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Ms. Ekta S Patel
Assistant Professor
▪ The term Nursing Process was first
used/ mentioned by Lydia Hall, a
nursing theorist, in 1955 wherein
she introduced 3 STEPs:
▪ observation,
▪ administration of care and
▪ validation.
▪ Since then, nursing process
continue to evolve: it used to be a
3-step process, then a 4-step
process (APIE), then a 5-step
(ADPIE), now a 6-step process
(ADOPIE) Assessment, Diagnosis,
Outcome, Identification, Planning,
Implementaton and Evaluation.
▪ Is a systematic, organized
method of planning, and
providing quality and
individualized nursing care.
▪ It is synonymous with the
APPROACH that directs the
nurse and the client to
determine the need for
nursing care, to plan and
implement the care and
evaluate the result.
▪ It is a G O S H approach (goal-
oriented, organized,
systematic and humanistic
care) for efficient and
effective provision of nursing
▪ Goal-oriented – nurse make her objective based
on client’s health needs.
▪ Remember: Goals and plan of care should be
base according to clients problems/needs NOT
according to your own problem as the nurse.
▪ Organized/Systematic – the nursing process is
composed of 6 sequential and interrelated steps
and these 6 phases follow a logical sequence.
Humanistic care
▪ Plan to care is developed and implemented taking into
consideration the unique needs of the individual client.
▪ Plan of care therefore is individualized (no 2 person has
the same health needs even with same health
▪ In providing care, it involves respect of human dignity
▪ Efficient – plan of case is relevant/ related to the
needs of the client thereby promoting client
satisfaction and progress.
▪ Effective – in planning care, utilized resources
wisely (staff, time, money/cost)
Aside from GOSH, other
characteristic of Nursing Process:
▪ Cyclic and Dynamic in nature – data from each
phase provides the input into the next phase so
that is becomes a sequence of events (cycle) that
are constantly changing (dynamic) base on
client’s health status.
▪ Involves skill in Decision-making – nurse makes
important decisions related to client care, she
choose the best action/steps to meet a desired
goal or to solve a problem. She must make
decisions whenever several choices or options
are available.
▪ Uses Critical Thinking skills – the nurse may
encounter new ideas or less-than-routine or non-
ordinary situations where decisions must be
made using critical thinking.
Purpose of Nursing Process:
▪ To identify a client’s health status; his Actual/Present and
potential/possible health problems or needs.
▪ To establish a plan of care to meet identified needs.
▪ To provide nursing interventions to meet those needs.
▪ To provide an individualized, holistic, effective and efficient
nursing care.
Assessment –
First Step in the
Nursing Process
▪ It is systematic and continuous collection,
validation and communication of client data as
compared to what is standard/norm.
▪ It includes the client’s perceived needs, health
problems, related experiences, health practices,
values and lifestyles.
▪ Observation of the patient + Interview of patient,
family & SO + examination of the patient +
Review of medical record
▪ To establish a data base (all the information about the
▪ nursing health history
▪ physical assessment
▪ the physician’s history & physical examination
▪ results of laboratory & diagnostic tests material from
other health personnel
FOUR Types of
1. Initial assessment
▪ assessment performed within a specified time on
▫ Ex: nursing admission assessment
2. Problem-focused assessment
▪ use to determine status of a specific problem
identified in an earlier assessment
▫ Ex: problem on urination-assess on fluid
intake & urine output hourly
3. Emergency assessment
▪ rapid assessment done during any
physiologic/physiologic crisis of the client to
identify life threatening problems.
▫ Ex: assessment of a client’s airway,
breathing status & circulation after a
cardiac arrest.
4. Time-lapsed assessment
▪ reassessment of client’s functional health pattern
done several months after initial assessment to
compare the client’s current status to baseline
data previously obtained.
▪ Collection of data
▪ Validation of data
▪ Organization of data
▪ Analyzing of data
▪ Recording/documentation of data
Collection of data
▪ gathering of information about the client
▪ includes physical, psychological, emotion, socio-cultural,
spiritual factors that may affect client’s health status
▪ includes past health history of client (allergies, past
surgeries, chronic diseases, use of folk healing methods)
▪ includes current/present problems of client (pain, nausea,
sleep pattern, religious practices, meds or treatment the
client is taking now)
Types of Data
Subjective data
▫ also referred to as Symptom/Covert data
▫ Information from the client’s point of view or are
described by the person experiencing it.
▫ Information supplied by family members, significant
others; other health professionals are considered
subjective data.
▫ Example: pain, dizziness, ringing of ears/Tinnitus
Objective data
also referred to as Sign/Overt data
▫ Those that can be detected observed or
measured/tested using accepted standard
or norm.
▫ Example: pallor, diaphoresis,
BP=150/100, yellow discoloration of skin
Methods of Data
1. Interview
▫ A planned, purposeful
conversation/communication with the
client to get information, identify problems,
evaluate change, to teach, or to provide
support or counseling.
▫ it is used while taking the nursing history
of a client
2. Observation
▫ Use to gather data by using the 5 senses
and instruments.
3. Examination
▪ Systematic data collection to detect health problems
using unit of measurements, physical examination
techniques (IPPA), interpretation of laboratory results.
▫ should be conducted systematically:
▫ Cephalocaudal approach – head-to-toe assessment
▫ Body System approach – examine all the body system
▫ Review of System approach – examine only particular
area affected
Source of data
1. Primary source –
▪ data directly gathered from the client using
interview and physical examination.
2. Secondary source –
▪ data gathered from client’s family members,
significant others, client’s medical records/chart,
other members of health team, and related care
▫ In the Assessment Phase, obtain a Nursing
Health History – a structured interview
designed to collect specific data and to
obtain a detailed health record of a client.
Components of a
Nursing Health
1. Biographic data – name, address, age, sex, martial
status, occupation, religion.
