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‫مصطفي‬ ‫محمد‬
‫تقديم‬–‫مصطفي‬ ‫محمد‬
‫الخبره‬ ‫مجاالت‬:
،‫الحر‬ ‫الوصول‬‫لألبحاث‬ ‫الفكرية‬ ‫الملكية‬ ‫حقوق‬ ،‫العلمي‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫أخالقيات‬ ،‫األكاديمي‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫مجال‬
‫العلمية‬ ‫والرسائل‬
‫واإلنتاج‬ ‫التحرير‬ ‫وادارة‬ ،‫العلمية‬ ‫الدوريات‬ ‫ونشر‬ ‫تطوير‬
‫دبي‬ ،‫إي‬ ‫نوليدج‬ ‫شركة‬(‫والنشر‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫خدمات‬)
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫سفير‬
‫مصر‬ ،‫للنشر‬ ‫الهنداوي‬ ‫مؤسسة‬(‫واالنتاج‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫عمليات‬)
‫اليوم‬ ‫معكم‬ ‫باستعراضه‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫ما‬:
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫عن‬ ‫مقدمة‬(‫األعضاء‬ ،‫الرسالة‬ ،‫التاريخ‬)
‫لعام‬ ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫إهتمامات‬2018
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫خدمات‬
‫القادم؟‬ ‫هو‬ ‫ما‬
‫ومقدمة‬ ‫األرشادية‬ ‫القواعد‬
‫مفيدة‬ ‫روابط‬
‫لكم‬ ‫ا‬ً‫شكر‬
‫إليها‬ ‫والوصول‬ ‫وربطها‬ ‫بها‬ ‫واإلستشهاد‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫اكتشاف‬ ‫عملية‬ ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫تسهل‬.
‫الباحثين‬ ‫بين‬ ‫األتصال‬ ‫لتحسين‬ ‫تسعي‬ ،‫للربح‬ ‫هادفه‬ ‫غير‬ ‫منظمة‬ ‫نحن‬.‫المج‬ ‫بين‬ ‫التقارب‬ ‫علي‬ ‫نعمل‬ ‫فنحن‬‫تمع‬
‫وتحد‬ ‫إنشاء‬ ‫وكذلك‬ ،‫التكنولوجيا‬ ‫تسخير‬ ،‫تحتية‬ ‫بنية‬ ‫إتاحة‬ ،‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫ومشاركة‬ ‫تعيين‬ ،‫العلمي‬‫أدوات‬ ‫يث‬
‫وخدمات‬—‫السياق‬ ‫في‬ ‫العلمي‬ ‫المحتوي‬ ‫وضع‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫من‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫كل‬.
‫بسيط‬ ‫األمر‬-‫ومعقد‬–‫كهذا‬!
‫بها‬ ‫نؤمن‬ ‫حقائق‬
‫ا‬ً‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫تعالوا‬ ‫أو‬ ‫بمفردك‬ ‫تعال‬
‫مؤثر‬ ‫انتخابي‬ ‫صوت‬ ،‫عضو‬ ‫كل‬
‫الفرد‬ ‫ذكاء‬ ‫من‬ ‫خير‬ ‫الجماعة‬ ‫عبقرية‬
‫الوصفية‬ ‫والبينات‬ ‫التكنولوجيا‬ ‫حب‬ ‫في‬
‫عليه‬ ‫تحصل‬ ،‫له‬ ‫تسعي‬ ‫ما‬
‫الغد‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫من‬ ‫هنا‬ ‫اليوم‬
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫عن‬ ‫عامة‬ ‫نظرة‬
‫من‬ ‫يقرب‬ ‫ما‬ ‫لدينا‬9500‫ا‬ ً‫عضو‬ ‫منظمة‬
‫عن‬ ‫يزيد‬ ‫ما‬ ‫يحوي‬ ‫وصفية‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫مستودع‬ ‫لدينا‬94‫األكاديمي‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫لمحتوي‬ ‫عنصر‬ ‫مليون‬
‫وربط‬ ‫تسجيل‬ ‫لضمان‬ ‫الخدمات‬ ‫من‬ ‫واسعة‬ ‫مجموعة‬ ‫بتقديم‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫فنحن‬ ،‫البداية‬ ‫إال‬ ‫هو‬ ‫ما‬ ‫الرقمي‬ ‫ف‬ِّ‫المعر‬
