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A. S. 20014/15
I.S.I.S.S. Piana di Lucca
Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico “A. Benedetti” Porcari
Liceo Scientifico, Scienze Applicate e Linguistico ”E. Majorana” Capannori
Classi N° 33 - Docenti N° 85 Dirigente: Prof. Luigi Lippi
Classi coinvolte: 3 A-B-C-D-E e 4 A-B-C-del Liceo Scientifico
Docenti: Albarosa Cagnoni (Lingua Inglese)
Loretta Santori (Disegno e Storia dell’Arte)
Leana Quilici (Storia e Filosofia)
Lorenzo Cesana (I.R.C.)
La risorsa acqua tra passato, presente e
Our planet is called Earth, but in
fact it is a planet made of water,
covering as much as 71% of the
globe. 97% of this water is salty,
and the remaining 3% is divided
between a 2% of ice water and
only a small part is available to
man, to drink, to produce energy,
to survive and for agriculture.
Nowaday a responsible use that avoids waste is increasingly important, whereas the
lifestyle of most developed countries requires more and more water at a rate that
seems to be increasingly unattainable. Fresh water is a precious resource, and we all
need to do as much as possible to preserve it. Here we have learned about why water
should be saved, how you can do so at home and at work, and the potential that
reclaimed water has to improve the condition of our environment.
Why save water?
Learning how to save water is not difficult, and it can begin with teaching
good habits to children. All you have to do is think about how easy it is
to waste water in everyday activities; Remember, children learn fast and
change quickly as they grow and develop. The risks faced by infants and
toddlers are often very different from those of school-age children and
teens. But no matter how old your children are: here are some tips to
prevent wasting water.
2. The damp areas and the
hydrological resources of
our territory
1. Hydrogeological history
of the municipality of
Capannori and of the
Plain of Lucca
4. The use of
drinking water,
yesterday and today.5. The use of
underground and
superficial waters by
the paper industry.
6 . Identification of “good
habits” that citizens and
public administrations
can apply to improve the
use of water.
3. The hydrological risk
and the activities of the
“Consorzio 1 Toscana
With the collaboration of
- Dott.ssaa Mara Dell’Aringa, Geologo
- Il Consorzio di Bonifica del Bientina
- l’Associazione di guide ambientaliste“Tuffetto”
- Le classi 3A-B-C-D-E del Liceo Scientifico “E. Majorana”
- La prof.ssa Albarosa Cagnoni,
- La prof.ssa Loretta Santori
- Autorità di Bacino, Distretto del Fiume Serchio, DESCRIZIONE DEL DISTRETTO IDROGRAFICO
DEL FIUME SERCHIO, 25 settembre 2009 D
- Bottari P. All’ombra della grande ciminiera – La Cucirini Cantoni Coats e la crescita economico
sociale lucchese, Maria Pacini Fazzi editore
- Brugioni M., Menduni G., Montini G. Autorità di Bacino del fiume Arno, Analisi dei fenomeni
di subsidenza nel bacino del fiume Arno tramite l’utilizzo della tecnica di interferometria satellitare
- Caciagli G. Il lagodi Bientina. Vicende storiche e idrogeologiche, Bandecchi e Vivaldi 1984.
- Cardella R. Un’azienda, il suo territorio, il suo sviluppo – 1946-1996 – Cinquant’anni della “Cartiera
Modesto Cardella, Maria Pacini Fazzi editore.
- DichiarazioneAmbientale EMAS-Distretto Cartario di Capannori, Emissione 2014 (Dati 2012)
- Morosi A. Sereni U. La città industriosa – Lucca alla fine dell’Ottocento
- Ordine degli Ingegneri, Prov. Di Foggia, L’uso della modellistica idraulica nella difesa del suolo. Ing.
Tricoli D. 21/11/2006
- Provincia di Lucca Convegno Ambiente , 29 marzo 2001, Riduzione del consumo idrico, attraverso
l’applicazione del documento BREF per l’industria della carta e della asta carta, in cartiere campione–
Fattibilità, misure ed implicazioni locali.
- University of Pisa, Earth Sciences Department, M. Dell’Aringa M.-Giannecchini R. Puccinelli A.
Geologist, external collaborator, Small sinkhole-like features in alluvial plains: the example
of Paganico
Siti consultati:
Autorità di Bacino del fiume –
Pianodigestione Cartografie Bacino pilota fiume Serchio
Carte e strati informativi relativi al rischio idraulico
Piano di Assetto Idrogeologico 1° Aggiornamento approvato
L'impatto ambientale dalle attività cartarie in Provincia di Lucca — ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la
protezioneambientale della Toscana
Trattamento Acque Reflue – Lenntech
Provincia di Lucca - › Notizie › ARPATnews ›
Years ago
The hydrogeological history of the Territory
Late 120.000/10.000 years ago
An uplifting movement progressively
gave origin to the ridges of the Cerbaie,
a series of hills which divide the original
big lake in two smaller ones: Lucca-
Montecarlo-Vinci and Firenze-Prato-
Water withdraws and
two lakes form: Lake
Bientina and Lake
In the Middle age due to the formation of the flatlands the river Auser (Serchio)
divides in two branches in San Pietro a Vico.
Cartina della piana di Lucca (Natali, 1997)
The Auser ( the bigger ): Marlia,
Lunata, Antraccoli, Pieve San Paolo
where it went through a new
The Auserculus (small Auser) touched
Lucca from the North and from Borgo
Giannotti it reached Montuolo, than
it flowed into the Arno near Pisa.
A branch, went to the sout-
west of Lucca to reach and
flow into the Auserculus
near Montuolo.
Another branch continued its
course to the east towards
Bientina and flowed (when it
could) into the river Arno near
In 1905 some expansion cases of the Bottaccio di
Massa Pisana were made, into which even today the
southern streams of the city flow.
An important figure for the regimentation of waters was
the Bishop of Lucca Frediano (561- 589) who, because of the continuous floods, had
the waters of the main river deviated into the main Northern branch (Auserculus).
The river was also redirected to Ripafratta, to the west of the «Monti Pisani», and
made to flow directly into the sea close to Pisa instead of flowing into the river Arno.
Floods: an ancient problem
In 1800 the Ozzeri canal was built as an irrigating
and reclaiming canal of the lower Plain of Lucca
(Nottolini) merging into the River Serchio at
Carta da acque e strade, 1563 n. 10
R e c l a i m i n g in the river-bed of the
ancient lake Bientina
The lake was drained in 1859 «using the
barrel»: this important work by Alessandro
Manetti consisted in digging an outflowing
stream with a very clever underground
gallery system, which is still under the river
Arno today.
In 1852 “The barrel” is built: it is a canal which gathers the waters of the Basin which flow under the
river Arno and continue to Livorno
The water ducts
The water shed “The Barrel”
The Barrel
The terrace marks
the bottom of the
river Arno; the roof
of the water ducts is
protected by a
waterproof layer of
clay which stops
water from the river
Arno to penetrate.
The two water ducts
Doors that close at 120 degrees because of
the hydraulic pressure of the main water
stream. Automatism invented by Leonardo
da Vinci.
Vincian doors and cataracts
Vincian Doors: Invented by Leonardo Da
Vinci to prevent water from flowing back in
case of flooding. In this case they close with
opposing pressure.
Fosso Zero, Padule Bientina
The damp areas and the
hydrological resources of
the territory
Da “Manon Lescaut” Intermezzo del III atto
has fascinated many artists.
The composer Giacomo Puccini inspired by the waters of
Lake Massaciuccoli,
composed some of his best and most famous operas
Environmental resources of the Plain of Lucca
Forest areas in the North and South
of the Plain, on the Mountains of Pisa
and on the Pizzorne
The river Serchio
Hills cultivated with grape vines and
olive trees.
Abundant underground layer water and
surface water
The network of tributaries coming
from the hills and flow down from the
Pizzorne mountain into the Bientina
Natural Oasis of
The Plain
The marshlands The river
The Bottaccio
What we have studied
Fountains of the
The Nottolini
The Bottaccio Oasis
The river
Serchio and the
public channel
The river bed
of Lake
fountains in
The Public conduct built in
1380 has always been
important. Today it still takes
its water from the River San
Gemignano di Moriano and
after a course of 13 Km. it
crosses Lucca from the Norh
West to the South-East.
It generates the irrigation
network of the Plain whose
main canals, nearly all,
merge into the Rogio Canal
which also collects waters
from the area of Bientina.
The public conduct and some of
its canals flow into the Ozzeri
The river Serchio
It has an annual flow rate of (46 m³/s);
the rate is maintained high due to the
rainfalls of the mountain areas it goes
through and also because of the
permeability of the basin.
The hydroelectric
plant covers about
12% of the local
annual needs.
It is responsible of hydrological disasters such as the 1812 and 2012 floods.
The richest annual period is Autumn, in particular the month of November.
Lake Bientina
Lake Bientana was the vastest of
the Tuscan lakes and was also
known to the inhabitants of Lucca
with the name Sesto. It had as
main tributary the Auser and as
outflowing streams the Cirecchio
canal and the Serezza
The area is believed to have always been swampy as it is lower than the the river
The lake had an area of permanent water called «clear waters» and a swamp area which
dried in the Summer and even today continues to be swampy.
Aerial view of former Lake Bientina after abundant rainfalls
Lakes at “Isola Bassa” of Lammari
The area offers to the
citizens new forms of
aggregation thanks to
sports and entertaining
facilities which are
didactically useful and
help people become
environmentally aware by
coming in contact with
recycled material while
Today the area is threatened by the construction of an intense traffic road system from the North to
the South which runs close to these lakes.
In Lucca Expansion frames are often called “Barrel” and
the Bottaccio Wood is in fact situated inside the expansion
frame of the Stream Visona of Castelvecchio di Compito.
