dr. brakatu bernard fiifi connective tissue disorders ana shock in surgery shock pathophysiology spinal shock septic shock cardiogenic shock neurogenic shock obstructive shock distributive shock types of shock shock breast cancer current concepts breast ca breast cancer pelvic fractures hip dislocation orthopaedic trauma steroids spine injury steroids asci spine trauma asci acs adductor myodesis amputations revascularisation pvd peripheral vascular disease pad peripheral arterial disease penile procedures local anaesthesia around penis penile blocks penile ring block penile nerve block dorsal penile nerve block intralipid lipid rescue local anaesthetic systemic toxicity last toxic dose calculation for local anaesthesia local anaesthesia for surgical procedures local anaesthesia approach to pain who ladder pain treatment oncology pain pain management cancer pain organophosphate poisoning organophosphate poisoning rheumatoid factor dm dermatomyositis systemic lupus erythematosus dsdna sle lupus brakatu principles basic managing asthma acute severe asthma ghana medical types students personality emergency difficult airway anesthesiology
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