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Decoding Approved Marian Apparitions
Christiane Kirsch, Ph.D.
Academy for Creativity and Higher Consciousness
The Nature of Mary
• Mary is also the Mother of the Second Coming.
• It will be a mystical coming.
• It will not yet be the End Day or the Day of the
Last Judgment.
• The Second Coming will take place when all
the demons will be conquered.
• Christ will come to reign in the New Jerusalem.
• The physical Jerusalem will expand.
Which are the Marian
Apparitions Recognized
by the Church?
Even though thousands of apparitions
have been reported, only a hand few
have been approved.
The Mosaic of
Marian Apparitions
• The apparitions are part of a mosaic
that needs to be decoded.
• Repeated apparitions stand for high
importance and are a call for
• The messages of the 12 major and
minor Judeo-Christian prophets
focalized on the same subject.
• Old Testament: the dreams of Joseph,
Noa’s Arc, the Exile in Babylon.
The Mosaic of
Marian Apparitions
• In 1830, the apparitions of Mary took
on a new form.
• They included direct messages.
• Mary started forming her Militia
• The Militia is nothing for cowards.
• The burning torches of Mary must be
strong in love.
• The Fatima message prophesized that
men will witness the death of
•1830: Call for a
centenary of prayer
and penitence.
•1930: Call to action, to
fight the spiritual battle
•2030: Mission will be
completed and
apparitions will cease.
Paris (Rue du Bac) – Politics in the communes of Paris.
Pontmain – Comfort for parents fearing the approaching Prussian soldiers because they were anxious for their sons.
Knock – Comfort for another failed potato crop and winter of famine.
Green Bay – Mary admonished the pioneers working so hard for material goods that they did not instruct their children on heaven and hell.
Fatima – Assurance of spared involvement in WW2 if they prayed the Rosary.
Amsterdam – Mary on the globe with feet on Holland and Germany.
Cuapa – Civil War: They would not have peace if they didn’t make peace.
Rwanda – Warning to the tribes to forgive their grudges or it would escalate into a genocide.
1- Laus (France, 1664-1718)
LAUS (FRANCE, 1664-1718)
2- Rome (Italy, 1842)
The Miraculous Medal
1830 - The apparitions of Mary take on a new
form. They include direct messages.
On the Miraculous Medal, the Marian Dogma
(Coredemptrix) is depicted in symbols.
• Front
• Mary as the woman promised in
Genesis, crushing the head of the
• Back
• M +
• Mary’s Heart pierced with a
• Jesus’ Heart crowned with thorns
3- La Salette (France, 1846)
Mary’s Trinitarian Message
The Three First Commandments
1) I am the Lord thy God. Thou shall not have any strange Gods before me.
• First Beast of the Apocalypse – The Red Dragon – Atheistic Communism.
• The Holy Face – Miracle of the Vatican – Veronica’s Veil – God the Father.
2) Thy shalt not take the name of thy Lord in vain.
• The Black sea Beast – Free Masonry – The Beast opened his mouth and
blasphemed against God and all who dwell in heaven.
• Shroud of Turin – God the Son – blasphemed by the tongue and tortured.
3) Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day.
• The Beast in form of a lamb – Ecclesiastical Free Masonry – makes the
earth and its inhabitants worship the first Beast, the Red Dragon.
• Veil of Manopello – Airy and translucent – God the Holy Spirit – who
reminds us and urges us to remember.
4- Lourdes (France, 1858)
Lourdes Messages
• “I am the Immaculate Conception”.
• 20 years after the apparitions of the miraculous medal
(Mary conceived without sin) the Dogma of the
Immaculate Conception was approved.
• The apparition took place on Ash Wednesday (Wednesday
after Eastern)
• 21 years later Bernadette dies on the Ash Wednesday.
• Mary’s requests:
1) Prayer for sinners
2) Penance
5- Champion (United States, 1859)
Deeper Meaning
• During the time of the apparition, North America would initiate a society to
promote assisted suicide (Euthanasia).
• Mary came vested as a Priestess and crowned as a Queen into virgin territory,
reminiscent of Eden.
• She calls it a wild country and stands between two trees.
• The maple will be eventually cursed.
• Millions of maples in North America today are slowly dying of disease.
• Newspapers kept saying, it all happened in one hour.
• This is a phrase straight from the Apocalypse for the fall of Babylon.
• Punishment can come in a single hour to those who love material goods.
• Does her threat of punishment hang over us?
6- Pontmain (France, 1871)
Pontmain (France, 1871)
• The apparition took place on January 17 (1881), during
the Franco-Prussian war.
• The Army started drawing back because Mary barred
them the way.
• This event was followed by 40 years of peace in France
• For this reason, Mary is called “Our Lady of Hope”
• Many conversions took place in Pontmain.
• For this reason, Mary is called “Our Lady of
Apocalyptic Symbols
• The vision lasted for 3½ hours.
• 3 ½ years = 42 months.
• In biblical numerology, the number 42 is associated with the Apocalypse.
• “Arise and measure the temple of God, and the altar… and they shall
trample upon the holy city for forty-two months” (Revelation 11:1-2).
• “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and
to exercise its authority for forty-two months.” (Revelation 13:4-5).
• 42 is a number with a direct connection to the coming Antichrist.
• His evil efforts will last 42 months in the end time, and thus forty-two is
firmly associated with him.
• 42 is often found as a factor in Anti-Christian names.
• 42 is made up of 6 and 7, showing a link between mankind and God's spirit and
a link between the Antichrist and Jesus Christ.
Apocalyptic Symbols
1) The apparition took place during the night (silence and
• This denotes the apocalyptic time, the night of the
Church, the night of faith.
2) The Lady appears in the sky  Revelation 12
3) She wears a black veil  Our Lady of Sorrows
4) She wears a crown  In the Apocalypse, Mary is crowned
by the prayers of the devout.
5) The red cross symbolizes Jesus Christ.
6) “Pontmain” denotes bridge  Mary is the bridge to a new
• She will bring in the Era of Peace, the Era of her
Immaculate Heart.
• Fatima message: “A great Era of Peace shall begin”.
7- Gietrzwald (Poland, 1877)
8- Knock (Ireland, 1879)
• Lamb of 8 weeks turned towards the Blessed Virgin.
• St Joseph appeared in an apparition shortly after
having been proclaimed Patron of the Church.
• St John (author of the Apocalypse) holds a book, the
• The Cross – Message of Christian persecution.
• Mary is dressed as a bride and crowned as a Queen, a
rose on her forehead.
• Marriage feast of Christ and his Church - Mary is
the icon of the Church.
• Bride of the song of songs.
Pieces of the Mosaic
• Knock apparitions – 1845 to 1852: immediately
after the apparitions in La Salette.
• Apparition the day of the canonical coronation of
the statue of Mary at the Basilica in La Salette.
• St Josepf appears shortly after having been
proclaimed Patron of the Church.
• The morning of the apparitions there a mass for
the souls in purgatory was held in Knock.
• Same day – Cathedral of Lourdes was finished.
Pieces of the Mosaic
• War with Prussia, September 19 – The exact same day that Mary
warned that punishments were on the way if people do not begin to
• 1980’s potato famine – predicted in La Salette. The famine was
particularly bad in Ireland. Europe – Famine and genocide  The Long
• The Priest of knock (proclaimed a Saint) dies on the 25th anniversary of
the Immaculate Conception (Octave Day of the Assumption). Sunday
before was the Feast of the Pure Heart of Mary
• In 1938 a coupled started to promote the Knock shrine and instigated
pilgrimages. St Patrick had blessed Knock and said that it would at
some point become a place of pilgrimages.
Not every seer could see everything.
Great age range.
No spoken message.
No one saw the vision appear or disappear.
No ecstasy.
Vision at sunset – start of the new day.
Mary prayed interceding for her flock.
• Announcement of the imminent events
of the Book of Revelation.
Lamb of Zion – Apocalypse
Very young lamb surrounded
by the 144000.
Cross – Message of Christian
persecution to come?
Mary is dressed as a bride It
announces the marriage feast
of Christ and his church.
• Knock is on a hill and means hill.
Knock – I stand at the door
and knock (Apocalypse).
St Joseph – only personage
not present in the
St Joseph
Protector of the
Father figure
St John
Protector of the Holy
The entrusted Son
Spouse of the Holy
9- Fatima (Portugal, 1917)
God permits a period of 100 years to test the Church.
Why 2017 is such a critical year? (Book: St Michael and our Lady
of Fatima)
•A year of hidden blessings or of something so shocking that it
ushers in a blessing.
•A turning point.
•The sacredness of marriage will be restored.
2017 marks several centenaries.
500th Anniversary of protestant rebulb - 1517
300th anniversary of the birth of modern free masonry – 1717
•Demonstrations in Rome – The Black Banner at the Vatican.
•“Satan must reign at the Vatican and the Pope will be his slave”.
•Foundation of the Militia Immaculata by Kolbe.
100th anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
Centenary of a woman who appeared in the sky.
“A woman appeared in the sky clothed
with the Sun, the Moon was under her
feet and crowned with 12 stars”
(Apocalypse 12:1).
September 11, 3 BC: The constellation
Virgo was clothed with the Sun, and
the Moon was under her feet, above
her head the 3 planets (Mercury,
Venus and Jupiter) were in alignment.
•This conjunction is believed to have
been the Star of Bethlehem.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2017
This occurs the day of Sabbath of Return.
The 9 stars of leo and the 3 aligning planets make the crown of 12 stars.
Virgo is clothed with the sun, the moon is now under her feet and above her head 3 planets (Mercury, Mars
and Venus) are in alignment with the star regulus in Leo.
Jupiter (retrograde) stays in Virgo
until September 9, 2017.
•42 weeks  Human gestation period (37
to 42 weeks).