‫األكاديمية‬ ‫لألبحاث‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫وتوزيع‬
‫برمجة‬ ‫واجهة‬ ‫خالل‬ ‫من‬ ‫بإتاحتها‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫ثم‬ ‫ومن‬ ،‫نستقبلها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫بحفظ‬ ‫أوال‬ ‫نقوم‬
‫والبحث‬ ‫التطبيقات‬
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫مستخدموا‬ ‫هم‬ ‫من‬
‫النشر‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫شركات‬
‫األقران‬ ‫مراجعة‬ ‫أنظمة‬
‫المراجع‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫أنظمة‬
‫المعلومات‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫أنظمة‬
‫التعليمية‬ ‫األدوات‬
‫البيانات‬ ‫تحليل‬ ‫أنظمة‬
‫المحتوي‬ ‫عن‬ ‫الكشف‬ ‫خدمات‬
‫التسجيل‬ ‫وكاالت‬
‫األرشيف‬/‫والمستودعات‬ ‫السجالت‬
‫البحثية‬ ‫المجالس‬
‫البيانات‬ ‫مراكز‬
‫المهنية‬ ‫الشبكات‬
‫البراءات‬ ‫مكاتب‬
‫الفهرسة‬ ‫خدمات‬
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫محتوي‬ ‫أنواع‬
‫المؤتمرات‬ ‫وقائع‬
‫التقنية‬ ‫التقارير‬/‫الفنية‬
‫العمل‬ ‫أوراق‬/‫البحث‬
‫العلمية‬ ‫الرسائل‬
‫المكونات‬(‫جداول‬ ، ‫أرقام‬)
‫البيانات‬ ‫مجموعات‬(‫التكميلية‬ ‫البيانات‬)
‫البيانات‬ ‫قواعد‬
‫المنشور‬ ‫المحتوى‬(‫الطبعات‬ ‫ذلك‬ ‫في‬ ‫بما‬
‫األقران‬ ‫مراجعة‬
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫اعضاء‬
‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫خدمات‬
Reference Linking ‫المراجع‬ ‫ربط‬
‫عن‬ ‫يزيد‬ ‫ما‬ ‫علي‬ ‫اإلطالع‬ ‫يمكنها‬ ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬
736،180،065‫استشهاد‬ ‫رابط‬
،‫تقدمه‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫بالمحتوي‬ ‫باإلستشهاد‬ ‫قام‬ ‫من‬ ‫معرفة‬ ‫الصعب‬ ‫من‬
‫خدمة‬ ‫فإن‬ ‫ولذلك‬«‫بواسطة‬ ‫د‬‫شه‬ُ‫ت‬‫إس‬»‫لمعرفة‬ ‫طريقة‬ ‫لك‬ ‫تقدم‬
‫النتائج‬ ‫وعرض‬ ‫األستشهادات‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫واكتشاف‬
Funding Data ‫التمويل‬ ‫بيانات‬
‫تس‬ ‫التي‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫ونشر‬ ‫بجمع‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫نحن‬‫اعد‬
‫يمولونها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫تتبع‬ ‫على‬ ‫الممولين‬.
‫ا‬ً‫ض‬‫أي‬ ‫لدينا‬‫الممولين‬ ‫من‬ ‫استشارية‬ ‫مجموعة‬‫تساعدن‬‫ا‬
‫لهذا‬ ‫المقدمة‬ ‫الخدمات‬ ‫وتطوير‬ ‫صياغة‬ ‫إعادة‬ ‫في‬
Funding Data ‫التمويل‬ ‫بيانات‬
‫القياسي‬ ‫التوحيد‬/‫الممول‬ ‫سجل‬ ‫باستخدام‬ ‫الممولين‬ ‫ألسماء‬ ‫المعياري‬
‫للتمويل‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫للبيانات‬ ‫الناشر‬ ‫إيداع‬
‫للممولين‬ ‫تقارير‬ ‫وتقديم‬ ‫النطاق‬ ‫واسع‬ ‫تحليل‬
Similarity Check ‫التشابه‬ ‫فحص‬
‫األدبية‬ ‫السرقة‬ ‫منع‬ ‫بجهود‬ ‫المتعلقة‬ ‫الة‬َّ‫ع‬‫الف‬ ‫الطرق‬ ‫أحد‬ ‫للناشرين‬ ‫نقدمها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫التشابه‬ ‫فحص‬ ‫خدمة‬ ‫توفر‬.
