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(1897-07-24)Jul y
B n
 or              24, 1897
                 At chi son, Kansas,
                 U .S.
                 Jul y 2, 1937
                 (aged 39)
D sappear ed
 i               Paci f i c Ocean, en
                 r out e t o H l and
                 I sl and
                 D ar ed dead i n
                 absent i a
St at us         Januar y 5,
                 (aged 41)
N i onal i t y
 at              Am i can

                 Fi r st w an t o
                 f l y sol o acr oss
K n f or
 now             t he At l ant i c
                 O cean and set t i ng
                 m any avi at i on
                 r ecor ds.

Spouse           G ge P. Put nam

Si gnat ur e
Amelia Mary Earhart
 /ˈ ɛərhɑrt/ AIR-hart; July
   , 1897 – disappeared
      ) was an American
aviation pioneer and
author.  [1][N 1] Earhart was

the first aviatrix to fly solo
across the Atlantic Ocean.
She received the U.S. Distinguished
Flying Cross for this record.[4] She set
many other records,[2] wrote best-
selling books about her flying
experiences and was instrumental in
the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an
organization for female pilots.[5]
Earhart joined the faculty of the
Purdue University aviation department
in 1935 as a visiting faculty member to
counsel women on careers and help
During an attempt to make a
circumnavigation flight of the
globe in 1937 in a Purdue-funded
Lockheed Model 10 Electra,
Earhart disappeared over the
central Pacific Ocean near
Howland Island. Fascination with
her life, career and
disappearance continues to this

Earhart as
a child
Am i a M y Ear har t , daught er of G m
    el    ar                                er an
Am i can Sam
    er            uel "Edw n" St ant on Ear har t (bor n
M ch 28, 1867) and Am i a "Am O i s Ear har t
  ar                          el       y" t
(1869–1962),[9] w bor n i n At chi son, Kansas, i n
t he hom of her m er nal gr andf at her , Al f r ed
         e               at
G deon O i s (1827–1912), a f or m f eder al
  i       t                             er
j udge, pr esi dent of t he At chi son Savi ngs Bank
and a l eadi ng ci t i zen i n t he t ow Am i a w
                                          n. el        as
t he second chi l d of t he m r i age, af t er an
i nf ant st i l l bor n i n August 1896.[10] Al f r ed O i s
had not i ni t i al l y f avor ed t he m r i age and w
                                        ar               as
not sat i sf i ed w t h Edw n's pr ogr ess as a
                      i       i
l aw .[11]
Early flying experiences
At about t hat t i m w t h a young w an f r i end,
                        e, i                  om
Ear har t vi si t ed an ai r f ai r hel d i n conj unct i on
w t h t he C
 i            anadi an N i onal Exposi t i on i n Tor ont o.
O of t he hi ghl i ght s of t he day w a f l yi ng
 ne                                           as
exhi bi t i on put on by a W l d W I "ace."[33] The
                                 or       ar
pi l ot over head spot t ed Ear har t and her f r i end, w   ho
w e w chi ng f r om an i sol at ed cl ear i ng and di ved
 er     at
at t hem "I am sur e he sai d t o hi m f , 'W ch m
          .                                   sel    at     e
make t hem scam ,'" she sai d. Ear har t st ood her
gr ound as t he ai r cr af t cam cl ose. "I di d not
under st and i t at t he t i m she sai d, "but I
bel i eve t hat l i t t l e r ed ai r pl ane sai d som hi ng t o
By 1919 Earhart prepared to enter Smith College but
changed her mind and enrolled at Columbia
University signing up for a course in medical studies
among other programs.      She quit a year later to be
with her parents who had reunited in California.

L–R: Neta Snook and Amelia Earhart in
front of Earhart's Kinner Airster, c. 1921
transatlantic flight
   Amelia Earhart being greeted by Mrs.
