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it pays to share
Germany findings
technology &
social media
ushered in new
definitions for
many familiar


but no word has seen a more
profound shift in meaning than

it’s gone from a virtue to a click

it got us thinking…





what if brands
rediscovered the
virtue of sharing?

if brands were to truly share…


what would they have to do?
would people want them to do it?
is there business value in it for them?

to start, we identified 16 sharing behaviors for
brands across 6 dimensions

listens and responds thoughtfully


gives many ways to ask questions and
give opinions


invites people to share stories/experiences
using their products and services with others


enables people to share info/stories/videos
with friends


communicates openly and transparently
about how products are sourced and made


conducts business in ways that align with
people’s values


gives back to the community


shares people’s beliefs for helping the world


enables people to personalize products

offers brand experiences beyond just
using the product


invites people to test products, collaborate
on design, and provide feedback

links people and the brand online and in
real life through events and activities


openly offers information on how the brand
performs against competitors


asks people about their needs


[shares] company history or story


demonstrates it wants people to
succeed at what’s important to them


we then talked to…



general online consumer population who report at least a
minimal level of engagement* with brands




Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, UK, USA




48 multi-national brands, plus approx. 30 “local” brands
per country




apparel, auto, beer/wine/spirits, consumer electronics, energy,
FMCG, financial services, food & beverage, health & wellness,
retail, technology, telecommunications




30 minute duration

*to participate in the survey, respondents had to report participating in a minimum of one brand engaging activity in the last 12 months. brand
engaging activities might include things like visiting a brand website, attending a brand sponsored event, following a brand on Twitter,
wearing branded clothing, etc.

in Germany we talked to…



general online population who report at least a minimal
level of engagement with brands




controlled, distributed sample


brands evaluated

48 multi-national brands, plus 17 “local” brands


to find out…
which sharing behaviors are most important to people?

how important are those behaviors and do people want more of them?


do people use, purchase or recommend brands that share?

what we learned…
90% 10%
of people globally want
brands to share

of people globally think
brands do it well

Q13: You will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not
enough? [Percent of people who selected “JUST RIGHT” or “NOT ENOUGH”]
Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND]


of people in Germany want
brands to share


of people in Germany think
brands do it well

Q13: You will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not
enough? [Percent of people who selected “JUST RIGHT” or “NOT ENOUGH”]
Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND]

there’s a gap between what’s important to people
and what brands deliver

(performance – importance)
SP: Openly offers information on how the brand performs against competitors


SV: Communicates openly and transparently about how products are sourced and made
SG: Asks people about their needs


SD: Invites people to share stories/experiences using their products and services with others
SE: Links people and the brand online and in real life through events and activities
SD: Enables people to share info/stories/videos with friends






SE: Offers brand experiences beyond just using the product










SG: Demonstrates it wants people to succeed at what’s important to them




SV: Shares people’s beliefs for helping the world




SP: Enables people to personalize products




SD: Gives many ways to ask questions and give opinions




SH: [Shares] the company history/story




SV: Conducts business in ways that align with people’s values




SV: Gives back to community




SD: Listens & responds thoughtfully

SP: Invites people to test products, collaborate on design and provide feedback





Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. Thinking about brands that
you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5-Point Scale, Top 2 Box]
Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. [Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND]

Germans have more understated expectations overall,
with a relatively higher focus on personalization and lower
focus on brand history


(performance – importance)
SV: Communicates openly and transparently about how products are sourced and made



SP: Openly offers information on how the brand performs against competitors


SG: Asks people about their needs

SP: Invites people to test products, collaborate on design, and provide feedback



SD: Enables people to share info/stories/videos with friends







SE: Offers brand experiences beyond just using the product

SE: Links people and the brand online and in real life through events and activities



SH: [Shares] company history or story

SD: Invites people to share stories/experiences using their products and services with others



SG: Demonstrates it wants people to succeed at what's important to them

SV: Shares people's beliefs for helping the world









SD: Gives many ways to ask questions and give opinions




SV: Conducts business in ways that align with people's values




SV: Gives back to the community




SP: Enables people to personalize products
SD: Listens and responds thoughtfully





Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. Thinking about brands that
you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5-Point Scale, Top 2 Box]
Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. [Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND]

people reward brands that share

sharing correlates strongly with actions that drive business value







correlation between brands that share and
people’s intent to use/trial, purchase and recommend that brand

Q16-18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to: [purchase from or use that brand], [recommend that brand to a
friend, colleague or relative], [give that brand a try/increase use] the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or
service that brand offers

despite less overt stated interest, Germans behavior
around sharing brands still strongly drives business








correlation between brands that share and
people’s intent to use/trial, purchase and recommend that brand