، ‫واستخدام‬ ‫إلي‬ ‫الوصول‬ ‫إمكانية‬ ‫لألعضاء‬ ‫نتيح‬
‫لدي‬ ‫القوية‬ ‫النصوص‬ ‫مقارنة‬ ‫أداة‬ ‫وهي‬
‫العالم‬ ‫في‬ ‫والطبيعي‬ ‫والتقني‬ ‫العلمي‬ ‫للمحتوى‬ ‫مقارنة‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫قاعدة‬ ‫أكبر‬ ‫مقابل‬ ‫أبحاثهم‬ ‫بمقارنة‬ ‫لهم‬ ‫يسمح‬ ‫وهذا‬.
‫بيانات‬ ‫قاعدة‬ ‫في‬ ‫المنشورة‬ ‫ألبحاثهم‬ ‫الكامل‬ ‫النص‬ ‫إدراج‬ ‫طريق‬ ‫عن‬ ‫التشابه‬ ‫فحص‬ ‫خدمة‬ ‫أعضاء‬ ‫يساهم‬ ‫حين‬ ‫في‬
‫الجديدة‬ ‫التطورات‬
‫ال‬ ‫المحتوى‬ ‫بعناصر‬ ‫المرتبط‬ ‫الويب‬ ‫لنشاط‬ ‫ًا‬‫د‬‫فري‬ ً‫ال‬‫سج‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫توفر‬‫علمي‬
The Crossref Event Data Pipeline
‫في‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫استخدام‬ ‫يمكنك‬...
‫الممولون‬‫يمولونها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫من‬ ‫واإلستفاده‬ ‫اإلنتشار‬ ‫مدي‬ ‫وتتبع‬ ‫فرز‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫استخدام‬ ‫يمكنهم‬.
‫في‬ ‫االستشهادات‬ ‫تحليل‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫من‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫باستخدام‬ ‫وذلك‬ ‫الباحثين‬ ‫لخدمة‬ ‫القراءة‬ ‫توصية‬ ‫أداة‬ ‫بناء‬
‫العمل‬ ‫احتياجات‬ ‫دفع‬ ‫في‬ ‫للمساعدة‬ ‫رائده‬ ‫قياسية‬ ‫تحليالت‬ ‫اجراء‬ ‫يمكنهم‬ ‫الناشرون‬
‫اإلزدياد‬ ‫في‬ ‫خذ‬ّ‫ا‬ ‫بنشرها‬ ‫يقوموا‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫بشأن‬ ‫العام‬ ‫التوجه‬ ‫أن‬ ‫المنظمات‬ ‫إخطار‬
‫وتحليل‬ ‫اكتشاف‬ ‫قابلية‬ ‫في‬ ‫للمساعدة‬ ‫االجتماعي‬ ‫التواصل‬ ‫ووسائل‬ ‫المدونات‬ ‫من‬ ‫الواردة‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫تحليل‬ ‫يمكنهم‬ ‫الباحثون‬
‫الطباعة‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫ما‬ ‫تأثيرالنصوص‬
‫بعرضها‬ ‫يقوموا‬ ‫التي‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫ولوحات‬ ‫االستخدام‬ ‫تقارير‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بينات‬ ‫تزويد‬ ‫يمكنهم‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫مقدمو‬.
‫المشاركة‬ ‫تقارير‬
Participation Reports
‫للمساعدة‬ ‫أدوات‬:
‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫مدير‬(‫ا‬ً‫ب‬‫قري‬)
Tools to help:
Metadata Manager (coming soon)
Presenter Name
Presenter Title
‫مفيدة‬ ‫روابط‬
‫لكم‬ ‫ا‬ً‫شكر‬
Thank you

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ماهي تكلفة اكتساب المعجب على الفيسبوك في العالم العربي؟
ماهي تكلفة اكتساب المعجب على الفيسبوك في العالم العربي؟ماهي تكلفة اكتساب المعجب على الفيسبوك في العالم العربي؟
ماهي تكلفة اكتساب المعجب على الفيسبوك في العالم العربي؟
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  • 4. ‫إليها‬ ‫والوصول‬ ‫وربطها‬ ‫بها‬ ‫واإلستشهاد‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫اكتشاف‬ ‫عملية‬ ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫تسهل‬. ‫الباحثين‬ ‫بين‬ ‫األتصال‬ ‫لتحسين‬ ‫تسعي‬ ،‫للربح‬ ‫هادفه‬ ‫غير‬ ‫منظمة‬ ‫نحن‬.‫المج‬ ‫بين‬ ‫التقارب‬ ‫علي‬ ‫نعمل‬ ‫فنحن‬‫تمع‬ ‫وتحد‬ ‫إنشاء‬ ‫وكذلك‬ ،‫التكنولوجيا‬ ‫تسخير‬ ،‫تحتية‬ ‫بنية‬ ‫إتاحة‬ ،‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫ومشاركة‬ ‫تعيين‬ ،‫العلمي‬‫أدوات‬ ‫يث‬ ‫وخدمات‬—‫السياق‬ ‫في‬ ‫العلمي‬ ‫المحتوي‬ ‫وضع‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫من‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫كل‬. ‫بسيط‬ ‫األمر‬-‫ومعقد‬–‫كهذا‬!
  • 5. ‫بها‬ ‫نؤمن‬ ‫حقائق‬ ‫ا‬ً‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫تعالوا‬ ‫أو‬ ‫بمفردك‬ ‫تعال‬ ‫مؤثر‬ ‫انتخابي‬ ‫صوت‬ ،‫عضو‬ ‫كل‬ ‫الفرد‬ ‫ذكاء‬ ‫من‬ ‫خير‬ ‫الجماعة‬ ‫عبقرية‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫والبينات‬ ‫التكنولوجيا‬ ‫حب‬ ‫في‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫تحصل‬ ،‫له‬ ‫تسعي‬ ‫ما‬ ‫الغد‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫من‬ ‫هنا‬ ‫اليوم‬
  • 6. ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫عن‬ ‫عامة‬ ‫نظرة‬ ‫من‬ ‫يقرب‬ ‫ما‬ ‫لدينا‬9500‫ا‬ ً‫عضو‬ ‫منظمة‬ ‫عن‬ ‫يزيد‬ ‫ما‬ ‫يحوي‬ ‫وصفية‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫مستودع‬ ‫لدينا‬94‫األكاديمي‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫لمحتوي‬ ‫عنصر‬ ‫مليون‬ ‫وربط‬ ‫تسجيل‬ ‫لضمان‬ ‫الخدمات‬ ‫من‬ ‫واسعة‬ ‫مجموعة‬ ‫بتقديم‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫فنحن‬ ،‫البداية‬ ‫إال‬ ‫هو‬ ‫ما‬ ‫الرقمي‬ ‫ف‬ِّ‫المعر‬ ‫األكاديمية‬ ‫لألبحاث‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫وتوزيع‬ ‫برمجة‬ ‫واجهة‬ ‫خالل‬ ‫من‬ ‫بإتاحتها‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫ثم‬ ‫ومن‬ ،‫نستقبلها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫بحفظ‬ ‫أوال‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫والبحث‬ ‫التطبيقات‬
