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Adapted Use of Social Studies Textbooks in
            Elementary Classrooms
             Views of Classroom Teachers

             RITA        M.     B E A N ,    N A O M I       Z I G M O N D ,       A N D       D O U G L A S    K.      H A R T M A N

A B S T R A C T                                                                                       however, from teachers themselves on how they view the
                                                                                                      textbooks that are used in their classrooms and on how they
              T                                                                                       use these books, especially when they have students in their
                  1 WENTY-TWO            CLASSROOM          TEACHERS          (GRADES      1          classes who experience difficulty in understanding textbook
THROUGH           7 ) WERE      INTERVIEWED         TO OBTAIN           INFORMATION                   material. And, as more and more students with learning
ABOUT      HOW THEY           USE THEIR       SOCIAL        STUDIES      TEXTBOOKS,                   difficulties are being placed in general education classrooms
THE    PROBLEMS THEY              EXPERIENCE,         AND THEIR              PERCEPTIONS              as part of the full inclusion movement (National Association
OF T H E STRENGTHS              AND WEAKNESSES               OF T H E TEXTS.                          of State Boards of Education, 1992; Will, 1986), the issue of
TEACHERS          WERE     ALSO ASKED TO DESCRIBE                   THE        MODIFI-                textbook use in social studies instruction becomes even
C A T I O N S OR A D A P T A T I O N S    THEY    M A D E TO H E L P         STUDENTS                 more crucial.
WHO     MIGHT       HAVE     DIFFICULTY       UNDERSTANDING                  T H E TEXT-                    The work reported in this paper is part of a larger
BOOK.     RESULTS        INDICATED          THAT ALTHOUGH               TEACHERS                      study commissioned by the Office of Special Education
LIKED     HAVING T H E TEXTBOOK               AS A R E S O U R C E ,     THEY      WERE               Programs to investigate and influence social studies curricu-
CONCERNED           ABOUT CONTENT            AND      COMPREHENSIBILITY.                              lum and instruction for mainstreamed special education
TEACHERS          TENDED        TO SOLVE T H E PROBLEM                  OF    TEXTBOOK                students. This paper describes the perceptions of a group of
DIFFICULTY         IN THREE         WAYS:    HELPING         STUDENTS          TO COPE                elementary/middle school social studies teachers about
WITH T H E TEXTBOOK,             DEEMPHASIZING              T H E TEXTBOOK,         OR                several textbook-related issues. In addition to analyzing
REINFORCING            AND EXTENDING             TEXTBOOK        INFORMATION.                         teachers' views about the use of textbooks, problems they
                                                                                                      experience, and strengths and weaknesses of textbooks, we
                                                                                                      describe the modifications or adaptations teachers say they

                   A                                                                                  make for students experiencing difficulties with social
                                                                                                      studies, especially as related to understanding text.
             JL        J L l T H O U G H         TEXTBOOKS          ARE A         PRIMARY                   Researchers who have focused their attention on the
instructional tool for teaching social studies in elementary                                          study of textbooks have found them lacking in several
and middle school classrooms (Shaver, Davis, & Helburn,                                               dimensions. Beck, McKeown, and Gromoll's (1989) com-
1980; Woodward, Elliot, & Nagel, 1986), there is a great                                              prehensive examination of four widely used commercial
deal of criticism of these books, their content, instruc-                                             social studies texts identified four problem areas: unclear
tional design or presentation, and level of difficulty (Beck,                                         content goals, assumed background knowledge, inadequate
McKeown, & Gromoll, 1989; Gagnon, 1987; Hoge, 1986;                                                   explanations, and poor presentations of content. Larkins,
Sewall, 1987). This criticism tends to be based on analyses                                           Hawkins, and Gilmore (1987) were highly critical of the
of texts by researchers in the field of social studies or in                                          content in primary social studies textbooks, calling it su-
related fields such as reading. Little information is available,                                      perficial, vacuous, and redundant. Tyson-Bernstein and

              R E M E D I A L     A N D     S P E C I A L     E D U C A T I O N

              Volume   15, Number    4, July 1994, Pages      216-226

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Woodward (1986) found that elementary social studies                                   (1985) have indicated that the success of mainstreaming is
textbooks gave bland, homogeneous, and insufficient treat-                            highly dependent on teachers' ability and willingness to
ment to most topics. Elliot, Nagel, and Woodward (1985)                               make adaptations.
found that the layouts and graphics in 10 published basal                                  There is little information available, however, about
social studies series textbooks were of high quality, but                             how teachers try to reconcile the textbook they use with the
content, presentation, scope, and sequence were laden with                            varied abilities and experiences of their students, and about
problems. In fact, Elliot et al. observed that a social studies                       their views on the strengths or problems with the text-
series was not really a series at all, but a collection of loosely                    books they use. Chall and Conard (1991), in their observa-
related volumes.                                                                      tions of 27 elementary classrooms, characterized teachers'
      When Armbruster and Ostertag (1987) analyzed the                                use of social studies textbooks in three ways: directed-lesson
instructional and assessment questions found in contempo-                             approach, study-skills approach, and multiple resource ap-
rary fourth- and fifth-grade social studies series of three                           proach, with lower grade teachers using directed lessons
publishers, they found a preponderance of lower cognitive-                            more frequently. Chall and Conard also reported that to
level questions, implying that what really counted in social                          compensate for students' experiencing difficulty with text-
studies were names, definitions, and other facts, rather than                         books, teachers tended to eliminate the textbook altogether,
meaningful learning of big ideas. Chall and Conard (1991)                             and "instead, they lecture, use pictures to demonstrate, or
reported that the difficulty levels of social studies textbooks                       direct discussions" (p. 110). Chall and Conard believed this
were substantially higher than those of basal reading texts for                       to be an unsatisfactory accommodation because students
the same grade, and in fact, the lower the grade, the more                            would not develop reading skills even though they might
difficult the text relative to students' reading ability. These                       learn some content. Stodolsky (1989), who also looked at
criticisms are broad, ranging from concerns about content                             ways that teachers used social studies texts, suggested that
(too little, too much, or wrong choice) to comments about                             the nature of the texts as well as the nature of the subject
instructional design or presentation within both the stu-                             matter may be related to variations in use.
dents' textbooks and teachers' guides.                                                    Given the Regular Education Initiative (Will, 1986) and
     Yet, despite indictments from scholars, elementary/                             the current emphasis on full-inclusion models that place
middle school teachers of social studies tend to rely heavily                        students with learning disabilities into general education
on their textbooks as the primary source of instruction (Chall                       classrooms (Jenkins et al., 1994; Zigmond & Baker, 1990),
& Conard, 1991; Shaver, 1989; Shaver et al., 1980). More-                            social studies teachers in elementary and middle school
over, teachers seem to consider the textbook infallible, a                           grades find themselves working with students who present a
source of knowledge provided by experts (McCutcheon,                                 wide range of reading and cognitive abilities. In the present
 1981). Gagnon (1987) noted that textbooks are "likely to                            study, we attempted to obtain more information about
determine what teachers will seek to accomplish in their                             teachers' views of social studies textbooks (their strengths as
courses . . . , tell the student what is important [and] what is                     well as their weaknesses), and how teachers say they adapt
not important. . . , and [are] taken as the final authority on                       textbook use for children who experience difficulty in the
most matters" (p. 33).                                                               social studies classroom.
     Educators in the field of reading (e.g., Armbruster &
Gudbrandsen, 1986; Conley, 1992; Vacca & Vacca, 1989)
and special education (Bos & Vaughan, 1988; Ciborowski,
1992; Schumm & Strickler, 1991) have suggested many
different ways in which teachers might modify textbook use
so that these books can serve as effective tools for learning.                       To obtain information about teachers' perceived use of
These instructional suggestions range from techniques for                            textbooks, 22 teachers (Grades 1 through 7) from four
helping students use the textbook more efficiently to ideas                          school districts were interviewed. The districts included one
for supplementing textbook use. Social studies educators                             suburban, one rural, and two urban districts (a large city
also speak to the importance of using a variety of content-                          district and a smaller, middle-sized urban district). The
appropriate teaching methods, especially those that would                            suburban district is a predominantly white, middle class
engage students actively in the learning process (Chapin &                           district located 10 miles north of a large northeastern metro-
Messick, 1989; History-Social Science Framework, 1987).                              politan area. The district has a school population of 4,751
Thus, in their view, the textbook, used alone, might result                          students with 6% identified as eligible for special education.
in narrow, restricted programs. Social studies educators call                        The rural district is a predominantly white, low to middle
for instruction that includes such techniques as coopera-                            class district of 2,687 students located approximately 4 0
tive learning, inquiry learning, role playing, and simula-                           miles from a large northeastern metropolitan city. Approxi-
tions (Chapin & Messick, 1989).                                                      mately 8% of the student body has been identified as eligible
     Regardless of discipline, experts stress the importance                         for special education.
of teacher adaptations to accommodate individual differ-                                  The large city district has a student population of
ences. Indeed, Stainback, Stainback, Courtnage, and Jaben                            40,000, of whom 50% are African American. Current rec-

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                                                                                                                                 Volume   15,    Number   4,   July   1994

