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#10/20/04 use this to create report of individual fund.
#will report all transactions for specified fund,
#plus summary of fund plus expenditures and commitments
#for specified range.
#insert fund code, fromdate and todate

#01/14/2005 include line number in report to fix problem
#where commitments for different copie of the same order
#were getting sorted out. Also, send output to funds2
#instead of funds

#01/20/2005 initialize $place for each fund transaction read

#03/17/05 count commitment and expenditure totals for each fund
#for each period after sorting has
#taken place. If counting is done in subroutines, if there are
#duplicate lines the sum will not be accurate. A duplicate line
#can occur because one fund transaction can lead to retrieving
#multiple line items, and another fund transaction can retrieve
#some of these same line items, which is why we are sort uniqing
#the report before printing

#05/26/05 get rid of bad characters in title. Might prevent
#records from displaying in Excel spreadsheet

#07/01/05 if total expenditures don't match what's in fund table
#(because Endeavor recalculated fund totals without deleting
#bad lines from fund transaction table), use what's in table
# and write discrepancy to report.


#05/26/06 sort fund transactions by yyyymmddhhmiss to account for
#done the same day

#7/13/07 use webdirectory funds3 for CUL07

#7/6/07 new ledger CUL08, use webdir funds4

#7/30/2007 use webdir funds5.    problem with funds4

#07/14/2008 use webdir funds6.   new ledger CUL09

#02/20/2009 get funds for CU or HS ledgers

#07/07/2009 new CUL10 and HSL910 ledgers, and webdir fund7
#07/07/2010 new 10/11 ledgers and webdir funds8

#09/13/2010 add ledger name and note field and piece identifier to xls
file, for google calendar

#05/02/2011 add barnard ledger
#05/05/2011 take barnard out, as per Joyce

#7/7/2011 new cul11/12 ledger and funds9

#$fromdate = '20041116';
#$todate = '20041130';
#$fundcode = '2625B';

$fundcode = $ARGV[0];
$fromdate = $ARGV[1];
$todate = $ARGV[2];

#$disprange =

$disprange = "$fromdate-$todate";

print "disprange is $disprangen";

@now = localtime;
$year = ($now[5]+1900);
$month = ($now[4]+1);
$day = ($now[3]);

$fmtday = sprintf("%02d", $day);
$fmtmonth = sprintf("%02d", $month);
$today = "$fmtmonth$fmtday$year.rpt";
$todayrun = "$year$fmtmonth$fmtday";
$place = .01;   #initialize decimal place

    $ENV{TWO_TASK} = "VGER";
    $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = "/opt/oracle-9.2";

use MARC::Record;
use MARC::Field;
use MARC::Batch;

use DBI;

$database = "COLUMBIADB";
$dbh = DBI-
    || die("could not open $database"). DBI->errstr;
                    #creates database object in handle $dbh. this
                    #represents the connection

$webdir =
$dir = "/m1/clioprod/ocken/fundrpt";
$title2 = "FISCAL YEAR 11/12";
#$title2 = " ";

$fmtdate = "$fmtmonth-$fmtday-$year";

$hdrtxt = "ORDER #        DATE     BRIEF TITLE                        PO LN

open (FUNDHDR,">$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT");
write FUNDHDR;
close FUNDHDR;
open FUNDTXT,">$dir/fund.text.$today";

open (FUNDRPT,">>$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT");

system("rm $dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS");
open FUNDXLS,">$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.fundrpt.XLS";
open FUNDSHEET,">>$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS";

$savinstid = "";

#now select funds FOR LEDGER CUL 11 (ledger 29)   OR LEDGER HS11/12
(ledger 30)


        FROM   $database.FUND_TRANSACTION, $database.FUND
        WHERE FUND.FUND_CODE = '$fundcode' AND
           ( FUND.LEDGER_ID = '29' OR FUND.LEDGER_ID = '30') AND
           ORDER BY

#print "$sqln";

           $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql")
                    or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr;
                         #prepares sql statement and returns object in
                         #statment handle $sth

           $sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth-
                        #executes prepared sql statement

# N.B. $fundid2 is the fund_id.    $fundid is the institution_fund_id

ndcode,$fundid2,$expends,$ledger) = $sth->fetchrow_array() )
{ #print
    #print "date2 is $date2n";
    $note =~ s/x0a//g;    #get rid of line feeds in note field
    $note =~ s/x0d//g;    #get rid of carriage returns
   if ($opid eq "<R>") {$opid = R;} # <> dont display well in html
    if ($type eq '1') {$typetxt = 'initial allocation';}
    if ($type eq '2') {$typetxt = 'fund increase';}
    if ($type eq '3') {$typetxt = 'fund decrease';}
    if ($type eq '4') {$typetxt = 'commitment';}
    if ($type eq '5') {$typetxt = 'expenditure';}
    if ($type eq '6') {$typetxt = 'transfer in';}
    if ($type eq '7') {$typetxt = 'transfer out';}
    $amounttxt = sprintf("%6.2f",($amount*.01));
    $vendor = "";
    $vendname = "";
    if ($type eq '4') {#print "refnum is $refnumn";
                        #print "commit vendor is $vendorn";} #for
commitment get vendor from order
    if ($type eq '5') {#print "refnum is $refnumn";
#print "expend vendor is $vendorn";   #for expend
get vendor from invoice

            if ($instid ne $savinstid) {&initrtn;}

                if ($type eq '1') {#print "initalloc is $initalloc.
amount is $amountn";
                                   $initalloc = $initalloc + $amount;
#initial allocation
                                   $netalloc = $netalloc + $amount;}