  • 7. ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫مستخدموا‬ ‫هم‬ ‫من‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫شركات‬ ‫األقران‬ ‫مراجعة‬ ‫أنظمة‬ ‫المراجع‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫أنظمة‬ ‫الموردون‬ ‫المعلومات‬ ‫إدارة‬ ‫أنظمة‬ ‫التعليمية‬ ‫األدوات‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫تحليل‬ ‫أنظمة‬ ‫المحتوي‬ ‫عن‬ ‫الكشف‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫التسجيل‬ ‫وكاالت‬ ‫الناشرون‬ ‫الممولون‬ ‫المؤسسات‬ ‫األرشيف‬/‫والمستودعات‬ ‫السجالت‬ ‫البحثية‬ ‫المجالس‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫مراكز‬ ‫المهنية‬ ‫الشبكات‬ ‫البراءات‬ ‫مكاتب‬ ‫الفهرسة‬ ‫خدمات‬
  • 8. ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ ‫محتوي‬ ‫أنواع‬ ‫الدوريات‬ ‫الكتب‬ ‫المؤتمرات‬ ‫وقائع‬ ‫المعايير‬ ‫التقنية‬ ‫التقارير‬/‫الفنية‬ ‫العمل‬ ‫أوراق‬/‫البحث‬ ‫العلمية‬ ‫الرسائل‬ ‫المكونات‬(‫جداول‬ ، ‫أرقام‬) ‫البيانات‬ ‫مجموعات‬(‫التكميلية‬ ‫البيانات‬) ‫البيانات‬ ‫قواعد‬ ‫المنشور‬ ‫المحتوى‬(‫الطبعات‬ ‫ذلك‬ ‫في‬ ‫بما‬ ‫المسبقة‬) ‫األقران‬ ‫مراجعة‬
  • 12. ‫عن‬ ‫يزيد‬ ‫ما‬ ‫علي‬ ‫اإلطالع‬ ‫يمكنها‬ ‫رف‬ ‫كروس‬ 736،180،065‫استشهاد‬ ‫رابط‬ ،‫تقدمه‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫بالمحتوي‬ ‫باإلستشهاد‬ ‫قام‬ ‫من‬ ‫معرفة‬ ‫الصعب‬ ‫من‬ ‫خدمة‬ ‫فإن‬ ‫ولذلك‬«‫بواسطة‬ ‫د‬‫شه‬ُ‫ت‬‫إس‬»‫لمعرفة‬ ‫طريقة‬ ‫لك‬ ‫تقدم‬ ‫النتائج‬ ‫وعرض‬ ‫األستشهادات‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫واكتشاف‬
  • 13.
  • 14. Funding Data ‫التمويل‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫تس‬ ‫التي‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫ونشر‬ ‫بجمع‬ ‫نقوم‬ ‫نحن‬‫اعد‬ ‫يمولونها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫تتبع‬ ‫على‬ ‫الممولين‬. ‫ا‬ً‫ض‬‫أي‬ ‫لدينا‬‫الممولين‬ ‫من‬ ‫استشارية‬ ‫مجموعة‬‫تساعدن‬‫ا‬ ‫لهذا‬ ‫المقدمة‬ ‫الخدمات‬ ‫وتطوير‬ ‫صياغة‬ ‫إعادة‬ ‫في‬ ‫الجمهور‬.
  • 15. Funding Data ‫التمويل‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫القياسي‬ ‫التوحيد‬/‫الممول‬ ‫سجل‬ ‫باستخدام‬ ‫الممولين‬ ‫ألسماء‬ ‫المعياري‬ + ‫للتمويل‬ ‫الوصفية‬ ‫للبيانات‬ ‫الناشر‬ ‫إيداع‬ = ‫للممولين‬ ‫تقارير‬ ‫وتقديم‬ ‫النطاق‬ ‫واسع‬ ‫تحليل‬
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. Similarity Check ‫التشابه‬ ‫فحص‬ ‫األدبية‬ ‫السرقة‬ ‫منع‬ ‫بجهود‬ ‫المتعلقة‬ ‫الة‬َّ‫ع‬‫الف‬ ‫الطرق‬ ‫أحد‬ ‫للناشرين‬ ‫نقدمها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫التشابه‬ ‫فحص‬ ‫خدمة‬ ‫توفر‬. ، ‫واستخدام‬ ‫إلي‬ ‫الوصول‬ ‫إمكانية‬ ‫لألعضاء‬ ‫نتيح‬ iThenticate ‫لدي‬ ‫القوية‬ ‫النصوص‬ ‫مقارنة‬ ‫أداة‬ ‫وهي‬ Turnitin ‫العالم‬ ‫في‬ ‫والطبيعي‬ ‫والتقني‬ ‫العلمي‬ ‫للمحتوى‬ ‫مقارنة‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫قاعدة‬ ‫أكبر‬ ‫مقابل‬ ‫أبحاثهم‬ ‫بمقارنة‬ ‫لهم‬ ‫يسمح‬ ‫وهذا‬. ‫بيانات‬ ‫قاعدة‬ ‫في‬ ‫المنشورة‬ ‫ألبحاثهم‬ ‫الكامل‬ ‫النص‬ ‫إدراج‬ ‫طريق‬ ‫عن‬ ‫التشابه‬ ‫فحص‬ ‫خدمة‬ ‫أعضاء‬ ‫يساهم‬ ‫حين‬ ‫في‬ iThenticate
  • 19.
  • 21. ‫ال‬ ‫المحتوى‬ ‫بعناصر‬ ‫المرتبط‬ ‫الويب‬ ‫لنشاط‬ ‫ًا‬‫د‬‫فري‬ ً‫ال‬‫سج‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫توفر‬‫علمي‬ ‫الفردية‬.