Q16-18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to: [purchase from or use that brand], [recommend that brand to a
friend, colleague or relative], [give that brand a try/increase use] the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or
service that brand offers

sharing appears to drive business very effectively in Germany,
although conscious enthusiasm is somewhat below global
German results indexed to global and developed country averages
Developed Global

stated importance
0.6 0.7


Global & Developed

unmet demand


Global & Developed

derived importance*
0.9 1.0

* brand performance vs. willingness to recommend

how can a brand share?

the six dimensions of sharing
we converse

we believe in the
same things

we do things together

we create together

we want to achieve
the same things

we know the same story

there is a hierarchy of sharing…
each individual dimension of sharing
drives business value

at the far right end of the business value
axis, shared history and shared product
drive the most value for brands globally
but there is also a compounding effect
to sharing. the more dimensions of
sharing you practice, the greater the
business value from each
correlation to consumer intent to recommend

*illustrative representation
Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative] he next
time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

but there is more to the story

less demanded forms of sharing tend
to be more prevalent but drive less
business value, possibly because
execution is out of sync with people’s
history is significantly more influential
than its demand would suggest


consumers who desire more

the y-axis of demand for sharing
shows that more substantive,
involving dimensions are in higher
demand; they are also in scarcer


correlation to consumer intent to recommend

*illustrative representation
Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not
enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH]. Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a
friend, colleague or relative] he next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

in Germany, unmet demand is high for higher order sharing,
with shared goals a distinctive driver ahead of values

consumers who desire more


correlation to consumer intent to recommend
*Illustrative representation
Q13: You will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not
enough? [NOT ENOUGH]. Q18a: For each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend,
colleague or relative] he next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers


listens and responds thoughtfully


gives many ways to ask questions
and give opinions


invites people to share
stories/experiences using their products
and services with others


enables people to share info/
stories/videos with friends


spark a meaningful conversation
shared dialog is the first step
toward sharing your brand with
people of all ages

% of people who want brands to do more
listening and thoughtful responding to their
opinions [by age group]

on average, 40% of people want your brand to
engage in more meaningful conversations with

people want you to listen, show genuine interest
and, most importantly, act on what you hear

Q1: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For
each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough?
[% selected NOT ENOUGH for “Listen and Respond Thoughtfully” ]

German desire for conversation
is slightly more age dependent:
youth are more enthused, older
people somewhat less so

% of people who want brands to do more
listening and thoughtful responding to their
opinions [by age group]

on average, 38% of people in Germany
want brands to do more listening and
more thoughtful responding

Q1: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For
each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough?
[% selected NOT ENOUGH for “Listen and Respond Thoughtfully” ]

AXE* Voices, the brand’s community
managers, create and distribute
lifestyle and product content across
social channels and spend hours
every day responding to virtually
every comment or message directed
at the brand. by humanizing the
brand, AXE has attracted almost 4.5
million fans. AXE likes what its fans like
and engages with its community to
show fans that AXE is more than just a
can of body spray.

*Edelman Client


offers brand experiences beyond
just using the product


links people and the brand
online and in real life through
events and activities


make every occasion special
experiences need to be about
people, not about your brand
people everywhere want to share experiences
with brands
people in developing markets are particularly
enthusiastic, yet in developed markets the
novelty seems to be wearing thin
the study suggests shared experiences need to
be as much about people’s interests as they are
about products to rekindle their business value

Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
Thinking about brands that you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5 Point Scale, Top 2 Box: Average: “Creates
experiences beyond just using the product” and “Gives me ways to link up online and in real life through fun events and activities “]

demand for shared experiences
in Germany is similar to other
developed markets
75% of people in Germany want shared
experiences—although they seem underutilized
as a sharing platform and their impact could
grow through a greater focus on people’s
interests beyond a product

Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
Thinking about brands that you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5 Point Scale, Top 2 Box: Average: “Creates
experiences beyond just using the product” and “Gives me ways to link up online and in real life through fun events and activities “]

Heineken's* Departure Roulette
recognized and rewarded its
audiences' thirst for spontaneity and
adventure with an airport-based
experience that enticed people to
take a leap of faith by trading in the
air tickets in their hands for a trip to
an unknown destination.
this experience was as much about
people’s desire for adventure as it
was about the brand’s positioning.