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ords indicate that 6% of the students are classified as eligi-                                              techniques. Before data were collected, these interviewers
ble for special education. The middle-sized urban district                                                  practiced a mock interview and conducted interviews with
has a student population of just over 5,000 students, ap-                                                   nonparticipating teachers. The results of these pilot ses-
proximately 40% of whom are minority, primarily African                                                     sions were examined for numbers of probes asked and for
American. Eight percent of the school population is classi-                                                 the richness of data elicited. Protocols were revised to
fied as eligible for special education.                                                                     enhance clarity or provide additional probes. Once a final
     Although each of the four districts used a single, re-                                                 protocol was developed, teachers were contacted and inter-
cently published textbook series, each used a series from a                                                 viewed at their schools. They were asked to be prepared to
different major publishing company. The series was supple-                                                  share materials and discuss their instructional procedures
mented in three of the districts at either the third- or fourth-                                            and beliefs. All interviews were audiotaped and notes were
grade level with a textbook on the state of Pennsylvania.                                                   taken by the interviewer. Interviews varied in length from 1
Also, the urban district teachers used the district's own                                                   to I V 2 hours.
curriculum materials about the city in Grade 3.
      In each of the four districts, we made a brief presenta-
                                                                                                            Analyzing the Data
tion to all of the elementary teachers in one school, discuss-
ing the purpose of our project and requesting participation                                                 Full transcriptions of the interviews, along with field logs
in several interviews and classroom observations from any                                                   prepared by the graduate student researchers, allowed for
teacher who had at least 1 student with learning disabilities                                               contextualization of the interviews. Transcriptions ranged
mainstreamed into his or her social studies class. The 22                                                   in length from 916 to 1,750 lines of text. Files were con-
teachers who were interviewed were all those who agreed to                                                  verted for use with the software program Ethnograph (Seidel,
participate in the study. They included 22 teachers in Grades                                               1988).
1 through 7, with 7 teachers representing primary grades (1                                                       Based on reading of a sample of the interviews, a code
through 3), 8 teachers representing intermediate grades (4                                                  book was developed and each of the codes was defined.
or 5), and 7 teachers representing Grades 6 or 7. There were                                                Interview texts were then coded into segments. For this
4 males (all teaching at Grades 6 or 7) and 18 females; the                                                 study the following codes were relevant: Text, Instruction,
mean number of years teaching was 18.1 years, with a range                                                  Special Education, and Adaptation. The code Text was used
from 3 to 33 years (see Table 1).                                                                           when the teacher being interviewed made references to any
                                                                                                            text materials used by students or teachers, including text-
                                                                                                            books, trade books, periodicals, and reference books (e.g.,
                                                                                                            teacher would discuss the difficulty of the textbook or the
      INTERVIEWS. The interview protocol was developed to                                                   comprehensiveness of the teachers' manual). The code In-
elicit information on how elementary and middle school                                                      struction was defined as any discussion of approaches, strat-
social studies teachers plan their curriculum, instruct their                                               egies, or activities that teachers used to help students learn
students, use their textbooks, and accommodate main-                                                        (e.g., project work, discussion, cooperative grouping, etc.).
streamed students with learning disabilities or students with                                               Special Education was used when the teacher made reference
reading difficulties. (See Appendix for a list of the interview                                             to students labeled as having learning disabilities or social-
questions relevant to this study.)                                                                          emotional disturbance. Adaptation was assigned to reflect
      Three graduate students were selected to administer                                                   any accommodations the teacher made to meet the needs of
the interview. They included an experienced teacher, a                                                      individual students (e.g., adapting reading procedures, modi-
student trained in psychological testing and interviewing                                                   fying assignments, etc.). We used a sorting procedure to
techniques, and a student with experience in interviewing                                                   retrieve decontextualized segments of the 22 interviews by

                                                                   T A B L E 1. Distribution o f Teachers Interviewed

    Grade                            Suburban                                Rural                     Large urban                             Middle-size urban   Total

        1                                        1                                                                                                                   1
        2                                        1                                                             1.                                                   2
        3                                        1                               2                             1                                                     4
        4                                        2                               2                             1                                                     5
        5                                        1                                                                                                    2              3
        6                                        1                                                                                                    2              3
        7                                        2                               1                                                                     1             4

      Total                                      9                               5                            4                                       5            22

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the four codes described above. These decontextualized                              the section on government in November when elections are
segments were then searched for further refinement and                              held; Ms. Madison, a fourth-grade teacher, skipped to the
identification of key patterns.                                                     chapter on the Middle East during the Gulf War.
     We first addressed teachers' use of textbooks, looking                              We found variation in the amount of material covered
for what teachers said about the frequency and style of use.                        and the degree to which teachers added information to the
Second, we analyzed the data to identify teachers' comments                         textbook. At least half of the teachers said they omitted
about the value of the textbooks and the problems that they                         sections of the text. Among the reasons given was the need
experienced in using them. Finally, we analyzed the tran-                           for curricular alignment; omitted chapters were often on
scripts to determine how teachers adapted textbooks to                              topics not listed in the district curriculum guide or scheduled
accommodate individual differences and difficulties.                                to be taught again at a different grade level. Some teachers
     To assist in the analysis of data as to teacher accommo-                       indicated that they omitted topics that were covered in other
dation, we developed a framework of strategies or tech-                             subjects, like science or health.
niques that could be used by teachers. The framework was                                 Other teachers omitted or added topics because of
generated from current literature (Kameenui & Simmons,                              student interest, or because of their own interests or experi-
 1990; Schumm & Strickler, 1991) and from the data with                             ences:
which we were working. It includes four major categories by
which teachers modify or adapt textbook use: teacher me-                                   I use what kids are interested in . . . kids have
diation (before, during, or after reading); substituting or                                been to the mountains; the plains are boring
supplementing the primary textbook; simplifying textbook                                   (Ms. Gray, Grade 4).
use for students; and reteaching or reviewing. These are
                                                                                           I can take something and go with it the way I
described more fully in the Results section.
                                                                                           want to, some subjects I do not cover as much
     To determine reliability of our coding, a graduate stu-
                                                                                           . . . because I can see that it is not that interest-
dent who was trained in using the code recoded a random
                                                                                           ing for the children and I am losing [their]
sample of 3 1 % of the complete interviews that had been
                                                                                           interest (Ms. Balent, Grade 2 ) .
previously coded. The percentage of agreement between the
original coder and the graduate student on segments re-                                    I add information on Famous Americans; it's not
trieved for use in this paper was 88.8%.                                                   really in our curriculum but I think it's impor-
                                                                                           tant. The children need to have a sense of how
                                                                                           we were founded (Ms. Patrick, Grade 4 ) .
                                                                                           I have a lot of information on Mt. St. Helens . . .
In our analyses, we focused on how teachers indicated that                                 and I'm going to throw that in, even though it's
they used textbooks, why they valued textbooks, and the                                    not in my book . . . it was really fascinating . . .
problems they experienced with their textbooks. Further, we                                I was there . . . brought back the dust. . . slides
analyzed the transcripts to determine if there were patterns                               . . . and I want them to know about it (Ms. Gray,
in the ways in which teachers modified or adapted instruc-                                 Grade 4).
tion or text use when students experienced difficulties un-
derstanding the textbook. We provide exact comments from                           Our findings indicated that teachers were comfortable mov-
teachers to illustrate findings; all names are pseudonyms to                       ing component parts of text around, but they did not change
maintain confidentiality.                                                          content within the components. In other words, teachers
                                                                                   were willing to omit a specific chapter or to teach a chapter
Teachers' Use of Texts                                                             that was placed later in the textbook earlier in the school
                                                                                   year, but they never mentioned modifying content within a
The textbook was a major resource tool for our teachers.                           chapter. They tended to see the text as immutable and
Ninety-one percent of the teachers reported using a single                         deferred to text as a closed entity, one not open to revision
basal social studies text as the primary resource for planning                     or adaptation.
instruction; only two of the four seventh-grade teachers
indicated that they used multiple resources. As one of
these teachers stated, "In that subject, it is not possible to                     Why Teachers Value Texts
find anything on the reading level for seventh graders"                            Teachers appeared to value textbooks because these mate-
(Mr. Koffee, Grade 7).                                                             rials provide a guide for making decisions about curriculum
     Most of the teachers stated explicitly that they used the                     and instruction. Overwhelmingly, teachers saw organization
textbook a great deal and that they tended to follow it as                         as the greatest strength of the textbook. Specifically,
written because they saw no reason to change it. However,                          teachers commented that texts were organized with a
three teachers changed the order of the presentation of                            "proper sequence of ideas," that is, chapters presented in
topics or chapters to coincide with current events or holi-                        chronological order. Ms. Lee, a fifth-grade teacher, believed
days. For example, Ms. James, a third-grade teacher, covers                        the text gave her students "experience organizing infor-

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                                                                                                                               Volume   15,    Number   4,   July   1994

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mation." Many of the teachers also valued the skills that                                                       The text is very d u l l . . . it is not enough people-
were presented in the texts and stressed the advantage of                                                       oriented . , . you can read so much about a
the text as a reference. Ms. Miles, Grade 4, admitted to                                                        pineapple plantation . . . it's good from the
skipping several chapters but assured us that she did not                                                       viewpoint of factual clear material, but let's put
skip any skills.                                                                                                some more life into it (Ms. Madison, Grade 4).
      In talking about the strengths of texts, teachers identi-
fied one or two chapters that they liked, or they mentioned                                                   Eight teachers wanted more content, but there was
that the textbook provided a great deal of information about                                            little consistency in their suggestions: Some wanted addi-
certain topics. Individual teachers also commented on in-                                               tional information on culture, others on their particular
structional features such as pictures, review questions, and                                            state, still others on geography.
maps. Finally, teachers discussed the advantages of the                                                        In contrast, seven teachers, all in intermediate or mid-
worksheets and practice sheets that were provided with the                                              dle grades, were concerned that there was far too much
text series. Our findings indicated that teachers viewed                                                content covered in one grade level. Closely related was the
textbooks and their accompanying material as important                                                  concern raised by Ms. Harris, a sixth-grade teacher, about
resources that they would not want to do without. The                                                   the lack of development of ideas presented: "WWI and
textbook provided the organization for the content of the
                                                                                                        WWII are covered in one chapter!"
curriculum materials and ideas for instruction.