  • 22.
  • 23. The Crossref Event Data Pipeline
  • 24. ‫في‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫استخدام‬ ‫يمكنك‬... ‫الممولون‬‫يمولونها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫من‬ ‫واإلستفاده‬ ‫اإلنتشار‬ ‫مدي‬ ‫وتتبع‬ ‫فرز‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫استخدام‬ ‫يمكنهم‬. ‫في‬ ‫االستشهادات‬ ‫تحليل‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫من‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫باستخدام‬ ‫وذلك‬ ‫الباحثين‬ ‫لخدمة‬ ‫القراءة‬ ‫توصية‬ ‫أداة‬ ‫بناء‬ ‫ويكيبيديا‬. ‫العمل‬ ‫احتياجات‬ ‫دفع‬ ‫في‬ ‫للمساعدة‬ ‫رائده‬ ‫قياسية‬ ‫تحليالت‬ ‫اجراء‬ ‫يمكنهم‬ ‫الناشرون‬ ‫اإلزدياد‬ ‫في‬ ‫خذ‬ّ‫ا‬ ‫بنشرها‬ ‫يقوموا‬ ‫التي‬ ‫األبحاث‬ ‫بشأن‬ ‫العام‬ ‫التوجه‬ ‫أن‬ ‫المنظمات‬ ‫إخطار‬ ‫وتحليل‬ ‫اكتشاف‬ ‫قابلية‬ ‫في‬ ‫للمساعدة‬ ‫االجتماعي‬ ‫التواصل‬ ‫ووسائل‬ ‫المدونات‬ ‫من‬ ‫الواردة‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫تحليل‬ ‫يمكنهم‬ ‫الباحثون‬ ‫الطباعة‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫ما‬ ‫تأثيرالنصوص‬ ‫بعرضها‬ ‫يقوموا‬ ‫التي‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫ولوحات‬ ‫االستخدام‬ ‫تقارير‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحدث‬ ‫بينات‬ ‫تزويد‬ ‫يمكنهم‬ ‫النشر‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫مقدمو‬.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. ‫للمساعدة‬ ‫أدوات‬: ‫الوصفية‬ ‫البيانات‬ ‫مدير‬(‫ا‬ً‫ب‬‫قري‬) Tools to help: Metadata Manager (coming soon)

Notas do Editor

  1. We wanted to welcome you to this introductory webinar, and thank you for your interest in being Crossref Ambassadors. We’re excited to move forward with this initiative which we hope will bring a lot of value to you and your communities.
  2. So to summarise: Crossref is not just about DOIs! We are not defined by a particular service but by how we fit into the scholarly community as a whole.
  3. All of this content has metadata that is available to search. This metadata is used more widely than many realise from publishers, funding bodies, indexing and discovery services and educational institutions to name but a few. The uses continue to grow year on year, especially as we expand the content types and related metadata registered with Crossref. Why do publishers join Crossref: To help get their content discovered Show people where their content is located and update that if/when the content moves Drive more traffic to publications Turn references into hyperlinks Find out who is using their content Participate in other collaborative services
  4. All of this content has metadata that is available to search. This metadata is used more widely than many realise from publishers, funding bodies, indexing and discovery services and educational institutions to name but a few. The uses continue to grow year on year, especially as we expand the content types and related metadata registered with Crossref. Why do publishers join Crossref: To help get their content discovered Show people where their content is located and update that if/when the content moves Drive more traffic to publications Turn references into hyperlinks Find out who is using their content Participate in other collaborative services
  5. All of this content has metadata that is available to search. This metadata is used more widely than many realise from publishers, funding bodies, indexing and discovery services and educational institutions to name but a few. The uses continue to grow year on year, especially as we expand the content types and related metadata registered with Crossref. Why do publishers join Crossref: To help get their content discovered Show people where their content is located and update that if/when the content moves Drive more traffic to publications Turn references into hyperlinks Find out who is using their content Participate in other collaborative services
  6. Crossref is not just about DOIs! We are not defined by a particular service but by how we fit into the scholarly community as a whole.