*Edelman Client


asks people about their needs


demonstrates it wants people
to succeed at what’s important
to them


lend an ear and a ladder
people want brands to help
them reach goals
whether it’s being a great parent or having a
secure financial future, 90% of people
recognize and value the role that brands
play in enabling the achievement of goals
but people would rather be asked what they
need before being told how to get there
% of people who think brands asking about their needs rather
than just telling them about their products is one of the most
important sharing behaviors [by industry category]

this is most true in product categories where
people aren’t always confident in their
knowledge or expertise, such as financial
services and technology

Q11: Please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [% selected “Asks me about
my needs and doesn’t just try to sell me products”]

people in Germany
appreciate and respond to
brands that share their
91% of people in Germany appreciate the
role that brands play in enabling the
achievement of goals

% of people who think brands asking about their needs rather
than just telling them about their products is one of the most
important sharing behaviors [by industry category]

and unlike most other markets, they respond
more favorably to shared goals than shared
values, placing a high value on brands that
engage with them directly around their

Q11: Please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [% selected “Asks me about
my needs and doesn’t just try to sell me products”]

Adidas* understands that people's
performance aspirations are as
individual as they are. the brand
literally lives, runs and practices with
people to understand their goals
and motivations.
the brand recently asked dozens of
women to photograph something
that motivated them to work out
and the result challenged the
brand’s preconceptions about
people’s goals and informed new
product development.
*Edelman Client


communicates openly and
transparently about how
products are sourced and made


conducts business in ways that
align with people’s values


gives back to the community



shares people’s beliefs for
helping the world

stand up for what you stand for
you can place a value
on your brand’s values

92% of people want to do business
with companies that share their

a strong correlation proves that
people buy, use and recommend
products whose values they share




correlation between brands that demonstrate shared
values and consumers’ intent to recommend that

Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next
time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

people in Germany
expect your values to
be self-evident
similar to the rest of the world, 92% of
people in Germany want to do
business with companies that share
their beliefs
the positive correlation to business
outcomes is somewhat lower, yet
high unmet demand indicates
mismatched values will likely cost
you customers who drop you from
their consideration set






correlation between brands that demonstrate shared
values and consumers’ intent to recommend that

Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next
time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

translate your values into
tangible actions
nearly 50% of people want you to be
more open and transparent about how
your products are made and sourced
4 in 10 people want you do more to give
back to the community
% of people who want brands to share more of their values

Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not
enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH]

demand for shared values
in Germany is equally high
almost half of people in Germany want
more transparency around sourcing, and
about 4 in 10 want brands to offer greater
help for communities as well as share their
beliefs on how to help the world
% of people who want brands to share more of their values

Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you.
For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not
enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH]


Mars* is a model of transparency
and a global force for good in
sustainable cocoa sourcing and
supply chain management. the
brand has invested heavily in
research and local agriculture and
pledged to buy 100% of its cocoa,
coffee, tea, fish and palm oil from
third-party certified sustainable
sources by 2020, which can be
tracked on its website.

*Edelman Client


enables people to personalize products


invites people to test products,
collaborate on design, and
provide feedback


openly offers information on
how the brand performs against

you’ve got to give to get

people have a lot to give…
if they could, they would come to your
R&D labs, your design studios or
anywhere else products are designed
and developed
9 out of 10 people want a hand in
creating your products
% of consumers who
want opportunities to
share in the design &
development process

Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For
each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [%
selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “Invites me to test products, collaborate on design and provide feedback”]

people in Germany are
particularly keen to participate
93% of people in Germany want a
hand in creating your products—
providing more opportunities to do so
should further elevate its impact on
business outcomes
% of consumers who
want opportunities to
share in the design &
development process

Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For
each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [%
selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “Invites me to test products, collaborate on design and provide feedback”]

it’s critical that what they
receive in return is honest and
9 out of 10 people want you to be as
transparent about your products’
performance as you are about your


it’s the most important of all the
brandshare behaviors in seven out
of twelve tested industries


rank of openly sharing product
performance data vs. other sharing
behaviors based on stated importance
Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For
each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough?
[% selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “They openly share information on how the brand compares with competitors”] Q11:
please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [average % selected “They openly
share information on how the brand compares with competitors”]

Germans also highly value
honesty and openness
93% of people in Germany want you to be as
transparent about your products’ performance
as you are about your values



in Germany, transparency about your products’
performance emerged as the most important
of all the brandshare behaviors in seven out of
twelve tested industries



rank of openly sharing product
performance data vs. other sharing
behaviors based on stated importance
Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For
each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough?
[% selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “They openly share information on how the brand compares with competitors”] Q11:
please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [average % selected “They openly
share information on how the brand compares with competitors”]

