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An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Vol. 3 Issue 2 591 November, 2016
Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602
Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI
ISSN 2349-5189
Assistant Professor and HOD
Vasundhara Kala Mahavidyalaya
Jule Solapur
Robin S. Sharma is a versatile genius, being a writer, a speaker, and a former
Litigation lawyer; he is one of the world's most highly respected leadership
experts. He is the author of 15 global best seller books. He is devoted to the
mission of helping organizations to develop people who live without a title so
that they win in this period of intense change. He is remarkable in presenting
the real life perception. Reading him is a thing of pleasure. He is been
renowned by many celebrities as a best author; his clients include Microsoft,
GE, FedEx, IBM, Nike, NASA, Yale University, and The Young Presidents
Organization. Sharma's books have topped best-seller lists across the globe
and have sold millions of copies in more than seventy languages. They have
aesthetic qualities which have been embraced by rock stars, royalty, and many
celebrity CEOs.
Robin S. Sharma is a versatile genius, being a writer, a speaker, and a former Litigation
lawyer; he is one of the world's most highly respected leadership experts. He is the author of
15 global best seller books. He is devoted to the mission of helping organizations to develop
people who live without a title so that they win in this period of intense change. He is
remarkable in presenting the real life perception. Reading him is a thing of pleasure. He is
been renowned by many celebrities as a best author; his clients include Microsoft, GE,
FedEx, IBM, Nike, NASA, Yale University, and The Young Presidents Organization.
Sharma's books have topped best-seller lists across the globe and have sold millions of copies
in more than seventy languages. They have aesthetic qualities which have been embraced by
rock stars, royalty, and many celebrity CEOs.
Robin Sharma, a leading Canadian author and the maker of „The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari’
and „The Leader Who Had No Title’. He has presented his modern philosophy in all his
novels and the present book, „Mega Living’ is not an exception to it. The books of Robin
Sharma always support to enrich the human life with its important message. The present book
Mega Living supports to change the perception of human beings. It almost deals with all
human aspect. With his mild tone Robin Sharma evokes the people with his eye opening
philosophy. It has helped many people to heal their lives from bitter past. It guides the reader
in every sphere of life. He makes the reader aware that if a man is doing the same things that
he does every day and plays the same negative film in his mind, it is impossible for him to
bring change in his life. If anyone desires for different life than his routine life he should do
some different things daily. One can bring the change even by reading the book, doing
An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Vol. 3 Issue 2 592 November, 2016
Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602
Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI
ISSN 2349-5189
YOGA, imagining or hoping for better life is also doing different thing which can bring a
success. By giving the example of great leaders he convinces people with rays of hope.
In the first Chapter he discusses about the potentiality of mind and makes the reader aware
that an average man gets 60,000 thoughts a day and out of it 95% thoughts are negative.
Without knowing this fact man thinks, the same thoughts of daily routine, most of his
thoughts are about past. Yesterday‟s thoughts cannot make your tomorrow better. Robin
Sharma presents the philosophy of Napoleon Hill who mentioned that „Whatever the mind
conceives and believes he can achieve‟ Great novelist Paulo Coelho also presents the similar
view in his novel The Alchemist he mentions “If you desire for something the entire Universe
conspires to give it to you.”
After making aware about the power of mind Robin Sharma suggests, to master the mind one
should master the thoughts. He makes aware that past has nothing to do with the present; it
has no relevance with the present. If we do not laugh for the same joke second time then why
we are so sensitive about our bitter experiences of life and get nervous by reminding it again
and again? Why we do not release the past bitter incidents and failures from our lives?
Though the bitter experiences were painful yet they had some lessons to teach. If man is
engrossed and inspired with big motive or project, his life becomes happier. He defines
happiness as a journey and not destiny. Thus he echoes the philosophy of Indian philosopher
Patanjali. He further suggests that whatever we follow or do for 21 days, it becomes a habit.