•Only time in earth’s history that Jupiter
stays in Virgo for a human gestation
“And she being with child cried
travailing in birth and pained to
be delivered” (Revelation 12:2).
Vision of hell
Importance of consecration to Mary’s
Immaculate Heart.
WWI is going to end but if people do
not repent, a worse war will come.
Call for consecration of Russia to the
Immaculate Heart.
Vision of the pope. An angel with a
flaming sword wanting to set the
world on fire.
Call for penance.
Blasphemies against
the immaculate
Blasphemies against
her virginity.
Blasphemies against
her divine maternity.
Blasphemies who seek
to implant into the
heart of children
disrespect and even
hatred for the Divine
Blasphemies who
insult the Mother of
God in her sacred
10- Beauraing (Belgium, 1932)
Beauraing (Belgium, 1932)
• 15 years after Fatima.
• Fatima: Sacrifice yourself for sinners.
• Beauring: Sacrifice yourself for me.
Pieces of the Mosaic
• 1900’s – dramatic political and social change.
• The Nations wealth doubled that decade.
• The Great Depression – New wake-up call.
• 1918 – WWI ends as predicted by Mary.
• A worse war will break out if people do not repent.
• Many Nations will be annihilated.
• Aurora 1938 – The Astronomical Society of France transmits the message
that Paris is on fire.
• 2 hours of uniform intense red sky.
• The cocks began crowing: End of the World?
• Noises from above were heard for 10 min– sound of crackling burning
• 1939: Official start of WW2.
Mary tries to prevent.
11- Banneux (Belgium, 1933)
Banneux (Belgium, 1933)
• January 15, 1933 – 6 weeks after the final visions of Beauring.
• Mary appears as the New Eve in a garden, in an onion patch.
• She looks similar to the Lady of Lourdes.
• “I am the Virgin of the Poor”.
• She asked Mariette to go to a water stream.
• This stream is set aside for me, for all Nations to relief
the sick  similar to Lourdes.
• Mary: “I would like a chapel built on this place”.
• The chapel was dedicated at the Feast of Assumption in 1833.
• Miraculous cures are reported.
• Mariette never revealed the secret confided to her by Mary.
12- Amsterdam (Netherlands, 1945-1959)
Pieces of the Mosaic
• Amsterdam apparitions are the most important
• They form a very large cluster in the Marian
Mosaic (Mosaic – Moses? – Mosaic Law?)
• The Lady of All Nations reaches out to the World,
giving hope to Nations that are on the fringes of
• After the visionary saw the Lady in White, she
suffered from demonic attacks.
•25 visions on political prophecies.
•24 visions on the 5th Marian Dogma.
•7 visions for the Nations.
•149 visions on the eucharistic experience.
Amsterdam series:
•Not a single public sign or healing.
•The chapel is very modest.
•Mary speaks with much authority, contrary to her usual simplicity
and humility.
•The messages are very impersonal.
•They are primarily directed to the non-Christian World.
•White robe – symbolic of the Dove, the Holy Spirit.
•Wounds of stigmata on her hands.
•Feet positioned on the Globe.
•Germany and the Netherlands.
•Three rays of light emanate from her hands:
•(1) Grace, (2) Redemption, and (3) Peace.
•The new title of Mary is written in an arch over her head.
•Under this title she will save the world.
•3 dogmas proclaimed as one.  The Final Dogma.
Request of the 5th Marian Dogma
In symbols like the one’s
from the prophet Ezekiel.
Predictions never turned out
to be false – Signs are
within my words.
The statue of the Lady of All
Nations placed in Akita
(Japan) shed 101 tears.
Approved by the Church
Communist Russia aspirations to develop nuclear arms
China with red flag
Rebuilding of the State of Israel
Secularization of Israel
Prophecy that the world is going to be thorn in two
5 Visions on the Political
Situation Decoded
1) The nuclear arms are a major threat to security.
2) China becomes Communist. Mary warns against the inhumanity of
Communism, in which human life is disposable. The Red Dragon of the
Apocalypse has contempt for God and men  We live in a Biblical Era.
3) Scene of people reminding of the Exodus of Jews from Egypt. Israel will rise
again – Jewish immigration to the Holy Land. In 1948 Israel is reborn, the first
time since the Exile in Babylon and the destruction of Salomon’s Temple.
4) God is ashamed of his people. Jerusalem has great importance for Jews and
5) Symbols of nations changing their government in the future. Sorrows and
miseries will follow.
Mary requests the status of
Our Lady of All Nations.
Mary requests for the prayer
to be distributed, by which she
will save the whole World.
Mary request a triple
(Trinitarian) Dogma
•Advocate – Image resembling the Dove
Mary talks about the
reimplementation of the
original garden, the ideal
Dogma - Centerpiece of the
Great Mosaic
1) Her new title is mentioned 105 times in her messages which denotes its great
 This title expresses her royal status in relation to the state formation.
 This Dogma recognizes her royal relationship to every human being on Earth.
 New Eve – Mother of all living.
 Goal of the new Dogma – Save the world from degeneration, disaster and war and
lead it to Christ.
2) Mary speaks as if she is responsible, powerful and has authority over the world.
 She has the concerns of a head of state.
 She can save the world and only she (Fatima message).
3) Advocate: The Holy Spirit wants to live and act in national bodies.
4) The serpent is not to be seen anymore because he has already been conquered,
 Demons will not be aloud to tempt mankind anymore.
Mary stretches us to think in Universal dimensions.
The Holy Spirit wants to live and act in National Bodies, such as
Jesus lives in individual bodies when we receive Eucharist.
Short and powerful.
To be prayed every day by the whole world.
This prayer has been given for the redemption and conversion of
the world.
Those who ask shall be heard.
I am the Lady of All Nations, this time is our time.
Many have known me just as Mary but in the New Era that has just
begun, I want to be known as the Lady of All Nations.
Prayer to the
Lady of All
13- Akita (Japan, 1973-1981)
AKITA (JAPAN, 1973-1981)
Pieces of the Mosaic
• The message of chastisement of Akita is similar to the
one of Fatima.
• An angel instructed Sr Agnès the Fatima Prayer.
• Akita Apparitions: 5 years after WW2.
• Together with the Amsterdam apparitions, they are
building into a super apparition.
• They are converging into the revelation of the
Holy Trinity.
• Akita had a statue of the Lady of All Nations
• The features of Mary are Japanese.
The Bleeding Statue of Mary
• Mary’s sadness manifests in the weeping statue
with a perfume of perspiration.
• An angel said that Mary is even sadder than
when she shed blood. Angels always appear
before Marian revelations.
• The cessation of these phenomena (bleeding and
weeping) announces a silence before the storm.
• The blood shed by Mary has profound meaning.
• She asks for conversion and peace in
reparation for the ingratitude and outrages
towards the Lord.
Reason for Mary’s Tears
• My children are immersed in the pleasures of flesh,
sins, ingratitude, sacrileges, betrayal and rebellion.
• The souls of my children are going to hell.
• Humanity is not accepting my motherly invitation to
conversion and to the return to the Lord.
• Men are ever more corrupt and wicked.
• Signs are not believed in.
• “I am not being believed and openly despised and
 “I am the Mother of all these Pagans”.
Sin came into the world by a woman and it is
also by a woman that salvation came into the
The statue shed tears 101 times.
1 - Eve 0 - Eternal God. 1 - Mary
Prepare yourself to receive
Christ in the splendor of his
glory because the great day of
the lord has even now arrived.
The time of great trials has
come (1993).
Enter into the safe refuge of my
Immaculate Heart.
I am beneath the Cross which
my children are carrying.
1993 Prophecies
• Apostasy: The work of the Devil will infiltrate the Church.
• The Church will be full of those who accept compromise.
• Altars will be sacked and the Catholic Church will be divided.
• Demons will ravish especially against consecrated souls.
• Chastisement: If men do not repent there will be a terrible punishment, greater than the Deluge.
• The Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind.
• Fire will come from the sky and ripe out a great part of humanity, good and bad.
• Immaculate Heart: The Only arms are 1) the Rosary and the 2) Sign of the Son (Cross/Eucharist).
• “I alone enable to save you from these calamities”.
• Mary is the Advocate pleading on our behalf.
• She enjoys such close union with the Holy Spirit that she is the quasi-incarnation of the Holy
• When all people believe in my power, there will be peace.
• Mary needs prayer addressed to her.
• The test for true faith is devotion to Mary.
Vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
• Sr Agnès had a vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
• The Tabernacle seemed to be on fire.
• Jesus asked for acts of reparation.
• Men afflict the Lord.
• Souls must console him.
• A cross-shaped wound appeared in Sr Agnès left hand.
• “Pray with fervor in reparation for the sins of all men”.
• The world today wounds the Sacred Heart of our Lord
by its ingratitude and injuries.
• Christ and Sr Agnès have stigmata on complementary hands.
• They form one person.
Prayer for the priests and
Prayer for remission of sins
Celebrating the traditional
months of the Lord
•Devotion to the Precious Blood of
Jesus - July
•Devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus
- June
Obedience –
Foundation of the
• My novice, you who wish to become the
spouse worthy of The Spouse, make your
vows, knowing that you must be fastened to
the Cross with three nails.
• Prepare your hands and feet to be transfixed.
• Souls who repair by their suffering and
poverty for the sinners and ingrates.
• The wounds of Mary are much deeper and
sorrowful than yours.
• You have obeyed me well in abandoning
everything to follow me.
14- Betania (Venezuela, 1976-1998)
First apparition of Mary.
•These apparitions are for everyone, not
only Catholics.
First public apparition of Mary
above the waterfall.
•50.000 people in total have seen Mary.
Mary gives the program for
healthy families with true
January 5th: Last public
Miracle during mass – the
bleeding host.
