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your	git	skills
Ben	Limmer	
August	28,	2017
Desired	Takeaways
understand	the	two	main	schools	of	thought	on	commit	history
understand	the	three	github	PR	merge	options
understand	common	gotchas	with	rewriting	history
master	a	new	git	command	or	two
Plumbing	vs.	Porcelain
We’ll	stick	mostly	to	using	porcelain	commands,	but	reading	the
	is	highly	recommended	once	you’re	familiar	with
these	concepts.
plumbing	docs
A	Tale	of	Two
Two	main	schools	of	thought
on	commit	history
School	0:
“It’s	a	record	of	what	actually	happened”
It’s	a	historical	document,	valuable	in	its	own	right,
and	shouldn’t	be	tampered	with.	From	this	angle,
changing	the	commit	history	is	almost
blasphemous;	you’re	lying	about	what	actually
transpired.	So	what	if	there	was	a	messy	series	of
merge	commits?	That’s	how	it	happened,	and	the
repository	should	preserve	that	for	posterity.
git	book
Who	could	forget
such	classics	as…
or	my	personal
Some	of	these	are,	of	course,	shown	in	jest	and	the	commit
messages	could	be	improved.
This	really	is	a	record	of	exactly	what	happened.
However,	the	historical	record	can	be	difficult	to	traverse.
School	1:
“It’s	the	story	of	how	your	project	was
You	wouldn’t	publish	the	first	draft	of	a	book,	and
the	manual	for	how	to	maintain	your	software
deserves	careful	editing.	This	is	the	camp	that	uses
tools	like	rebase	and	filter-branch	to	tell	the	story
in	the	way	that’s	best	for	future	readers.
git	book
Which	gives	you
commits	like
School	0
School	1
School	0
“It’s	a	record	of	what	actually	happened”
Low-Risk	/	Barrier	to	Entry
History	records	what	“really	happened”
Lots	of	micro-commits,	with	varying	levels	of	meaning
More	commits	===	more	time	traversing	the	logs
School	1
“It’s	the	story	of	how	your	project	was
Clean,	meaningful	history
No	“WIP”,	“Initial”,	etc.	commits
Must	be	careful	with	rewriting	history
Can	create	very	“macro”	commits	containing	a	lot	of	code
on	the	two	schools	?
The	Three	Github	PR	Options
source:	github	help	docs
Create	a	Merge	Commit
A	merge	occurs	when	you	want	to	integrate	two	branches	together.
When	you	merge	feature/add-behavior	into	develop,	it
performs	a	three-way	merge	between	the	two	latest	branch
snapshots	(C4	and	C5)	and	the	most	recent	common	ancestor	of	the
two	(C1),	creating	a	new	snapshot	(and	commit	-	C6).
This	is	fine,	but	we’ve	produced	another	commit	which	might	not
have	value.
Additionally,	we	have	feature	branch	commits	intermixed	within	the
history	of	develop.
on	merging	?
Rebase	and	Merge
A	rebase	takes	one	or	more	commits	and	reapplies	it	on	top	of	new
commits	on	the	destination	branch.
When	you	rebase	feature/add-behavior	off	of	develop,	it	works
by	going	to	the	common	ancestor	of	the	two	branches	(C1),
generating	diffs	for	each	subsequent	commit	(C2/C3/C5),	and
replays	each	commit.
Then,	the	merge	can	occur	as	a	“fast-forward”	merge,	creating	no
merge	commit.
The	result	of	the	merge	and	the	rebase	are	functionally	the	same,
except	the	rebase	history	looks	more	linear.
Create	a	Merge	Commit
Rebase	and	Merge
on	rebase	and	merge	?
Squash	and	Merge
A	“squash”	takes	one	or	more	commits,	creates	a	single	commit
from	those	commits	and	applies	it	to	the	destination	branch.
When	you	squash	feature/add-behavior,	it	conceptually	rebases
the	branch	as	before.
But	then,	it	"squashes"	the	commits	(C6/C7/C8)	into	one	commit.
All	the	commits	from	the	branch	are	now	contained	in	one	commit
Then,	the	merge	can	occur	as	a	“fast-forward”	merge,	creating	no
merge	commit.
