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XHTML Cheat Sheet v. 1.03
                         BLOCK ELEMENTS                                                                                 deprecated
         %coreattrs      address      information on author           %attrs
                         blockquote   long quotation                  %attrs, cite
                         div          generic container (block)       %attrs, align*                                    menu
                 id      dl           definition list                 %attrs, compact*
                         fieldset     form control group              %attrs                                            isindex
              title      form         interactive form                %attrs, action, method, enctype, accept,
                                                                      name*, onsubmit, onreset, accept-charset,
            %i18n                                                     target*
                         h1-h6        six levels of headings          %attrs, align*                                    entities
                                                                                                                        quot; "
                 dir     hr           horizontal rule                 %attrs, align*, size*, width*, noshade*
                                                                                                                        & &
                                                                                                                        < &lt;
                         noframes*    alternate content for non       %attrs
         %ev ents
                                                                                                                        > &gt;
                                      frame-based rendering
                                                                                                                        ' &apos;
                         noscript     content when scripts disabled   %attrs
                                                                                                                        (space) &nbsp;
        onmouseup        ol           ordered list                    %attrs, type*, start*, compact*
                                                                                                                        ¡ &iexcl;
                         p            paragraph                       %attrs, align*                                    ¢ &cent;
                                                                                                                        £ &pound;
       onmouseout        pre          preformatted text               %attrs, width*
                                                                                                                        ¤ &curren;
                         ul           unordered list                  %attrs, type*, compact*                           ¥ &yen;
                                                                                                                        ¦ &brvbar;
          onkeyup        INLINE ELEMENTS
                                                                                                                        § &sect;
                                                                                                                        ¨ &uml;
                         a            anchor (or link)                %attrs, charset, type, name, rel, rev, href,
                                                                                                                        © &copy;
                                                                      hreflang, target*, shape, coords, %focus
                                                                                                                        ª &ordf;
                         abbr         abbreviation                    %attrs
                                                                                                                        « &laquo;
                                                                                                                        ¬ &not;
              onblur     acronym      acronym (UNO, NATO,...)         %attrs
                                                                                                                        - (cond.) &shy;
                         b            bold text                       %attrs                                            ® &reg;
       input types
                                                                                                                        ¯ &macr;
                text     bdo          I18N BiDi over-ride             %coreattrs, %events, xml:lang, lang, dir
                                                                                                                        ° &deg;
                         big          large font                      %attrs                                            ± &plusmn;
                                                                                                                        ¹ &sup1;
               radio     br           forced line break               %coreattrs, clear*
                                                                                                                        ² &sup2;
                         button       push button                     %attrs, name, value, type, disabled, %focus       ³ &sup3;
                                                                                                                        ´ &acute;
                         cite         citation or reference           %attrs
                                                                                                                        µ &micro;
                                                                                                                        ¶ &para;
                         code         computer code                   %attrs
                                                                                                                        · &middot;