Adobe* understands that a product
made with people best serves
people‘s needs, so the company
invites people to beta test their
products. these open and public
previews actively ask people to
experience and evaluate new
products, innovations and
Adobe’s recent invitation to beta test
Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® marks
the fifth consecutive version Adobe
has offered for public preview and
testing prior to its final release.
*Edelman Client


shares company history or story


where you came from shapes where you’re going
your history is secretly
although people don’t explicitly
demand that brands share their
history, a shared, open brand
heritage is one of the most
powerful predictors of people’s
intent to purchase or recommend
your brand






correlation between brands that share their history and
people’s intent to recommend that brand

Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next
time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

your history is secretly
seductive in Germany
as well
stated demand that brands share
their history remains low in
Germany, yet a shared, open
brand heritage remains the most
powerful predictor of their intent
to purchase or recommend your







correlation between brands that share their history and
people’s intent to recommend that brand

Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next
time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

Volkswagen* is among the most
storied of all auto brands and one
that embraces its roots even as it
innovates the cars it brings to market.
The brand's "Why VW" online platform
showcases its history as a brand by
and for the people. recognizing that
many people have -- and want to
share -- stories about their own history
with the brand, “Why VW" solicits and
showcases people's own stories
about their history and experiences
with Volkswagen.


*Edelman Client

what can you do?
old model

new model

change your marketing communications ethos
migrate from a linear, push model to an inclusive sharing model

harmonize your narrative
create a single brand narrative with consumer needs
and interests at the center
integrate your sharing
redesign your existing engagement channels and properties to
incorporate higher-value sharing
it pays to share







correlation between brands that share and
people’s intent to use/trial, purchase and recommend that brand

Q16-18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to: [purchase from or use that brand], [recommend that brand to a
friend, colleague or relative], [give that brand a try/increase use] the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or
service that brand offers

it pays
to share

+1 212 729 2500

brandshare methodology

we measured the business value of sharing
when you ask people directly, they say they want brands
to share
but to prove that sharing pays we asked people to rate
how well individual brands share. we then asked people if
they purchase, use and recommend those same brands

we analyzed the correlation between the two to
understand the connection between peoples’ opinions
and their actions when brands share
this correlation is a predictive, reliable estimate of the
value of sharing

all six dimensions drive business value






correlation between brand sharing behaviors and
people’s intent to recommend

we focus on the
correlation with people’s
willingness “to
recommend” a brand
because it’s considered
the most reliable
predictor of future

Qf8a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next
time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers

when correlating individual attitudes with intended
behavior, coefficients over 0.2 should be
considered meaningful and “strong”
it should be noted that these correlations measure a
multifaceted relationship vs. more straightforward
correlations between 2 related attitudinal



consumers who desire more

a guide on how to read correlations




correlation to consumer intent to recommend




correlation between a brand’s perceived
sharing and people’s intent to purchase,
recommend, use/trial that brand

to prioritize different types of sharing, we
compared their business importance against
those with the greatest unmet consumer
demand (i.e. those behaviors people “want
more” of from brands they like)


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Edelman Markenstudie brandshare 2013: Ergebnisse Deutschland

