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MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods

                       MCMC and likelihood-free methods
                       Part/day I: Markov chain methods

                                            Christian P. Robert

                                 Universit´ Paris-Dauphine, IUF, & CREST

                            Monash University, EBS, July 18, 2012
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics

Motivations and leading example

   Computational issues in Bayesian

   The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

   The Gibbs Sampler

   Population Monte Carlo
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

What is Bayesian statistics?

      Statistical model defined by a likelihood function

                                   f (x1 , . . . , xn |θ) = L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn )

                                                                     [inversion of what varies]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

What is Bayesian statistics?

      Statistical model defined by a likelihood function

                                   f (x1 , . . . , xn |θ) = L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn )

                                                                      [inversion of what varies]
   Bayesian approach turns the likelihood
   into a conditional density:

    π(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝ π(θ)L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn )

   using a reference measure (or a prior)
                                                                    [Thomas Bayes, 1701–1761]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

What is Bayesian statistics?

      Statistical model defined by a likelihood function

                                   f (x1 , . . . , xn |θ) = L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn )

                                                                      [inversion of what varies]
   Bayesian approach turns the likelihood
   into a conditional density:

    π(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝ π(θ)L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn )

   using a reference measure (or a prior)
                                                                    [Thomas Bayes, 1701–1761]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

New perspective

              Uncertainty on the parameters θ of a model modeled through
              a probability distribution π on Θ, called prior distribution
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

New perspective

              Uncertainty on the parameters θ of a model modeled through
              a probability distribution π on Θ, called prior distribution
              Inference processed through distribution of θ conditional on x,
              π(θ|x), called posterior distribution

                                                            f (x|θ)π(θ)
                                            π(θ|x) =                       .
                                                            f (x|θ)π(θ) dθ
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective


              Semantic drift from unknown to random
              Actualization of the information on θ by extracting the
              information on θ contained in the observation x
              Allows incorporation of imperfect information in the decision
              Unique mathematical way to condition upon the observations
              (conditional perspective)
              Penalization factor
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

Posterior distribution

                              π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference
              Operates conditional upon the observation s
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

Posterior distribution

                              π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference
              Operates conditional upon the observation s
              Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

Posterior distribution

                              π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference
              Operates conditional upon the observation s
              Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle
              Avoids averaging over the unobserved values of x
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

Posterior distribution

                              π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference
              Operates conditional upon the observation s
              Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle
              Avoids averaging over the unobserved values of x
              Coherent updating of the information available on θ,
              independent of the order in which i.i.d. observations are
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     abc of Bayesian perspective

Posterior distribution

                              π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference
              Operates conditional upon the observation s
              Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle
              Avoids averaging over the unobserved values of x
              Coherent updating of the information available on θ,
              independent of the order in which i.i.d. observations are
              Provides a complete inferential scope
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Latent structures make life harder!

      Even simple models may lead to computational complications, as
      in latent variable models

                                        f (x|θ) =        f (x, x |θ) dx
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Latent structures make life harder!

      Even simple models may lead to computational complications, as
      in latent variable models

                                        f (x|θ) =        f (x, x |θ) dx

              If (x, x ) observed, fine!
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Latent structures make life harder!

      Even simple models may lead to computational complications, as
      in latent variable models

                                        f (x|θ) =        f (x, x |θ) dx

              If (x, x ) observed, fine!
              If only x observed, trouble!
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

example: mixture models

      Models of mixtures of distributions:

                                        X ∼ fj with probability pj ,

      for j = 1, 2, . . . , k, with overall density

                                     X ∼ p1 f1 (x) + · · · + pk fk (x) .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

example: mixture models

      Models of mixtures of distributions:

                                         X ∼ fj with probability pj ,

      for j = 1, 2, . . . , k, with overall density

                                     X ∼ p1 f1 (x) + · · · + pk fk (x) .

      For a sample of independent random variables (X1 , · · · , Xn ),
      sample density
                                         {p1 f1 (xi ) + · · · + pk fk (xi )} .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

example: mixture models

      Models of mixtures of distributions:

                                         X ∼ fj with probability pj ,

      for j = 1, 2, . . . , k, with overall density

                                     X ∼ p1 f1 (x) + · · · + pk fk (x) .

                                         {p1 f1 (xi ) + · · · + pk fk (xi )} .

      Expanding this product of sums into a sum of products involves k n
      elementary terms: too prohibitive to compute in large samples.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Simple mixture (1)


                                 −1               0               1              2           3


                                      Case of the 0.3N (µ1 , 1) + 0.7N (µ2 , 1) likelihood
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Simple mixture (2)

      For mixture of two normal distributions,

                                        0.3N (µ1 , 1) + 0.7N (µ2 , 1) ,
      likelihood proportional to

                                      [0.3ϕ (xi − µ1 ) + 0.7 ϕ (xi − µ2 )]

      containing 2n terms.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Complex maximisation

      Standard maximization techniques often fail to find the global
      maximum because of multimodality or undesirable behavior
      (usually at the frontier of the domain) of the likelihood function.

      In the special case

        f (x|µ, σ) = (1 − ) exp{(−1/2)x2 } +                            exp{(−1/2σ 2 )(x − µ)2 }
      with        > 0 known,
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Complex maximisation

      Standard maximization techniques often fail to find the global
      maximum because of multimodality or undesirable behavior
      (usually at the frontier of the domain) of the likelihood function.

      In the special case

        f (x|µ, σ) = (1 − ) exp{(−1/2)x2 } +                            exp{(−1/2σ 2 )(x − µ)2 }
      with        > 0 known, whatever n, the likelihood is unbounded:

                                   lim L(x1 , . . . , xn |µ = x1 , σ) = ∞
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Unbounded likelihood

                                                 n= 3                          n= 6





                                    −2      0     2     4     6       −2   0     2     4    6

                                                  µ                              µ

                                                n= 12                          n= 24




                                    −2      0     2     4     6       −2   0     2     4    6

                                                  µ                              µ

                                                n= 48                          n= 96





                                    −2      0     2     4     6       −2   0     2     4    6

                                                  µ                              µ

                                         Case of the 0.3N (0, 1) + 0.7N (µ, σ) likelihood
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Mixture once again
         press for MA    Observations from

                  x1 , . . . , xn ∼ f (x|θ) = pϕ(x; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(x; µ2 , σ2 )
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Mixture once again
         press for MA    Observations from

                  x1 , . . . , xn ∼ f (x|θ) = pϕ(x; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(x; µ2 , σ2 )


         µi |σi ∼ N (ξi , σi /ni ),
                                                 σi ∼ I G (νi /2, s2 /2),
                                                                   i        p ∼ Be(α, β)
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Mixture once again
         press for MA    Observations from

                  x1 , . . . , xn ∼ f (x|θ) = pϕ(x; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(x; µ2 , σ2 )


         µi |σi ∼ N (ξi , σi /ni ),
                                                      σi ∼ I G (νi /2, s2 /2),
                                                                        i            p ∼ Be(α, β)

         π(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝                    {pϕ(xj ; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(xj ; µ2 , σ2 )} π(θ)
                                     =                     ω(kt )π(θ|(kt ))
                                                =0 (kt )

                                                                                               [O(2n )]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Mixture once again (cont’d)

      For a given permutation (kt ), conditional posterior distribution
                π(θ|(kt )) = N              ξ1 (kt ),           × I G ((ν1 + )/2, s1 (kt )/2)
                                                        n1 +
                        ×N         ξ2 (kt ),                   × I G ((ν2 + n − )/2, s2 (kt )/2)
                                    n2 + n −
                        ×Be(α + , β + n − )
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Mixture once again (cont’d)

                             1                                                                 2
        x1 (kt ) =
        ¯                          t=1 xkt ,                 s1 (kt ) =
                                                             ˆ             t=1 (xkt − x1 (kt )) ,
                              1      n                                    n                      2
        x2 (kt ) =
        ¯                    n−      t= +1      xkt ,        s2 (kt ) =
                                                             ˆ            t= +1 (xkt − x2 (kt ))

                       n1 ξ1 + x1 (kt )
                                 ¯                       n2 ξ2 + (n − )¯2 (kt )
            ξ1 (kt ) =                  ,     ξ2 (kt ) =                        ,
                            n1 +                               n2 + n −
            s1 (kt ) = s2 + s2 (kt ) +
                        1    ˆ1              (ξ1 − x1 (kt ))2 ,
                                       n1 +
                                       n2 (n − )
            s2 (kt ) = s2 + s2 (kt ) +
                        2    ˆ2                    (ξ2 − x2 (kt ))2 ,
                                       n2 + n −

      posterior updates of the hyperparameters
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Latent variables

Mixture once again

      Bayes estimator of θ:
                          δ π (x1 , . . . , xn ) =                  ω(kt )Eπ [θ|x, (kt )]
                                                      =0 (kt )

                                            Too costly: 2n terms
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

AR(p) model

      Auto-regressive representation of a time series,
                        xt |xt−1 , . . . ∼ N          µ+            i (xt−i   − µ), σ 2
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

AR(p) model

      Auto-regressive representation of a time series,
                        xt |xt−1 , . . . ∼ N          µ+            i (xt−i   − µ), σ 2

              Generalisation of AR(1)
              Among the most commonly used models in dynamic settings
              More challenging than the static models (stationarity
              Different models depending on the processing of the starting
              value x0
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

Unwieldy stationarity constraints

      Practical difficulty: for complex models, stationarity constraints get
      quite involved to the point of being unknown in some cases

      Example (AR(1))
      Case of linear Markovian dependence on the last value
                          xt = µ + (xt−1 − µ) +                     t, t    ∼ N (0, σ 2 )

      If | | < 1, (xt )t∈Z can be written as
                                                xt = µ +                 t−j

      and this is a stationary representation.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

Stationary but...

