java advanced java programming swing package awt package advanced java gui java programming swing computer graphics awt educational websites it resources for engineering it resources for education virtual labs e-pg pathshala ndl fossee e-yantra spoken tutorial nptel swayamprabha swayam clipping windowing dot matrix method starbust method stroke method text clipping polygon clipping algorithms line clipping algorithms sutherland hodgman algorithm midpoint subdivision algorithm liang barsky algorithm cohen sutherland algorithm window viewport transformation windowing and clipping c.v. biodata bio-data career curriculum vitae cv resume orthographic projection perspective projection parallel projection types of projections homogeneous matrix representation composite transformation shear reflection translation rotation scaling three dimensional transformation two dimesnsional transformation marathi computer in marathi computer fundamentals ict computer basics संगणक computer client server programming socket programming client-server server client http udp datagram port socket tcp ip client socket tcp ip server socket uri url urlconnection inetaddress event java events event processing event handling annonymous inner classes event listener interfaces event sources event listener inner classes adapter classes event classes delegation event model flat display plasma panel touch screen applications of computer graphics random scan raster scan vector graphics bitmap graphics augmented reality virtual reality graphics standards output primitives graphics mode text mode resolution model view architecture architecture view model mvc bitmap method midpoint boundary fill bresenham dda raster scan graphics polygon filling polygons frame buffer inside outiside test circle algorithm line algorithm bitmap method character generation methods flood fill algorithm boundary fill algorithm midpoint circle algorithm bresenham circle algorithm bresenham line algorithm dda line algorithm raster scan graphics abstract window toolkit mvc architecture graphics functions pixel c program computer graphics display devices
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