                 Routine Scenario                  2       Application
                                                                                                           Helpdesk & desktop

                                                                               st                                                                         nd
                                                                              1 generation sourcing                   Infrastructure mgt                 2 generation sourcing

                                                                                              Purchasing Risk
                                                                             Standard         Is it a standard or a specialized product?
Some experiences with

Outsourcing experiences in

                                                              First experiences
                                                              and deception

                                                                   Reality comes in

                                                                         SLA/$ discussions
 End user expectations

                                                                                             Informal renegotiations start

                                  to outsource

                         0 mths                  6 mths                                      12 mths                         36 mths

Expectation of the phases in the
   Closing                                                                End of current contract

             1                      2                                       3

        1.       Transition (max 6 months)
        2.       Cost savings (efficiency improvements)
        3.       Improving effectiveness (innovation)

        •        Future will be a seamless continuation of the relation

Reality of the phases in the
   Closing                                                                    End of current contract

                          1                                               2


        1.   Transition
        2.   Cost savings
        3.   Improving effectiveness
        •    Future will be based on the success of effective use of IT


• Outsourcing is not always a good solution
• Outsourcing should be managed very professional
  (directing organization at least at CMMi acq level 2)
• Supplier don’t measure the expectations
• Make a clear business case

Think before you decide: is outsourcing
a good solution?

Build the business case for
     outsourcing and fill the calculation

Questions for building
business case

1. What are the possible scenarios in the outsourcing of
   ICT function?
2. What are the arguments to make choices from one of
   these scenarios?
3. What are the financial implications of outscourcing?
4. What are the organizational and human
   consequences of outsourcing?
5. What are the risks and countermeasures of

Example of a approach in
building business case
Activities conducted in the period August and September:
1. Several discussions with stakeholders and ICT portfolio within
   customer organisation
2. Various observations made on the spot and existing situation in
3. Calculation completed and validated with stakeholders within
   customer organisation
4. Demarcation for sourcing area and scenarios developed
5. Concept Report completed

Research, current situation,
 scenario 0
• Staffingcosts              € 555.140
• Other automation costs     € 149.744
• ICT infrastructure costs   € 139.055
• Application costs          € 777.124
                   Total     € 1.621.063

Staffing (in FTE’s):
Direct                                     Indirect
• Operations manager         0,89          Information manager     1,00
• Systemmanager              3,00          Functional management   4,50
• Helpdesk                   2,00

Research, current situation,
scenario 0
• ICT management and operational processes only
  implemented by means of tooling (TopDesk) and on CMMi
  Services level 2
• ICT infrastructure is relatively modern, especially the servers
  and remote connections are state-of-the-art, active network
  components, cabling and workstations questions in the
  medium term to focus
• There is relatively much hired and there is still limited own
  occupation for ICT department; high degree of vulnerability
• By outsourcing much attention should be spent on
  professionalisation of direction in the field of contract, demand
  and supplier management, capacity planning and quality

Research, current situation,
scenario 0
Quality of IT Service managent activities in terms of CMMi for Services

                                                                          SG1   SG2   SG3   GG2   GG3

Requirements Management (REQ level 2)                                     PS    PS          PS    NS
Configuration Management (CON level 2)                                    PS    PS    PS    NS    NS
Incident and Request Management (IRM level 2)                             S     PS          PS    NS
Measurement and Analysis (MA level 2)                                     NS    NS          NS    NS
Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA level 2)                      S     PS          PS    PS
Project Planning (PP level 2)                                             PS    NS    NS    NS    NS
Project Monitoring and Control (PMC level 2)                              PS    PS           S    PS
Supplier Agreement Management (SAM level 2)                               PS    NS          PS    PS
Organizational Process Focus (OPF)                                        PS    PS    NS    NS    NS
Organizational Process Definition (OPD)                                   PS    PS          NS    NS
Organizational Training (OT)                                              PS    PS          PS    NS

Research, current situation,
  scenario 0

• The calculation is not yet take into account the initial
  costs. These include migration and transition costs