      If | | > 1, alternative stationary representation
                                                xt = µ −                 t+j   .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

Stationary but...

      If | | > 1, alternative stationary representation
                                                xt = µ −                 t+j   .

      This stationary solution is criticized as artificial because xt is
      correlated with future white noises ( t )s>t , unlike the case when
      | | < 1.
      Non-causal representation...
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model


      Stationarity constraints in the prior as a restriction on the values of
      AR(p) model second-order stationary and causal iff the roots of the
                                                P(x) = 1 −              ix


      are all outside the unit circle
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

Stationarity constraints

      Under stationarity constraints, complex parameter space: each
      value of needs to be checked for roots of corresponding
      polynomial with modulus less than 1
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The AR(p) model

Stationarity constraints

      Under stationarity constraints, complex parameter space: each
      value of needs to be checked for roots of corresponding
      polynomial with modulus less than 1

   E.g., for an AR(2) process with

   autoregressive polynomial

   P(u) = 1 − 1 u − 2 u2 , constraint is


                 1   +    2   < 1,       1   −   2   <1

   and | 2 | < 1                                                                −2   −1   0    1   2

MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

The MA(q) model

      Alternative type of time series
                           xt = µ +             t   −         ϑj   t−j   ,     t   ∼ N (0, σ 2 )

      Stationary but, for identifiability considerations, the polynomial
                                                Q(x) = 1 −                   ϑj xj

      must have all its roots outside the unit circle
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model


      For the MA(1) model, xt = µ +                         t   − ϑ1   t−1 ,

                                                var(xt ) = (1 + ϑ2 )σ 2

      can also be written
                           xt = µ + ˜t−1 −               ˜t ,       ˜ ∼ N (0, ϑ2 σ 2 ) ,
      Both pairs (ϑ1 , σ) & (1/ϑ1 , ϑ1 σ) lead to alternative
      representations of the same model.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

Properties of MA models

              Non-Markovian model (but special case of hidden Markov)
              Autocovariance γx (s) is null for |s| > q
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model


      x1:T is a normal random variable with constant mean µ and
      covariance matrix
                                                                                               
                                        γ1      γ2   ...    γq           0       ...   0    0
                        γ1             σ2      γ1   . . . γq−1          γq      ...   0    0
                     Σ=                                                                        ,
                                                                                               
                                                        .                                      
                         0               0       0   ...        0        0       ...   γ1   σ

      with (|s| ≤ q)
                                                γs = σ               ϑi ϑi+|s|

      Not manageable in practice [large T’s]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

Representations (contd.)

      Conditional on past ( 0 , . . . ,                 −q+1 ),

                        L(µ, ϑ1 , . . . , ϑq , σ|x1:T , 0 , . . . , −q+1 ) ∝
                                                                               2    
                                     T          
                                                                     q                
                              −T                                                  2σ 2 ,
                            σ             exp −     xt − µ +            ϑj ˆt−j
                                                                                      
                                    t=1                             j=1               

      where (t > 0)
                   ˆt = xt − µ +                    ϑj ˆt−j , ˆ0 =   0,   . . . , ˆ1−q =   1−q

      Recursive definition of the likelihood, still costly O(T × q)
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

Representations (contd.)

      Encompassing approach for general time series models
      State-space representation

                                                  xt = Gyt + εt ,     (1)
                                                yt+1 = F yt + ξt ,    (2)

      (1) is the observation equation and (2) is the state equation
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

Representations (contd.)

      Encompassing approach for general time series models
      State-space representation

                                                  xt = Gyt + εt ,     (1)
                                                yt+1 = F yt + ξt ,    (2)

      (1) is the observation equation and (2) is the state equation

      This is a special case of hidden Markov model
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

MA(q) state-space representation

      For the MA(q) model, take

                                           yt = (    t−q , . . . , t−1 , t )

      and then
                                                                                    
                                        0        1    0    ...      0
                                                                                   0
                                       0                                          0
                                                 0    1    ...      0              
                                                                                 .
                         yt+1        =                    ...                 t+1  . 
                                                                      yt +
                                                                                  .
                                                 0    0    ...      1             0
                                        0        0    0    ...      0               1
                             xt      = µ − ϑq           ϑq−1        ...   ϑ1   −1 yt .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     The MA(q) model

MA(q) state-space representation (cont’d)

      For the MA(1) model, observation equation

                                                xt = (1 0)yt

                                                yt = (y1t y2t )
      directed by the state equation

                                                0 1                       1
                                   yt+1 =           yt +            t+1        .
                                                0 0                       ϑ1
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Typology of problems

 c A typology of Bayes computational problems

       (i). latent variable models in general
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Typology of problems

 c A typology of Bayes computational problems

       (i). latent variable models in general
      (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in
            constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing
            stationarity constraints in dynamic models;
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Typology of problems

 c A typology of Bayes computational problems

       (i). latent variable models in general
      (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in
            constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing
            stationarity constraints in dynamic models;
     (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable
            likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models;
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Typology of problems

 c A typology of Bayes computational problems

       (i). latent variable models in general
      (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in
            constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing
            stationarity constraints in dynamic models;
     (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable
            likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models;
     (iv). use of a huge dataset;
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Typology of problems

 c A typology of Bayes computational problems

       (i). latent variable models in general
      (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in
            constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing
            stationarity constraints in dynamic models;
     (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable
            likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models;
     (iv). use of a huge dataset;
      (v). use of a complex prior distribution (which may be the
            posterior distribution associated with an earlier sample);
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  Computational issues in Bayesian statistics
     Typology of problems

 c A typology of Bayes computational problems

       (i). latent variable models in general
      (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in
            constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing
            stationarity constraints in dynamic models;
     (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable
            likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models;
     (iv). use of a huge dataset;
      (v). use of a complex prior distribution (which may be the
            posterior distribution associated with an earlier sample);
     (vi). use of a particular inferential procedure as for instance, Bayes
                                   π             P (θ ∈ Θ0 | x)     π(θ ∈ Θ0 )
                                  B01 (x) =                                    .
                                                 P (θ ∈ Θ1 | x)     π(θ ∈ Θ1 )
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

   Computational issues in Bayesian

   The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

   The Gibbs Sampler

   Population Monte Carlo
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo basics

General purpose

      A major computational issue in Bayesian statistics:

      Given a density π known up to a normalizing constant, and an
      integrable function h, compute

                                                                    h(x)˜ (x)µ(dx)
                      Π(h) =           h(x)π(x)µ(dx) =
                                                                      π (x)µ(dx)

      when         h(x)˜ (x)µ(dx) is intractable.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo basics

Monte Carlo 101

      Generate an iid sample x1 , . . . , xN from π and estimate Π(h) by
                                      ΠM C (h) = N −1
                                        N                                 h(xi ).

            ˆN                  as
      LLN: ΠM C (h) −→ Π(h)
      If Π(h2 ) = h2 (x)π(x)µ(dx) < ∞,
                          √                                   L
            CLT:                ˆN
                              N ΠM C (h) − Π(h)                     N 0, Π [h − Π(h)]2   .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo basics

Monte Carlo 101

      Generate an iid sample x1 , . . . , xN from π and estimate Π(h) by
                                      ΠM C (h) = N −1
                                        N                                 h(xi ).

            ˆN                  as
      LLN: ΠM C (h) −→ Π(h)
      If Π(h2 ) = h2 (x)π(x)µ(dx) < ∞,
                          √                                   L
            CLT:                ˆN
                              N ΠM C (h) − Π(h)                     N 0, Π [h − Π(h)]2   .

      Caveat conducting to                          MCMC

      Often impossible or inefficient to simulate directly from Π
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Importance Sampling

      For Q proposal distribution such that Q(dx) = q(x)µ(dx),
      alternative representation

                               Π(h) =           h(x){π/q}(x)q(x)µ(dx).
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Importance Sampling

      For Q proposal distribution such that Q(dx) = q(x)µ(dx),
      alternative representation

                               Π(h) =           h(x){π/q}(x)q(x)µ(dx).

