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Today we will learn and reflect on the third
autobiography of Frederick Douglass was a first-
generation black leader and abolitionist orator. One
of his mistress masters started to teach him how to
read as a young slave boy until her husband halted
her lessons, but she taught him just enough that he
was able to break the code, and with help from the
neighborhood white playmates in Baltimore he was
able to steadily improve his reading comprehension.
It was against the law in many states of the Deep South to
teach black slaves how to read, the fear was that education and
literacy would broaden the horizons of the slave and ruin him
as a slave as he yearned for the freedoms he read about, and
for Frederick Douglass, this was indeed true. After several
attempts, he managed to run away from Maryland to Boston in
the 1830’s.
At the end of our talk, we will discuss the sources used for this
video, and my blogs that also cover this topic. Please, we
welcome interesting questions in the comments. Let us learn
and reflect together!
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Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,
After Slavery as an Abolitionist
Since he had a way with words, Frederick Douglass was asked to tell his
story as an ex-slave at abolitionist rallies. Not only was he a leading
abolitionist orator and writer, writing several best-selling books, including
several editions of his autobiography, but he was also a leading black
leader during and after the Civil War, disproving by example the notion
that ex-slaves were necessarily intellectually inferior to whites,
In another video, Frederick Douglass, in his first autobiography tells his
white readers his life experiences as a slave in the Upper South, in
Virginia and Maryland. He discusses, among other topics:
• How slave families in the Upper South were often broken up, how
breeding slaves to sell to the growing black belt plantations from
Georgia to Alabama was often more profitable than using slaves to
harvest crops in the exhausted soils.
• How he barely knew his mother, and how he suspected that a master
on a neighboring plantation was his father.
• How savage whipping and sexual abuse was often a way of life as a
slave in the Deep South, how white masters could do as they wished
with their property.
• How slave families in the
Upper South were often
forced to breed then broken
up, sold to growing black
belt plantations from
Georgia to Alabama.
• How he barely knew his
mother, and how he
suspected that a white
master was his father.
• How savage whipping and
sexual abuse was often a
way of life as a slave in the
Deep South.
Most of the first autobiography was included in the third autobiography
written decades later, with some additional details on how he made his
escape that were originally omitted so he did not compromise the escape
attempts of other slaves. We talked about how he spent the first few
years of freedom as a laborer on the Massachusetts docks.
But these early decades of freedom were never carefree. Racial
discrimination, segregation and humiliation was present everywhere in
the United States, in the North as well as in the South, the differences
were mainly due to differing economics, slaves just did not make good
business sense up North.
The Underground Railroad, Charles Webber, painted 1893
The Constitution also guaranteed that federal runaway slave laws
would be in force, which meant that all blacks, both freedmen
and runaway slaves, had to worry that slave traders would kidnap
them, legally or illegally, and ship them south to be sold into
For example, the movie, Twelve Years a Slave, was based on a
true story about a black freedman was kidnapped from a
northern state and was held as a slave for twelve years before the
courts ordered that he be freed, since he was illegally enslaved.
Frederick Douglass
remembers, “In the South I
was a slave, thought of and
spoken of as property,” as
chattel, like talking livestock.
“In the Northern states, a
fugitive slave was hunted like
a felon, to be hurled into the
terrible jaws of slavery,
doomed by an inveterate
prejudice against color,” “shut
out from cabins on
steamboats, refused
admission to respectable
hotels, caricatured, scorned,
scoffed, mocked and
maltreated by anyone with a
white skin.” Whipping Old Barney Last Time he saw his Mother
When William Lloyd Garrison, leading abolitionist and newspaper
publisher, heard Douglass speak, he encouraged him to join the
abolitionist movement. In 1843 the New England Anti-Slavery Society
resolved to hold One Hundred Conventions, an abolitionist speaking tour
from Vermont and New York to Indiana. They had varying degrees of
success, but at Indiana they encountered a mob of sixty ruffians who tore
down the speaker’s platform, assaulted the speakers, knocked out some
teeth, and as Frederick Douglass attempted to defend himself with a
large stick they scuffled and broke his arm.
Soon after this, Frederick Douglass printed his first
autobiography, and fearing for his freedom and
safety, departed for refuge in England. He was denied
first cabin ticket on the steamship, but once aboard
the captain and passengers invited him to give a
lecture on slavery.
Frederick Douglass remembers, “My visit to
England did much for me in every way.” “Instead
of a democratic government, I am under a
monarchial government.” “I breathe, and lo!
The chattel becomes a man! I gaze around in
vain for one who will question my equal
humanity, claim me as a slave, or offer me an
insult. I employ a cab and I am seated beside
white people; I reach the hotel and I enter by
the same door; I dine at the same table, and no
one is offended.” “I find no difficulty in entering
any place of worship, instruction, or
amusement, on equal terms, with people as
white as any I ever saw in the United States.”