Problems Teachers Have with Texts                                                                       Adaptation of Text-Based              Instruction

Problems with their textbook were mentioned by 9 1 % of the                                             As summarized in Table 2, teachers reported using a wide
teachers. Nine teachers (from third- through seventh-                                                   range of techniques to adapt text-based instruction, which
grade levels) complained about what they called "readabil-                                              we have summarized under four general approaches. In this
ity," particularly for children with reading problems. They                                             section, we describe each of these four general approaches;
meant that vocabulary words were too difficult, or that too                                             further, we provide specific comments from the teachers
many new words were presented:                                                                          that explain or elaborate on why and how they used certain
     Reading the textbook is difficult. It's overwhelm-
     ing, it's difficult. The vocabulary is difficult,                                                       TEACHER MEDIATION. We found that teachers used
     interesting but difficult (Ms. Toney, Grade 6).                                                    mediation techniques before, during, and after reading of
                                                                                                        the textbook. The most frequent focus before reading was to
     . . . overwhelmed because of the amount. . . the
                                                                                                        work with the vocabulary necessary to understand the text-
     size of the chapter . . . they'd rather close their
                                                                                                        book material. Most of the activities described were those
     eyes or put their heads down. It's too much
                                                                                                        that were suggested in teacher guides. Teachers said they
     (Mr. Sams, Grade 4).
                                                                                                        had students look up words in the glossary, write definitions,
                                                                                                        and talk about the words; a few teachers asked students to
     Three teachers specifically criticized the presentation
                                                                                                        keep vocabulary notebooks in which they wrote each word in
of vocabulary. As Ms. Sanford, a fourth-grade teacher ex-
                                                                                                        a sentence. These procedures seemed consistent with teacher
pressed it, "There are not sufficient ideas for the teacher [in
                                                                                                        views that the textbook chapters had too many difficult
the teacher's manual] on how to teach or introduce words in
                                                                                                        words for students.
the textbooks, given the difficulty of the concepts presented."
      However, most of the problems mentioned revolved                                                       All teachers described ways they had students read the
around content. Comments tended to be general rather than                                               textbook. The most frequent technique was oral read-
specific; that is, teachers did not criticize a specific unit or                                        ing, which teachers believed provided assistance to stu-
topic but addressed the textbook as a whole. Comments                                                   dents who were experiencing difficulty. Eight teachers used
ranged widely, from several teachers expressing the view                                                oral reading alone; eight teachers asked students to read
that their book covered too much, to those who wanted                                                   silently and then followed this with oral reading. For ex-
"more meat." Five teachers felt that the text was "boring"                                              ample, one fourth-grade teacher had students read silently
for children:                                                                                           for homework, and the next day asked the students to
                                                                                                        read the text orally in class. Other teachers had students
                                                                                                        silently read the chapter or section from beginning to
     Chapter 2 is something that is very dull and
     boring (Mr. Sams, Grade 4).                                                                        end, then reread important sections orally in response to
                                                                                                        teacher questions.
     The children just don't care, they don't have any                                                       Each teacher appeared to have a rationale for using oral
     interest. . . it's definitely not their favorite and                                               reading, or oral reading in combination with silent reading.
     because it's not their favorite, it ends up not                                                    For example, Ms. Sanford, Grade 4, emphasized students'
     being my favorite (Ms. Miles, Grade 4).                                                            need to hear the vocabulary:

         R E M E D I A L         A N D        S P E C I A L     E D U C A T I O N

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. . . We do reading silently first and then we                                           Several teachers used oral reading because of the diffi-
      always read it orally . . . we have to read orally                                   culty of the text, especially for students with reading prob-
      just to hear the words and discuss (Ms. Sanford,                                     lems:
      Grade 4).
                                                                                                  Oh, yes. We read the text orally together
     Ms. Toney, on the other hand, related reading orally to                                      because the slower children don't understand
the abilities of her group.                                                                       the words and can't read them . . . I usually say,
                                                                                                  "Read the page quickly" . . . and then we'll all
      My period 1 class is mostly an average to an                                                read it together or maybe a couple volunteers
      above average class, so we spend more time on                                               will read (Ms. Patrick, Grade 4 ) .
      silent reading. The second period . . . I have
      many LD students in that group. Now that                                                    If a paragraph is difficult. . . then I make sure
      reading is all done in class . . . read word for                                            that we read it [orally] in the class. We don't just
      word . . . I can't assign any silent reading with                                           start from the top of the page (Ms. Madison,
      that group (Ms. Toney, Grade 6).                                                            Grade 4).

                                                                                                In all cases, teachers who used oral reading, either alone
                                                                                          or in combination with silent reading, did so to "get the words
                                                                                                Another strategy—used by nine teachers, some of
                   TABLE 2.    Teacher Use of Textbook
                           Adaptation Approaches
                                                                                          whom also used oral reading—was to have the students lis-
                                                                                          ten to the teacher read the text:
                                                (N = 2 2 )                                        I usually do read out loud, everything. I found
                                                      n                       %                   that if I don't my people who are not up to the
                                                                                                  reading level of the book, will not comprehend
A.   Teacher mediation of textbook
                                                                                                  i t . . . and we read everything again in class
     Before reading
                                                                                                  (Ms, Lakes, Grade 3).
           Prior knowledge                              4                    (18)
                                                                                                  They don't read the text at all. . . there is very
          Vocabulary                                   12                    (55)
                                                                                                  little reading . . . if there is any reading to be
     During reading
                                                                                                  done, I read it to the class because of having
           Guided reading                               7                    (32)
                                                                                                  children such as the resource children or special
           Oral reading                                 8                    (36)
           Oral/silent                                  8                    (36)
                                                                                                  children who cannot read as well (Ms. Balent,
           Silent                                       2                      (9)                Grade 2).
          Taped text                                    2                      (9)
                                                                                                  Reading, per se, out loud, no. Reading by me,
          Teacher reading                               9                    (41)
                                                                                                  yes. Not the students orally (Ms. Marks,
     After reading
                                                                                                  Grade 6).
           Discussion                                   9                    (41)
           Grouping strategies                         12                    (55)
           Modifying assignment                         4                    (18)         As the examples indicate, teachers read the text material to
                                                                                          facilitate understanding when they believed students would
B.   Substitute/supplement    text                                                        have difficulty reading the textbooks themselves.
     Additional texts                                   6                    (27)               One teacher explained that she spent a great deal of
     Games                                             10                    (46)         class time discussing a topic with students prior to any
     Nonprint materials/speakers                       12                    (55)
                                                                                          textbook work.
           (maps, graphics)
     Notebooks                                          6                    (27)
     Project experiences                               19                    (86)                 We read it after, after we were done [discussing
     Workbooks                                        22                   (100)                  the topic], and then it made more sense . . . two
                                                                                                  years ago, I came up with this idea and decided
C.   Simplifying    text                                                                          to see what happens. It was a shot in the dark,
     Rewrite                                            0                      (0)                but it was worth it because it paid off (Ms.
     Study guides/outlines                             12                    (55)                 Johns, Grade 3).
     Teach reading skills                               7                    (32)

                                                                                          This teacher seemed to sense, intuitively and experientially,
D. Reteaching/review                                    9                    (41)
                                                                                          the value of providing students with the prior knowledge and

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vocabulary understanding that would aid them in reading                                                 mented their use of the prescribed textbook. All the teachers
and understanding their textbook.                                                                       indicated that they used the workbook and study sheets that
      Only two teachers, both of them at upper levels, used                                             were provided as part of their textbook series as a means of
silent reading in their classes without any oral reading. One                                           increasing student understanding. In addition, nonprint
of them, a seventh-grade teacher, described a guided reading                                            materials such as filmstrips, videos, pictures, and maps were
procedure in which she asked a question and then had                                                    discussed as important supplements to the textbook.
students read and locate the answer.                                                                          Projects or hands-on experiences were mentioned as
                                                                                                        important techniques for adapting to student differences.
     I found that it works better if I make each                                                        Teachers believed that students benefited from having art,
     question and tell them what paragraph it's in . . .                                                drama, or language arts activities (including research papers)
     most of the questions at this point are bottom                                                     incorporated into social studies instruction. Ms. Miles, a
     level cognitive only . . . later on in the year, I try                                             fourth-grade teacher, discussed a journal kept by her students
     to get them into some of the higher level                                                          in which they described the 5 days they spent in the land
     thinking skills (Ms. Rakes, Grade 7).                                                              of the Navajos. Other teachers described various art projects.
                                                                                                              The most comprehensive project-oriented approach
     Seven of the teachers discussed the use of a guided                                                was described by Ms. Lakes, a Grade 3 teacher, for a unit on
reading procedure similar to the one described by Ms.                                                   women. Each student read a biography of a famous woman,
Rakes, in which they would ask students to read a small                                                 presented his or her woman to the class, and made a
section of text and then highlight key concepts or facts that                                           commercial to convince others that this woman was im-
students should remember.                                                                               portant. Students also drew pictures of women at work,
     These teachers, like those in other studies (Chall &                                               developed a timeline to show how women dressed in various
Conard, 1991; Stodolsky, 1989), reported using various                                                  time periods, and wrote invitations to a "special woman" to
strategies that required students to read the textbook. Many                                            come to school to receive a gift. Ms. Lakes developed this
used oral reading in their instruction because they believed                                            unit on her own; it was not in the textbook:
that students would have difficulty with reading the textbook
silently. However, there were variations in how teachers                                                        I do have extra things that I'll do like t h a t . . . I
used oral reading, some more instructionally sound than                                                         too get tired of the book . . . and I try to think of
others (e.g., silent before oral reading or teacher reading to                                                  some different things to do or some activities
class vs. round robin oral reading).                                                                            that the children would really like (Ms. Lakes,
     Another approach mentioned by teachers as an adapta-                                                       Grade 3).
tion strategy was grouping of students. Twelve teachers                                                 Several other teachers discussed projects similar to this one,
discussed ways in which they used peer or cooperative                                                   but generally, the projects revolved around the units covered
grouping:                                                                                               in the textbook.
                                                                                                             Another technique for increasing students' understand-
     Cooperative grouping . . . put various ability                                                     ing of social studies text, mentioned by 10 teachers, was
     levels within a group . . . when we put one                                                        the use of games, especially games developed to increase
     youngster who is really very good with someone                                                     vocabulary understanding and acquisition. Teachers dis-
     who is not that good . . . so everyone . . . has                                                   cussed ways in which they presented definitions and had
     something valuable to contribute (Ms. Nichols,                                                     students identify the words (or vice versa); they also de-
     Grade 5).                                                                                          scribed the value of games as a motivational device:
     . . . Sit and listen to another student read a                                                             We play round robin where I call out a word and
     passage (Ms. Sams, Grade 4).                                                                               they have to give a definition or we play Jeop-
     I'll usually pair them up with one of the brighter                                                         ardy. . . . Children have come up with other
     children and then as we are working I'll say to                                                            things; word finds, simple crossword puzzles
     the child . . . make sure that the other child is in                                                       (Ms. King, Grade 3).
     the right place or can do it, whatever (Ms.
                                                                                                        Two of the 10 teachers mentioned computer games as an
     Patrick, Grade 4).
                                                                                                        adaptation technique.