      Principle of importance (!)
      Generate an iid sample x1 , . . . , xN ∼ Q and estimate Π(h) by
                              ΠIS (h) = N −1
                                Q,N                            h(xi ){π/q}(xi ).

         return to pMC
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Properties of importance

           ˆ        as
      LLN: ΠIS (h) −→ Π(h)
             Q,N                                         and if Q((hπ/q)2 ) < ∞,
                     √                                    L
          CLT:              ˆ Q,N
                         N (ΠIS (h) − Π(h))                    N 0, Q{(hπ/q − Π(h))2 } .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Properties of importance

           ˆ        as
      LLN: ΠIS (h) −→ Π(h)
             Q,N                                         and if Q((hπ/q)2 ) < ∞,
                     √                                    L
          CLT:              ˆ Q,N
                         N (ΠIS (h) − Π(h))                    N 0, Q{(hπ/q − Π(h))2 } .

                                                              ˆ Q,N
      If normalizing constant of π unknown, impossible to use ΠIS

      Generic problem in Bayesian Statistics: π(θ|x) ∝ f (x|θ)π(θ).
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Self-Normalised Importance Sampling

      Self normalized version
                                          N                         −1 N
                 ˆ Q,N
                 ΠSN IS (h) =                  {π/q}(xi )                   h(xi ){π/q}(xi ).
                                         i=1                          i=1
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Self-Normalised Importance Sampling

      Self normalized version
                                          N                         −1 N
                 ˆ Q,N
                 ΠSN IS (h) =                  {π/q}(xi )                   h(xi ){π/q}(xi ).
                                         i=1                          i=1

               ˆ           as
      LLN : ΠSN IS (h) −→ Π(h)
      and if Π((1 + h2 )(π/q)) < ∞,
               √                                            L
      CLT :         ˆ Q,N
                 N (ΠSN IS (h) − Π(h))                          N      0, π {(π/q)(h − Π(h)}2 ) .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Importance Sampling

Self-Normalised Importance Sampling

      Self normalized version
                                          N                         −1 N
                 ˆ Q,N
                 ΠSN IS (h) =                  {π/q}(xi )                   h(xi ){π/q}(xi ).
                                         i=1                          i=1

               ˆ           as
      LLN : ΠSN IS (h) −→ Π(h)
      and if Π((1 + h2 )(π/q)) < ∞,
               √                                            L
      CLT :         ˆ Q,N
                 N (ΠSN IS (h) − Π(h))                          N      0, π {(π/q)(h − Π(h)}2 ) .

       c The quality of the SNIS approximation depends on the
      choice of Q
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains

Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (MCMC)

      It is not necessary to use a sample from the distribution f to
      approximate the integral

                                           I=          h(x)f (x)dx ,
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains

Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (MCMC)

      It is not necessary to use a sample from the distribution f to
      approximate the integral

                                           I=          h(x)f (x)dx ,

                                                            [notation warnin: π turned to f !]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains

Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (MCMC)

      It is not necessary to use a sample from the distribution f to
      approximate the integral

                                           I=          h(x)f (x)dx ,

   We can obtain X1 , . . . , Xn ∼ f
   (approx) without directly simulating
   from f , using an ergodic Markov
   chain with stationary distribution f

                                                                       Andre¨ Markov
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains

Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (2)

      For an arbitrary starting value x(0) , an ergodic chain (X (t) ) is
      generated using a transition kernel with stationary distribution f
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains

Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (2)
      For an arbitrary starting value x(0) , an ergodic chain (X (t) ) is
      generated using a transition kernel with stationary distribution f

              irreducible Markov chain with stationary distribution f is
              ergodic with limiting distribution f under weak conditions
              hence convergence in distribution of (X (t) ) to a random
              variable from f .
              for T0 “large enough” T0 , X (T0 ) distributed from f
              Markov sequence is dependent sample X (T0 ) , X (T0 +1) , . . .
              generated from f
              Birkoff’s ergodic theorem extends LLN, sufficient for most
              approximation purposes
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains

Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (2)

      For an arbitrary starting value x(0) , an ergodic chain (X (t) ) is
      generated using a transition kernel with stationary distribution f

      Problem: How can one build a Markov chain with a given
      stationary distribution?
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

   The algorithm uses the objective
   (target) density


   and a conditional density


   called the instrumental (or proposal)                            Nicholas Metropolis
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

The MH algorithm

      Algorithm (Metropolis–Hastings)
      Given x(t) ,
         1. Generate Yt ∼ q(y|x(t) ).
         2. Take

                                              Yt        with prob. ρ(x(t) , Yt ),
                            X (t+1) =
                                              x(t)      with prob. 1 − ρ(x(t) , Yt ),

                                                             f (y) q(x|y)
                                      ρ(x, y) = min                       ,1   .
                                                             f (x) q(y|x)
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm


              Independent of normalizing constants for both f and q(·|x)
              (ie, those constants independent of x)
              Never move to values with f (y) = 0
              The chain (x(t) )t may take the same value several times in a
              row, even though f is a density wrt Lebesgue measure
              The sequence (yt )t is usually not a Markov chain
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

Convergence properties

         1. The M-H Markov chain is reversible, with
            invariant/stationary density f since it satisfies the detailed
            balance condition
                           f (y) K(y, x) = f (x) K(x, y)
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

Convergence properties

         1. The M-H Markov chain is reversible, with
            invariant/stationary density f since it satisfies the detailed
            balance condition
                           f (y) K(y, x) = f (x) K(x, y)
         2. As f is a probability measure, the chain is positive recurrent
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

Convergence properties

         1. The M-H Markov chain is reversible, with
            invariant/stationary density f since it satisfies the detailed
            balance condition
                           f (y) K(y, x) = f (x) K(x, y)
         2. As f is a probability measure, the chain is positive recurrent
         3. If
                                            f (Yt ) q(X (t) |Yt )
                                      Pr                            ≥ 1 < 1.   (1)
                                           f (X (t) ) q(Yt |X (t) )

              that is, the event {X (t+1) = X (t) } is possible, then the chain
              is aperiodic
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

Convergence properties (2)
         4. If
                                          q(y|x) > 0 for every (x, y),   (2)
              the chain is irreducible
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

Convergence properties (2)
         4. If
                                          q(y|x) > 0 for every (x, y),   (2)
            the chain is irreducible
         5. For M-H, f -irreducibility implies Harris recurrence
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

Convergence properties (2)
         4. If
                                          q(y|x) > 0 for every (x, y),                        (2)
            the chain is irreducible
         5. For M-H, f -irreducibility implies Harris recurrence
         6. Thus, for M-H satisfying (1) and (2)
                 (i) For h, with Ef |h(X)| < ∞,
                                  lim                h(X (t) ) =    h(x)df (x)      a.e. f.
                                T →∞     T     t=1

                (ii) and
                                         lim            K n (x, ·)µ(dx) − f        =0
                      for every initial distribution µ, where K n (x, ·) denotes the
                      kernel for n transitions.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Random walk Metropolis–Hastings

      Use of a local perturbation as proposal

                                                  Yt = X (t) + εt ,

       where εt ∼ g, independent of X (t) .
      The instrumental density is of the form g(y − x) and the Markov
      chain is a random walk if we take g to be symmetric g(x) = g(−x)
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Random walk Metropolis–Hastings [code]

      Algorithm (Random walk Metropolis)
      Given x(t)
         1. Generate Yt ∼ g(y − x(t) )
         2. Take
                                                                          f (Yt )
                                        Y           with prob. min 1,             ,
                             (t+1)         t
                         X            =                                  f (x(t) )
                                         (t)
                                         x           otherwise.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

The original example

      Example (Random walk and normal target)
                 Generate N (0, 1) based on the uniform proposal [−δ, δ]
         forget History!

      The probability of acceptance is then
                              ρ(x(t) , yt ) = exp{(x(t) − yt )/2} ∧ 1.