   – Migration Cost: one-time costs that must be made to transfer
     from the current situation of management to the situation with
     outsourcing, these costs can probably be negotiated or
     recovered by TCO reduction (scale benefits outsourcing)
   – Transition costs: These costs consist of disintegration
     (current overhead which no longer cover) and friction costs
     (vacancy housing and replacing staff). With friction
     expenditure must be taken into account, these are not yet

Principles of calculation

• Period 2008-2013
• The appearance of costs and depreciation are based on a
  calendar year
• Scenarios are developed separately from each other
• Financial source file that is used for the calculations are total ICT
  budget and personnel
• Costs are based on a 'frozen' situation. It is assumed that in the
  coming years, no details are made that affect the operating costs
  of ICT
• Depreciation hardware are linear and the maturity is 3 years *
  Depreciation software are linear and the duration is 2 Year *
   *= based on assumptions

Calculation results
                                                  0 s c e n a rio         s c e n a rio 1                s c e n a rio 2              s c e n a rio 3            s c e n a rio 4

G em id d eld e jaarkosten (2 0 0 8 -2 0 1 3 )
     A p p licaties                                        2 3 8 .3 2 3                2 3 8 .3 2 3                2 3 8 .3 2 3                  2 3 8 .3 2 3                1 5 6 .5 5 8
     A fsch rijvin gen                                       3 1 .4 3 1                     7 5 .0 5 9               2 4 .2 5 6                    2 4 .2 5 6                  3 1 .4 3 1
     P ro jecten                                              1 .4 2 6                       1 .4 2 6                 1 .4 2 6                        1 .4 2 6                     1 .4 2 6
     L ease                                                         -                       5 9 .0 5 4               5 3 .7 4 5                    5 3 .7 4 5                  5 9 .0 5 4
     C o m m u n icatie                                    2 1 7 .1 0 8                1 5 6 .0 6 5                1 5 6 .0 6 5                  1 5 6 .0 6 5                1 9 6 .2 3 3
     M o b iel w erken                                              -                       4 2 .7 2 0               4 2 .7 2 0                    4 2 .7 2 0                  4 2 .7 2 0
     P erso n eel                                          2 8 0 .1 0 3                2 8 0 .1 0 3                2 8 0 .6 8 8                  2 2 8 .2 3 4                2 2 8 .5 2 1
     In h u u r                                            2 8 1 .6 8 1                2 8 1 .6 8 1                1 8 7 .7 2 4                  4 5 6 .7 1 5                1 8 4 .1 5 7
     U itw ijk                                                      -                       2 3 .8 3 2                5 .2 5 0                        5 .2 5 0                        -
     O verige ko sten                                        6 0 .4 2 6                     5 5 .7 4 4               5 2 .3 7 5                    5 2 .3 7 5                  5 2 .3 9 6

G em id d eld e jaarkosten (in cl in d ex atie)         1 .1 1 0 .4 9 9              1 .2 1 4 .0 0 8            1 .0 4 2 .5 7 3               1 .2 5 9 .1 1 0                9 5 2 .4 9 7
P er w erkp lek                                               2 .3 9 8                       2 .6 2 2                 2 .2 5 2                        2 .7 1 9                     2 .0 5 7
P er m ed ew erker                                            1 .2 8 2                       1 .4 0 2                 1 .2 0 4                        1 .4 5 4                     1 .1 0 0

P roc. b esp arin g tov 0 scen ario                             0 ,0 %                      -1 1 ,3 %                      3 ,2 %                    -1 4 ,7 %                      5 ,8 %

T eru g verd ien tijd in jaren                                      -                >6                                           4             >6                                        4

