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Attitude is a mental position relative to a way of thinking or being; a leaning
toward that which you believe. A positive attitude is, therefore, the inclination
to generally be in an optimistic, hopeful state of mind.
Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It
brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative
thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into
your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a
positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect
the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing
and strengthening.
The Benefits of a Positive Attitude:
 Helps achieving goals and attaining success
 Success achieved faster and more easily
 More happiness. More energy
 Greater inner power and strength
 The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others
 Fewer difficulties encountered along the way
 The ability to surmount any difficulty
 Life smiles at you. People respect you.
Negative Attitude says: You cannot achieve Success. Positive attitude says:
You can achieve Success.
If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and
difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid
of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Why not
start today? If you have tried and failed, it only means that you have not tried
 Developing a Positive Attitude
That will lead you to Happiness and Success:
 Choose to be happy
 Look at the bright side of life
 Choose to be and stay optimistic
 Find reasons to smile more often
 Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe
 Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries
 Associate yourself with happy people
 Read inspiring stories
 Read inspiring quotes
 Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you
 Visualize only what you want to happen
 Learn to master your thoughts
 Learn concentration and meditation

A positive attitude is never automatic. You have to work at it! Here's how to become a master of the
A positive attitude--optimism, expectancy, and enthusiasm--makes everything in business
easier. A positive attitude boosts you up when you're down and supercharges you when
you're already "on a roll."
 Never, never, compare yourself with people
 It points out the good parts in the person and makes you feel bad. Just
think of all the good qualities you have too.
 If you feel you don't have any good qualities, join a few clubs or sport
teams, or even start one. This can give you a talent to be proud of.
 Remind yourself most things are possible if you try hard enough. Set
your goal and work to reach it.
 Set a goal to make friends. If you feel you don't have enough of something
in your life,such as friends, make a goal to get more of it until you're satisfied.
 Give everything a chance before you neglect or reject it. It might give you
something you're happy with in your life.
 Grooming. Appearance can affect you too if you feel ugly. Stay natural. You
should change hair styles, clothing, and if you wear it, make up, but that's it.
This can help you feel great.
 Communicate needs. If someone makes you feel negative, like a friend, tell
whoever it is in a nice way how you feel. Try to fix the problem.
 Stay upbeat. Don't let other people drag you down!! What they say is
ALWAYS their opinion.
 Do what makes you happy and isn't harmful.

 Smile! Always remember to keep that beautiful smile on your face. Smiling is
actually proven to keep you happier when you are down and gloomy on a
dreadful day. If you are sad, smile! If you are happy, smile! It makes you a
happier person and gives other people a better impression of you. As I always
say, it is worse to forget a smile than your purse or wallet.

 Remember that YOU control your attitude.
Attitude does not emerge from what happens to you, but instead from how you decide to
interpret what happens to you.
Take, for example, receiving the unexpected gift of an old automobile. One person might think:
"It's a piece of junk!" a second might think: "It's cheap transportation," and a third might think:
"It's a real classic!"
In each case, the person is deciding how to interpret the event and therefore controlling how he
or she feels about it (i.e. attitude).

 Adopt beliefs that frame events in a positive way.
Your beliefs and rules about life and work determine how you interpret events and therefore
your attitude. Decide to adopt "strong" beliefs that create a good attitude rather than beliefs that
create a bad attitude. To use sales as an example:
SITUATION: The first sales call of the day goes poorly.
WEAK: A lousy first call means that I'm off my game and today will suck.
STRONG: Every sales call is different, so the next will probably be better.
SITUATION: A customer reduces the amount of an order at the last minute!
WEAK: Customers who change orders can't be trusted.
STRONG: Customers who change orders are more likely to be satisfied!
SITUATION: A big sales win comes seemingly "out of nowhere."
WEAK: Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
STRONG: You never know when something wonderful will happen
 Create a "library" of positive thoughts.
Spend at least 15 minutes every morning to read, view, or listen to something inspirational or
motivational. If you do this regularly, you'll have those thoughts and feelings ready at hand (or
rather, ready to mind) when events don't go exactly the way you'd prefer.

Unfortunately, the media is full of hateful people who make money by goading
listeners to be paranoid, unhappy, and frightened. The resulting flood of
negativity doesn't just destroy your ability to maintain a positive attitude; it
actively inserts you into a state of misery, pique, and umbrage. Rather than suck
up the spew, limit your "informational" media consumption to business and
industry news.