                                                                        [Hastings (1970)]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

The original example

      Example (Random walk & normal (2))
                                             Sample statistics
                                      δ             0.1           0.5     1.0
                                   mean            0.399        -0.111   0.10
                                  variance         0.698         1.11    1.06

       c As δ ↑, we get better histograms and a faster exploration of the
      support of f .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
      The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
        Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

   The original example



















                              -1   0         1   2                -2   0     2                -3   -2   -1   0     1   2   3
                                       (a)                             (b)                                   (c)

ples based on U [−δ, δ] with (a) δ = 0.1, (b) δ = 0.5 and (c) δ = 1.0, superimposed with the convergence of the means (15, 000 si
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Mixtures by random walk MH

      Example (Mixture models)
                                             n        k
                            π(θ|x) ∝                      p f (xj |µ , σ ) π(θ)
                                           j=1       =1
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Mixtures by random walk MH

      Example (Mixture models)
                                             n        k
                            π(θ|x) ∝                       p f (xj |µ , σ ) π(θ)
                                           j=1        =1

      Metropolis-Hastings proposal:

                                                  θ(t) + ωε(t) if u(t) < ρ(t)
                             θ(t+1) =
                                                  θ(t)         otherwise

                                                  π(θ(t) + ωε(t) |x)
                                      ρ(t) =                         ∧1
                                                     π(θ(t) |x)
      and ω scaled for good acceptance rate
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Mixtures by random walk MH

                                       Random walk sampling (50000 iterations)





                     0.0   0.2   0.4       0.6        0.8     1.0                                 0.2         0.4               0.6                0.8     1.0              1.2
                                       p                                                                                              tau

                                                                            0.0 1.0 2.0

                                                                                                   -1               0                          1                 2

                                                                            0 1 2 3 4 5 6

                                                                                            0.0         0.2               0.4                 0.6        0.8               1.0
                                                                            0 2 4

                     0.0   0.2   0.4       0.6        0.8     1.0                             0.2                   0.4                            0.6               0.8
                                       p                                                                                              tau

                                                 General case of a 3 component normal mixture
                                                                                                                                                               [Celeux & al., 2000]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Mixtures by random walk MH



                    −1                0             1               2            3


                               Random walk MCMC output for .7N (µ1 , 1) + .3N (µ2 , 1)
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Convergence properties

      Uniform ergodicity prohibited by random walk structure
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Convergence properties

      Uniform ergodicity prohibited by random walk structure
      At best, geometric ergodicity:

      Theorem (Sufficient ergodicity)
      For a symmetric density f , log-concave in the tails, and a positive
      and symmetric density g, the chain (X (t) ) is geometrically ergodic.
                                           [Mengersen & Tweedie, 1996]
                                                                    no tail effect
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

illustration of the tail effect


   Example (Comparison of tails)


   Random walk Metropolis


   Hastings algorithms based on a


   N (0, 1) instrumental for the


   generation of (left) a N (0, 1)
   distribution and (right) a

   distribution with density                                   -1.5

   ψ(x) ∝ (1 + |x|)−3
                                                                      0   50   100   150   200          0   50   100   150   200

                                                                               (a)                               (b)
                                                  90% confidence envelopes of the means, derived from 500 parallel independent
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Further convergence properties

      Under assumptions                                                                         skip detailed convergence

              (A1) f is super-exponential, i.e. it is positive with positive continuous first derivative such that

              lim|x|→∞ n(x)         log f (x) = −∞ where n(x) := x/|x|.

              In words : exponential decay of f in every direction with rate
              tending to ∞
              (A2) lim sup|x|→∞ n(x) m(x) < 0, where m(x) =                  f (x)/|   f (x)|

              In words: non degeneracy of the countour manifold
              Cf (y) = {y : f (y) = f (x)}
      Q is geometrically ergodic, and
      V (x) ∝ f (x)−1/2 verifies the drift condition
                                               [Jarner & Hansen, 2000]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Further [further] convergence properties

                                                                       skip hyperdetailed convergence

      If P ψ-irreducible and aperiodic, for r = (r(n))n∈N real-valued non
      decreasing sequence, such that, for all n, m ∈ N,

                                         r(n + m) ≤ r(n)r(m),

      and r(0) = 1, for C a small set, τC = inf{n ≥ 1, Xn ∈ C}, and
      h ≥ 1, assume
                                                  τC −1
                                  sup Ex                  r(k)h(Xk ) < ∞,
                                  x∈C             k=0
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Further [further] convergence properties

                                                              τC −1
                 S(f, C, r) :=            x ∈ X, Ex                   r(k)h(Xk )   <∞

      is full and absorbing and for x ∈ S(f, C, r),

                                      lim r(n) P n (x, .) − f           h   = 0.

                                                                    [Tuominen & Tweedie, 1994]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms


              [CLT, Rosenthal’s inequality...] h-ergodicity implies CLT
              for additive (possibly unbounded) functionals of the chain,
              Rosenthal’s inequality and so on...
              [Control of the moments of the return-time] The
              condition implies (because h ≥ 1) that
                                                                    τC −1
                      sup Ex [r0 (τC )] ≤ sup Ex                            r(k)h(Xk )   < ∞,
                      x∈C                          x∈C              k=0

              where r0 (n) = n r(l) Can be used to derive bounds for
              the coupling time, an essential step to determine computable
              bounds, using coupling inequalities
                  [Roberts & Tweedie, 98; Fort & Moulines, 00; Jones et al., 02]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Alternative conditions

      The condition is not really easy to work with...
      [Possible alternative conditions]
      (a) [Tuominen, Tweedie, 1994] There exists a sequence
          (Vn )n∈N , Vn ≥ r(n)h, such that
                (i) supC V0 < ∞,
               (ii) {V0 = ∞} ⊂ {V1 = ∞} and
              (iii) P Vn+1 ≤ Vn − r(n)h + br(n)IC .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
     Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms

Alternative conditions

       (b) [Fort 2000] ∃V ≥ f ≥ 1 and b < ∞, such that supC V < ∞
                      P V (x) + Ex                     ∆r(k)f (Xk )     ≤ V (x) + bIC (x)

              where σC is the hitting time on C and

                      ∆r(k) = r(k) − r(k − 1), k ≥ 1 and ∆r(0) = r(0).

                                                                      τC −1
              Result (a) ⇔ (b) ⇔ supx∈C Ex                            k=0 r(k)f (Xk )   < ∞.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Langevin Algorithms

      Proposal based on the Langevin diffusion Lt is defined by the
      stochastic differential equation
                                      dLt = dBt +               log f (Lt )dt,
        where Bt is the standard Brownian motion
      The Langevin diffusion is the only non-explosive diffusion which is
      reversible with respect to f .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm


      Instead, consider the sequence

              x(t+1) = x(t) +                  log f (x(t) ) + σεt ,   εt ∼ Np (0, Ip )
        where σ 2 corresponds to the discretization step
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm


      Instead, consider the sequence

              x(t+1) = x(t) +                  log f (x(t) ) + σεt ,   εt ∼ Np (0, Ip )
       where σ 2 corresponds to the discretization step
      Unfortunately, the discretized chain may be be transient, for
      instance when

                                      lim      σ2     log f (x)|x|−1 > 1
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

MH correction

      Accept the new value Yt with probability
                         exp − Yt − x(t) −                 2        log f (x(t) )       2σ 2
            f (Yt )
                     ·                                                                         ∧1.
           f (x(t) )                                        σ2
                          exp −          x(t)   − Yt −      2       log f (Yt )         2σ 2

      Choice of the scaling factor σ
      Should lead to an acceptance rate of 0.574 to achieve optimal
      convergence rates (when the components of x are uncorrelated)
              [Roberts & Rosenthal, 1998; Girolami & Calderhead, 2011]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Optimizing the Acceptance Rate

      Problem of choice of the transition kernel from a practical point of
      Most common alternatives:
       (a) a fully automated algorithm like ARMS;
       (b) an instrumental density g which approximates f , such that
           f /g is bounded for uniform ergodicity to apply;
       (c) a random walk
      In both cases (b) and (c), the choice of g is critical,
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Case of the random walk

      Different approach to acceptance rates
      A high acceptance rate does not indicate that the algorithm is
      moving correctly since it indicates that the random walk is moving
      too slowly on the surface of f .
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Case of the random walk

      Different approach to acceptance rates
      A high acceptance rate does not indicate that the algorithm is
      moving correctly since it indicates that the random walk is moving
      too slowly on the surface of f .
      If x(t) and yt are close, i.e. f (x(t) ) f (yt ) y is accepted with
                                       f (yt )
                              min              ,1     1.
                                     f (x(t) )
      For multimodal densities with well separated modes, the negative
      effect of limited moves on the surface of f clearly shows.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Case of the random walk (2)

      If the average acceptance rate is low, the successive values of f (yt )
      tend to be small compared with f (x(t) ), which means that the
      random walk moves quickly on the surface of f since it often
      reaches the “borders” of the support of f
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Rule of thumb

      In small dimensions, aim at an average acceptance rate of 50%. In
      large dimensions, at an average acceptance rate of 25%.
                                       [Gelman,Gilks and Roberts, 1995]
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Rule of thumb

      In small dimensions, aim at an average acceptance rate of 50%. In
      large dimensions, at an average acceptance rate of 25%.
                                       [Gelman,Gilks and Roberts, 1995]

      This rule is to be taken with a pinch of salt!
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Role of scale

      Example (Noisy AR(1))
      Hidden Markov chain from a regular AR(1) model,

                              xt+1 = ϕxt +            t+1           t   ∼ N (0, τ 2 )

      and observables
                                            yt |xt ∼ N (x2 , σ 2 )
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Role of scale

      Example (Noisy AR(1))
      Hidden Markov chain from a regular AR(1) model,

                              xt+1 = ϕxt +            t+1           t   ∼ N (0, τ 2 )

      and observables
                                            yt |xt ∼ N (x2 , σ 2 )

      The distribution of xt given xt−1 , xt+1 and yt is

                  −1                                                           τ2
           exp             (xt − ϕxt−1 )2 + (xt+1 − ϕxt )2 +                      (yt − x2 )2
                                                                                         t      .
                  2τ 2                                                         σ2
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Role of scale