Never did he hear in England those words he
heard often in establishments in Boston, “We
don’t allow niggers in here.”
Frederick Douglass in his twenties.
Frederick Douglass spent two years touring and speaking in
England and Ireland. During his journey his friends in England
corresponded with his old master, Captain Auld, to accept 150
pounds sterling to formally ransom him from slavery. With his
letters of manumission Frederick Douglass had some protection
from abduction by slave traders, and though his fame also
provided protection, he was never completely safe from
kidnapping. His friends also raised enough money for a printing
press to publish the first newspaper with a colored publisher.
FREE At the Wharf in Newport, MS Revisits Old Home
Commissioners to Santo Domingo
Illustrations for Frederick Douglass’ Autobiography
(REPEAT) Frederick Douglass told them that “the
greatest hindrance to the adoption of abolition
principles by the people of the United States was
the low estimate placed upon the negro as a man.
Because of his assumed natural inferiority, people
reconciled themselves to his enslavement and
oppression as inevitable if not desirable.”
In the Land of King Cotton, Picking, 1909
Frederick Douglass told them that “the greatest hindrance to the
adoption of abolition principles by the people of the United States
was the low estimate placed upon the negro as a man. Because of
his assumed natural inferiority, people reconciled themselves to
his enslavement and oppression as inevitable if not desirable.”
This equality disappeared once on
board the ship bound for America.
Frederick Douglass remembers, “It
was rather hard after having
enjoyed for so long a time equal
social privileges, after dining with
persons of great literary, social,
political, and religious eminence
and never, during the whole time,
having met with a single word,
look, or gesture, which gave me the
slightest reason to think my color
was an offense to anyone, now to
be cooped up in the stern of the
Cambria, and denied the right to
enter the saloon lest my presence
should disturb some democratic
"At the bus station in Durham, North Carolina." May 1940, Jack Delano.
Frederick Douglass named his paper the North
Star, after the North Star the runaway slaves
followed at night in their flight to freedom, on
his return to America in 1847, and it was
initially published weekly, then it merged with
another abolitionist paper, ceasing publication
in 1860. Frederick Douglass remembers, “A
slave, brought up in the depths of ignorance,
assuming to instruct the highly civilized people
of the north in the principle of liberty, justice,
and humanity! The thing looked absurd.
Nevertheless, I persevered.” He had visitors
who doubted it was he who wrote his
editorials, they expected that his articles and
editorials were written by ghost white writers. Frederick Douglass with Helen Pitts, his
second wife, and her sister Eva Pitts, 1880
His opinions diverged from those of William Lloyd
Garrison, his abolitionist mentor. Frederick
Douglass remembers that they both thought that
“the first duty of the non-slaveholding states was
to dissolve the union with slaveholding states.”
Douglass later reconsidered, and that despite the
three-fifths clause stipulating that a slave counted
as three-fifths of a freedman, that the Constitution
was in spirt an “anti-slavery instrument demanding
the abolition of slavery,” that “there was no
necessity for dissolving the union,” and that the
Constitution was not “designed to maintain and
perpetuate a system of rape and murder like
During this time, he was also “station
master and conductor of the
underground railroad” assisting fleeing
runaway slaves in pursuit of their
freedom, risking fines and imprisonment
if he were caught. Frederick Douglass
remembers, that though it was “a means
of destroying slavery, it was like an
attempt to bail out the ocean with a
teaspoon, but the thought that there
was one less slave, and one more
freeman, having myself been a slave,
and a fugitive slave, brought to my heart
unspeakable joy.” Harper’s Ferry
In 1859, on the eve of the Civil Ware, Frederick Douglass’ life would again
change after he met John Brown, he would once again be forced to flee
England for refuge and another speaking tour. John Brown was a
firebrand abolitionist who waged war in bloody Kansas. The Kansas-
Nebraska Act, recently passed by Congress, proclaimed that the voters
could decide by referendum whether the new state of Kansas would be a
slave state or a free state. Both pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces flocked
to bleeding Kansas and a mini-Civil War erupted, and John Brown and his
sons were in the thick of the armed struggle. The struggle there subsided,
so Brown went east for fund raising, and managed to raise some funds
and arms, and met Douglass in Rochester, New York.
Tragic Prelude,
John Brown, by
John Stuart Curry,
painted 1938
John Brown by John Stuart Curry
Frederick Douglass describes John Brown like he
was a character out of a novel:
"His eyes were bluish gray, and in conversation
they were full of light and fire. When on the
street, he moved with a long, springing, race-
horse step, absorbed by his own reflections,
neither seeking nor shunning observation. Such
was the man whose name I had heard in
whispers; such was the spirit of his house and
family; such was the house in which he lived;
and such was Captain John Brown, whose name
has now passed into history, as that of one of
the most marked characters and greatest
heroes known to American fame.”