In zet p erson eel
     h o o fd IC T                                              1 ,0 0                         1 ,0 0                       1 ,0                         1 ,0                         1 ,0
     IC T sp ecialist (serviced esk)                            1 ,0 0                         2 ,0 0                       1 ,0                         2 ,0                         1 ,0
     gegeven sb eh eerd er                                      1 ,0 0                         1 ,0 0                       1 ,0                           -                          0 ,5
     ap p licatieb eh eerd er                                   1 ,0 3                         1 ,0 0                       1 ,0                           -                          0 ,5
     systeem b eh eer                                           2 ,2 2                         2 ,2 2                         -                            -                          1 ,0

T otaal fte                                                     6 ,2 5                         7 ,2 2                       4 ,0                         3 ,0                         4 ,0

Prepare for decision making

Practical tip 1: Create a Crisis Plan

This will deliver a lot of information for decision-making and the
business case:
• Clarity about the essential functions of the organization
• Understanding the dependencies of the organization
• Understanding risks, opportunity and the countermeasures
• Translation of vital ICT components in the essential functions
   properly (and equal documented)
• Clarity about responsibilities and behavior in emergencies (and
   who really has to say)
• And what matters and visibility of the professionalism at this

Practical tip 2: Develop a Pro forma SLA
 and Terms of Reference

• On the basis of the crisis plan it is clear what ICT services are
  important and which less
• With users it will be clear what requirements they set for services
• Services are classified in importance for business and market
  transparency for completion of appropriate cooperation
• The quality of the services need to be checked, for example with
• The Program of Requirements and the SMART requirements will
  be visible and gives guidance in the selection process

Investigate the Change Colour of the

• What is the dominant colour of the stakeholders and
  the decision makers
• What is your personal colour
• What intervention should be made to convince the
  stakeholders and the decision makers

Draw up your conclusions

• Outsourcing of ICT is necessary, the security of ICT
  services is under such pressure that continue current
  situation is not justified. There are also innovations that
  have major implications for the way ICT should be
• By transfer of staff (up to two FTE), we expect complicating
  factors in the procurement and matching of profiles with the
  market (future supplier)
• Withinthe organisation the future direction of the
  outsourcing professional organization and the need for the
  commission spatial information shoul be organized more

Draw up your advice

  Choice for scenario 2, saving between 10-20% (compared with
  scenario 2), but:
  • Standardizing on applications
  • Standardizing on workstations, which allow remote management
  • Servers outdoor placed at supplier
  • Bring people tendering in accordance with social status
  • No surrender current contracts
  • Professionalization of supplier management and demand side
  • In the long term scenario 4 is possible, especially for innovations

Start the outsourcing change

An Change approach for Sourcing

                                          Intervention-oriented communication about plan and implementation

                                                                          Support by Change help desk
                Change analysis
                + Culture scan

                     Aligning structure and processes
                                                                                                                                                           Characteristics of
                                                                                                                                                           products, pro-
                     Organizing control and and prepairing sourcing                                                                                        cesses & structure

  Change idea        Culture change and competence development                                                                                                 Governance &
                                                                                                                                         Characteristics                     Characteristics
                     Contracting and realizing sourcing                                                                                  of interaction                  of employees

                     Learning to collaborate

                                                                   Measuring                                   Measuring
                                                                   progress                                    progress

                                                   Inter-                                          Inter-
                                                                               Reconsider-                                 Reconsider-
                                                   ventions                                        ventions
                                                                               ing                                         Ing
                                                   and (re)                                        And (re)
                                                                               goals                                       goals
                                                   planning                                        planning                               Change goals
                Kick off
                                                              Plateau 1                                   Plateau 2                         DD MM YYYY

                                                                          Assessment by Change board

                                                                    Consultation with Sounding board group
                                                                                Client                  …

Mix organizing and change
   Design and organizing

                                                                                                        Cahange and Develop
                                                   Change components
                           Systems and            Structure and             Governance and culture
                           technology             processes

                           Rationalisation,       Culture scan and          Functions/competences
                           systems, harmonizing   specifying functions,     Culture scan/ change
                           management             governance, and           analysis and organizing
                           processes              competences               control

                           Architecture and       Aligning strategy plan,   Developing collaboration/
                           process                control and supplier      managers and building
                           implementation         selection                 cases

