physiology anatomy guyton & hall spinal cord neurons nervous system functions tortora physiology of pain spinothalamic pathway cardiac cycle heart contraction brain heart monoplegia paraplegia hemiplegia nerves injuries anatomy and physiology jaypee ascending pathways hypothalamus temperature pain pathway urdu neuroscience tract descending tracts of spinal cord ascending tracts of spinal cord fatima wahid mangrio maangrio metabolic alkalosis mtabolic acidosis fátima mechanism acid base balance cardiac output cardica contraction cardiac system herat potential action memory basal ganglia basal nuclei stages of sleep non rapid eye movement rapid eye movement sleep nrem rem sleep extrapyramidal pyramidal motor tracts somatic motor pathways limbic system amygdala hippocampus thalamus descending tracts of the spinal cord functional organization of the cerebral cortex spina cord motor cortex sensory cortex nervous sytem cerebrum cerebral cortex control of speech speech mecahnism of speech parasympathetic sympathetic torotra autonomic nervous system formation spermatogenesis hormones male reproductive system spinal corrd vertebraes dermatomes blood how blood vessels cardiovascular system circulation cerebral systemic pumonary splanchnic coronary tisues damage trauma physiotherapy diseases spinal reflexes knee jerk somatic motor reflexes plantar reflex biceps reflex antigravity stretch reflexes patellar reflex stretch intrafusal fibers spindles simple best muscle spindles muscle spindles animation ganong trigeminal nerve trigeminothalamic pathway medicine pain dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway touch pathway touch vasoconstriction vasodilation endotherms warm cold regulation high school biology school biology school science student high school revision learn biology science human physiology ascending pathway sensation of pain nociceptors how we feel pain mechanism of pain referred pain ressered pain what causes pain? transduction perception hyperalgesia video pain tolerance chronic pain nociceptor neuroanatomy spinothalamic tract cns spinoreticular pathway accessory cuneate nucleus arcuate fibers internal arcuate fibers cuneocerebellar tract dorsal spinocerebellar tract anterolateral system spinal lemniscus spinocerebellar tract white matter grey matter nerve impulses neuropeptides neurotransmitter fibers nnerve fibers classifiction of nrve fibers
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