Frederick Douglass remembers
how, after a spartan dinner,
“John Brown denounced
slavery in look and language
fierce and bitter; thought that
slaveholders had forfeited their
right to live; that the slaves had
the right to gain their liberty in
any way they could; did not
believe that moral suasion
would ever liberate the slave,
or that political action would
abolish the system. He said
that he had long had a plan
which could accomplish this
end, and he had invited me to
his house to lay that plan
before me.”
John Brown on his
way to his execution,
Currier and Ives,
The Artist
represented John
Brown with a look of
compassion, a
madonna-like slave-
mother and Child
obstructs his passage
to the scaffold.
Virginia flag in
background says in
Latin, "Thus always
to tyrants."
John Brown was talking about armed insurrection and had this
romantic notion that his armed band would gather in the
mountains, and that slaves would flock to his positions, the weak
would escape north to freedom, and the strong would join their
band of freedom fighters. During this time the increased
enforcement of the fugitive slave laws also raised tensions
between north and south.
Such excited talk raised the temperature, abolitionist speakers,
including Frederick Douglass, started raising the prospect that
slaves would need to be freed through blood.
Also, Frederick Douglass
remembers, “In the midst of
these fugitive slave troubles
came the book known as Uncle
Tom’s Cabin, a work of
remarkable depth and power.
Nothing could have better
suited the moral and humane
requirements of the hour. Its
effect was amazing,
instantaneous, and universal.
No book on the subject of
slavery had so generally and
favorable touched the
American heart.”
John Brown by John Stuart Curry
Then struck John Brown. Frederick Douglass tells
us, “On the night of October 16th, 1859, a party of
nineteen men, fourteen white and five colored,”
“brought with them a large supply of arms for
themselves and anyone who might join them, and
invaded the town of Harper’s Ferry, disarmed the
watchman, took possession of the arsenal, rifle
factory, armory, arrested and imprisoned of
prominent citizens, collected fifty slaves, put
bayonets in their hands, killed three men,
proclaimed general emancipation, held the ground
for more than thirty hours, but were subsequently
overpowered and nearly all killed by US troops
under the command of Colonel Robert E Lee.”
What effect did this have? Frederick Douglass
remembers, “This raid upon Harper’s Ferry was
as the last straw to the camel’s back. What in
the tone of southern sentiment had been fierce
before became furious and uncontrollable now.
A scream for vengeance came up from all
sections of the slave States and from great
multitudes in the North.” And, most ominously,
“all who were supposed to have been any way
connected with John Brown were to be hunted
down and surrendered to the tender mercies of
slaveholding and panic-stricken Virginians, and
there to be tried after the fashion of John
Brown’s trial, and of course to be summarily
executed.” So immediately Frederick Douglass
boarded a ship to England from Quebec and
requested that papers in his desk written by
John Brown be secured.
The Last Moments of John Brown, by
Thomas Hovenden, painted 1884
What role did Frederick Douglass play in Harper’s Ferry? John
Brown had been a guest of many nights in his house, Douglass
liked the idea of armed bands holing up in the mountains freeing
slaves, but he desperately tried in vain to talk John Brown out of
raiding Harper’s Ferry, he refused to participate, Douglass said
Harper’s Ferry was a steel trap and predicted Brown would not
get out alive. And there was correspondence between them
against John
Brown's plan
to attack the
arsenal at
Ferry, by
During the months following the raid,
Frederick Douglass remembers that
“Emerson’s prediction that Brown’s gallows
would become like the cross, was already
being fulfilled. The old hero, in the trial
hour, had behaved so grandly that men
regarded him not as a murderer, but as a
martyr. All over the North men were
singing the John Brown song. His body was
in the dust, but his soul was marching on.
His defeat was already assuming the form
and pressure of victory, and his death was
giving new life and power to the principles
of justice and liberty.”
After the start of the Civil War, and especially after the Emancipation
Proclamation, freed blacks who lived in the North no longer needed to
worry whether slave traders would kidnap and enslave them. The clamor
over the John Brown affair had calmed down by then. After
Emancipation, William Lloyd Garrison announced that the battle was
over, and tried, but did not succeed, to dissolve the American Anti-
Slavery Society, but he did close down his newspaper, The Liberator.
Frederick Douglass opposed this, and vigorously fought for civil rights for
the newly freed blacks during the Reconstruction and Jim Crow
Redemption eras.
from Freedmen's
illustration from
Harper's Weekly
Frederick Douglass continued to give lectures on civil
rights, he wrote this his third autobiography in 1881,
which was also a best seller, and started another
newspaper. He never held elective office, but he was
appointed Marshall of District of Columbia by
President Hayes, which supplemented his retirement
funds. He was also appointed as one of the members
in a diplomatic team sent to Santo Domingo.