                           Stable services        Organizing structure,     Mobility and training of
                           portfolio              securing processes,       staff members, showing
                           Knowledge guarantee    starting sourcing and     results and achieving
                                                  appointing staff          goals

Milestones of the Sourcing change
 Strategy             Design and                                                                              Making plans            Contracting            Transition and          Optimization
                      decision making                                                                                                                        collaboration
                                  Management        Control           Service

                      Aligning    Define strategy   Define strategy   Bepalen strategie
                                  and management    facilities and    ICT service
                                                    supply and
                      Arranging   Design and        Design and        Ontwerpen en        components                                                         Desired
     Context                      implementation
                                                    facilities and
                                                    supply and
                                                                      plannen ICTis
                                                                      This part
                                                                      qualified for
                                                                                          In enneahedron                                                     situation

                      Operating   Use and           Management and    Beheren en
                                  exploitation      use facilities    exploiteren ICT
                                  management                          services

                                                                                              forms of

                                                                                                                 Governance model         Declaration of
                                                                                                                 Organization plans       collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                 Current situation   Chosen final situation

                            Yellowprint phase                                                                 Blueprint phase          Redprint phase       Greenprint phase

 Actors               Sponsors, advisors and                                                                  Mgt., control and       Sponsors, mgt.,        Mgt., control and       Supply, mgt.,
 Sponsors, advisors   mgt.                                                                                    advisors                supply, control and    supply,                 control
 and mgt.                                                                                                                             advisors               collaboration team

 Communication        Change plan Steering                                                                    Protocol                Newsletter             Migration plan          Service report
 Strategy paper       committee                                                                               Study group             Employee               User board              User board
                      Sounding board                                                                          Social plan             participation          Account mgt.            Change board
                                                                                                                                      Closing document       Collaboration letter

 Results              Sourcing choice                                                                         Program of              Contract               Migratie                Continuous
 Change strategy      Sourcing design                                                                         requirements,           Deal sheet             Overdracht Assets       orientation
 Sourcing strategy    Governance choice                                                                       Organization plan       Standards              Services ingericht      towards change
 Approach and         Decision                                                                                Formation plan          SLA, DAP               Securing                and grip on costs
 planning                                                                                                     Governance              Employment             knowledge
                                                                                                              model                   agreement              Game simulation
                                                                                                              Game simulation
Example of detailed outsourcing

Start 30 june                             September           October           November/December January
EU Tenderlaw period minimal 37 days                           Minimal 40 days                       a.s.a.p.
 Stage I              Stage II             Stage III           Stage IV          Stage V             Stage VI

                     Sign up candidates                                           Awarding            Publication
 Invitation or                              Selection          Procurement

• Drafting and       • Application by     • Questionnaire     •Sending RFP      •RFP submission •Final award
publication          August 6             submission by        PVE              by bidders (minus   disclosure
places for           Selection            candidates (minus    Submit           40 Days)            File Agreements
publication.         Document send        37 Days)            questions           RFQ Review        and Procedures
Tender Electronic     Submit               assessment          Letter of        (21 Days)           (DAP)
Daily                questions             References         Information         Provisional        Focus Financial
                     candidates            Tender award to                      award (deadline     Arrangements
                      Letter of           applicants (21                        15 days)            (DFA)
                     Information          dgen)                                   OR involvement     Products and
                                                               Drafting         in provisional      Services Catalog
                                          Consultation due    assessment doc    award advice        (PDC)
                     Drafting             transparency                          (term                SLA's tuning
                     qualificationdoc     drafting PVE                          appointment)        DAP, DFA, PDC
Drafting selection   Drafting PVE         Drafting terms of                                         and SLA usually
document                                  reference.                            Filing              after signing


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Mais de Frank Willems

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Mais de Frank Willems (20)

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Sourcing Lecture 3 Outsourcing

