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Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Managing Assertively
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
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Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
The role of manager has undergone huge changes in the
past few years. Gone is the stereotypical manager of the
past who supervised from a distance, controlled through
statistics and related to people through the rulebook. In has
come a person who works for others, who is master
communicator, who can relate positively to individuals and
teams and who can turn conflict into win-win solutions. In
short, the modern manager is an assertive manager.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
The change that assertiveness brings about in personal
relationships has a knock-on effect on relationships in the
workplace. In place of the military model on which
organisations were based in the past, today's organisations
are experiencing significant changes in the way people are
These changes include:
1. the replacement of "Them and Us" attitudes with
teamwork and a higher value on relationships
2. the predominance of listening and showing
understanding when dealing with customers
3. leadership based on respect not power
4. projects in which you need to get on with all sorts of
people, not just those you like
5. understanding the needs of society at large
6. openness and sharing of information
7. respect for differences and diversity.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
The issues that face us in our workplaces today are no
different from the ones that have faced us in the past: how
to relate to others; how to use power; how to get things
done; how to make the most of people; how to meet
people's needs. Traditional forms of management, based on
models from the Industrial Revolution, have given way to
Assertive forms of management, based on new ways of
relating to people.
They include the following seven features...
1. co-operation, not confrontation
2. fair treatment for everyone, not favouritism
3. power to do, not power to impress
4. openness, not secrecy
5. empowerment, not control
6. using conflict to build, not destroy
7. integrity, not dictatorship.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
The old image of the distant boss using aggressive means to
control his workforce and his customers no longer works
when the workforce and customers are unwilling to accept
this mode of working.
Mr Hislop had been harassed all morning. When his
secretary, June, put a call through from Mrs Johnson, one of
the company's more demanding customers, Mr Hislop was
in no mood to talk.
"Tell her to go jump in a lake," he said to June. "She's just a
pain in the backside.“
Leaving the intercom on so that Mr Hislop could hear, June
phoned Mrs Johnson back.
"Mrs Johnson? Mr Hislop is busy right now but he says
you're just a pain in the arse and you should go and jump in
a lake."
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
The Assertive Manager is characterised as someone who...
1. sees the employment relationship as a win-win one
rather than a win-lose or lose-win one. This means that
all dealings with others are essentially co-operative
rather than confrontational.
2. recognises that their role is to communicate effectively
with the team rather than to criticise and condemn the
3. knows that, in the absence of close and honest
communication, people become defensive, evasive and
play competitive games, all of which lead to wasted
4. is flexible enough in their approach to managing to use
a range of styles to help people do their jobs better
5. doesn't flinch from taking decisions and is fair, firm and
direct when needed.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
The workforce of the 21st century will be completely
different from the workforce of the past. No longer will the
predominant working person be male, middle-aged and
white. Nor will they fit into a conforming or competing
pattern, as the workforce has done in the past.
By the early 2020’s, it is expected that 75% of all women will
be working, the group that has learned most from
assertiveness training.
As these and other disadvantaged groups find their voice, it
is likely that legislation will force organisations to reflect
their communities in their workforce.
One organisation expects to employ women in 50% of its
management jobs with 5% of its workforce from ethnic
groups and 5% from disabled groups.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
With a changing workforce of mixed needs, backgrounds
and attitudes, managing diversity has become essential in
modern organisations. This means that everyone who has
responsibility for others needs to...
1. work with structures that are non-discriminating
2. question their prejudices and stereotypes about people
3. open up opportunities for everyone
4. avoid favouritism, cliques and bias
5. treat people the same by treating them as individuals.
"A pre-requisite of a switched-on organisation is perhaps
the most difficult to achieve and that is openness of
communication. It means a far greater tolerance of
difference and a far greater respect for differences of view."
(Sir John Harvey Jones)
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
In the conforming-competing organisations of the past,
work was often seen as either "coffee-morning substitute"
or as a "power arena".
Work as coffee-morning substitute meant seeing work as
predominantly social. This encouraged people to fit in, be
nice, please others, conform, be part of the club, follow the
norms of those in charge.
At the other extreme, work as power arena meant seeing it
as a means for personal advancement, status-seeking and
power accumulation.