2. Reason for visit/Chief complaint – primary reason why
client seek consultation or hospitalization.
3. History of present Illness – includes: usual health
status, chronological story, family history, disability
4. Past Health History – includes all previous
immunizations, experiences with illness.
5. Family History – reveals risk factors for certain disease
diseases (Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, mental
6. Review of systems – review of all health problems by
body systems
7. Lifestyle – include personal habits, diets, sleep or rest
patterns, activities of daily living, recreation or hobbies.
8. Social data – include family relationships, ethnic and
educational background, economic status, home and
neighborhood conditions.
9. Psychological data – information about the
client’s emotional state.
10. Pattern of health care – includes all health care
resources: hospitals, clinics, health centers,
family doctors.
Validation of
▪ The act of “double-checking” or verifying data to
confirm that it is accurate and complete.
Purposes of data validation
▪ ensure that data collection is complete
▪ ensure that objective and subjective data agree
▪ obtain additional data that may have been
▪ avoid jumping to conclusion
▪ differentiate cues and inferences
▪ Subjective or objective data observed by the
nurse; it is what the client says, or what the nurse
can see, hear, feel, smell or measure.
▪ The nurse interpretation or conclusion based on
the cues.
▪ Example:
▫ Red swollen wound = infected wound
▫ Dry skin = dehydrated
Organization of
▪ Uses a written or computerized format that
organizes assessment data systematically.
▪ Maslow’s basic needs
▪ Body System Model
▪ Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns:
Analyze data
▪ Compare data against standard and identify
significant cues. Standard/norm are generally
accepted measurements, model, pattern:
Ex: Normal vital signs, standard Weight and
Height, normal laboratory/diagnostic values,
normal growth and development pattern
/Document Data
▪ Nurse records all data collected about the client’s
health status
▪ Data are recorded in a factual manner not as
interpreted by the nurse
▪ Record subjective data in client’s word; restating
in other words what client says might change its
original meaning
Diagnosis –
Second Step in
the Nursing
▪ Is the 2nd step of the nursing process.
▪ the process of reasoning or the clinical act of
identifying problems
▪ Diagnosing refers to the reasoning process.
▪ Diagnosis A statement or conclusion regarding
the nature of phenomenon.
Nursing diagnosis definition by
NANDA (1990):-
▪ A nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about
individual, family or community response to
actual and potential health problems/ life
process. Nursing diagnosis provides the basis for
selection of nursing intervention to achieve the
outcome for which the nurse is accountable.
▪ Identify how an individual, group or Community responds
to actual or potential health and life processes.
▪ Identify factors that contribute to or cause health
problems (etiologies).
▪ Identify resources or strengths the individual, group or
community can draw on to prevent or resolve problems.
Three Activities
in Diagnosing:
▪ Data Analysis
▪ Problem Identification
▪ Formulation of Nursing Diagnosis
of Nursing
▪ It states a clear and concise health problem.
▪ It is derived from existing evidences about the
▪ It is potentially amenable to nursing therapy.
▪ It is the basis for planning and carrying out
nursing care.
▪ To define, refine and promote a taxonomy of Nursing
diagnostic terminology of general use to Professional
▪ Members of Nanda Staff Nurses, Clinical Specialists,
faculty, Directors of Nursing, Deans, Theorists &
In 2000 NANDA approved new
Taxonomy II,
▪ which has 13 Domains, 106 classes and
▪ Taxonomy II Domains
▪ Domain 1 : Health Promotion.
▪ 2 : Nutrition
▪ 3 : Elimination
▪ 4 : Activity / Rest
▪ 5 : Perception / Cognition
▪ 6 : Self – perception
▪ 7 : Role relationships
▪ 8 : Sexuality
▪ 9 : Coping / Stress tolerance
▪ 10 : Life principles
▪ 11 : Safety / Protection
▪ 12 : Comfort
▪ 13 : Growth / Development
▪ Actual Nursing Diagnosis
▪ Risk Nursing
▪ Possible Nursing Diagnosis
▪ Syndrome Nursing Diagnosis
▪ Wellness Nursing
Actual Nursing Diagnosis:
▪ It is judgment about the client response to a
health problem that is present at a time of
nursing assessment.
▪ Eg: Ineffective breathing pattern &anxiety
Risk Nursing Diagnosis
▪ It is a clinical judgment that a client is more
vulnerable to develop the problem than others in
the same or similar situation.
▪ Eg: Risk for impaired skin integrity related to
Possible Nursing Diagnosis
▪ It describe a suspected problem for which
current and available data are insufficient to
validate the problem.
▪ Eg: Possible social isolation related to unknown
Syndrome Nursing Diagnosis
▪ It is a cluster of nursing diagnosis that frequently
go together and present a clinical picture.
▪ Eg: Rape Trauma Syndrome
Wellness Nursing Diagnosis
▪ It is clinical judgment about an individual, group
or community in transition from a specific level of
wellness to a higher level of wellness. Eg: Family
coping: potential for growth related to
unexpected birth of twins.
▪ Problem Statement
▪ Defining Etiology
▪ Sign and symptoms Or Characterstics
Problem Statement (Diagnostic
▪ It describe the client health problem or response
for which nursing therapy is given clearly and
concisely in a few words. Eg: Knowledge
deficit(medications) Some Qualifier are also
added to give additional meaning to the
statement such as Impaired, Decreased,
Ineffective, Acute, Chronic.
Etiology (Related Factors & Risk
▪ This component identifies one or more probable
causes of health problem. It help the nurse to
give individualized patient care. Eg: Anxiety
related to hospitalization.
Defining Characteristics:
These are the clusters of signs and symptoms that
indicate the presence of a particular
diagnosticlebel. Eg: Fluid volume deficit related
to decreased oral intake manifested by dry skin
and mucus membranes.