  7. All of this content has metadata that is available to search. This metadata is used more widely than many realise from publishers, funding bodies, indexing and discovery services and educational institutions to name but a few. The uses continue to grow year on year, especially as we expand the content types and related metadata registered with Crossref. Why do publishers join Crossref: To help get their content discovered Show people where their content is located and update that if/when the content moves Drive more traffic to publications Turn references into hyperlinks Find out who is using their content Participate in other collaborative services
  8. Cited-by lets members show authors and readers what other Crossref content is citing their content. It’s a little like reference linking in reverse and lets your readers navigate from your content to the content that is citing it. There are many online citation indexing services but what is different about Cited-by is that it lets our members display the Cited-by links on their content on their own website in any way they wish. This benefits the readers because they can get a sense of how often the content has been cited and can easily click the links to go to the citing content. How often something is cited can also be useful information for publishers, authors, research institutions and funders. END Number of cited by links and other fun stats:
  9. In this example you can see a Japanese paper published in Taylor and Francis’ Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology citing Swedish research from the same journal. Publishers retrieve metadata records of publications that cite their content from the Crossref system and then display this for readers (To participate members need to send us an email requesting to be signed up, deposit references for each of their articles’ metadata, query Crossref for a list of all DOIs citing your document, display these results on your website. Cited-by is optional but there is no fee for participating.)
  10. Funding data is really important information. This information is found in the acknowledgements of almost all papers, but that can be quite buried in full text, and isn’t particularly easy to mine or search on across publications. So we developed a list of over 12,000 international funding bodies and we ask publishers to match the funders in the acknowledgements to their name in the registry. Or they ask authors to pick those funders from the list when they submit papers. Once the funder names are standardised they are deposited, with their unique funder ID and any associated grant numbers, and the DOI – this all gets tied together in the metadata.
  11. And this gives us something that’s not been available until now - a cross-publisher view of publications that have resulted from grants from individual funders. You can come along to our own funding data search, enter a funder name and see all of the publications that cite that funder. Huge benefit to the funders themselves, particularly those who who have open access mandates and want to be able to check that authors are complying. Funders can export the information for their own internal reports and anyone can query our api to access the data. So we’ve moved from free-form acknowledgements in the full text of each article to a much bigger picture - with more transparency and accuracy, and all by depositing a bit more metadata in a simpler way. (An increasing number of organizations and projects rely on this funding data to identify content and check compliance with funder policies.)
  12. This is an example of a CrossMark with no updates. The document is current, the message you will see most commonly. It displays a link to the publisher maintained version which in this case is up-to-date. Below you can see the additional publication information such as the authors, any clinical trials linked to the article, as well as funding or license information.
  13. Here’s another example where there are updates available and this is in yellow to show this along with a link to view the correction notice. If this was a retraction the box would show up in red and similarly include a link to the retraction notice for the paper. Nearly 550 publishers depositing Crossmark metadata For over 6.3m DOIs Around 1% are updates (so even more important that they’re flagged!) Over 2,000 of the updates are retractions (Number of publishers and no of DOIs found using this API query: Updates and update type:*&rows=0)
  14. Similarly Check is a service that helps editors prevent plagiarism. To do this, our members are given access to Turnitin powerful text comparison tool, iThenticate, so that they can compare their own manuscripts against a large database of full-text academic content. While there are several plagiarism screening tools available, using iThenticate as a Similarity Check member is unique as it creates a symbiotic relationship between content-owners and Turnitin. Similarity Check members enjoy cost-effective use of iThenticate because they contribute their own published content into Turnitin’s database of full-text literature. I’ll be talking in more depth about this service in the next session so won’t go into how it works just now.
  15. I’ll now just cover a couple of the new developments we have at Crossref to be launched later this year.
  16. I’ll now just cover a couple of the new developments we have at Crossref to be launched later this year.
  17. Event Data is a new service that we launched in Beta earlier this year. It a record of each time we find a link to a piece of research online, outside of publisher platforms. We are not looking for citations on publisher sites but when research is communicated in other, increasingly diverse ways online. This is becoming increasingly important as yesterday’s session on communicating science effectively beyond the journal article highlighted.
