nilde bibliobocnr alpe document delivery open access orcid resource sharing libraries inter-library loan licenze d'uso e-resources licenses biblioteche digitali dd ill scientific information transformative agreements big deals periodici elettronici biblioteca cnr bologna science communication digital literacy biblioteca diritto d'autore information literacy electronic licenses biblioteca d'area alma software integration biomedical information scientific literature blended learnig digital lending access rights to information covid-19 digital document delivery information library systems plan s cnr negotiations with publishers oa2020 openapc apc costs apc (article processing charge) iris bibliometric indicators researcherid international ill copyright ejournals interlibrary loan api sviluppo software utenti social network partecipazione participatory library supporto ricercatori researchers scientific journals commissione biblioteca invio elettronico editori software diritto dautore software. diritto d'autore. sfx. valutazione della ricerca strumenti per i ricercatori digital libraries ill management software development
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