Natural Oasis of Bottaccio
The municipality of Capannori, with city council By-laws ·N° 82 18.07.96 has instituted The
protected Natural Area of local interest (ANPIL) “The Bottaccio” which extends for 16.6 hectares.
The Italian WWF with the acquisition of government concessions, has been taking care of the Bottaccio
since 1991 and since then has inserted it in the National system of the Italian WWF Oasis.
The Municipality of
Bientina (Prov.
Pisa) With by-law
added to ANPLIN «The
Tanali Wood» on the
Northern side so as to
unite it with Bottaccio.
In this way the two
adjacent Protected areas
are inside the Marshlands
of Bientina.
The waters which flow from the Mountains of Pisa, without polluted elements, closed in by banks, remain
in the Bottaccio and so create watery and semi-watery environments in the wood .
The Bottaccio
relies on the
expansion of the
Stream, Visona
of Castelvecchio,
which ends here.
The Environment
The hydrological risk and the problems and
activities of the
“Consorzio 1 Toscana
Limited availability for water:
Meteorological phenomena
Irregular distribution
Pollution increase
Meteorological changes
Demographic growth
Changes in habits, customs and uses
Advent of different needs
Economical expansion
Excessive pumping and use
 sinkholes
Environmental problems of the
Territory , particularly of the Eastern
part of the Plain
This phenomenon is generally caused by
geological features, but in the last
decade it has been locally increased by
the work of man.
Subsidence consists in a slow sinking
process of a layer of soil, this can
involve areas of different sizes.
The phenomenon affects the locality of Pollino (Porcari and of the Cerbaie (Bientina.
The sinking of the water layer is progressive and gradual in time but irreversible because the annual
rain water is not enough to compensate the water loss. In this way the alluvial areas which before
were reached by the water layer during the year, always remain dry. They become compacted and
make the ground drop irreversibly, with damages to buildings that are no longer adequate to the
new context.
Evolution of the sinking of the
land in the Padule of Bientina
(Lucca) in the years 1992-2007.
Taken from the PS data and
elaborated according to the APSA
Autorità di Bacino del fiume Arno
Pollino (Porcari) e Cerbaie (Bientina
The shrinkingl-swelling which takes place between summer and autumn has natural causes, but
sometimes it can be increased if water is pumped out.
This phenomenon is typical of clays (vertiche) comes out when the water layer seasonally sways
internally, the layers of clay get wet and increase in volume like “sponges”. In summer the
opposite takes place, so the clays shrink. This shrinking-swelling of the clays follows a seasonal
swaying of the water layer.
The ground goes through reversible seasonal sinkings which can damage inadequate building.
These damages expand and retreat in a cyclic way in the course of the seasons.
Variations in the percentage of water can provoke
swelling or shrinking of the ground.
The houses affected by this instability often present
flaws in the foundations or design.
The shrinking-swelling has been taking place in the fractions of Paganico, Pieve San
Paolo, Santa Margherita (Capannori ) and Rughi (Porcari) since the ‘80s.
The existence of a water table
and/or of underground circulation
of water.
The shrinking-swelling is different form
subsidence because the permanent layer
does not undergo water loss, so even if it
undergoes pumping, it is able to increase
seasonally , sometimes even to ground
The sinkholes originate in complex hydrogeological contexts of the territory and come about for
various reasons: earthquake, draught-rain, the pumping of great quantities of water and the
flooding of canals. The causes can be a lot and complementary. They are holes in the ground
which form because of drainage phenomena between layers that are one on top of the other
and superficial layers and irrigating canals. It is a matter of water streams mixed between
elements with different water levels, The waters, by moving, erode the ground following an
evolutionary sequence which ends up in a hole.
The holes
concern the
fraction of
M. Dell’Aringa et al.: Small sinkhole-like
features in alluvial plains
The digging of
wells for the
An absolute decrease
in rainfall
A particular
structure of the
Birth of one of the vastest
national industrial groups for the
Production of Paper
A lot of private
Drought and rainfalls
determine a lack of
balance between the
water table and the
restrained one.
From recent studies it has emerged that the paper industries should
take care of the sinkholes in Paganico so that:
• The depression cones don’t reach the residential area.
• The cones, deformed by the deep flow of the water layer are
deviated to the south.
• The paper factories should be set in geological areas different
from that of Paganico. (areas without loam sands where these
holes originate) . Because of this around the paper factories
there can be local sinking or shrinking-swelling but not holes.
Ground cavities
Strong lowering of the
piezometric surface
Damages to buildings
Disapperance of
numerous springs
Devaluation of estates and
of building areas
An increase in the building
costs in ugrading and
re-utilisation of old
Migration to other
parts of the territory
Fear among the
1. The firm Acque Spa will have to decrease by
15% the drainage from the aqueduct of
2. It is forbidden to take local water either
from the aqueduct or from superficial water
or pumped from the underground water
tables and transport it outside the municipal
3. The inhabitants are invited to adopt useful
measures to rationalise water, by applying
specific reductions on taps so as to use less
water in everyday household activities.
- 15%
5. Within 120 days the productive activity will
have to be decreased by 30%.
4. The filling of private swimming
pools, fountains and pools with water
from the aqueduct or with water
pumped directly from the water table
are prohibited.
6. The Provincial administration is asked to
suspend permits to pump water from
underground on the whole territory, with the
exception of those for domestic use and to check
on the permits already issued
The Provincial administration and the firm
Consorzio di Bonifica Auser-Bientina are asked to
restore superficial water circulation in canals and
water ways so as to restore the underground
water table.
- 30%
Interventions on the waterways
with the function of:
Prevention activites
Safekeeping and maintenance of the public
works of reclaiming
Supervision of private activities in the area.
Hydraulic security (water pumps, reclaiming canals),
the management of irrigation waters.
Participation in town planning
Safeguard of the agricultural and
environmental assets
The Consorzio di Bonifica Auser–Bientina now Consorzio 1 Tuscany North
Water ways of the
hydrogrphic Basin under
the jurisdiction of the ex
Consorzio di Bonifica
And extra-ordinary
Some of the ordinary
maintenance activities
Wooden or cement harnesses are
positioned across the water bed to
retain the coarse material transported
by water (trunks, wood and rocks)
Torrente Picigiana, Massa Carrara
Monitoring the water ways. Maintenance of ditches and waterways
Rio Sanetta
Deviation of the river: Fossa Nuova in the
Padule (marshlands) of Porcari
Expansion frame in case of floods
Very expensive for the flow of the Rio
The bridge on Rio Casale
Strongly opposed and contested
by residents
Dangerous for the lack of visibility
An impossible architectural barrier for those with
special walkig needs, because of the steep slope and the
stairs which are the only walking access
Some of the activities of the Consorsio not approved by the
residents and by the environmental associations:
 Cementing the stream beds which increases the water flow in case of floods-.
 The indiscriminate cutting of all the trees on the river banks which increases the
risk of landslide
 The indiscriminate cutting of the vegetation on the banks, in particular of
swamp grasses , which help to maintain an environmental balance.
 Omitting to gather the mowed grass on the road sides thus the blockage of the
irrigation ditches which during the rainy seasons overflow.
 Omitting to reactivate and take care of water and the environmental and the
insufficient maintenance of the minor water network so as to guarantee the
original output.
 The lack of control on the maintenance of the minor ditches which makes
irrigation of the land impossible with superficial water.
 The lack of sensibility for all that is tradition and culture of the territory (people,
cultivations, actions) which would contribute to a better environmental balance.
In the Northern part of Tuscany the
Reclaiming Consorzi along with those of
Versilia Massaciuccoli and Auser
Bientina were fused with the new authority
called «Toscana Nord 1».
New reclaiming projects
With the Consorzio Toscana Nord, the agricultural firms became the protagonists of the prevention
activities due to hydraulic risks.
The guardian farmers can make their experience, competence and means available for everyone, in
particular they can be a daily and constant presence in many areas of the district.
With the l.r. 79/2012 the Regional Government
of Tuscany has started a reform for the field of
reclamation and defence of ground, it
authorised the creation of 6 ReclamationConsorzi
unite structures and competences of the existing
13 Consorzi and of the 13 Municipal unions.
Acque SpA
Is the organ that controls the integrated public water service for the citizens and
the economic activities
The duties of this organ are to guarantee a qualitative standard of the aqueduct
service and to extend in all the serviced area the drainage and purification system
which safeguards the environment and the citizens.
It controls the quality of the waters along the whole hydric cycle: aqueduct,
drainage and purification.
The use of drinking water yesterday and today.
The Nottolini aqueduct and «The via dell’acqua»
In 1822, Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchess
of Lucca, for hygienical motivations,
approved the construction of an aqueduct
and appointed a local engeneer, Lorenzo
Nottolini, to build it.
Between 1822 and
1832 the engineer
Lorenzo Nottolini
constructed the
aqueduct to bring
drinking and luxury
water from the
springs in Guamo to
the city of Lucca.
Luxury water was so
called because it had
different uses from
drinking water.
Route of the aqueduct from Guamo to Lucca
The ducts developed for 3.2 km in a structure 12 meters
high sustained by buttresses and by 460 brick arches
which hold, on the top, two water canals
According to Nottolini’s project the waters collected from
about 18 springs of the «Serra Vespaiata» of Rio San
Quirico and Rio della Valle were routed to the Tempietto di
Guamo, a circular building in neoclassical Doric style.
From there the water was cleaned and made clear
by having it flow through rocks and gravel and
by having it go through further holes and
obstacles so that all the residual impurities would
Water system from the filters to the arches
Buildings where the waters were checked
Vespaiata Dike: filter made of gravel and coal
to make the water drinkable
The two water ducts
Beginning of the arches:
The Temple of Guamo
End of the arches: the Temple of San Concordio
on the outskirts of Lucca.
The interred duct by the walls of
The inside of the tunnel
The water from Guamo reaches Piazza
Antelminelli by the Cathedral of Lucca
Nottolini built two ducts: one, for spring waters that went to
the public and private fountains of Lucca. The second that
went to fountains destined to other uses.