                         dfn          definition                      %attrs                                            ¸ &cedil;
                                                                                                                        º &ordm;
         link types      em           emphasis                        %attrs
                                                                                                                        » &raquo;
          (rel, rev )
                         i            italic text                     %attrs                                            ¼ &frac14;
                                                                                                                        ½ &frac12;
           stylesheet    iframe*      inline subwindow                %coreattrs, londesc, name, src, frameborder,
                                                                                                                        ¾ &frac34;
                 start                                                marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, align*,
                                                                                                                        ¿ &iquest;
                 next                                                 height, width
                                                                                                                        À &Agrave;
                         img          embedded image                  %attrs, src, alt, longdesc, name, height,         Á &Aacute;
                                                                      width, usemap, ismap, align*, border*,            Â &Acirc;
                                                                      hspace*, vspace*                                  Ã &Atilde;
                                                                                                                        Ä &Auml;
            copyright    input        form control                    %attrs, type, name, value, checked, disabled,
                                                                                                                        Å &Aring;
              chapter                                                 readonly, size, maxlength, src, alt, ismap,
                                                                                                                        Æ &AElig;
              section                                                 usemap, onselect, onchange, accept, %focus,
                                                                                                                        Ç &C cedil;
          subsection                                                  align*
                                                                                                                        È &Egrave;
                                                                                                                        É &Eacute;
                         kbd          text to be entered by the user %attrs
                                                                                                                        Ê &Ecirc;
                         label        form field label text           %attrs, for, accesskey, onfocus, onblur           Ë &Euml;
                                                                                                                        Ì &Igrave;
media descriptors        map          client-side image map           %i18n, %events, id, class, style, title, name
                                                                                                                        Í &Iacute;
                         object       generic embedded object         %attrs, declare, classid, codebase, data, type,   Î &Icirc;
                                                                      codetype, archive, standby, height, width,        Ï &Iuml;
                                                                      usemap, name, tabindex, align*, border*,          Ð &ETH;
                                                                      hspace*, vspace*                                  Ñ &Ntilde;
                                                                                                                        Ò &Ograve;
             print       q            short inline quotation          %attrs, cite
                                                                                                                        Ó &Oacute;
                         samp         sample output from scripts      %attrs                                            Ô &Ocirc;
                                                                                                                        Õ &Otilde;
                 all     select       option selector                 %attrs, name, size, multiple, disabled,
                                                                                                                        Ö &Ouml;
                                                                      tabindex, onfocus, onblur, onchange
small      small font                           %attrs
  &times; ×                                                                                                                &sube;
&Oslash; Ø                                                                                                                 &supe;
                 span       generic container (inline)           %attrs
&Ugrave; Ù                                                                                                                 &oplus;
&Uacute; Ú                                                                                                                 &otimes;
                 strong     indicates stronger emphasis          %attrs                                              ⊗
   &Ucirc; Û                                                                                                               &perp;
                 sub        subscript                            %attrs
  &Uuml; Ü                                                                                                                 &sdot;
 &Yacute; Ý                                                                                                          ◊     &loz;