      Example (Noisy AR(1) continued)
      For a Gaussian random walk with scale ω small enough, the
      random walk never jumps to the other mode. But if the scale ω is
      sufficiently large, the Markov chain explores both modes and give a
      satisfactory approximation of the target distribution.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Role of scale

      Markov chain based on a random walk with scale ω = .1.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Role of scale

      Markov chain based on a random walk with scale ω = .5.
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm


      Since the constraints on (ϑ1 , ϑ2 ) are well-defined, use of a flat
      prior over the triangle as prior.
      Simple representation of the likelihood

      sigma = toeplitz(c(1 +theta[1]^2+theta[2]^2,
MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods
  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Basic RWHM for MA(2)

      Algorithm 1 RW-HM-MA(2) sampler
          set ω and ϑ(1)
          for i = 2 to T do
                      ˜         (i−1)       (i−1)
            generate ϑj ∼ U(ϑj        − ω, ϑj     + ω)
            set p = 0 and ϑ (i) = ϑ(i−1)
            if ϑ within the triangle then
               p = exp(ma2like(ϑ) − ma2like(ϑ(i−1) ))
            end if
            if U < p then
               ϑ(i) = ϑ
            end if
          end for
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I
Monash University short course, part I

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Laplace's Demon: seminar #1
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Monash University short course, part I