  • 1. ITSM Specialization Sourcing 2012-2013 Prof. Frank Willems Lecture 4: Outsourcing
  • 2. Agenda • Outsourcing as a solution • Define the scope of outsourcing • Experience with outsourcing • Building a business case • Change approach for outsourcing 2
  • 4. What is outsourcing? • Outsourcing is the decision taken by an organisation to contract or sell the organisation assets, people, process and/or activities to a third party supplier, which in exchange provides and manages assets and services for monetary returns over an agreed period of time. • Definable components of your business to be done by a third party, that you did yourselves before 4
  • 5. Define the scope of outsourcing 5
  • 6. ISO/OSI framework for plotting scope Webportal and website …. Application C …. Application B …. Application D …. Application E …. Application F Office applications Generic applications Application A Proces (functionality) Application Basic link system (Middleware) Control and monitoring (serverparc) Network transport and connectivity (netwcrk) Common basic infrastrucure Access (network)
  • 7. Define scope in terms of scenario’s and staffing scopeparts: Infrastructure and application component Staff Component Information Head of Division Management 1 FTE Functional Helpdesk Management 1 FTE Process Operational 1 FTE management (functionality) Application DBAGegevens 1 FTE System Basic link system Scenario 3 management Application 1,06 FTE / 0,88 FTE (Middleware ) Control & monitoring (Serverparc) Network Specialist Network transport and (1 FTE) connectivity (netwcrk) Scenario 2 Netwerk- and Infrastructure Application Management Specialist hardware Access (network)) (1 FTE) Own company Hired 7
  • 8. Scope plotted on IT management model Management Directing Service Aligning Functional Management Information Management Organizing Operational Management DBA Application Management Implementing Network- and infrastructure management Scenario 3 Scenario 2 8
  • 9. Always define 3-5 scenario’s • Scenario 0 : Current situation – Imaging current situation: for comparing the different scenarios • Scenario 1: professionalisation scenario – The implementation of the recommendations. None sourcing • Scenario 2: outsourcing of ICT services – The outsourcing of ICT facilities (desktop management, network management, infrastructure, server and hardware monitoring, hosting web sites) • Scenario 3: outsourcing of ICT services and application mgt – The outsourcing of ICT facilities (desktop management, network management, infrastructure, server and hardware monitoring, hosting web sites), data management and application management • Scenario 4 : Collaboration – In the ICT field (desktop management, network management, infrastructure, server and hardware monitoring, hosting web sites, data management and application management) collaborate with more of the same organizations 9
  • 10. The scope is plotted on the Kraljic model Large added value What is the extent to which the product / service nd th 2 generation sourcing 4 generation sourcing Leverage Strategic adds value for the business Scenario 4 th 3 generation sourcing Scenario 3 Less added value Routine Scenario 2 Application management Bottleneck Outsourcing Helpdesk & desktop mgt st nd 1 generation sourcing Infrastructure mgt 2 generation sourcing outsourcing Purchasing Risk Standard Is it a standard or a specialized product? Specialized 10
  • 11. Some experiences with outsourcing 11
  • 12. Outsourcing experiences in general Transition First experiences and deception Reality comes in Contracting SLA/$ discussions End user expectations Informal renegotiations start Intention to outsource 0 mths 6 mths 12 mths 36 mths 1
  • 13. Expectation of the phases in the relationship Closing End of current contract Future 1 2 3 1. Transition (max 6 months) 2. Cost savings (efficiency improvements) 3. Improving effectiveness (innovation) • Future will be a seamless continuation of the relation 1
  • 14. Reality of the phases in the relationship Closing End of current contract 1 2 Future 3 1. Transition 2. Cost savings 3. Improving effectiveness • Future will be based on the success of effective use of IT 1