                 if ($type eq '2') {$netalloc = $netalloc + $amount;
                                    $incsum = $incsum + $amount;}
#fund increase

                 if ($type eq '3') {#print "netalloc is $netalloc before
                                   $netalloc = $netalloc - $amount;
                                   $decsum = $decsum + $amount;}
                                   #print "we have a decrease. amount is
$amount. decsum is $decsum, netalloc is $netallocn";}
#fund decrease

                 if ($type eq '4') {$commitsum = $commitsum + $amount;}
                 if ($type eq '5') {$expsum = $expsum + $amount;}
                 if ($type eq '6') {$netalloc = $netalloc + $amount;
                                    $transinsum = $transinsum + $amount;}
#transfer in

                 if ($type eq '7') {$netalloc = $netalloc - $amount;
                                    $transoutsum = $transoutsum +
$amount;}        #transfer out

                 $cashbal = $netalloc - $expsum;

                 $freebal = $cashbal - $commitsum;

               # print "trans date is $transdate lastrun is $lastrun
today is $todayrunn";
           if ($transdate ge $fromdate && $transdate le $todate)     #if
within date range
               { #print "amount is $amount, refnum is $refnumn ";
                 if ($type eq '4') {$commitdtl = $commitdtl + $amount;}
                 if ($type eq '5') {$expdtl = $expdtl + $amount;}
#write FUNDTXT;
                    $po = ""; #initialize
                    $inv = ""; #initialize
                    $title = ""; #initialize
                    $currency = "";
                    $lineprice = "";
               $placecode = "";
                    $pubplace = "";
                    $linenum = "";
              $place = .01;

##ignore negative commitments (created by system) but accept all
expenditures (negative
#expenditures are created by users
#02/11/05 ignore negative expenditures without opid's
   if ($amount < 0 && !$opid) {next;}
          #if expenditure was cancelled by system there's no opid, just

  if ($type eq '4' && $amount > 0) {$po = $refnum; lineord($refnum);}
#get line items for orders if positive commitment
  if ($type eq '5') {lineinv($refnum);} #for expenditures get all line
items associated with that invoice
  if ($type ne '4' && $type ne '5')
               {$usprice = $amount;
                 write FUNDTXT;
printf FUNDXLS
ame,,$note); }

           # print FUNDXLS

            } #end of if transaction is in date range

}   #end of while   sql

&initrtn;              #print last fund

close FUNDRPT;
close FUNDXLS;


#print "savfundcode is $savfundcoden";
print "file is $savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXTn";
system("rm $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT");
system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT >
system("chmod a+r $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT");

system("rm $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS");
system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS >
system("chmod a+r $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS");

#initialize counters and institution id

sub initrtn()   {

if ($savinstid)
{if ($expsum ne $savexpend) #07/01/05
 {#print "$savfundcode table expenditures = $savexpend, report
expenditures = $expsumn";
  $expsum = $savexpend;
  $cashbal = $netalloc - $expsum;     #and re-compute
  $freebal = $cashbal - $commitsum;}

print FUNDRPT "nFUND: $savinstid $savfundid:n";
    print FUNDRPT "DATE RANGE : $fromdate - $todatenn";
    print FUNDRPT "$hdrtxtn";

  if ($netalloc > 0) {$free = $freebal/$netalloc;
                     $free = $free*100;
                     $freepct = sprintf("%6.2f",$free);
                     $cashfree = $cashbal/$netalloc;
                     $cashfree = $cashfree*100;
                     $cashfreepct = sprintf("%10.2f",$cashfree); }
                         else {$freepct = 0;
                              $cashfreepct = 0;}

 #print "free is $freebal, free is $freepctn";

 #print FUNDRPT "test expenditures : $expdtltestn";
 #print FUNDRPT "test commits : $commitdtltestn";

$totinit = $totinit + $initalloc;
$totnet = $totnet + $netalloc;
$totexp = $totexp + $expsum;
$totcommit = $totcommit + $commitsum;
$totinc = $totinc + $incsum;
$totdec = $totdec + $decsum;
$tottransin = $tottransin + $transinsum;
$tottransout = $tottransout + $transoutsum;

 #print "we are here. new fund is $fundcode, old fund is
 close FUNDTXT;
#sort by title and date
system("cat $dir/fund.text.$today | sort -d -k 3,3 -k 2,2n | uniq >

 open SORTED,"$dir/fund.text.$today.sorted";

 $expendpd = "0.00";    #03/17/05 now count expenditures and commitments
from line items for this period
 $commitpd = "0.00";

while ($line = <SORTED>)                         #get rid of copyid from
report. was only nec. for sorting uniq
{($printline,$copyid) = ($line =~ /(.*) ([^ ]+$)/); #printline is
everything before the last space

   if ($printline =~ /expenditure/) {$expend = substr($printline,100,13);
                                   print "expend is $expendn";
                              $expendpd = $expend + $expendpd;}

   if ($printline =~ /commitment/) {$commit = substr($printline,100,13);
                             print "commit is $commitn";
                             $commitpd = $commit + $commitpd;}

print FUNDRPT "$printlinen";}
#print FUNDRPT $_;}

write FUNDRPT ;
open FUNDTXT,">$dir/fund.text.$today";

close FUNDRPT;
close FUNDXLS;
system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.fundrpt.XLS | sort -d -k
4,4 -k 3,3n | uniq > $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.sorted.XLS");

open SORTEDXLS,"$dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.sorted.XLS";
while ($line = <SORTEDXLS>)
{($printline,$copyid) = ($line =~ /(.*)t([^t]+$)/);   #printline is
everything before the last tab
                  print FUNDSHEET "$printlinen";}