  • 1. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Christian P. Robert Universit´ Paris-Dauphine, IUF, & CREST e Monash University, EBS, July 18, 2012
  • 2. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Motivations and leading example Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Gibbs Sampler Population Monte Carlo
  • 3. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective What is Bayesian statistics? Statistical model defined by a likelihood function f (x1 , . . . , xn |θ) = L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) [inversion of what varies]
  • 4. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective What is Bayesian statistics? Statistical model defined by a likelihood function f (x1 , . . . , xn |θ) = L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) [inversion of what varies] Bayesian approach turns the likelihood into a conditional density: π(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝ π(θ)L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) using a reference measure (or a prior) π(θ) [Thomas Bayes, 1701–1761]
  • 5. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective What is Bayesian statistics? Statistical model defined by a likelihood function f (x1 , . . . , xn |θ) = L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) [inversion of what varies] Bayesian approach turns the likelihood into a conditional density: π(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝ π(θ)L(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) using a reference measure (or a prior) π(θ) [Thomas Bayes, 1701–1761]
  • 6. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective New perspective Uncertainty on the parameters θ of a model modeled through a probability distribution π on Θ, called prior distribution
  • 7. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective New perspective Uncertainty on the parameters θ of a model modeled through a probability distribution π on Θ, called prior distribution Inference processed through distribution of θ conditional on x, π(θ|x), called posterior distribution f (x|θ)π(θ) π(θ|x) = . f (x|θ)π(θ) dθ
  • 8. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective Justifications Semantic drift from unknown to random Actualization of the information on θ by extracting the information on θ contained in the observation x Allows incorporation of imperfect information in the decision process Unique mathematical way to condition upon the observations (conditional perspective) Penalization factor
  • 9. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective Posterior distribution π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference Operates conditional upon the observation s
  • 10. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective Posterior distribution π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference Operates conditional upon the observation s Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle
  • 11. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective Posterior distribution π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference Operates conditional upon the observation s Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle Avoids averaging over the unobserved values of x
  • 12. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective Posterior distribution π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference Operates conditional upon the observation s Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle Avoids averaging over the unobserved values of x Coherent updating of the information available on θ, independent of the order in which i.i.d. observations are collected
  • 13. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics abc of Bayesian perspective Posterior distribution π(θ|x) central to Bayesian inference Operates conditional upon the observation s Incorporates the requirement of the Likelihood Principle Avoids averaging over the unobserved values of x Coherent updating of the information available on θ, independent of the order in which i.i.d. observations are collected Provides a complete inferential scope
  • 14. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Latent structures make life harder! Even simple models may lead to computational complications, as in latent variable models f (x|θ) = f (x, x |θ) dx
  • 15. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Latent structures make life harder! Even simple models may lead to computational complications, as in latent variable models f (x|θ) = f (x, x |θ) dx If (x, x ) observed, fine!
  • 16. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Latent structures make life harder! Even simple models may lead to computational complications, as in latent variable models f (x|θ) = f (x, x |θ) dx If (x, x ) observed, fine! If only x observed, trouble!
  • 17. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables example: mixture models Models of mixtures of distributions: X ∼ fj with probability pj , for j = 1, 2, . . . , k, with overall density X ∼ p1 f1 (x) + · · · + pk fk (x) .
  • 18. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables example: mixture models Models of mixtures of distributions: X ∼ fj with probability pj , for j = 1, 2, . . . , k, with overall density X ∼ p1 f1 (x) + · · · + pk fk (x) . For a sample of independent random variables (X1 , · · · , Xn ), sample density n {p1 f1 (xi ) + · · · + pk fk (xi )} . i=1
  • 19. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables example: mixture models Models of mixtures of distributions: X ∼ fj with probability pj , for j = 1, 2, . . . , k, with overall density X ∼ p1 f1 (x) + · · · + pk fk (x) . n {p1 f1 (xi ) + · · · + pk fk (xi )} . i=1 Expanding this product of sums into a sum of products involves k n elementary terms: too prohibitive to compute in large samples.
  • 20. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Simple mixture (1) 3 2 µ2 1 0 −1 −1 0 1 2 3 µ1 Case of the 0.3N (µ1 , 1) + 0.7N (µ2 , 1) likelihood
  • 21. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Simple mixture (2) For mixture of two normal distributions, 0.3N (µ1 , 1) + 0.7N (µ2 , 1) , likelihood proportional to n [0.3ϕ (xi − µ1 ) + 0.7 ϕ (xi − µ2 )] i=1 containing 2n terms.
  • 22. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Complex maximisation Standard maximization techniques often fail to find the global maximum because of multimodality or undesirable behavior (usually at the frontier of the domain) of the likelihood function. Example In the special case f (x|µ, σ) = (1 − ) exp{(−1/2)x2 } + exp{(−1/2σ 2 )(x − µ)2 } σ with > 0 known,
  • 23. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Complex maximisation Standard maximization techniques often fail to find the global maximum because of multimodality or undesirable behavior (usually at the frontier of the domain) of the likelihood function. Example In the special case f (x|µ, σ) = (1 − ) exp{(−1/2)x2 } + exp{(−1/2σ 2 )(x − µ)2 } σ with > 0 known, whatever n, the likelihood is unbounded: lim L(x1 , . . . , xn |µ = x1 , σ) = ∞ σ→0
  • 24. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Unbounded likelihood n= 3 n= 6 4 4 3 3 σ 2 2 1 1 −2 0 2 4 6 −2 0 2 4 6 µ µ n= 12 n= 24 4 4 3 3 σ 2 2 1 1 −2 0 2 4 6 −2 0 2 4 6 µ µ n= 48 n= 96 4 4 3 3 σ 2 2 1 1 −2 0 2 4 6 −2 0 2 4 6 µ µ Case of the 0.3N (0, 1) + 0.7N (µ, σ) likelihood
  • 25. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Mixture once again press for MA Observations from x1 , . . . , xn ∼ f (x|θ) = pϕ(x; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(x; µ2 , σ2 )
  • 26. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Mixture once again press for MA Observations from x1 , . . . , xn ∼ f (x|θ) = pϕ(x; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(x; µ2 , σ2 ) Prior µi |σi ∼ N (ξi , σi /ni ), 2 σi ∼ I G (νi /2, s2 /2), 2 i p ∼ Be(α, β)
  • 27. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Mixture once again press for MA Observations from x1 , . . . , xn ∼ f (x|θ) = pϕ(x; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(x; µ2 , σ2 ) Prior µi |σi ∼ N (ξi , σi /ni ), 2 σi ∼ I G (νi /2, s2 /2), 2 i p ∼ Be(α, β) Posterior n π(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝ {pϕ(xj ; µ1 , σ1 ) + (1 − p)ϕ(xj ; µ2 , σ2 )} π(θ) j=1 n = ω(kt )π(θ|(kt )) =0 (kt ) [O(2n )]
  • 28. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Mixture once again (cont’d) For a given permutation (kt ), conditional posterior distribution 2 σ1 π(θ|(kt )) = N ξ1 (kt ), × I G ((ν1 + )/2, s1 (kt )/2) n1 + 2 σ2 ×N ξ2 (kt ), × I G ((ν2 + n − )/2, s2 (kt )/2) n2 + n − ×Be(α + , β + n − )
  • 29. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Mixture once again (cont’d) where 1 2 x1 (kt ) = ¯ t=1 xkt , s1 (kt ) = ˆ t=1 (xkt − x1 (kt )) , ¯ 1 n n 2 x2 (kt ) = ¯ n− t= +1 xkt , s2 (kt ) = ˆ t= +1 (xkt − x2 (kt )) ¯ and n1 ξ1 + x1 (kt ) ¯ n2 ξ2 + (n − )¯2 (kt ) x ξ1 (kt ) = , ξ2 (kt ) = , n1 + n2 + n − n1 s1 (kt ) = s2 + s2 (kt ) + 1 ˆ1 (ξ1 − x1 (kt ))2 , ¯ n1 + n2 (n − ) s2 (kt ) = s2 + s2 (kt ) + 2 ˆ2 (ξ2 − x2 (kt ))2 , ¯ n2 + n − posterior updates of the hyperparameters
  • 30. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Latent variables Mixture once again Bayes estimator of θ: n δ π (x1 , . . . , xn ) = ω(kt )Eπ [θ|x, (kt )] =0 (kt ) Too costly: 2n terms
  • 31. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model AR(p) model Auto-regressive representation of a time series, p xt |xt−1 , . . . ∼ N µ+ i (xt−i − µ), σ 2 i=1
  • 32. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model AR(p) model Auto-regressive representation of a time series, p xt |xt−1 , . . . ∼ N µ+ i (xt−i − µ), σ 2 i=1 Generalisation of AR(1) Among the most commonly used models in dynamic settings More challenging than the static models (stationarity constraints) Different models depending on the processing of the starting value x0
  • 33. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model Unwieldy stationarity constraints Practical difficulty: for complex models, stationarity constraints get quite involved to the point of being unknown in some cases Example (AR(1)) Case of linear Markovian dependence on the last value i.i.d. xt = µ + (xt−1 − µ) + t, t ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) If | | < 1, (xt )t∈Z can be written as ∞ j xt = µ + t−j j=0 and this is a stationary representation.
  • 34. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model Stationary but... If | | > 1, alternative stationary representation ∞ −j xt = µ − t+j . j=1
  • 35. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model Stationary but... If | | > 1, alternative stationary representation ∞ −j xt = µ − t+j . j=1 This stationary solution is criticized as artificial because xt is correlated with future white noises ( t )s>t , unlike the case when | | < 1. Non-causal representation...
  • 36. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model Stationarity+causality Stationarity constraints in the prior as a restriction on the values of θ. Theorem AR(p) model second-order stationary and causal iff the roots of the polynomial p P(x) = 1 − ix i i=1 are all outside the unit circle
  • 37. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model Stationarity constraints Under stationarity constraints, complex parameter space: each value of needs to be checked for roots of corresponding polynomial with modulus less than 1
  • 38. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The AR(p) model Stationarity constraints Under stationarity constraints, complex parameter space: each value of needs to be checked for roots of corresponding polynomial with modulus less than 1 E.g., for an AR(2) process with 1.0 autoregressive polynomial 0.5 P(u) = 1 − 1 u − 2 u2 , constraint is 0.0 θ2 q 1 + 2 < 1, 1 − 2 <1 −0.5 −1.0 and | 2 | < 1 −2 −1 0 1 2 θ1
  • 39. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model The MA(q) model Alternative type of time series q xt = µ + t − ϑj t−j , t ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) j=1 Stationary but, for identifiability considerations, the polynomial q Q(x) = 1 − ϑj xj j=1 must have all its roots outside the unit circle
  • 40. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model Identifiability Example For the MA(1) model, xt = µ + t − ϑ1 t−1 , var(xt ) = (1 + ϑ2 )σ 2 1 can also be written 1 xt = µ + ˜t−1 − ˜t , ˜ ∼ N (0, ϑ2 σ 2 ) , 1 ϑ1 Both pairs (ϑ1 , σ) & (1/ϑ1 , ϑ1 σ) lead to alternative representations of the same model.
  • 41. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model Properties of MA models Non-Markovian model (but special case of hidden Markov) Autocovariance γx (s) is null for |s| > q
  • 42. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model Representations x1:T is a normal random variable with constant mean µ and covariance matrix σ2   γ1 γ2 ... γq 0 ... 0 0  γ1 σ2 γ1 . . . γq−1 γq ... 0 0 Σ= ,   ..  .  2 0 0 0 ... 0 0 ... γ1 σ with (|s| ≤ q) q−|s| 2 γs = σ ϑi ϑi+|s| i=0 Not manageable in practice [large T’s]
  • 43. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model Representations (contd.) Conditional on past ( 0 , . . . , −q+1 ), L(µ, ϑ1 , . . . , ϑq , σ|x1:T , 0 , . . . , −q+1 ) ∝   2  T   q   −T  2σ 2 , σ exp − xt − µ + ϑj ˆt−j   t=1  j=1  where (t > 0) q ˆt = xt − µ + ϑj ˆt−j , ˆ0 = 0, . . . , ˆ1−q = 1−q j=1 Recursive definition of the likelihood, still costly O(T × q)
  • 44. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model Representations (contd.) Encompassing approach for general time series models State-space representation xt = Gyt + εt , (1) yt+1 = F yt + ξt , (2) (1) is the observation equation and (2) is the state equation
  • 45. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model Representations (contd.) Encompassing approach for general time series models State-space representation xt = Gyt + εt , (1) yt+1 = F yt + ξt , (2) (1) is the observation equation and (2) is the state equation Note This is a special case of hidden Markov model
  • 46. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model MA(q) state-space representation For the MA(q) model, take yt = ( t−q , . . . , t−1 , t ) and then    0 1 0 ... 0  0 0 0 0 1 ... 0     . yt+1 =  ... t+1  .   yt +  0  . 0 0 ... 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1 xt = µ − ϑq ϑq−1 ... ϑ1 −1 yt .
  • 47. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The MA(q) model MA(q) state-space representation (cont’d) Example For the MA(1) model, observation equation xt = (1 0)yt with yt = (y1t y2t ) directed by the state equation 0 1 1 yt+1 = yt + t+1 . 0 0 ϑ1
  • 48. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Typology of problems c A typology of Bayes computational problems (i). latent variable models in general
  • 49. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Typology of problems c A typology of Bayes computational problems (i). latent variable models in general (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing stationarity constraints in dynamic models;
  • 50. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Typology of problems c A typology of Bayes computational problems (i). latent variable models in general (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing stationarity constraints in dynamic models; (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models;
  • 51. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Typology of problems c A typology of Bayes computational problems (i). latent variable models in general (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing stationarity constraints in dynamic models; (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models; (iv). use of a huge dataset;
  • 52. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Typology of problems c A typology of Bayes computational problems (i). latent variable models in general (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing stationarity constraints in dynamic models; (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models; (iv). use of a huge dataset; (v). use of a complex prior distribution (which may be the posterior distribution associated with an earlier sample);
  • 53. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods Computational issues in Bayesian statistics Typology of problems c A typology of Bayes computational problems (i). latent variable models in general (ii). use of a complex parameter space, as for instance in constrained parameter sets like those resulting from imposing stationarity constraints in dynamic models; (iii). use of a complex sampling model with an intractable likelihood, as for instance in some graphical models; (iv). use of a huge dataset; (v). use of a complex prior distribution (which may be the posterior distribution associated with an earlier sample); (vi). use of a particular inferential procedure as for instance, Bayes factors π P (θ ∈ Θ0 | x) π(θ ∈ Θ0 ) B01 (x) = . P (θ ∈ Θ1 | x) π(θ ∈ Θ1 )
  • 54. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Computational issues in Bayesian statistics The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Gibbs Sampler Population Monte Carlo
  • 55. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo basics General purpose A major computational issue in Bayesian statistics: Given a density π known up to a normalizing constant, and an integrable function h, compute h(x)˜ (x)µ(dx) π Π(h) = h(x)π(x)µ(dx) = π (x)µ(dx) ˜ when h(x)˜ (x)µ(dx) is intractable. π
  • 56. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo basics Monte Carlo 101 Generate an iid sample x1 , . . . , xN from π and estimate Π(h) by N ΠM C (h) = N −1 ˆ N h(xi ). i=1 ˆN as LLN: ΠM C (h) −→ Π(h) If Π(h2 ) = h2 (x)π(x)µ(dx) < ∞, √ L CLT: ˆN N ΠM C (h) − Π(h) N 0, Π [h − Π(h)]2 .
  • 57. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo basics Monte Carlo 101 Generate an iid sample x1 , . . . , xN from π and estimate Π(h) by N ΠM C (h) = N −1 ˆ N h(xi ). i=1 ˆN as LLN: ΠM C (h) −→ Π(h) If Π(h2 ) = h2 (x)π(x)µ(dx) < ∞, √ L CLT: ˆN N ΠM C (h) − Π(h) N 0, Π [h − Π(h)]2 . Caveat conducting to MCMC Often impossible or inefficient to simulate directly from Π
  • 58. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Importance Sampling For Q proposal distribution such that Q(dx) = q(x)µ(dx), alternative representation Π(h) = h(x){π/q}(x)q(x)µ(dx).
  • 59. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Importance Sampling For Q proposal distribution such that Q(dx) = q(x)µ(dx), alternative representation Π(h) = h(x){π/q}(x)q(x)µ(dx). Principle of importance (!) Generate an iid sample x1 , . . . , xN ∼ Q and estimate Π(h) by N ΠIS (h) = N −1 ˆ Q,N h(xi ){π/q}(xi ). i=1 return to pMC
  • 60. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Properties of importance Then ˆ as LLN: ΠIS (h) −→ Π(h) Q,N and if Q((hπ/q)2 ) < ∞, √ L CLT: ˆ Q,N N (ΠIS (h) − Π(h)) N 0, Q{(hπ/q − Π(h))2 } .
  • 61. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Properties of importance Then ˆ as LLN: ΠIS (h) −→ Π(h) Q,N and if Q((hπ/q)2 ) < ∞, √ L CLT: ˆ Q,N N (ΠIS (h) − Π(h)) N 0, Q{(hπ/q − Π(h))2 } . Caveat ˆ Q,N If normalizing constant of π unknown, impossible to use ΠIS Generic problem in Bayesian Statistics: π(θ|x) ∝ f (x|θ)π(θ).
  • 62. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Self-Normalised Importance Sampling Self normalized version N −1 N ˆ Q,N ΠSN IS (h) = {π/q}(xi ) h(xi ){π/q}(xi ). i=1 i=1
  • 63. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Self-Normalised Importance Sampling Self normalized version N −1 N ˆ Q,N ΠSN IS (h) = {π/q}(xi ) h(xi ){π/q}(xi ). i=1 i=1 ˆ as LLN : ΠSN IS (h) −→ Π(h) Q,N and if Π((1 + h2 )(π/q)) < ∞, √ L CLT : ˆ Q,N N (ΠSN IS (h) − Π(h)) N 0, π {(π/q)(h − Π(h)}2 ) .
  • 64. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Importance Sampling Self-Normalised Importance Sampling Self normalized version N −1 N ˆ Q,N ΠSN IS (h) = {π/q}(xi ) h(xi ){π/q}(xi ). i=1 i=1 ˆ as LLN : ΠSN IS (h) −→ Π(h) Q,N and if Π((1 + h2 )(π/q)) < ∞, √ L CLT : ˆ Q,N N (ΠSN IS (h) − Π(h)) N 0, π {(π/q)(h − Π(h)}2 ) . c The quality of the SNIS approximation depends on the choice of Q
  • 65. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (MCMC) It is not necessary to use a sample from the distribution f to approximate the integral I= h(x)f (x)dx ,
  • 66. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (MCMC) It is not necessary to use a sample from the distribution f to approximate the integral I= h(x)f (x)dx , [notation warnin: π turned to f !]
  • 67. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (MCMC) It is not necessary to use a sample from the distribution f to approximate the integral I= h(x)f (x)dx , We can obtain X1 , . . . , Xn ∼ f (approx) without directly simulating from f , using an ergodic Markov chain with stationary distribution f Andre¨ Markov ı
  • 68. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (2) Idea For an arbitrary starting value x(0) , an ergodic chain (X (t) ) is generated using a transition kernel with stationary distribution f
  • 69. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (2) Idea For an arbitrary starting value x(0) , an ergodic chain (X (t) ) is generated using a transition kernel with stationary distribution f irreducible Markov chain with stationary distribution f is ergodic with limiting distribution f under weak conditions hence convergence in distribution of (X (t) ) to a random variable from f . for T0 “large enough” T0 , X (T0 ) distributed from f Markov sequence is dependent sample X (T0 ) , X (T0 +1) , . . . generated from f Birkoff’s ergodic theorem extends LLN, sufficient for most approximation purposes
  • 70. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Monte Carlo Methods based on Markov Chains Running Monte Carlo via Markov Chains (2) Idea For an arbitrary starting value x(0) , an ergodic chain (X (t) ) is generated using a transition kernel with stationary distribution f Problem: How can one build a Markov chain with a given stationary distribution?
  • 71. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Basics The algorithm uses the objective (target) density f and a conditional density q(y|x) called the instrumental (or proposal) Nicholas Metropolis distribution
  • 72. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm The MH algorithm Algorithm (Metropolis–Hastings) Given x(t) , 1. Generate Yt ∼ q(y|x(t) ). 2. Take Yt with prob. ρ(x(t) , Yt ), X (t+1) = x(t) with prob. 1 − ρ(x(t) , Yt ), where f (y) q(x|y) ρ(x, y) = min ,1 . f (x) q(y|x)
  • 73. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Features Independent of normalizing constants for both f and q(·|x) (ie, those constants independent of x) Never move to values with f (y) = 0 The chain (x(t) )t may take the same value several times in a row, even though f is a density wrt Lebesgue measure The sequence (yt )t is usually not a Markov chain
  • 74. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Convergence properties 1. The M-H Markov chain is reversible, with invariant/stationary density f since it satisfies the detailed balance condition f (y) K(y, x) = f (x) K(x, y)
  • 75. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Convergence properties 1. The M-H Markov chain is reversible, with invariant/stationary density f since it satisfies the detailed balance condition f (y) K(y, x) = f (x) K(x, y) 2. As f is a probability measure, the chain is positive recurrent
  • 76. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Convergence properties 1. The M-H Markov chain is reversible, with invariant/stationary density f since it satisfies the detailed balance condition f (y) K(y, x) = f (x) K(x, y) 2. As f is a probability measure, the chain is positive recurrent 3. If f (Yt ) q(X (t) |Yt ) Pr ≥ 1 < 1. (1) f (X (t) ) q(Yt |X (t) ) that is, the event {X (t+1) = X (t) } is possible, then the chain is aperiodic
  • 77. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Convergence properties (2) 4. If q(y|x) > 0 for every (x, y), (2) the chain is irreducible
  • 78. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Convergence properties (2) 4. If q(y|x) > 0 for every (x, y), (2) the chain is irreducible 5. For M-H, f -irreducibility implies Harris recurrence