▪ Refers to formulating and documenting
measurable, realistic and client-focused goals
that will provide the basis for evaluating nursing
▪ To provide individualized care
▪ To promote client participation
▪ To plan care that is realistic and measurable
▪ To allow involvement of support people
Activities during
▪ Establish client’s goals and outcome criteria
Client Goal
▪ Is an educated guess made as a broad statement
about what the client’s state or condition will be
AFTER the nursing intervention is carried out.
▪ Are written to indicate a desired state. They
contain action word/verb and a qualifier that
indicate the level of performance that needs to
be achieved.
Example of verbs used in client goals:
Goals may be
short term or
long term
▪ Short Term Goal (STG) – can be met in a short
period (within days or less than a week)
▪ Long Term Goal (LTG) – requires more time
(several weeks or months)
Outcome Criteria
▪ Outcome Criteria – are specific, measurable,
realistic statements goal attainment. They are
written in a manner that they answer the
questions: who, what actions, under what
circumstance, how well and when.
characteristic of
outcome criteria
▪ S = smart
▪ M = measurement
▪ A = attainable
▪ R = realistic
▪ T = time-framed
Example of Goals
and Outcome
▪ Goal – The client will report a decreased anxiety level
regarding Surgery.
▪ Possible Outcome Criteria:
▪ The client discusses fears & concern regarding surgical
procedure after client teaching.
▪ After client teaching, the client verbalizes decreased
▪ The client identifies a support system and strategies to
use to reduce stress and anxiety related to the surgical
Example 1:
▪ Goal – The client will demonstrate safety habits when performing
activities of daily living.
▪ Possible Outcome Criteria:
▪ Immediately after instruction by the nurse, the client uses call light
system for assistance when needs to use the bathroom.
▪ The client demonstrates safety practices when dressing and doing
personal hygiene.
▪ The client uses over-the-bed lights, non-skid slippers when transferring
to chair or getting out of bed.
▪ The client identifies modification for home safety (removal of throw
pillows, installation of hand rails in hallway, better lighting of hallway
and stairway), 12 hours after nurse’s instruction about home safety.
Example 2:
▪ Goal – The client will mobilize lung secretions.
▪ Possible Outcome Criteria:
▪ After teaching session, the client demonstrates proper
coughing techniques.
▪ The client drinks at least 6 glasses of water per day while
in the hospital.
▪ The caregiver or significant other demonstrates proper
technique of chest physiotherapy including percussion,
vibration and postural drainage before discharge.
Example 3:
▪ Involves determining before and the strategies or
course of actions to be taken before
implementation of nursing care. To be effective,
the client and his family should be involve in
▪ To determine the goals of care and the course of
actions to be undertaken during the
implementation phase.
▪ To promote continuity of care.
▪ To focus charting requirements.
▪ To allow for delegation of specific activities.
1. Establish/Set
▪ Priority – is something that takes precedence in
position, and considered the most important
among several items. It is a decision making
process that ranks the order of nursing diagnosis
in terms of importance to the client.
Guideline for setting priorities:
▪ Life-threatening situations should be given
highest priority.
▪ Use the principle of ABC’s (airway, breathing,
▪ Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
▪ Consider something that is very important to the
▪ Actual problems take precedence over potential
▪ Clients with unstable condition should be given
priority over those with stable conditions. Ex:
attend to client with fever before attending to
client who is scheduled for physical therapy in the
▪ Consider the amount of time, materials,
equipment required to care for clients. Ex: attend
to client who requires dressing change for post
op wound before attending to client who
requires health teachings & is ready to be
discharged late in the afternoon.
▪ Attend to client before equipment. Ex: assess the
client before checking IV fluids, urinary catheter,
and drainage tube.
2. Plan nursing
orders to direct activities
to be carried out in the
implementation phase.
Nursing interventions
▪ Any treatment, based upon clinical judgment and
knowledge, that a nurse performs to enhance client
▪ They are used to monitor health status; prevent, resolve or
control a problem; assist with activities of daily living; or
promote optimum health and independence.
▪ They maybe independent, dependent and
independent/collaborative activities that nurses carry out to
provide client care.
▪ Independent Nursing Intervention – those
activities that the nurse is licensed to initiate as a
result of the nurse’s own knowledge and skills.
▪ Dependent Nursing Intervention – those
activities carried out on the order of a physician,
under a physician’s supervision, or according to
specific routines.
▪ Interdependent/Collaborative – those activities
the nurse carries out in collaboration or in
relation with other members of the health care
3. Write a
Nursing Care
▪ A written summary of the care that a client is to
▪ It is the “blueprint” of the nursing process.
▪ It is nursing centered in that the nurse remains in
the scope of nursing practice domain in treating
human responses to actual or potential health
▪ It is s step-by-step process as evidence by:
▫ Sufficient data are collected to substantiate nursing
▫ At least one goal must be stated for each nursing
▫ Outcome criteria must be identified for each goal.
▫ Nursing interventions must be specifically designed
to meet the identified goal.
▫ Each intervention should be supported by a
scientific rationale, which is the justification or
reason for carrying out the intervention.
▫ Evaluation must address whether each goal was
completely met, partially met or completely unmet.
▪ It is putting the nursing care plan into action.
▪ To carry out planned nursing interventions to
help the client attain goals and achieve optimal
level of health.
▪ Reassessing – to ensure prompt attention to emerging
▪ Set priorities – to determine the order in which
nursing interventions are carried out.
▪ Perform nursing interventions – these may be
independent. Dependent or collaborative measures.
▪ Record actions – to complete nursing interventions,
relevant documentation should be done. Remember:
Something that is NOT written is considered as NOT
done at all.
Requirements of
▪ Knowledge – include intellectual skills like
problem-solving, decision-making and teaching.
▪ Technical skills – to carry out treatment and
▪ Communication skills – use of verbal and non-
verbal communication to carry out planned
nursing interventions.