   Foster Welch, Mayor of Southampton,
   June 20, 1928
   After Charles Lindbergh's solo flight across
   the Atlantic in 1927, Amy Phipps Guest,
   (1873–1959), expressed interest in being
   the first woman to fly (or be flown) across
   the Atlantic Ocean. After deciding the trip
   was too perilous for her to undertake, she
   offered to sponsor the project, suggesting
   they find "another girl with the right
   image." While at work one afternoon in
   April 1928, Earhart got a phone call from
   Capt. Hilton H. Railey, who asked her,
   "Would you like to fly the Atlantic?"
1932 transatlantic solo flight
Amelia Earhart Museum, Derry
                               Lockheed Vega
                               5B flown by
                               Amelia Earhart as
                               seen on display
                               at the National Air
                               and Space
Depar t ur e f r om Lae
O Jul y 2, 1937, m dni ght G T, Ear har t and N
  n                   i          M                   oonan
t ook of f f r om Lae i n t he heavi l y l oaded El ect r a.
Thei r i nt ended dest i nat i on w H l and I sl and, a
                                   as ow
f l at sl i ver of l and 6,500 f t (2,000 m l ong and
1,600 f t (500 m w de, 10 f t (3 m hi gh and 2,556
                    ) i                    )
m l es (4,113 km aw
  i                ) ay. Thei r l ast know posi t i on
r epor t w near t he N
            as            ukum  anu I sl ands, about 800
m l es (1,300 km i nt o t he f l i ght . The U t ed St at es
  i                )                             ni
C oast G d cut t er I t asca w on st at i on at
          uar                     as
H l and, assi gned t o com uni cat e w t h Ear har t 's
  ow                          m              i
Lockheed El ect r a 10E and gui de t hem t o t he i sl and
once t hey ar r i ved i n t he vi ci ni t y.
Fi nal appr oach t o H l and I sl and
Thr ough a ser i es of m sunder st andi ngs or
er r or s (t he det ai l s of w ch ar e st i l l
cont r over si al ), t he f i nal appr oach t o
H l and I sl and usi ng r adi o navi gat i on w
  ow                                                as
not successf ul . Fr ed N      oonan had ear l i er
w i t t en about pr obl em af f ect i ng t he
  r                          s
accur acy of r adi o di r ect i on f i ndi ng i n
navi gat i on.[N 15] Som sour ces have not ed
Ear har t 's appar ent l ack of under st andi ng
of her Bendi x di r ect i on-f i ndi ng l oop
ant enna, w ch at t he t i m w ver y new
              hi                  e as
t echnol ogy.
Anot her ci t ed cause of possi bl e
conf usi on w t hat t he U G
               as             SC
cut t er I t asca and Ear har t pl anned
t hei r com uni cat i on schedul e
usi ng t i m syst em set a hal f
             e        s
hour apar t (w t h Ear har t usi ng
G eenw ch C vi l Ti m (G T) and
  r      i     i        e C
t he I t asca under a N  aval t i me
zone desi gnat i on syst em [105]
M i on pi ct ur e evi dence f r om Lae suggest s
t hat an ant enna m      ount ed under neat h t he
f usel age m have been t or n of f f r om t he
f uel -heavy El ect r a dur i ng t axi or t akeof f
f r om Lae's t ur f r unw  ay, t hough no ant enna was
r epor t ed f ound at Lae. D D i ggi ns, i n hi s
                                 on w
bi ogr aphy of Paul M z (w assi st ed
                           ant     ho
Ear har t and N   oonan i n t hei r f l i ght
pl anni ng), not ed t hat t he avi at or s had cut
of f t hei r l ong-w r e ant enna, due t o t he
annoyance of havi ng t o cr ank i t back i nt o
t he ai r cr af t af t er each use.
Radio signals
     Earhart in the Electra cockpit, c. 1936
     During Earhart and Noonan's approach
     to Howland Island the Itasca received
     strong and clear voice transmissions
     from Earhart identifying as KHAQQ but
     she apparently was unable to hear voice
     transmissions from the ship. At 7:42 am
     on July 2, Earhart radioed "We must be
     on you, but cannot see you—but gas is
     running low. Have been unable to reach
     you by radio.
ar e f l yi ng at 1,000 f eet ." H 7:58 am
t r ansm ssi on sai d she coul dn't hear t he
I t asca and asked t hem t o send voi ce si gnal s
so she coul d t r y t o t ake a r adi o bear i ng
(t hi s t r ansm ssi on w r epor t ed by t he
                i         as
I t asca as t he l oudest possi bl e
si gnal , i ndi cat i ng Ear har t and Noonan w e
i n t he i m edi at e ar ea). They coul dn't send
voi ce at t he f r equency she asked f or , so
M se code si gnal s w e sent i nst ead.
  or                      er
Ear har t acknow edged r ecei vi ng t hese but
sai d she w unabl e t o det er m ne t hei r
              as                      i
I n her l ast know t r ansm ssi on at
                     n        i
8:43 am Ear har t br oadcast "W ar e
on t he l i ne 157 337. W w l l
                            e i
r epeat t hi s m essage. W w l l
                           e i
r epeat t hi s on 6210 ki l ocycl es.
W t ." H ever , a f ew m ent s
  ai      ow                om
l at er she w back on t he sam
              as                   e
f r equency (3105 kH w t h a
                       z) i
t r ansm ssi on w ch w l ogged as
        i         hi     as
a "quest i onabl e": "W ar e r unni ng
Ear har t w a w del y know i nt er nat i onal
             as      i            n
cel ebr i t y dur i ng her l i f et i m H shyl y
                                       e. er
char i sm i c appeal , i ndependence, per si st ence,
cool ness under pr essur e, cour age and goal -
or i ent ed car eer al ong w t h t he ci r cum ances of
                               i                 st
her di sappear ance at a com at i vel y ear l y age
have dr i ven her l ast i ng f am i n popul ar
cul t ur e. H undr eds of ar t i cl es and scor es of
books have been w i t t en about her l i f e w ch i s
                        r                           hi
of t en ci t ed as a m i vat i onal t al e, especi al l y
f or gi r l s. Ear har t i s gener al l y r egar ded as a
Ear har t 's accom i shm s i n
                     pl       ent
avi at i on i nspi r ed a gener at i on of
f em e avi at or s, i ncl udi ng t he m e
     al                                    or
t han 1,000 w en pi l ot s of t he
W en Ai r f or ce Ser vi ce Pi l ot s
(W  ASP) w f er r i ed m l i t ar y
            ho              i
ai r cr af t , t ow gl i der s, f l ew t ar get
pr act i ce ai r cr af t , and ser ved as
t r anspor t pi l ot s dur i ng W l d W
                                  or      ar
Recor ds and achi evem s
 W an's w l d al t i t ude r ecor d: 14,000 f t
  om     or
 Fi r st w an t o f l y t he At l ant i c (1928)
 Speed r ecor ds f or 100 km (and w t h 500 l b
 (230 kg) car go) (1931)
 Fi r st w an t o f l y an aut ogyr o (1931)
 Al t i t ude r ecor d f or aut ogyr os: 15,000 f t
 Fi r st per son t o cr oss t he U i n an aut ogyr o
Fi r st per son t o f l y t he At l ant i c t w ce (1932)
Fi r st w an t o r ecei ve t he D st i ngui shed Fl yi ng C oss
         om                      i                         r
Fi r st w an t o f l y nonst op, coast -t o-coast acr oss t he U
         om                                                     .S.
W an's speed t r anscont i nent al r ecor d (1933)
Fi r st per son t o f l y sol o bet ween Honol ul u, H ai i and
O and, C i f or ni a (1935)
 akl         al
Fi r st per son t o f l y sol o f r om Los Angel es, C i f or ni a t o
M co C t y, M co (1935)
 exi      i      exi
Fi r st per son t o f l y sol o nonst op f r om M co C t y,
                                                 exi  i
M co t o N ar k, N Jer sey (1935)
 exi          ew         ew
Speed r ecor d f or east -t o-w est f l i ght f r om O and,
C i f or ni a t o H
 al                onol ul u, H ai i (1937)[173
Books by Earhart
•20 Hrs., 40 Min. (1928) was a journal of her
experiences as the first woman passenger on a
transatlantic flight.