 Ignore whiners and complainers.
Whiners and complainers see the world through crap-colored glasses. They'd rather talk about
what's irreparably wrong, rather than make things better. More importantly, complainers can't
bear to see somebody else happy and satisfied.
If you tell a complainer about a success that you've experienced, they'll congratulate them, but
their words ring hollow. You can sense they'd just as soon you told them about what's making
you miserable. What a drag (figuratively and literally)!

 Use a more positive vocabulary.
I've written about this before, but the point is worth making again. The words that come out of
your mouth aren't just a reflection of what's in your brain--they're programming your brain how
to think. Therefore, if you want to have a positive attitude, your vocabulary must be
consistently positive. Therefore:
Stop using negative phrases such as "I can't," "It's impossible," or "This won't work."
These statements program you for negative results.
Whenever anyone asks "How are you?" rather than "Hangin' in there," or "Okay, I
guess..." respond with "Terrific!" or "Never felt better!" And mean it.
When you're feeling angry or upset, substitute neutral words for emotionally loaded
ones. Rather than saying "I'm enraged!" say "I'm a bit annoyed..."

It comes in all forms and we all experience it to some degree. Most people think of stress
as being “bad” for us, but this isn’t always the case. We all need certain amounts of
stress to stay healthy and strong. Our bodies and minds suffer when we have too much
of the wrong kind of stress. Although stress can present itself as six major types
(physical, chemical, electromagnetic, mental, nutritional and thermal), for the purpose of
this article I am going to focus on mental stress, also known as psychic stress. As with
any other form of stress, there is both a good and a bad side to psychic stress that must
be addressed.

Psychic (Mental) Stress: The Good and the Bad

Positive psychic stress is important; without it, our minds would never fully develop.
Thinking and using your mind productively, having a plan or setting goals in your life and
doing the work to achieve these goals are positive forms of psychic stress. Overcoming
adversity to become a stronger and healthier person is another example of “good”
psychic stress.
As for the “bad” form of psychic stress, a common example would be when we focus on
the things we do not want in life instead of what we do want. Verbal abuse from others,
being rushed in our tasks or taking on more work and responsibility than we can handle
will also produce unhealthy psychic stress. Often, this stress can paralyze us in that it
prohibits us from living full, healthy and happy lives.
 Stress Management
To create harmony and balance, we need to treat our bodies holistically and address (not
ignore) the stressors in our lives. To manage the stress in your life, you must follow
these steps:
1. Identify the Primary Stressor
2. Make a Plan
3. Eat and Drink Right for Your Body Type
4. Move and Exercise
5. Perform Mental Exercises
This article is primarily about psychic stress, so I am going to address numbers 1-4 at a
later date. Let’s focus on step #5 for now: Perform Mental Exercises.
The Subconscious Mind vs. The Conscious Mind
To understand how to regain control over psychic stress, it is important to learn a little
about how our minds are structured. The mind, which is divided into two levels, the
conscious and subconscious, is one of our most precious possessions. The conscious, or
rational level, operates at best about 5-8% of the day, while the subconscious, or
irrational level, controls about 95% of our thoughts during the day. This makes the
subconscious much more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious is also
known as the creative mind and is the core of your emotions.
Adopt a Positive Attitude and Positive Way of Thinking
Did you know that 90-95% of our thoughts throughout the day are negative? This means
that each day, only 5-10% of our thoughts are positive. This is a large amount of time
spent on unhealthy thinking and little time focused on healthy thinking. To bring healthy
psychic stress to us, we must rebalance this scale, take action, and adopt a positive
attitude and positive way of thinking.
There is a lot to be said about positive thinking. As Brian Tracy, the author of The Luck
Factorstates, “You’re a living magnet and you inevitably attract into your life, the people,
circumstances, ideas and resources in harmony with your dominant thoughts.”
Once you begin to think and feel in the right way, peace of mind and a healthy body are
practically inevitable. The reaction and/or response you get from your subconscious
mind will be determined by the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your conscious
mind. Once your subconscious accepts an idea, it will execute it regardless if the ideas
are positive or negative.