•Message of reconciliation.
•Nourish yourself with my Son’s
mystical body.
Mary: This fountain shall
restore your soul and bring you
to lead an apostle’s life of
•As long as unity not comes forth,
you will lead a life of anguish and
•Materialism collapses society into
Mary emits the program for
healthy families with true
She predicts a great future for
mankind, a renewed World
based on communities not
cities. People will be closer to
nature again.
New Jerusalem. Unity in
church and society. The world
will be a paradise of beauty.
Science and Religion must
join forces.
Energy from the sun and the
magnetic forces of earthly
energies will be used. No
element will be wasted after
this cleansing period.
Technology will be used for
peaceful purposes, for
diagnosing and healing
human sickness.
Pray the Rosary. Those who have it, will have success. It is going to detain Satan.
A new type of music will emerge, joining the forces of light and music  Sacred Canticles.
We have to save the world from socialism which kills love and promotes violence and anger.
In the latter days many false prophets will emerge.
15- Kibeho (Rwanda, 1981-1986)
Pieces of the Mosaic
• Kibeho – Centenary of Fatima.
• Mary sings with the children at the feast of
canonization of the Fatima seers, a song
reminiscent of Gregorian Chant.
• Sis months after Kibeho, the Medjugorje
apparitions began.
• Kibeho and Medjugorje are a sign to the World.
• The non-Catholic world is basically ignorant of
her messages but the news of the genocides of
Rwanda and Ex-Yugoslavia have spread through
the entire World.
November 28, 1981 (1111): First
•On the same day as the first vision
of Catherine de Labouré!
•Official feast of our Lady of Kibeho.
•Mary says that her Son will return
soon and our souls must be
prepared for his arrival.
March 25, 1982 (111): First Public
•Mary requested repentance from
those having persecuted the
August 15, 1982: 20.000 people
•Crowds kept increasing and
powerful speakers were hired to
communicate with the journalists
and the medical and theological
1983 (111): The apparitions become
private again.
November 28, 1989 (111): Last
private apparition.
Characteristics of the
Kibeho Apparitions
• Mary plays the role of true mother who
educates her children.
• She proclaims herself Queen of the school
and wants to become Queen of every
• God has been chased out of schools.
• It has been forbidden to pray to him in
• Poor little one’s that are taught that God
does not exist.
• They want to show us how students can be
transformed when God’s Law is taught at
Sociopolitical Environment of Apparitions
 Paris, Rue du Bac, 1830 – Fall of the Monarchy and uprising of Communism.
 Fatima, 1917 – In the midst of WW1.
 Mary talked about WW2 and the rise of Communist Russia.
 Rwanda, 1981-1991: The corrupt government grew stronger.
 Vandalism in the earls 1980’s – Many statues were mutilated.
 People were not interested in praying the Rosary or in devotion to Mary.
 Society was focused on material prosperity. -> Modern theologians.
 During the Rwanda genocide the books and notes of the visionaries have
been lost.
 Medjugorje, 1981 - 1991: The war and genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina began in
 Sinister sign – Seism in the world.
Message of Mary: Through prayers and fasting wars can be stopped.
They went on for hours unlike the other apparitions.
Mary asks the seers to bless the crowd.
The seers in ecstasy do not see the crowd but a garden of flowers, fresh or
Fresh – Hearts turned towards God.
Faded – Hearts turned to earthly things, especially money.
Our lady asks to water the flowers.
Refreshing rain falls from a clear, cloudless sky  many were healed.
The Sun dances and
changes into many colors,
like a rainbow swirling in
a glass.
A second Sun appears
behind the natural sun.
A third Sun appears – red,
green and gold with the
face of the Virgin in the
The Sun changes into a
mirror, reflecting the hills
of Rwanda.
The Sun becomes pale
grey like the Moon.
The image of Jesus on the
cross appears in the night
sky with the Blessed
Mother standing below
him in grief.
A giant Eucharist and
Chalice is imposed o the
Many songs would appear
like on a blackboard. Mary
or Jesus sing a line and
the seers repeat.
Signs Decoded
 “Behold what you see. Are there
any among you now that can deny
that there was a sign? Watch
closely and remember what you
witnessed. Tell the truth!”
 Jesus predicted a time where signs
would appear in the Sun, the
Moon, the Stars and upon Earth in
a tumultuous sea.
 God wants to show us that he holds
the world in his hands and that He
can bring it to an end at his will.
Urgent appeal to
repentance and
conversion of hearts
Assessment of the
moral state of the
Deep sorrow of the
Mother of God.
Faith and unbelief
will come unseen 
Inner dispositions.
Suffering is salvific -
Need for expiatory
Pray always and
from the bottom of
your hearts.
Marian Devotion.
Chaplet of the Seven
Sorrows of the
Mother of God.
Mary desires a Chapel.
Pray always for the
Kibeho represents the
world’s golden light,
radiating from the mother
to all her earthly children.
Conversion to prepare
for the individual
Conversion to prepare
for the Second
Coming of Christ.
Conversion to prepare
for the End of the
He says that he is Jesus
and came to heal people
and many will come to
get healed.
He tricks people and
show them miracles.
He declares to be the
messenger of Jesus who
came to perform all the
miracles that Jesus did in
the past.
He seeks attention and
call himself the Son of
He wants you to see the
good he has done. You
see, I saved you.
He uses food to attract
people – feeding the
Demons come from all
corners of the World
because people refused to
repent and tempt them with
all sorts of miracles.
He proclaims that God and
Satan are brothers.
Anyone who will say that
God tells people to go to
this or that person, so they
can show you how to reach
God, don’t believe them.
He uses Jesus words, acting
in their name.
You will know that the End
is near when you see the
explosion of wars between
Explosion of Wars
• There will be Nation against Nation, Religion against Religion, parents against
children, children against children.
• Many miseries will follow.
• In the last days the Sun will be very hot, the Earth will dry out.
• there will be storms and flooding, famine, hunger and many temptations.
• Symbolic: Everything you see on Earth will burn, Sun and Moon will fall from the
• There will be fire from within the Earth that disintegrates the Earth.
• Two groups of people will be in trouble.
• The pregnant (with sin) and the breast-feeding (feeding others with sin).
• Jesus: I am on my way back.
16 - San Nicolas (Argentina, 1983-2017)
The Antichrist is now alive in the World
but is still very young!
Jesus glorious days await you. The
harvest will be great. You will gather
The time is finishing, hurry up. Jesus
Christ is within reach of your hands.
You were called to be bearers of
The night is already upon the world. There
are many slaves to the Enemy.
•The best weapon against Evil is the
recitation of the Rosary.
•The Coming of the Lord is imminent!
Ezekiel (47:1)
Dream of a source with very crystalline
water, called Gihon.
•The Hebrews believed that this river
ran beneath Jerusalem.
Water was found in the sanctuary, that spread
a strong scent of roses throughout the whole
Medal with 7 stars – 7 graces granted to
those who wear it.
Perfect must be the union of the
Christian with Christ.
May 22, 2016
(Trinity Sunday)
Work of the
San Nicolas
Maria Esperanza,
Venezuela (on
Good Fridays only)
Mélanie, La Salette
Woman cloaked with the sun
The New Eve
The new Arch of the Covenant
Her new sanctuary will be her dwelling
place, like a New Jerusalem on Earth.
The time of fulfillment for leading all her
children of the world back to her Son has
Jesus and Mary want to dwell in the
hearts of people.
World view in 2 parts:
2/3 of souls that are being
destroyed, especially through
materialism and pride.
1/3 of souls must pray and
World View in Two Parts
Lost Souls (2/3)
 God is abandoned by humanity.
 The Enemy wants to have total dominion over
the World through materialism and pride.
 The Prince of Evil is worried that his reign is
 It’s end is near.
 Time is running out.
Penitent Souls (1/3)
 The only true ambition should be the
entering of the Kingdom of God.
 God does not want you to humble yourself
in front of the Enemy but to face him.
 Fear nothing for the Lord goes before in
every battle.
 Be strong.
Reparation Victimhood for sin
The Suspension of Humanity
1984: Most of humanity has been let to pollute.
 At this moment all humanity hangs in the balance.
 Humanity is suspended from a thin thread.
 If that thread breaks, many will be the one’s that do not have salvation.
 The world is in great danger.
 A darkness hangs over the world.
 I am worried about the entire world.
 Time is finishing, hurry up.
 There will be no place for those that are late.
 For those who pray it is not a time of anguish but of hope and strength.
 You have salvation.
 Christ wants to save you.
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Decoding Approved Marian Apparitions

  • 1. Decoding Approved Marian Apparitions Christiane Kirsch, Ph.D. Academy for Creativity and Higher Consciousness
  • 2. The Nature of Mary • Mary is also the Mother of the Second Coming. • It will be a mystical coming. • It will not yet be the End Day or the Day of the Last Judgment. • The Second Coming will take place when all the demons will be conquered. • Christ will come to reign in the New Jerusalem. • The physical Jerusalem will expand.
  • 3. Which are the Marian Apparitions Recognized by the Church? Even though thousands of apparitions have been reported, only a hand few have been approved.
  • 4. The Mosaic of Marian Apparitions • The apparitions are part of a mosaic that needs to be decoded. • Repeated apparitions stand for high importance and are a call for urgency. • The messages of the 12 major and minor Judeo-Christian prophets focalized on the same subject. • Old Testament: the dreams of Joseph, Noa’s Arc, the Exile in Babylon.
  • 5. The Mosaic of Marian Apparitions • In 1830, the apparitions of Mary took on a new form. • They included direct messages. • Mary started forming her Militia Immaculate. • The Militia is nothing for cowards. • The burning torches of Mary must be strong in love. • The Fatima message prophesized that men will witness the death of sentiments.