▪ Therapeutic use of self – is being willing and
being able to care.
▪ Evaluation, the final step of the nursing process, is crucial
to determine whether, after application of the nursing
process, the client’s condition or well-being improves.
▪ The nurse applies all that is known about a client and the
client’s condition, as well as experience with previous
clients, to evaluate whether nursing care was effective.
▪ The nurse conducts evaluation measures to determine if
expected outcomes are met, not the nursing
▪ The expected outcomes are the standards against
which the nurse judges if goals have been met and
thus if care is successful.
▪ Providing health care in a timely, competent, and
cost-effective manner is complex and challenging.
▪ The evaluation process will determine the
effectiveness of care, make necessary modifications,
and to continuously ensure favorable client
▪ Is assesing the client’s response to nursing
interventions and then comparing that response
to predetermined standards or outcome criteria.
▪ “Evaluation is defined as the judgment of the
effectiveness of nursing care to meet client goals;
in this phase nurse compare the client behavioral
responses with predetermined client goals and
outcome criteria.” –CRAVEN 1996
Sample Case
Study (Example)
▪ Nursing Diagnosis : Impaired skin integrity
related to physical mobility
▪ Expected Outcomes : The patient will be able to
get recovery of pressure sore.
▪ Planning:
▪ Pressure sore dressing
▫ Rationale: Cleansing the area will prevent further
▪ Back care
▫ Rationale: It will promote blood circulation
▪ Change the position frequently
▫ Rationale: It will relieve pressure on the sore site
▪ Encourage the patient to ambulate
▫ Rationale: It will relieve pressure on the sore site
▪ Take protein rich diet
▫ Rationale: Protein helps in repair of tissues
▪ Evaluation: Wound healing was observed (tissues
were red, healthy)
▪ Determine client’s behavioral response to
nursing interventions.
▪ Compare the client’s response with
predetermined outcome criteria.
▪ Appraise the extent to which client’s goals were
▪ Assess the collaboration of client and health care
team members.
▪ Identify the errors in the plan of care.
▪ Monitor the quality of nursing care.
Components of
▪ Collecting the data related to the desired
▪ Comparing the data with outcomes
▪ Relating nursing activities to outcomes
▪ Drawing conclusion about problem status
▪ Continuing, modifying, or terminating the nursing
care plan
Collecting the
▪ The nurse collects the data so that conclusion can
be drawn about whether goals have been met. It
is usually necessary to collect both subjective &
objective data. Data must be recorded concisely
and accurately to facilitate the next part of the
evaluating process.
Comparing the
data with
▪ If the first part of the evaluation process has
been carried out effectively , it is relatively simple
to determine whether a desired outcome has
been met. Both the nurse and client play an
active role in comparing the client’s actual
responses with the desired outcomes.
Relating nursing
activities to
▪ The third aspect of the evaluating process is
determined whether the nursing activities had
any relation to the outcome.
conclusion about
problem status
▪ The nurse uses the judgment about goal achievement to determine whether
the care plan was effective in resolving, reducing or preventing client
▪ When goals have been met the nurse can draw one the following
conclusions about the status of the client’s problem.
▫ The actual problem stated in the nursing diagnosis has been
resolved , or the potential problem is being prevented and the risk
factors no longer exist. In these instances , the nurse documents
that the goals have been met and discontinues the care for the
▫ The potential problem is being prevented, but the risk factors still
present. In this case , the nurse keeps the problem on the care
▫ The actual problem still exists even though some goals are being
met. In this case the nursing interventions must be continued.
Continuing ,
modifying , or
terminating the
nursing care plan
▪ After drawing conclusion about the status of the
client’s problems , the nurse modifies the care
plan as indicated.
▪ Whether or not goals were met, a number of
decision need to be made about continuing,
modifying or terminating nursing care for each
▪ Before making individual modification, the nurse
must first determine why the plan as a whole was
not completely effective. This require a review of
the entire plan.
Factors Affecting
Goal Attainment
▪ Family Members
▪ Health Team Members
▪ Nurse
Evaluation Skill
Required for
▪ Nurse must know the hospital policies, procedure
and protocols of interventions and recording.
▪ Nurse must have up to date knowledge and
information of many subject.
▪ Nurse must have intellectual and technical skill to
monitor the effectiveness of nursing
▪ Nurse must have knowledge and skill of
collecting subjective data and objective data.

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SialolithiasisEkta Patel
Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis Ekta Patel
Topical medications administration
Topical medications administrationTopical medications administration
Topical medications administrationEkta Patel
Subcutaneous injections
Subcutaneous injectionsSubcutaneous injections
Subcutaneous injectionsEkta Patel
Routes of medication administration
Routes of medication administrationRoutes of medication administration
Routes of medication administrationEkta Patel
Patient teaching
Patient teachingPatient teaching
Patient teachingEkta Patel

Mais de Ekta Patel (20)

Head injury
Head injuryHead injury
Head injury
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus
Pulmonary function test
Pulmonary function testPulmonary function test
Pulmonary function test
Evans syndrome
Evans syndromeEvans syndrome
Evans syndrome
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuraIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Hematological disorders
Hematological disordersHematological disorders
Hematological disorders
Cancer introduction
Cancer introductionCancer introduction
Cancer introduction
Brain tumor
Brain tumorBrain tumor
Brain tumor
Stages of anesthesia
Stages of anesthesiaStages of anesthesia
Stages of anesthesia
Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
Topical medications administration
Topical medications administrationTopical medications administration
Topical medications administration
Subcutaneous injections
Subcutaneous injectionsSubcutaneous injections
Subcutaneous injections
Routes of medication administration
Routes of medication administrationRoutes of medication administration
Routes of medication administration
Patient teaching
Patient teachingPatient teaching
Patient teaching


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6-Step Nursing Process Guide

  • 1. NURSING PROCESS BY, Ms. Ekta S Patel Assistant Professor
  • 2. “ ▪ The term Nursing Process was first used/ mentioned by Lydia Hall, a nursing theorist, in 1955 wherein she introduced 3 STEPs: ▪ observation, ▪ administration of care and ▪ validation.