Piazza Antelminelli
Nottolini’s will was not to waste any
drinking water della Misericordia
Via dei Fossi
The water from Guamo reaches Piazza Antelminelli
In front of the Cathedral of Lucca
Today many Important
aqueducts for drinking water
draw from the Plain: that of
Paganini and that of Lucca,
the subsidiary ones of Pisa and
Livorno, that of Capannori and
the so called “Pollino” which
serves Pescia and Montecatini
but also numerous other
municipalities of the
Valdinievole and that of the
Cerbaie for the area of
Water isa humanright
The link between water and
legality is very strong and
very little is known among
the public and especially
young people. The care of
the environment depends
directly on the behavior and
actions of the individual and
the political choices of the
Citizens are first called to
the legality of water use by
observing the rules that
determine the proper use,
protection from pollution
and misuses.
Water and Legality
The consequences due to the abandoning of
the rules and regulation of superficial water
Referendum 2011
In June 2011, around 27 millions
of Italians voted in a referendum
with 95% of the voters agreeing
to the proposal they voted to
have water as a common good
denying the possibility of
La Pollina - Ruota
Thanks to the project “The flow of good water”, financed by
the Municipality of Capannori and the Regional Government
Safeguarded “a common wealth” water
Improved the best spring waters of our territory by
making them accessible to residents and tourists.
Used new technologies to disinfect which do not alter the aspects
of taste and quality of water
we have:
thanks to water, we have established,
new social relationships among citizens
and communities on the territory,
thus continuing with the best cultural
traditions of our people.
Ravano - Castelvecchio di
S. Pierino o S. Pietro –
Sant’Andrea di Compito
Architectural solutions environmentally friendly
and able to improve our territory have been used
on the fountains and the water locations,
Capo di Vico - Sant'Andrea di Compito
Polla del cane- Camigliano
Al Marzocco - Matraia
Perfido - San Colombano
The project “The flow
of good water” involves
15 fountains on the
territory of Capannori.
The fountains have been
upgraded and furnished
with an ultraviolet
disinfection system and
the quality of water is
also guaranteed by
periodical controls.
To save on waste, leaving less plastic water bottles around
The “flow” winds through 14 fractions and represents an opportunity:
To reflect on water as a precious good and inalienable right,,
To admire the vast richness of history and architecture of our
Finetti - Gragnano
5. How the paper industries use layer and
superficial water and the problems that derive
from this.
Water promotes and determines the economy of our territory.
• You could count at least 40, and they
were mills, textile and woollen industries.
• The most important were: the Textile
industry “Oliva” at Piaggione the
hessian jute factory “Balestrieri” in
Ponte a Moriano, the thread factory
Niemack (later Cucirini Cantoni &Coats)
at Acquacalda.
• In the 1910s the first paper mills and
factories were set up.
Jutificio «Balestrieri»
Cucirini Cantoni Coats
The bond between water and the
industries of Lucca has always been
In the 1920s, along this course, there
were a lot of factories quite
important for the economy of the
Today a lot of the ancient mills have become museums
( The Menicone Mill), some big industries have closed
(the hessian jute factory “Balestriere and the thread
factory Cucirini Cantoni &Coats) others have been
bought by international firms (Italcarta), very few are
still owned by the original families of Lucca (Pasquini of
the Paper factory Lucart and Stefani-Lazzereschi for
Molino Menconi
Water can be considered
one of the main resources
used in the paper process
Environmental impact of the paper factories
Use of water
Water sewers
Use of Energy (electrical, fuels)
Visual impact
Emergencies (fires, loss of liquids)
Use of chemical products
Contamination and use of soil
Emissions in the atmosphere
How the water layer of the Plain of Lucca has dropped in time
Measures adopted by the paper industry in
relation to pumping water from the
underground water tables
The firms have now started to study and test how
to manage in an efficient way this resource,
through the recycling of water in the phases of the
working process so as to limit the pumping of
water from the wells.
Water use in the paper industry
Today the province of Lucca remains the seat of one of the most important Italian paper groups for the
production of packaging and tissue paper. In addition to the paper factories there are also numerous
factories for the transformation of paper into finished products.
This aspect, as we have already seen in the
previous section, is particularly important for the
Plain of Lucca, which presents a drop in the layer
The use of water in great quantities has caused
serious environmental damages which are now
To reduce further the pumping
from the water layer an
industrial aqueduct called
“tubone” was built, it takes
water from the river Serchio
through a pre-existing canal
(fossa Nuova) that originates in
Ponte a Moriano and reaches
Afterwards, with an interred
pipe, from Camigliano it should
take the water of the industrial
area of Capannori Porcari to
the purifying plant Casa del
Acquedotto delle Cerbaie
Pozzi di Paganico
Fossa Nuova
The present system of the new canal “tubone” which is used to
deviate the water of the river Serchio.
The recycling of water in the paper industry
Purification plant
Water which flows
back from the
productive process
Rain water
Water which flows
back from sewers
Chemical-physical treatment
Anaerobic treatment
Biological treatment
To the
Re-used for the productive process
biogas which
is sent to the
section of
energetic re
cycling for the
production of
Results reached
some problems
Tissue Packaging
Results reached
in “the environmental declaration EMAS – the Paper district of Capannori” is praised as excellent , it
reports that :
“the performances reached in the use of water make the paper factories of the Plain of Lucca an
international excellence. Results like those indicated by the graph are hardly ever reached elsewhere.”
This has also been confirmed by the average values reported in Bref (Best Reference Document of the
Commission) which reports
the best techniques available
in the field of application
according to the IPPC
– which can be seen in
this graph.
… some problems. Using less water means:
A biological increase
A higher concentration of pollutants
In addition the unsuccessful cleansing system, and
the irregular water supply have not permitted a
definite stop in the use of layer water.
The output of strong smells
Purifying plant - Casa del Lupo
The good procedures that citizens and
public administrations
can adopt for a better use of water
in time
Code of health laws
(RD 27/07/1934)
DPR 03/07/1982
n.515 DPR
3/07/1982 n.515
DPR 24/05/1988
Innovations during
60 years
o It gave us a first definition of “drinking water”;
o But this definition was very questionable
because it evaluated characteristics in a very
coarse way
Dirty water in the aqueducts
We have to find a way to reduce the pollution in
the water
into three
A1  simple physics
treatment and disinfection
A2  normal physics and
chemical treatment,
disinfection and refining
A3  pushed physics and
chemical treatment,
disinfection and refining
Saving water at home means huge
The most obvious place to start saving water is at home, here we have
some tips that will allow you to conserve fresh water by only changing
your habits slightly
In the kitchen…
1. Don't rinse your hands,
clothes or vegetables
under a running tap, do
so in a bowl or sink.
2. Only run washing
machines or
dishwashers with a full
load, and cut down the
rinse cycle if possible.
3. Water plants with the
same water used for
washing food.
In the bathroom…
1. Turn off the tap while
brushing teeth, soaping
hands or shaving;
2. Take short showers instead
of baths;
3. If you do have a bath, use
the water left over to wash
the floor;
4. Use water saving devices,
e.g. water efficient
showerhead, water tap,
dual flush cistern for the
toilet, and pay attention to
water efficiency labels;
5. Avoid flushing
And, at least…
1. Fix dripping taps and
water mains quickly;
2. Teach children that
water is not for games;
3. Control the flow from
the tap, do not always
turn it to the full.
4. Wash cars with a
bucket of water and
the towel instead of a
A well planned urban
and industrial growth
Measures to apply as prevention for a correct
management of the water resources are:
Use materials and architectural
solutions environmentally friendly able
to improve our territory, the fountains
and the water locations
Upgrade, respecting the environment,
industrial areas and buildings.
Collecting rain water
The use of new technologies to disinfect and not alter
the aspects of taste and quality of water
Thus avoiding to rely excessively on drainage
from the water tables and a strict organisation of
the pumping activities
Draining water from lakes and
Thanks to water, we have established, new social
relationships among citizens and communities on
the territory.
The separation of gray and black waters and the
decentralisation of the treatment techniques for
local re-use
Promote and incentivate the use of tap water in private
and public structures
The lack of interest for some types of plants
which favour the oxygen production of the
territory and remove polluting elements.
The lack of sensibility for all that is
traditional and the territorial cultural
heritage (people, farming, the elders)
who and which would contribute to
improve the territorial environmental
Water reeds
Further operations in the area of the Plain at high hydrogeological risk
Make the new “wells field”
in the river bed of the
Serchio at San Pietro a Vico
more efficient.
Decrease the water
drainage of the paper
Monitor the levels of the
layer and the percentage
of territory under the
authority of the Bacino
Increase the pressure in
the restrained table
during rainy periods.
Eliminate the
private wells
Experiment techniques
of artificial refilling of
the water layer at Casa
del Lupo
Joint Research Centre
The European Commission’s
in-house science service
JRC Mission
As the Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research
Centre’s mission is to provide EU policies with independent,
evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole
policy cycle.
Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the
JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation
through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing
its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and
international partners.