In 1877 Frederick
Douglass, newly
appointed U.S.
Marshal of the
District of
greeting African
American citizens
in his office at the
City Hall.
During the Civil War Frederick Douglass consulted with
President Lincoln on racial issues many times. Frederick
Douglass lobbied to permit black freedmen to join the
army, and there were several black regiments after the
Emancipation Proclamation was issued, and after that he
lobbied for equal pay for black soldiers.
Frederick Douglass appealing to
President Lincoln and his cabinet to
enlist Negroes," mural by William
Edouard Scott, 1943
Frederick Douglass remembers his
response, “Lincoln began by saying that
the employment of colored troops at all
was a great gain to the colored people;
that the measure could not have been
successfully adopted at the beginning of
the war; that the wisdom of making
colored men soldiers was still doubted;
that their enlistment was a serious
offense to popular prejudice;” “that the
fact that they would not receive the
same pay as white soldiers seemed a
necessary concession to smooth the
way to their employment at all as
soldiers; but that ultimately they would
receive the same pay.”
Frederick Douglass appealing to President Lincoln and his
cabinet to enlist Negroes, by William Edouard Scott, 1943
Frederick Douglass recalls Lincoln’s second
Inaugural Address shortly before the end
of the Civil War, when Lincoln proclaimed,
“Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray
that his might scourge of war may speedily
pass away. Yet if God wills that it continues
until all the wealth piled up by the
bondman’s two hundred and fifty years of
unrequited toll shall be sunk, and until
every drop of blood drawn with the lash
shall be paid by another drawn with the
sword, as was said three thousand years
ago, so still it must be said, ‘The
judgements of the Lord are true and
righteous altogether.’”
At the Inaugural Reception two white policemen were
guarding the door and initially they refused to admit
Frederick Douglass, saying they had instructions that no
colored may enter. Douglass replied that “he was quite
sure there must be some mistake, for no such order could
have emanated from President Lincoln: and if he knew I
was at the door he would desire my admission.” He would
not budge, so the policemen politely escorted him inside.
Frederick Douglass was touched by how
much deference President Lincoln showed
him at the Inaugural Reception, this black
man, famous though he was. He
remembers, “Like a mountain pine high
above all others, Mr. Lincoln stood, in his
grand simplicity, and home-like beauty,
recognizing me, even before I reached
him, he exclaimed, so that all around
could hear him, ‘Here comes my friend
Douglass.’ Taking me by the hand, he said,
‘I am glad to see you in the crowd today,
listening to my inaugural address; how did
you like it?’
I said, ‘Mr. Lincoln, I must not detain you
with my poor opinion, when there are
thousands waiting to shake hands with you.’
‘No, no,’ he said, ‘you must stop a little,
Douglass; there is no man in the country
whose opinion I value more than yours. I
want to know what you think of it?’
I replied, ‘Mr. Lincoln, that was a sacred
‘I am glad you liked it!’ he said, and I passed
on, feeling that any man, however
distinguished, might well regard himself
honored by such an expression, from such a
When he remembers his sorrow when Lincoln was
assassinated, Frederick Douglass paints how he
remembered the Great Emancipator, “Lincoln always
impressed me as a strong, earnest man, having no time
or disposition to trifle; grappling with all his might the
work he had in hand. The expression of his face was a
blending of suffering with patience and fortitude. Men
called him homely, and homely he was; but it was a
manifestly human homeliness, for there was nothing of
the tiger or other wild animal in him. His eyes had in
them the tenderness of motherhood, and his mouth
and other features the highest perfection of a genuine
manhood.” “His accusers, in whose opinion he was
always too fast or too slow, too weak or too strong, too
conciliatory or too aggressive, would soon become his
admirers; it was soon to be seen that he had conducted
the affairs of the nation with singular wisdom, and with
absolute fidelity to the great trust confided in him.”
Frederick Douglass, after the Civil War, after
Emancipation, understood that though the
former slaves were now free, that they were not
yet truly free.
A cotton plantation on the Mississippi, 1884
A cotton plantation on the Mississippi, 1884
“The freed man was free from the individual master but was still the slave of society. The black man had neither
property, money, nor friends. He was free from the old plantation, but he had nothing but the dusty road under
his feet. He was free from the old quarter that once gave him shelter, but a slave to rains of the summer and the
frosts of the winter. He was, in a word, literally turned loose naked, hungry, and destitute to the open sky.”