  • 3. “ ▪ Since then, nursing process continue to evolve: it used to be a 3-step process, then a 4-step process (APIE), then a 5-step (ADPIE), now a 6-step process (ADOPIE) Assessment, Diagnosis, Outcome, Identification, Planning, Implementaton and Evaluation.
  • 4.
  • 6. “ ▪ Is a systematic, organized method of planning, and providing quality and individualized nursing care.
  • 7. “ ▪ It is synonymous with the PROBLEM SOLVING APPROACH that directs the nurse and the client to determine the need for nursing care, to plan and implement the care and evaluate the result.
  • 8. “ ▪ It is a G O S H approach (goal- oriented, organized, systematic and humanistic care) for efficient and effective provision of nursing care.
  • 9. ▪ Goal-oriented – nurse make her objective based on client’s health needs. ▪ Remember: Goals and plan of care should be base according to clients problems/needs NOT according to your own problem as the nurse.
  • 10. ▪ Organized/Systematic – the nursing process is composed of 6 sequential and interrelated steps and these 6 phases follow a logical sequence.
  • 11. Humanistic care ▪ Plan to care is developed and implemented taking into consideration the unique needs of the individual client. ▪ Plan of care therefore is individualized (no 2 person has the same health needs even with same health condition/illness) ▪ In providing care, it involves respect of human dignity
  • 12. ▪ Efficient – plan of case is relevant/ related to the needs of the client thereby promoting client satisfaction and progress. ▪ Effective – in planning care, utilized resources wisely (staff, time, money/cost)
  • 13. Aside from GOSH, other characteristic of Nursing Process: ▪ Cyclic and Dynamic in nature – data from each phase provides the input into the next phase so that is becomes a sequence of events (cycle) that are constantly changing (dynamic) base on client’s health status.
  • 14. ▪ Involves skill in Decision-making – nurse makes important decisions related to client care, she choose the best action/steps to meet a desired goal or to solve a problem. She must make decisions whenever several choices or options are available.
  • 15. ▪ Uses Critical Thinking skills – the nurse may encounter new ideas or less-than-routine or non- ordinary situations where decisions must be made using critical thinking.
  • 16. Purpose of Nursing Process: ▪ To identify a client’s health status; his Actual/Present and potential/possible health problems or needs. ▪ To establish a plan of care to meet identified needs. ▪ To provide nursing interventions to meet those needs. ▪ To provide an individualized, holistic, effective and efficient nursing care.
  • 18. Assessment – First Step in the Nursing Process
  • 19. Description ▪ It is systematic and continuous collection, validation and communication of client data as compared to what is standard/norm. ▪ It includes the client’s perceived needs, health problems, related experiences, health practices, values and lifestyles.
  • 20. Assessment ▪ Observation of the patient + Interview of patient, family & SO + examination of the patient + Review of medical record
  • 21. Purpose ▪ To establish a data base (all the information about the client): ▪ nursing health history ▪ physical assessment ▪ the physician’s history & physical examination ▪ results of laboratory & diagnostic tests material from other health personnel
  • 23. 1. Initial assessment ▪ assessment performed within a specified time on admission ▫ Ex: nursing admission assessment
  • 24. 2. Problem-focused assessment ▪ use to determine status of a specific problem identified in an earlier assessment ▫ Ex: problem on urination-assess on fluid intake & urine output hourly
  • 25. 3. Emergency assessment ▪ rapid assessment done during any physiologic/physiologic crisis of the client to identify life threatening problems. ▫ Ex: assessment of a client’s airway, breathing status & circulation after a cardiac arrest.
  • 26. 4. Time-lapsed assessment ▪ reassessment of client’s functional health pattern done several months after initial assessment to compare the client’s current status to baseline data previously obtained.
  • 28. ▪ Collection of data ▪ Validation of data ▪ Organization of data ▪ Analyzing of data ▪ Recording/documentation of data
  • 30. ▪ gathering of information about the client ▪ includes physical, psychological, emotion, socio-cultural, spiritual factors that may affect client’s health status ▪ includes past health history of client (allergies, past surgeries, chronic diseases, use of folk healing methods) ▪ includes current/present problems of client (pain, nausea, sleep pattern, religious practices, meds or treatment the client is taking now)
  • 32. Subjective data ▫ also referred to as Symptom/Covert data ▫ Information from the client’s point of view or are described by the person experiencing it. ▫ Information supplied by family members, significant others; other health professionals are considered subjective data. ▫ Example: pain, dizziness, ringing of ears/Tinnitus
  • 33. Objective data also referred to as Sign/Overt data ▫ Those that can be detected observed or measured/tested using accepted standard or norm. ▫ Example: pallor, diaphoresis, BP=150/100, yellow discoloration of skin
  • 35. 1. Interview ▫ A planned, purposeful conversation/communication with the client to get information, identify problems, evaluate change, to teach, or to provide support or counseling. ▫ it is used while taking the nursing history of a client
  • 36. 2. Observation ▫ Use to gather data by using the 5 senses and instruments.
  • 37. 3. Examination ▪ Systematic data collection to detect health problems using unit of measurements, physical examination techniques (IPPA), interpretation of laboratory results. ▫ should be conducted systematically: ▫ Cephalocaudal approach – head-to-toe assessment ▫ Body System approach – examine all the body system ▫ Review of System approach – examine only particular area affected
  • 39. 1. Primary source – ▪ data directly gathered from the client using interview and physical examination.