A large percentage of teachers (41%) also stressed the value
                                                                                                                SIMPLIFYING TEXTBOOKS.            Although no teachers
of discussion as a means of promoting students' understand-
                                                                                                        talked of rewriting materials for students, a number of
ing, although their description of discussion tended to reflect
                                                                                                        teachers discussed ways in which they used study guides or
a teacher-directed recitation model.
                                                                                                        outlines that would make textbook reading easier:

     SUBSTITUTE/SUPPLEMENT                               T E X T B O O K U S E . Ele-                           I make up a study guide that the students do, we
mentary teachers frequently used approaches that supple-                                                        check and then we can use these to study for the

         R E M E D I A L         A N D        S P E C I A L     E D U C A T I O N

         Volume   15,   Number    4,   July      1994

                                                    Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
test (Ms. Sanford, Grade 4). I'll have them                                     Ms. Swan discussed her use of mnemonic devices:
     outline that section. And just use that as a study
     guide with them (Mr. Joseph, Grade 5).                                                  I'll use a lot of mnemonic devices . . . like
                                                                                             archaeology, I'll circle the a and the c, and I'll say
     If I have a particularly slow group, I have pages                                       that archaeology is the study of ancient civiliza-
     where words were left out of the text, and                                              tion . . . things like that (Ms. Swan, Grade 7).
     they're always key ideas in the chapter. So [we]
     look at that chapter . . . those concepts are in                                Still others indicated that they reviewed information fre-
     darker print, and . . . more or less it is reinforced                           quently as a means of ensuring understanding. As one
     (Ms. Lakes, Grade 3).                                                           teacher commented, "I begin each lesson with a review
                                                                                     using, 'You know, that lady from California's idea.'"
      Several teachers highlighted textbook information prior                              These teachers seemed to be trying to make social
to its use. As stated by Ms. King, a third-grade teacher, "We                        studies meaningful and coherent by going over topics again
take it slowly, we have highlighted our books... we read both                        and again while at the same time creating student interest
orally and silently . . . that way we focus on the important                         and connecting events or information to the everyday lives
material."                                                                           of the students. In summary, teachers were cognizant of
      A smaller number of teachers specifically discussed                            the need for providing reinforcement of concepts and
teaching reading skills using their social studies textbook.                         motivation for learning and for supplementing the textbook
Several teachers described using the SQ3R strategy:                                  with different activities as a means of enhancing under-
                                                                                     standing. At the same time, a smaller number of teachers
     We use SQ3R . . . we turn every boldface                                        emphasized the importance of teaching students how to
     sentence or phrase into a question . . . that is                                learn from the textbook.
     done routinely with the introduction of every
     new chapter (Ms. Marks, Grade 6).
Several others talked about teaching their students how to
do research reports, including how to use the library:                              Consistent with the findings of other researchers that social
                                                                                    studies textbooks are a primary resource, the teachers in our
     We took them to the library and developed a                                    study, as a group, reported that they relied a great deal upon
     step-by-step method on how to use the library                                  their texts. However, unlike the scholars who study text-
     . . . what it is you're going to look up, how you're                           books and find them lacking, our teachers reported that,
     going to read through the information, how                                     overall, they liked their textbooks. They considered the
     you're going to analyze the information (Mr.                                   textbook to be a valuable information resource. Most used
     Koffee, Grade 7).                                                              the organization provided by the textbook to guide their
                                                                                    curriculum and instructional activities.
     RETEACHING/REVIEW. Nine teachers commented on                                        Our teachers, however, when pressed, did identify
the fact that they adjusted their rate of instruction (pacing)                      problems with the textbook, and those identified were simi-
and retaught lessons to accommodate students who were                               lar to ones identified by scholars. The two most prevalent
experiencing difficulties with concepts that were presented                         problems highlighted by our teachers were related to content
in the text. To help us understand what teachers meant by                           and readability.
"reteaching," we searched the transcripts for explanations.                               Teacher comments about content were as far-ranging
Most teachers seemed to mean that they took more time to                            as those discussed by researchers: too much, too little, or the
cover a topic. But others meant that they used repetition or                        wrong choice. Primary teachers had much less to say about
explanation to help students transcend the lack of coherence                        content than the intermediate and middle grade teachers,
or poor presentation in textbooks. For example, Ms. Gray                            who tended to be more concerned about the amount of
helped students by pointing out rationales that would help                          information that was included in their textbooks. Although
them remember information:                                                          this lack of concern about content among primary teachers
                                                                                    may reflect the nature of the content in primary textbooks,
    We repeat over and over and over. . . . If there                                it may also reflect the fact that these teachers are less
    are ideas that are real logical, I try to make them                             dependent on the textbook or that social studies is of less
    seem so logical that they are silly . . . Why the                               importance at that level.
    Delaware Indians were given the name the                                              Although teachers were critical of textbook readability,
    Delaware Indians . . . they lived along the                                     their meaning for the term readability was much broader
    Delaware River . . . we'll talk about how logical                               than the operational definition generally used in readability
    that is . . . helps them remember why something                                 formulas. These teachers were not overly concerned about
    is called the way it's called (Ms. Gray, Grade 4).                              the reading level of a book as determined by some formula

                                                                                                    R E M E D I A L     A N D   S P E C I A L       E D U C A T I O N

                                                                                                                                Volume   15,    Number   4,   July   1994

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(e.g., sentence length or numbers of syllables per word).                                               ing textbook instruction. These teachers still relied on the
Rather, they felt that poor readers could not read or under-                                            text as the basis for their selection of content, however.
stand the text easily because texts contained a tremendous                                                   Finally, a small number of teachers discussed how they
amount of difficult content and too many technical vocabu-                                              reinforced and extended textbook information using various
lary words.                                                                                             review and reteaching modifications. Most of these ideas
      So, what we find is that on the one hand, teachers valued                                         involved repetition and additional exposures to ideas rather
having a textbook for social studies instruction: They could                                            than more complex notions like providing more elaborate
identify what it provided for them in the way of information                                            explanations or organizational strategies.
and activities—and they said that they used it. On the other                                                 Only a few teachers discussed, in-depth, ways in which
hand, teachers also identified problems with textbooks, and                                             they explained or elaborated upon difficult concepts as a
some of their concerns were similar to the issues raised by                                             means of helping students or how they adjusted the content
researchers such as Beck et al. (1989) and Tyson-Bernstein                                              of their instruction when topics or concepts were difficult for
and Woodward (1986). Specifically, teachers concurred that                                              students. Teachers talked about their reliance on textbooks,
when textbooks lack coherence or present material in a bland                                            and they talked about ways to get "around" the problems of
or homogeneous fashion, students may experience difficul-                                               textbooks, but not many talked much about what they did to
ties in reading and understanding; further, bland and inco-                                             make the textbook content more "user-friendly."
herent texts may be considered boring by students and                                                         In summary, these 22 elementary and middle school
teachers alike.                                                                                         teachers shared with us some very exciting ways in which
      Strategies teachers gave for adapting textbooks were                                              they deemphasized textbook use and enriched the social
consistent with the problems they identified in the texts.                                              studies curriculum through the use of various projects,
Teachers tended to solve the problem of textbook difficulty                                             activities, and cooperative grouping strategies. On the other
or readability in three ways: helping students to cope with                                             hand, their description of how they might help students cope
the textbook, deemphasizing the textbook, or reinforcing                                                with the textbook itself was more limited, as was their
and extending textbook information.                                                                     description of how they could mediate and provide scaffolded
      One of the primary approaches for helping students                                                instruction. This raises a question about whether students,
cope with text was oral reading, used as an adaptive strategy                                           especially students with reading difficulties, should be af-
by almost every teacher. This strategy appears to be one that                                           forded experiences that will enable them to learn to use the
has survived over time (Adams & Biddle, 1970). Stodolsky                                                textbook as a tool for learning. In other words, although our
(1988), in fact, found in her observations of social studies                                            teachers may have provided opportunities that enabled
that the "most frequently occurring pattern was answering                                               students to learn the social studies content, there was
and asking questions in the context of oral reading" (p. 48).                                           less emphasis on helping students to become independent
Although the use of oral reading as an adaptive strategy may                                            learners.
be helpful for enhancing student understanding of text, if it                                                The fact that most of our teachers did not discuss ways
is used consistently or as a single strategy it could also limit                                        in which they explained or elaborated upon the information
opportunities for discussion and promote recitation-type                                                in textbooks brings us to a discussion of limitations of
classes, Further, some specific approaches to oral reading as                                           our data collection procedure. Teachers may be doing more
described by the teachers were more instructionally sound                                               than they said in these interviews. Further, some teach-
than others, indicating a need to provide teachers with a                                               ers who actually make adaptations may do so "on the fly"
better understanding of how to use oral reading effectively.                                            rather than in a preplanned manner and may not even
      Teachers who taught reading or study skills or used                                               be conscious of the modifications they make that are related
study guides as part of their social studies classes were also                                          to understanding content. Also, although some teachers did
helping students to deal with difficult text material and                                               describe adaptations, we cannot determine through this
seemed to be cognizant of the need to provide instruction                                               research the frequency or extent to which they actually used
in social studies about how to read and understand a text-                                              any of the accommodation strategies. Finally, we recognize
book. A large number of teachers also provided experiences                                              that given our small sample of teachers, we cannot gen-
with the difficult vocabulary of the textbook, and, in fact,                                            eralize beyond our group.
besides the oral reading and the direct teaching of study
skills, vocabulary work was one of the most frequently
cited approaches for assisting students with difficult                                                                                     IMPLICATIONS
material. However, the techniques described tended to be
memorization-type activities.                                                                           Our research indicates that teachers are using the textbook
      A number of teachers also deemphasized textbook use                                               in teaching social studies to all students, including those who
by developing units that included various hands-on projects                                             have special needs. Some teachers make adjustments in their
designed to create enthusiasm and to enhance learning of                                                use of textbooks to help students learn more effectively;
social studies content. They also used nonprint materials,                                              others do very little. Not all of the adjustments made are
such as filmstrips or videotapes, as a means of supplement-                                             based on sound theories of learning.