In the more realistic business world of the 21st century,
these models will no longer be relevant, and will be
replaced with models where it matters far less who people
are and far more what value they add.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
A customer complaint is one of the common workplace
situations that can lead to aggression and conflict.
Many people with grievances about products or services are
willing to become angry because...
1. they feel they've been unfairly treated and so turn the
issue into a matter of principle
2. they think it's the only way to make you listen
3. they feel frustrated, cornered and trapped
4. they feel that unless they show you how angry they are,
you won't take their complaint seriously
5. they believe it will work.
You cannot meet customer aggression with aggression. Nor
can you expect to outsmart your customers. The only way to
deal with an aggrieved customer is to manage the situation
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
One of the key factors that have led to more assertive styles
of managing has undoubtedly been the explosion in our
workplaces of information and communication. The team
are no longer simply machines doing what they're told; they
are highly valuable knowledge workers with a wealth of
information about how the business works.
Managers who need to know what is going on in their
businesses have no other choice than to listen to the team,
share information with them and respect what they have to
"The factory worker no longer manipulates the sheet of
steel; he manipulates the data about the steel." (William
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
In organisations whose management style is based on the
models of the Industrial Revolution,...
1. technology comes first, people come second
2. the organisation resembles a machine which is
controlled by management and only occasionally needs
3. people have fixed needs that can be manipulated by
offering or withdrawing money
4. managers are machine controllers
5. power is hierarchical and concentrated at the top
6. relationships are laid down by edict from the top and
described on an organisation chart
7. people do what they're told because managers have the
power to make them.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
In organisations whose management style is based on the
models of the Information Revolution,...
1. people come first; technology exists to serve people
2. the organisation resembles a community of people like
a large village
3. people cannot be controlled without a price to pay
4. people's value lies in what they know and how this
knowledge can be used for the benefit of the customer
5. everyone involved in the organisation is an equal
6. managers are leaders who create the conditions for
7. power is anarchic because everyone has knowledge and
so everyone has power
8. relationships are determined by personal and
interpersonal skills such as assertiveness.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
As our new-style workforces become more empowered,
open and co-operative, so old methods of control and
discipline need to be re-assessed.
A young apprentice asked for two days off to go fishing. His
disciplinarian boss wouldn't hear of it and threatened to
suspend him if he took any unauthorised time off at all.
A few days before the planned trip, the apprentice took
time off, was duly disciplined, and suspended for two days.
He went on his fishing trip after all and the work didn't get
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Research shows that most team leaders use a variety of
approaches when they want the team to do something.
These include:
1. Being vague: eg "We ought to be turning out more
2. Using threats: eg "If you don't work more quickly, I'll have
to report you."
3. Giving reasons without engaging the workers: eg "If we
miss the despatch date, the orders will be lost."
4. Pleading: eg "Please finish the work more quickly, or I'll
be in trouble."
5. Bribing: eg "I'll see you have it easy tomorrow if you finish
on time."
6. Nice requests: eg "Would you please increase production
by 12 %?"
7. Being assertive: eg "The output has to increase by 12% in
order to meet our plan. I'd like us to do it and I believe we
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Conflict is an ever-present in organisations because it is an
ever-present when people work together. This can be
conflict about how to do things, conflict about what
decisions to take, conflict about the use of resources,
conflict on a personal level.
There are always four options when dealing with conflict
between people...
1. Avoidance: This is the approach of "Nothing's so
important that you have to fight about it."
2. Aggression: This is the approach of "Might is greater than
3. Accommodation: This is the approach of "Half a loaf is
better than none."
4. Assertiveness: This is the approach of "We can work it
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
When our normal response to conflict is to avoid it, we are
taking the flight response to what we see as a threat.
Avoidance can be seen in...
1. backing down in the face of opposition
2. allowing others to invade our personal space
3. wanting a quiet life
4. evading honest confrontation
5. chilling out
6. abandoning any commitment to values
7. allowing our personal rights to be violated.
Avoiders are like snails. Whenever a conflict appears, they
retreat into their shells. They often feel helpless and
unhappy because they don't get what they want. Nor do
they get close to others.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Yielding and bending in the face of force may be a sensible
move if the opposition is strong. Although it may appear to
be a weak way out, yielding may be a sensible tactical move
because it allows us to live to fight another day.
Aesop tells the fable of the oak and the reeds...