Serving society
Stimulating innovation
Supporting legislation
Communication Unit
Brussels Tel.: +32 2 299 02 66
Fax: +32 2 299 63 22
Ispra Tel.: +39 0332 78 98 89
Fax: +39 0332 78 54 09
Liceo Scientifico E. Mayorana
Capannori (LU)
Visita al JRC
8 Maggio 2015
14.00-16.30: seminario "Progetto Acqua"
Unità Risorse idriche, Istituto per l'ambiente e la sostenibilità
Liceo Scientifico 'E. Mayorana'
14:00 Benvenuto e introduzione al seminario
Giovanni BIDOGLIO, Capo unità Risorse idriche
1°sessione: Water as resource and local development ⌘ L'acqua come risorsa e sviluppo
Liceo E. Mayorana:
- The importance of water ⌘ L'importanza dell'acqua
Keywords: water – responsabilities – important save
- The use of drinking water,yesterday and today: the “Nottolini” aqueduct and the “Via dell’acqua” ⌘ L’utilizzo
dell’acqua potabile ieri ed oggi: l’acquedotto “Nottolini” e “La via dell’acqua”
Keywords: aqueduct – Nottolini – human rights - fountains
- The use of underground and superficial watersby the paper mills and industries and the problems deriving
from it (subsidence) ⌘ L’utilizzo dell’acqua di falda e di superficie da parte dell’industria cartaria ed i problemi
che ne derivano (subsidenza)
Keywords: Industries- paper – environment – impact – water layer - subsidence
- Identification of “good habits” that citizens and public administrations can apply to improve the use of water ⌘
Le” buone pratiche” che cittadini e Amministrazioni pubbliche possono attuare per un miglior utilizzo dell’acqua
Keywords: laws – saving – habits – measures
Unità Risorse idriche:
- Presentation title ⌘ Titolo presentazione
Bernd GAWLIK,unità Risorse idriche
2°sessione: Sites, activities and water resources of the territory ⌘ Siti e attività del territorio e
le sue risorse idriche
Liceo E. Mayorana:
- Hydrogeological history of the municipality of Capannori and of the Plain of Lucca ⌘ Storia idrogeologica del
territorio del comune di Capannori e della Piana di Lucca
Keywords: rivers - lakes - the plain - reclaiming - water ducts
- The damp areas and the hydrological resources of our territory ⌘ Le aree umide e le risorse idriche del nostro
Keywords: the environment – the river Serchio and lake Bientina - il Bottaccio – expansion frames
- The hydrological risk and the activities of the “Consorzio 1 Toscana Nord” ⌘ Il rischio idrogeologico e le attività
di bonifica del Consorzio 1 Toscana Nord
Keywords : risks – problems – floods – subsidence – laws – maintenance – reclaiming
Unità Risorse idriche:
- Presentation title ⌘ Titolo presentazione
Name SURNAME,unità Risorse idriche
16:30 Conclusioni
Giovanni BIDOGLIO, Capo unità Risorse idriche
JRC Ispra, 8 Maggio 2015Liceo scientifico E. Mayorana
9:30 Arrivo al JRCIspra,procedure di ingresso
10:00-12:15 Visita al JRC
Benvenuto con frutta fresca,Visitors' Centre
1° bus:
10:00-11:00 Tour in autobus del Sito di Ispra
11:00-12:15 Visita del Visitors' Centre e del Sylvia's Lab
2° bus:
10:00-11:15 Visita del Visitors' Centre e del Sylvia's Lab
11:15-12:15 Tour in autobus del Sito di Ispra
12:15-13:50 Trasferimento a sala Anfiteatro e pranzo
Ed. 36
Visita Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana
8 Maggio 2015
Risorse idriche:
rafforzare le conoscenze alla base
della presa di decisioni
Giovanni Bidoglio
Cosa pensano della loro acqua i cittadini europei?
344 (2012)
• Protecting all waters, surface and
ground waters
• Covering all impacts on waters
• Water quality defined in terms of
biology, chemistry and
• Good ecological status to
be achieved with the first
RBMPs by 2015
• Second RBMPs end by 2021
Ecological status
No or
Slight {
Moderate {
Major {
Severe {
Courtesy Peter Pollard
Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque:
dal controllo dell’inquinamento all’integrità degli ecosistemi
La risposta dell’Unione Europea
Un problema condiviso
• 11% della popolazione e 17% del territorio europeo
hanno sperimentato condizioni di scarsità d’acqua
• 2012: Condizioni di stress idrico in 26 bacini
idrografici tutto l’anno (43 durante l’estate)
• 2030: Condizioni di stress idrico in 47 bacini
idrografici tutto l’anno (63 durante l’estate)
• Non solo un problema per il sud Europa: le attuali
valutazioni parlano di 31 su 63 bacini idrografici nel
nord Europa
• Aumento della competizione per l’acqua tra diversi
settori economici e politiche
Piani di bacino della Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque e progetto
Riferimenti :
Il Prodotto Interno Lordo dei 10 più popolosi bacini idrografici al mondo
supererà quello delle economie combinate di USA, Giappone e Germania, ma
solo se verrà affrontato il problema della scarsità d’acqua
June 2012
Acqua come opportunità di crescita
1013 miliardi €
4995 miliardi €
2313 miliardi €
232 miliardi €
Il Water Footprint della produzione agricola
Vanham et al. (JRC), 2014
Bacini esportatori
netti di acqua
Bacini importatori
netti di acqua
Analisi dell’impronta idrica del
consumo (WFcons) e della produzione
(WFprod) di prodotti agricoli e
risultante flusso virtuale d’acqua per
365 grandi bacini idrografici
nell’Unione Europea
Scenari per il 2020 di carico di azoto ai mari europei (1000 ton/anno)
Business As Usual Change in diet Manure management
18493 17906 (-3 %) 8170 (- 55 %)
Agriculture as main contributor of nitrogen
entering the European Seas
Agricoltura come principale responsabile del
carico di nutrienti ai mari europei
Cooperazione CNR –CCR nel Mar
Mediterraneo: 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014
BiOMaP Ships
Monitoraggio di acque marine e costiere
tramite osservazioni satellitari
Clorofilla-a Materia
109 10 July 2015
4 5
1. Battery 12 V
2. Flow-meter/Counter
3. Pump (Flow rate: 0.1-0.2 L/min)
4. Holder-SPE: adsorbent
5. Water Sampling line
6. Waste
Cost prototype: 1500 Euro
Expected cost in production: 600 Euro
Patent: pending
Target volume: max. 10-20 L  10 to 20 fold increase of LoQ
30 cm
The Mariani Box
Unrestricted irrigation
Farm applications
Restricted irrigation
Restricted irrigation
Reuse of industrial effluent
Unrestricted irrigation
Industrial reuse
Urban reuse
Urban reuse
Indirect potable reuse
Saline intrusion barrier
Indirect potable reuse
Saline intrusion barrier
Greenfield site
Indirect potable reuse
Alcune conclusioni
• Un approccio economico può
aiutare il processo politico di
• Valori economici possono
essere scambiati con altri
• Le funzioni ambientali sono
da considerare
• Scelte di priorità
• L’acqua non è un bene
• Il suo valore economico non
è il suo valore totale
• Problemi e opportunità sono
due facce della stessa
• Qualsiasi soluzione deve
mirare al consenso
• Necessità di una continuità
politica oltre schemi
• È fondamentale coinvolgere
tutti i cittadini – anche
bambini ed anziani
• Dimmi e dimenticherò
• Fammi vedere e mi ricorderò
• Coinvolgimi e apprenderò
112 10 July 2015
Progetto Lago della
Intervista: è stato chiesto alla popolazione di Colle di compito e
di Castelvecchio di Compito quale parere avessero riguardo
all'idea di poter far diventare la zona del lago un'area turistica.
La domanda posta:
<<Se venisse portato a termine il progetto di far diventare la zona del Lago
della Gherardesca, quello che è il nostro ''padule'', lei sarebbe a favore o
<< Secondo me sarebbe una bella cosa perché
almeno si creerebbe del movimento in paese, dato
che è un po' smorto. >>
<< Non sono a favore, quella è un'area da
preservare e non da rendere luogo pubblico in
modo '' eccessivo'' come potrebbe avvenire nel
caso fosse messo in atto questo progetto. Questo
luogo è perfetto per rilassarsi, trovare la bellezza
della flora e della fauna e non è corretto
distruggere l'equilibrio che vi si trova. >>
<< Il Palude è un luogo da conservare e non ci deve essere
costruito o altro perché verrebbe rovinato, è un luogo tranquillo,
in cui si sta bene. >>
<< Non sono favorevole perché lì si trova un
paesaggio naturale e deve essere protetto. >>
<< Ma siee, è bellissimo così com'è e un
dev'esse toccato da nimmo. >>
<< Son d'accordo col facci la zona turistica, per
guadagnà du sordi in questo paesin vi. >>
<< Va ben osì com'è, ma se un ci fossero le zanzare a datti noia.
D'inverno po si riempe d'acqua, ma in du voglian andà a fa il
posto turistico. >>
<< Io son d'accordo co sta '' iniziativa'' almeno
porterebbe un popò di turismo per in qua. >>
<< Son a favore perché potrebbe dà der lavoro a sti giovani vi, osì
il posto lo terrebbero un popò più pulito anche se un si deve sta a
stravolgge l'ambiente naturale. >>
Dalla sintesi delle posizioni riportate in questo stralcio di intervista, possiamo
ben capire che la comunità di Colle di Compito e di Castelvecchio di Compito è
nettamente divisa intorno a due posizioni prevalenti: chi risulta a favore della
realizzazione di un'area turistica nella zona del Lago della Gherardesca,
chiamato dagli abitanti ''Il Padule'', per motivi puramente economici, e chi
invece opta per una conservazione che garantisca la bellezza e l’unicità della
Ci siamo chiesti se e come sia possibile conciliare sviluppo economico e tutela
del paesaggio, aprendo un confronto con la proprietà e gli stakeholders.

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I.S.I.S.S. della Piana di Lucca - La risorsa acqua tra passato, presente e futuro 1

  • 1. A. S. 20014/15 I.S.I.S.S. Piana di Lucca Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico “A. Benedetti” Porcari Liceo Scientifico, Scienze Applicate e Linguistico ”E. Majorana” Capannori Classi N° 33 - Docenti N° 85 Dirigente: Prof. Luigi Lippi Classi coinvolte: 3 A-B-C-D-E e 4 A-B-C-del Liceo Scientifico Docenti: Albarosa Cagnoni (Lingua Inglese) Loretta Santori (Disegno e Storia dell’Arte) Leana Quilici (Storia e Filosofia) Lorenzo Cesana (I.R.C.) PROGETTO La risorsa acqua tra passato, presente e futuro
  • 2. WATER ON THE EARTH SALTY WATER ICE WATER "GOOD WATER" Our planet is called Earth, but in fact it is a planet made of water, covering as much as 71% of the globe. 97% of this water is salty, and the remaining 3% is divided between a 2% of ice water and only a small part is available to man, to drink, to produce energy, to survive and for agriculture.