Think Harmony and You Will Receive Harmony
Habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep patterns in your subconscious
mind. If the majority of your thoughts are harmonious, peaceful, and constructive, your
subconscious mind will respond by creating harmony, peace, and constructive
conditions. If habitual thoughts are negative or destructive, your subconscious mind will
respond by drowning out the positive thoughts, thus creating unhealthy and less than
ideal or desirable conditions.
Regardless of the situations we find ourselves in, our initial intuitive thought is to first
“process” the situation negatively, and then maybe or maybe not a positive will follow.
Since this is how our minds typically work, you should try consciously harmonizing your
thoughts, words, and actions with your goals. Think and talk about what you want rather
than what you don’t. This will help increase emotional and positive energies and
decrease the stress in your life.
The Challenge
As a lifestyle coach, I invite you to use your own intuition and participate in
the “positive mental attitude challenge.” This is an exercise that will help you
attempt to find balance and harmony in your life. It can be done anywhere: at home, in
the car, at the office, in the gym, at a social event, etc.
 What is a Goal Anyway?
 According to Merriam-Webster a goal is: the end toward which effort is
directed. Goals are dreams and wants except a goal is more specific.
 The Purpose of Goals?
 The purpose of goals is to give you something that you want to enhance
your life in some way, so the most important thing you need to know
about goals is that you ought to have some.
 Types of Goals
 Long Term Goals:
10-year, 5-year and 1-year goals
 Short Term Goals:
goals for the next 9 months, 6 months and 3 months
 Immediate Goals:
1-30 days from now
 How to Set Goals
 Learning how to set goals is as important as knowing what the goal
should contain. What’s important to remember about setting goals is
the correct F.R.A.M.E. of mind. What is meant by “frame of
mind?” Each letter in the word “frame” illustrates the following:

 Fantasize - Dream your wildest dreams and make sure that
your goals match your values. Ask yourself: what do you want
to be doing in 1 year? 5 years? What kind of person do I want
to be?
 Reality - Fantasies can become reality, depending on how hard
you are willing to work for them.
 Aim - Define your goal(s) by striking a balance between Fantasy
and Reality; set a high but realistic goal.
 Method – Be truthful to yourself by narrowing your choices or
goals to the ones you really intend to accomplish. Don’t be
afraid to ask for help.
 Evaluation - Process the results, but don’t make it the last step;
evaluation should be on going.
 Goal setting works!!!!!!
 Have you ever sat down on a Sunday evening in front of a pile
work and asked yourself "What happened to the weekend?"
 When done properly, goal setting helps you do those day to
day activities that you know you should do to be successful but
don't always get done.
 More generally, goal setting helps you to identify what you
want to accomplish and find a way to do it.
5 Qualities of Effective Goals S.M.A.R.T.
 Before you begin your goal setting process it is important to
know what qualities your goals should embody. Effective goals
have three important qualities. They are realistic, measurable,
and reviewed.
The Goal should be SPECIFIC enough so that we know exactly for what we are

A goal must be MEASURABLE. It should have concrete facts. You
should be able to answer very specifically, when and how you will
know you attained your goal.
 ACTION-ORIENTED, declaring positive activity that will produce results.

 A goal must be REALISTIC. Challenging yourself is an important part of
goal setting. You want to aim high; however, you also need to be

 TANGIBLE meaning concrete and not vague.
Also… don’t forget…Goals must also be…

 Finally, a goal must be REVIEWED.
 Share your goals with friends and family members who care about
your success. Pick one of these persons who will hold you accountable
in addition to yourself. In the meantime, remind yourself regularly of
the goals you have set for yourself.
 You can write your goals in your calendar, on a mirror, or a deskwherever you will see them often. Check your progress regularly.
 Ask your friend or family member to check on your progress. They
might even offer you some additional incentive for accomplishing your
 Steps Toward Setting Effective Goals
 Set Goals
Identify what is important to you. What do you want to
 Identify possible strategies or objectives to reach each goal
Make a list of what you feel are the best and most effective ways
of reaching the goals you have already identified.
 Select the best strategies
Now that you have made a list of several ways to achieve your
goal, recognize which of these strategies will work best for you.