  • 1. it pays to share Germany findings
  • 2. technology & social media ushered in new definitions for many familiar words friend like forward 2
  • 3. but no word has seen a more profound shift in meaning than SHARE it’s gone from a virtue to a click 3
  • 4. ? it got us thinking… ? ? ? ? what if brands rediscovered the virtue of sharing? ? 4
  • 5. if brands were to truly share… ? what would they have to do? would people want them to do it? is there business value in it for them? 5
  • 6. to start, we identified 16 sharing behaviors for brands across 6 dimensions 1 listens and responds thoughtfully 2 gives many ways to ask questions and give opinions 3 invites people to share stories/experiences using their products and services with others 4 enables people to share info/stories/videos with friends 9 communicates openly and transparently about how products are sourced and made 10 conducts business in ways that align with people’s values 11 gives back to the community 12 shares people’s beliefs for helping the world 13 enables people to personalize products offers brand experiences beyond just using the product 14 invites people to test products, collaborate on design, and provide feedback links people and the brand online and in real life through events and activities 15 openly offers information on how the brand performs against competitors 7 asks people about their needs 16 [shares] company history or story 8 demonstrates it wants people to succeed at what’s important to them 5 6 6 6
  • 7. we then talked to… 11,000 people general online consumer population who report at least a minimal level of engagement* with brands in… 8 countries Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, UK, USA about… 212 brands 48 multi-national brands, plus approx. 30 “local” brands per country across… 12 industry sectors apparel, auto, beer/wine/spirits, consumer electronics, energy, FMCG, financial services, food & beverage, health & wellness, retail, technology, telecommunications through… 1 online survey 30 minute duration *to participate in the survey, respondents had to report participating in a minimum of one brand engaging activity in the last 12 months. brand engaging activities might include things like visiting a brand website, attending a brand sponsored event, following a brand on Twitter, wearing branded clothing, etc. 7
  • 8. in Germany we talked to… 1,004 people general online population who report at least a minimal level of engagement with brands in… 16 Länder controlled, distributed sample 65 brands evaluated 48 multi-national brands, plus 17 “local” brands about… 8
  • 9. to find out… IMPORTANCE which sharing behaviors are most important to people? INTEREST how important are those behaviors and do people want more of them? INTENT do people use, purchase or recommend brands that share? 9
  • 11. 90% 10% of people globally want brands to share of people globally think brands do it well Q13: You will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [Percent of people who selected “JUST RIGHT” or “NOT ENOUGH”] Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND] 11
  • 12. 87% of people in Germany want brands to share 7% of people in Germany think brands do it well Q13: You will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [Percent of people who selected “JUST RIGHT” or “NOT ENOUGH”] Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND] 12
  • 13. there’s a gap between what’s important to people and what brands deliver gap (performance – importance) SP: Openly offers information on how the brand performs against competitors Importance Performance SV: Communicates openly and transparently about how products are sourced and made SG: Asks people about their needs 9% SD: Invites people to share stories/experiences using their products and services with others SE: Links people and the brand online and in real life through events and activities SD: Enables people to share info/stories/videos with friends 43% 42% 10% 39% 11% SE: Offers brand experiences beyond just using the product 36% 11% 32% 8% 30% 9% 9% -36% 44% 11% SG: Demonstrates it wants people to succeed at what’s important to them -28% 45% 11% SV: Shares people’s beliefs for helping the world -36% 45% 17% SP: Enables people to personalize products -37% 46% 10% SD: Gives many ways to ask questions and give opinions -39% 49% 12% SH: [Shares] the company history/story -41% 49% 10% SV: Conducts business in ways that align with people’s values -42% 51% 10% SV: Gives back to community -37% 54% 12% SD: Listens & responds thoughtfully SP: Invites people to test products, collaborate on design and provide feedback 54% 17% 25% -33% -32% -32% -28% -25% -24% -21% -16% Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. Thinking about brands that you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5-Point Scale, Top 2 Box] Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. [Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND] 13
  • 14. Germans have more understated expectations overall, with a relatively higher focus on personalization and lower focus on brand history gap (performance – importance) SV: Communicates openly and transparently about how products are sourced and made 43% Importance Performance8% SP: Openly offers information on how the brand performs against competitors 12% SG: Asks people about their needs SP: Invites people to test products, collaborate on design, and provide feedback 29% 4% SD: Enables people to share info/stories/videos with friends 25% 9% 24% 11% 21% 5% SE: Offers brand experiences beyond just using the product SE: Links people and the brand online and in real life through events and activities 26% 7% SH: [Shares] company history or story SD: Invites people to share stories/experiences using their products and services with others 27% 8% SG: Demonstrates it wants people to succeed at what's important to them SV: Shares people's beliefs for helping the world 15% 6% 12% 4% 4% 3% -23% 30% 6% SD: Gives many ways to ask questions and give opinions -27% 31% 5% SV: Conducts business in ways that align with people's values -27% 33% 10% SV: Gives back to the community -35% 33% 6% SP: Enables people to personalize products SD: Listens and responds thoughtfully 39% 11% 9% -26% -24% -25% -19% -19% -16% -13% -16% -9% -8% -7% -6% Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. Thinking about brands that you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5-Point Scale, Top 2 Box] Q15: please select the statements that you feel apply to [BRAND]. [Average % who stated sharing statements applied to [BRAND] 14