  • 3. Nowaday a responsible use that avoids waste is increasingly important, whereas the lifestyle of most developed countries requires more and more water at a rate that seems to be increasingly unattainable. Fresh water is a precious resource, and we all need to do as much as possible to preserve it. Here we have learned about why water should be saved, how you can do so at home and at work, and the potential that reclaimed water has to improve the condition of our environment.
  • 4. Why save water? Learning how to save water is not difficult, and it can begin with teaching good habits to children. All you have to do is think about how easy it is to waste water in everyday activities; Remember, children learn fast and change quickly as they grow and develop. The risks faced by infants and toddlers are often very different from those of school-age children and teens. But no matter how old your children are: here are some tips to prevent wasting water.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. 2. The damp areas and the hydrological resources of our territory 1. Hydrogeological history of the municipality of Capannori and of the Plain of Lucca 4. The use of drinking water, yesterday and today.5. The use of underground and superficial waters by the paper industry. 6 . Identification of “good habits” that citizens and public administrations can apply to improve the use of water. 3. The hydrological risk and the activities of the “Consorzio 1 Toscana Nord” water
  • 8. With the collaboration of - Dott.ssaa Mara Dell’Aringa, Geologo - Il Consorzio di Bonifica del Bientina - l’Associazione di guide ambientaliste“Tuffetto” - Le classi 3A-B-C-D-E del Liceo Scientifico “E. Majorana” - La prof.ssa Albarosa Cagnoni, - La prof.ssa Loretta Santori Bibliografia - Autorità di Bacino, QUADRO GENERALE DELLA SUBSIDENZA NELLA PIANA DI LUCCA - Autorità di Bacino, Distretto del Fiume Serchio, DESCRIZIONE DEL DISTRETTO IDROGRAFICO DEL FIUME SERCHIO, 25 settembre 2009 D - Bottari P. All’ombra della grande ciminiera – La Cucirini Cantoni Coats e la crescita economico sociale lucchese, Maria Pacini Fazzi editore - Brugioni M., Menduni G., Montini G. Autorità di Bacino del fiume Arno, Analisi dei fenomeni di subsidenza nel bacino del fiume Arno tramite l’utilizzo della tecnica di interferometria satellitare PSI in SARTM - Caciagli G. Il lagodi Bientina. Vicende storiche e idrogeologiche, Bandecchi e Vivaldi 1984. - Cardella R. Un’azienda, il suo territorio, il suo sviluppo – 1946-1996 – Cinquant’anni della “Cartiera Modesto Cardella, Maria Pacini Fazzi editore. - DichiarazioneAmbientale EMAS-Distretto Cartario di Capannori, Emissione 2014 (Dati 2012) - Morosi A. Sereni U. La città industriosa – Lucca alla fine dell’Ottocento - Ordine degli Ingegneri, Prov. Di Foggia, L’uso della modellistica idraulica nella difesa del suolo. Ing. Tricoli D. 21/11/2006 - Provincia di Lucca Convegno Ambiente , 29 marzo 2001, Riduzione del consumo idrico, attraverso l’applicazione del documento BREF per l’industria della carta e della asta carta, in cartiere campione– Fattibilità, misure ed implicazioni locali. - University of Pisa, Earth Sciences Department, M. Dell’Aringa M.-Giannecchini R. Puccinelli A. Geologist, external collaborator, Small sinkhole-like features in alluvial plains: the example of Paganico
  • 9. Siti consultati: Autorità di Bacino del fiume – Pianodigestione Cartografie Bacino pilota fiume Serchio Carte e strati informativi relativi al rischio idraulico Piano di Assetto Idrogeologico 1° Aggiornamento approvato L'impatto ambientale dalle attività cartarie in Provincia di Lucca — ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la protezioneambientale della Toscana Trattamento Acque Reflue – Lenntech Provincia di Lucca - › Notizie › ARPATnews ›
  • 11. Late 120.000/10.000 years ago An uplifting movement progressively gave origin to the ridges of the Cerbaie, a series of hills which divide the original big lake in two smaller ones: Lucca- Montecarlo-Vinci and Firenze-Prato- Pistoia.
  • 12. Water withdraws and two lakes form: Lake Bientina and Lake Fucecchio
  • 13. N S W E Bientina Montuolo In the Middle age due to the formation of the flatlands the river Auser (Serchio) divides in two branches in San Pietro a Vico. Lunata Cartina della piana di Lucca (Natali, 1997) The Auser ( the bigger ): Marlia, Lunata, Antraccoli, Pieve San Paolo where it went through a new ramification. The Auserculus (small Auser) touched Lucca from the North and from Borgo Giannotti it reached Montuolo, than it flowed into the Arno near Pisa. A branch, went to the sout- west of Lucca to reach and flow into the Auserculus near Montuolo. Another branch continued its course to the east towards Bientina and flowed (when it could) into the river Arno near Calcinaia. Lucca Pisa
  • 14. In 1905 some expansion cases of the Bottaccio di Massa Pisana were made, into which even today the southern streams of the city flow. Can.Ozzeri An important figure for the regimentation of waters was the Bishop of Lucca Frediano (561- 589) who, because of the continuous floods, had the waters of the main river deviated into the main Northern branch (Auserculus). The river was also redirected to Ripafratta, to the west of the «Monti Pisani», and made to flow directly into the sea close to Pisa instead of flowing into the river Arno. Floods: an ancient problem In 1800 the Ozzeri canal was built as an irrigating and reclaiming canal of the lower Plain of Lucca (Nottolini) merging into the River Serchio at Cerasomma. Carta da acque e strade, 1563 n. 10
  • 15. R e c l a i m i n g in the river-bed of the ancient lake Bientina The lake was drained in 1859 «using the barrel»: this important work by Alessandro Manetti consisted in digging an outflowing stream with a very clever underground gallery system, which is still under the river Arno today.
  • 16. In 1852 “The barrel” is built: it is a canal which gathers the waters of the Basin which flow under the river Arno and continue to Livorno
  • 17. The water ducts The water shed “The Barrel” The Barrel
  • 18. The terrace marks the bottom of the river Arno; the roof of the water ducts is protected by a waterproof layer of clay which stops water from the river Arno to penetrate. The two water ducts
  • 19. Doors that close at 120 degrees because of the hydraulic pressure of the main water stream. Automatism invented by Leonardo da Vinci. Vincian doors and cataracts Vincian Doors: Invented by Leonardo Da Vinci to prevent water from flowing back in case of flooding. In this case they close with opposing pressure. Fosso Zero, Padule Bientina
  • 20. The damp areas and the hydrological resources of the territory
  • 21. Da “Manon Lescaut” Intermezzo del III atto Water has fascinated many artists. The composer Giacomo Puccini inspired by the waters of Lake Massaciuccoli, composed some of his best and most famous operas
  • 22. Environmental resources of the Plain of Lucca Forest areas in the North and South of the Plain, on the Mountains of Pisa and on the Pizzorne The river Serchio Hills cultivated with grape vines and olive trees. Abundant underground layer water and surface water The network of tributaries coming from the hills and flow down from the Pizzorne mountain into the Bientina marshlands. Natural Oasis of Bottaccio
  • 23. The Plain The marshlands The river The Bottaccio
  • 24. What we have studied Fountains of the aqueduct The Nottolini aqueduct The Bottaccio Oasis The river Serchio and the public channel The river bed of Lake Bientina Public fountains in Capannori Ozzeri
  • 25. IN RED THE PUBLIC CHANNEL The Public conduct built in 1380 has always been important. Today it still takes its water from the River San Gemignano di Moriano and after a course of 13 Km. it crosses Lucca from the Norh West to the South-East. It generates the irrigation network of the Plain whose main canals, nearly all, . merge into the Rogio Canal which also collects waters from the area of Bientina. The public conduct and some of its canals flow into the Ozzeri
  • 26. The river Serchio It has an annual flow rate of (46 m³/s); the rate is maintained high due to the rainfalls of the mountain areas it goes through and also because of the permeability of the basin. The hydroelectric plant covers about 12% of the local annual needs. It is responsible of hydrological disasters such as the 1812 and 2012 floods. The richest annual period is Autumn, in particular the month of November.
  • 27. Lake Bientina 27 Lake Bientana was the vastest of the Tuscan lakes and was also known to the inhabitants of Lucca with the name Sesto. It had as main tributary the Auser and as outflowing streams the Cirecchio canal and the Serezza The area is believed to have always been swampy as it is lower than the the river The lake had an area of permanent water called «clear waters» and a swamp area which dried in the Summer and even today continues to be swampy.
  • 28. Aerial view of former Lake Bientina after abundant rainfalls
  • 29. Lakes at “Isola Bassa” of Lammari The area offers to the citizens new forms of aggregation thanks to sports and entertaining facilities which are didactically useful and help people become environmentally aware by coming in contact with recycled material while relaxing. Today the area is threatened by the construction of an intense traffic road system from the North to the South which runs close to these lakes.
  • 30. In Lucca Expansion frames are often called “Barrel” and the Bottaccio Wood is in fact situated inside the expansion frame of the Stream Visona of Castelvecchio di Compito.
  • 31. 31 Natural Oasis of Bottaccio The municipality of Capannori, with city council By-laws ·N° 82 18.07.96 has instituted The protected Natural Area of local interest (ANPIL) “The Bottaccio” which extends for 16.6 hectares.