"A very large oak was uprooted in a storm and fell into a
stream amongst some reeds. The oak lamented to the
reeds: "I wonder how you, who are so light, and weak are
not entirely crushed by these strong winds.“
The reeds replied to the oak:
"You fight and contend with the wind and consequently are
destroyed. We, on the contrary, bend before the least
breath of air and so remain unbroken and survive."
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Aggression in the face of opposition can take one of two
forms: direct aggression and indirect aggression.
Direct aggression is: loud; abusive; violent; intimidating;
physical; threatening.
Indirect aggression achieves the same results as direct
aggression but is more subtle. Sometimes people are not
aware that they are being aggressive when they use the
indirect approach.
Some forms which indirect or passive aggression takes are:
silence; tricks; sarcasm; asides; put-downs; manipulation.
Aggressive people are like tigers who do not take No for an
answer. They believe there is only winning and losing and
they must win. If they lose, they feel weak and worthless.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Put-downs are an indirect way of behaving aggressively.
They include the following...
1. Nagging: "Haven't you finished yet?"
2. Prying: "I'm not being nosey, but that wasn't your
husband I saw you with last night, was it?"
3. Lecturing: "That's not the way to do it, stupid; move over
and let me show you."
4. Putting people on the spot: "You're not busy right now,
are you...?"
5. Questioning your choice: "Are you sure that dress is
6. Offering unwanted advice: "If I were you..."
7. Insulting labels: "I know you're just a woman, but..."
8. Amateur psychologist: "I doubt you two will hit it off
what with your temperaments."
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Bullying can be defined in similar ways to definitions of
aggression as "an emotion, intention or act of behaviour to
hurt or harm someone or something in a socially
unacceptable way." The dictionary defines bullying as "the
cruel oppression of the weak".
Bullying as workplace aggression is likely to exist in two
forms: as a personal issue between one employee and
another, in which case it must be brought to the attention of
the team or management; and as an unwarranted and
unacceptable way for a manager to treat his or her staff.
When managers bully their staff, they are likely to do so in
ways which allow them to think they can get away with it.
Their victims are invariably people whom they see as weak.
The only way to handle such unpleasant behaviour is for
those on the receiving end to think and act assertively.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
To some people, conflict is an unpleasant fact of life. For
them, it has to be dealt with as quickly as possible,
regardless of the cost.
Accommodation in the face of conflict usually means
fudging issues, rather than meeting them head-on, and
seeking compromises rather than going all out for a
People who accommodate are often proud of reaching
solutions that give them something - "half a sixpence is
better than none" - but are also left with the feeling that
they have given in to others' force.
Accommodators are like foxes. Foxes look for a middle
ground in which they can gain something from a conflict.
They dislike extremes and prefer a settlement even if it is
likely that the more powerful will soon be back for more.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Assertiveness in the face of conflict means seeking mutually
satisfying outcomes. Assertive people believe that by
making their own position clear while acknowledging the
other side's position, some kind of win-win outcome is
always possible.
When you are next discussing an issue with someone who
disagrees with you, try the assertive approach of agreeing
with them and then making your own point:
"Yes, a lot of people have said the same as you. And I do
think they're right. Have you wondered though about the
other way of looking at it...?“
Assertive people are like owls. They see the whole situation
from both points of view. They aim for a resolution to
conflict based on wisdom, not force.
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
There can be no greater contrast in styles of managing
between the "old" dictatorial role of traditional managers
and the "new" role of assertive managers.
The assertive manager is: not cynical; not sarcastic; not
dictatorial; not timid; not waffly; not patronizing; not
prescriptive; not judgmental; not superior; not point-
scoring; not prejudiced; not in a hurry; not on an ego trip.
He or she is: positive; honest; supportive; challenging;
confident; informal; open; clear; dignified; approachable;
equal; disciplined; balanced; flexible; encouraging
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
Managing Assertively
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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Managing Assertively

  • 1. 1 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics ASSERTIVENESS Managing Assertively
  • 2. 2 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION The role of manager has undergone huge changes in the past few years. Gone is the stereotypical manager of the past who supervised from a distance, controlled through statistics and related to people through the rulebook. In has come a person who works for others, who is master communicator, who can relate positively to individuals and teams and who can turn conflict into win-win solutions. In short, the modern manager is an assertive manager.