  • 6. THE MOSAIC OF MARIAN APPARITIONS Call •1830: Call for a centenary of prayer and penitence. 01 Call •1930: Call to action, to fight the spiritual battle zealously. 02 Completion •2030: Mission will be completed and apparitions will cease. 03
  • 8. MARY’S MESSAGES ARE GLOBAL BUT NOT GENERIC Paris (Rue du Bac) – Politics in the communes of Paris. Pontmain – Comfort for parents fearing the approaching Prussian soldiers because they were anxious for their sons. Knock – Comfort for another failed potato crop and winter of famine. Green Bay – Mary admonished the pioneers working so hard for material goods that they did not instruct their children on heaven and hell. Fatima – Assurance of spared involvement in WW2 if they prayed the Rosary. Amsterdam – Mary on the globe with feet on Holland and Germany. Cuapa – Civil War: They would not have peace if they didn’t make peace. Rwanda – Warning to the tribes to forgive their grudges or it would escalate into a genocide.
  • 9. 1- Laus (France, 1664-1718)
  • 12.
  • 13. The Miraculous Medal 1830 - The apparitions of Mary take on a new form. They include direct messages. On the Miraculous Medal, the Marian Dogma (Coredemptrix) is depicted in symbols. • Front • Mary as the woman promised in Genesis, crushing the head of the Serpent. • Back • M + • Mary’s Heart pierced with a sword • Jesus’ Heart crowned with thorns
  • 16. 3- La Salette (France, 1846)
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Mary’s Trinitarian Message The Three First Commandments 1) I am the Lord thy God. Thou shall not have any strange Gods before me. • First Beast of the Apocalypse – The Red Dragon – Atheistic Communism. • The Holy Face – Miracle of the Vatican – Veronica’s Veil – God the Father. 2) Thy shalt not take the name of thy Lord in vain. • The Black sea Beast – Free Masonry – The Beast opened his mouth and blasphemed against God and all who dwell in heaven. • Shroud of Turin – God the Son – blasphemed by the tongue and tortured. 3) Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day. • The Beast in form of a lamb – Ecclesiastical Free Masonry – makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first Beast, the Red Dragon. • Veil of Manopello – Airy and translucent – God the Holy Spirit – who reminds us and urges us to remember.
  • 26. Lourdes Messages • “I am the Immaculate Conception”. • 20 years after the apparitions of the miraculous medal (Mary conceived without sin) the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception was approved. • The apparition took place on Ash Wednesday (Wednesday after Eastern) • 21 years later Bernadette dies on the Ash Wednesday. • Mary’s requests: 1) Prayer for sinners 2) Penance
  • 29. 5- Champion (United States, 1859)
  • 31. Deeper Meaning • During the time of the apparition, North America would initiate a society to promote assisted suicide (Euthanasia). • Mary came vested as a Priestess and crowned as a Queen into virgin territory, reminiscent of Eden. • She calls it a wild country and stands between two trees. • The maple will be eventually cursed. • Millions of maples in North America today are slowly dying of disease. • Newspapers kept saying, it all happened in one hour. • This is a phrase straight from the Apocalypse for the fall of Babylon. • Punishment can come in a single hour to those who love material goods. • Does her threat of punishment hang over us?
  • 34.
  • 36. Pontmain (France, 1871) • The apparition took place on January 17 (1881), during the Franco-Prussian war. • The Army started drawing back because Mary barred them the way. • This event was followed by 40 years of peace in France • For this reason, Mary is called “Our Lady of Hope” • Many conversions took place in Pontmain. • For this reason, Mary is called “Our Lady of Conversions”.
  • 37. Apocalyptic Symbols • The vision lasted for 3½ hours. • 3 ½ years = 42 months. • In biblical numerology, the number 42 is associated with the Apocalypse. • “Arise and measure the temple of God, and the altar… and they shall trample upon the holy city for forty-two months” (Revelation 11:1-2). • “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months.” (Revelation 13:4-5). • 42 is a number with a direct connection to the coming Antichrist. • His evil efforts will last 42 months in the end time, and thus forty-two is firmly associated with him. • 42 is often found as a factor in Anti-Christian names. • 42 is made up of 6 and 7, showing a link between mankind and God's spirit and a link between the Antichrist and Jesus Christ.
  • 38. Apocalyptic Symbols 1) The apparition took place during the night (silence and prayer). • This denotes the apocalyptic time, the night of the Church, the night of faith. 2) The Lady appears in the sky  Revelation 12 3) She wears a black veil  Our Lady of Sorrows 4) She wears a crown  In the Apocalypse, Mary is crowned by the prayers of the devout. 5) The red cross symbolizes Jesus Christ. 6) “Pontmain” denotes bridge  Mary is the bridge to a new era. • She will bring in the Era of Peace, the Era of her Immaculate Heart. • Fatima message: “A great Era of Peace shall begin”.
  • 45.
  • 47. Symbols • Lamb of 8 weeks turned towards the Blessed Virgin. • St Joseph appeared in an apparition shortly after having been proclaimed Patron of the Church. • St John (author of the Apocalypse) holds a book, the Bible. • The Cross – Message of Christian persecution. • Mary is dressed as a bride and crowned as a Queen, a rose on her forehead. • Marriage feast of Christ and his Church - Mary is the icon of the Church. • Bride of the song of songs.
  • 48. Pieces of the Mosaic • Knock apparitions – 1845 to 1852: immediately after the apparitions in La Salette. • Apparition the day of the canonical coronation of the statue of Mary at the Basilica in La Salette. • St Josepf appears shortly after having been proclaimed Patron of the Church. • The morning of the apparitions there a mass for the souls in purgatory was held in Knock. • Same day – Cathedral of Lourdes was finished.
  • 49. Pieces of the Mosaic • War with Prussia, September 19 – The exact same day that Mary warned that punishments were on the way if people do not begin to repent. • 1980’s potato famine – predicted in La Salette. The famine was particularly bad in Ireland. Europe – Famine and genocide  The Long Depression. • The Priest of knock (proclaimed a Saint) dies on the 25th anniversary of the Immaculate Conception (Octave Day of the Assumption). Sunday before was the Feast of the Pure Heart of Mary • In 1938 a coupled started to promote the Knock shrine and instigated pilgrimages. St Patrick had blessed Knock and said that it would at some point become a place of pilgrimages.
  • 50. SUMMAR Y Not every seer could see everything. Great age range. No spoken message. No one saw the vision appear or disappear. No ecstasy. Vision at sunset – start of the new day. Mary prayed interceding for her flock.
  • 51. SUMMAR Y • Announcement of the imminent events of the Book of Revelation. Lamb of Zion – Apocalypse Very young lamb surrounded by the 144000. Cross – Message of Christian persecution to come? Mary is dressed as a bride It announces the marriage feast of Christ and his church. • Knock is on a hill and means hill. Knock – I stand at the door and knock (Apocalypse). St Joseph – only personage not present in the Apocalypse.
  • 52. TAKE HOME MESSAGE – HOLY TRINITY St Joseph Protector of the Church Father figure St John Protector of the Holy Virgin The entrusted Son Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit
  • 56.
  • 57. FATIMA SECRETS 1917 Apparitions 1917–2017 God permits a period of 100 years to test the Church. 2017 Why 2017 is such a critical year? (Book: St Michael and our Lady of Fatima) •A year of hidden blessings or of something so shocking that it ushers in a blessing. •A turning point. •The sacredness of marriage will be restored.
  • 58. FATIMA SECRETS 2017 marks several centenaries. 500th Anniversary of protestant rebulb - 1517 300th anniversary of the birth of modern free masonry – 1717 •Demonstrations in Rome – The Black Banner at the Vatican. •“Satan must reign at the Vatican and the Pope will be his slave”. •Foundation of the Militia Immaculata by Kolbe. 100th anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Centenary of a woman who appeared in the sky.
  • 59. 2017: ASTRONOMICAL SIGN “A woman appeared in the sky clothed with the Sun, the Moon was under her feet and crowned with 12 stars” (Apocalypse 12:1). September 11, 3 BC: The constellation Virgo was clothed with the Sun, and the Moon was under her feet, above her head the 3 planets (Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) were in alignment. •This conjunction is believed to have been the Star of Bethlehem.
  • 60. SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 This occurs the day of Sabbath of Return. The 9 stars of leo and the 3 aligning planets make the crown of 12 stars. Virgo is clothed with the sun, the moon is now under her feet and above her head 3 planets (Mercury, Mars and Venus) are in alignment with the star regulus in Leo.
  • 61. SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 Jupiter (retrograde) stays in Virgo until September 9, 2017. •42 weeks  Human gestation period (37 to 42 weeks). •Only time in earth’s history that Jupiter stays in Virgo for a human gestation period. “And she being with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered” (Revelation 12:2).
  • 62. FATIMA TAKE HOME SECRETS 1 Vision of hell Importance of consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. 2 WWI is going to end but if people do not repent, a worse war will come. Call for consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart. 3 Vision of the pope. An angel with a flaming sword wanting to set the world on fire. Call for penance.
  • 63. REQUEST OF THE FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS TO REPAIR FOR THE 5 OFFENSES Blasphemies against the immaculate conception. 01 Blasphemies against her virginity. 02 Blasphemies against her divine maternity. 03 Blasphemies who seek to implant into the heart of children disrespect and even hatred for the Divine Mother. 04 Blasphemies who insult the Mother of God in her sacred images. 05
  • 67.
  • 69. Beauraing (Belgium, 1932) • 15 years after Fatima. • Fatima: Sacrifice yourself for sinners. • Beauring: Sacrifice yourself for me.