In Chapter number second he gives the message of Japanese word Kaizen which means
unending improvement. Nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. In a stressful
life where cut throat competition is accepted as a part of life, Robin Sharma brings it to the
notice that mind is the creator of everything and no one has enough time to think about it.
Though it is not visible it is constantly creating a world for you and we are not feeding it with
good nourishment. It is like when all arrangement of traveling a long trip is done but the car
owner has forgotten to fill up the petrol in the car. Unnecessary things are given more
importance in life. As Goethe a German poet has said, „Things which matter most should
never be at the mercy of things which matter least. So the mind should be nourished by good
thoughts. One should remain as a guard of mind and never let the negative thoughts to enter
in the mind. The level of your success is determined by what you think every second of every
minute of every day.‟
The most important science of Law of attraction is discussed in this chapter. It is called as a
dominant law of mind, which can change the life. What one thinks whole day that is attracted
in life. As Osho rightly said “whatever you focus that gets energy.” When a person is
thinking about the troubles in office or competition or insults, unknowingly he is inviting the
same in his life. Why one should focus on negative aspects of life? Sow a thought, reap an
action, sow an action, reap a habit, sow a habit, reap a character, sow a character, and reap a
destiny. So the focus should be on the things one wants in his/her life, focus should not be on
things that we do not want to happen. When focus is on negative things and on bad
circumstances, one should understand that it is a game of our ego, which never allows us to
accept our faults.
An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Vol. 3 Issue 2 593 November, 2016
Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602
Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI
ISSN 2349-5189
Human beings are enough clever to pour the entire mistake of our mind on destiny. When
man becomes helpless, he with the sugar coated word declares that it was pre-determined. It
is really important to understand that the so called Satwai, God, Universal source has no time
to write someone‟s destiny with such a small details. For example if someone feels the maths
paper is very difficult to solve. He focuses on the difficult questions and informs about it to
his subconscious mind or Universal soul. As a result he gets less marks or failure in that
exam. To take responsibility of our wrong focus needs courage, those who take the
responsibility, they can change their lives. Many people dislike their jobs or their
relationships, because they focus on negative aspects. These negative thoughts are
disempowering, one cannot do great things if one doesn‟t feel great. Negative thoughts are
unwelcome guests. Such thoughts should not be entertained if you need good result. What
you think so you become.
„Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”. W.W.Ziege.
Robin Sharma suggests repeating the desire aloud ten times before going to sleep, as it
evokes the subconscious mind and it becomes the reality.
In chapter three a physical mastery is taught. In this chapter along with the healthy diet the
importance of deep breathing and importance chewing the food is discussed. To live properly
is to breathe properly, thus he gives emphasis on Pranayam and Yoga which is our ancient
treasure. Men truly are only that much old they think they are. In today‟s era people are
observed discussing more about the increasing weight, they are troubled by their increasing
weight and want to reduce it. The very thing shows that they have accepted the increasing
weight; they assumed it and focusing on it and are constantly talking about it. If they focus on
the desired weight and the perfect figure they need, it may come in reality. The dream will
come true by using their mind power but it never happens and much discussion is done about
unwanted things.
Further Robin Sharma speaks about past. Many people are involved in past of bitter incidents
and carrying the age old experiences. People are interested in nourishing those bad
experiences alive in their mind. It is ironical that parents who constantly blame the children
for watching the same cartoon film again and again, do the same thing with their past. They
do play the old film of bitter past in their present and spoil their lives. Thus in chapter four
Robin Sharma takes the readers to the higher plane of life and makes the readers aware that
the quality of the life is determined by the interpretation of what happens to them. There are
many people who undergo the same tragedy, failures, natural calamity or disaster but some
overcome it and they become highly successful in the course of time. But for some it is a nice
excuse for not doing anything good in life. All highly successful people are proactive; they
view setbacks and failures as lessons and see mistakes as wonderful opportunities to grow.
Life is how we take it. The best physician is a mind full of good thoughts, thoughts of hope,
courage, strength and bliss. If we decide to keep ourselves happy nobody can make us sad.