  • 5. 5 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics ASSERTIVE MANAGEMENT The change that assertiveness brings about in personal relationships has a knock-on effect on relationships in the workplace. In place of the military model on which organisations were based in the past, today's organisations are experiencing significant changes in the way people are managed. These changes include: 1. the replacement of "Them and Us" attitudes with teamwork and a higher value on relationships 2. the predominance of listening and showing understanding when dealing with customers 3. leadership based on respect not power 4. projects in which you need to get on with all sorts of people, not just those you like 5. understanding the needs of society at large 6. openness and sharing of information 7. respect for differences and diversity.
  • 6. 6 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics WORKING WITH PEOPLE The issues that face us in our workplaces today are no different from the ones that have faced us in the past: how to relate to others; how to use power; how to get things done; how to make the most of people; how to meet people's needs. Traditional forms of management, based on models from the Industrial Revolution, have given way to Assertive forms of management, based on new ways of relating to people. They include the following seven features... 1. co-operation, not confrontation 2. fair treatment for everyone, not favouritism 3. power to do, not power to impress 4. openness, not secrecy 5. empowerment, not control 6. using conflict to build, not destroy 7. integrity, not dictatorship.
  • 7. 7 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics GO JUMP IN A LAKE The old image of the distant boss using aggressive means to control his workforce and his customers no longer works when the workforce and customers are unwilling to accept this mode of working. Mr Hislop had been harassed all morning. When his secretary, June, put a call through from Mrs Johnson, one of the company's more demanding customers, Mr Hislop was in no mood to talk. "Tell her to go jump in a lake," he said to June. "She's just a pain in the backside.“ Leaving the intercom on so that Mr Hislop could hear, June phoned Mrs Johnson back. "Mrs Johnson? Mr Hislop is busy right now but he says you're just a pain in the arse and you should go and jump in a lake."
  • 8. 8 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics THE ASSERTIVE MANAGER The Assertive Manager is characterised as someone who... 1. sees the employment relationship as a win-win one rather than a win-lose or lose-win one. This means that all dealings with others are essentially co-operative rather than confrontational. 2. recognises that their role is to communicate effectively with the team rather than to criticise and condemn the team 3. knows that, in the absence of close and honest communication, people become defensive, evasive and play competitive games, all of which lead to wasted energy 4. is flexible enough in their approach to managing to use a range of styles to help people do their jobs better 5. doesn't flinch from taking decisions and is fair, firm and direct when needed.
  • 9. 9 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics THE CHANGING WORKFORCE The workforce of the 21st century will be completely different from the workforce of the past. No longer will the predominant working person be male, middle-aged and white. Nor will they fit into a conforming or competing pattern, as the workforce has done in the past. By the early 2020’s, it is expected that 75% of all women will be working, the group that has learned most from assertiveness training. As these and other disadvantaged groups find their voice, it is likely that legislation will force organisations to reflect their communities in their workforce. One organisation expects to employ women in 50% of its management jobs with 5% of its workforce from ethnic groups and 5% from disabled groups.
  • 10. 10 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics FAIR MANAGEMENT With a changing workforce of mixed needs, backgrounds and attitudes, managing diversity has become essential in modern organisations. This means that everyone who has responsibility for others needs to... 1. work with structures that are non-discriminating 2. question their prejudices and stereotypes about people 3. open up opportunities for everyone 4. avoid favouritism, cliques and bias 5. treat people the same by treating them as individuals. "A pre-requisite of a switched-on organisation is perhaps the most difficult to achieve and that is openness of communication. It means a far greater tolerance of difference and a far greater respect for differences of view." (Sir John Harvey Jones)
  • 11. 11 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics ADDING VALUE In the conforming-competing organisations of the past, work was often seen as either "coffee-morning substitute" or as a "power arena". Work as coffee-morning substitute meant seeing work as predominantly social. This encouraged people to fit in, be nice, please others, conform, be part of the club, follow the norms of those in charge. At the other extreme, work as power arena meant seeing it as a means for personal advancement, status-seeking and power accumulation. In the more realistic business world of the 21st century, these models will no longer be relevant, and will be replaced with models where it matters far less who people are and far more what value they add.