Furthermore, “to guard, protect,
and maintain his liberty, the
freedman should have the ballot;
that the liberties of the American
people were dependent upon the
Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the
Now the black man was not only not truly free, but he was
also despised even more. “The first feeling towards him by
the old master classes was full of bitterness and wrath. They
resented his emancipation as an act of hostility towards
them, and since they could not punish the emancipator, they
felt like punishing the object which that act had
Freeing of the Slaves, by John Steuart Curry, 1900's
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Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,
After Slavery as an Abolitionist
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Reflections on Morality, Philosophy, and History
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Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, After Slavery as an Abolitionist

  • 1.
  • 2. Today we will learn and reflect on the third autobiography of Frederick Douglass was a first- generation black leader and abolitionist orator. One of his mistress masters started to teach him how to read as a young slave boy until her husband halted her lessons, but she taught him just enough that he was able to break the code, and with help from the neighborhood white playmates in Baltimore he was able to steadily improve his reading comprehension.
  • 3. It was against the law in many states of the Deep South to teach black slaves how to read, the fear was that education and literacy would broaden the horizons of the slave and ruin him as a slave as he yearned for the freedoms he read about, and for Frederick Douglass, this was indeed true. After several attempts, he managed to run away from Maryland to Boston in the 1830’s. At the end of our talk, we will discuss the sources used for this video, and my blogs that also cover this topic. Please, we welcome interesting questions in the comments. Let us learn and reflect together!
  • 4. YouTube Channel (please subscribe): Reflections on Morality, Philosophy, and History: Blog: © Copyright 2021 Become a patron: Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, After Slavery as an Abolitionist
  • 5. Since he had a way with words, Frederick Douglass was asked to tell his story as an ex-slave at abolitionist rallies. Not only was he a leading abolitionist orator and writer, writing several best-selling books, including several editions of his autobiography, but he was also a leading black leader during and after the Civil War, disproving by example the notion that ex-slaves were necessarily intellectually inferior to whites,
  • 6.
  • 7. In another video, Frederick Douglass, in his first autobiography tells his white readers his life experiences as a slave in the Upper South, in Virginia and Maryland. He discusses, among other topics: (REPEAT) • How slave families in the Upper South were often broken up, how breeding slaves to sell to the growing black belt plantations from Georgia to Alabama was often more profitable than using slaves to harvest crops in the exhausted soils. • How he barely knew his mother, and how he suspected that a master on a neighboring plantation was his father. • How savage whipping and sexual abuse was often a way of life as a slave in the Deep South, how white masters could do as they wished with their property.
  • 9. • How slave families in the Upper South were often forced to breed then broken up, sold to growing black belt plantations from Georgia to Alabama. • How he barely knew his mother, and how he suspected that a white master was his father. • How savage whipping and sexual abuse was often a way of life as a slave in the Deep South.
  • 10. Most of the first autobiography was included in the third autobiography written decades later, with some additional details on how he made his escape that were originally omitted so he did not compromise the escape attempts of other slaves. We talked about how he spent the first few years of freedom as a laborer on the Massachusetts docks. But these early decades of freedom were never carefree. Racial discrimination, segregation and humiliation was present everywhere in the United States, in the North as well as in the South, the differences were mainly due to differing economics, slaves just did not make good business sense up North.
  • 11. The Underground Railroad, Charles Webber, painted 1893
  • 12. The Constitution also guaranteed that federal runaway slave laws would be in force, which meant that all blacks, both freedmen and runaway slaves, had to worry that slave traders would kidnap them, legally or illegally, and ship them south to be sold into slavery. For example, the movie, Twelve Years a Slave, was based on a true story about a black freedman was kidnapped from a northern state and was held as a slave for twelve years before the courts ordered that he be freed, since he was illegally enslaved.
  • 13.
  • 14. Frederick Douglass remembers, “In the South I was a slave, thought of and spoken of as property,” as chattel, like talking livestock. “In the Northern states, a fugitive slave was hunted like a felon, to be hurled into the terrible jaws of slavery, doomed by an inveterate prejudice against color,” “shut out from cabins on steamboats, refused admission to respectable hotels, caricatured, scorned, scoffed, mocked and maltreated by anyone with a white skin.” Whipping Old Barney Last Time he saw his Mother
  • 15. When William Lloyd Garrison, leading abolitionist and newspaper publisher, heard Douglass speak, he encouraged him to join the abolitionist movement. In 1843 the New England Anti-Slavery Society resolved to hold One Hundred Conventions, an abolitionist speaking tour from Vermont and New York to Indiana. They had varying degrees of success, but at Indiana they encountered a mob of sixty ruffians who tore down the speaker’s platform, assaulted the speakers, knocked out some teeth, and as Frederick Douglass attempted to defend himself with a large stick they scuffled and broke his arm.
  • 16.
  • 17. Soon after this, Frederick Douglass printed his first autobiography, and fearing for his freedom and safety, departed for refuge in England. He was denied first cabin ticket on the steamship, but once aboard the captain and passengers invited him to give a lecture on slavery.