He warns the readers that keeping themselves happy is their personal responsibility, and not
someone else‟ responsibility. If you get disturbed by other‟s opinions or criticism, then you
An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Vol. 3 Issue 2 594 November, 2016
Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602
Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI
ISSN 2349-5189
can‟t keep yourself in good feelings. One should be comfortable in his own skin by
neglecting what others talk about him or her.
If you can’t weather misunderstanding and criticism, then whatever you do, don’t do
anything new. Jeff Bezos
When you soak your mind in thoughts of wealth, happiness and peace you start to tap and
harness, the incredible power of the subconscious mind. It is at this point that your life rises
above the ordinary to the realms of the extraordinary, where it truly belongs. (Pg.75) The
inner world makes the outer world, so one should be conscious about the feeding of the
thoughts. As Emerson rightly said “A man is what he thinks all day long.”
The most important thing which everyone does consciously or unconsciously is „the thing
that is, least matters are given much preference.‟ Man is always worried about the criticism
and focuses on it from the whole heart. He forgets the admiration, but remembers bitter
criticism till the last. The things which he really wants to do in his life gets less importance in
his schedule. Many times people cannot understand what actually they want in their lives. It
is tragic that people do play the role of an extra actress or actor in their own life. 90% of life‟s
mission may get develop if it is asked, “what actually we want?” He mentions the 80/20 rule.
80% of results come from 20% of our activities. What activities make the difference in life
and get what you want to get. Here he gives a nice mantra, do something different to get
different result in life.
Robin Sharma gives 8 keys to the path of mastery which are
 Commitment and desire
 Knowledge and instruction
 Kaizen and consistent Practice
 Persistence
 Raise your standard and keep pushing
 Even the teachers have teachers
 Have the fun and enjoy the journey of the master
 Share your knowledge and serve others.
He makes the readers to understand that past has no relevance with present and one should
not let even a single day slip from hands without happiness, one should celebrate the journey
called life. Like success, happiness is a journey and not a destination.
Further the author gives 200 hundred tips for life. They are just like pillars of self mastery.
Robin Sharma suggest to sleep less, he makes the readers aware that many times 6 hours
sleep is enough for healthy body. He doesn‟t forget to mention that if any person practices it
for 21 days it will become his/her habit. The time and space should be kept for it; one should
keep one hour time for self mastery. The early hour can be removed to utilize. Many times
the important things are not given time, so he suggests „Do not allow those things that matter
the most in your life be at the mercy of activities that matter the least.‟ Time management is
life management. If the time for important thing is given with priority, nobody would ever
complain about having less time in the life.
An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Vol. 3 Issue 2 595 November, 2016
Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602
Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI
ISSN 2349-5189
To keep alert from the negative thoughts the rubber band method is introduced. It is
noteworthy that mind dwells into negative thought easily. One should tie a rubber band
around wrist and snap it if any negative thought enters in mind. Because of sudden attack the
mind would come in to real world and stop thinking negative thoughts. Robin Sharma
suggests few soft skill to support the self improvement.
 One should answer the call with enthusiasm, good phone manners are essential for
 One should keep a card when a new fantastic idea occurs in mind one can write it on
 Sunday evenings should be kept for weeks planning. It will save the energy and
 The key principle in life is the quality of communication decides the quality of life. What
one speaks that gets real shape in life. The self talk is a talk with the universe. If it is good,
one gets good result in life. He further says to stay on purpose not on outcome.
 Laughter is very important in life but as man grows he learns the art of seriousness. On an
average a 4 year old child laughs 500 times a day and on the contrary average adult laughs
only for 15 times.
Lightening the candle would create a soothing atmosphere for reading. Walk consciously, it
is similar to Zen philosophy that admits whatever you do you should do it consciously. Robin
Sharma also suggests concentrating in present life; he suggests that meditation is best remedy
to live peaceful life. Remaining still is also best way to enjoy the powerful silence. He talks
about „60/40 Rule‟ that is to listen 60% and speak 40%, this is applicable for all people who
spend their precious time complaining about office job or domestic life and lack of time. If
one develops a cheerful, vital and strong personality, one can greatly influence others.