  • 15. So…. • Outsourcing is not always a good solution • Outsourcing should be managed very professional (directing organization at least at CMMi acq level 2) • Supplier don’t measure the expectations • Make a clear business case Think before you decide: is outsourcing a good solution? 15
  • 16. Build the business case for outsourcing and fill the calculation model 16
  • 17. Questions for building business case 1. What are the possible scenarios in the outsourcing of ICT function? 2. What are the arguments to make choices from one of these scenarios? 3. What are the financial implications of outscourcing? 4. What are the organizational and human consequences of outsourcing? 5. What are the risks and countermeasures of outsourcing? 17
  • 18. Example of a approach in building business case Activities conducted in the period August and September: 1. Several discussions with stakeholders and ICT portfolio within customer organisation 2. Various observations made on the spot and existing situation in images 3. Calculation completed and validated with stakeholders within customer organisation 4. Demarcation for sourcing area and scenarios developed 5. Concept Report completed 18
  • 19. Research, current situation, scenario 0 Financial: • Staffingcosts € 555.140 • Other automation costs € 149.744 • ICT infrastructure costs € 139.055 • Application costs € 777.124 Total € 1.621.063 Staffing (in FTE’s): Direct Indirect • Operations manager 0,89 Information manager 1,00 • Systemmanager 3,00 Functional management 4,50 • Helpdesk 2,00 19
  • 20. Research, current situation, scenario 0 Qualitative • ICT management and operational processes only implemented by means of tooling (TopDesk) and on CMMi Services level 2 • ICT infrastructure is relatively modern, especially the servers and remote connections are state-of-the-art, active network components, cabling and workstations questions in the medium term to focus • There is relatively much hired and there is still limited own occupation for ICT department; high degree of vulnerability • By outsourcing much attention should be spent on professionalisation of direction in the field of contract, demand and supplier management, capacity planning and quality control 20
  • 21. Research, current situation, scenario 0 Quality of IT Service managent activities in terms of CMMi for Services SG1 SG2 SG3 GG2 GG3 Requirements Management (REQ level 2) PS PS PS NS Configuration Management (CON level 2) PS PS PS NS NS Incident and Request Management (IRM level 2) S PS PS NS Measurement and Analysis (MA level 2) NS NS NS NS Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA level 2) S PS PS PS Project Planning (PP level 2) PS NS NS NS NS Project Monitoring and Control (PMC level 2) PS PS S PS Supplier Agreement Management (SAM level 2) PS NS PS PS Organizational Process Focus (OPF) PS PS NS NS NS Organizational Process Definition (OPD) PS PS NS NS Organizational Training (OT) PS PS PS NS 21
  • 22. Research, current situation, scenario 0 • The calculation is not yet take into account the initial costs. These include migration and transition costs – Migration Cost: one-time costs that must be made to transfer from the current situation of management to the situation with outsourcing, these costs can probably be negotiated or recovered by TCO reduction (scale benefits outsourcing) – Transition costs: These costs consist of disintegration (current overhead which no longer cover) and friction costs (vacancy housing and replacing staff). With friction expenditure must be taken into account, these are not yet quantified 22
  • 23. Principles of calculation • Period 2008-2013 • The appearance of costs and depreciation are based on a calendar year • Scenarios are developed separately from each other • Financial source file that is used for the calculations are total ICT budget and personnel • Costs are based on a 'frozen' situation. It is assumed that in the coming years, no details are made that affect the operating costs of ICT • Depreciation hardware are linear and the maturity is 3 years * Depreciation software are linear and the duration is 2 Year * *= based on assumptions 23