  • 70. Pieces of the Mosaic • 1900’s – dramatic political and social change. • The Nations wealth doubled that decade. • The Great Depression – New wake-up call. • 1918 – WWI ends as predicted by Mary. • A worse war will break out if people do not repent. • Many Nations will be annihilated. • Aurora 1938 – The Astronomical Society of France transmits the message that Paris is on fire. • 2 hours of uniform intense red sky. • The cocks began crowing: End of the World? • Noises from above were heard for 10 min– sound of crackling burning grass. • 1939: Official start of WW2. Mary tries to prevent.
  • 73.
  • 75. Banneux (Belgium, 1933) • January 15, 1933 – 6 weeks after the final visions of Beauring. • Mary appears as the New Eve in a garden, in an onion patch. • She looks similar to the Lady of Lourdes. • “I am the Virgin of the Poor”. • She asked Mariette to go to a water stream. • This stream is set aside for me, for all Nations to relief the sick  similar to Lourdes. • Mary: “I would like a chapel built on this place”. • The chapel was dedicated at the Feast of Assumption in 1833. • Miraculous cures are reported. • Mariette never revealed the secret confided to her by Mary.
  • 78.
  • 79. Pieces of the Mosaic • Amsterdam apparitions are the most important ever. • They form a very large cluster in the Marian Mosaic (Mosaic – Moses? – Mosaic Law?) • The Lady of All Nations reaches out to the World, giving hope to Nations that are on the fringes of Christianity. • After the visionary saw the Lady in White, she suffered from demonic attacks.
  • 80. CHARACTERIST ICS •25 visions on political prophecies. •24 visions on the 5th Marian Dogma. •7 visions for the Nations. •149 visions on the eucharistic experience. Amsterdam series: •Not a single public sign or healing. •The chapel is very modest. Atypical •Mary speaks with much authority, contrary to her usual simplicity and humility. •The messages are very impersonal. •They are primarily directed to the non-Christian World. Messages
  • 81. CHARACTERIST ICS •White robe – symbolic of the Dove, the Holy Spirit. •Wounds of stigmata on her hands. •Feet positioned on the Globe. •Germany and the Netherlands. •Three rays of light emanate from her hands: •(1) Grace, (2) Redemption, and (3) Peace. •The new title of Mary is written in an arch over her head. •Under this title she will save the world. Painting •3 dogmas proclaimed as one.  The Final Dogma. Request of the 5th Marian Dogma
  • 82. VISIONS In symbols like the one’s from the prophet Ezekiel. Predictions never turned out to be false – Signs are within my words. The statue of the Lady of All Nations placed in Akita (Japan) shed 101 tears. Approved by the Church
  • 83. 5 VISIONS ON THE POLITICAL SITUATION Communist Russia aspirations to develop nuclear arms China with red flag Rebuilding of the State of Israel Secularization of Israel Prophecy that the world is going to be thorn in two
  • 84. 5 Visions on the Political Situation Decoded 1) The nuclear arms are a major threat to security. 2) China becomes Communist. Mary warns against the inhumanity of Communism, in which human life is disposable. The Red Dragon of the Apocalypse has contempt for God and men  We live in a Biblical Era. 3) Scene of people reminding of the Exodus of Jews from Egypt. Israel will rise again – Jewish immigration to the Holy Land. In 1948 Israel is reborn, the first time since the Exile in Babylon and the destruction of Salomon’s Temple. 4) God is ashamed of his people. Jerusalem has great importance for Jews and Christians. 5) Symbols of nations changing their government in the future. Sorrows and miseries will follow.
  • 85. 4 VISIONS ON MARIAN DOGMA Mary requests the status of Our Lady of All Nations. Mary requests for the prayer to be distributed, by which she will save the whole World. Mary request a triple (Trinitarian) Dogma •Coredemptrix •Mediatrix •Advocate – Image resembling the Dove Mary talks about the reimplementation of the original garden, the ideal family.
  • 86. Dogma - Centerpiece of the Great Mosaic 1) Her new title is mentioned 105 times in her messages which denotes its great importance.  This title expresses her royal status in relation to the state formation.  This Dogma recognizes her royal relationship to every human being on Earth.  New Eve – Mother of all living.  Goal of the new Dogma – Save the world from degeneration, disaster and war and lead it to Christ. 2) Mary speaks as if she is responsible, powerful and has authority over the world.  She has the concerns of a head of state.  She can save the world and only she (Fatima message). 3) Advocate: The Holy Spirit wants to live and act in national bodies. 4) The serpent is not to be seen anymore because he has already been conquered, vanquished.  Demons will not be aloud to tempt mankind anymore.
  • 87. 149 SPECIAL EUCHARISTIC EXPERIENCES Mary stretches us to think in Universal dimensions. The Holy Spirit wants to live and act in National Bodies, such as Jesus lives in individual bodies when we receive Eucharist.
  • 88. PRAYER Short and powerful. To be prayed every day by the whole world. This prayer has been given for the redemption and conversion of the world. Those who ask shall be heard. I am the Lady of All Nations, this time is our time. Many have known me just as Mary but in the New Era that has just begun, I want to be known as the Lady of All Nations.
  • 89. Prayer to the Lady of All Nations
  • 92. 13- Akita (Japan, 1973-1981)
  • 93.
  • 95. Pieces of the Mosaic • The message of chastisement of Akita is similar to the one of Fatima. • An angel instructed Sr Agnès the Fatima Prayer. • Akita Apparitions: 5 years after WW2. • Together with the Amsterdam apparitions, they are building into a super apparition. • They are converging into the revelation of the Holy Trinity. • Akita had a statue of the Lady of All Nations (Amsterdam). • The features of Mary are Japanese.
  • 96. The Bleeding Statue of Mary • Mary’s sadness manifests in the weeping statue with a perfume of perspiration. • An angel said that Mary is even sadder than when she shed blood. Angels always appear before Marian revelations. • The cessation of these phenomena (bleeding and weeping) announces a silence before the storm. • The blood shed by Mary has profound meaning. • She asks for conversion and peace in reparation for the ingratitude and outrages towards the Lord.
  • 97. Reason for Mary’s Tears • My children are immersed in the pleasures of flesh, sins, ingratitude, sacrileges, betrayal and rebellion. • The souls of my children are going to hell. • Humanity is not accepting my motherly invitation to conversion and to the return to the Lord. • Men are ever more corrupt and wicked. • Signs are not believed in. • “I am not being believed and openly despised and ridiculed”.  “I am the Mother of all these Pagans”.
  • 98. MESSAGES Sin came into the world by a woman and it is also by a woman that salvation came into the world. The statue shed tears 101 times. 1 - Eve 0 - Eternal God. 1 - Mary
  • 99. 1993 PROPHECIES Prepare yourself to receive Christ in the splendor of his glory because the great day of the lord has even now arrived. The time of great trials has come (1993). Apostasy Chastisement Enter into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. I am beneath the Cross which my children are carrying.
  • 100. 1993 Prophecies • Apostasy: The work of the Devil will infiltrate the Church. • The Church will be full of those who accept compromise. • Altars will be sacked and the Catholic Church will be divided. • Demons will ravish especially against consecrated souls. • Chastisement: If men do not repent there will be a terrible punishment, greater than the Deluge. • The Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind. • Fire will come from the sky and ripe out a great part of humanity, good and bad. • Immaculate Heart: The Only arms are 1) the Rosary and the 2) Sign of the Son (Cross/Eucharist). • “I alone enable to save you from these calamities”. • Mary is the Advocate pleading on our behalf. • She enjoys such close union with the Holy Spirit that she is the quasi-incarnation of the Holy Spirit. • When all people believe in my power, there will be peace. • Mary needs prayer addressed to her. • The test for true faith is devotion to Mary.
  • 101. Vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus • Sr Agnès had a vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. • The Tabernacle seemed to be on fire. • Jesus asked for acts of reparation. • Men afflict the Lord. • Souls must console him. • A cross-shaped wound appeared in Sr Agnès left hand. • “Pray with fervor in reparation for the sins of all men”. • The world today wounds the Sacred Heart of our Lord by its ingratitude and injuries. • Christ and Sr Agnès have stigmata on complementary hands. • They form one person.
  • 102. REQUESTS Prayer for the priests and hierarchy 01 Prayer for remission of sins 02 Celebrating the traditional months of the Lord •Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus - July •Devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus - June 03
  • 103. COHORT OF COURAGEOUS SOULS Prayer Penance Sacrifices Poverty Chastity Obedience – Foundation of the three
  • 104. Sacrifices • My novice, you who wish to become the spouse worthy of The Spouse, make your vows, knowing that you must be fastened to the Cross with three nails. • Prepare your hands and feet to be transfixed. • Souls who repair by their suffering and poverty for the sinners and ingrates. • The wounds of Mary are much deeper and sorrowful than yours. • You have obeyed me well in abandoning everything to follow me.
  • 107. 14- Betania (Venezuela, 1976-1998)
  • 109. CHRONOLOGY OF APPARITIONS 1976 First apparition of Mary. •These apparitions are for everyone, not only Catholics. 1984 First public apparition of Mary above the waterfall. •50.000 people in total have seen Mary. 1989 Mary gives the program for healthy families with true spirituality. 1990 January 5th: Last public apparition. 1991 Miracle during mass – the bleeding host. •Message of reconciliation. •Nourish yourself with my Son’s mystical body. 1998 Mary: This fountain shall restore your soul and bring you to lead an apostle’s life of service. •As long as unity not comes forth, you will lead a life of anguish and darkness. •Materialism collapses society into turmoil.
  • 110. MESSAGES OF 1998 Mary emits the program for healthy families with true spirituality. She predicts a great future for mankind, a renewed World based on communities not cities. People will be closer to nature again. New Jerusalem. Unity in church and society. The world will be a paradise of beauty. Science and Religion must join forces. Energy from the sun and the magnetic forces of earthly energies will be used. No element will be wasted after this cleansing period. Technology will be used for peaceful purposes, for diagnosing and healing human sickness.