 Outline specific plans to accomplish each strategy.
Once you have narrowed down your strategy list, you can begin
to make very detailed and specific plans to accomplish each
strategy and ultimately reach your goal.
Once we have a well-formed Goal Statement we need some
direction to follow to achieve this Goal.
Setting goals is a means of identifying and plotting how you are going to
achieve your aims in life. By writing down your goals you are committing
yourself to accomplishing them; therefore, make sure that your goals are
important to YOU!!!!!
Positive attitude and goal setting

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Positive attitude and goal setting

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  • 4. POSITIVE ATTITUDE Attitude is a mental position relative to a way of thinking or being; a leaning toward that which you believe. A positive attitude is, therefore, the inclination to generally be in an optimistic, hopeful state of mind. Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening. The Benefits of a Positive Attitude:  Helps achieving goals and attaining success  Success achieved faster and more easily  More happiness. More energy  Greater inner power and strength  The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others  Fewer difficulties encountered along the way  The ability to surmount any difficulty  Life smiles at you. People respect you. Negative Attitude says: You cannot achieve Success. Positive attitude says: You can achieve Success. If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Why not start today? If you have tried and failed, it only means that you have not tried enough.
  • 5.  Developing a Positive Attitude That will lead you to Happiness and Success:  Choose to be happy  Look at the bright side of life  Choose to be and stay optimistic  Find reasons to smile more often  Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe  Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries  Associate yourself with happy people  Read inspiring stories  Read inspiring quotes  Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you  Visualize only what you want to happen  Learn to master your thoughts  Learn concentration and meditation HOW TO BUILD A POSITIVE ATTITUDE A positive attitude is never automatic. You have to work at it! Here's how to become a master of the mind. A positive attitude--optimism, expectancy, and enthusiasm--makes everything in business easier. A positive attitude boosts you up when you're down and supercharges you when you're already "on a roll."  Never, never, compare yourself with people  It points out the good parts in the person and makes you feel bad. Just think of all the good qualities you have too.  If you feel you don't have any good qualities, join a few clubs or sport teams, or even start one. This can give you a talent to be proud of.  Remind yourself most things are possible if you try hard enough. Set your goal and work to reach it.  Set a goal to make friends. If you feel you don't have enough of something in your life,such as friends, make a goal to get more of it until you're satisfied.  Give everything a chance before you neglect or reject it. It might give you something you're happy with in your life.  Grooming. Appearance can affect you too if you feel ugly. Stay natural. You should change hair styles, clothing, and if you wear it, make up, but that's it. This can help you feel great.
  • 6.  Communicate needs. If someone makes you feel negative, like a friend, tell whoever it is in a nice way how you feel. Try to fix the problem.  Stay upbeat. Don't let other people drag you down!! What they say is ALWAYS their opinion.  Do what makes you happy and isn't harmful.  Smile! Always remember to keep that beautiful smile on your face. Smiling is actually proven to keep you happier when you are down and gloomy on a dreadful day. If you are sad, smile! If you are happy, smile! It makes you a happier person and gives other people a better impression of you. As I always say, it is worse to forget a smile than your purse or wallet. "THE ONLY DISABILITY IN LIFE IS A BAD ATTITUDE" SCOTT HAMILTON  Remember that YOU control your attitude. Attitude does not emerge from what happens to you, but instead from how you decide to interpret what happens to you. Take, for example, receiving the unexpected gift of an old automobile. One person might think: "It's a piece of junk!" a second might think: "It's cheap transportation," and a third might think: "It's a real classic!" In each case, the person is deciding how to interpret the event and therefore controlling how he or she feels about it (i.e. attitude).  Adopt beliefs that frame events in a positive way. Your beliefs and rules about life and work determine how you interpret events and therefore your attitude. Decide to adopt "strong" beliefs that create a good attitude rather than beliefs that create a bad attitude. To use sales as an example: SITUATION: The first sales call of the day goes poorly. WEAK: A lousy first call means that I'm off my game and today will suck. STRONG: Every sales call is different, so the next will probably be better. SITUATION: A customer reduces the amount of an order at the last minute! WEAK: Customers who change orders can't be trusted. STRONG: Customers who change orders are more likely to be satisfied! SITUATION: A big sales win comes seemingly "out of nowhere." WEAK: Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. STRONG: You never know when something wonderful will happen