  • 40. 2. Secondary source – ▪ data gathered from client’s family members, significant others, client’s medical records/chart, other members of health team, and related care literature/journals. ▫ In the Assessment Phase, obtain a Nursing Health History – a structured interview designed to collect specific data and to obtain a detailed health record of a client.
  • 41. Components of a Nursing Health History:
  • 42. 1. Biographic data – name, address, age, sex, martial status, occupation, religion. 2. Reason for visit/Chief complaint – primary reason why client seek consultation or hospitalization. 3. History of present Illness – includes: usual health status, chronological story, family history, disability assessment. 4. Past Health History – includes all previous immunizations, experiences with illness.
  • 43. 5. Family History – reveals risk factors for certain disease diseases (Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, mental illness). 6. Review of systems – review of all health problems by body systems 7. Lifestyle – include personal habits, diets, sleep or rest patterns, activities of daily living, recreation or hobbies. 8. Social data – include family relationships, ethnic and educational background, economic status, home and neighborhood conditions.
  • 44. 9. Psychological data – information about the client’s emotional state. 10. Pattern of health care – includes all health care resources: hospitals, clinics, health centers, family doctors.
  • 46. ▪ The act of “double-checking” or verifying data to confirm that it is accurate and complete.
  • 47. Purposes of data validation ▪ ensure that data collection is complete ▪ ensure that objective and subjective data agree ▪ obtain additional data that may have been overlooked ▪ avoid jumping to conclusion ▪ differentiate cues and inferences
  • 48. Cues ▪ Subjective or objective data observed by the nurse; it is what the client says, or what the nurse can see, hear, feel, smell or measure.
  • 49. Inferences ▪ The nurse interpretation or conclusion based on the cues. ▪ Example: ▫ Red swollen wound = infected wound ▫ Dry skin = dehydrated
  • 51. ▪ Uses a written or computerized format that organizes assessment data systematically. ▪ Maslow’s basic needs ▪ Body System Model ▪ Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns:
  • 53. ▪ Compare data against standard and identify significant cues. Standard/norm are generally accepted measurements, model, pattern: Ex: Normal vital signs, standard Weight and Height, normal laboratory/diagnostic values, normal growth and development pattern
  • 55. ▪ Nurse records all data collected about the client’s health status ▪ Data are recorded in a factual manner not as interpreted by the nurse ▪ Record subjective data in client’s word; restating in other words what client says might change its original meaning
  • 56. Diagnosis – Second Step in the Nursing Process
  • 58. ▪ Is the 2nd step of the nursing process. ▪ the process of reasoning or the clinical act of identifying problems
  • 60. ▪ Diagnosing refers to the reasoning process. ▪ Diagnosis A statement or conclusion regarding the nature of phenomenon.
  • 61. Nursing diagnosis definition by NANDA (1990):- ▪ A nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about individual, family or community response to actual and potential health problems/ life process. Nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing intervention to achieve the outcome for which the nurse is accountable.
  • 63. ▪ Identify how an individual, group or Community responds to actual or potential health and life processes. ▪ Identify factors that contribute to or cause health problems (etiologies). ▪ Identify resources or strengths the individual, group or community can draw on to prevent or resolve problems.
  • 65. ▪ Data Analysis ▪ Problem Identification ▪ Formulation of Nursing Diagnosis
  • 67. ▪ It states a clear and concise health problem. ▪ It is derived from existing evidences about the client. ▪ It is potentially amenable to nursing therapy. ▪ It is the basis for planning and carrying out nursing care.
  • 69. NANDA- NORTH AMERICAN NURSING DIAGNOSIS ASSOCIATION ▪ To define, refine and promote a taxonomy of Nursing diagnostic terminology of general use to Professional Nurses. ▪ Members of Nanda Staff Nurses, Clinical Specialists, faculty, Directors of Nursing, Deans, Theorists & Researchers.
  • 70. In 2000 NANDA approved new Taxonomy II, ▪ which has 13 Domains, 106 classes and 155Diagnosis. ▪ Taxonomy II Domains
  • 71. ▪ Domain 1 : Health Promotion. ▪ 2 : Nutrition ▪ 3 : Elimination ▪ 4 : Activity / Rest ▪ 5 : Perception / Cognition ▪ 6 : Self – perception ▪ 7 : Role relationships
  • 72. ▪ 8 : Sexuality ▪ 9 : Coping / Stress tolerance ▪ 10 : Life principles ▪ 11 : Safety / Protection ▪ 12 : Comfort ▪ 13 : Growth / Development
  • 75. ▪ Actual Nursing Diagnosis ▪ Risk Nursing ▪ Possible Nursing Diagnosis ▪ Syndrome Nursing Diagnosis ▪ Wellness Nursing
  • 76. Actual Nursing Diagnosis: ▪ It is judgment about the client response to a health problem that is present at a time of nursing assessment. ▪ Eg: Ineffective breathing pattern &anxiety
  • 77. Risk Nursing Diagnosis ▪ It is a clinical judgment that a client is more vulnerable to develop the problem than others in the same or similar situation. ▪ Eg: Risk for impaired skin integrity related to surgery.
  • 78. Possible Nursing Diagnosis ▪ It describe a suspected problem for which current and available data are insufficient to validate the problem. ▪ Eg: Possible social isolation related to unknown etiology.
  • 79. Syndrome Nursing Diagnosis ▪ It is a cluster of nursing diagnosis that frequently go together and present a clinical picture. ▪ Eg: Rape Trauma Syndrome
  • 80. Wellness Nursing Diagnosis ▪ It is clinical judgment about an individual, group or community in transition from a specific level of wellness to a higher level of wellness. Eg: Family coping: potential for growth related to unexpected birth of twins.