People do the management of career only, but in reality they should learn to manage their
relationship too. He suggests to discipline the mind and never to discuss health, wealth and
personal development activities with anyone. It is better to remain slightly aloof, do not let
everyone know about personal matters. He suggests that one should be strong enough to
maintain their peace of mind. Robin Sharma doesn‟t forget to suggest that things are Created
twice once in the mind and then in reality. Focus on the positive. Be so mentally tough that
can nothing should disturb you. Visualize firmly and it will become the reality.
He suggests to improve the quality of life never speak ill of others. Because speaking ill
degrade your dignity. Think about good things that are done during the day. Being a keen
observer of life he mentions that mobile is for the convenience of us and not for the
convenience of people. One should not hang to it for the wastage of time. One should live
each day as if it is a last day of life. Every week there is 168 hours. These hours should be
spare for personal growth, and for the improvement of personal relationship. The time spent
in useless activities like watching violent movies, criticizing someone can spoil the mental
peace and harmony. It leaves long lasting negative influences on life. Thus in this book Robin
Sharma has tried to unfurl his agenda of developing the lives of his readers.
An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
Vol. 3 Issue 2 596 November, 2016
Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602
Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI
ISSN 2349-5189
1. Mega Living: Robin Sharma
2. The Alchemist: Paulo Coelho
3. Perry,S (1991), “How to enrich your life”. (Mumbai)
4. Fromm, Erich, „Greatness and Limitations of Freud‟s thought‟ (1981), New
AmericanLibrary, New York.
5. Feldman, Robert S (1996), “Understanding Psychology”, Mcgrew-Hill, Delhi
6. Lindsay, P. Norman, D (1972), “An Introduction to Psychology”, Academic press,
New York

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Day 0- Bootcamp Roadmap for PLC Bootcamp
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90. dr. anuradha d. limkar

  • 1. LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal Vol. 3 Issue 2 591 November, 2016 Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602 Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI ISSN 2349-5189 IMPACT FACTOR – 4.23 ROBIN SHARMA’S MEGA LIVING: A GUIDE TO LIFE DR. ANURADHA D. LIMKAR Assistant Professor and HOD Vasundhara Kala Mahavidyalaya Jule Solapur ABSTRACT Robin S. Sharma is a versatile genius, being a writer, a speaker, and a former Litigation lawyer; he is one of the world's most highly respected leadership experts. He is the author of 15 global best seller books. He is devoted to the mission of helping organizations to develop people who live without a title so that they win in this period of intense change. He is remarkable in presenting the real life perception. Reading him is a thing of pleasure. He is been renowned by many celebrities as a best author; his clients include Microsoft, GE, FedEx, IBM, Nike, NASA, Yale University, and The Young Presidents Organization. Sharma's books have topped best-seller lists across the globe and have sold millions of copies in more than seventy languages. They have aesthetic qualities which have been embraced by rock stars, royalty, and many celebrity CEOs. Robin S. Sharma is a versatile genius, being a writer, a speaker, and a former Litigation lawyer; he is one of the world's most highly respected leadership experts. He is the author of 15 global best seller books. He is devoted to the mission of helping organizations to develop people who live without a title so that they win in this period of intense change. He is remarkable in presenting the real life perception. Reading him is a thing of pleasure. He is been renowned by many celebrities as a best author; his clients include Microsoft, GE, FedEx, IBM, Nike, NASA, Yale University, and The Young Presidents Organization. Sharma's books have topped best-seller lists across the globe and have sold millions of copies in more than seventy languages. They have aesthetic qualities which have been embraced by rock stars, royalty, and many celebrity CEOs. Robin Sharma, a leading Canadian author and the maker of „The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari’ and „The Leader Who Had No Title’. He has presented his modern philosophy in all his novels and the present