  • 7.  Create a "library" of positive thoughts. Spend at least 15 minutes every morning to read, view, or listen to something inspirational or motivational. If you do this regularly, you'll have those thoughts and feelings ready at hand (or rather, ready to mind) when events don't go exactly the way you'd prefer.  AVOIDE ANGRY OR NEGATIVE MEDIA Unfortunately, the media is full of hateful people who make money by goading listeners to be paranoid, unhappy, and frightened. The resulting flood of negativity doesn't just destroy your ability to maintain a positive attitude; it actively inserts you into a state of misery, pique, and umbrage. Rather than suck up the spew, limit your "informational" media consumption to business and industry news.  Ignore whiners and complainers. Whiners and complainers see the world through crap-colored glasses. They'd rather talk about what's irreparably wrong, rather than make things better. More importantly, complainers can't bear to see somebody else happy and satisfied. If you tell a complainer about a success that you've experienced, they'll congratulate them, but their words ring hollow. You can sense they'd just as soon you told them about what's making you miserable. What a drag (figuratively and literally)!  Use a more positive vocabulary. I've written about this before, but the point is worth making again. The words that come out of your mouth aren't just a reflection of what's in your brain--they're programming your brain how to think. Therefore, if you want to have a positive attitude, your vocabulary must be consistently positive. Therefore: Stop using negative phrases such as "I can't," "It's impossible," or "This won't work." These statements program you for negative results. Whenever anyone asks "How are you?" rather than "Hangin' in there," or "Okay, I guess..." respond with "Terrific!" or "Never felt better!" And mean it. When you're feeling angry or upset, substitute neutral words for emotionally loaded ones. Rather than saying "I'm enraged!" say "I'm a bit annoyed..." THE POSTIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE CHALLENGE  Stress
  • 8. It comes in all forms and we all experience it to some degree. Most people think of stress as being “bad” for us, but this isn’t always the case. We all need certain amounts of stress to stay healthy and strong. Our bodies and minds suffer when we have too much of the wrong kind of stress. Although stress can present itself as six major types (physical, chemical, electromagnetic, mental, nutritional and thermal), for the purpose of this article I am going to focus on mental stress, also known as psychic stress. As with any other form of stress, there is both a good and a bad side to psychic stress that must be addressed.  Psychic (Mental) Stress: The Good and the Bad Positive psychic stress is important; without it, our minds would never fully develop. Thinking and using your mind productively, having a plan or setting goals in your life and doing the work to achieve these goals are positive forms of psychic stress. Overcoming adversity to become a stronger and healthier person is another example of “good” psychic stress. As for the “bad” form of psychic stress, a common example would be when we focus on the things we do not want in life instead of what we do want. Verbal abuse from others, being rushed in our tasks or taking on more work and responsibility than we can handle will also produce unhealthy psychic stress. Often, this stress can paralyze us in that it prohibits us from living full, healthy and happy lives.  Stress Management To create harmony and balance, we need to treat our bodies holistically and address (not ignore) the stressors in our lives. To manage the stress in your life, you must follow these steps: 1. Identify the Primary Stressor 2. Make a Plan 3. Eat and Drink Right for Your Body Type 4. Move and Exercise 5. Perform Mental Exercises This article is primarily about psychic stress, so I am going to address numbers 1-4 at a later date. Let’s focus on step #5 for now: Perform Mental Exercises. The Subconscious Mind vs. The Conscious Mind To understand how to regain control over psychic stress, it is important to learn a little about how our minds are structured. The mind, which is divided into two levels, the conscious and subconscious, is one of our most precious possessions. The conscious, or rational level, operates at best about 5-8% of the day, while the subconscious, or irrational level, controls about 95% of our thoughts during the day. This makes the subconscious much more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious is also known as the creative mind and is the core of your emotions. Adopt a Positive Attitude and Positive Way of Thinking Did you know that 90-95% of our thoughts throughout the day are negative? This means that each day, only 5-10% of our thoughts are positive. This is a large amount of time spent on unhealthy thinking and little time focused on healthy thinking. To bring healthy psychic stress to us, we must rebalance this scale, take action, and adopt a positive attitude and positive way of thinking. There is a lot to be said about positive thinking. As Brian Tracy, the author of The Luck Factorstates, “You’re a living magnet and you inevitably attract into your life, the people, circumstances, ideas and resources in harmony with your dominant thoughts.” Once you begin to think and feel in the right way, peace of mind and a healthy body are practically inevitable. The reaction and/or response you get from your subconscious mind will be determined by the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your conscious