  • 32. The Italian WWF with the acquisition of government concessions, has been taking care of the Bottaccio since 1991 and since then has inserted it in the National system of the Italian WWF Oasis. The Municipality of Bientina (Prov. Pisa) With by-law n.50/14.05.98 added to ANPLIN «The Tanali Wood» on the Northern side so as to unite it with Bottaccio. In this way the two adjacent Protected areas are inside the Marshlands of Bientina.
  • 33. 33 The waters which flow from the Mountains of Pisa, without polluted elements, closed in by banks, remain in the Bottaccio and so create watery and semi-watery environments in the wood . The Bottaccio completely relies on the expansion of the Stream, Visona of Castelvecchio, which ends here. The Environment
  • 34. The hydrological risk and the problems and activities of the “Consorzio 1 Toscana Nord”
  • 35. Limited availability for water: Meteorological phenomena Irregular distribution Pollution increase Meteorological changes Demographic growth Changes in habits, customs and uses Advent of different needs Economical expansion Excessive pumping and use Subsidence shrinkingl-swelling  sinkholes Floods Environmental problems of the Territory , particularly of the Eastern part of the Plain
  • 36. Subsidence This phenomenon is generally caused by geological features, but in the last decade it has been locally increased by the work of man. Subsidence consists in a slow sinking process of a layer of soil, this can involve areas of different sizes. The phenomenon affects the locality of Pollino (Porcari and of the Cerbaie (Bientina. The sinking of the water layer is progressive and gradual in time but irreversible because the annual rain water is not enough to compensate the water loss. In this way the alluvial areas which before were reached by the water layer during the year, always remain dry. They become compacted and make the ground drop irreversibly, with damages to buildings that are no longer adequate to the new context.
  • 37. Evolution of the sinking of the land in the Padule of Bientina (Lucca) in the years 1992-2007. Taken from the PS data and elaborated according to the APSA technique Autorità di Bacino del fiume Arno Pollino (Porcari) e Cerbaie (Bientina
  • 38. The shrinkingl-swelling which takes place between summer and autumn has natural causes, but sometimes it can be increased if water is pumped out. This phenomenon is typical of clays (vertiche) comes out when the water layer seasonally sways internally, the layers of clay get wet and increase in volume like “sponges”. In summer the opposite takes place, so the clays shrink. This shrinking-swelling of the clays follows a seasonal swaying of the water layer. The ground goes through reversible seasonal sinkings which can damage inadequate building. These damages expand and retreat in a cyclic way in the course of the seasons. shrinking-swelling Variations in the percentage of water can provoke swelling or shrinking of the ground. The houses affected by this instability often present flaws in the foundations or design.
  • 39. The shrinking-swelling has been taking place in the fractions of Paganico, Pieve San Paolo, Santa Margherita (Capannori ) and Rughi (Porcari) since the ‘80s. The existence of a water table and/or of underground circulation of water. The shrinking-swelling is different form subsidence because the permanent layer does not undergo water loss, so even if it undergoes pumping, it is able to increase seasonally , sometimes even to ground level.
  • 40. Sinkholes The sinkholes originate in complex hydrogeological contexts of the territory and come about for various reasons: earthquake, draught-rain, the pumping of great quantities of water and the flooding of canals. The causes can be a lot and complementary. They are holes in the ground which form because of drainage phenomena between layers that are one on top of the other and superficial layers and irrigating canals. It is a matter of water streams mixed between elements with different water levels, The waters, by moving, erode the ground following an evolutionary sequence which ends up in a hole. The holes concern the fraction of Paganico (Capannori). M. Dell’Aringa et al.: Small sinkhole-like features in alluvial plains
  • 41. The digging of wells for the municipal acqueduct MORE MAIN CAUSES An absolute decrease in rainfall A particular structure of the ground Birth of one of the vastest national industrial groups for the Production of Paper A lot of private wells Drought and rainfalls determine a lack of balance between the water table and the restrained one. Demographic expansion From recent studies it has emerged that the paper industries should take care of the sinkholes in Paganico so that: • The depression cones don’t reach the residential area. • The cones, deformed by the deep flow of the water layer are deviated to the south. • The paper factories should be set in geological areas different from that of Paganico. (areas without loam sands where these holes originate) . Because of this around the paper factories there can be local sinking or shrinking-swelling but not holes.
  • 42. Ground cavities EFFECTS Strong lowering of the piezometric surface Damages to buildings Disapperance of numerous springs Devaluation of estates and of building areas An increase in the building costs in ugrading and re-utilisation of old buildings Migration to other parts of the territory Fear among the residents
  • 43. 1. The firm Acque Spa will have to decrease by 15% the drainage from the aqueduct of Paganico 2. It is forbidden to take local water either from the aqueduct or from superficial water or pumped from the underground water tables and transport it outside the municipal territory. 3. The inhabitants are invited to adopt useful measures to rationalise water, by applying specific reductions on taps so as to use less water in everyday household activities. - 15%
  • 44. 5. Within 120 days the productive activity will have to be decreased by 30%. 4. The filling of private swimming pools, fountains and pools with water from the aqueduct or with water pumped directly from the water table are prohibited. 6. The Provincial administration is asked to suspend permits to pump water from underground on the whole territory, with the exception of those for domestic use and to check on the permits already issued The Provincial administration and the firm Consorzio di Bonifica Auser-Bientina are asked to restore superficial water circulation in canals and water ways so as to restore the underground water table. - 30%
  • 45. Interventions on the waterways with the function of: Prevention activites Safekeeping and maintenance of the public works of reclaiming Supervision of private activities in the area. Hydraulic security (water pumps, reclaiming canals), the management of irrigation waters. Participation in town planning Safeguard of the agricultural and environmental assets The Consorzio di Bonifica Auser–Bientina now Consorzio 1 Tuscany North
  • 46. Water ways of the hydrogrphic Basin under the jurisdiction of the ex Consorzio di Bonifica
  • 47. And extra-ordinary Some of the ordinary maintenance activities
  • 48. Wooden or cement harnesses are positioned across the water bed to retain the coarse material transported by water (trunks, wood and rocks) Torrente Picigiana, Massa Carrara Monitoring the water ways. Maintenance of ditches and waterways Rio Sanetta
  • 49. Deviation of the river: Fossa Nuova in the Padule (marshlands) of Porcari Expansion frame in case of floods
  • 50. Very expensive for the flow of the Rio The bridge on Rio Casale Strongly opposed and contested by residents Dangerous for the lack of visibility An impossible architectural barrier for those with special walkig needs, because of the steep slope and the stairs which are the only walking access why
  • 51. Some of the activities of the Consorsio not approved by the residents and by the environmental associations:  Cementing the stream beds which increases the water flow in case of floods-.  The indiscriminate cutting of all the trees on the river banks which increases the risk of landslide  The indiscriminate cutting of the vegetation on the banks, in particular of swamp grasses , which help to maintain an environmental balance.  Omitting to gather the mowed grass on the road sides thus the blockage of the irrigation ditches which during the rainy seasons overflow.  Omitting to reactivate and take care of water and the environmental and the insufficient maintenance of the minor water network so as to guarantee the original output.  The lack of control on the maintenance of the minor ditches which makes irrigation of the land impossible with superficial water.  The lack of sensibility for all that is tradition and culture of the territory (people, cultivations, actions) which would contribute to a better environmental balance.
  • 52. In the Northern part of Tuscany the Reclaiming Consorzi along with those of Versilia Massaciuccoli and Auser Bientina were fused with the new authority called «Toscana Nord 1». New reclaiming projects With the Consorzio Toscana Nord, the agricultural firms became the protagonists of the prevention activities due to hydraulic risks. The guardian farmers can make their experience, competence and means available for everyone, in particular they can be a daily and constant presence in many areas of the district. With the l.r. 79/2012 the Regional Government of Tuscany has started a reform for the field of reclamation and defence of ground, it authorised the creation of 6 ReclamationConsorzi unite structures and competences of the existing 13 Consorzi and of the 13 Municipal unions.
  • 53. Acque SpA Is the organ that controls the integrated public water service for the citizens and the economic activities The duties of this organ are to guarantee a qualitative standard of the aqueduct service and to extend in all the serviced area the drainage and purification system which safeguards the environment and the citizens. It controls the quality of the waters along the whole hydric cycle: aqueduct, drainage and purification.
  • 54. The use of drinking water yesterday and today. The Nottolini aqueduct and «The via dell’acqua»
  • 55. In 1822, Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchess of Lucca, for hygienical motivations, approved the construction of an aqueduct and appointed a local engeneer, Lorenzo Nottolini, to build it.
  • 56. Between 1822 and 1832 the engineer Lorenzo Nottolini constructed the aqueduct to bring drinking and luxury water from the springs in Guamo to the city of Lucca. Luxury water was so called because it had different uses from drinking water.
  • 57. Route of the aqueduct from Guamo to Lucca
  • 58. The ducts developed for 3.2 km in a structure 12 meters high sustained by buttresses and by 460 brick arches which hold, on the top, two water canals
  • 59. According to Nottolini’s project the waters collected from about 18 springs of the «Serra Vespaiata» of Rio San Quirico and Rio della Valle were routed to the Tempietto di Guamo, a circular building in neoclassical Doric style. From there the water was cleaned and made clear by having it flow through rocks and gravel and by having it go through further holes and obstacles so that all the residual impurities would deposit.
  • 60. Water system from the filters to the arches Buildings where the waters were checked Vespaiata Dike: filter made of gravel and coal to make the water drinkable Spring
  • 61. The two water ducts Beginning of the arches: The Temple of Guamo End of the arches: the Temple of San Concordio on the outskirts of Lucca.