  • 18. Frederick Douglass remembers, “My visit to England did much for me in every way.” “Instead of a democratic government, I am under a monarchial government.” “I breathe, and lo! The chattel becomes a man! I gaze around in vain for one who will question my equal humanity, claim me as a slave, or offer me an insult. I employ a cab and I am seated beside white people; I reach the hotel and I enter by the same door; I dine at the same table, and no one is offended.” “I find no difficulty in entering any place of worship, instruction, or amusement, on equal terms, with people as white as any I ever saw in the United States.” Never did he hear in England those words he heard often in establishments in Boston, “We don’t allow niggers in here.” Frederick Douglass in his twenties.
  • 19. Frederick Douglass spent two years touring and speaking in England and Ireland. During his journey his friends in England corresponded with his old master, Captain Auld, to accept 150 pounds sterling to formally ransom him from slavery. With his letters of manumission Frederick Douglass had some protection from abduction by slave traders, and though his fame also provided protection, he was never completely safe from kidnapping. His friends also raised enough money for a printing press to publish the first newspaper with a colored publisher.
  • 20. FREE At the Wharf in Newport, MS Revisits Old Home Commissioners to Santo Domingo Illustrations for Frederick Douglass’ Autobiography
  • 21. (REPEAT) Frederick Douglass told them that “the greatest hindrance to the adoption of abolition principles by the people of the United States was the low estimate placed upon the negro as a man. Because of his assumed natural inferiority, people reconciled themselves to his enslavement and oppression as inevitable if not desirable.”
  • 22. In the Land of King Cotton, Picking, 1909 Frederick Douglass told them that “the greatest hindrance to the adoption of abolition principles by the people of the United States was the low estimate placed upon the negro as a man. Because of his assumed natural inferiority, people reconciled themselves to his enslavement and oppression as inevitable if not desirable.”
  • 23. This equality disappeared once on board the ship bound for America. Frederick Douglass remembers, “It was rather hard after having enjoyed for so long a time equal social privileges, after dining with persons of great literary, social, political, and religious eminence and never, during the whole time, having met with a single word, look, or gesture, which gave me the slightest reason to think my color was an offense to anyone, now to be cooped up in the stern of the Cambria, and denied the right to enter the saloon lest my presence should disturb some democratic fellow-passenger.” "At the bus station in Durham, North Carolina." May 1940, Jack Delano.
  • 24. Frederick Douglass named his paper the North Star, after the North Star the runaway slaves followed at night in their flight to freedom, on his return to America in 1847, and it was initially published weekly, then it merged with another abolitionist paper, ceasing publication in 1860. Frederick Douglass remembers, “A slave, brought up in the depths of ignorance, assuming to instruct the highly civilized people of the north in the principle of liberty, justice, and humanity! The thing looked absurd. Nevertheless, I persevered.” He had visitors who doubted it was he who wrote his editorials, they expected that his articles and editorials were written by ghost white writers. Frederick Douglass with Helen Pitts, his second wife, and her sister Eva Pitts, 1880
  • 25. His opinions diverged from those of William Lloyd Garrison, his abolitionist mentor. Frederick Douglass remembers that they both thought that “the first duty of the non-slaveholding states was to dissolve the union with slaveholding states.” Douglass later reconsidered, and that despite the three-fifths clause stipulating that a slave counted as three-fifths of a freedman, that the Constitution was in spirt an “anti-slavery instrument demanding the abolition of slavery,” that “there was no necessity for dissolving the union,” and that the Constitution was not “designed to maintain and perpetuate a system of rape and murder like slavery.”
  • 26. During this time, he was also “station master and conductor of the underground railroad” assisting fleeing runaway slaves in pursuit of their freedom, risking fines and imprisonment if he were caught. Frederick Douglass remembers, that though it was “a means of destroying slavery, it was like an attempt to bail out the ocean with a teaspoon, but the thought that there was one less slave, and one more freeman, having myself been a slave, and a fugitive slave, brought to my heart unspeakable joy.” Harper’s Ferry
  • 27. JOHN BROWN AND FREDERICK DOUGLASS In 1859, on the eve of the Civil Ware, Frederick Douglass’ life would again change after he met John Brown, he would once again be forced to flee England for refuge and another speaking tour. John Brown was a firebrand abolitionist who waged war in bloody Kansas. The Kansas- Nebraska Act, recently passed by Congress, proclaimed that the voters could decide by referendum whether the new state of Kansas would be a slave state or a free state. Both pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces flocked to bleeding Kansas and a mini-Civil War erupted, and John Brown and his sons were in the thick of the armed struggle. The struggle there subsided, so Brown went east for fund raising, and managed to raise some funds and arms, and met Douglass in Rochester, New York.