  • 111. MESSAGES OF 1998 Pray the Rosary. Those who have it, will have success. It is going to detain Satan. A new type of music will emerge, joining the forces of light and music  Sacred Canticles. We have to save the world from socialism which kills love and promotes violence and anger. In the latter days many false prophets will emerge.
  • 114. 15- Kibeho (Rwanda, 1981-1986)
  • 115.
  • 116. Pieces of the Mosaic • Kibeho – Centenary of Fatima. • Mary sings with the children at the feast of canonization of the Fatima seers, a song reminiscent of Gregorian Chant. • Sis months after Kibeho, the Medjugorje apparitions began. • Kibeho and Medjugorje are a sign to the World. • The non-Catholic world is basically ignorant of her messages but the news of the genocides of Rwanda and Ex-Yugoslavia have spread through the entire World.
  • 117. CHRONOLOGY OF APPARITIONS 1981 November 28, 1981 (1111): First apparition. •On the same day as the first vision of Catherine de Labouré! •Official feast of our Lady of Kibeho. •Mary says that her Son will return soon and our souls must be prepared for his arrival. 1982 March 25, 1982 (111): First Public Apparition. •Mary requested repentance from those having persecuted the visionaries. 1982 August 15, 1982: 20.000 people present. •Crowds kept increasing and powerful speakers were hired to communicate with the journalists and the medical and theological commission. 1983 1983 (111): The apparitions become private again. 1989 November 28, 1989 (111): Last private apparition.
  • 118. Characteristics of the Kibeho Apparitions • Mary plays the role of true mother who educates her children. • She proclaims herself Queen of the school and wants to become Queen of every school. • God has been chased out of schools. • It has been forbidden to pray to him in schools. • Poor little one’s that are taught that God does not exist. • They want to show us how students can be transformed when God’s Law is taught at schools.
  • 119. Sociopolitical Environment of Apparitions  Paris, Rue du Bac, 1830 – Fall of the Monarchy and uprising of Communism.  Fatima, 1917 – In the midst of WW1.  Mary talked about WW2 and the rise of Communist Russia.  Rwanda, 1981-1991: The corrupt government grew stronger.  Vandalism in the earls 1980’s – Many statues were mutilated.  People were not interested in praying the Rosary or in devotion to Mary.  Society was focused on material prosperity. -> Modern theologians.  During the Rwanda genocide the books and notes of the visionaries have been lost.  Medjugorje, 1981 - 1991: The war and genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina began in 1991.  Sinister sign – Seism in the world. Message of Mary: Through prayers and fasting wars can be stopped.
  • 120. COMMON FEATURES OF THE VISIONS They went on for hours unlike the other apparitions. Mary asks the seers to bless the crowd. The seers in ecstasy do not see the crowd but a garden of flowers, fresh or faded. Fresh – Hearts turned towards God. Faded – Hearts turned to earthly things, especially money. Our lady asks to water the flowers. Refreshing rain falls from a clear, cloudless sky  many were healed.
  • 121. VISIBLE SIGNS The Sun dances and changes into many colors, like a rainbow swirling in a glass. A second Sun appears behind the natural sun. A third Sun appears – red, green and gold with the face of the Virgin in the center. The Sun changes into a mirror, reflecting the hills of Rwanda. The Sun becomes pale grey like the Moon. The image of Jesus on the cross appears in the night sky with the Blessed Mother standing below him in grief. A giant Eucharist and Chalice is imposed o the Moon. Many songs would appear like on a blackboard. Mary or Jesus sing a line and the seers repeat.
  • 122. Signs Decoded  “Behold what you see. Are there any among you now that can deny that there was a sign? Watch closely and remember what you witnessed. Tell the truth!”  Jesus predicted a time where signs would appear in the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and upon Earth in a tumultuous sea.  God wants to show us that he holds the world in his hands and that He can bring it to an end at his will.
  • 123. MESSAGES FROM THE MOTHER OF THE WORD Urgent appeal to repentance and conversion of hearts -. Assessment of the moral state of the World. Deep sorrow of the Mother of God. Faith and unbelief will come unseen  Inner dispositions. Suffering is salvific - Need for expiatory suffering. Pray always and single-heartedly from the bottom of your hearts. Marian Devotion. Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God.
  • 124. MESSAGES FROM THE MOTHER OF THE WORD Mary desires a Chapel. 01 Pray always for the Church. 02 Kibeho represents the world’s golden light, radiating from the mother to all her earthly children. 03
  • 125. MESSAGES FROM THE BOY WHO SAW JESUS Conversion to prepare for the individual death. 1 Conversion to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. 2 Conversion to prepare for the End of the World. 3
  • 126. THE WAYS SATAN WILL TRY TO DECEIVE IN THOSE DAYS WILL BE MANY He says that he is Jesus and came to heal people and many will come to get healed. He tricks people and show them miracles. He declares to be the messenger of Jesus who came to perform all the miracles that Jesus did in the past. He seeks attention and call himself the Son of God. He wants you to see the good he has done. You see, I saved you. He uses food to attract people – feeding the hungry.
  • 127. THE WAYS SATAN WILL TRY TO DECEIVE IN THOSE DAYS WILL BE MANY Demons come from all corners of the World because people refused to repent and tempt them with all sorts of miracles. He proclaims that God and Satan are brothers. Anyone who will say that God tells people to go to this or that person, so they can show you how to reach God, don’t believe them. He uses Jesus words, acting in their name. You will know that the End is near when you see the explosion of wars between Religions.
  • 128. Explosion of Wars • There will be Nation against Nation, Religion against Religion, parents against children, children against children. • Many miseries will follow. • In the last days the Sun will be very hot, the Earth will dry out. • there will be storms and flooding, famine, hunger and many temptations. • Symbolic: Everything you see on Earth will burn, Sun and Moon will fall from the sky. • There will be fire from within the Earth that disintegrates the Earth. • Two groups of people will be in trouble. • The pregnant (with sin) and the breast-feeding (feeding others with sin). • Jesus: I am on my way back.
  • 131. 16 - San Nicolas (Argentina, 1983-2017)
  • 132. SAN NICOLAS (ARGENTINA, 1983-2017)
  • 133. CHRONOLOGY OF MESSAGES 1983 The Antichrist is now alive in the World but is still very young! Jesus glorious days await you. The harvest will be great. You will gather it. 1984 The time is finishing, hurry up. Jesus Christ is within reach of your hands. You were called to be bearers of peace. 1988 The night is already upon the world. There are many slaves to the Enemy. •The best weapon against Evil is the recitation of the Rosary. •The Coming of the Lord is imminent! 1989 Ezekiel (47:1)
  • 134. CHRONOLOGY OF MESSAGES 1990 Dream of a source with very crystalline water, called Gihon. •The Hebrews believed that this river ran beneath Jerusalem. 1991 Water was found in the sanctuary, that spread a strong scent of roses throughout the whole territory. 1994 Medal with 7 stars – 7 graces granted to those who wear it. 2015 Perfect must be the union of the Christian with Christ.
  • 135. OFFICIALLY APPROVED May 22, 2016 (Trinity Sunday) Natural occurrence? Work of the enemy? Supernatural origin?
  • 136. APPARITIONS FROM THE 1980’S UNTIL NOW Ohio Medjugorje San Nicolas
  • 137. MODERN VISIONARIES WITH STIGMATA Barbara, Marienfried (Germany) Maria Esperanza, Venezuela (on Good Fridays only) Mélanie, La Salette (France)
  • 138. MESSAGES FROM JESUS ON MARY Woman cloaked with the sun The New Eve The new Arch of the Covenant
  • 139. THE ROLE OF MARY FOR OUR SALVATION. Her new sanctuary will be her dwelling place, like a New Jerusalem on Earth. The time of fulfillment for leading all her children of the world back to her Son has arrived. Jesus and Mary want to dwell in the hearts of people.
  • 140. PROPHETI C CONTENT World view in 2 parts: 2/3 of souls that are being destroyed, especially through materialism and pride. 1/3 of souls must pray and repair.
  • 141. World View in Two Parts Lost Souls (2/3)  God is abandoned by humanity.  The Enemy wants to have total dominion over the World through materialism and pride.  The Prince of Evil is worried that his reign is over.  It’s end is near.  Time is running out. Penitent Souls (1/3)  The only true ambition should be the entering of the Kingdom of God.  God does not want you to humble yourself in front of the Enemy but to face him.  Fear nothing for the Lord goes before in every battle.  Be strong.
  • 143. The Suspension of Humanity 1984: Most of humanity has been let to pollute.  At this moment all humanity hangs in the balance.  Humanity is suspended from a thin thread.  If that thread breaks, many will be the one’s that do not have salvation.  The world is in great danger.  A darkness hangs over the world.  I am worried about the entire world.  Time is finishing, hurry up.  There will be no place for those that are late.  For those who pray it is not a time of anguish but of hope and strength.  You have salvation.  Christ wants to save you.
  • 147.
  • 148. Resources Marian News YouTube Channel Marian News Website

Notas do Editor

  1. Combien de fois la Vierge est-t-elle apparue ‘officiellement’ ? Autrement dit, combien de fois l’Église a-t-elle reconnu le caractère surnaturel des apparitions mariales, par des déclarations officielles ? Malgré les milliers d’apparitions signalées au cours des siècles (2000 ans), seule une infime partie d’entre elles (16) a été officiellement reconnue par l’Église. On parle de véritable apparition et non d’images ou de silhouettes. Conditions: (1) Grâces et (2) Conversions.
  2. 1830: Mary asks for a centenary of prayer and penitence. 1930: Mary asks her children to move into action and to zealously fight the spiritual warfare. 2030: The apparitions will cease because her mission will be completed.