  • 9. mind. Once your subconscious accepts an idea, it will execute it regardless if the ideas are positive or negative. Think Harmony and You Will Receive Harmony Habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep patterns in your subconscious mind. If the majority of your thoughts are harmonious, peaceful, and constructive, your subconscious mind will respond by creating harmony, peace, and constructive conditions. If habitual thoughts are negative or destructive, your subconscious mind will respond by drowning out the positive thoughts, thus creating unhealthy and less than ideal or desirable conditions. Regardless of the situations we find ourselves in, our initial intuitive thought is to first “process” the situation negatively, and then maybe or maybe not a positive will follow. Since this is how our minds typically work, you should try consciously harmonizing your thoughts, words, and actions with your goals. Think and talk about what you want rather than what you don’t. This will help increase emotional and positive energies and decrease the stress in your life. The Challenge As a lifestyle coach, I invite you to use your own intuition and participate in the “positive mental attitude challenge.” This is an exercise that will help you attempt to find balance and harmony in your life. It can be done anywhere: at home, in the car, at the office, in the gym, at a social event, etc.
  • 10.
  • 11.  What is a Goal Anyway?  According to Merriam-Webster a goal is: the end toward which effort is directed. Goals are dreams and wants except a goal is more specific.  The Purpose of Goals?  The purpose of goals is to give you something that you want to enhance your life in some way, so the most important thing you need to know about goals is that you ought to have some.  Types of Goals  Long Term Goals: 10-year, 5-year and 1-year goals  Short Term Goals: goals for the next 9 months, 6 months and 3 months  Immediate Goals: 1-30 days from now  How to Set Goals  Learning how to set goals is as important as knowing what the goal should contain. What’s important to remember about setting goals is the correct F.R.A.M.E. of mind. What is meant by “frame of mind?” Each letter in the word “frame” illustrates the following: F.R.A.M.E  Fantasize - Dream your wildest dreams and make sure that your goals match your values. Ask yourself: what do you want to be doing in 1 year? 5 years? What kind of person do I want to be?
  • 12.  Reality - Fantasies can become reality, depending on how hard you are willing to work for them.  Aim - Define your goal(s) by striking a balance between Fantasy and Reality; set a high but realistic goal.  Method – Be truthful to yourself by narrowing your choices or goals to the ones you really intend to accomplish. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Evaluation - Process the results, but don’t make it the last step; evaluation should be on going.  Goal setting works!!!!!!  Have you ever sat down on a Sunday evening in front of a pile work and asked yourself "What happened to the weekend?"  When done properly, goal setting helps you do those day to day activities that you know you should do to be successful but don't always get done.  More generally, goal setting helps you to identify what you want to accomplish and find a way to do it. 5 Qualities of Effective Goals S.M.A.R.T.  Before you begin your goal setting process it is important to know what qualities your goals should embody. Effective goals have three important qualities. They are realistic, measurable, and reviewed.  SPECIFIC The Goal should be SPECIFIC enough so that we know exactly for what we are striving  MEASURABLE
  • 13. A goal must be MEASURABLE. It should have concrete facts. You should be able to answer very specifically, when and how you will know you attained your goal.  ACTION ORIENTED  ACTION-ORIENTED, declaring positive activity that will produce results.  REALISTIC  A goal must be REALISTIC. Challenging yourself is an important part of goal setting. You want to aim high; however, you also need to be realistic.  TANGIBLE  TANGIBLE meaning concrete and not vague. Also… don’t forget…Goals must also be…  REVIEWED  Finally, a goal must be REVIEWED.  Share your goals with friends and family members who care about your success. Pick one of these persons who will hold you accountable in addition to yourself. In the meantime, remind yourself regularly of the goals you have set for yourself.  You can write your goals in your calendar, on a mirror, or a deskwherever you will see them often. Check your progress regularly.  Ask your friend or family member to check on your progress. They might even offer you some additional incentive for accomplishing your goal!  Steps Toward Setting Effective Goals  Set Goals Identify what is important to you. What do you want to accomplish?  Identify possible strategies or objectives to reach each goal Make a list of what you feel are the best and most effective ways of reaching the goals you have already identified.  Select the best strategies
  • 14. Now that you have made a list of several ways to achieve your goal, recognize which of these strategies will work best for you.  Outline specific plans to accomplish each strategy. Once you have narrowed down your strategy list, you can begin to make very detailed and specific plans to accomplish each strategy and ultimately reach your goal. Once we have a well-formed Goal Statement we need some direction to follow to achieve this Goal. Setting goals is a means of identifying and plotting how you are going to achieve your aims in life. By writing down your goals you are committing yourself to accomplishing them; therefore, make sure that your goals are important to YOU!!!!!