Just	like	a	rebase	and	merge.
You	should	also	update	the	commit	messages	as	you	squash	and
By	default	it	is	just	a	“starred”	list	of	all	your	commit	messages:
Take	the	few	extra	minutes	to	add	some	thought	about	what	the
code	does.	It	may	prove	helpful	to	a	future	dev	who	finds	your	code.
on	squash	and	merge	?
Recap	on	GitHub
Merge	Options
Create	a	Merge	Commit
Rebase	and	Merge
Squash	and	Merge
Patterns	at	Ibotta
We	enforce	“squash	and	merge”	on	most	repositories.
It	produces	history	like	this:
A	developer	that	finds	this	commit	years	down	the	road	would	have
lots	of	context	and	information	on	why	we	changed	the	code	in	this
The	individual	commits	are	still	also	viewable	within	the	PR,	and	the
branch	can	be	restored	in	its	original	state,	if	needed.
Gotchas	with
Remember	our	squash	and	merge	from	before?
What	would	happen	if	someone	branched	off	of	our	branch	before
we	squashed	and	merged?
Their	branch	would	still	know	about	commits	C2/C3/C5,	but	those
commits	don't	exist	anymore...
Charlie’s	branch	has	commits	C2/C3/C5	from	when	he	originally
branched	from	Bob’s	branch.
When	Bob	merges,	he	creates	C9	and	“rewrites	history”	so	that
C2/C3/C5	don’t	end	up	on	develop.	But	Charlie’s	branch	still	knows
about	Bob’s	original	commits.
To	fix	this,	we	need	to	help	git	understand	what’s	going	on.
or	replay	the	last	two	commits	only	(ours):
git rebase --onto develop feature/add-behavior feature/add-more-behavior
git rebase --onto develop HEAD~2
This	will	result	in	a	nice	clean	graph:
However,	when	you	try	to	push,	git	might	tell	you	that	you	can’t…
> git push origin feature/add-more-behavior
! [rejected] add-more-behavior -> add-more-behavior (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
git	is	warning	us	that	history	has	changed	in	a	way	that	it	doesn’t
understand.	it’s	suggesting	a	git pull,	but	that’s	not	what	we	want
to	do	(that	will	re-integrate	C2/C3/C5	from	origin!)
we	need	to	tell	git	that	we	know	what	we’re	doing	and	that	we	just
origin	will	now	happily	accept	our	newly	rebased	version	of	our
> git push --force-with-lease origin feature/add-more-behavior
--force-with-lease	???
Checks	to	make	sure	that	no-one	pushed	an	additional	commit	to
your	branch	before	you	rebased.
TLDR;	use	--force-with-lease	and	if	you	get	a	warning	that	looks
like	this:
Check	out	who	else	is	working	on	your	branch.
> git push --force-with-lease origin feature/add-more-behavior
[rejected] add-more-behavior -> add-more-behavior (stale info)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
Also,	an	alias	is	really	handy	here.	Add	this	to	~/.gitconfig.
Then	you	can	do	this	instead
pushf = push --force-with-lease
git pushf origin feature/add-more-behavior
on	rewriting	history	gotchas?
you	(almost)	never	need	to
merge	the	same	branch	into
commit	history	on	the	develop	branch
what	happened?
> git push origin develop
! [rejected] develop -> develop (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
we	never	want	to	force	push	develop	like	with	our	other	branches.
we	want	to	integrate	the	missed	commit	and	replay	our	commit.
this	will	replay	our	commit	after	the	missed	upstream	commit
git pull origin develop --rebase
now	git	will	happily	accept	the	branch	without	any	force	push
because	the	histories	match	upstream	and	locally.
git push origin develop
on	why	you	almost	never	need	to	merge	your	own	branch	into	itself?
Other	git	tricks
git add -p
git revert
git bisect
git add -p
another	tool	to	use	instead	of
git add .
steps	through	each	file	patch	by	patch,	staging	as	you	go.
Imagine	a	change	at	the	top	and	bottom	of	a	file,	but	they’re	not
related	to	the	same	change.
diff --git a/ b/
index 8cb1ada..81f96b0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# 1-Up Your Git Skills
+A change up top.