  18. Imagine these dots are articles, tweets, blog posts, data sets, wikipedia pages and more that exist out there online. In the scholarly community, we know that sometimes these things are all connected. They have some kind of relationship with each other. For example, a Tweet includes a link to an article, or a blog post cites an article, or a Crossref DOI contains a link in it’s metadata to another DOI, perhaps one from DataCite for example. Well, these relationships are what we are collecting in Event Data. Each red arrow you see here represents a relationship between two things, and we call each of these individual relationships an Event. So Event Data is a record of the relationships, or the links, to and between research. END
  19. Here are some of the places we’re were gathering data from, at this point: Twitter, Wikipedia, Blogs, Reddit and the Web. We are also able to capture the links between datasets and content items as they are added into the metadata deposited with DataCite and Crossref. Luckily, once a publisher registers content with us, we have a way of keeping track of it. Using an item’s Crossref DOI, we are able to find out when it has been saved, shared, liked, referenced or commented in all these places, and we will continue to look for new places where things like articles and datasets are being referenced. So this will grow over time. How do we get the data? It’s a pipeline. Data comes from sources likes the ones I mentioned, we process it and curate Events based on a schema and then provide those Events and all the information about how we processed the data to anyone via API. The end-user Event Data service interface is an API, rather than a human user interface, so Event Data is best suitable for machine-use.
  20. So you might be thinking that Event Data sound like it might be another type of altmetrics tool. Well, it’s not. We are not making metrics. We don’t aggregate the information in any way, we don’t create a score because all these things require us to interpret the data in some way. And that’s not what we’re trying to do. What we want to provide is the raw, underlying data that represents the links we observe on the web, and then make that all that data as well as all the information about how we processed it, available to everyone. Anyone can then use the data for their own needs: funders tracking dissemination and usage of the research they funded, to build tools such as reading recommendations, or publishers and other service providers to feed into their metric led analysis or to build visualisations or dashboards. (We believe in the principles of Open Data, so everything we provide in our service will tagged with a license that is conformant with the principles laid out in the Open Definition. Currently we have data that is either CC0 or that we can made available without restriction but in the future, we will also accept data from any source that can provide it under a conformant licence. And of course, we do also have terms of use.) -
  21. This is: A dashboard that displays how much metadata a member has registered with us All metadata that a member has registered will be displayed The reports will cover all content types (although journals only in the initial release) Useful for members, us (Crossref staff) and the public
  22. Many members are not aware of what they register with Crossref, whether this is because of staff changes, transfer of journals or that some of our larger members outsource metadata registration with Crossref to third parties. For clarity and help, gives information on how they can improve their record with Crossref. Also provides a good benchmark to see what others are doing and registering with us. (Say a bit about filters, icons etc. )
  23. An update to the existing deposit form which has been around for a long time and no longer fulfils it’s role with our extended metadata and content registration. The metadata deposit tool will simplify the process of register articles and the associated metadata. It will save changes as you go and make it easier to deposit and update content as well as providing a history of deposits with Crossref. Simple, clear to understand fields. Especially useful for smaller publishers who do not use XML to deposit metadata with us.
  24. I’ll now just cover a couple of the new developments we have at Crossref to be launched later this year.
  25. I know this has been a bit of a lightening overview of Crossref and our services, so for more information please refer to our services pages, or view our webinar recordings. You can also read our blog and we have created short 2 min service videos which are currently available in 7 languages (including mandarin, Japanese and Korean) with more coming in the near future.
  26. I know this has been a bit of a lightening overview of Crossref and our services, so for more information please refer to our services pages, or view our webinar recordings. You can also read our blog and we have created short 2 min service videos which are currently available in 7 languages (including mandarin, Japanese and Korean) with more coming in the near future.
  27. I know this has been a bit of a lightening overview of Crossref and our services, so for more information please refer to our services pages, or view our webinar recordings. You can also read our blog and we have created short 2 min service videos which are currently available in 7 languages (including mandarin, Japanese and Korean) with more coming in the near future.
  28. I know this has been a bit of a lightening overview of Crossref and our services, so for more information please refer to our services pages, or view our webinar recordings. You can also read our blog and we have created short 2 min service videos which are currently available in 7 languages (including mandarin, Japanese and Korean) with more coming in the near future.
  29. I know this has been a bit of a lightening overview of Crossref and our services, so for more information please refer to our services pages, or view our webinar recordings. You can also read our blog and we have created short 2 min service videos which are currently available in 7 languages (including mandarin, Japanese and Korean) with more coming in the near future.
  30. Crossref is not just about DOIs! We are not defined by a particular service but by how we fit into the scholarly community as a whole.