  3. 1830: First apparition containing a direct message.
  4. France: Most apparitions – Head of the Church.
  5. En mai 1664, dans le vallon des Fours (Hautes-Alpes), dans une petite grotte, une « belle dame au visage resplendissant tenant un enfant par la main et portant une couronne » apparaît pour la première fois à Benoîte Rencurel, une bergère illettrée de seize ans. Ces apparitions ont duré 54 ans, jusqu’à la mort de Benoîte en 1718.
  6. St Catherine de Labouré (Paris): Labor First vision: 1830
  7. 1830 : première apparition d’une nature différente  Pour les cents ans à venir elle demande prière et pénitence. 1930 : Leurs enfants doivent passer à l’action et se battre avec courage.
  8. En septembre 1846, Mélanie Calvat (15 ans) et Maximin Giraud (11 ans), deux jeunes bergers, montent ensemble dans les alpages du village de La Salette (Isère) pour faire paître leur troupeau. Soudain, Mélanie aperçoit une lumière éblouissante. Tous deux voient progressivement apparaître une dame. C’est la Vierge Marie : elle est en pleurs, et les regarde : « Avancez, dit-elle, n’ayez pas peur ! Je suis ici pour vous annoncer une grande nouvelle ». La Salette apparition: Feast of the Sorrows of Mary.
  9. Mélanie and Maximine: St Patrons of abused children. Mélanie was thrown out of the house by her mother at age 3. She was not allowed to call her mother anymore. In the forest, the child Jesus appeared to her for the first time. I am your brother. He gave her delicious Nectar to drink. Famine and secrets revealed to the children. Maximin entered three seminaries but couldn’t proceed in his studies because they wanted him to reveal the secrets.
  10. En février 1858, Bernadette Soubirous (14 ans), jeune fille simple et de santé fragile, part chercher du bois près du rocher de Massabielle, à Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées). Dans la partie supérieure de la grotte, le 11 février 1858 lui apparaît une belle Dame vêtue de blanc. Jusqu’au mois de juillet 1858, elle aura 18 apparitions. Le sommet de toutes : le jeudi 25 mars, fête de l’Annonciation où la Vierge Marie se présente à elle comme étant « l’Immaculée Conception ».
  11. Bernadette’s family was living in a prison cell.
  12. En octobre 1859, la Vierge Marie apparaît trois fois à Adèle Brise, à Champion (Wisconsin, Etats-Unis). À l’issue d’une Messe, la jeune femme raconte ces apparitions à son confesseur. Elle explique avoir vu une femme vêtue d’un blanc éblouissant, et portant une couronne d’étoiles sur la tête. Le prêtre l’invite à demander l’identité à la dame. La Vierge lui répondra : « Je suis la Reine du Ciel qui prie pour la conversion des pécheurs, et je désire que tu fasses comme moi ».
  13. En octobre 1859, la Vierge Marie apparaît trois fois à Adèle Brise, à Champion (Wisconsin, Etats-Unis). À l’issue d’une Messe, la jeune femme raconte ces apparitions à son confesseur. Elle explique avoir vu une femme vêtue d’un blanc éblouissant, et portant une couronne d’étoiles sur la tête. Le prêtre l’invite à demander l’identité à la dame. La Vierge lui répondra : « Je suis la Reine du Ciel qui prie pour la conversion des pécheurs, et je désire que tu fasses comme moi ».
  14. Le 17 janvier 1871, l’armée prussienne s’approche d’une ville du Nord de la France, Pontmain (Mayenne). Eugène Barbedette (13 ans), fils d’un paysan, regarde le ciel et la neige tomber. Soudain, au-dessous du toit d’une maison voisine, il voit une dame vêtue d’une robe bleue parsemée d’étoiles d’or. Elle porte une couronne sur la tête et lui sourit. Trois autres enfants verront la belle Dame : Joseph Barbedette, Françoise Richer et Jeanne-Marie Lebossé.
  15. Mais priez les enfants!
  16. Two little white crosses on the shoulders of Mary. My Son permits himself to be moved.
  17. En 1877, dans un village polonais, à Gietrzwald, la Vierge Marie apparaît à 160 reprises à deux jeunes filles : Justyna Szafrynska (13 ans) et Barbara Samulowska (12 ans). Le 30 juin, elle dit : « Je désire que vous récitiez le rosaire tous les jours ». Le 1er juillet, elle se présente : « Je suis la très sainte Vierge Marie Immaculée ». Les messages transmis invitent à la prière et à al pénitence.
  18. En 1877, dans un village polonais, à Gietrzwald, la Vierge Marie apparaît à 160 reprises à deux jeunes filles : Justyna Szafrynska (13 ans) et Barbara Samulowska (12 ans). Le 30 juin, elle dit : « Je désire que vous récitiez le rosaire tous les jours ». Le 1er juillet, elle se présente : « Je suis la très sainte Vierge Marie Immaculée ». Les messages transmis invitent à la prière et à al pénitence.
  19. Le 21 août 1879, Mary McLaughlin (quarante-cinq ans) et Mary Byrne (vingt-neuf ans) aperçoivent des images lumineuses sur la façade de l’église paroissiale à Knock (Irlande). Elles voient la Vierge Marie, accompagnée de saint Joseph et de saint Jean l’Évangéliste. Elles avertissent toutes les personnes à l’entourage : quinze personnes voient la Vierge pendant près de deux heures. Aucun message n’est donné. Les témoins voient aussi un autel sur lequel se tiennent un agneau et une croix.
  20. Le 21 août 1879, Mary McLoughlin (quarante-cinq ans) et Mary Byrne (vingt-neuf ans) aperçoivent des images lumineuses sur la façade de l’église paroissiale à Knock (Irlande). Elles voient la Vierge Marie, accompagnée de saint Joseph et de saint Jean l’Évangéliste. Elles avertissent toutes les personnes à l’entourage : quinze personnes voient la Vierge pendant près de deux heures. Aucun message n’est donné. Les témoins voient aussi un autel sur lequel se tiennent un agneau et une croix.
  21. Famine (Plague in the Apocalypse)  Book of Consolation (for Ireland after several years of famine).
  22. Fatima message: Men will witness the death of sentiments.
  23. Le 13 mai 1917, après avoir assisté à la messe, Lucia, Francisco et Jacinta, trois jeunes bergers, mènent leur troupeau à Cova da Iria (Portugal). Après avoir récité le chapelet, un éclair les surprend. Est-ce un orage ? « Il vaut mieux retourner à la maison », dit Lucie. Mais un nouvel éclair les surprend et soudain, ils voient sur un petit chêne vert, une dame vêtue d’un blanc plus brillant que le soleil. « La lumière l’environnait ou plutôt émanait d’elle (…). Nous étions près d’elle (…), à 1 mètre et demi de distance, plus ou moins. Elle paraissait plus de 18 ans ».
  24. The nine stars of Leo an the three planets aligning with Regulus make the Crown of 12 stars.
  25. Pope John-Paul II was murdered on July 13th – Anniversary of the apparitions.
  26. Cal for the Fatima Prayer: Oh my Jesus…
  27. De 1932 à 1933, la Vierge Marie apparaît 33 fois à Fernande (15 ans), Gilberte (13 ans) et Albert Voisin (11 ans) à Beauraing, en Belgique. Elle est restée longtemps silencieuse. « Êtes-vous la Vierge Immaculée ? » questionnent un jour les enfants. Elle répond par un signe affirmatif de la tête. À chaque apparition, ils tombent brutalement à genoux, mais ils ne se heurtent pas contre le sol, aucun ne se blesse. Les apparitions ayant lieu le soir, de très nombreuses personnes affluent pour y assister. Beauring: Communism, Fascism and Nazism  They knew nothing about Fatima. November 29 (Advent): The children prayed (Hail Mary) in an unusual high-pitched voice. Mary: Be always good! Beauring = Branch. The children were praying facing a tree where Mary appeared on a branch  extremely beautiful 18-year old young girl with blue eyes. December 6: Mary appeared with the Rosary and said she will return on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8). December 8: All children are in ecstasy – They have no physical sensations anymore. Mary: I am the Immaculate Virgin. I request a chapel for pilgrimages. December 28: My apparitions will cease soon. Shining Golden Heart of Mary. January 3rd 1933: Secrets are revealed. Mary says Adieu. I will convert sinners. I am the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven. Do you love my son? Do you love me? So sacrifice yourself for me. Adieu. 1949: Apparitions approved. 1954: Chapel consecrated. Beauring became a sensation in Europe. There were many cures and miracles. All visionaries married.
  28. De 1932 à 1933, la Vierge Marie apparaît 33 fois à Fernande (15 ans), Gilberte (13 ans) et Albert Voisin (11 ans) à Beauraing, en Belgique. Elle est restée longtemps silencieuse. « Êtes-vous la Vierge Immaculée ? » questionnent un jour les enfants. Elle répond par un signe affirmatif de la tête. À chaque apparition, ils tombent brutalement à genoux, mais ils ne se heurtent pas contre le sol, aucun ne se blesse. Les apparitions ayant lieu le soir, de très nombreuses personnes affluent pour y assister.
  29. Northern Lights
  30. En 1933, dans un petit village au sud de Liège, à Banneux (Belgique), la Vierge Marie apparaît à Mariette Béco (11 ans). Un soir, la jeune fille voit avec surprise une lumière dans le jardin. Elle aperçoit ensuite une dame qui l’invite à se rapprocher. Mariette s’en va, puis revient : la dame est toujours là. Elle se présentera comme la « Vierge des Pauvres ».