  • 28. Tragic Prelude, John Brown, by John Stuart Curry, painted 1938
  • 29. John Brown by John Stuart Curry Frederick Douglass describes John Brown like he was a character out of a novel: "His eyes were bluish gray, and in conversation they were full of light and fire. When on the street, he moved with a long, springing, race- horse step, absorbed by his own reflections, neither seeking nor shunning observation. Such was the man whose name I had heard in whispers; such was the spirit of his house and family; such was the house in which he lived; and such was Captain John Brown, whose name has now passed into history, as that of one of the most marked characters and greatest heroes known to American fame.”
  • 30. Frederick Douglass remembers how, after a spartan dinner, “John Brown denounced slavery in look and language fierce and bitter; thought that slaveholders had forfeited their right to live; that the slaves had the right to gain their liberty in any way they could; did not believe that moral suasion would ever liberate the slave, or that political action would abolish the system. He said that he had long had a plan which could accomplish this end, and he had invited me to his house to lay that plan before me.” John Brown on his way to his execution, Currier and Ives, 1863. The Artist represented John Brown with a look of compassion, a madonna-like slave- mother and Child obstructs his passage to the scaffold. Virginia flag in background says in Latin, "Thus always to tyrants."
  • 31. John Brown was talking about armed insurrection and had this romantic notion that his armed band would gather in the mountains, and that slaves would flock to his positions, the weak would escape north to freedom, and the strong would join their band of freedom fighters. During this time the increased enforcement of the fugitive slave laws also raised tensions between north and south. Such excited talk raised the temperature, abolitionist speakers, including Frederick Douglass, started raising the prospect that slaves would need to be freed through blood.
  • 32.
  • 33. Also, Frederick Douglass remembers, “In the midst of these fugitive slave troubles came the book known as Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a work of remarkable depth and power. Nothing could have better suited the moral and humane requirements of the hour. Its effect was amazing, instantaneous, and universal. No book on the subject of slavery had so generally and favorable touched the American heart.”
  • 34. John Brown by John Stuart Curry Then struck John Brown. Frederick Douglass tells us, “On the night of October 16th, 1859, a party of nineteen men, fourteen white and five colored,” “brought with them a large supply of arms for themselves and anyone who might join them, and invaded the town of Harper’s Ferry, disarmed the watchman, took possession of the arsenal, rifle factory, armory, arrested and imprisoned of prominent citizens, collected fifty slaves, put bayonets in their hands, killed three men, proclaimed general emancipation, held the ground for more than thirty hours, but were subsequently overpowered and nearly all killed by US troops under the command of Colonel Robert E Lee.”
  • 35. What effect did this have? Frederick Douglass remembers, “This raid upon Harper’s Ferry was as the last straw to the camel’s back. What in the tone of southern sentiment had been fierce before became furious and uncontrollable now. A scream for vengeance came up from all sections of the slave States and from great multitudes in the North.” And, most ominously, “all who were supposed to have been any way connected with John Brown were to be hunted down and surrendered to the tender mercies of slaveholding and panic-stricken Virginians, and there to be tried after the fashion of John Brown’s trial, and of course to be summarily executed.” So immediately Frederick Douglass boarded a ship to England from Quebec and requested that papers in his desk written by John Brown be secured. The Last Moments of John Brown, by Thomas Hovenden, painted 1884
  • 36. What role did Frederick Douglass play in Harper’s Ferry? John Brown had been a guest of many nights in his house, Douglass liked the idea of armed bands holing up in the mountains freeing slaves, but he desperately tried in vain to talk John Brown out of raiding Harper’s Ferry, he refused to participate, Douglass said Harper’s Ferry was a steel trap and predicted Brown would not get out alive. And there was correspondence between them both.
  • 37. Douglass argued against John Brown's plan to attack the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, by Jacob Lawrence
  • 38. During the months following the raid, Frederick Douglass remembers that “Emerson’s prediction that Brown’s gallows would become like the cross, was already being fulfilled. The old hero, in the trial hour, had behaved so grandly that men regarded him not as a murderer, but as a martyr. All over the North men were singing the John Brown song. His body was in the dust, but his soul was marching on. His defeat was already assuming the form and pressure of victory, and his death was giving new life and power to the principles of justice and liberty.”
  • 39. CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION After the start of the Civil War, and especially after the Emancipation Proclamation, freed blacks who lived in the North no longer needed to worry whether slave traders would kidnap and enslave them. The clamor over the John Brown affair had calmed down by then. After Emancipation, William Lloyd Garrison announced that the battle was over, and tried, but did not succeed, to dissolve the American Anti- Slavery Society, but he did close down his newspaper, The Liberator. Frederick Douglass opposed this, and vigorously fought for civil rights for the newly freed blacks during the Reconstruction and Jim Crow Redemption eras.