         R E M E D I A L         A N D        S P E C I A L     E D U C A T I O N

         Volume   15,   Number    4,   July     1994

                                                    Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
The findings from this study have implications for                                     Armbruster, B. B., & Ostertag, J . (1987, April). Questions in elementary
special educators, who should be aware of what students                                           science and social studies textbooks.                     Paper presented at the
                                                                                                  American Educational Research Association, Washington, D C .
mainstreamed into general education classrooms might be
                                                                                              Beck, I. L., McKeown, M., & Gromoll, E. W. ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Learning from
experiencing, and for general education teachers who wish                                          social studies texts. Cognition and Instruction, 6 ( 2 ) , 9 9 - 1 5 3 .
to consider more systematically just how they are providing                                  Bos, C . S., & Vaughan, S. ( 1 9 8 8 ) . Strategies for teaching students with
for the needs of students who have difficulty reading texts.                                      learning and behavior problems. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Further, the study provides important information for                                        Chapin, J . R., & Messick, R. G . ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Elementary social studies: A
                                                                                                  practical guide. New York: Longman.
teacher educators, especially those involved with courses
                                                                                             Chall, J . S., & Conard, S. S. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Should textbooks                      challenge
related to teaching reading in the content areas. The results                                     students? New York: Teachers College Press.
suggest the need to present effective and appropriate ideas                                  Ciborowski, J . ( 1 9 9 2 ) . Textbooks and the students who can't read them:
and techniques for using informational textbooks in content                                       A guide to teaching content. Boston: Brookline.
subjects. The framework that we developed to analyze our                                     Conley, M . W. ( 1 9 9 2 ) . Content reading instruction: A                communication
                                                                                                  approach. New York: McGraw-Hill.
data might also be helpful to both classroom teachers and
                                                                                             Elliott, D. L., Nagel, K., & Woodward, A. ( 1 9 8 5 ) . D o textbooks
teacher educators as a means of thinking about various                                            belong in elementary social studies? Educational Leadership,                       42(7),
adaptation strategies.                                                                            21-28.
      Finally, our findings have heuristic value, thus helping                               Gagnon, P. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . Democracy's                    untold story: What world history
us chart a course for further research. Foremost, it is essen-                                    textbooks neglect. Washington, D C : American Federation of
tial that actual observations be made of teachers to deter-
                                                                                             History-social            science framework for California public schools. ( 1 9 8 7 ) .
mine whether they are in fact using texts as they report they                                     Sacramento: California State Board of Education.
are. Further, we need to get a more accurate picture of how                                  Hoge, J . D . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Improving the use of elementary social studies
teachers make the various accommodations they describe                                            textbooks.            Bloomington, I N : E R I C Clearinghouse for Social
and to what degree, and whether teachers who do not talk                                          Studies/Social Science Education. ( E R I C D o c u m e n t Repro-
                                                                                                  duction Service, E D 2 7 4 5 8 2 )
about modifications actually implement modifications in
                                                                                             Jenkins, J . R., Jewell, M., Leicester, N., O'Connor, R., Jenkins,
the course of their teaching. Such research will expand our                                       L. M., & Troutner, N. M . ( 1 9 9 4 ) . Accommodations for individual
understanding of how teachers use social studies texts and                                        differences without classroom ability groups: An experiment in
the strategies and techniques that they engage to accommo-                                        school restructuring. Exceptional Children, 60, 3 4 4 - 3 5 8 .
                                                                                             Kameenui, E. J . , & Simmons, D . C . ( 1 9 9 0 ) . Designing                instructional
date the diversity in their classrooms.                      •
                                                                                                 strategies: The prevention of academic learning problems. Columbus,
                                                                                                  O H : Merrill.
                                                                                             Larkins, A., Hawkins, M . , & G i l m o r e , A. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . Trivial and
RITA M. BEAN, PhD, is currently professor in the Department of
                                                                                                  noninformative content of elementary social studies: A review of
Instruction and Learning and associate dean at the University of
                                                                                                  primary texts in four series. Theory and Research                         in Social
Pittsburgh. She also directs the Reading Center and teaches courses
                                                                                                  Education, 15, 2 9 9 - 3 1 1 .
in reading assessment and instruction. Her research interests include
                                                                                             M c C u t c h e o n , G . ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Elementary school teachers' planning for
the study of effective classroom and compensatory programs for
                                                                                                  social studies and other subjects. Theory and Research in Social
students with reading difficulties, t e x t b o o k use, and reading
                                                                                                  Education, 9, 4 5 - 6 6 .
assessment. NAOMI ZIGMOND, P h D , is currently chair of the
                                                                                             National Association of State Boards of Education. ( 1 9 9 2 ) . Winners
Department of Instruction and Learning at t h e University o f
                                                                                                  all: A call for inclusive schools. Alexandria, VA: Author.
Pittsburgh and teaches doctoral level courses in research in special
                                                                                             Schumm, J . S., & Strickler, K. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Guidelines for adapting
education and in issues related to educational assessment. Her major
                                                                                                  content area textbooks: Keeping teachers and students content.
research interest is in the development and evaluation of appropriate
                                                                                                  Intervention in School and Clinic, 27, 7 9 - 8 4 .
and effective public school programs for elementary and secondary
                                                                                             Seidel, J . ( 1 9 8 8 ) . The ethnograph: A user's guide version 3 [Computer
students with learning disabilities. DOUGLAS K. HARTMAN is an
                                                                                                  program]. Corvallis, O R : Qualis Research Associates.
assistant professor in the Department of Instruction and Learning
                                                                                             Sewall, G . T. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . American history textbooks: An assessment of
at the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests focus on
                                                                                                 quality. New York: Educational Excellence Network.
teaching, learning, and textual materials from an intertextual
                                                                                             Shaver, J . P. ( 1 9 8 9 , M a r c h ) . What is known about elementary                 school
perspective. Address: Rita M . Bean, University of Pittsburgh, 5 T 2 3
                                                                                                 social studies? Paper presented at the meeting o f the American
Forbes Quadrangle, Pittsburgh, PA 1 5 2 6 0 .
                                                                                                  Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
                                                                                             Shaver, J . P., Davis, O . L., Jr., & Helburn, S. W . ( 1 9 8 0 ) . An
AUTHORS'       NOTE                                                                               interpretive report on the status of precollege social studies
                                                                                                  education based on three NSF-funded studies. In What are the
Research for this article was supported by Grant No. H 0 2 3 D 0 0 0 0 3                          needs in precollege science, mathematics, and social science education?
from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education                               Views from the field (pp. 3 - 1 8 ) (Publication S E - 9 0 ) . Washington,
Programs.                                                                                         D C : National Science Foundation.
                                                                                             Stainback, W., Stainback, S., Courtnage, L., & Jaben, T. ( 1 9 8 5 ) .
                                                                                                  F a c i l i t a t i n g m a i n s t r e a m i n g by modifying t h e m a i n s t r e a m .
                                                                                                 Exceptional Children, 52, 1 4 4 - 1 5 2 .
Adams, R. S., & Biddle, B. J . ( 1 9 7 0 ) . Realities of teaching: Explorations             Stodolsky, S. ( 1 9 8 8 ) . The subject matters: Classroom activities in math
   with video tape. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.                                         and social studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Armbruster, B. B., & Gudbrandsen, B . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Reading c o m -                          Stodolsky, S. ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Is teaching really by the book? In P. Jackson
   prehension instruction in social studies programs. Reading Research                            & S. Haroutunian-Gordon (Eds.), From Socrates to software: The
   Quarterly, 21, 3 6 - 4 8 .                                                                     teacher as text and the text as teacher. Eighty-eighth yearbook of the

                                                                                                             R E M E D I A L     A N D   S P E C I A L      E D U C A T I O N

                                                                                                                                         Volume   15, Number    4, July   1994

                                          Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
national society for the study of education (Part I, pp. 1 5 9 - 1 8 4 ) .                             Will, M . C . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Educating children with learning problems: A
   Chicago: University o f Chicago Press.                                                                     shared responsibility. Exceptional Children, 52, 4 1 1 - 4 1 5 .
Tyson-Bernstein, H., & Woodward, A. ( 1 9 8 6 ) . The great textbook                                      Woodward, A., Elliot, D . L., & Nagel, K. C . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Beyond
   machine and prospects for reform. Social Education,               50(1),                                   textbooks in elementary social studies. Social Education,        50(1),
   41-45.                                                                                                     50-53.
Vacca, R. T., & Vacca, J . L. ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Content area reading. Glenview,                               Zigmond, N., & Baker, J . ( 1 9 9 0 ) . Project M E L D : A preliminary
   IL: Scott-Foresman.                                                                                        report. Exceptional Children, 57, 1 7 6 - 1 8 5 .