#print "savfundcode is $savfundcoden";
#print "file is $savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXTn";
system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT >
system("chmod a+r

system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS >
system("chmod a+r

exit;          #uncomment here to test 1 fund code.   exit here to retain
fund code name for report


$savexpend = $expends;    #save fund total expends
$savinstid = $instid;           #initialize institution id save field
$savfundid = $fundid;           #initialize fund id save field
$savfundcode = $fundcode;       #initialize fund code save field
$initalloc = 0;             #initialize initial allocation
$netalloc =0;             #initialize net allocation
$expsum = 0;              #initialize expediture sum
$commitsum = 0;           #initialize commitment sum
$incsum = 0;              #initialize fund increase sum
$decsum = 0;              #initialize fund decrease sum
$transinsum = 0;          #initialize tranfer in sum
$transoutsum = 0;         #initialize transfer out sum
$cashbal = 0;             #initialize cash balance
$freebal = 0;           #initialize freeable balance
$commitdtl = 0;
$expdtl = 0;
$expdtltest = 0;
$commitdtltest = 0;

}   #end of subrtn

# fund report header routine
format FUNDHDR =


# fund report format routine

format FUNDRPT   =

TOTAL EXPENDITURES from @<<<<<<<< to @<<<<<<<< : @########.##
TOTAL COMMITMENTS from @<<<<<<<< to @<<<<<<<< : @########.##

FUND TOTALS: @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    InitAlloc   Net Alloc. Tot.Expends CashBalance     Cash %
Tot.Commits Free Balance   Free %
@#########.## @#########.## @########.## @########.## @###.##
@########.## @########.## @###.##



# fund text format routine

format FUNDTXT =
@<<<<<<<<<<    @<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<
@<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<< @#######.## @<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<
@<<<<<<< @<<< @#######.## @<<<<<

# edit routine formats totals

sub edit() {

       $newamt = $_[0]*.01;
       $newamt =~s/ //g;      #get rid of spaces
       return $newamt;


# fund report totals routine

format FUNDTOTS =


    InitAlloc   Net Alloc.   Tot.Expends CashBalance Cash % Tot.Commits
Free Balance   Free %
@#########.## @#########.## @########.## @########.## @###.##
@########.## @########.## @###.##

# getvendc   get vendor code from order table
sub getvendc() {
           FROM $database.VENDOR, $database.PURCHASE_ORDER
               PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_NUMBER = '$refnum'

$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("$sql2")
                 or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr;

    $sth2->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth2->errstr;

    ($vendor,$vendname) = $sth2->fetchrow_array();

return ($vendor,$vendname);
# getvende   get vendor from invoice
sub getvende() {
$vendor = "";
    $vendname = "";
           FROM $database.VENDOR, $database.INVOICE,
               INVOICE.INVOICE_NUMBER = '$refnum'
                 AND INVOICE_FUNDS.FUND_ID = '$fundid2'

#AND TO_CHAR(INVOICE.INVOICE_STATUS_DATE,'yyyymmdd') = '$transdate'
#                          AND INVOICE.VENDOR_ID = VENDOR.VENDOR_ID";

    #print "$sql3n";
$sth3 = $dbh->prepare("$sql3")
                 or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr;

 $sth3->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth2->errstr;

    ($vendor,$vendname) = $sth3->fetchrow_array();

return ($vendor,$vendname);

# lineinv - get line items for invoice

sub lineinv() {
    #print "refnum is $refnumn";
    $po = "";
    $inv = $refnum;
    $note = ""; #initialize
                        FROM $database.INV_LINE_ITEM_NOTES,
              $database.INVOICE_LINE_ITEM, $database.INVOICE,
                     TO_CHAR(INVOICE.INVOICE_STATUS_DATE,'yyyymmdd') =
              AND INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.FUND_ID = '$fundid2'
                  INVOICE.CURRENCY_CODE =

       #print "$sql4n";

$sth4 = $dbh->prepare("$sql4")
    or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr;

    $sth4->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth4->errstr;

convrate,$decimals,$note,$piece) = $sth4->fetchrow_array())

  {$note =~ s/x0a//g;   #get rid of line feeds in note field
   $note =~ s/x0d//g;   #get rid of carriage returns
   $title =~ s/[^x20-x7e]//g; #get rid of ALL bad characters
   $title =~ s/"//g;            #and quotes
   if ($currency ne 'USD')
         {$usprice = $lineprice/($convrate*.00001);
          if ($decimals eq 0) {$place = 1;} }
      else {$usprice = $lineprice;}
   if (!$pubplace) {$pubplace = " ";}
   #print "lineprice is $lineprice, convrate is $convrate, usprice is
$usprice, decimals is $decimalsn";
   $expdtltest = $expdtltest + $usprice;
   printf FUNDXLS
    write FUNDTXT; }

}    #end of lineinv subroutne
## lineord - get all line items for that order
#first get all line items for that order
#then get copy numbers for each line item
#then check that copy number has a status date that is in the date range
#then make sure fund for that copy number is the fund we're looking for
#(this should take of problem where copies are ordered under a split
#9/15/2010 get both notes and print notes.