  • 82. PES ▪ Problem Statement ▪ Defining Etiology ▪ Sign and symptoms Or Characterstics
  • 83. Problem Statement (Diagnostic Label): ▪ It describe the client health problem or response for which nursing therapy is given clearly and concisely in a few words. Eg: Knowledge deficit(medications) Some Qualifier are also added to give additional meaning to the statement such as Impaired, Decreased, Ineffective, Acute, Chronic.
  • 84. Etiology (Related Factors & Risk Factors): ▪ This component identifies one or more probable causes of health problem. It help the nurse to give individualized patient care. Eg: Anxiety related to hospitalization.
  • 85. Defining Characteristics: These are the clusters of signs and symptoms that indicate the presence of a particular diagnosticlebel. Eg: Fluid volume deficit related to decreased oral intake manifested by dry skin and mucus membranes.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 95. ▪ Refers to formulating and documenting measurable, realistic and client-focused goals that will provide the basis for evaluating nursing diagnosis.
  • 97. ▪ To provide individualized care ▪ To promote client participation ▪ To plan care that is realistic and measurable ▪ To allow involvement of support people
  • 99. ▪ Establish client’s goals and outcome criteria
  • 101. ▪ Is an educated guess made as a broad statement about what the client’s state or condition will be AFTER the nursing intervention is carried out. ▪ Are written to indicate a desired state. They contain action word/verb and a qualifier that indicate the level of performance that needs to be achieved.
  • 102. Example of verbs used in client goals: ▫Calculate ▫Classify ▫Communicate ▫Compare ▫Define ▫Demonstrate ▫Describe ▫Construct ▫Contrast ▫Distinguish ▫Draw ▫Explain ▫Express ▫Identify ▫List ▫Name ▫Maintain ▫Perform ▫Particular ▫Practice ▫Recall ▫Recite ▫Record ▫State ▫Use ▫Verbalize ▫Ambulates
  • 103. Goals may be short term or long term
  • 104. ▪ Short Term Goal (STG) – can be met in a short period (within days or less than a week) ▪ Long Term Goal (LTG) – requires more time (several weeks or months)
  • 106. ▪ Outcome Criteria – are specific, measurable, realistic statements goal attainment. They are written in a manner that they answer the questions: who, what actions, under what circumstance, how well and when.
  • 108. ▪ S = smart ▪ M = measurement ▪ A = attainable ▪ R = realistic ▪ T = time-framed
  • 109. Example of Goals and Outcome Criteria
  • 110. ▪ Goal – The client will report a decreased anxiety level regarding Surgery. ▪ Possible Outcome Criteria: ▪ The client discusses fears & concern regarding surgical procedure after client teaching. ▪ After client teaching, the client verbalizes decreased anxiety. ▪ The client identifies a support system and strategies to use to reduce stress and anxiety related to the surgical experience. Example 1:
  • 111. ▪ Goal – The client will demonstrate safety habits when performing activities of daily living. ▪ Possible Outcome Criteria: ▪ Immediately after instruction by the nurse, the client uses call light system for assistance when needs to use the bathroom. ▪ The client demonstrates safety practices when dressing and doing personal hygiene. ▪ The client uses over-the-bed lights, non-skid slippers when transferring to chair or getting out of bed. ▪ The client identifies modification for home safety (removal of throw pillows, installation of hand rails in hallway, better lighting of hallway and stairway), 12 hours after nurse’s instruction about home safety. Example 2:
  • 112. ▪ Goal – The client will mobilize lung secretions. ▪ Possible Outcome Criteria: ▪ After teaching session, the client demonstrates proper coughing techniques. ▪ The client drinks at least 6 glasses of water per day while in the hospital. ▪ The caregiver or significant other demonstrates proper technique of chest physiotherapy including percussion, vibration and postural drainage before discharge. Example 3:
  • 115. ▪ Involves determining before and the strategies or course of actions to be taken before implementation of nursing care. To be effective, the client and his family should be involve in planning.
  • 117. ▪ To determine the goals of care and the course of actions to be undertaken during the implementation phase. ▪ To promote continuity of care. ▪ To focus charting requirements. ▪ To allow for delegation of specific activities.
  • 119. ▪ Priority – is something that takes precedence in position, and considered the most important among several items. It is a decision making process that ranks the order of nursing diagnosis in terms of importance to the client.
  • 120. Guideline for setting priorities: ▪ Life-threatening situations should be given highest priority. ▪ Use the principle of ABC’s (airway, breathing, circulation) ▪ Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. ▪ Consider something that is very important to the client.
  • 121. ▪ Actual problems take precedence over potential concerns. ▪ Clients with unstable condition should be given priority over those with stable conditions. Ex: attend to client with fever before attending to client who is scheduled for physical therapy in the afternoon.
  • 122. ▪ Consider the amount of time, materials, equipment required to care for clients. Ex: attend to client who requires dressing change for post op wound before attending to client who requires health teachings & is ready to be discharged late in the afternoon. ▪ Attend to client before equipment. Ex: assess the client before checking IV fluids, urinary catheter, and drainage tube.
  • 123. 2. Plan nursing interventions/nursing orders to direct activities to be carried out in the implementation phase.
  • 124. Nursing interventions ▪ Any treatment, based upon clinical judgment and knowledge, that a nurse performs to enhance client outcomes. ▪ They are used to monitor health status; prevent, resolve or control a problem; assist with activities of daily living; or promote optimum health and independence. ▪ They maybe independent, dependent and independent/collaborative activities that nurses carry out to provide client care.
  • 125. ▪ Independent Nursing Intervention – those activities that the nurse is licensed to initiate as a result of the nurse’s own knowledge and skills.
  • 126. ▪ Dependent Nursing Intervention – those activities carried out on the order of a physician, under a physician’s supervision, or according to specific routines.
  • 127. ▪ Interdependent/Collaborative – those activities the nurse carries out in collaboration or in relation with other members of the health care team.