                                                                       SELECTED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS
What is taught?
  Tell me about your social studies curriculum.
   Look at the "Table of Contents" in your social studies textbook/curriculum guide.
        What chapter/topics do you cover?
  In what order do you cover the chapters/topics?
        Why do you follow that particular order?

  Do you omit any chapters/topics/skills?
       If so, which?
       Why do you omit those chapters/topics/skills?

   Do you add any topics? Skills?
        If so, which?
        Why do you add those topics? Skills?

  What do you see as the strength(s) of the textbook you now use?
       Why do you see those as strengths?

  What do you see as the weakness(es) of the textbook you now use?
       Why do you see those as weaknesses?

  Are there different expectations or requirements for different students?
        If so, pick a couple of students and tell me how your instructional/assessment expectations vary for each student.

How is it taught?

  What types of assignments do you give students?
        How do you individualize instruction?

Who is taught?

  What kinds of problems do your students have in social studies?
       How do you deal with this problem?

           R E M E D I A L         A N D        S P E C I A L    E D U C A T I O N

           Volume   15,   Number    4,   July     1994

                                                      Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012

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Bean zigmond Hartman-1994-Adapted Use of Social Studies Textbooks

  • 1. Adapted Use of Social Studies Textbooks in Elementary Classrooms Views of Classroom Teachers RITA M. B E A N , N A O M I Z I G M O N D , A N D D O U G L A S K. H A R T M A N A B S T R A C T however, from teachers themselves on how they view the textbooks that are used in their classrooms and on how they T use these books, especially when they have students in their 1 WENTY-TWO CLASSROOM TEACHERS (GRADES 1 classes who experience difficulty in understanding textbook THROUGH 7 ) WERE INTERVIEWED TO OBTAIN INFORMATION material. And, as more and more students with learning ABOUT HOW THEY USE THEIR SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOKS, difficulties are being placed in general education classrooms THE PROBLEMS THEY EXPERIENCE, AND THEIR PERCEPTIONS as part of the full inclusion movement (National Association OF T H E STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF T H E TEXTS. of State Boards of Education, 1992; Will, 1986), the issue of TEACHERS WERE ALSO ASKED TO DESCRIBE THE MODIFI- textbook use in social studies instruction becomes even C A T I O N S OR A D A P T A T I O N S THEY M A D E TO H E L P STUDENTS more crucial. WHO MIGHT HAVE DIFFICULTY UNDERSTANDING T H E TEXT- The work reported in this paper is part of a larger BOOK. RESULTS INDICATED THAT ALTHOUGH TEACHERS study commissioned by the Office of Special Education LIKED HAVING T H E TEXTBOOK AS A R E S O U R C E , THEY WERE Programs to investigate and influence social studies curricu- CONCERNED ABOUT CONTENT AND COMPREHENSIBILITY. lum and instruction for mainstreamed special education TEACHERS TENDED TO SOLVE T H E PROBLEM OF TEXTBOOK students. This paper describes the perceptions of a group of DIFFICULTY IN THREE WAYS: HELPING STUDENTS TO COPE elementary/middle school social studies teachers about WITH T H E TEXTBOOK, DEEMPHASIZING T H E TEXTBOOK, OR several textbook-related issues. In addition to analyzing REINFORCING AND EXTENDING TEXTBOOK INFORMATION. teachers' views about the use of textbooks, problems they experience, and strengths and weaknesses of textbooks, we describe the modifications or adaptations teachers say they A make for students experiencing difficulties with social studies, especially as related to understanding text. JL J L l T H O U G H TEXTBOOKS ARE A PRIMARY Researchers who have focused their attention on the instructional tool for teaching social studies in elementary study of textbooks have found them lacking in several and middle school classrooms (Shaver, Davis, & Helburn, dimensions. Beck, McKeown, and Gromoll's (1989) com- 1980; Woodward, Elliot, & Nagel, 1986), there is a great prehensive examination of four widely used commercial deal of criticism of these books, their content, instruc- social studies texts identified four problem areas: unclear tional design or presentation, and level of difficulty (Beck, content goals, assumed background knowledge, inadequate McKeown, & Gromoll, 1989; Gagnon, 1987; Hoge, 1986; explanations, and poor presentations of content. Larkins, Sewall, 1987). This criticism tends to be based on analyses Hawkins, and Gilmore (1987) were highly critical of the of texts by researchers in the field of social studies or in content in primary social studies textbooks, calling it su- related fields such as reading. Little information is available, perficial, vacuous, and redundant. Tyson-Bernstein and R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994, Pages 216-226 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 2. Woodward (1986) found that elementary social studies (1985) have indicated that the success of mainstreaming is textbooks gave bland, homogeneous, and insufficient treat- highly dependent on teachers' ability and willingness to ment to most topics. Elliot, Nagel, and Woodward (1985) make adaptations. found that the layouts and graphics in 10 published basal There is little information available, however, about social studies series textbooks were of high quality, but how teachers try to reconcile the textbook they use with the content, presentation, scope, and sequence were laden with varied abilities and experiences of their students, and about problems. In fact, Elliot et al. observed that a social studies their views on the strengths or problems with the text- series was not really a series at all, but a collection of loosely books they use. Chall and Conard (1991), in their observa- related volumes. tions of 27 elementary classrooms, characterized teachers' When Armbruster and Ostertag (1987) analyzed the use of social studies textbooks in three ways: directed-lesson instructional and assessment questions found in contempo- approach, study-skills approach, and multiple resource ap- rary fourth- and fifth-grade social studies series of three proach, with lower grade teachers using directed lessons publishers, they found a preponderance of lower cognitive- more frequently. Chall and Conard also reported that to level questions, implying that what really counted in social compensate for students' experiencing difficulty with text- studies were names, definitions, and other facts, rather than books, teachers tended to eliminate the textbook altogether, meaningful learning of big ideas. Chall and Conard (1991) and "instead, they lecture, use pictures to demonstrate, or reported that the difficulty levels of social studies textbooks direct discussions" (p. 110). Chall and Conard believed this were substantially higher than those of basal reading texts for to be an unsatisfactory accommodation because students the same grade, and in fact, the lower the grade, the more would not develop reading skills even though they might difficult the text relative to students' reading ability. These learn some content. Stodolsky (1989), who also looked at criticisms are broad, ranging from concerns about content ways that teachers used social studies texts, suggested that (too little, too much, or wrong choice) to comments about the nature of the texts as well as the nature of the subject instructional design or presentation within both the stu- matter may be related to variations in use. dents' textbooks and teachers' guides. Given the Regular Education Initiative (Will, 1986) and Yet, despite indictments from scholars, elementary/ the current emphasis on full-inclusion models that place middle school teachers of social studies tend to rely heavily students with learning disabilities into general education on their textbooks as the primary source of instruction (Chall classrooms (Jenkins et al., 1994; Zigmond & Baker, 1990), & Conard, 1991; Shaver, 1989; Shaver et al., 1980). More- social studies teachers in elementary and middle school over, teachers seem to consider the textbook infallible, a grades find themselves working with students who present a source of knowledge provided by experts (McCutcheon, wide range of reading and cognitive abilities. In the present 1981). Gagnon (1987) noted that textbooks are "likely to study, we attempted to obtain more information about determine what teachers will seek to accomplish in their teachers' views of social studies textbooks (their strengths as courses . . . , tell the student what is important [and] what is well as their weaknesses), and how teachers say they adapt not important. . . , and [are] taken as the final authority on textbook use for children who experience difficulty in the most matters" (p. 33). social studies classroom. Educators in the field of reading (e.g., Armbruster & Gudbrandsen, 1986; Conley, 1992; Vacca & Vacca, 1989) METHOD and special education (Bos & Vaughan, 1988; Ciborowski, 1992; Schumm & Strickler, 1991) have suggested many Sample different ways in which teachers might modify textbook use so that these books can serve as effective tools for learning. To obtain information about teachers' perceived use of These instructional suggestions range from techniques for textbooks, 22 teachers (Grades 1 through 7) from four helping students use the textbook more efficiently to ideas school districts were interviewed. The districts included one for supplementing textbook use. Social studies educators suburban, one rural, and two urban districts (a large city also speak to the importance of using a variety of content- district and a smaller, middle-sized urban district). The appropriate teaching methods, especially those that would suburban district is a predominantly white, middle class engage students actively in the learning process (Chapin & district located 10 miles north of a large northeastern metro- Messick, 1989; History-Social Science Framework, 1987). politan area. The district has a school population of 4,751 Thus, in their view, the textbook, used alone, might result students with 6% identified as eligible for special education. in narrow, restricted programs. Social studies educators call The rural district is a predominantly white, low to middle for instruction that includes such techniques as coopera- class district of 2,687 students located approximately 4 0 tive learning, inquiry learning, role playing, and simula- miles from a large northeastern metropolitan city. Approxi- tions (Chapin & Messick, 1989). mately 8% of the student body has been identified as eligible Regardless of discipline, experts stress the importance for special education. of teacher adaptations to accommodate individual differ- The large city district has a student population of ences. Indeed, Stainback, Stainback, Courtnage, and Jaben 40,000, of whom 50% are African American. Current rec- R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 3. ords indicate that 6% of the students are classified as eligi- techniques. Before data were collected, these interviewers ble for special education. The middle-sized urban district practiced a mock interview and conducted interviews with has a student population of just over 5,000 students, ap- nonparticipating teachers. The results of these pilot ses- proximately 40% of whom are minority, primarily African sions were examined for numbers of probes asked and for American. Eight percent of the school population is classi- the richness of data elicited. Protocols were revised to fied as eligible for special education. enhance clarity or provide additional probes. Once a final Although each of the four districts used a single, re- protocol was developed, teachers were contacted and inter- cently published textbook series, each used a series from a viewed at their schools. They were asked to be prepared to different major publishing company. The series was supple- share materials and discuss their instructional procedures mented in three of the districts at either the third- or fourth- and beliefs. All interviews were audiotaped and notes were grade level with a textbook on the state of Pennsylvania. taken by the interviewer. Interviews varied in length from 1 Also, the urban district teachers used the district's own to I V 2 hours. curriculum materials about the city in Grade 3. In each of the four districts, we made a brief presenta- Analyzing the Data tion to all of the elementary teachers in one school, discuss- ing the purpose of our project and requesting participation Full transcriptions of the interviews, along with field logs in several interviews and classroom observations from any prepared by the graduate student researchers, allowed for teacher who had at least 1 student with learning disabilities contextualization of the interviews. Transcriptions ranged mainstreamed into his or her social studies class. The 22 in length from 916 to 1,750 lines of text. Files were con- teachers who were interviewed were all those who agreed to verted for use with the software program Ethnograph (Seidel, participate in the study. They included 22 teachers in Grades 1988). 1 through 7, with 7 teachers representing primary grades (1 Based on reading of a sample of the interviews, a code through 3), 8 teachers representing intermediate grades (4 book was developed and each of the codes was defined. or 5), and 7 teachers representing Grades 6 or 7. There were Interview texts were then coded into segments. For this 4 males (all teaching at Grades 6 or 7) and 18 females; the study the following codes were relevant: Text, Instruction, mean number of years teaching was 18.1 years, with a range Special Education, and Adaptation. The code Text was used from 3 to 33 years (see Table 1). when the teacher being interviewed made references to any text materials used by students or teachers, including text- books, trade books, periodicals, and reference books (e.g., Procedure teacher would discuss the difficulty of the textbook or the INTERVIEWS. The interview protocol was developed to comprehensiveness of the teachers' manual). The code In- elicit information on how elementary and middle school struction was defined as any discussion of approaches, strat- social studies teachers plan their curriculum, instruct their egies, or activities that teachers used to help students learn students, use their textbooks, and accommodate main- (e.g., project work, discussion, cooperative grouping, etc.). streamed students with learning disabilities or students with Special Education was used when the teacher made reference reading difficulties. (See Appendix for a list of the interview to students labeled as having learning disabilities or social- questions relevant to this study.) emotional disturbance. Adaptation was assigned to reflect Three graduate students were selected to administer any accommodations the teacher made to meet the needs of the interview. They included an experienced teacher, a individual students (e.g., adapting reading procedures, modi- student trained in psychological testing and interviewing fying assignments, etc.). We used a sorting procedure to techniques, and a student with experience in interviewing retrieve decontextualized segments of the 22 interviews by T A B L E 1. Distribution o f Teachers Interviewed Grade Suburban Rural Large urban Middle-size urban Total 1 1 1 2 1 1. 2 3 1 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 5 5 1 2 3 6 1 2 3 7 2 1 1 4 Total 9 5 4 5 22 R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 4. the four codes described above. These decontextualized the section on government in November when elections are segments were then searched for further refinement and held; Ms. Madison, a fourth-grade teacher, skipped to the identification of key patterns. chapter on the Middle East during the Gulf War. We first addressed teachers' use of textbooks, looking We found variation in the amount of material covered for what teachers said about the frequency and style of use. and the degree to which teachers added information to the Second, we analyzed the data to identify teachers' comments textbook. At least half of the teachers said they omitted about the value of the textbooks and the problems that they sections of the text. Among the reasons given was the need experienced in using them. Finally, we analyzed the tran- for curricular alignment; omitted chapters were often on scripts to determine how teachers adapted textbooks to topics not listed in the district curriculum guide or scheduled accommodate individual differences and difficulties. to be taught again at a different grade level. Some teachers To assist in the analysis of data as to teacher accommo- indicated that they omitted topics that were covered in other dation, we developed a framework of strategies or tech- subjects, like science or health. niques that could be used by teachers. The framework was Other teachers omitted or added topics because of generated from current literature (Kameenui & Simmons, student interest, or because of their own interests or experi- 1990; Schumm & Strickler, 1991) and from the data with ences: which we were working. It includes four major categories by which teachers modify or adapt textbook use: teacher me- I use what kids are interested in . . . kids have diation (before, during, or after reading); substituting or been to the mountains; the plains are boring supplementing the primary textbook; simplifying textbook (Ms. Gray, Grade 4). use for students; and reteaching or reviewing. These are I can take something and go with it the way I described more fully in the Results section. want to, some subjects I do not cover as much To determine reliability of our coding, a graduate stu- . . . because I can see that it is not that interest- dent who was trained in using the code recoded a random ing for the children and I am losing [their] sample of 3 1 % of the complete interviews that had been interest (Ms. Balent, Grade 2 ) . previously coded. The percentage of agreement between the original coder and the graduate student on segments re- I add information on Famous Americans; it's not trieved for use in this paper was 88.8%. really in our curriculum but I think it's impor- tant. The children need to have a sense of how we were founded (Ms. Patrick, Grade 4 ) . RESULTS I have a lot of information on Mt. St. Helens . . . In our analyses, we focused on how teachers indicated that and I'm going to throw that in, even though it's they used textbooks, why they valued textbooks, and the not in my book . . . it was really fascinating . . . problems they experienced with their textbooks. Further, we I was there . . . brought back the dust. . . slides analyzed the transcripts to determine if there were patterns . . . and I want them to know about it (Ms. Gray, in the ways in which teachers modified or adapted instruc- Grade 4). tion or text use when students experienced difficulties un- derstanding the textbook. We provide exact comments from Our findings indicated that teachers were comfortable mov- teachers to illustrate findings; all names are pseudonyms to ing component parts of text around, but they did not change maintain confidentiality. content within the components. In other words, teachers were willing to omit a specific chapter or to teach a chapter Teachers' Use of Texts that was placed later in the textbook earlier in the school year, but they never mentioned modifying content within a The textbook was a major resource tool for our teachers. chapter. They tended to see the text as immutable and Ninety-one percent of the teachers reported using a single deferred to text as a closed entity, one not open to revision basal social studies text as the primary resource for planning or adaptation. instruction; only two of the four seventh-grade teachers indicated that they used multiple resources. As one of these teachers stated, "In that subject, it is not possible to Why Teachers Value Texts find anything on the reading level for seventh graders" Teachers appeared to value textbooks because these mate- (Mr. Koffee, Grade 7). rials provide a guide for making decisions about curriculum Most of the teachers stated explicitly that they used the and instruction. Overwhelmingly, teachers saw organization textbook a great deal and that they tended to follow it as as the greatest strength of the textbook. Specifically, written because they saw no reason to change it. However, teachers commented that texts were organized with a three teachers changed the order of the presentation of "proper sequence of ideas," that is, chapters presented in topics or chapters to coincide with current events or holi- chronological order. Ms. Lee, a fifth-grade teacher, believed days. For example, Ms. James, a third-grade teacher, covers the text gave her students "experience organizing infor- R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 5. mation." Many of the teachers also valued the skills that The text is very d u l l . . . it is not enough people- were presented in the texts and stressed the advantage of oriented . , . you can read so much about a the text as a reference. Ms. Miles, Grade 4, admitted to pineapple plantation . . . it's good from the skipping several chapters but assured us that she did not viewpoint of factual clear material, but let's put skip any skills. some more life into it (Ms. Madison, Grade 4). In talking about the strengths of texts, teachers identi- fied one or two chapters that they liked, or they mentioned Eight teachers wanted more content, but there was that the textbook provided a great deal of information about little consistency in their suggestions: Some wanted addi- certain topics. Individual teachers also commented on in- tional information on culture, others on their particular structional features such as pictures, review questions, and state, still others on geography. maps. Finally, teachers discussed the advantages of the In contrast, seven teachers, all in intermediate or mid- worksheets and practice sheets that were provided with the dle grades, were concerned that there was far too much text series. Our findings indicated that teachers viewed content covered in one grade level. Closely related was the textbooks and their accompanying material as important concern raised by Ms. Harris, a sixth-grade teacher, about resources that they would not want to do without. The the lack of development of ideas presented: "WWI and textbook provided the organization for the content of the WWII are covered in one chapter!" curriculum materials and ideas for instruction. Problems Teachers Have with Texts Adaptation of Text-Based Instruction Problems with their textbook were mentioned by 9 1 % of the As summarized in Table 2, teachers reported using a wide teachers. Nine teachers (from third- through seventh- range of techniques to adapt text-based instruction, which grade levels) complained about what they called "readabil- we have summarized under four general approaches. In this ity," particularly for children with reading problems. They section, we describe each of these four general approaches; meant that vocabulary words were too difficult, or that too further, we provide specific comments from the teachers many new words were presented: that explain or elaborate on why and how they used certain approaches. Reading the textbook is difficult. It's overwhelm- ing, it's difficult. The vocabulary is difficult, TEACHER MEDIATION. We found that teachers used interesting but difficult (Ms. Toney, Grade 6). mediation techniques before, during, and after reading of the textbook. The most frequent focus before reading was to . . . overwhelmed because of the amount. . . the work with the vocabulary necessary to understand the text- size of the chapter . . . they'd rather close their book material. Most of the activities described were those eyes or put their heads down. It's too much that were suggested in teacher guides. Teachers said they (Mr. Sams, Grade 4). had students look up words in the glossary, write definitions, and talk about the words; a few teachers asked students to Three teachers specifically criticized the presentation keep vocabulary notebooks in which they wrote each word in of vocabulary. As Ms. Sanford, a fourth-grade teacher ex- a sentence. These procedures seemed consistent with teacher pressed it, "There are not sufficient ideas for the teacher [in views that the textbook chapters had too many difficult the teacher's manual] on how to teach or introduce words in words for students. the textbooks, given the difficulty of the concepts