  • 12. 12 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics THE CUSTOMER COMPLAINT A customer complaint is one of the common workplace situations that can lead to aggression and conflict. Many people with grievances about products or services are willing to become angry because... 1. they feel they've been unfairly treated and so turn the issue into a matter of principle 2. they think it's the only way to make you listen 3. they feel frustrated, cornered and trapped 4. they feel that unless they show you how angry they are, you won't take their complaint seriously 5. they believe it will work. You cannot meet customer aggression with aggression. Nor can you expect to outsmart your customers. The only way to deal with an aggrieved customer is to manage the situation assertively.
  • 13. 13 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics MANAGING INFORMATION One of the key factors that have led to more assertive styles of managing has undoubtedly been the explosion in our workplaces of information and communication. The team are no longer simply machines doing what they're told; they are highly valuable knowledge workers with a wealth of information about how the business works. Managers who need to know what is going on in their businesses have no other choice than to listen to the team, share information with them and respect what they have to say. "The factory worker no longer manipulates the sheet of steel; he manipulates the data about the steel." (William Bridges)
  • 14. 14 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics OUTDATED MODELS In organisations whose management style is based on the models of the Industrial Revolution,... 1. technology comes first, people come second 2. the organisation resembles a machine which is controlled by management and only occasionally needs maintained 3. people have fixed needs that can be manipulated by offering or withdrawing money 4. managers are machine controllers 5. power is hierarchical and concentrated at the top 6. relationships are laid down by edict from the top and described on an organisation chart 7. people do what they're told because managers have the power to make them.
  • 15. 15 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics NEW MODELS In organisations whose management style is based on the models of the Information Revolution,... 1. people come first; technology exists to serve people 2. the organisation resembles a community of people like a large village 3. people cannot be controlled without a price to pay 4. people's value lies in what they know and how this knowledge can be used for the benefit of the customer 5. everyone involved in the organisation is an equal stakeholder 6. managers are leaders who create the conditions for growth 7. power is anarchic because everyone has knowledge and so everyone has power 8. relationships are determined by personal and interpersonal skills such as assertiveness.
  • 16. 16 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics CONTROL DOESN'T WORK As our new-style workforces become more empowered, open and co-operative, so old methods of control and discipline need to be re-assessed. A young apprentice asked for two days off to go fishing. His disciplinarian boss wouldn't hear of it and threatened to suspend him if he took any unauthorised time off at all. A few days before the planned trip, the apprentice took time off, was duly disciplined, and suspended for two days. He went on his fishing trip after all and the work didn't get done.
  • 17. 17 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics MOTIVATING THE TEAM Research shows that most team leaders use a variety of approaches when they want the team to do something. These include: 1. Being vague: eg "We ought to be turning out more production." 2. Using threats: eg "If you don't work more quickly, I'll have to report you." 3. Giving reasons without engaging the workers: eg "If we miss the despatch date, the orders will be lost." 4. Pleading: eg "Please finish the work more quickly, or I'll be in trouble." 5. Bribing: eg "I'll see you have it easy tomorrow if you finish on time." 6. Nice requests: eg "Would you please increase production by 12 %?" 7. Being assertive: eg "The output has to increase by 12% in order to meet our plan. I'd like us to do it and I believe we can."
  • 18. 18 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics CONFLICT Conflict is an ever-present in organisations because it is an ever-present when people work together. This can be conflict about how to do things, conflict about what decisions to take, conflict about the use of resources, conflict on a personal level. There are always four options when dealing with conflict between people... 1. Avoidance: This is the approach of "Nothing's so important that you have to fight about it." 2. Aggression: This is the approach of "Might is greater than right." 3. Accommodation: This is the approach of "Half a loaf is better than none." 4. Assertiveness: This is the approach of "We can work it out."
  • 19. 19 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics AVOIDANCE When our normal response to conflict is to avoid it, we are taking the flight response to what we see as a threat. Avoidance can be seen in... 1. backing down in the face of opposition 2. allowing others to invade our personal space 3. wanting a quiet life 4. evading honest confrontation 5. chilling out 6. abandoning any commitment to values 7. allowing our personal rights to be violated. Avoiders are like snails. Whenever a conflict appears, they retreat into their shells. They often feel helpless and unhappy because they don't get what they want. Nor do they get close to others.