book, „Mega Living’ is not an exception to it. The books of Robin Sharma always support to enrich the human life with its important message. The present book Mega Living supports to change the perception of human beings. It almost deals with all human aspect. With his mild tone Robin Sharma evokes the people with his eye opening philosophy. It has helped many people to heal their lives from bitter past. It guides the reader in every sphere of life. He makes the reader aware that if a man is doing the same things that he does every day and plays the same negative film in his mind, it is impossible for him to bring change in his life. If anyone desires for different life than his routine life he should do some different things daily. One can bring the change even by reading the book, doing
  • 2. LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal Vol. 3 Issue 2 592 November, 2016 Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602 Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI ISSN 2349-5189 IMPACT FACTOR – 4.23 YOGA, imagining or hoping for better life is also doing different thing which can bring a success. By giving the example of great leaders he convinces people with rays of hope. In the first Chapter he discusses about the potentiality of mind and makes the reader aware that an average man gets 60,000 thoughts a day and out of it 95% thoughts are negative. Without knowing this fact man thinks, the same thoughts of daily routine, most of his thoughts are about past. Yesterday‟s thoughts cannot make your tomorrow better. Robin Sharma presents the philosophy of Napoleon Hill who mentioned that „Whatever the mind conceives and believes he can achieve‟ Great novelist Paulo Coelho also presents the similar view in his novel The Alchemist he mentions “If you desire for something the entire Universe conspires to give it to you.” After making aware about the power of mind Robin Sharma suggests, to master the mind one should master the thoughts. He makes aware that past has nothing to do with the present; it has no relevance with the present. If we do not laugh for the same joke second time then why we are so sensitive about our bitter experiences of life and get nervous by reminding it again and again? Why we do not release the past bitter incidents and failures from our lives? Though the bitter experiences were painful yet they had some lessons to teach. If man is engrossed and inspired with big motive or project, his life becomes happier. He defines happiness as a journey and not destiny. Thus he echoes the philosophy of Indian philosopher Patanjali. He further suggests that whatever we follow or do for 21 days, it becomes a habit. In Chapter number second he gives the message of Japanese word Kaizen which means unending improvement. Nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. In a stressful life where cut throat competition is accepted as a part of life, Robin Sharma brings it to the notice that mind is the creator of everything and no one has enough time to think about it. Though it is not visible it is constantly creating a world for you and we are not feeding it with good nourishment. It is like when all arrangement of traveling a long trip is done but the car owner has forgotten to fill up the petrol in the car. Unnecessary things are given more importance in life. As Goethe a German poet has said, „Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least. So the mind should be nourished by good thoughts. One should remain as a guard of mind and never let the negative thoughts to enter in the mind. The level of your success is determined by what you think every second of every minute of every day.‟ The most important science of Law of attraction is discussed in this chapter. It is called as a dominant law of mind, which can change the life. What one thinks whole day that is attracted in life. As Osho rightly said “whatever you focus that gets energy.” When a person is thinking about the troubles in office or competition or insults, unknowingly he is inviting the same in his life. Why one should focus on negative aspects of life? Sow a thought, reap an action, sow an action, reap a habit, sow a habit, reap a character, sow a character, and reap a destiny. So the focus should be on the things one wants in his/her life, focus should not be on things that we do not want to happen. When focus is on negative things and on bad circumstances, one should understand that it is a game of our ego, which never allows us to accept our faults.