sub lineord()   {

    #print "refnum is $refnum, date is $transdaten";
    $note = ""; #initialize
           FROM $database.LINE_ITEM_NOTES,
            $database.BIB_TEXT, $database.LINE_ITEM,
            $database.LINE_ITEM_COPY_STATUS, $database.PURCHASE_ORDER,
             WHERE PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_NUMBER = '$refnum'
                AND LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_ID =
                  AND LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_ID =
                   AND LINE_ITEM_COPY_STATUS.COPY_ID =
                AND (

                  AND LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.FUND_ID = '$fundid2'
                                       AND LINE_ITEM.BIB_ID =

$sth5 = $dbh->prepare("$sql5")
           or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr;

$sth5->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth5->errstr;

rate,$decimals,$note,$print_note) = $sth5->fetchrow_array() )

  { if (!$note && $print_note) {$note = $print_note;}
    #print "note is $noten";
    $note =~ s/x0a//g;   #get rid of line feeds
    $note =~ s/x0d//g;   #get rid of carriage returns
  #print "now note is $noten";

    if (!$pubplace) {$pubplace = " ";}
    if ($currency ne 'USD') {$usprice = $lineprice/($convrate*.00001);
                            if ($decimals eq 0) {$place = 1;} }
                     #print "conversion rate is $convraten";
                            # print "usprice is $uspricen";}
     else {$usprice = $lineprice;}
   $commitdtltest = $commitdtltest + $usprice;
   #print "order is $refnumn";
    printf FUNDXLS
    #print "copyid is $copyid, price is $linepricen";
    write FUNDTXT;}


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Oneal perl-code-to-extract-from-voyager

  • 1. #!/opt/local/bin/perl #10/20/04 use this to create report of individual fund. #will report all transactions for specified fund, #plus summary of fund plus expenditures and commitments #for specified range. #insert fund code, fromdate and todate #01/14/2005 include line number in report to fix problem #where commitments for different copie of the same order #were getting sorted out. Also, send output to funds2 #instead of funds #01/20/2005 initialize $place for each fund transaction read #03/17/05 count commitment and expenditure totals for each fund #for each period after sorting has #taken place. If counting is done in subroutines, if there are #duplicate lines the sum will not be accurate. A duplicate line #can occur because one fund transaction can lead to retrieving #multiple line items, and another fund transaction can retrieve #some of these same line items, which is why we are sort uniqing #the report before printing #05/26/05 get rid of bad characters in title. Might prevent #records from displaying in Excel spreadsheet #07/01/05 if total expenditures don't match what's in fund table #(because Endeavor recalculated fund totals without deleting #bad lines from fund transaction table), use what's in table # and write discrepancy to report. #7/13/05 USE THIS PGM FOR NEW LEDGER CUL07. SEND OUTPUT TO FUNDS DIRECTORY #INSTEAD OF FUNDS2 #05/26/06 sort fund transactions by yyyymmddhhmiss to account for transactions #done the same day #7/13/07 use webdirectory funds3 for CUL07 #7/6/07 new ledger CUL08, use webdir funds4 #7/30/2007 use webdir funds5. problem with funds4 #07/14/2008 use webdir funds6. new ledger CUL09 #02/20/2009 get funds for CU or HS ledgers #07/07/2009 new CUL10 and HSL910 ledgers, and webdir fund7
  • 2. #07/07/2010 new 10/11 ledgers and webdir funds8 #09/13/2010 add ledger name and note field and piece identifier to xls file, for google calendar #05/02/2011 add barnard ledger #05/05/2011 take barnard out, as per Joyce #7/7/2011 new cul11/12 ledger and funds9 #$fromdate = '20041116'; #$todate = '20041130'; #$fundcode = '2625B'; $fundcode = $ARGV[0]; $fromdate = $ARGV[1]; $todate = $ARGV[2]; #$disprange = substr($fromdate,4,2).substr($fromdate,6,2).substr($fromdate,2,2)."- ".substr($todate,4,2).substr($todate,6,2).substr($todate,2,2); $disprange = "$fromdate-$todate"; print "disprange is $disprangen"; @now = localtime; $year = ($now[5]+1900); $month = ($now[4]+1); $day = ($now[3]); $fmtday = sprintf("%02d", $day); $fmtmonth = sprintf("%02d", $month); $today = "$fmtmonth$fmtday$year.rpt"; $todayrun = "$year$fmtmonth$fmtday"; $place = .01; #initialize decimal place BEGIN { $ENV{TWO_TASK} = "VGER"; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = "/opt/oracle-9.2"; } use MARC::Record; use MARC::Field; use MARC::Batch; use DBI; $database = "COLUMBIADB";
  • 3. $dbh = DBI- >connect("dbi:Oracle:",'READ_ONLY_USERNAME','READ_ONLY_PASSWORD') || die("could not open $database"). DBI->errstr; #creates database object in handle $dbh. this #represents the connection $webdir = "/wwws/data/cu/libraries/inside/clio/statistics/acquisitions/fundcode"; $dir = "/m1/clioprod/ocken/fundrpt"; $title = "FUND ACTIVITY REPORT"; $title2 = "FISCAL YEAR 11/12"; #$title2 = " "; $fmtdate = "$fmtmonth-$fmtday-$year"; $hdrtxt = "ORDER # DATE BRIEF TITLE PO LN # PUB PLACE CNTRY TRANSACTION USD AMT INVOICE OPID VENDOR ORIGINAL CURRENCY"; open (FUNDHDR,">$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); write FUNDHDR; close FUNDHDR; open FUNDTXT,">$dir/fund.text.$today"; open (FUNDRPT,">>$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("rm $dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); open FUNDXLS,">$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.fundrpt.XLS"; open FUNDSHEET,">>$dir/$fundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"; print FUNDSHEET "FUNDCODEtPURCHASE ORDERtTRANSACTION DATEtTITLEtPO LINE #tPUB PLACEtPLACE CODEtTRANS TYPEtUSD PRICEtINVOICE NO.tOPIDtVENDORtORIGINAL CURRENCYtORIGINAL PRICEtLEDGERtVENDOR NAMEtINVOICE PIECE IDENTIFIERtNOTEn"; $savinstid = ""; #now select funds FOR LEDGER CUL 11 (ledger 29) OR LEDGER HS11/12 (ledger 30) $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT FUND_TRANSACTION.TRANS_TYPE, FUND_TRANSACTION.AMOUNT, TO_CHAR(FUND_TRANSACTION.TRANS_DATE,'yyyymmdd'), FUND_TRANSACTION.TRANS_DATE, FUND_TRANSACTION.OPERATOR_ID, FUND_TRANSACTION.REFERENCE_NO,FUND_TRANSACTION.NOTE, FUND.INSTITUTION_FUND_ID, FUND.FUND_NAME, FUND.FUND_CODE,
  • 4. FUND.FUND_ID, FUND.EXPENDITURES, LEDGER.LEDGER_NAME FROM $database.FUND_TRANSACTION, $database.FUND ,$database.LEDGER WHERE FUND.FUND_CODE = '$fundcode' AND FUND.FUND_ID = FUND_TRANSACTION.FUND_ID AND ( FUND.LEDGER_ID = '29' OR FUND.LEDGER_ID = '30') AND FUND.LEDGER_ID = FUND_TRANSACTION.LEDGER_ID AND FUND_TRANSACTION.LEDGER_ID = LEDGER.LEDGER_ID ORDER BY FUND.FUND_CODE,TO_CHAR(FUND_TRANSACTION.TRANS_DATE,'yyyymmddhhmiss')"; #print "$sqln"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql") or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr; #prepares sql statement and returns object in #statment handle $sth $sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth- >errstr; #executes prepared sql statement # N.B. $fundid2 is the fund_id. $fundid is the institution_fund_id while (($type,$amount,$transdate,$date2,$opid,$refnum,$note,$instid,$fundid,$fu ndcode,$fundid2,$expends,$ledger) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { #print "$type,$amount,$transdate,$date2,$opid,$refnum,$instid,$fundid,$fundcode, $fundid2,$ledgern"; #print "date2 is $date2n"; $note =~ s/x0a//g; #get rid of line feeds in note field $note =~ s/x0d//g; #get rid of carriage returns if ($opid eq "<R>") {$opid = R;} # <> dont display well in html if ($type eq '1') {$typetxt = 'initial allocation';} if ($type eq '2') {$typetxt = 'fund increase';} if ($type eq '3') {$typetxt = 'fund decrease';} if ($type eq '4') {$typetxt = 'commitment';} if ($type eq '5') {$typetxt = 'expenditure';} if ($type eq '6') {$typetxt = 'transfer in';} if ($type eq '7') {$typetxt = 'transfer out';} $amounttxt = sprintf("%6.2f",($amount*.01)); $vendor = ""; $vendname = ""; if ($type eq '4') {#print "refnum is $refnumn"; getvendc($refnum);} #print "commit vendor is $vendorn";} #for commitment get vendor from order if ($type eq '5') {#print "refnum is $refnumn"; getvende($refnum);}
  • 5. #print "expend vendor is $vendorn"; #for expend get vendor from invoice if ($instid ne $savinstid) {&initrtn;} if ($type eq '1') {#print "initalloc is $initalloc. amount is $amountn"; $initalloc = $initalloc + $amount; #initial allocation $netalloc = $netalloc + $amount;} if ($type eq '2') {$netalloc = $netalloc + $amount; $incsum = $incsum + $amount;} #fund increase if ($type eq '3') {#print "netalloc is $netalloc before decreasen"; $netalloc = $netalloc - $amount; $decsum = $decsum + $amount;} #print "we have a decrease. amount is $amount. decsum is $decsum, netalloc is $netallocn";} #fund decrease if ($type eq '4') {$commitsum = $commitsum + $amount;} #commitment if ($type eq '5') {$expsum = $expsum + $amount;} #expenditures if ($type eq '6') {$netalloc = $netalloc + $amount; $transinsum = $transinsum + $amount;} #transfer in if ($type eq '7') {$netalloc = $netalloc - $amount; $transoutsum = $transoutsum + $amount;} #transfer out $cashbal = $netalloc - $expsum; $freebal = $cashbal - $commitsum; # print "trans date is $transdate lastrun is $lastrun today is $todayrunn"; if ($transdate ge $fromdate && $transdate le $todate) #if within date range { #print "amount is $amount, refnum is $refnumn "; if ($type eq '4') {$commitdtl = $commitdtl + $amount;} #commitment if ($type eq '5') {$expdtl = $expdtl + $amount;} #expenditures
  • 6. #write FUNDTXT; $po = ""; #initialize $inv = ""; #initialize $title = ""; #initialize $currency = ""; $lineprice = ""; $placecode = ""; $pubplace = ""; $linenum = ""; $place = .01; ##ignore negative commitments (created by system) but accept all expenditures (negative #expenditures are created by users #02/11/05 ignore negative expenditures without opid's if ($amount < 0 && !$opid) {next;} #if expenditure was cancelled by system there's no opid, just ignore if ($type eq '4' && $amount > 0) {$po = $refnum; lineord($refnum);} #get line items for orders if positive commitment if ($type eq '5') {lineinv($refnum);} #for expenditures get all line items associated with that invoice if ($type ne '4' && $type ne '5') {$usprice = $amount; write FUNDTXT; printf FUNDXLS ("%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%10.2ft%st%st%st%st%10.2ft%st%s t%st%st%sn",$fundcode,$po,$transdate,$title,$linenum,$pubplace,$placec ode,$typetxt,$usprice*$place,$inv,$opid,$vendor,$currency,,$ledger,$vendn ame,,$note); } # print FUNDXLS "$fundcodet$transdatet$typetxtt$amounttxtt$opidt$refnumt$vendort$l edgern"; } #end of if transaction is in date range } #end of while sql &initrtn; #print last fund close FUNDRPT; close FUNDXLS; $dbh->disconnect; #print "savfundcode is $savfundcoden";
  • 7. print "file is $savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXTn"; system("rm $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT > $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("chmod a+r $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("rm $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS > $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); system("chmod a+r $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); #************************************************************************ *** #initialize counters and institution id #************************************************************************ *** sub initrtn() { if ($savinstid) {if ($expsum ne $savexpend) #07/01/05 {#print "$savfundcode table expenditures = $savexpend, report expenditures = $expsumn"; $expsum = $savexpend; $cashbal = $netalloc - $expsum; #and re-compute $freebal = $cashbal - $commitsum;} print FUNDRPT "nFUND: $savinstid $savfundid:n"; print FUNDRPT "DATE RANGE : $fromdate - $todatenn"; print FUNDRPT "$hdrtxtn"; if ($netalloc > 0) {$free = $freebal/$netalloc; $free = $free*100; $freepct = sprintf("%6.2f",$free); $cashfree = $cashbal/$netalloc; $cashfree = $cashfree*100; $cashfreepct = sprintf("%10.2f",$cashfree); } else {$freepct = 0; $cashfreepct = 0;} #print "free is $freebal, free is $freepctn"; #print FUNDRPT "test expenditures : $expdtltestn"; #print FUNDRPT "test commits : $commitdtltestn"; $totinit = $totinit + $initalloc; $totnet = $totnet + $netalloc; $totexp = $totexp + $expsum;
  • 8. $totcommit = $totcommit + $commitsum; $totinc = $totinc + $incsum; $totdec = $totdec + $decsum; $tottransin = $tottransin + $transinsum; $tottransout = $tottransout + $transoutsum; #print "we are here. new fund is $fundcode, old fund is $savfundcoden"; close FUNDTXT; #sort by title and date system("cat $dir/fund.text.$today | sort -d -k 3,3 -k 2,2n | uniq > $dir/fund.text.$today.sorted"); open SORTED,"$dir/fund.text.$today.sorted"; $expendpd = "0.00"; #03/17/05 now count expenditures and commitments from line items for this period $commitpd = "0.00"; while ($line = <SORTED>) #get rid of copyid from report. was only nec. for sorting uniq {($printline,$copyid) = ($line =~ /(.*) ([^ ]+$)/); #printline is everything before the last space if ($printline =~ /expenditure/) {$expend = substr($printline,100,13); print "expend is $expendn"; $expendpd = $expend + $expendpd;} if ($printline =~ /commitment/) {$commit = substr($printline,100,13); print "commit is $commitn"; $commitpd = $commit + $commitpd;} print FUNDRPT "$printlinen";} #print FUNDRPT $_;} write FUNDRPT ; open FUNDTXT,">$dir/fund.text.$today"; close FUNDRPT; close FUNDXLS; system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.fundrpt.XLS | sort -d -k 4,4 -k 3,3n | uniq > $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.sorted.XLS"); open SORTEDXLS,"$dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.sorted.XLS"; while ($line = <SORTEDXLS>) {($printline,$copyid) = ($line =~ /(.*)t([^t]+$)/); #printline is everything before the last tab print FUNDSHEET "$printlinen";} close FUNDSHEET; #print "savfundcode is $savfundcoden"; #print "file is $savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXTn";
  • 9. system("rm $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT > $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("chmod a+r $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.TXT"); system("rm $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); system("cat $dir/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS > $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); system("chmod a+r $webdir/funds9/$savfundcode/$savfundcode.$disprange.$today.XLS"); exit; #uncomment here to test 1 fund code. exit here to retain fund code name for report } $savexpend = $expends; #save fund total expends $savinstid = $instid; #initialize institution id save field $savfundid = $fundid; #initialize fund id save field $savfundcode = $fundcode; #initialize fund code save field $initalloc = 0; #initialize initial allocation $netalloc =0; #initialize net allocation $expsum = 0; #initialize expediture sum $commitsum = 0; #initialize commitment sum $incsum = 0; #initialize fund increase sum $decsum = 0; #initialize fund decrease sum $transinsum = 0; #initialize tranfer in sum $transoutsum = 0; #initialize transfer out sum $cashbal = 0; #initialize cash balance $freebal = 0; #initialize freeable balance $commitdtl = 0; $expdtl = 0; $expdtltest = 0; $commitdtltest = 0; } #end of subrtn ######################################################################### # fund report header routine ######################################################################### format FUNDHDR = @|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| $title @|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  • 10. $title2 @|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| $fmtdate . ######################################################################### # fund report format routine ######################################################################### format FUNDRPT = TOTAL EXPENDITURES from @<<<<<<<< to @<<<<<<<< : @########.## $fromdate,$todate,$expendpd TOTAL COMMITMENTS from @<<<<<<<< to @<<<<<<<< : @########.## $fromdate,$todate,$commitpd FUND TOTALS: @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $savfundcode,$savinstid,$savfundid InitAlloc Net Alloc. Tot.Expends CashBalance Cash % Tot.Commits Free Balance Free % @#########.## @#########.## @########.## @########.## @###.## @########.## @########.## @###.## $initalloc*.01,$netalloc*.01,$expsum*.01,$cashbal*.01,$cashfreepct,$commi tsum*.01,$freebal*.01,$freepct ************************************************************************* ************************************************* . ######################################################################### # fund text format routine ######################################################################### format FUNDTXT = @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<< @#######.## @<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<< @#######.## @<<<<< $po,$transdate,$title, $linenum,$pubplace,$placecode,$typetxt,$usprice*$place,$inv,$opid,$vendor ,$currency,$lineprice*$place,$copyid . ######################################################################### ############################################# # edit routine formats totals
  • 11. ######################################################################### ############################################ sub edit() { $newamt = $_[0]*.01; $newamt =~s/ //g; #get rid of spaces return $newamt; } ######################################################################### # fund report totals routine ######################################################################### format FUNDTOTS = ************************************************************************* ************************************** TOTAL ALL FUNDS: InitAlloc Net Alloc. Tot.Expends CashBalance Cash % Tot.Commits Free Balance Free % @#########.## @#########.## @########.## @########.## @###.## @########.## @########.## @###.## $totinit*.01,$totnet*.01,$totexp*.01,$totcash*.01,$cashfreepct,$totcommit *.01,$totfree*.01,$freepct . ################################################################# # getvendc get vendor code from order table ################################################################# sub getvendc() { $sql2 = "SELECT VENDOR.VENDOR_CODE, VENDOR.VENDOR_NAME FROM $database.VENDOR, $database.PURCHASE_ORDER WHERE PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_NUMBER = '$refnum' AND PURCHASE_ORDER.VENDOR_ID = VENDOR.VENDOR_ID"; $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("$sql2") or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr; $sth2->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth2->errstr; ($vendor,$vendname) = $sth2->fetchrow_array(); return ($vendor,$vendname); } ################################################################# # getvende get vendor from invoice ################################################################# sub getvende() {
  • 12. $vendor = ""; $vendname = ""; $sql3 = "SELECT DISTINCT VENDOR.VENDOR_CODE, VENDOR.VENDOR_NAME FROM $database.VENDOR, $database.INVOICE, $database.INVOICE_FUNDS WHERE INVOICE.INVOICE_NUMBER = '$refnum' AND INVOICE.INVOICE_ID = INVOICE_FUNDS.INVOICE_ID AND INVOICE_FUNDS.FUND_ID = '$fundid2' AND INVOICE.VENDOR_ID = VENDOR.VENDOR_ID"; #AND TO_CHAR(INVOICE.INVOICE_STATUS_DATE,'yyyymmdd') = '$transdate' # AND INVOICE.VENDOR_ID = VENDOR.VENDOR_ID"; #print "$sql3n"; $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("$sql3") or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr; $sth3->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth2->errstr; ($vendor,$vendname) = $sth3->fetchrow_array(); return ($vendor,$vendname); } ######################################################################### ######################## # lineinv - get line items for invoice # GET PRICE FROM INVOICE LINE ITEM FUNDS TABLE INSTEAD OF INVOICE LINE ITEM ######################################################################### ####################### sub lineinv() { #print "refnum is $refnumn"; $po = ""; $inv = $refnum; $note = ""; #initialize $sql4 = "SELECT DISTINCT PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_NUMBER, INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.AMOUNT, INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.COPY_ID, LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_NUMBER, BIB_TEXT.TITLE_BRIEF, BIB_TEXT.PUB_PLACE, BIB_TEXT.PLACE_CODE, INVOICE.CURRENCY_CODE, INVOICE.CONVERSION_RATE, CURRENCY_CONVERSION.DECIMALS, INV_LINE_ITEM_NOTES.NOTE, INVOICE_LINE_ITEM.PIECE_IDENTIFIER FROM $database.INV_LINE_ITEM_NOTES, $database.PURCHASE_ORDER, $database.INVOICE_LINE_ITEM, $database.INVOICE,