  • 20. 20 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics YIELD AND BEND Yielding and bending in the face of force may be a sensible move if the opposition is strong. Although it may appear to be a weak way out, yielding may be a sensible tactical move because it allows us to live to fight another day. Aesop tells the fable of the oak and the reeds... "A very large oak was uprooted in a storm and fell into a stream amongst some reeds. The oak lamented to the reeds: "I wonder how you, who are so light, and weak are not entirely crushed by these strong winds.“ The reeds replied to the oak: "You fight and contend with the wind and consequently are destroyed. We, on the contrary, bend before the least breath of air and so remain unbroken and survive."
  • 21. 21 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics DIRECT AGGRESSION Aggression in the face of opposition can take one of two forms: direct aggression and indirect aggression. Direct aggression is: loud; abusive; violent; intimidating; physical; threatening. Indirect aggression achieves the same results as direct aggression but is more subtle. Sometimes people are not aware that they are being aggressive when they use the indirect approach. Some forms which indirect or passive aggression takes are: silence; tricks; sarcasm; asides; put-downs; manipulation. Aggressive people are like tigers who do not take No for an answer. They believe there is only winning and losing and they must win. If they lose, they feel weak and worthless.
  • 22. 22 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics PUT-DOWNS Put-downs are an indirect way of behaving aggressively. They include the following... 1. Nagging: "Haven't you finished yet?" 2. Prying: "I'm not being nosey, but that wasn't your husband I saw you with last night, was it?" 3. Lecturing: "That's not the way to do it, stupid; move over and let me show you." 4. Putting people on the spot: "You're not busy right now, are you...?" 5. Questioning your choice: "Are you sure that dress is right?" 6. Offering unwanted advice: "If I were you..." 7. Insulting labels: "I know you're just a woman, but..." 8. Amateur psychologist: "I doubt you two will hit it off what with your temperaments."
  • 23. 23 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics BULLIES Bullying can be defined in similar ways to definitions of aggression as "an emotion, intention or act of behaviour to hurt or harm someone or something in a socially unacceptable way." The dictionary defines bullying as "the cruel oppression of the weak". Bullying as workplace aggression is likely to exist in two forms: as a personal issue between one employee and another, in which case it must be brought to the attention of the team or management; and as an unwarranted and unacceptable way for a manager to treat his or her staff. When managers bully their staff, they are likely to do so in ways which allow them to think they can get away with it. Their victims are invariably people whom they see as weak. The only way to handle such unpleasant behaviour is for those on the receiving end to think and act assertively.
  • 24. 24 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics ACCOMMODATION To some people, conflict is an unpleasant fact of life. For them, it has to be dealt with as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. Accommodation in the face of conflict usually means fudging issues, rather than meeting them head-on, and seeking compromises rather than going all out for a solution. People who accommodate are often proud of reaching solutions that give them something - "half a sixpence is better than none" - but are also left with the feeling that they have given in to others' force. Accommodators are like foxes. Foxes look for a middle ground in which they can gain something from a conflict. They dislike extremes and prefer a settlement even if it is likely that the more powerful will soon be back for more.
  • 25. 25 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics ASSERTIVENESS Assertiveness in the face of conflict means seeking mutually satisfying outcomes. Assertive people believe that by making their own position clear while acknowledging the other side's position, some kind of win-win outcome is always possible. When you are next discussing an issue with someone who disagrees with you, try the assertive approach of agreeing with them and then making your own point: "Yes, a lot of people have said the same as you. And I do think they're right. Have you wondered though about the other way of looking at it...?“ Assertive people are like owls. They see the whole situation from both points of view. They aim for a resolution to conflict based on wisdom, not force.
  • 26. 26 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics THE NEW STYLE OF MANAGING There can be no greater contrast in styles of managing between the "old" dictatorial role of traditional managers and the "new" role of assertive managers. The assertive manager is: not cynical; not sarcastic; not dictatorial; not timid; not waffly; not patronizing; not prescriptive; not judgmental; not superior; not point- scoring; not prejudiced; not in a hurry; not on an ego trip. He or she is: positive; honest; supportive; challenging; confident; informal; open; clear; dignified; approachable; equal; disciplined; balanced; flexible; encouraging independence.
  • 27. 27 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 28. 28 | Managing Assertively Assertiveness MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn