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M ultiple Inteligences
  “Octagen” for the Brain
A brief introduction to the
            Theory of Multiple Intelligences

• O u r s e ns itivity to th e d ive rs e ways in wh ich ch ild re n
  think, s olv e problems , and expres s thems elves is
  ofte n lim ite d b oth b y ou r notions of inte llige nce and ou r
  own inte lle ctu al p re fe re nce s .

• Inte ntionally or not te ach e rs d e s ign th e ir
  clas s room (cu rricu lu m , ins tru ction, as s e s s m e nt)
    to re fle ct their ideas ab ou t inte llige nce and
  h ow le arning h ap p e ns as we ll as their own ways
      of m aking s e ns e of th e world .
• Alm os t all of u s can fall into b e lie ving th at if we
  can m ake cle ar th e way we have come to
  unders tand s omething , oth e rs will u nd e rs tand , too.

• Bas e d on long and care fu l ob s e rvation, e s p e cially of
  ch ild re n wh o d o not s e e m to u nd e rs tand e as ily wh at
  m ay s e e m ob viou s to oth e rs , m any te ach e rs re cognis e
  th at th e re are , ind e e d , many different ways of
  perceiv ing the world and multiple ways of making
  s ens e of one ’s e xp e rie nce s .

• A clos e r look at Th e orie s of Inte llige nce s can p rovid e a
  m id d le grou nd b e twe e n th e id e a th at th e re is a s ing le
  way in which minds works and th at notion th at every
  mind is unique.
What is MI Theory and Where does it come

• Th e th e ory of M u ltip le inte llige nce s (M I th e ory) was firs t
  p rop os e d in th e Howard G ardner's b ook “ Frames of
  Mind” .

• Th e th e ory of m u ltip le inte llige nce s p rovid e s a u s e fu l
  p e rs p e ctive on th e is s u e s b y d is tingu is h ing am ong e igh t
  d im e ns ions of h u m an inte lle ctu al fu nctioning.

• Wh e re as th e trad itional, u nitary p e rs p e ctive s on
  inte llige nce – s u ch as a IQ le ad s to a qu e s tion th at “ Is
  the pers on intelligent , M I th e ory offe rs a p lu ralis tic
  vie w th at “in what way is the pers on intellig ent”.
• In h is 1 993 p u b lication, ‘M u ltip le inte llige nce s - Th e
   th e ory in p ractice ’, G ard ne r d e fine s inte llige nce as th e -
 “Ability to s olve problems , or to fas hion products , that are
     valued in one or more cultural or community s ettings ”

• G ard ne r p oints ou t, ind ivid u als are b orn with p ote ntials
  in all the eig ht intellig ences . Th e y th e n d e ve lop th is
  initial inte lle ctu al p rofile in m anifold ways , d e p e nd ing on
  th e cultural, local and pers onal context within which
  they g row.

• M i th e ory acknowle d ge s th at inte llige nce s d o
  not work in is olation, b u t rath e r in cons ort and
     in context to th e p rob le m s in th e re al-world
  d om ains .
What is that relation between MI theory and
       Traditional ideas about intelligence
•    G ard ne r, like oth e r p as t and cu rre nt th e oris ts argu e s
     for a more pluralis tic notion of intellig ence.

•    R ath e r th an fixing th e inte llige nce at b irth , as
     s om e trad itional id e as of inte llige nce im p ly,
           MI theory s ug g es ts that intellig ences chang e
     and g row.

•    In trad itional conce p t of inte llige nce – its s ays th at
     intellig ence remains the s ame in all s ituations , it
     d oe s n't ch ange wh e th e r one is s olving a p rob le m , or
     le arning to d ance , or find ing one 's way in th e ne w
Accord ing to a trad itional d e finition, intellig ence is a
  uniform cog nitive capacity people are born with. Th is
  cap acity can b e e as ily m e as u re d b y s h ort-ans we r te s ts .

  Accord ing to H oward G ard ne r, inte llige nce is :

• The ability to create an effective product or offer a
  s ervice that is valued in a culture;
• A s et of s kills that make it pos s ible for a pers on to
  s olve problems in life;
• The potential for finding or creating s olutions for
  problems , which involves gathering new knowledge.
S ome common Mis conceptions of MI theory
• A s ou rce of confu s ion is th e e qu ation b e twe e n MI and
  the Learning S tyles .

• Le arning s tyle s re fe rs to th e different approaches th at
  ind ivid u als take wh e n trying to m ake of d ive rs e kind s of
  conte nt. A le arning s tyle is th ou gh t to cu t cros s all
  conte nt are as .

• E g.if a p e rs on is a tactile learner, s h e will le arn
  b e s t b y u s ing h e r h and or s e ns e of tou ch wh e n
  le arning ne w m ate rial – wh e th e r h is tory or cooking.
• Wh e re as th e inte llige nce re p re s e nts potentials or
  capacities th at are linke d to neurolog ical functions
  and s tructures th at re s p ond to a p articu lar conte nt.

• We cannot as s u m e th at b e cau s e one h as demons trated
  a g ood memory or ability to focus in mus ic th at h e or
  s h e will b e h ave s im ilarly wh e n p re s e nte d with lingu is tic or
  s p atial inform ation.

• M ore ove r, u nlike le arning s tyle s , intellig ences have
  dis tinct developmental paths th at are tie d to th e
  ach ie ve m e nt of th e valu e d role s in ou r s ocie ty.
Implications for curriculum des ign and
                    ins truction.

• If we u nd e rs tand th is , th e n we m u s t know th at s tu d e nts
  p os s e s s a range of ab ilitie s th at s tand ard clas s room
  fare ne ith e r acknowledg es , celebrates nor nurtures .

• S o, we h ave to as k ou rs e lve s , how can one mode
      of ins truction and one mode of tes ting e ve r tru ly
          allow u s to re ach ou t to e ve ry ch ild ?

• F or th e im p lication of M I th e te ach e rs s h ou ld b e fam iliar
  with e ach s tu d e nt’s inte re s ts , s tre ngth s and
  we akne s s e s , and s hape their ins tructional practices
  according ly.
• As e d u cators , p are nt, and oth e r ad u lts re cognize th at all
  children are born with a multitude of intellig ences
  th e y can b e tte r nu rtu re th e fu ll range of ch ild ’s ab ilitie s .

• Be fore a te ach e rs s tarts to ad op t th e M I ap p roach in th e
  clas s room , it m igh t b e u s e fu l to id e ntify s om e of th e
  ques tionable ins tructional practices that purportedly
  follow from MI. M I is not a m and ate to te ach e ve ry top ic
  in s e ve n or e igh t ways .

• M I h e lp s te ach e r to h onor th e s tu d e nts s tre ngth s ,
  h owe ve r ce le b rating th e s tre ngth s is not e nou gh ; th os e
  s tre ngth s ne e d to b e conne cte d to wh at s tudents need
  to know and unders tand.
Principles for des igning as s es s ments

Th e p rincip le s of as s e s s m e nt:
•    As s e s s m e nt s h ou ld b e e m b e d d e d in meaning ful,
     ong oing , real world activities .

•    Th e y s h ou ld als o d raw th e m ate rial and tools of th e
     d om ains , rather than always relying on paper –
     pencil tes t.

•    As s e s s m e nt s h ou ld allow for divers e modes of
     res pons es or multiple ways to demons trate
     unders tanding . P ortfolios are ofte n fu ll of e xam p le s of
     d ive rs e ways in wh ich s tu d e nts re p re s e nt th e ir ins igh ts
     and id e as .
4.   As s e s s m e nts s h ou ld h e lp to track th e g rowth over
     time of ch ild ’s ab ility to u s e th e ir inte llige nce s . MI
     s ays that intellig ences are educable. M aintaining
     th e e vid e nce file s h e lp s te ach e rs for tracking and
     e xam ining th e growth .

5.   As s e s s m e nt is a fu nd am e ntal p art of th e le arning
     p roce s s . Throug h eng ag ing in reflection and s elf
     as s es s ment s tudents can come to unders tand
     their own intellig ences and how they work.
     G ard ne r id e ntifie s two inte llige nce s ove r h e re –
     inte rp e rs onal and intrap e rs onal.
Tools for as s es s ments

•   Obs ervation : th e m os t p owe rfu l as s e s s m e nt is th e
    careful obs ervation on the children at work and
    play. As G ard ne r’s d e finition of inte llige nce , s im p ly
    watch ing ch ild re n as th e y e ncou nte r p rob le m s or try
    to m ake th ings can b e ins tru ctive .
•   Few things what a teacher s hould look for:
•   N otice ch ild re n's choices wh e n th e y are give n
    op tions .
•   Watch th e roles th e y take wh e n working toge th e r to
    com p le te a tas k.
•   O b s e rve h ow th e y handle u nanticip ate d p rob le m s .
•   N ote wh at captures one ch ild 's atte ntion and
    p as s e s anoth e r b y.
Documenation: is an inform al way of as s e s s m e nt.
•   Ke e p ing note s of th e ch ild re n (ane cd otal m om e nts ),
    e s p e cially h e lp th e te ach e rs as th e y s eek to find
    patterns in th e ways ch ild re n u s e th e ir inte llige nce s .
•   Maintaining notes of children's convers ations as
    th e y lis te n for qu e s tions and id e as th at aris e
    s p ontane ou s ly.

•   Portfolios of s tudents work:
•   Wh e n s tu d e nts are give n as s ignm e nts th at allow for
    divers e modes of res pons e or m u ltip le ways to
    d e m ons trate u nd e rs tand ing, th e y ofte n produce
    complex and s triking work.
•   P ortfolios can p rovid e vivid e vid e nce of g rowth and
•   P ortfolios in th e m s e lve s , are only colle ctions of work.
    As s e s s m e nts h ap p e ns wh e n th e te ach e r and s tu d e nts
    review thos e portfolios throug h particular lens es ,
    s u ch as :
•   H ow d o stud e nts ap p roach and sol p rob l m ?
                                                 ve        e

•   H ow d o stud e nts und e rstand the m e thod s of a
    p articul acad e m ic d iscipl , d e m onstrate the ir
              ar                  ine
    cap acity to use those m e thod s, and m ake se nse of
    the ir find ings ?

•   H ow d o the y com m unicate the ir thoughts and
    p e rce p tions m ost e ffe ctive ly?
• S tudent reflection and S elf as s es s ment:
• Trad itionally, as s e s s m e nt and e valu ation h ave b e e n th e
  domain of the teacher. S tu d e nts h and in th e ir work
  and te ach e r j d ge s it.

• Bu t M I cau tions th at b y e xclu d ing th e s tu d e nt in h is
  as s e s s m e nt m e ans th at a world of ins ig ht is los t as
  b oth te ach e r and s tu d e nts can le arn im p ortant le s s ons
  from e ngaging s tu d e nts deeply and reg ularly in
  re fle cting on and as s e s s ing th e ir own work.
• R e fle ction can b e written or verbal and can occu r at
  th e m id d le or th e e nd of th e p roj ct, or e ve n m onth s
  afte r its com p le tion. It can b e a conve rs ation or a
  m onologu e .

• O nce s tu d e nts are e ngage d in th e ir re fle ction and s e lf
  as s e s s m e nts ,it b e com e s m u ch e as ie r to h ave a
  convers ation about their work.
• Th e y can com e to an opinion ab ou t th e ir work and it
• give s th e te ach e r a b e tte r ins igh t into h ow th e s tu d e nts
  approach and think ab ou t th e ir work.

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Multiple Intelligence theory

  • 1. M ultiple Inteligences l “Octagen” for the Brain
  • 2. A brief introduction to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences • O u r s e ns itivity to th e d ive rs e ways in wh ich ch ild re n think, s olv e problems , and expres s thems elves is ofte n lim ite d b oth b y ou r notions of inte llige nce and ou r own inte lle ctu al p re fe re nce s . • Inte ntionally or not te ach e rs d e s ign th e ir clas s room (cu rricu lu m , ins tru ction, as s e s s m e nt) to re fle ct their ideas ab ou t inte llige nce and h ow le arning h ap p e ns as we ll as their own ways of m aking s e ns e of th e world .
  • 3. • Alm os t all of u s can fall into b e lie ving th at if we can m ake cle ar th e way we have come to unders tand s omething , oth e rs will u nd e rs tand , too. • Bas e d on long and care fu l ob s e rvation, e s p e cially of ch ild re n wh o d o not s e e m to u nd e rs tand e as ily wh at m ay s e e m ob viou s to oth e rs , m any te ach e rs re cognis e th at th e re are , ind e e d , many different ways of perceiv ing the world and multiple ways of making s ens e of one ’s e xp e rie nce s . • A clos e r look at Th e orie s of Inte llige nce s can p rovid e a m id d le grou nd b e twe e n th e id e a th at th e re is a s ing le way in which minds works and th at notion th at every mind is unique.
  • 4. What is MI Theory and Where does it come from? • Th e th e ory of M u ltip le inte llige nce s (M I th e ory) was firs t p rop os e d in th e Howard G ardner's b ook “ Frames of Mind” . • Th e th e ory of m u ltip le inte llige nce s p rovid e s a u s e fu l p e rs p e ctive on th e is s u e s b y d is tingu is h ing am ong e igh t d im e ns ions of h u m an inte lle ctu al fu nctioning. • Wh e re as th e trad itional, u nitary p e rs p e ctive s on inte llige nce – s u ch as a IQ le ad s to a qu e s tion th at “ Is the pers on intelligent , M I th e ory offe rs a p lu ralis tic vie w th at “in what way is the pers on intellig ent”.
  • 5. • In h is 1 993 p u b lication, ‘M u ltip le inte llige nce s - Th e th e ory in p ractice ’, G ard ne r d e fine s inte llige nce as th e - “Ability to s olve problems , or to fas hion products , that are valued in one or more cultural or community s ettings ” • G ard ne r p oints ou t, ind ivid u als are b orn with p ote ntials in all the eig ht intellig ences . Th e y th e n d e ve lop th is initial inte lle ctu al p rofile in m anifold ways , d e p e nd ing on th e cultural, local and pers onal context within which they g row. • M i th e ory acknowle d ge s th at inte llige nce s d o not work in is olation, b u t rath e r in cons ort and in context to th e p rob le m s in th e re al-world d om ains .
  • 6. What is that relation between MI theory and Traditional ideas about intelligence • G ard ne r, like oth e r p as t and cu rre nt th e oris ts argu e s for a more pluralis tic notion of intellig ence. • R ath e r th an fixing th e inte llige nce at b irth , as s om e trad itional id e as of inte llige nce im p ly, MI theory s ug g es ts that intellig ences chang e and g row. • In trad itional conce p t of inte llige nce – its s ays th at intellig ence remains the s ame in all s ituations , it d oe s n't ch ange wh e th e r one is s olving a p rob le m , or le arning to d ance , or find ing one 's way in th e ne w city.
  • 7. Accord ing to a trad itional d e finition, intellig ence is a uniform cog nitive capacity people are born with. Th is cap acity can b e e as ily m e as u re d b y s h ort-ans we r te s ts . Accord ing to H oward G ard ne r, inte llige nce is : • The ability to create an effective product or offer a s ervice that is valued in a culture; • A s et of s kills that make it pos s ible for a pers on to s olve problems in life; • The potential for finding or creating s olutions for problems , which involves gathering new knowledge.
  • 8. S ome common Mis conceptions of MI theory • A s ou rce of confu s ion is th e e qu ation b e twe e n MI and the Learning S tyles . • Le arning s tyle s re fe rs to th e different approaches th at ind ivid u als take wh e n trying to m ake of d ive rs e kind s of conte nt. A le arning s tyle is th ou gh t to cu t cros s all conte nt are as . • E g.if a p e rs on is a tactile learner, s h e will le arn b e s t b y u s ing h e r h and or s e ns e of tou ch wh e n le arning ne w m ate rial – wh e th e r h is tory or cooking.
  • 9. • Wh e re as th e inte llige nce re p re s e nts potentials or capacities th at are linke d to neurolog ical functions and s tructures th at re s p ond to a p articu lar conte nt. • We cannot as s u m e th at b e cau s e one h as demons trated a g ood memory or ability to focus in mus ic th at h e or s h e will b e h ave s im ilarly wh e n p re s e nte d with lingu is tic or s p atial inform ation. • M ore ove r, u nlike le arning s tyle s , intellig ences have dis tinct developmental paths th at are tie d to th e ach ie ve m e nt of th e valu e d role s in ou r s ocie ty.
  • 10. Implications for curriculum des ign and ins truction. • If we u nd e rs tand th is , th e n we m u s t know th at s tu d e nts p os s e s s a range of ab ilitie s th at s tand ard clas s room fare ne ith e r acknowledg es , celebrates nor nurtures . • S o, we h ave to as k ou rs e lve s , how can one mode of ins truction and one mode of tes ting e ve r tru ly allow u s to re ach ou t to e ve ry ch ild ? • F or th e im p lication of M I th e te ach e rs s h ou ld b e fam iliar with e ach s tu d e nt’s inte re s ts , s tre ngth s and we akne s s e s , and s hape their ins tructional practices according ly.
  • 11. • As e d u cators , p are nt, and oth e r ad u lts re cognize th at all children are born with a multitude of intellig ences th e y can b e tte r nu rtu re th e fu ll range of ch ild ’s ab ilitie s . • Be fore a te ach e rs s tarts to ad op t th e M I ap p roach in th e clas s room , it m igh t b e u s e fu l to id e ntify s om e of th e ques tionable ins tructional practices that purportedly follow from MI. M I is not a m and ate to te ach e ve ry top ic in s e ve n or e igh t ways . • M I h e lp s te ach e r to h onor th e s tu d e nts s tre ngth s , h owe ve r ce le b rating th e s tre ngth s is not e nou gh ; th os e s tre ngth s ne e d to b e conne cte d to wh at s tudents need to know and unders tand.
  • 12. Principles for des igning as s es s ments Th e p rincip le s of as s e s s m e nt: • As s e s s m e nt s h ou ld b e e m b e d d e d in meaning ful, ong oing , real world activities . • Th e y s h ou ld als o d raw th e m ate rial and tools of th e d om ains , rather than always relying on paper – pencil tes t. • As s e s s m e nt s h ou ld allow for divers e modes of res pons es or multiple ways to demons trate unders tanding . P ortfolios are ofte n fu ll of e xam p le s of d ive rs e ways in wh ich s tu d e nts re p re s e nt th e ir ins igh ts and id e as .
  • 13. 4. As s e s s m e nts s h ou ld h e lp to track th e g rowth over time of ch ild ’s ab ility to u s e th e ir inte llige nce s . MI s ays that intellig ences are educable. M aintaining th e e vid e nce file s h e lp s te ach e rs for tracking and e xam ining th e growth . 5. As s e s s m e nt is a fu nd am e ntal p art of th e le arning p roce s s . Throug h eng ag ing in reflection and s elf as s es s ment s tudents can come to unders tand their own intellig ences and how they work. G ard ne r id e ntifie s two inte llige nce s ove r h e re – inte rp e rs onal and intrap e rs onal.
  • 14. Tools for as s es s ments • Obs ervation : th e m os t p owe rfu l as s e s s m e nt is th e careful obs ervation on the children at work and play. As G ard ne r’s d e finition of inte llige nce , s im p ly watch ing ch ild re n as th e y e ncou nte r p rob le m s or try to m ake th ings can b e ins tru ctive . • Few things what a teacher s hould look for: • N otice ch ild re n's choices wh e n th e y are give n op tions . • Watch th e roles th e y take wh e n working toge th e r to com p le te a tas k. • O b s e rve h ow th e y handle u nanticip ate d p rob le m s . • N ote wh at captures one ch ild 's atte ntion and p as s e s anoth e r b y.
  • 15. Documenation: is an inform al way of as s e s s m e nt. • Ke e p ing note s of th e ch ild re n (ane cd otal m om e nts ), e s p e cially h e lp th e te ach e rs as th e y s eek to find patterns in th e ways ch ild re n u s e th e ir inte llige nce s . • Maintaining notes of children's convers ations as th e y lis te n for qu e s tions and id e as th at aris e s p ontane ou s ly. • Portfolios of s tudents work: • Wh e n s tu d e nts are give n as s ignm e nts th at allow for divers e modes of res pons e or m u ltip le ways to d e m ons trate u nd e rs tand ing, th e y ofte n produce complex and s triking work. • P ortfolios can p rovid e vivid e vid e nce of g rowth and development.
  • 16. P ortfolios in th e m s e lve s , are only colle ctions of work. As s e s s m e nts h ap p e ns wh e n th e te ach e r and s tu d e nts review thos e portfolios throug h particular lens es , s u ch as : • H ow d o stud e nts ap p roach and sol p rob l m ? ve e • H ow d o stud e nts und e rstand the m e thod s of a p articul acad e m ic d iscipl , d e m onstrate the ir ar ine cap acity to use those m e thod s, and m ake se nse of the ir find ings ? • H ow d o the y com m unicate the ir thoughts and p e rce p tions m ost e ffe ctive ly?
  • 17. • S tudent reflection and S elf as s es s ment: • Trad itionally, as s e s s m e nt and e valu ation h ave b e e n th e domain of the teacher. S tu d e nts h and in th e ir work and te ach e r j d ge s it. u • Bu t M I cau tions th at b y e xclu d ing th e s tu d e nt in h is as s e s s m e nt m e ans th at a world of ins ig ht is los t as b oth te ach e r and s tu d e nts can le arn im p ortant le s s ons from e ngaging s tu d e nts deeply and reg ularly in re fle cting on and as s e s s ing th e ir own work.
  • 18. • R e fle ction can b e written or verbal and can occu r at th e m id d le or th e e nd of th e p roj ct, or e ve n m onth s e afte r its com p le tion. It can b e a conve rs ation or a m onologu e . • O nce s tu d e nts are e ngage d in th e ir re fle ction and s e lf as s e s s m e nts ,it b e com e s m u ch e as ie r to h ave a convers ation about their work. • Th e y can com e to an opinion ab ou t th e ir work and it • give s th e te ach e r a b e tte r ins igh t into h ow th e s tu d e nts approach and think ab ou t th e ir work.