                 sup        superscript                          %attrs
                 textarea   multi-line text field                %attrs, name, rows, cols, disabled, readonly,
    &szlig; ß                                                                                                             &lceil;
                                                                 onselect, onchange, %focus
&agrave; à                                                                                                                &rceil;
 &aacute; á                                                                                                               &lfloor;
                 tt         teletype or monospaced text          %attrs
   &acirc; â                                                                                                              &rfloor;
                 var        instance of a variable or            %attrs
  &atilde; ã                                                                                                              &lang;
                            program argument
   &auml; ä                                                                                                               &rang;
   &aring; å
                 TABLE ELEMENTS
  &aelig; æ                                                                                                                &larr;
  &ccedil; ç     caption    table caption                        %attrs, align*                                            &uarr;
&egrave; è                                                                                                                 &rarr;
                 col        table column                         %attrs, span, width, valign, align, char, charoff
 &eacute; é                                                                                                                &darr;
   &ecirc; ê                                                                                                               &harr;
                 colgroup   table column group                   %attrs, span, width, valign, align, char, charoff
   &euml; ë                                                                                                                &crarr;
                 table      table element (block)                %attrs, summary, width, border, frame, rules,
  &igrave; ì                                                                                                               &lArr;
                                                                 cellspacing, cellpadding, align*, bgcolor*
  &iacute; í                                                                                                               &uArr;
     &icirc; î                                                                                                             &rArr;
                 tbody      table body                           %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign
     &iuml; ï                                                                                                              &dArr;
                 td         table data cell                      %attrs, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan,
     &eth; ð                                                                                                               &hArr;
                                                                 colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*,
   &ntilde; ñ
                                                                 nowrap*, width*, height*
&ograve; ò                                                                                                           • &bull;
 &oacute; ó                                                                                                          ′ &prime;
                 tfoot      table footer                         %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign
   &ocirc; ô                                                                                                         ‾ &oline;
   &otilde; õ    th         table header cell                    %attrs, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan,        ⁄ &frasl;
    &ouml; ö                                                     colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*,    ℘ &weierp;
 &divide; ÷                                                      nowrap*, width*, height*                            ℑ &image;
 &oslash; ø                                                                                                          ℜ &real;
                 thead      table header                         %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign
&ugrave; ù                                                                                                           ™ &trade;
 &uacute; ú      tr         table row                            %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*      € &euro;
   &ucirc; û                                                                                                         ℵ &alefsym;
                 OTHER ELEMENTS
   &uuml; ü                                                                                                          ♠ &spades;
 &yacute; ý                                                                                                          ♣ &clubs;
                 area       image map area                       %attrs, shape, coords, href, nohref, alt,
  &thorn; þ                                                                                                          ♥ &hearts;
                                                                 target*, %focus
   &yuml; ÿ                                                                                                          ♦ &diams;
                 base       document base URI                    href, id, target*
 &forall; ∀                                                                                                            &ensp;
                 body       document body                        %attrs, onload, onunload, background*,
   &part; ∂                                                                                                            &emsp;