  • 41. Frederick Douglass continued to give lectures on civil rights, he wrote this his third autobiography in 1881, which was also a best seller, and started another newspaper. He never held elective office, but he was appointed Marshall of District of Columbia by President Hayes, which supplemented his retirement funds. He was also appointed as one of the members in a diplomatic team sent to Santo Domingo.
  • 42. In 1877 Frederick Douglass, newly appointed U.S. Marshal of the District of Columbia, greeting African American citizens in his office at the City Hall.
  • 43. During the Civil War Frederick Douglass consulted with President Lincoln on racial issues many times. Frederick Douglass lobbied to permit black freedmen to join the army, and there were several black regiments after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, and after that he lobbied for equal pay for black soldiers.
  • 44. Frederick Douglass appealing to President Lincoln and his cabinet to enlist Negroes," mural by William Edouard Scott, 1943
  • 45. Frederick Douglass remembers his response, “Lincoln began by saying that the employment of colored troops at all was a great gain to the colored people; that the measure could not have been successfully adopted at the beginning of the war; that the wisdom of making colored men soldiers was still doubted; that their enlistment was a serious offense to popular prejudice;” “that the fact that they would not receive the same pay as white soldiers seemed a necessary concession to smooth the way to their employment at all as soldiers; but that ultimately they would receive the same pay.” Frederick Douglass appealing to President Lincoln and his cabinet to enlist Negroes, by William Edouard Scott, 1943
  • 46. Frederick Douglass recalls Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address shortly before the end of the Civil War, when Lincoln proclaimed, “Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray that his might scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills that it continues until all the wealth piled up by the bondman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toll shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, ‘The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”
  • 47. At the Inaugural Reception two white policemen were guarding the door and initially they refused to admit Frederick Douglass, saying they had instructions that no colored may enter. Douglass replied that “he was quite sure there must be some mistake, for no such order could have emanated from President Lincoln: and if he knew I was at the door he would desire my admission.” He would not budge, so the policemen politely escorted him inside.
  • 48. Frederick Douglass was touched by how much deference President Lincoln showed him at the Inaugural Reception, this black man, famous though he was. He remembers, “Like a mountain pine high above all others, Mr. Lincoln stood, in his grand simplicity, and home-like beauty, recognizing me, even before I reached him, he exclaimed, so that all around could hear him, ‘Here comes my friend Douglass.’ Taking me by the hand, he said, ‘I am glad to see you in the crowd today, listening to my inaugural address; how did you like it?’
  • 49. I said, ‘Mr. Lincoln, I must not detain you with my poor opinion, when there are thousands waiting to shake hands with you.’ ‘No, no,’ he said, ‘you must stop a little, Douglass; there is no man in the country whose opinion I value more than yours. I want to know what you think of it?’ I replied, ‘Mr. Lincoln, that was a sacred effort.’ ‘I am glad you liked it!’ he said, and I passed on, feeling that any man, however distinguished, might well regard himself honored by such an expression, from such a man.”
  • 50. When he remembers his sorrow when Lincoln was assassinated, Frederick Douglass paints how he remembered the Great Emancipator, “Lincoln always impressed me as a strong, earnest man, having no time or disposition to trifle; grappling with all his might the work he had in hand. The expression of his face was a blending of suffering with patience and fortitude. Men called him homely, and homely he was; but it was a manifestly human homeliness, for there was nothing of the tiger or other wild animal in him. His eyes had in them the tenderness of motherhood, and his mouth and other features the highest perfection of a genuine manhood.” “His accusers, in whose opinion he was always too fast or too slow, too weak or too strong, too conciliatory or too aggressive, would soon become his admirers; it was soon to be seen that he had conducted the affairs of the nation with singular wisdom, and with absolute fidelity to the great trust confided in him.”
  • 51. Frederick Douglass, after the Civil War, after Emancipation, understood that though the former slaves were now free, that they were not yet truly free.
  • 52. A cotton plantation on the Mississippi, 1884
  • 53. A cotton plantation on the Mississippi, 1884 “The freed man was free from the individual master but was still the slave of society. The black man had neither property, money, nor friends. He was free from the old plantation, but he had nothing but the dusty road under his feet. He was free from the old quarter that once gave him shelter, but a slave to rains of the summer and the frosts of the winter. He was, in a word, literally turned loose naked, hungry, and destitute to the open sky.”
  • 54. Furthermore, “to guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box.” Now the black man was not only not truly free, but he was also despised even more. “The first feeling towards him by the old master classes was full of bitterness and wrath. They resented his emancipation as an act of hostility towards them, and since they could not punish the emancipator, they felt like punishing the object which that act had emancipated.” Freeing of the Slaves, by John Steuart Curry, 1900's
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