  • 15. people reward brands that share sharing correlates strongly with actions that drive business value .1 .2 INTENT TO USE/TRIAL MODERATE INTENT TO PURCHASE LOW NONE STRONG INTENT TO RECOMMEND .3 correlation between brands that share and people’s intent to use/trial, purchase and recommend that brand Q16-18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to: [purchase from or use that brand], [recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative], [give that brand a try/increase use] the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 15
  • 16. despite less overt stated interest, Germans behavior around sharing brands still strongly drives business .1 .2 INTENT TO USE/TRIAL MODERATE INTENT TO PURCHASE INTENT TO RECOMMEND LOW STRONG NONE .3 correlation between brands that share and people’s intent to use/trial, purchase and recommend that brand Q16-18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to: [purchase from or use that brand], [recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative], [give that brand a try/increase use] the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 16
  • 17. sharing appears to drive business very effectively in Germany, although conscious enthusiasm is somewhat below global averages German results indexed to global and developed country averages Developed Global stated importance 0.6 0.7 1.0 Global & Developed unmet demand 0.8 1.0 Global & Developed derived importance* 0.9 1.0 * brand performance vs. willingness to recommend 17
  • 18. how can a brand share? 18 18
  • 19. the six dimensions of sharing we converse we believe in the same things we do things together we create together we want to achieve the same things we know the same story 19 19
  • 20. there is a hierarchy of sharing… each individual dimension of sharing drives business value at the far right end of the business value axis, shared history and shared product drive the most value for brands globally but there is also a compounding effect to sharing. the more dimensions of sharing you practice, the greater the business value from each correlation to consumer intent to recommend BUSINESS VALUE OF SHARING* *illustrative representation Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative] he next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 20
  • 21. but there is more to the story less demanded forms of sharing tend to be more prevalent but drive less business value, possibly because execution is out of sync with people’s expectations history is significantly more influential than its demand would suggest GREATER UNMET DEMAND DEMAND FOR SHARING* consumers who desire more the y-axis of demand for sharing shows that more substantive, involving dimensions are in higher demand; they are also in scarcer supply STRONGER LINK TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR correlation to consumer intent to recommend BUSINESS VALUE OF SHARING* *illustrative representation Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH]. Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative] he next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 21
  • 22. in Germany, unmet demand is high for higher order sharing, with shared goals a distinctive driver ahead of values GREATER UNMET DEMAND DEMAND FOR SHARING* consumers who desire more STRONGER LINK TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR correlation to consumer intent to recommend BUSINESS VALUE OF SHARING* *Illustrative representation Q13: You will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [NOT ENOUGH]. Q18a: For each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative] he next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 22
  • 23. 1 listens and responds thoughtfully 2 gives many ways to ask questions and give opinions 3 invites people to share stories/experiences using their products and services with others 4 enables people to share info/ stories/videos with friends SHARED DIALOG spark a meaningful conversation
  • 24. shared dialog is the first step toward sharing your brand with people of all ages % of people who want brands to do more listening and thoughtful responding to their opinions [by age group] on average, 40% of people want your brand to engage in more meaningful conversations with them people want you to listen, show genuine interest and, most importantly, act on what you hear Q1: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH for “Listen and Respond Thoughtfully” ] 24
  • 25. German desire for conversation is slightly more age dependent: youth are more enthused, older people somewhat less so % of people who want brands to do more listening and thoughtful responding to their opinions [by age group] on average, 38% of people in Germany want brands to do more listening and more thoughtful responding Q1: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH for “Listen and Respond Thoughtfully” ] 25
  • 26. CASE STUDY AXE* Voices, the brand’s community managers, create and distribute lifestyle and product content across social channels and spend hours every day responding to virtually every comment or message directed at the brand. by humanizing the brand, AXE has attracted almost 4.5 million fans. AXE likes what its fans like and engages with its community to show fans that AXE is more than just a can of body spray. *Edelman Client 26 26
  • 27. 5 offers brand experiences beyond just using the product 6 links people and the brand online and in real life through events and activities SHARED EXPERIENCE make every occasion special
  • 28. experiences need to be about people, not about your brand people everywhere want to share experiences with brands people in developing markets are particularly enthusiastic, yet in developed markets the novelty seems to be wearing thin the study suggests shared experiences need to be as much about people’s interests as they are about products to rekindle their business value Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. Thinking about brands that you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5 Point Scale, Top 2 Box: Average: “Creates experiences beyond just using the product” and “Gives me ways to link up online and in real life through fun events and activities “] 28