  • 62. The interred duct by the walls of Lucca The inside of the tunnel The water from Guamo reaches Piazza Antelminelli by the Cathedral of Lucca
  • 63. Nottolini built two ducts: one, for spring waters that went to the public and private fountains of Lucca. The second that went to fountains destined to other uses. Piazza Antelminelli Nottolini’s will was not to waste any drinking water della Misericordia Via dei Fossi The water from Guamo reaches Piazza Antelminelli In front of the Cathedral of Lucca
  • 64. Today many Important aqueducts for drinking water draw from the Plain: that of Paganini and that of Lucca, the subsidiary ones of Pisa and Livorno, that of Capannori and the so called “Pollino” which serves Pescia and Montecatini but also numerous other municipalities of the Valdinievole and that of the Cerbaie for the area of Bientina-Pontedera.
  • 65. Water isa humanright The link between water and legality is very strong and very little is known among the public and especially young people. The care of the environment depends directly on the behavior and actions of the individual and the political choices of the community. Citizens are first called to the legality of water use by observing the rules that determine the proper use, protection from pollution and misuses. Water and Legality The consequences due to the abandoning of the rules and regulation of superficial water
  • 66. Referendum 2011 In June 2011, around 27 millions of Italians voted in a referendum with 95% of the voters agreeing to the proposal they voted to have water as a common good denying the possibility of privatization.
  • 67. Chiattino-Guamo La Pollina - Ruota Thanks to the project “The flow of good water”, financed by the Municipality of Capannori and the Regional Government Safeguarded “a common wealth” water Improved the best spring waters of our territory by making them accessible to residents and tourists. Used new technologies to disinfect which do not alter the aspects of taste and quality of water we have:
  • 68. thanks to water, we have established, new social relationships among citizens and communities on the territory, thus continuing with the best cultural traditions of our people. Ravano - Castelvecchio di Compito S. Pierino o S. Pietro – Sant’Andrea di Compito Architectural solutions environmentally friendly and able to improve our territory have been used on the fountains and the water locations,
  • 69. Capo di Vico - Sant'Andrea di Compito Polla del cane- Camigliano Al Marzocco - Matraia Perfido - San Colombano The project “The flow of good water” involves 15 fountains on the territory of Capannori. The fountains have been upgraded and furnished with an ultraviolet disinfection system and the quality of water is also guaranteed by periodical controls.
  • 70. To save on waste, leaving less plastic water bottles around The “flow” winds through 14 fractions and represents an opportunity: To reflect on water as a precious good and inalienable right,, To admire the vast richness of history and architecture of our municipality Finetti - Gragnano
  • 71. 5. How the paper industries use layer and superficial water and the problems that derive from this.
  • 72. Water promotes and determines the economy of our territory. • You could count at least 40, and they were mills, textile and woollen industries. • The most important were: the Textile industry “Oliva” at Piaggione the hessian jute factory “Balestrieri” in Ponte a Moriano, the thread factory Niemack (later Cucirini Cantoni &Coats) at Acquacalda. • In the 1910s the first paper mills and factories were set up. • Jutificio «Balestrieri» Cucirini Cantoni Coats The bond between water and the industries of Lucca has always been decisive. In the 1920s, along this course, there were a lot of factories quite important for the economy of the city.
  • 73. Today a lot of the ancient mills have become museums ( The Menicone Mill), some big industries have closed (the hessian jute factory “Balestriere and the thread factory Cucirini Cantoni &Coats) others have been bought by international firms (Italcarta), very few are still owned by the original families of Lucca (Pasquini of the Paper factory Lucart and Stefani-Lazzereschi for Sofidel) Molino Menconi Lucart Cardella
  • 74. Water can be considered one of the main resources used in the paper process
  • 75.
  • 76. Environmental impact of the paper factories Use of water Water sewers Use of Energy (electrical, fuels) Visual impact Emergencies (fires, loss of liquids) Use of chemical products Smells Waste Contamination and use of soil Emissions in the atmosphere Noise
  • 77. How the water layer of the Plain of Lucca has dropped in time
  • 78. Measures adopted by the paper industry in relation to pumping water from the underground water tables
  • 79. The firms have now started to study and test how to manage in an efficient way this resource, through the recycling of water in the phases of the working process so as to limit the pumping of water from the wells. Water use in the paper industry Today the province of Lucca remains the seat of one of the most important Italian paper groups for the production of packaging and tissue paper. In addition to the paper factories there are also numerous factories for the transformation of paper into finished products. This aspect, as we have already seen in the previous section, is particularly important for the Plain of Lucca, which presents a drop in the layer level. The use of water in great quantities has caused serious environmental damages which are now unsustainable.
  • 80. To reduce further the pumping from the water layer an industrial aqueduct called “tubone” was built, it takes water from the river Serchio through a pre-existing canal (fossa Nuova) that originates in Ponte a Moriano and reaches Camigliano. Afterwards, with an interred pipe, from Camigliano it should take the water of the industrial area of Capannori Porcari to the purifying plant Casa del Lupo. Acquedotto delle Cerbaie Pozzi di Paganico Fossa Nuova TUBONE The present system of the new canal “tubone” which is used to deviate the water of the river Serchio.
  • 81. The recycling of water in the paper industry Purification plant Water which flows back from the productive process Rain water Water which flows back from sewers Chemical-physical treatment Anaerobic treatment Biological treatment To the Purification plant ACQUAPUR Re-used for the productive process The biological/ anaerobic phase produces biogas which is sent to the section of energetic re cycling for the production of electrical Energy.
  • 83. 5,9 5,6 5,3 4,2 4,4 Tissue Packaging Results reached in “the environmental declaration EMAS – the Paper district of Capannori” is praised as excellent , it reports that : “the performances reached in the use of water make the paper factories of the Plain of Lucca an international excellence. Results like those indicated by the graph are hardly ever reached elsewhere.” This has also been confirmed by the average values reported in Bref (Best Reference Document of the European Commission) which reports the best techniques available in the field of application according to the IPPC indications – which can be seen in this graph.
  • 84. … some problems. Using less water means: A biological increase A higher concentration of pollutants In addition the unsuccessful cleansing system, and the irregular water supply have not permitted a definite stop in the use of layer water. The output of strong smells Purifying plant - Casa del Lupo The good procedures that citizens and public administrations can adopt for a better use of water
  • 85. Laws about water in time Code of health laws (RD 27/07/1934) DPR 03/07/1982 n.515 DPR 3/07/1982 n.515 DPR 24/05/1988 n.236 Innovations during 60 years Chlorination
  • 86. o It gave us a first definition of “drinking water”; o But this definition was very questionable because it evaluated characteristics in a very coarse way
  • 87. Dirty water in the aqueducts We have to find a way to reduce the pollution in the water
  • 88. Surface waters were divided into three categories A1  simple physics treatment and disinfection A2  normal physics and chemical treatment, disinfection and refining A3  pushed physics and chemical treatment, disinfection and refining
  • 89.
  • 90. Saving water at home means huge improvements The most obvious place to start saving water is at home, here we have some tips that will allow you to conserve fresh water by only changing your habits slightly
  • 91. In the kitchen… 1. Don't rinse your hands, clothes or vegetables under a running tap, do so in a bowl or sink. 2. Only run washing machines or dishwashers with a full load, and cut down the rinse cycle if possible. 3. Water plants with the same water used for washing food.
  • 92. In the bathroom… 1. Turn off the tap while brushing teeth, soaping hands or shaving; 2. Take short showers instead of baths; 3. If you do have a bath, use the water left over to wash the floor; 4. Use water saving devices, e.g. water efficient showerhead, water tap, dual flush cistern for the toilet, and pay attention to water efficiency labels; 5. Avoid flushing unnecessarily.
  • 93. And, at least… 1. Fix dripping taps and water mains quickly; 2. Teach children that water is not for games; 3. Control the flow from the tap, do not always turn it to the full. 4. Wash cars with a bucket of water and the towel instead of a hose.
  • 94. A well planned urban and industrial growth Measures to apply as prevention for a correct management of the water resources are: Use materials and architectural solutions environmentally friendly able to improve our territory, the fountains and the water locations Upgrade, respecting the environment, industrial areas and buildings.