•The Fun of It (1932) was a memoir of her flying
experiences and an essay on women in aviation.
•Last Flight (1937) featured the periodic journal
entries she sent back to the United States during her
world flight attempt, published in newspapers in the
weeks prior to her final departure from New Guinea.
Compiled by her husband GP Putnam after she
disappeared over the Pacific, many historians
consider this book to be only partially Earhart's
original work.
amelia earhart syed

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amelia earhart syed

  • 1.
  • 2. (1897-07-24)Jul y B n or 24, 1897 At chi son, Kansas, U .S. Jul y 2, 1937 (aged 39) D sappear ed i Paci f i c Ocean, en r out e t o H l and ow I sl and D ar ed dead i n ecl absent i a St at us Januar y 5, 1939(1939-01-05) (aged 41) N i onal i t y at Am i can er Fi r st w an t o om f l y sol o acr oss K n f or now t he At l ant i c O cean and set t i ng m any avi at i on r ecor ds. Spouse G ge P. Put nam eor Si gnat ur e
  • 3. Amelia Mary Earhart /ˈ ɛərhɑrt/ AIR-hart; July , 1897 – disappeared ) was an American aviation pioneer and author. [1][N 1] Earhart was the first aviatrix to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 4. She received the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross for this record.[4] She set many other records,[2] wrote best- selling books about her flying experiences and was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots.[5] Earhart joined the faculty of the Purdue University aviation department in 1935 as a visiting faculty member to counsel women on careers and help
  • 5. During an attempt to make a circumnavigation flight of the globe in 1937 in a Purdue-funded Lockheed Model 10 Electra, Earhart disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. Fascination with her life, career and disappearance continues to this day.
  • 7. Am i a M y Ear har t , daught er of G m el ar er an Am i can Sam er uel "Edw n" St ant on Ear har t (bor n i M ch 28, 1867) and Am i a "Am O i s Ear har t ar el y" t (1869–1962),[9] w bor n i n At chi son, Kansas, i n as t he hom of her m er nal gr andf at her , Al f r ed e at G deon O i s (1827–1912), a f or m f eder al i t er j udge, pr esi dent of t he At chi son Savi ngs Bank and a l eadi ng ci t i zen i n t he t ow Am i a w n. el as t he second chi l d of t he m r i age, af t er an ar i nf ant st i l l bor n i n August 1896.[10] Al f r ed O i s t had not i ni t i al l y f avor ed t he m r i age and w ar as not sat i sf i ed w t h Edw n's pr ogr ess as a i i l aw .[11] yer
  • 8. Early flying experiences At about t hat t i m w t h a young w an f r i end, e, i om Ear har t vi si t ed an ai r f ai r hel d i n conj unct i on w t h t he C i anadi an N i onal Exposi t i on i n Tor ont o. at O of t he hi ghl i ght s of t he day w a f l yi ng ne as exhi bi t i on put on by a W l d W I "ace."[33] The or ar pi l ot over head spot t ed Ear har t and her f r i end, w ho w e w chi ng f r om an i sol at ed cl ear i ng and di ved er at at t hem "I am sur e he sai d t o hi m f , 'W ch m . sel at e make t hem scam ,'" she sai d. Ear har t st ood her per gr ound as t he ai r cr af t cam cl ose. "I di d not e under st and i t at t he t i m she sai d, "but I e," bel i eve t hat l i t t l e r ed ai r pl ane sai d som hi ng t o et [34]
  • 9. By 1919 Earhart prepared to enter Smith College but changed her mind and enrolled at Columbia University signing up for a course in medical studies among other programs. She quit a year later to be with her parents who had reunited in California. L–R: Neta Snook and Amelia Earhart in front of Earhart's Kinner Airster, c. 1921
  • 10. transatlantic flight Amelia Earhart being greeted by Mrs. Foster Welch, Mayor of Southampton, June 20, 1928 After Charles Lindbergh's solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927, Amy Phipps Guest, (1873–1959), expressed interest in being the first woman to fly (or be flown) across the Atlantic Ocean. After deciding the trip was too perilous for her to undertake, she offered to sponsor the project, suggesting they find "another girl with the right image." While at work one afternoon in April 1928, Earhart got a phone call from Capt. Hilton H. Railey, who asked her, "Would you like to fly the Atlantic?"
  • 11. 1932 transatlantic solo flight Amelia Earhart Museum, Derry Lockheed Vega 5B flown by Amelia Earhart as seen on display at the National Air and Space Museum
  • 12. Depar t ur e f r om Lae O Jul y 2, 1937, m dni ght G T, Ear har t and N n i M oonan t ook of f f r om Lae i n t he heavi l y l oaded El ect r a. Thei r i nt ended dest i nat i on w H l and I sl and, a as ow f l at sl i ver of l and 6,500 f t (2,000 m l ong and ) 1,600 f t (500 m w de, 10 f t (3 m hi gh and 2,556 ) i ) m l es (4,113 km aw i ) ay. Thei r l ast know posi t i on n r epor t w near t he N as ukum anu I sl ands, about 800 m l es (1,300 km i nt o t he f l i ght . The U t ed St at es i ) ni C oast G d cut t er I t asca w on st at i on at uar as H l and, assi gned t o com uni cat e w t h Ear har t 's ow m i Lockheed El ect r a 10E and gui de t hem t o t he i sl and once t hey ar r i ved i n t he vi ci ni t y.
  • 13. Fi nal appr oach t o H l and I sl and ow Thr ough a ser i es of m sunder st andi ngs or i er r or s (t he det ai l s of w ch ar e st i l l hi cont r over si al ), t he f i nal appr oach t o H l and I sl and usi ng r adi o navi gat i on w ow as not successf ul . Fr ed N oonan had ear l i er w i t t en about pr obl em af f ect i ng t he r s accur acy of r adi o di r ect i on f i ndi ng i n navi gat i on.[N 15] Som sour ces have not ed e Ear har t 's appar ent l ack of under st andi ng of her Bendi x di r ect i on-f i ndi ng l oop ant enna, w ch at t he t i m w ver y new hi e as t echnol ogy.
  • 14. Anot her ci t ed cause of possi bl e conf usi on w t hat t he U G as SC cut t er I t asca and Ear har t pl anned t hei r com uni cat i on schedul e m usi ng t i m syst em set a hal f e s hour apar t (w t h Ear har t usi ng i G eenw ch C vi l Ti m (G T) and r i i e C t he I t asca under a N aval t i me ). zone desi gnat i on syst em [105]
  • 15. M i on pi ct ur e evi dence f r om Lae suggest s ot t hat an ant enna m ount ed under neat h t he f usel age m have been t or n of f f r om t he ay f uel -heavy El ect r a dur i ng t axi or t akeof f f r om Lae's t ur f r unw ay, t hough no ant enna was r epor t ed f ound at Lae. D D i ggi ns, i n hi s on w bi ogr aphy of Paul M z (w assi st ed ant ho Ear har t and N oonan i n t hei r f l i ght pl anni ng), not ed t hat t he avi at or s had cut of f t hei r l ong-w r e ant enna, due t o t he i annoyance of havi ng t o cr ank i t back i nt o t he ai r cr af t af t er each use.
  • 16. Radio signals Earhart in the Electra cockpit, c. 1936 During Earhart and Noonan's approach to Howland Island the Itasca received strong and clear voice transmissions from Earhart identifying as KHAQQ but she apparently was unable to hear voice transmissions from the ship. At 7:42 am on July 2, Earhart radioed "We must be on you, but cannot see you—but gas is running low. Have been unable to reach you by radio.