  • 79. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Convergence properties (2) 4. If q(y|x) > 0 for every (x, y), (2) the chain is irreducible 5. For M-H, f -irreducibility implies Harris recurrence 6. Thus, for M-H satisfying (1) and (2) (i) For h, with Ef |h(X)| < ∞, T 1 lim h(X (t) ) = h(x)df (x) a.e. f. T →∞ T t=1 (ii) and lim K n (x, ·)µ(dx) − f =0 n→∞ TV for every initial distribution µ, where K n (x, ·) denotes the kernel for n transitions.
  • 80. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Random walk Metropolis–Hastings Use of a local perturbation as proposal Yt = X (t) + εt , where εt ∼ g, independent of X (t) . The instrumental density is of the form g(y − x) and the Markov chain is a random walk if we take g to be symmetric g(x) = g(−x)
  • 81. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Random walk Metropolis–Hastings [code] Algorithm (Random walk Metropolis) Given x(t) 1. Generate Yt ∼ g(y − x(t) ) 2. Take f (Yt )  Y with prob. min 1, , (t+1) t X = f (x(t) )  (t) x otherwise.
  • 82. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms The original example Example (Random walk and normal target) Generate N (0, 1) based on the uniform proposal [−δ, δ] forget History! The probability of acceptance is then 2 ρ(x(t) , yt ) = exp{(x(t) − yt )/2} ∧ 1. 2 [Hastings (1970)]
  • 83. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms The original example Example (Random walk & normal (2)) Sample statistics δ 0.1 0.5 1.0 mean 0.399 -0.111 0.10 variance 0.698 1.11 1.06 c As δ ↑, we get better histograms and a faster exploration of the support of f .
  • 84. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms The original example 400 400 250 0.5 0.5 0.5 300 200 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 150 200 200 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 100 100 100 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 50 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 0 0 0 -1 0 1 2 -2 0 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (a) (b) (c) ples based on U [−δ, δ] with (a) δ = 0.1, (b) δ = 0.5 and (c) δ = 1.0, superimposed with the convergence of the means (15, 000 si
  • 85. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Mixtures by random walk MH Example (Mixture models) n k π(θ|x) ∝ p f (xj |µ , σ ) π(θ) j=1 =1
  • 86. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Mixtures by random walk MH Example (Mixture models) n k π(θ|x) ∝ p f (xj |µ , σ ) π(θ) j=1 =1 Metropolis-Hastings proposal: θ(t) + ωε(t) if u(t) < ρ(t) θ(t+1) = θ(t) otherwise where π(θ(t) + ωε(t) |x) ρ(t) = ∧1 π(θ(t) |x) and ω scaled for good acceptance rate
  • 87. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Mixtures by random walk MH Random walk sampling (50000 iterations) 2 2 1 1 theta theta 0 0 -1 -1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 p tau 1.2 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 -1 0 1 2 theta 0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 tau 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 p 0 2 4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 p tau General case of a 3 component normal mixture [Celeux & al., 2000]
  • 88. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Mixtures by random walk MH 3 2 µ2 1 0 X −1 −1 0 1 2 3 µ1 Random walk MCMC output for .7N (µ1 , 1) + .3N (µ2 , 1)
  • 89. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Convergence properties Uniform ergodicity prohibited by random walk structure
  • 90. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Convergence properties Uniform ergodicity prohibited by random walk structure At best, geometric ergodicity: Theorem (Sufficient ergodicity) For a symmetric density f , log-concave in the tails, and a positive and symmetric density g, the chain (X (t) ) is geometrically ergodic. [Mengersen & Tweedie, 1996] no tail effect
  • 91. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms illustration of the tail effect 1.5 1.5 Example (Comparison of tails) 1.0 1.0 Random walk Metropolis 0.5 0.5 Hastings algorithms based on a 0.0 0.0 N (0, 1) instrumental for the -0.5 -0.5 generation of (left) a N (0, 1) distribution and (right) a -1.0 -1.0 distribution with density -1.5 -1.5 ψ(x) ∝ (1 + |x|)−3 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 (a) (b) 90% confidence envelopes of the means, derived from 500 parallel independent
  • 92. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Further convergence properties Under assumptions skip detailed convergence (A1) f is super-exponential, i.e. it is positive with positive continuous first derivative such that lim|x|→∞ n(x) log f (x) = −∞ where n(x) := x/|x|. In words : exponential decay of f in every direction with rate tending to ∞ (A2) lim sup|x|→∞ n(x) m(x) < 0, where m(x) = f (x)/| f (x)| In words: non degeneracy of the countour manifold Cf (y) = {y : f (y) = f (x)} Q is geometrically ergodic, and V (x) ∝ f (x)−1/2 verifies the drift condition [Jarner & Hansen, 2000]
  • 93. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Further [further] convergence properties skip hyperdetailed convergence If P ψ-irreducible and aperiodic, for r = (r(n))n∈N real-valued non decreasing sequence, such that, for all n, m ∈ N, r(n + m) ≤ r(n)r(m), and r(0) = 1, for C a small set, τC = inf{n ≥ 1, Xn ∈ C}, and h ≥ 1, assume τC −1 sup Ex r(k)h(Xk ) < ∞, x∈C k=0
  • 94. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Further [further] convergence properties then, τC −1 S(f, C, r) := x ∈ X, Ex r(k)h(Xk ) <∞ k=0 is full and absorbing and for x ∈ S(f, C, r), lim r(n) P n (x, .) − f h = 0. n→∞ [Tuominen & Tweedie, 1994]
  • 95. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Comments [CLT, Rosenthal’s inequality...] h-ergodicity implies CLT for additive (possibly unbounded) functionals of the chain, Rosenthal’s inequality and so on... [Control of the moments of the return-time] The condition implies (because h ≥ 1) that τC −1 sup Ex [r0 (τC )] ≤ sup Ex r(k)h(Xk ) < ∞, x∈C x∈C k=0 where r0 (n) = n r(l) Can be used to derive bounds for l=0 the coupling time, an essential step to determine computable bounds, using coupling inequalities [Roberts & Tweedie, 98; Fort & Moulines, 00; Jones et al., 02]
  • 96. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Alternative conditions The condition is not really easy to work with... [Possible alternative conditions] (a) [Tuominen, Tweedie, 1994] There exists a sequence (Vn )n∈N , Vn ≥ r(n)h, such that (i) supC V0 < ∞, (ii) {V0 = ∞} ⊂ {V1 = ∞} and (iii) P Vn+1 ≤ Vn − r(n)h + br(n)IC .
  • 97. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms Alternative conditions (b) [Fort 2000] ∃V ≥ f ≥ 1 and b < ∞, such that supC V < ∞ and σC P V (x) + Ex ∆r(k)f (Xk ) ≤ V (x) + bIC (x) k=0 where σC is the hitting time on C and ∆r(k) = r(k) − r(k − 1), k ≥ 1 and ∆r(0) = r(0). τC −1 Result (a) ⇔ (b) ⇔ supx∈C Ex k=0 r(k)f (Xk ) < ∞.
  • 98. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Langevin Algorithms Proposal based on the Langevin diffusion Lt is defined by the stochastic differential equation 1 dLt = dBt + log f (Lt )dt, 2 where Bt is the standard Brownian motion Theorem The Langevin diffusion is the only non-explosive diffusion which is reversible with respect to f .
  • 99. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Discretization Instead, consider the sequence σ2 x(t+1) = x(t) + log f (x(t) ) + σεt , εt ∼ Np (0, Ip ) 2 where σ 2 corresponds to the discretization step
  • 100. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Discretization Instead, consider the sequence σ2 x(t+1) = x(t) + log f (x(t) ) + σεt , εt ∼ Np (0, Ip ) 2 where σ 2 corresponds to the discretization step Unfortunately, the discretized chain may be be transient, for instance when lim σ2 log f (x)|x|−1 > 1 x→±∞
  • 101. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions MH correction Accept the new value Yt with probability 2 σ2 exp − Yt − x(t) − 2 log f (x(t) ) 2σ 2 f (Yt ) · ∧1. f (x(t) ) σ2 2 exp − x(t) − Yt − 2 log f (Yt ) 2σ 2 Choice of the scaling factor σ Should lead to an acceptance rate of 0.574 to achieve optimal convergence rates (when the components of x are uncorrelated) [Roberts & Rosenthal, 1998; Girolami & Calderhead, 2011]
  • 102. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Optimizing the Acceptance Rate Problem of choice of the transition kernel from a practical point of view Most common alternatives: (a) a fully automated algorithm like ARMS; (b) an instrumental density g which approximates f , such that f /g is bounded for uniform ergodicity to apply; (c) a random walk In both cases (b) and (c), the choice of g is critical,
  • 103. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Case of the random walk Different approach to acceptance rates A high acceptance rate does not indicate that the algorithm is moving correctly since it indicates that the random walk is moving too slowly on the surface of f .
  • 104. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Case of the random walk Different approach to acceptance rates A high acceptance rate does not indicate that the algorithm is moving correctly since it indicates that the random walk is moving too slowly on the surface of f . If x(t) and yt are close, i.e. f (x(t) ) f (yt ) y is accepted with probability f (yt ) min ,1 1. f (x(t) ) For multimodal densities with well separated modes, the negative effect of limited moves on the surface of f clearly shows.
  • 105. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Case of the random walk (2) If the average acceptance rate is low, the successive values of f (yt ) tend to be small compared with f (x(t) ), which means that the random walk moves quickly on the surface of f since it often reaches the “borders” of the support of f
  • 106. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Rule of thumb In small dimensions, aim at an average acceptance rate of 50%. In large dimensions, at an average acceptance rate of 25%. [Gelman,Gilks and Roberts, 1995]
  • 107. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Rule of thumb In small dimensions, aim at an average acceptance rate of 50%. In large dimensions, at an average acceptance rate of 25%. [Gelman,Gilks and Roberts, 1995] This rule is to be taken with a pinch of salt!
  • 108. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Role of scale Example (Noisy AR(1)) Hidden Markov chain from a regular AR(1) model, xt+1 = ϕxt + t+1 t ∼ N (0, τ 2 ) and observables yt |xt ∼ N (x2 , σ 2 ) t
  • 109. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Role of scale Example (Noisy AR(1)) Hidden Markov chain from a regular AR(1) model, xt+1 = ϕxt + t+1 t ∼ N (0, τ 2 ) and observables yt |xt ∼ N (x2 , σ 2 ) t The distribution of xt given xt−1 , xt+1 and yt is −1 τ2 exp (xt − ϕxt−1 )2 + (xt+1 − ϕxt )2 + (yt − x2 )2 t . 2τ 2 σ2
  • 110. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Role of scale Example (Noisy AR(1) continued) For a Gaussian random walk with scale ω small enough, the random walk never jumps to the other mode. But if the scale ω is sufficiently large, the Markov chain explores both modes and give a satisfactory approximation of the target distribution.
  • 111. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Role of scale Markov chain based on a random walk with scale ω = .1.
  • 112. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Role of scale Markov chain based on a random walk with scale ω = .5.
  • 113. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions MA(2) Since the constraints on (ϑ1 , ϑ2 ) are well-defined, use of a flat prior over the triangle as prior. Simple representation of the likelihood library(mnormt) ma2like=function(theta){ n=length(y) sigma = toeplitz(c(1 +theta[1]^2+theta[2]^2, theta[1]+theta[1]*theta[2],theta[2],rep(0,n-3))) dmnorm(y,rep(0,n),sigma,log=TRUE) }
  • 114. MCMC and likelihood-free methods Part/day I: Markov chain methods The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Extensions Basic RWHM for MA(2) Algorithm 1 RW-HM-MA(2) sampler set ω and ϑ(1) for i = 2 to T do ˜ (i−1) (i−1) generate ϑj ∼ U(ϑj − ω, ϑj + ω) set p = 0 and ϑ (i) = ϑ(i−1) ˜ if ϑ within the triangle then ˜ p = exp(ma2like(ϑ) − ma2like(ϑ(i−1) )) end if if U < p then ˜ ϑ(i) = ϑ end if end for