A talk given at the Ibotta Engineering Lunch and Learn series on August 29, 2017.
This presentation was created with [reveal-ck](
@@ -16,3 +18,5 @@ If you want to run this project locally:
3. Run `bundle exec reveal-ck generate`
4. Run `bundle exec reveal-ck serve`
5. Visit http://localhost:10000
+A change at the bottom.
diff --git a/ b/
index 8cb1ada..81f96b0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# 1-Up Your Git Skills
+A change up top.
A talk given at the Ibotta Engineering Lunch and Learn series on August 29, 2017.
This presentation was created with [reveal-ck](
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,j,J,g,e,?]? n
@@ -16,3 +18,5 @@ If you want to run this project locally:
3. Run `bundle exec reveal-ck generate`
4. Run `bundle exec reveal-ck serve`
5. Visit http://localhost:10000
+A change at the bottom.
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,K,g,e,?]? y
On branch update-talk
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
git revert
with	squash	and	merge	this	is	easy!
git revert 1e736b8
git push origin develop
then,	checkout	a	new	branch,	revert	the	revert	and	fix	it	up.
git checkout -b feature/revert-revert-filtering-rps
git revert 43baa57
git bisect
git bisect
use	binary	search	to	find	the	commit	that
introduced	a	bug
1.	 Tell	git	that	we	want	to	bisect.
2.	 Mark	a	good	commit	(where	the	problem	doesn’t	exist).
3.	 Mark	a	bad	commit	(where	the	problem	does	exist).
4.	 Find	where	the	bug	was	introduced.
git bisect	example
> cat test.txt
> git log
commit d6c3e9b9cc226db47b96c926e35c3ca8733a618b (HEAD -> master)
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Adding the word 'stream'
commit 06ecaeb65e34c2a1999e0df388d6740d827700cd
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Adding the word 'the'
commit 8483a605ca3a0ee2114217d85bfd350dbe32c6c4
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Adding the word 'down'
commit a01f608a342d01f6e0f190575e505119de23b64d
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Changing the word 'boat' to 'car'
commit 025c6896d02fbad81ad7425542ec58e762a84d79
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
git bisect	to	the	rescue!
first,	tell	git	that	we	want	to	bisect.
git bisect start
mark	the	commit	where	we	knew	things	were	OK.
commit cdc7bf7a1d671343e27fba67a94ce462b8ee009b
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Adding the word 'boat'
git bisect good cdc7bf7a1d671343e27fba67a94ce462b8ee009b
and	mark	where	we	know	it’s	bad.
commit d6c3e9b9cc226db47b96c926e35c3ca8733a618b (HEAD -> master)
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Adding the word 'stream'
git bisect bad d6c3e9b9cc226db47b96c926e35c3ca8733a618b
now	step	through	and	check	it	out	at	each	step	in	the	binary	search.
Bisecting: 2 revisions left to test after this (roughly 1 step)
[a01f608a342d01f6e0f190575e505119de23b64d] Changing the word 'boat' to 'car'
> cat test.txt
git bisect bad
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps)
[025c6896d02fbad81ad7425542ec58e762a84d79] Adding the word 'gently'
> cat test.txt
git bisect good
a01f608a342d01f6e0f190575e505119de23b64d is the first bad commit
commit a01f608a342d01f6e0f190575e505119de23b64d
Author: Ben Limmer <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 18:00:31 2017 -0600
Changing the word 'boat' to 'car'
:100644 100644 9eb95934daee636eba60587a2aef592cd5edacc1 34802b80cf929a42035c7b02dae715c864e
:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9eb95934daee636eba60587a2aef592cd5e
on	anything	else
git	book
rypress	git	plumbing
git help <command-name>
Ben	Limmer
Legal	Stuff
I	was	heavily	influenced	by	the	 ,	which	is	licensed	under	the
,	thus	this	presentation	is	also	subject	to	the	same	license.
You	need	to	attribute	it	if	you	use	it,	indicate	if	changes	were	made
and	distribute	any	remix	of	this	work	under	the	same	license.
I	cribbed	the	“two	schools	of	thought”	from	that	book	and	added	my
Git	Book
Creative	Commons	Attribution	Non	Commercial	Share	Alike	3.0

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