  • 13. $database.INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUNDS, $database.LINE_ITEM, $database.BIB_TEXT, $database.CURRENCY_CONVERSION WHERE INVOICE.INVOICE_NUMBER = '$refnum' AND TO_CHAR(INVOICE.INVOICE_STATUS_DATE,'yyyymmdd') = '$transdate' AND INVOICE.INVOICE_ID = INVOICE_LINE_ITEM.INVOICE_ID AND INVOICE_LINE_ITEM.INV_LINE_ITEM_ID = INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.INV_LINE_ITEM_ID AND INVOICE_LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.FUND_ID = '$fundid2' AND INVOICE_LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_ID = LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_ID AND INVOICE_LINE_ITEM.INV_LINE_ITEM_ID = INV_LINE_ITEM_NOTES.INV_LINE_ITEM_ID(+) AND LINE_ITEM.PO_ID = PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_ID AND LINE_ITEM.BIB_ID = BIB_TEXT.BIB_ID AND INVOICE.CURRENCY_CODE = CURRENCY_CONVERSION.CURRENCY_CODE(+)"; #print "$sql4n"; $sth4 = $dbh->prepare("$sql4") or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr; $sth4->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth4->errstr; while (($po,$lineprice,$copyid,$linenum,$title,$pubplace,$placecode,$currency,$ convrate,$decimals,$note,$piece) = $sth4->fetchrow_array()) {$note =~ s/x0a//g; #get rid of line feeds in note field $note =~ s/x0d//g; #get rid of carriage returns $title =~ s/[^x20-x7e]//g; #get rid of ALL bad characters $title =~ s/"//g; #and quotes if ($currency ne 'USD') {$usprice = $lineprice/($convrate*.00001); if ($decimals eq 0) {$place = 1;} } else {$usprice = $lineprice;} if (!$pubplace) {$pubplace = " ";} #print "lineprice is $lineprice, convrate is $convrate, usprice is $usprice, decimals is $decimalsn"; $expdtltest = $expdtltest + $usprice; printf FUNDXLS ("%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%10.2ft%st%st%st%st%10.2ft%st%s t%st%st%sn",$fundcode,$po,$transdate,$title,$linenum,$pubplace,$placec ode,$typetxt,$usprice*$place,$inv,$opid,$vendor,$currency,$lineprice*$pla ce,$ledger,$vendname,$piece,$note,$copyid); write FUNDTXT; } } #end of lineinv subroutne
  • 14. ######################################################################### ################################ ## lineord - get all line items for that order #first get all line items for that order #then get copy numbers for each line item #then check that copy number has a status date that is in the date range #then make sure fund for that copy number is the fund we're looking for #(this should take of problem where copies are ordered under a split fund) # #9/15/2010 get both notes and print notes. ######################################################################### ################################ sub lineord() { #print "refnum is $refnum, date is $transdaten"; $note = ""; #initialize $sql5 = "SELECT DISTINCT LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_NUMBER, LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.AMOUNT, LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.COPY_ID, BIB_TEXT.TITLE_BRIEF, BIB_TEXT.PUB_PLACE, BIB_TEXT.PLACE_CODE, PURCHASE_ORDER.CURRENCY_CODE, PURCHASE_ORDER.CONVERSION_RATE, CURRENCY_CONVERSION.DECIMALS,LINE_ITEM_NOTES.NOTE, LINE_ITEM_NOTES.PRINT_NOTE FROM $database.LINE_ITEM_NOTES, $database.BIB_TEXT, $database.LINE_ITEM, $database.LINE_ITEM_COPY_HISTORY, $database.LINE_ITEM_COPY_STATUS, $database.PURCHASE_ORDER, $database.LINE_ITEM_FUNDS, $database.CURRENCY_CONVERSION WHERE PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_NUMBER = '$refnum' AND PURCHASE_ORDER.PO_ID = LINE_ITEM.PO_ID AND LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_ID = LINE_ITEM_COPY_STATUS.LINE_ITEM_ID AND LINE_ITEM.LINE_ITEM_ID = LINE_ITEM_NOTES.LINE_ITEM_ID(+) AND LINE_ITEM_COPY_STATUS.COPY_ID = LINE_ITEM_COPY_HISTORY.COPY_ID AND ( TO_CHAR(LINE_ITEM_COPY_HISTORY.STATUS_DATE,'yyyymmdd') >= '$fromdate' AND TO_CHAR(LINE_ITEM_COPY_HISTORY.STATUS_DATE,'yyyymmdd') <= '$todate') AND LINE_ITEM_COPY_HISTORY.COPY_ID = LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.COPY_ID AND LINE_ITEM_FUNDS.FUND_ID = '$fundid2' AND LINE_ITEM.BIB_ID = BIB_TEXT.BIB_ID AND PURCHASE_ORDER.CURRENCY_CODE = CURRENCY_CONVERSION.CURRENCY_CODE(+)"; #print"$sql5n";
  • 15. $sth5 = $dbh->prepare("$sql5") or die "Couldn't prepare statement:" . $Data->errstr; $sth5->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement:" . $sth5->errstr; while (($linenum,$lineprice,$copyid,$title,$pubplace,$placecode,$currency,$conv rate,$decimals,$note,$print_note) = $sth5->fetchrow_array() ) { if (!$note && $print_note) {$note = $print_note;} #print "note is $noten"; $note =~ s/x0a//g; #get rid of line feeds $note =~ s/x0d//g; #get rid of carriage returns #print "now note is $noten"; #print "$linenum,$lineprice,$copyid,$title,$pubplace,$placecode,$currency,$convr ate,$decimals,$noten"; if (!$pubplace) {$pubplace = " ";} if ($currency ne 'USD') {$usprice = $lineprice/($convrate*.00001); if ($decimals eq 0) {$place = 1;} } #print "conversion rate is $convraten"; # print "usprice is $uspricen";} else {$usprice = $lineprice;} $commitdtltest = $commitdtltest + $usprice; #print "order is $refnumn"; printf FUNDXLS ("%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%10.2ft%st%st%st%st%10.2ft%st%s t%st%st%sn",$fundcode,$po,$transdate,$title,$linenum,$pubplace,$placec ode,$typetxt,$usprice*$place,$inv,$opid,$vendor,$currency,$lineprice*$pla ce,$ledger,$vendname,$piece,$note); #print "copyid is $copyid, price is $linepricen"; write FUNDTXT;} }