                                                                 bgcolor*, text*, link*, vlink*, alink*
  &exist; ∃                                                                                                            &thinsp;
&empty; ∅        dd         definition description               %attrs                                                &zwnj;
 &nabla; ∇                                                                                                             &zwj;
                 del        deleted text                         %attrs, cite, datetime
    &isin; ∈                                                                                                           &lrm;
  &notin; ∉      dt         definition term                      %attrs                                                &rlm;
      &ni; ∋                                                                                                         – &ndash;
                 frame      subwindow                            %coreattrs, longdesc, name, src, frameborder,
  &prod; ∏                                                                                                           — &mdash;
                                                                 marginwidth, marginheight, noresize, scrolling
   &sum; ∑                                                                                                           ‘ &lsquo;
&minus; −                                                                                                            ’ &rsquo;
                 frameset   window subdivision                   %coreattrs, rows, cols, onload, onunload
&lowast; ∗                                                                                                           ‚ &sbquo;
                 head       document head                        %i18n, id, profile
 &radic; √                                                                                                           “ &ldquo;
  &prop; ∝                                                                                                           ” &rdquo;
                 html       root element                         xmlns=quot;;, id,
  &infin; ∞                                                                                                          „ &bdquo;
                                                                 %i18n, version*
   &ang; ∡                                                                                                           † &dagger;
   &and; ∧       ins        inserted text                        %attrs, cite, datetime                              ‡ &Dagger;
     &or; ∨                                                                                                          … &hellip;
                 legend     fieldset legend                      %attrs, accesskey, align*
   &cap; ∩                                                                                                           ‰ &permil;
   &cup; ∪       li         list item                            %attrs, type*, value*                               ‹ &lsaquo;
     &int; ∫                                                                                                         › &rsaquo;
                 link       media-independent link               %attrs, charset, href, hreflang, type, rel, rev,
&there4; .˙.
                                                                 media, target*
   &sim; ~
  &cong; ≅       meta       generic metainformation              %i18n, id, http-equiv, name, content, scheme
&asymp; ≈                                                                                                                * deprec ated or
                 optgroup   option group                         %attrs, disabled, label                                 not allowed in
     &ne; ≠
                                                                                                                         Stric t DT D if
 &equiv; ≡       option     selectable choice                    %attrs, selected, disabled, label, value                allowed in
      &le; ≤
                                                                                                                         T rans itional DT D
                 param      named property value                 id, name, value, valuetype, type
     &ge; ≥
   &sub; ⊂       script     script statements                    id, charset, type, src, defer, language*                fixed value
   &sup; ⊃
                 style      style info                           %i18n, id, type, media, title
  &nsub; ⊄                                                                                                               attribute required
                 title      document title                       %i18n, id
                                                                                                                         boolean attribute
                                                                                                                         or empty element
                                  © Florian Schmitz 2005 (comments to

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New from BookNet Canada for 2024: BNC CataList - Tech Forum 2024


  • 1. XHTML Cheat Sheet v. 1.03 BLOCK ELEMENTS deprecated %attrs elements %coreattrs address information on author %attrs applet %i18n center blockquote long quotation %attrs, cite %events dir div generic container (block) %attrs, align* menu %coreattrs basefont id dl definition list %attrs, compact* font class fieldset form control group %attrs isindex style s title form interactive form %attrs, action, method, enctype, accept, strike name*, onsubmit, onreset, accept-charset, u %i18n target* xml:lang h1-h6 six levels of headings %attrs, align* entities lang quot; &quot; dir hr horizontal rule %attrs, align*, size*, width*, noshade* & &amp; < &lt; noframes* alternate content for non %attrs %ev ents > &gt; frame-based rendering onclick ' &apos; ondblclick noscript content when scripts disabled %attrs onmousedown (space) &nbsp; onmouseup ol ordered list %attrs, type*, start*, compact* ¡ &iexcl; onmouseover p paragraph %attrs, align* ¢ &cent; onmousemove £ &pound; onmouseout pre