  • 29. demand for shared experiences in Germany is similar to other developed markets 75% of people in Germany want shared experiences—although they seem underutilized as a sharing platform and their impact could grow through a greater focus on people’s interests beyond a product Q10: you will be presented with things that a brand can do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. Thinking about brands that you like, how important is each of the following to you? [5 Point Scale, Top 2 Box: Average: “Creates experiences beyond just using the product” and “Gives me ways to link up online and in real life through fun events and activities “] 29
  • 30. CASE STUDY Heineken's* Departure Roulette recognized and rewarded its audiences' thirst for spontaneity and adventure with an airport-based experience that enticed people to take a leap of faith by trading in the air tickets in their hands for a trip to an unknown destination. this experience was as much about people’s desire for adventure as it was about the brand’s positioning. *Edelman Client 30 30
  • 31. 7 asks people about their needs 8 demonstrates it wants people to succeed at what’s important to them SHARED GOALS lend an ear and a ladder
  • 32. people want brands to help them reach goals whether it’s being a great parent or having a secure financial future, 90% of people recognize and value the role that brands play in enabling the achievement of goals but people would rather be asked what they need before being told how to get there % of people who think brands asking about their needs rather than just telling them about their products is one of the most important sharing behaviors [by industry category] this is most true in product categories where people aren’t always confident in their knowledge or expertise, such as financial services and technology Q11: Please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [% selected “Asks me about my needs and doesn’t just try to sell me products”] 32
  • 33. people in Germany appreciate and respond to brands that share their goals 91% of people in Germany appreciate the role that brands play in enabling the achievement of goals % of people who think brands asking about their needs rather than just telling them about their products is one of the most important sharing behaviors [by industry category] and unlike most other markets, they respond more favorably to shared goals than shared values, placing a high value on brands that engage with them directly around their needs Q11: Please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [% selected “Asks me about my needs and doesn’t just try to sell me products”] 33
  • 34. CASE STUDY Adidas* understands that people's performance aspirations are as individual as they are. the brand literally lives, runs and practices with people to understand their goals and motivations. the brand recently asked dozens of women to photograph something that motivated them to work out and the result challenged the brand’s preconceptions about people’s goals and informed new product development. *Edelman Client 34 34
  • 35. 9 communicates openly and transparently about how products are sourced and made 10 conducts business in ways that align with people’s values 11 gives back to the community 12 SHARED VALUES shares people’s beliefs for helping the world stand up for what you stand for
  • 36. you can place a value on your brand’s values MODERATE 92% of people want to do business with companies that share their beliefs LOW a strong correlation proves that people buy, use and recommend products whose values they share STRONG NONE .3 correlation between brands that demonstrate shared values and consumers’ intent to recommend that brand Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 36
  • 37. people in Germany expect your values to be self-evident similar to the rest of the world, 92% of people in Germany want to do business with companies that share their beliefs the positive correlation to business outcomes is somewhat lower, yet high unmet demand indicates mismatched values will likely cost you customers who drop you from their consideration set MODERATE LOW STRONG NONE .3 correlation between brands that demonstrate shared values and consumers’ intent to recommend that brand Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 37
  • 38. translate your values into tangible actions nearly 50% of people want you to be more open and transparent about how your products are made and sourced 4 in 10 people want you do more to give back to the community % of people who want brands to share more of their values Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH] 38
  • 39. demand for shared values in Germany is equally high almost half of people in Germany want more transparency around sourcing, and about 4 in 10 want brands to offer greater help for communities as well as share their beliefs on how to help the world % of people who want brands to share more of their values Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected NOT ENOUGH] 39
  • 40. CASE STUDY Mars* is a model of transparency and a global force for good in sustainable cocoa sourcing and supply chain management. the brand has invested heavily in research and local agriculture and pledged to buy 100% of its cocoa, coffee, tea, fish and palm oil from third-party certified sustainable sources by 2020, which can be tracked on its website. *Edelman Client 40 40
  • 41. 13 enables people to personalize products 14 invites people to test products, collaborate on design, and provide feedback 15 openly offers information on how the brand performs against competitors you’ve got to give to get SHARED PRODUCT
  • 42. people have a lot to give… if they could, they would come to your R&D labs, your design studios or anywhere else products are designed and developed 9 out of 10 people want a hand in creating your products % of consumers who want opportunities to share in the design & development process Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “Invites me to test products, collaborate on design and provide feedback”] 42
  • 43. people in Germany are particularly keen to participate 93% of people in Germany want a hand in creating your products— providing more opportunities to do so should further elevate its impact on business outcomes % of consumers who want opportunities to share in the design & development process Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “Invites me to test products, collaborate on design and provide feedback”] 43
