jesus is god trinity spiritual warfare faith alone christ alone the gospel gospel affirming share the gospel faith in christ alone three distinctions three in one power of prayer holy spirit christ centered suffering bridge the gap contend the faith apologetics speak the truth in love god's gospel soldiers of christ ambassadors of christ evangelization rescue the perishing search and rescue seek the lost concern for the lost sharing is caring evangelist testimony share your faith evangelism; preach the gospel christ our commander christ our champion christ lord of harvest discipline devotion diligence call to persevere paul's admonition to believers paul's admonition to timothy 2 timothy 2:3-7 faith through suffering hardships of life trials gospel three professions perseverance soldier farmer athlete the cross and the resurrection grace alone scripture alone glory to god alone salvation in the lord overcome devil with faith resist the devil revelation of god truth of god the lies of the devil anti-god anti-christ all that is god jesus is the true messiah all or nothing follow jesus follow christ sight to the blind jesus the miracle worker miracle of the heart darkness to light spiritual sight blind man's faith in christ alone jesus alone jesus only saving faith testifies saving faith is action fruit of salvation saving faith discipleship repentance and faith the gospel of jesus grace jesus earned heaven for us jesus is the only way jesus is alive are you good enough for heaven no one is good enough excuses people make sabbath what heaven's going to be like what is hell going to be like hell heaven ten commandments the law of god proclaim the gospel evangelism the devil's traps counterfeits of satan apostasy law to the proud grace for the humble live and obey the gospel contend for the gospel gospel of jesus christ remember the gospel the five do nots the five dont's counterfeit gospels gospel of salvation gospel of peace gospel of mercy gospel of grace trinity is perfect unity faith in god faith in the gospel salvation is of the lord salvation: three stages false gospels trinity is one god the holy spirit jesus is the son of god god the son god the father all knowing all present all powerful the attributes of the gospel the attributes of god three begged jesus three that fell at jesus jesus is messiah jesus victory over sickness jesus victory over all evil jesus victory over diseases jesus victory over demons jesus victory over death jesus is lord mark 5:1-43 three stories mark 5:1-43 three characters mark 5:1-43 jews and gentile believers woman with affliction woman with blood issue jairus' daughter jairus man of gerasenes demon possessed man reconciliation rebuke gently confrontation intervention intercession jesus restores lost but found wandering from the truth wandering from the lord wandering from faith backsliding the predicament backslider the permanent backslider the pretender backslider the restored the rescue the return the retreat james 5:19-20 pray for the stray god's will be on earth pray knowing it will be done pray because you believe prayer goes a long way how to pray what to pray for lord's prayer disciples' prayer matthew 6:9-13 pray for god's glory pray for his kindgom to grow pray like the lord prayed pray for god's name to holy pray not to be tempted pray to be forgiven of sin pray to forgive trespasses pray for daily provisions pray for deliverance from evil pray for god's will gospel with three points salvation in 3 stages father is god holy spirit is god son father god in three persons attributes of god attributes of the gospel another gospel true gospel jesus rose from the dead jesus buried jesus died the gospel of jesus christ guidance of the holy spirit pray about it apply wisdom word of god wisdom of god overcome temptation sinless jesus jesus is without sin jesus tempted states of being temptation to sin tired hurt grieved angry irritated hungry famished cold hot lukewarm deny self self or god self or christ consumer of the gospel contributor of the gospel christ and the cross christ-centric disciple of faith in action faith over intellectual assent believer in christ worship god god or man fan or follower what is a true christian follower of christ disciple of christ christ over everything colossians 3:1-25 faith in christ at church faith in christ at home faith in christ at work unity in all equality in all christ-centered church christ-centered home christ-centered workplace put off put out put in the new man the new way of living the new perspective renewal without renewal within put on the new man put off the old self christ overcame the devil christ overcame death christ overcame sin cycle of sin wilderness garden of eden original sin devil vs eve devil vs jesus deception (lie) falling short of god's glory missing the mark is sin disobedience death desire the devil tempter temptation of eve temptation of jesus adam and eve sinned guide to christ barrier to the gospel hindrance to kingdom of god leaven of the pharisees matthew 23:1-13 fan vs follower of jesus characteristics of counterfeit calling out the countefeits possession vs profession wheat and tares tares among the wheat sheeps and goats counterfeit christians blameless believer consistent christianity holy hypocrisy religion over relationship fake vs true christianity true and false convert counterfeit christianity take up your cross count the cost discipleship of christ path of the cross shaped life shared suffering with christ suffer all forake all sacrifice of christ sanctified and sent faith in action service to christ living sacrifice to christ wilderness road golgotha road jericho road damascus road emmaus road all roads lead to calvary all roads lead to golgotha
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