  • 3. LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal Vol. 3 Issue 2 593 November, 2016 Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602 Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI ISSN 2349-5189 IMPACT FACTOR – 4.23 Human beings are enough clever to pour the entire mistake of our mind on destiny. When man becomes helpless, he with the sugar coated word declares that it was pre-determined. It is really important to understand that the so called Satwai, God, Universal source has no time to write someone‟s destiny with such a small details. For example if someone feels the maths paper is very difficult to solve. He focuses on the difficult questions and informs about it to his subconscious mind or Universal soul. As a result he gets less marks or failure in that exam. To take responsibility of our wrong focus needs courage, those who take the responsibility, they can change their lives. Many people dislike their jobs or their relationships, because they focus on negative aspects. These negative thoughts are disempowering, one cannot do great things if one doesn‟t feel great. Negative thoughts are unwelcome guests. Such thoughts should not be entertained if you need good result. What you think so you become. „Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”. W.W.Ziege. Robin Sharma suggests repeating the desire aloud ten times before going to sleep, as it evokes the subconscious mind and it becomes the reality. In chapter three a physical mastery is taught. In this chapter along with the healthy diet the importance of deep breathing and importance chewing the food is discussed. To live properly is to breathe properly, thus he gives emphasis on Pranayam and Yoga which is our ancient treasure. Men truly are only that much old they think they are. In today‟s era people are observed discussing more about the increasing weight, they are troubled by their increasing weight and want to reduce it. The very thing shows that they have accepted the increasing weight; they assumed it and focusing on it and are constantly talking about it. If they focus on the desired weight and the perfect figure they need, it may come in reality. The dream will come true by using their mind power but it never happens and much discussion is done about unwanted things. Further Robin Sharma speaks about past. Many people are involved in past of bitter incidents and carrying the age old experiences. People are interested in nourishing those bad experiences alive in their mind. It is ironical that parents who constantly blame the children for watching the same cartoon film again and again, do the same thing with their past. They do play the old film of bitter past in their present and spoil their lives. Thus in chapter four Robin Sharma takes the readers to the higher plane of life and makes the readers aware that the quality of the life is determined by the interpretation of what happens to them. There are many people who undergo the same tragedy, failures, natural calamity or disaster but some overcome it and they become highly successful in the course of time. But for some it is a nice excuse for not doing anything good in life. All highly successful people are proactive; they view setbacks and failures as lessons and see mistakes as wonderful opportunities to grow. (Pg.68) Life is how we take it. The best physician is a mind full of good thoughts, thoughts of hope, courage, strength and bliss. If we decide to keep ourselves happy nobody can make us sad. He warns the readers that keeping themselves happy is their personal responsibility, and not someone else‟ responsibility. If you get disturbed by other‟s opinions or criticism, then you
  • 4. LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal Vol. 3 Issue 2 594 November, 2016 Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602 Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI ISSN 2349-5189 IMPACT FACTOR – 4.23 can‟t keep yourself in good feelings. One should be comfortable in his own skin by neglecting what others talk about him or her. If you can’t weather misunderstanding and criticism, then whatever you do, don’t do anything new. Jeff Bezos When you soak your mind in thoughts of wealth, happiness and peace you start to tap and harness, the incredible power of the subconscious mind. It is at this point that your life rises above the ordinary to the realms of the extraordinary, where it truly belongs. (Pg.75) The inner world makes the outer world, so one should be conscious about the feeding of the thoughts. As Emerson rightly said “A man is what he thinks all day long.” The most important thing which everyone does consciously or unconsciously is „the thing that is, least matters are given much preference.‟ Man is always worried about the criticism and focuses on it from the whole heart. He forgets the admiration, but remembers bitter criticism till the last. The things which he really wants to do in his life gets less importance in his schedule. Many times people cannot understand what actually they want in their lives. It is tragic that people do play the role of an extra actress or actor in their own life. 90% of life‟s mission may get develop if it is asked, “what actually we want?” He mentions the 80/20 rule. 80% of results come from 20% of our activities. What activities make the difference in life and get what you want to get. Here he gives a nice mantra, do something different to get different result in life. Robin Sharma gives 8 keys to the path of mastery which are  Commitment and desire  Knowledge and instruction  Kaizen and consistent Practice  Persistence  Raise your standard and keep pushing  Even the teachers have teachers  Have the fun and enjoy the journey of the master  Share your knowledge and serve others. He makes the readers to understand that past has no relevance with present and one should not let even a single day slip from hands without happiness, one should celebrate the journey called life. Like success, happiness is a journey and not a destination. Further the author gives 200 hundred tips for life. They are just like pillars of self mastery. Robin Sharma suggest to sleep less, he makes the readers aware that many times 6 hours sleep is enough for healthy body. He doesn‟t forget to mention that if any person practices it for 21 days it will become his/her habit. The time and space should be kept for it; one should keep one hour time for self mastery. The early hour can be removed to utilize. Many times the important things are not given time, so he suggests „Do not allow those things that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of activities that matter the least.‟ Time management is life management. If the time for important thing is given with priority, nobody would ever complain about having less time in the life.