  • 128. 3. Write a Nursing Care Plan
  • 129. ▪ A written summary of the care that a client is to receive. ▪ It is the “blueprint” of the nursing process. ▪ It is nursing centered in that the nurse remains in the scope of nursing practice domain in treating human responses to actual or potential health problems.
  • 130. ▪ It is s step-by-step process as evidence by: ▫ Sufficient data are collected to substantiate nursing diagnosis. ▫ At least one goal must be stated for each nursing diagnosis. ▫ Outcome criteria must be identified for each goal. ▫ Nursing interventions must be specifically designed to meet the identified goal. ▫ Each intervention should be supported by a scientific rationale, which is the justification or reason for carrying out the intervention. ▫ Evaluation must address whether each goal was completely met, partially met or completely unmet.
  • 133. ▪ It is putting the nursing care plan into action.
  • 135. ▪ To carry out planned nursing interventions to help the client attain goals and achieve optimal level of health.
  • 137. ▪ Reassessing – to ensure prompt attention to emerging problems. ▪ Set priorities – to determine the order in which nursing interventions are carried out. ▪ Perform nursing interventions – these may be independent. Dependent or collaborative measures. ▪ Record actions – to complete nursing interventions, relevant documentation should be done. Remember: Something that is NOT written is considered as NOT done at all.
  • 139. ▪ Knowledge – include intellectual skills like problem-solving, decision-making and teaching. ▪ Technical skills – to carry out treatment and procedures. ▪ Communication skills – use of verbal and non- verbal communication to carry out planned nursing interventions. ▪ Therapeutic use of self – is being willing and being able to care.
  • 142. ▪ Evaluation, the final step of the nursing process, is crucial to determine whether, after application of the nursing process, the client’s condition or well-being improves. ▪ The nurse applies all that is known about a client and the client’s condition, as well as experience with previous clients, to evaluate whether nursing care was effective. ▪ The nurse conducts evaluation measures to determine if expected outcomes are met, not the nursing interventions.
  • 143. ▪ The expected outcomes are the standards against which the nurse judges if goals have been met and thus if care is successful. ▪ Providing health care in a timely, competent, and cost-effective manner is complex and challenging. ▪ The evaluation process will determine the effectiveness of care, make necessary modifications, and to continuously ensure favorable client outcomes.
  • 145. ▪ Is assesing the client’s response to nursing interventions and then comparing that response to predetermined standards or outcome criteria. ▪ “Evaluation is defined as the judgment of the effectiveness of nursing care to meet client goals; in this phase nurse compare the client behavioral responses with predetermined client goals and outcome criteria.” –CRAVEN 1996
  • 147. ▪ Nursing Diagnosis : Impaired skin integrity related to physical mobility ▪ Expected Outcomes : The patient will be able to get recovery of pressure sore.
  • 148. ▪ Planning: ▪ Pressure sore dressing ▫ Rationale: Cleansing the area will prevent further infection ▪ Back care ▫ Rationale: It will promote blood circulation ▪ Change the position frequently ▫ Rationale: It will relieve pressure on the sore site ▪ Encourage the patient to ambulate ▫ Rationale: It will relieve pressure on the sore site ▪ Take protein rich diet ▫ Rationale: Protein helps in repair of tissues
  • 149. ▪ Evaluation: Wound healing was observed (tissues were red, healthy)
  • 151. ▪ Determine client’s behavioral response to nursing interventions. ▪ Compare the client’s response with predetermined outcome criteria. ▪ Appraise the extent to which client’s goals were attained. ▪ Assess the collaboration of client and health care team members. ▪ Identify the errors in the plan of care. ▪ Monitor the quality of nursing care.
  • 152.
  • 154. ▪ Collecting the data related to the desired outcomes ▪ Comparing the data with outcomes ▪ Relating nursing activities to outcomes ▪ Drawing conclusion about problem status ▪ Continuing, modifying, or terminating the nursing care plan
  • 156. ▪ The nurse collects the data so that conclusion can be drawn about whether goals have been met. It is usually necessary to collect both subjective & objective data. Data must be recorded concisely and accurately to facilitate the next part of the evaluating process.
  • 158. ▪ If the first part of the evaluation process has been carried out effectively , it is relatively simple to determine whether a desired outcome has been met. Both the nurse and client play an active role in comparing the client’s actual responses with the desired outcomes.
  • 160. ▪ The third aspect of the evaluating process is determined whether the nursing activities had any relation to the outcome.
  • 162. ▪ The nurse uses the judgment about goal achievement to determine whether the care plan was effective in resolving, reducing or preventing client problems. ▪ When goals have been met the nurse can draw one the following conclusions about the status of the client’s problem. ▫ The actual problem stated in the nursing diagnosis has been resolved , or the potential problem is being prevented and the risk factors no longer exist. In these instances , the nurse documents that the goals have been met and discontinues the care for the problem. ▫ The potential problem is being prevented, but the risk factors still present. In this case , the nurse keeps the problem on the care plan. ▫ The actual problem still exists even though some goals are being met. In this case the nursing interventions must be continued.
  • 163. Continuing , modifying , or terminating the nursing care plan
  • 164. ▪ After drawing conclusion about the status of the client’s problems , the nurse modifies the care plan as indicated. ▪ Whether or not goals were met, a number of decision need to be made about continuing, modifying or terminating nursing care for each problem. ▪ Before making individual modification, the nurse must first determine why the plan as a whole was not completely effective. This require a review of the entire plan.
  • 166. ▪ Family Members ▪ Health Team Members ▪ Nurse
  • 168. ▪ Nurse must know the hospital policies, procedure and protocols of interventions and recording. ▪ Nurse must have up to date knowledge and information of many subject. ▪ Nurse must have intellectual and technical skill to monitor the effectiveness of nursing interventions. ▪ Nurse must have knowledge and skill of collecting subjective data and objective data.