  31. January 21 - February 11 Mariette is waiting. Mary returns on February 11 (The Feast of Lourdes). I have come to relief the suffering (War 6 years later). Secret revealed. March 1st 1833 (Ash Wednesday): Last apparition. Stars appear on the cloudy night sky. Here she comes. I am the Mother of the Savior, the Mother of God. Adieu. She blesses Mariette with the sign of the cross and disappears. She went back to school after having left for failing her First Communion examinations. The Father of the village had been praying to bring back Mariette’s family. Her father went to confession and expressed his desire to return to Church. 1948: A Basilica is built. 1949: At the Octave of assumption the apparitions are approved. At St Michael chapel, the rosary is recited every day since 1833.
  32. Le 25 mars 1945, la Vierge apparaît à Ida Peerdeman (1905-1996), à Amsterdam. C’est la première de 56 apparitions qui ont lieu entre 1945 et 1959. Un jour, elle a une vision prophétique de la situation de l’Église et du monde. Dans ces messages, Marie révèle le plan que Dieu veut réaliser à travers elle, pour le salut du monde et pour l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère. Elle se présente en disant : « Je me tiens sur ce globe terrestre, parce que je veux qu’on m’appelle “la Dame de tous les peuples” ».
  33. Mary foresaw that all Nations would be assembled in Amsterdam. Very multinational city. The rights of Black people are requested.
  34. .Germany and the Netherlands are in need of her special protection. They are about to loose faith. The Moslem population in Germany is very high  De-Christianization. Announcement of a new Continent.
  35. Signs are within my words.
  36. Mary talks about right and wrong ways that Nations should behave. 25 visions in total.
  37. Dogma: Centerpiece of the great mosaic. 24 visions in total.
  38. I alone am still able to save you (China). The Nations of the whole World will not find rest until they lie down and look up to the Cross, which is the center of this World. Pray every day that the Father sends his Holy Spirit over the World, who alone can bring peace, grace and redemption (3 rays of light from Mary’s hands shining on the flock of black and white sheep around the World, gazing at the Lady and the Cross). The Church and people without Mother, is like a body without soul.
  39. Le 12 juin 1973, Sœur Agnès Sasagawa Katsuko voit sortir des rayons de lumière du tabernacle de la chapelle de son couvent, à Akita (Japon). Le 24 juin, les rayons de lumière sont encore plus éblouissants. Le 28 juin, une plaie en forme de croix apparaît sur le poigner de sa main gauche. Le 6 juillet, une plaie similaire se forme sur la main droite de la statue de la Vierge. Le phénomène se répète plusieurs fois, mais elle conserve un merveilleux sourire, malgré sa souffrance.
  40. Le 12 juin 1973, Sœur Agnès Sasagawa Katsuko voit sortir des rayons de lumière du tabernacle de la chapelle de son couvent, à Akita (Japon). Le 24 juin, les rayons de lumière sont encore plus éblouissants. Le 28 juin, une plaie en forme de croix apparaît sur le poigner de sa main gauche. Le 6 juillet, une plaie similaire se forme sur la main droite de la statue de la Vierge. Le phénomène se répète plusieurs fois, mais elle conserve un merveilleux sourire, malgré sa souffrance.
  41. 101 times the statue shed tears. 1 - Eve – Sin came into the World by a woman and it is also by a woman that salvation came into the World. 0 - Eternal God. 1 - Mary – Gen 3, 16: The reason for my tears… My children are immersed in the pleasures of flesh, sins, ingratitude, sacrileges, betrayal and rebellion.
  42. This message was given on the same day as the terrifying miracle of the sun at Fatima. Japan -> Risk of Atomic War. This is what the whole World could become.
  43. Dream – Catholic theologian questioning the Trinity. An enormous snake was found in the convent that night. … Eucharist: Culmination of God’s action and worship.
  44. In the week of the first Friday (July 5th ) the pain became piercing as if an object had passed through her hand. That night she couldn’t sleep. A voice at 3am – Do not fear. Pray with fervor in reparation for the sins of all men. The World today wounds the Sacred Heart of our Lord.
  45. Prayer of the Handmade of the Eucharist – Most Sacred Heart of Jesus... Souls that wish to pray are gathered together. Men afflict the Lord. Souls must console him. … Trinitarian family of the Church: Clergy – the Father who feed their flock with the sacraments. Religious – Maternal brooding spirit -> Helpers. Laity – the Sons of God baring witness in the World.
  46. En 1976, à Betania (Venezuela), près d’une grotte, la Vierge apparaît à Maria Esperanza Medrano. Elle a eu plusieurs locutions de Marie et de Jésus depuis sa jeunesse, mais la première apparition de la Mère de Dieu a lieu le 25 mars 1976. Elle continue à lui apparaître jusqu’en 1988. Pendant toutes ces années, Maria reçoit un grand nombre de messages pour le monde et est continuellement gratifiée de charismes extraordinaires : don de guérison, communions reçues mystérieusement et émissions inexplicables de parfums de fleurs. 1984: Les apparitions deviennent publiques.
  47. En 1976, à Betania (Venezuela), près d’une grotte, la Vierge apparaît à Maria Esperanza Medrano. Elle a eu plusieurs locutions de Marie et de Jésus depuis sa jeunesse, mais la première apparition de la Mère de Dieu a lieu le 25 mars 1976. Elle continue à lui apparaître jusqu’en 1988. Pendant toutes ces années, Maria reçoit un grand nombre de messages pour le monde et est continuellement gratifiée de charismes extraordinaires : don de guérison, communions reçues mystérieusement et émissions inexplicables de parfums de fleurs.
  48. Betania is extremely poor. 96 % of Venezuela is now Catholic. One year after my birthday: First public apparition. One year after Lucas birthday: Last public apparition.
  49. A rose would emerge from the heart of Maria Esperanza, emitting a perfume not of this world.
  50. En Novembre 1981, la Vierge Marie est apparue à Kibeho, le lieu le plus pauvre du Rwanda, à Alphonsine Alphonsine Mumereke, Nathalie Mumukamazimepaka et Marie-Claude Mukangango. Elle se présente comme « Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs », et fait allusion au massacre qui va déchirer le Rwanda en 1994. Elle exhorte à la prière incessante, au jeûne, à la repentance et à la conversion.
  51. Apparitions last from November 28, 1981 (1111) to November 28, 1989 (111). First apparition: Eve of the first Sunday of Advent – During Advent we should reflect on the return of Jesus. First public apparition: Mary predicted that for the following six years every student attending the Catholic girls’ school will graduate with a diploma (very rare in this poor country). The Rosary of the student that did not believe in the apparitions and criticized them became too heavy to lift.
  52. Many hours: Songs, prayers, blessings, collapse into ecstasy, mystic sleep, long journeys to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory, extraordinary fasting for lend supervised by physicians. Song: The betrayer of life, his name is Judas. He sold the Child of God. Peter turned his face away… Prophetic songs: Do not get consumed in desires of material happiness. Joseph the Protector suffered poverty. It is not a shame. I needed my Father’s permission to start my mission. Do not turn back. Mary was persecuted when pregnant. Joseph protected her. They shunned Mary when they came back from Egypt because of jealousy.
  53. Young people must treat their bodies as temples of the Lord, not allowing them to be treated as playgrounds of the flesh and instruments of pleasure (serious sin of adultery and polygamy). They put their souls at risk. They are using any means to find love and be loved by others. They have forgotten that True Love comes from God and God alone. Young men satisfy their hunger of spirit with feeding the desires of the flesh. Young people have an optimism that borders naiveté  Africa has the highest AIDS rate and the highest number of childhood cases. Jesus came to Earth to show the New Way but the Truth is hard to take. Suffering is necessary for Christians to attain Eternal Glory. It is a means of compensating for the sins of the World and participating in Jesus’ and Mary’s sufferings for the salvation of the World. Mary - May 15 1982: No one will reach Heaven without suffering. A Child of Mary does not reject suffering. This is a reminder of the role of the Cross in Christian life and the Church. As long as you are on Earth, you have to contribute to the salvation of souls, to work with me. I will give you a mission to lead those that are lost back from the darkness. Clothe yourself entirely in suffering and go help my children that are getting lost. You are suffering but you have a Comforter. Nothing is healthier than a soul of peace. The sort of life that you have been called for is especially demanding. The difficulty is to remain faithful to your commitment. The Rosary is the most powerful tool of prayer and devotion and to fight Evil. Never refuse anyone who asks for your help and give them hope. Show all my children that the walk to Heaven is a long and narrow road that is sometimes rough to travel but the road leading to Satan is wide and easy to follow because the Devil puts no obstacles on the Road to Darkness. This Rosary pleases the Mother of God.
  54. Name of the Chapel – The Gathering of the Displaced. War in 1994 – largest Exodus in human history. Some Church leaders participated in the Rwanda Genocide. They did not defend their flock. Songs – There will be fire that will come from beneath the Earth and consume everything on Earth.
  55. The Second Coming is sometimes equaled to the End of the World. It will be a coming in glory. Repent while it’s still time.
  56. The food will have poison that blinds people’s hearts from the truth and the love of God and the neighbor.
  57. I will give you anything you want and all you are lacking.
  58. “The man brought me back to the entrance of the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar” (Ezekiel, 47:1).
  59. This is one of the four rivers issuing out of the Garden of Eden that branched from a single river within the garden.
  60. The Bishop chosen by Pope John-Paul II defends the messages courageously. The Bishop retires on September 21, 2016 (Autumn Equinox). Approval (2016): a new community of sisters arises. 2016: Mary Magdalene is nominated as an Apostle.
  61. Christians do participate freely in assuming the part of the passion that corresponds to them. Stigmata are the visible exteriorizations of this content, that is the deepest one. Most modern visionaries bear sufferings patiently.
  62. 1988: The best weapon against evil is the recitation of the Rosary. The Coming of the Lord is imminent! (2018? – 11 year)
  63. Fasting: Spiritual preparation for enlightenment.