isee data science big data data mining data it mysql plsql db pl/sql system models mis mongodb sql application data center data analytics python roles analytics it sol goods ieee competencias environment it stratergy and digital goods telecommti telecom ewaste ethical social media information system social issues ethical issues management information managing inforamation system gic egov hightech technology e-governance e-business • e-commerce understand e-commerce technology • learn doing bus wireless information control and security system allcontries understanding the g20 scorecards 1.industry transformation 2.diversity and variety innovation waves proposed by rogers drivers of innovation in it innovation era information systems in organisations organisations information systems mongo db using mongodb any 5 query design and implement any 5 query using mongodb 5 map mapreduce mapredce implement mapreduce with suitable example using mo indexing aggregation aggregation and indexing with suitable example usi my/sql mongodb queries logical operators save method use crud operations inline stored procedure and function stored procedure procedure and stored function. explicit loop cursor parameterized cursor cursor for loop all types: implicit handling unnamed pl/sql code block: use of control structur qery dml sub-query and view. ll types of join and set operator. functions delete with operators update select insert dll ddl sqsql synonym séquence index view table r featres data scicence data scienc application data anlytics conclusion endnotes concldefining data science • what does a data scie advantages mobile application development introduction data scieccn tools tools data science effects data anslytics ai
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