  • 95. Collecting rain water The use of new technologies to disinfect and not alter the aspects of taste and quality of water Thus avoiding to rely excessively on drainage from the water tables and a strict organisation of the pumping activities Draining water from lakes and rivers
  • 96. Thanks to water, we have established, new social relationships among citizens and communities on the territory. The separation of gray and black waters and the decentralisation of the treatment techniques for local re-use Promote and incentivate the use of tap water in private and public structures
  • 97. The lack of interest for some types of plants which favour the oxygen production of the territory and remove polluting elements. The lack of sensibility for all that is traditional and the territorial cultural heritage (people, farming, the elders) who and which would contribute to improve the territorial environmental balance. Water reeds Hemp
  • 98. Further operations in the area of the Plain at high hydrogeological risk Make the new “wells field” in the river bed of the Serchio at San Pietro a Vico more efficient. Decrease the water drainage of the paper mills. Monitor the levels of the layer and the percentage of territory under the authority of the Bacino dell’Arno Increase the pressure in the restrained table during rainy periods. Eliminate the private wells Experiment techniques of artificial refilling of the water layer at Casa del Lupo
  • 99. Joint Research Centre The European Commission’s in-house science service JRC Mission As the Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre’s mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners. Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Communication Unit Brussels Tel.: +32 2 299 02 66 Fax: +32 2 299 63 22 Ispra Tel.: +39 0332 78 98 89 Fax: +39 0332 78 54 09 Web: Programma Liceo Scientifico E. Mayorana Capannori (LU) Visita al JRC Seminario PROGETTO ACQUA JRCIspra 8 Maggio 2015
  • 100. 14.00-16.30: seminario "Progetto Acqua" Unità Risorse idriche, Istituto per l'ambiente e la sostenibilità Liceo Scientifico 'E. Mayorana' 14:00 Benvenuto e introduzione al seminario Giovanni BIDOGLIO, Capo unità Risorse idriche 1°sessione: Water as resource and local development ⌘ L'acqua come risorsa e sviluppo territoriale Liceo E. Mayorana: - The importance of water ⌘ L'importanza dell'acqua Keywords: water – responsabilities – important save Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME - The use of drinking water,yesterday and today: the “Nottolini” aqueduct and the “Via dell’acqua” ⌘ L’utilizzo dell’acqua potabile ieri ed oggi: l’acquedotto “Nottolini” e “La via dell’acqua” Keywords: aqueduct – Nottolini – human rights - fountains Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME - The use of underground and superficial watersby the paper mills and industries and the problems deriving from it (subsidence) ⌘ L’utilizzo dell’acqua di falda e di superficie da parte dell’industria cartaria ed i problemi che ne derivano (subsidenza) Keywords: Industries- paper – environment – impact – water layer - subsidence Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME - Identification of “good habits” that citizens and public administrations can apply to improve the use of water ⌘ Le” buone pratiche” che cittadini e Amministrazioni pubbliche possono attuare per un miglior utilizzo dell’acqua Keywords: laws – saving – habits – measures Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME Unità Risorse idriche: - Presentation title ⌘ Titolo presentazione Bernd GAWLIK,unità Risorse idriche 2°sessione: Sites, activities and water resources of the territory ⌘ Siti e attività del territorio e le sue risorse idriche Liceo E. Mayorana: - Hydrogeological history of the municipality of Capannori and of the Plain of Lucca ⌘ Storia idrogeologica del territorio del comune di Capannori e della Piana di Lucca Keywords: rivers - lakes - the plain - reclaiming - water ducts Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME - The damp areas and the hydrological resources of our territory ⌘ Le aree umide e le risorse idriche del nostro territorio Keywords: the environment – the river Serchio and lake Bientina - il Bottaccio – expansion frames Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME - The hydrological risk and the activities of the “Consorzio 1 Toscana Nord” ⌘ Il rischio idrogeologico e le attività di bonifica del Consorzio 1 Toscana Nord Keywords : risks – problems – floods – subsidence – laws – maintenance – reclaiming Unità Risorse idriche: - Presentation title ⌘ Titolo presentazione Name SURNAME,unità Risorse idriche 16:30 Conclusioni Giovanni BIDOGLIO, Capo unità Risorse idriche JRC Ispra, 8 Maggio 2015Liceo scientifico E. Mayorana 9:30 Arrivo al JRCIspra,procedure di ingresso 10:00-12:15 Visita al JRC Benvenuto con frutta fresca,Visitors' Centre 1° bus: 10:00-11:00 Tour in autobus del Sito di Ispra 11:00-12:15 Visita del Visitors' Centre e del Sylvia's Lab 2° bus: 10:00-11:15 Visita del Visitors' Centre e del Sylvia's Lab 11:15-12:15 Tour in autobus del Sito di Ispra 12:15-13:50 Trasferimento a sala Anfiteatro e pranzo Ed. 36
  • 101. Visita Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana 8 Maggio 2015 Risorse idriche: rafforzare le conoscenze alla base della presa di decisioni Giovanni Bidoglio
  • 102. Cosa pensano della loro acqua i cittadini europei? FLASH EUROBAROMETER 344 (2012)
  • 103. • Protecting all waters, surface and ground waters • Covering all impacts on waters • Water quality defined in terms of biology, chemistry and morphology • Good ecological status to be achieved with the first RBMPs by 2015 • Second RBMPs end by 2021 HHIIGGHH GGOOOODD MMOODDEERRAATTEE PPOOOORR BBAADD Ecological status No or minimal { Slight { Moderate { Major { Severe { No-deterioration Restoration Courtesy Peter Pollard Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque: dal controllo dell’inquinamento all’integrità degli ecosistemi La risposta dell’Unione Europea
  • 104. Un problema condiviso • 11% della popolazione e 17% del territorio europeo hanno sperimentato condizioni di scarsità d’acqua • 2012: Condizioni di stress idrico in 26 bacini idrografici tutto l’anno (43 durante l’estate) • 2030: Condizioni di stress idrico in 47 bacini idrografici tutto l’anno (63 durante l’estate) • Non solo un problema per il sud Europa: le attuali valutazioni parlano di 31 su 63 bacini idrografici nel nord Europa • Aumento della competizione per l’acqua tra diversi settori economici e politiche Piani di bacino della Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque e progetto ClimWatAdapt
  • 105. Riferimenti : Il Prodotto Interno Lordo dei 10 più popolosi bacini idrografici al mondo supererà quello delle economie combinate di USA, Giappone e Germania, ma solo se verrà affrontato il problema della scarsità d’acqua FrazionedelGDPglobale 2010 2050 June 2012 Acqua come opportunità di crescita 1013 miliardi € 4995 miliardi € 2313 miliardi € 232 miliardi €
  • 106. Il Water Footprint della produzione agricola Vanham et al. (JRC), 2014 Bacini esportatori netti di acqua virtuale Bacini importatori netti di acqua virtuale Analisi dell’impronta idrica del consumo (WFcons) e della produzione (WFprod) di prodotti agricoli e risultante flusso virtuale d’acqua per 365 grandi bacini idrografici nell’Unione Europea
  • 107. Scenari per il 2020 di carico di azoto ai mari europei (1000 ton/anno) Business As Usual Change in diet Manure management 18493 17906 (-3 %) 8170 (- 55 %) Agriculture as main contributor of nitrogen entering the European Seas Agricoltura come principale responsabile del carico di nutrienti ai mari europei
  • 108. Cooperazione CNR –CCR nel Mar Mediterraneo: 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014 BiOMaP Ships AAOT Monitoraggio di acque marine e costiere tramite osservazioni satellitari Clorofilla-a Materia organica
  • 109. 109 10 July 2015 1 2 3 4 5 1. Battery 12 V 2. Flow-meter/Counter 3. Pump (Flow rate: 0.1-0.2 L/min) 4. Holder-SPE: adsorbent 5. Water Sampling line 6. Waste 6 Cost prototype: 1500 Euro Expected cost in production: 600 Euro Patent: pending Target volume: max. 10-20 L  10 to 20 fold increase of LoQ 30 cm The Mariani Box
  • 110. Unrestricted irrigation Farm applications Restricted irrigation Restricted irrigation Reuse of industrial effluent Unrestricted irrigation Industrial reuse Urban reuse Urban reuse Indirect potable reuse Saline intrusion barrier Indirect potable reuse Saline intrusion barrier Greenfield site Indirect potable reuse
  • 111. Alcune conclusioni • Un approccio economico può aiutare il processo politico di policy: • Valori economici possono essere scambiati con altri valori • Le funzioni ambientali sono da considerare • Scelte di priorità • L’acqua non è un bene commerciale • Il suo valore economico non è il suo valore totale • Problemi e opportunità sono due facce della stessa medaglia • Qualsiasi soluzione deve mirare al consenso • Necessità di una continuità politica oltre schemi tradizionali • È fondamentale coinvolgere tutti i cittadini – anche bambini ed anziani
  • 112. • Dimmi e dimenticherò • Fammi vedere e mi ricorderò • Coinvolgimi e apprenderò 112 10 July 2015
  • 113. Progetto Lago della Gherardesca Intervista: è stato chiesto alla popolazione di Colle di compito e di Castelvecchio di Compito quale parere avessero riguardo all'idea di poter far diventare la zona del lago un'area turistica.
  • 114. La domanda posta: <<Se venisse portato a termine il progetto di far diventare la zona del Lago della Gherardesca, quello che è il nostro ''padule'', lei sarebbe a favore o meno?>> INTERVISTATO n°1 << Secondo me sarebbe una bella cosa perché almeno si creerebbe del movimento in paese, dato che è un po' smorto. >> INTERVISTATO n°2 << Non sono a favore, quella è un'area da preservare e non da rendere luogo pubblico in modo '' eccessivo'' come potrebbe avvenire nel caso fosse messo in atto questo progetto. Questo luogo è perfetto per rilassarsi, trovare la bellezza della flora e della fauna e non è corretto distruggere l'equilibrio che vi si trova. >>
  • 115. INTERVISTATO n°3 << Il Palude è un luogo da conservare e non ci deve essere costruito o altro perché verrebbe rovinato, è un luogo tranquillo, in cui si sta bene. >> INTERVISTATO n°4 << Non sono favorevole perché lì si trova un paesaggio naturale e deve essere protetto. >> INTERVISTATO n°5 << Ma siee, è bellissimo così com'è e un dev'esse toccato da nimmo. >> INTERVISTATO n°6 << Son d'accordo col facci la zona turistica, per guadagnà du sordi in questo paesin vi. >>
  • 116. INTERVISTATO n°7 << Va ben osì com'è, ma se un ci fossero le zanzare a datti noia. D'inverno po si riempe d'acqua, ma in du voglian andà a fa il posto turistico. >> INTERVISTATO n°8 << Io son d'accordo co sta '' iniziativa'' almeno porterebbe un popò di turismo per in qua. >>
  • 117. INTERVISTATO n°9 << Son a favore perché potrebbe dà der lavoro a sti giovani vi, osì il posto lo terrebbero un popò più pulito anche se un si deve sta a stravolgge l'ambiente naturale. >>
  • 118. Dalla sintesi delle posizioni riportate in questo stralcio di intervista, possiamo ben capire che la comunità di Colle di Compito e di Castelvecchio di Compito è nettamente divisa intorno a due posizioni prevalenti: chi risulta a favore della realizzazione di un'area turistica nella zona del Lago della Gherardesca, chiamato dagli abitanti ''Il Padule'', per motivi puramente economici, e chi invece opta per una conservazione che garantisca la bellezza e l’unicità della zona. Ci siamo chiesti se e come sia possibile conciliare sviluppo economico e tutela del paesaggio, aprendo un confronto con la proprietà e gli stakeholders.