  • 5. LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal Vol. 3 Issue 2 595 November, 2016 Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602 Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI ISSN 2349-5189 IMPACT FACTOR – 4.23 To keep alert from the negative thoughts the rubber band method is introduced. It is noteworthy that mind dwells into negative thought easily. One should tie a rubber band around wrist and snap it if any negative thought enters in mind. Because of sudden attack the mind would come in to real world and stop thinking negative thoughts. Robin Sharma suggests few soft skill to support the self improvement.  One should answer the call with enthusiasm, good phone manners are essential for success.  One should keep a card when a new fantastic idea occurs in mind one can write it on paper.  Sunday evenings should be kept for weeks planning. It will save the energy and relationship.  The key principle in life is the quality of communication decides the quality of life. What one speaks that gets real shape in life. The self talk is a talk with the universe. If it is good, one gets good result in life. He further says to stay on purpose not on outcome.  Laughter is very important in life but as man grows he learns the art of seriousness. On an average a 4 year old child laughs 500 times a day and on the contrary average adult laughs only for 15 times. Lightening the candle would create a soothing atmosphere for reading. Walk consciously, it is similar to Zen philosophy that admits whatever you do you should do it consciously. Robin Sharma also suggests concentrating in present life; he suggests that meditation is best remedy to live peaceful life. Remaining still is also best way to enjoy the powerful silence. He talks about „60/40 Rule‟ that is to listen 60% and speak 40%, this is applicable for all people who spend their precious time complaining about office job or domestic life and lack of time. If one develops a cheerful, vital and strong personality, one can greatly influence others. People do the management of career only, but in reality they should learn to manage their relationship too. He suggests to discipline the mind and never to discuss health, wealth and personal development activities with anyone. It is better to remain slightly aloof, do not let everyone know about personal matters. He suggests that one should be strong enough to maintain their peace of mind. Robin Sharma doesn‟t forget to suggest that things are Created twice once in the mind and then in reality. Focus on the positive. Be so mentally tough that can nothing should disturb you. Visualize firmly and it will become the reality. He suggests to improve the quality of life never speak ill of others. Because speaking ill degrade your dignity. Think about good things that are done during the day. Being a keen observer of life he mentions that mobile is for the convenience of us and not for the convenience of people. One should not hang to it for the wastage of time. One should live each day as if it is a last day of life. Every week there is 168 hours. These hours should be spare for personal growth, and for the improvement of personal relationship. The time spent in useless activities like watching violent movies, criticizing someone can spoil the mental peace and harmony. It leaves long lasting negative influences on life. Thus in this book Robin Sharma has tried to unfurl his agenda of developing the lives of his readers.
  • 6. LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal Vol. 3 Issue 2 596 November, 2016 Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602 Indexed : Google Scholar, Research Gate ,, IBI ,IIFC, DRJI ISSN 2349-5189 IMPACT FACTOR – 4.23 REFERENCES 1. Mega Living: Robin Sharma 2. The Alchemist: Paulo Coelho 3. Perry,S (1991), “How to enrich your life”. (Mumbai) 4. Fromm, Erich, „Greatness and Limitations of Freud‟s thought‟ (1981), New AmericanLibrary, New York. 5. Feldman, Robert S (1996), “Understanding Psychology”, Mcgrew-Hill, Delhi 6. Lindsay, P. Norman, D (1972), “An Introduction to Psychology”, Academic press, New York