  • 44. it’s critical that what they receive in return is honest and open 9 out of 10 people want you to be as transparent about your products’ performance as you are about your values TRANSPARENCY IS MOST IMPORTANT IN: TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AUTOMOTIVE APPAREL it’s the most important of all the brandshare behaviors in seven out of twelve tested industries BEER, WINE, SPIRITS RETAIL FMCG/CPG rank of openly sharing product performance data vs. other sharing behaviors based on stated importance Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “They openly share information on how the brand compares with competitors”] Q11: please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [average % selected “They openly share information on how the brand compares with competitors”] 44
  • 45. Germans also highly value honesty and openness 93% of people in Germany want you to be as transparent about your products’ performance as you are about your values TRANSPARENCY IS MOST IMPORTANT IN: TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS in Germany, transparency about your products’ performance emerged as the most important of all the brandshare behaviors in seven out of twelve tested industries AUTOTOMOTIVE APPAREL FMCG/CPG BEER, WINE, SPIRITS RETAIL rank of openly sharing product performance data vs. other sharing behaviors based on stated importance Q13: you will be presented with things that a brand could do to build and maintain a connection with you or customers like you. For each one tell us, if you feel that the brands that you like are currently doing each of these things too much, just right, or not enough? [% selected JUST RIGHT or NOT ENOUGH for “They openly share information on how the brand compares with competitors”] Q11: please select the things you feel are most important for a brand to do in [INDUSTRY CATEGORY]? [average % selected “They openly share information on how the brand compares with competitors”] 45
  • 46. CASE STUDY Adobe* understands that a product made with people best serves people‘s needs, so the company invites people to beta test their products. these open and public previews actively ask people to experience and evaluate new products, innovations and technologies. Adobe’s recent invitation to beta test Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® marks the fifth consecutive version Adobe has offered for public preview and testing prior to its final release. *Edelman Client 46 46
  • 47. 16 shares company history or story SHARED HISTORY where you came from shapes where you’re going
  • 48. your history is secretly seductive although people don’t explicitly demand that brands share their history, a shared, open brand heritage is one of the most powerful predictors of people’s intent to purchase or recommend your brand MODERATE LOW STRONG NONE .3 correlation between brands that share their history and people’s intent to recommend that brand Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 48
  • 49. your history is secretly seductive in Germany as well stated demand that brands share their history remains low in Germany, yet a shared, open brand heritage remains the most powerful predictor of their intent to purchase or recommend your brand MODERATE LOW STRONG Global NONE .3 correlation between brands that share their history and people’s intent to recommend that brand Q18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 49
  • 50. CASE STUDY Volkswagen* is among the most storied of all auto brands and one that embraces its roots even as it innovates the cars it brings to market. The brand's "Why VW" online platform showcases its history as a brand by and for the people. recognizing that many people have -- and want to share -- stories about their own history with the brand, “Why VW" solicits and showcases people's own stories about their history and experiences with Volkswagen. ® *Edelman Client 50 50
  • 51. what can you do? 51 51
  • 52. old model new model change your marketing communications ethos migrate from a linear, push model to an inclusive sharing model 52
  • 53. harmonize your narrative create a single brand narrative with consumer needs and interests at the center 53
  • 54. integrate your sharing redesign your existing engagement channels and properties to incorporate higher-value sharing 54
  • 55. it pays to share .1 .2 INTENT TO USE/TRIAL MODERATE INTENT TO PURCHASE LOW NONE STRONG INTENT TO RECOMMEND .3 correlation between brands that share and people’s intent to use/trial, purchase and recommend that brand Q16-18a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to: [purchase from or use that brand], [recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative], [give that brand a try/increase use] the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 55
  • 59. we measured the business value of sharing when you ask people directly, they say they want brands to share but to prove that sharing pays we asked people to rate how well individual brands share. we then asked people if they purchase, use and recommend those same brands we analyzed the correlation between the two to understand the connection between peoples’ opinions and their actions when brands share this correlation is a predictive, reliable estimate of the value of sharing 59
  • 60. all six dimensions drive business value MODERATE LOW STRONG NONE .3 correlation between brand sharing behaviors and people’s intent to recommend we focus on the correlation with people’s willingness “to recommend” a brand because it’s considered the most reliable predictor of future behavior Qf8a: for each [BRAND] please indicate how likely you are to recommend that brand to a friend, colleague or relative the next time you are purchasing/using the type of product or service that brand offers 60
  • 61. when correlating individual attitudes with intended behavior, coefficients over 0.2 should be considered meaningful and “strong” it should be noted that these correlations measure a multifaceted relationship vs. more straightforward correlations between 2 related attitudinal statements MODERATE correlation coefficient UNMET DEMAND* consumers who desire more a guide on how to read correlations GREATER UNMET DEMAND HIGHER STRATEGIC PRIORITY OF THE SHARING BEHAVIOR STRONGER LINK TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR correlation to consumer intent to recommend DERIVED IMPORTANCE* LOW STRONG NONE .3 correlation between a brand’s perceived sharing and people’s intent to purchase, recommend, use/trial that brand to prioritize different types of sharing, we compared their business importance against those with the greatest unmet consumer demand (i.e. those behaviors people “want more” of from brands they like) 61