  • 17. ar e f l yi ng at 1,000 f eet ." H 7:58 am er t r ansm ssi on sai d she coul dn't hear t he i I t asca and asked t hem t o send voi ce si gnal s so she coul d t r y t o t ake a r adi o bear i ng (t hi s t r ansm ssi on w r epor t ed by t he i as I t asca as t he l oudest possi bl e si gnal , i ndi cat i ng Ear har t and Noonan w e er i n t he i m edi at e ar ea). They coul dn't send m voi ce at t he f r equency she asked f or , so M se code si gnal s w e sent i nst ead. or er Ear har t acknow edged r ecei vi ng t hese but l sai d she w unabl e t o det er m ne t hei r as i
  • 18. I n her l ast know t r ansm ssi on at n i 8:43 am Ear har t br oadcast "W ar e e on t he l i ne 157 337. W w l l e i r epeat t hi s m essage. W w l l e i r epeat t hi s on 6210 ki l ocycl es. W t ." H ever , a f ew m ent s ai ow om l at er she w back on t he sam as e f r equency (3105 kH w t h a z) i t r ansm ssi on w ch w l ogged as i hi as a "quest i onabl e": "W ar e r unni ng e [107]
  • 19. Legacy Ear har t w a w del y know i nt er nat i onal as i n cel ebr i t y dur i ng her l i f et i m H shyl y e. er char i sm i c appeal , i ndependence, per si st ence, at cool ness under pr essur e, cour age and goal - or i ent ed car eer al ong w t h t he ci r cum ances of i st her di sappear ance at a com at i vel y ear l y age par have dr i ven her l ast i ng f am i n popul ar e cul t ur e. H undr eds of ar t i cl es and scor es of books have been w i t t en about her l i f e w ch i s r hi of t en ci t ed as a m i vat i onal t al e, especi al l y ot f or gi r l s. Ear har t i s gener al l y r egar ded as a [168]
  • 20. Ear har t 's accom i shm s i n pl ent avi at i on i nspi r ed a gener at i on of f em e avi at or s, i ncl udi ng t he m e al or t han 1,000 w en pi l ot s of t he om W en Ai r f or ce Ser vi ce Pi l ot s om (W ASP) w f er r i ed m l i t ar y ho i ai r cr af t , t ow gl i der s, f l ew t ar get ed pr act i ce ai r cr af t , and ser ved as t r anspor t pi l ot s dur i ng W l d W or ar [169][170]
  • 21. Recor ds and achi evem s ent W an's w l d al t i t ude r ecor d: 14,000 f t om or (1922) Fi r st w an t o f l y t he At l ant i c (1928) om Speed r ecor ds f or 100 km (and w t h 500 l b i (230 kg) car go) (1931) Fi r st w an t o f l y an aut ogyr o (1931) om Al t i t ude r ecor d f or aut ogyr os: 15,000 f t (1931) .S. Fi r st per son t o cr oss t he U i n an aut ogyr o (1932)
  • 22. Fi r st per son t o f l y t he At l ant i c t w ce (1932) i Fi r st w an t o r ecei ve t he D st i ngui shed Fl yi ng C oss om i r (1932) Fi r st w an t o f l y nonst op, coast -t o-coast acr oss t he U om .S. (1933) W an's speed t r anscont i nent al r ecor d (1933) om Fi r st per son t o f l y sol o bet ween Honol ul u, H ai i and aw O and, C i f or ni a (1935) akl al Fi r st per son t o f l y sol o f r om Los Angel es, C i f or ni a t o al M co C t y, M co (1935) exi i exi Fi r st per son t o f l y sol o nonst op f r om M co C t y, exi i M co t o N ar k, N Jer sey (1935) exi ew ew Speed r ecor d f or east -t o-w est f l i ght f r om O and, akl C i f or ni a t o H al onol ul u, H ai i (1937)[173 aw
  • 23. Books by Earhart •20 Hrs., 40 Min. (1928) was a journal of her experiences as the first woman passenger on a transatlantic flight. •The Fun of It (1932) was a memoir of her flying experiences and an essay on women in aviation. •Last Flight (1937) featured the periodic journal entries she sent back to the United States during her world flight attempt, published in newspapers in the weeks prior to her final departure from New Guinea. Compiled by her husband GP Putnam after she disappeared over the Pacific, many historians consider this book to be only partially Earhart's original work.