  • 24. Calculation results 0 s c e n a rio s c e n a rio 1 s c e n a rio 2 s c e n a rio 3 s c e n a rio 4 G em id d eld e jaarkosten (2 0 0 8 -2 0 1 3 ) A p p licaties 2 3 8 .3 2 3 2 3 8 .3 2 3 2 3 8 .3 2 3 2 3 8 .3 2 3 1 5 6 .5 5 8 A fsch rijvin gen 3 1 .4 3 1 7 5 .0 5 9 2 4 .2 5 6 2 4 .2 5 6 3 1 .4 3 1 P ro jecten 1 .4 2 6 1 .4 2 6 1 .4 2 6 1 .4 2 6 1 .4 2 6 L ease - 5 9 .0 5 4 5 3 .7 4 5 5 3 .7 4 5 5 9 .0 5 4 C o m m u n icatie 2 1 7 .1 0 8 1 5 6 .0 6 5 1 5 6 .0 6 5 1 5 6 .0 6 5 1 9 6 .2 3 3 M o b iel w erken - 4 2 .7 2 0 4 2 .7 2 0 4 2 .7 2 0 4 2 .7 2 0 P erso n eel 2 8 0 .1 0 3 2 8 0 .1 0 3 2 8 0 .6 8 8 2 2 8 .2 3 4 2 2 8 .5 2 1 In h u u r 2 8 1 .6 8 1 2 8 1 .6 8 1 1 8 7 .7 2 4 4 5 6 .7 1 5 1 8 4 .1 5 7 U itw ijk - 2 3 .8 3 2 5 .2 5 0 5 .2 5 0 - O verige ko sten 6 0 .4 2 6 5 5 .7 4 4 5 2 .3 7 5 5 2 .3 7 5 5 2 .3 9 6 G em id d eld e jaarkosten (in cl in d ex atie) 1 .1 1 0 .4 9 9 1 .2 1 4 .0 0 8 1 .0 4 2 .5 7 3 1 .2 5 9 .1 1 0 9 5 2 .4 9 7 P er w erkp lek 2 .3 9 8 2 .6 2 2 2 .2 5 2 2 .7 1 9 2 .0 5 7 P er m ed ew erker 1 .2 8 2 1 .4 0 2 1 .2 0 4 1 .4 5 4 1 .1 0 0 P roc. b esp arin g tov 0 scen ario 0 ,0 % -1 1 ,3 % 3 ,2 % -1 4 ,7 % 5 ,8 % T eru g verd ien tijd in jaren - >6 4 >6 4 In zet p erson eel h o o fd IC T 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 1 ,0 1 ,0 IC T sp ecialist (serviced esk) 1 ,0 0 2 ,0 0 1 ,0 2 ,0 1 ,0 gegeven sb eh eerd er 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 - 0 ,5 ap p licatieb eh eerd er 1 ,0 3 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 - 0 ,5 systeem b eh eer 2 ,2 2 2 ,2 2 - - 1 ,0 T otaal fte 6 ,2 5 7 ,2 2 4 ,0 3 ,0 4 ,0 24
  • 25. Prepare for decision making 25
  • 26. Practical tip 1: Create a Crisis Plan This will deliver a lot of information for decision-making and the business case: • Clarity about the essential functions of the organization • Understanding the dependencies of the organization • Understanding risks, opportunity and the countermeasures • Translation of vital ICT components in the essential functions properly (and equal documented) • Clarity about responsibilities and behavior in emergencies (and who really has to say) • And what matters and visibility of the professionalism at this moment 26
  • 27. Practical tip 2: Develop a Pro forma SLA and Terms of Reference • On the basis of the crisis plan it is clear what ICT services are important and which less • With users it will be clear what requirements they set for services • Services are classified in importance for business and market transparency for completion of appropriate cooperation • The quality of the services need to be checked, for example with CMMi • The Program of Requirements and the SMART requirements will be visible and gives guidance in the selection process 27
  • 28. Investigate the Change Colour of the stakeholders • What is the dominant colour of the stakeholders and the decision makers • What is your personal colour • What intervention should be made to convince the stakeholders and the decision makers 28
  • 29. Draw up your conclusions Example • Outsourcing of ICT is necessary, the security of ICT services is under such pressure that continue current situation is not justified. There are also innovations that have major implications for the way ICT should be organized • By transfer of staff (up to two FTE), we expect complicating factors in the procurement and matching of profiles with the market (future supplier) • Withinthe organisation the future direction of the outsourcing professional organization and the need for the commission spatial information shoul be organized more professional 29
  • 30. Draw up your advice Example Choice for scenario 2, saving between 10-20% (compared with scenario 2), but: • Standardizing on applications • Standardizing on workstations, which allow remote management • Servers outdoor placed at supplier • Bring people tendering in accordance with social status • No surrender current contracts • Professionalization of supplier management and demand side • In the long term scenario 4 is possible, especially for innovations 30
  • 31. Start the outsourcing change approach 31