preformatted text %attrs, width* ¤ &curren; onkeypress ul unordered list %attrs, type*, compact* ¥ &yen; onkeydown ¦ &brvbar; onkeyup INLINE ELEMENTS § &sect; ¨ &uml; a anchor (or link) %attrs, charset, type, name, rel, rev, href, %focus © &copy; hreflang, target*, shape, coords, %focus accesskey ª &ordf; tabindex abbr abbreviation %attrs « &laquo; onfocus ¬ &not; onblur acronym acronym (UNO, NATO,...) %attrs - (cond.) &shy; b bold text %attrs ® &reg; input types ¯ &macr; text bdo I18N BiDi over-ride %coreattrs, %events, xml:lang, lang, dir ° &deg; password big large font %attrs ± &plusmn; checkbox ¹ &sup1; radio br forced line break %coreattrs, clear* ² &sup2; submit button push button %attrs, name, value, type, disabled, %focus ³ &sup3; image ´ &acute; reset cite citation or reference %attrs µ &micro; button ¶ &para; code computer code %attrs hidden · &middot; file dfn definition %attrs ¸ &cedil; º &ordm; link types em emphasis %attrs » &raquo; (rel, rev ) i italic text %attrs ¼ &frac14; alternate ½ &frac12; stylesheet iframe* inline subwindow %coreattrs, londesc, name, src, frameborder, ¾ &frac34; start marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, align*, ¿ &iquest; next height, width À &Agrave; prev img embedded image %attrs, src, alt, longdesc, name, height, Á &Aacute; contents width, usemap, ismap, align*, border*, Â &Acirc; index hspace*, vspace* Ã &Atilde; glossary Ä &Auml; copyright input form control %attrs, type, name, value, checked, disabled, Å &Aring; chapter readonly, size, maxlength, src, alt, ismap, Æ &AElig; section usemap, onselect, onchange, accept, %focus, Ç &C cedil; subsection align* È &Egrave; appendix É &Eacute; kbd text to be entered by the user %attrs help Ê &Ecirc; bookmark label form field label text %attrs, for, accesskey, onfocus, onblur Ë &Euml; Ì &Igrave; media descriptors map client-side image map %i18n, %events, id, class, style, title, name Í &Iacute; screen object generic embedded object %attrs, declare, classid, codebase, data, type, Î &Icirc; tty codetype, archive, standby, height, width, Ï &Iuml; tv usemap, name, tabindex, align*, border*, Ð &ETH; projection hspace*, vspace* Ñ &Ntilde; handheld Ò &Ograve; print q short inline quotation %attrs, cite Ó &Oacute; braille samp sample output from scripts %attrs Ô &Ocirc; aural Õ &Otilde; all select option selector %attrs, name, size, multiple, disabled, Ö &Ouml; tabindex, onfocus, onblur, onchange
  • 2. small small font %attrs &times; × &sube; ⊆ &Oslash; Ø &supe; ⊇ span generic container (inline) %attrs &Ugrave; Ù &oplus; ⊕ &Uacute; Ú &otimes; strong indicates stronger emphasis %attrs ⊗ &Ucirc; Û &perp; ⊥ sub subscript %attrs &Uuml; Ü &sdot; ⋅ &Yacute; Ý ◊ &loz; sup superscript %attrs &THORN; Þ textarea multi-line text field %attrs, name, rows, cols, disabled, readonly, &szlig; ß &lceil; ⌈ onselect, onchange, %focus &agrave; à &rceil; ⌉ &aacute; á &lfloor; ⌊ tt teletype or monospaced text %attrs &acirc; â &rfloor; ⌋ var instance of a variable or %attrs &atilde; ã &lang; 〈 program argument &auml; ä &rang; 〉 &aring; å TABLE ELEMENTS &aelig; æ &larr; ← &ccedil; ç caption table caption %attrs, align* &uarr; ↑ &egrave; è &rarr; → col table column %attrs, span, width, valign, align, char, charoff &eacute; é &darr; ↓ &ecirc; ê &harr; ↔ colgroup table column group %attrs, span, width, valign, align, char, charoff &euml; ë &crarr; ↵ table table element (block) %attrs, summary, width, border, frame, rules, &igrave; ì &lArr; ⇐ cellspacing, cellpadding, align*, bgcolor* &iacute; í &uArr;  &icirc; î &rArr; ⇒ tbody table body %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign &iuml; ï &dArr;  td table data cell %attrs, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, &eth; ð &hArr; ⇔ colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*, &ntilde; ñ nowrap*, width*, height* &ograve; ò • &bull; &oacute; ó ′ &prime; tfoot table footer %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign &ocirc; ô ‾ &oline; &otilde; õ th table header cell %attrs, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, ⁄ &frasl; &ouml; ö colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*, ℘ &weierp; &divide; ÷ nowrap*, width*, height* ℑ &image; &oslash; ø ℜ &real; thead table header %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign &ugrave; ù ™ &trade; &uacute; ú tr table row %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor* € &euro; &ucirc; û ℵ &alefsym; OTHER ELEMENTS &uuml; ü ♠ &spades; &yacute; ý ♣ &clubs; area image map area %attrs, shape, coords, href, nohref, alt, &thorn; þ ♥ &hearts; target*, %focus &yuml; ÿ ♦ &diams; base document base URI href, id, target* &forall; ∀ &ensp; body document body %attrs, onload, onunload, background*, &part; ∂ &emsp; bgcolor*, text*, link*, vlink*, alink* &exist; ∃ &thinsp; &empty; ∅ dd definition description %attrs &zwnj; &nabla; ∇ &zwj; del deleted text %attrs, cite, datetime &isin; ∈ &lrm; &notin; ∉ dt definition term %attrs &rlm; &ni; ∋ – &ndash; frame subwindow %coreattrs, longdesc, name, src, frameborder, &prod; ∏ — &mdash; marginwidth, marginheight, noresize, scrolling &sum; ∑ ‘ &lsquo; &minus; − ’ &rsquo; frameset window subdivision %coreattrs, rows, cols, onload, onunload &lowast; ∗ ‚ &sbquo; head document head %i18n, id, profile &radic; √ “ &ldquo; &prop; ∝ ” &rdquo; html root element xmlns=quot;;, id, &infin; ∞ „ &bdquo; %i18n, version* &ang; ∡ † &dagger; &and; ∧ ins inserted text %attrs, cite, datetime ‡ &Dagger; &or; ∨ … &hellip; legend fieldset legend %attrs, accesskey, align* &cap; ∩ ‰ &permil; &cup; ∪ li list item %attrs, type*, value* ‹ &lsaquo; &int; ∫ › &rsaquo; link media-independent link %attrs, charset, href, hreflang, type, rel, rev, &there4; .˙. media, target* &sim; ~ &cong; ≅ meta generic metainformation %i18n, id, http-equiv, name, content, scheme &asymp; ≈ * deprec ated or optgroup option group %attrs, disabled, label not allowed in &ne; ≠ Stric t DT D if &equiv; ≡ option selectable choice %attrs, selected, disabled, label, value allowed in &le; ≤ T rans itional DT D param named property value id, name, value, valuetype, type &ge; ≥ &sub; ⊂ script script statements id, charset, type, src, defer, language* fixed value &sup; ⊃ style style info %i18n, id, type, media, title &nsub; ⊄ attribute required title document title %i18n, id boolean attribute or empty element © Florian Schmitz 2005 (comments to