  • 32. An Change approach for Sourcing Intervention-oriented communication about plan and implementation Support by Change help desk Change analysis + Culture scan Aligning structure and processes Characteristics of products, pro- Organizing control and and prepairing sourcing cesses & structure Clients, Change idea Culture change and competence development Governance & suppliers Characteristics Characteristics Contracting and realizing sourcing of interaction of employees Learning to collaborate …. Measuring Measuring progress progress Inter- Inter- Reconsider- Reconsider- ventions ventions ing Ing and (re) And (re) goals goals planning planning Change goals Kick off Plateau 1 Plateau 2 DD MM YYYY Assessment by Change board Consultation with Sounding board group Client … CIO 32
  • 33. Mix organizing and change Design and organizing Cahange and Develop Change components Systems and Structure and Governance and culture technology processes Rationalisation, Culture scan and Functions/competences systems, harmonizing specifying functions, Culture scan/ change management governance, and analysis and organizing processes competences control Architecture and Aligning strategy plan, Developing collaboration/ process control and supplier managers and building implementation selection cases Stable services Organizing structure, Mobility and training of portfolio securing processes, staff members, showing Knowledge guarantee starting sourcing and results and achieving appointing staff goals 33
  • 34. Milestones of the Sourcing change approach Strategy Design and Making plans Contracting Transition and Optimization decision making collaboration Management Control Service Aligning Define strategy Define strategy Bepalen strategie and management facilities and ICT service information supply and control Change Arranging Design and Design and Ontwerpen en components Desired Context implementation management implementation facilities and information supply and plannen ICTis This part service usually qualified for oursourcing In enneahedron situation control Operating Use and Management and Beheren en exploitation use facilities exploiteren ICT management services Possible forms of collaboration Reason Agreements Governance model Declaration of Organization plans collaboration Current situation Chosen final situation Yellowprint phase Blueprint phase Redprint phase Greenprint phase View Actors Sponsors, advisors and Mgt., control and Sponsors, mgt., Mgt., control and Supply, mgt., Sponsors, advisors mgt. advisors supply, control and supply, control and mgt. advisors collaboration team Communication Change plan Steering Protocol Newsletter Migration plan Service report Strategy paper committee Study group Employee User board User board Sounding board Social plan participation Account mgt. Change board Closing document Collaboration letter Results Sourcing choice Program of Contract Migratie Continuous Change strategy Sourcing design requirements, Deal sheet Overdracht Assets orientation Sourcing strategy Governance choice Organization plan Standards Services ingericht towards change Approach and Decision Formation plan SLA, DAP Securing and grip on costs planning Governance Employment knowledge model agreement Game simulation Game simulation
  • 35. Example of detailed outsourcing approach Start 30 june September October November/December January EU Tenderlaw period minimal 37 days Minimal 40 days a.s.a.p. Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V Stage VI Sign up candidates Awarding Publication Invitation or Selection Procurement award Publication • Drafting and • Application by • Questionnaire •Sending RFP •RFP submission •Final award publication August 6 submission by PVE by bidders (minus disclosure places for Selection candidates (minus Submit 40 Days) File Agreements publication. Document send 37 Days) questions RFQ Review and Procedures Tender Electronic Submit assessment Letter of (21 Days) (DAP) Daily questions References Information Provisional Focus Financial candidates Tender award to award (deadline Arrangements Letter of applicants (21 15 days) (DFA) Information dgen) OR involvement Products and Drafting in provisional Services Catalog Consultation due assessment doc award advice (PDC) Drafting transparency (term SLA's tuning qualificationdoc drafting PVE appointment) DAP, DFA, PDC Drafting selection Drafting PVE Drafting terms of and SLA usually document reference. Filing after signing 35