presented." However, most of the problems mentioned revolved All teachers described ways they had students read the around content. Comments tended to be general rather than textbook. The most frequent technique was oral read- specific; that is, teachers did not criticize a specific unit or ing, which teachers believed provided assistance to stu- topic but addressed the textbook as a whole. Comments dents who were experiencing difficulty. Eight teachers used ranged widely, from several teachers expressing the view oral reading alone; eight teachers asked students to read that their book covered too much, to those who wanted silently and then followed this with oral reading. For ex- "more meat." Five teachers felt that the text was "boring" ample, one fourth-grade teacher had students read silently for children: for homework, and the next day asked the students to read the text orally in class. Other teachers had students silently read the chapter or section from beginning to Chapter 2 is something that is very dull and boring (Mr. Sams, Grade 4). end, then reread important sections orally in response to teacher questions. The children just don't care, they don't have any Each teacher appeared to have a rationale for using oral interest. . . it's definitely not their favorite and reading, or oral reading in combination with silent reading. because it's not their favorite, it ends up not For example, Ms. Sanford, Grade 4, emphasized students' being my favorite (Ms. Miles, Grade 4). need to hear the vocabulary: R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 6. . . . We do reading silently first and then we Several teachers used oral reading because of the diffi- always read it orally . . . we have to read orally culty of the text, especially for students with reading prob- just to hear the words and discuss (Ms. Sanford, lems: Grade 4). Oh, yes. We read the text orally together Ms. Toney, on the other hand, related reading orally to because the slower children don't understand the abilities of her group. the words and can't read them . . . I usually say, "Read the page quickly" . . . and then we'll all My period 1 class is mostly an average to an read it together or maybe a couple volunteers above average class, so we spend more time on will read (Ms. Patrick, Grade 4 ) . silent reading. The second period . . . I have many LD students in that group. Now that If a paragraph is difficult. . . then I make sure reading is all done in class . . . read word for that we read it [orally] in the class. We don't just word . . . I can't assign any silent reading with start from the top of the page (Ms. Madison, that group (Ms. Toney, Grade 6). Grade 4). In all cases, teachers who used oral reading, either alone or in combination with silent reading, did so to "get the words out." Another strategy—used by nine teachers, some of TABLE 2. Teacher Use of Textbook Adaptation Approaches whom also used oral reading—was to have the students lis- ten to the teacher read the text: Teachers (N = 2 2 ) I usually do read out loud, everything. I found n % that if I don't my people who are not up to the reading level of the book, will not comprehend A. Teacher mediation of textbook i t . . . and we read everything again in class Before reading (Ms, Lakes, Grade 3). Prior knowledge 4 (18) They don't read the text at all. . . there is very Vocabulary 12 (55) little reading . . . if there is any reading to be During reading done, I read it to the class because of having Guided reading 7 (32) children such as the resource children or special Oral reading 8 (36) Oral/silent 8 (36) children who cannot read as well (Ms. Balent, Silent 2 (9) Grade 2). Taped text 2 (9) Reading, per se, out loud, no. Reading by me, Teacher reading 9 (41) yes. Not the students orally (Ms. Marks, After reading Grade 6). Discussion 9 (41) Grouping strategies 12 (55) Modifying assignment 4 (18) As the examples indicate, teachers read the text material to facilitate understanding when they believed students would B. Substitute/supplement text have difficulty reading the textbooks themselves. Additional texts 6 (27) One teacher explained that she spent a great deal of Games 10 (46) class time discussing a topic with students prior to any Nonprint materials/speakers 12 (55) textbook work. (maps, graphics) Notebooks 6 (27) Project experiences 19 (86) We read it after, after we were done [discussing Workbooks 22 (100) the topic], and then it made more sense . . . two years ago, I came up with this idea and decided C. Simplifying text to see what happens. It was a shot in the dark, Rewrite 0 (0) but it was worth it because it paid off (Ms. Study guides/outlines 12 (55) Johns, Grade 3). Teach reading skills 7 (32) This teacher seemed to sense, intuitively and experientially, D. Reteaching/review 9 (41) the value of providing students with the prior knowledge and R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 7. vocabulary understanding that would aid them in reading mented their use of the prescribed textbook. All the teachers and understanding their textbook. indicated that they used the workbook and study sheets that Only two teachers, both of them at upper levels, used were provided as part of their textbook series as a means of silent reading in their classes without any oral reading. One increasing student understanding. In addition, nonprint of them, a seventh-grade teacher, described a guided reading materials such as filmstrips, videos, pictures, and maps were procedure in which she asked a question and then had discussed as important supplements to the textbook. students read and locate the answer. Projects or hands-on experiences were mentioned as important techniques for adapting to student differences. I found that it works better if I make each Teachers believed that students benefited from having art, question and tell them what paragraph it's in . . . drama, or language arts activities (including research papers) most of the questions at this point are bottom incorporated into social studies instruction. Ms. Miles, a level cognitive only . . . later on in the year, I try fourth-grade teacher, discussed a journal kept by her students to get them into some of the higher level in which they described the 5 days they spent in the land thinking skills (Ms. Rakes, Grade 7). of the Navajos. Other teachers described various art projects. The most comprehensive project-oriented approach Seven of the teachers discussed the use of a guided was described by Ms. Lakes, a Grade 3 teacher, for a unit on reading procedure similar to the one described by Ms. women. Each student read a biography of a famous woman, Rakes, in which they would ask students to read a small presented his or her woman to the class, and made a section of text and then highlight key concepts or facts that commercial to convince others that this woman was im- students should remember. portant. Students also drew pictures of women at work, These teachers, like those in other studies (Chall & developed a timeline to show how women dressed in various Conard, 1991; Stodolsky, 1989), reported using various time periods, and wrote invitations to a "special woman" to strategies that required students to read the textbook. Many come to school to receive a gift. Ms. Lakes developed this used oral reading in their instruction because they believed unit on her own; it was not in the textbook: that students would have difficulty with reading the textbook silently. However, there were variations in how teachers I do have extra things that I'll do like t h a t . . . I used oral reading, some more instructionally sound than too get tired of the book . . . and I try to think of others (e.g., silent before oral reading or teacher reading to some different things to do or some activities class vs. round robin oral reading). that the children would really like (Ms. Lakes, Another approach mentioned by teachers as an adapta- Grade 3). tion strategy was grouping of students. Twelve teachers Several other teachers discussed projects similar to this one, discussed ways in which they used peer or cooperative but generally, the projects revolved around the units covered grouping: in the textbook. Another technique for increasing students' understand- Cooperative grouping . . . put various ability ing of social studies text, mentioned by 10 teachers, was levels within a group . . . when we put one the use of games, especially games developed to increase youngster who is really very good with someone vocabulary understanding and acquisition. Teachers dis- who is not that good . . . so everyone . . . has cussed ways in which they presented definitions and had something valuable to contribute (Ms. Nichols, students identify the words (or vice versa); they also de- Grade 5). scribed the value of games as a motivational device: . . . Sit and listen to another student read a We play round robin where I call out a word and passage (Ms. Sams, Grade 4). they have to give a definition or we play Jeop- I'll usually pair them up with one of the brighter ardy. . . . Children have come up with other children and then as we are working I'll say to things; word finds, simple crossword puzzles the child . . . make sure that the other child is in (Ms. King, Grade 3). the right place or can do it, whatever (Ms. Two of the 10 teachers mentioned computer games as an Patrick, Grade 4). adaptation technique. A large percentage of teachers (41%) also stressed the value SIMPLIFYING TEXTBOOKS. Although no teachers of discussion as a means of promoting students' understand- talked of rewriting materials for students, a number of ing, although their description of discussion tended to reflect teachers discussed ways in which they used study guides or a teacher-directed recitation model. outlines that would make textbook reading easier: SUBSTITUTE/SUPPLEMENT T E X T B O O K U S E . Ele- I make up a study guide that the students do, we mentary teachers frequently used approaches that supple- check and then we can use these to study for the R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 8. test (Ms. Sanford, Grade 4). I'll have them Ms. Swan discussed her use of mnemonic devices: outline that section. And just use that as a study guide with them (Mr. Joseph, Grade 5). I'll use a lot of mnemonic devices . . . like archaeology, I'll circle the a and the c, and I'll say If I have a particularly slow group, I have pages that archaeology is the study of ancient civiliza- where words were left out of the text, and tion . . . things like that (Ms. Swan, Grade 7). they're always key ideas in the chapter. So [we] look at that chapter . . . those concepts are in Still others indicated that they reviewed information fre- darker print, and . . . more or less it is reinforced quently as a means of ensuring understanding. As one (Ms. Lakes, Grade 3). teacher commented, "I begin each lesson with a review using, 'You know, that lady from California's idea.'" Several teachers highlighted textbook information prior These teachers seemed to be trying to make social to its use. As stated by Ms. King, a third-grade teacher, "We studies meaningful and coherent by going over topics again take it slowly, we have highlighted our books... we read both and again while at the same time creating student interest orally and silently . . . that way we focus on the important and connecting events or information to the everyday lives material." of the students. In summary, teachers were cognizant of A smaller number of teachers specifically discussed the need for providing reinforcement of concepts and teaching reading skills using their social studies textbook. motivation for learning and for supplementing the textbook Several teachers described using the SQ3R strategy: with different activities as a means of enhancing under- standing. At the same time, a smaller number of teachers We use SQ3R . . . we turn every boldface emphasized the importance of teaching students how to sentence or phrase into a question . . . that is learn from the textbook. done routinely with the introduction of every new chapter (Ms. Marks, Grade 6). DISCUSSION Several others talked about teaching their students how to do research reports, including how to use the library: Consistent with the findings of other researchers that social studies textbooks are a primary resource, the teachers in our We took them to the library and developed a study, as a group, reported that they relied a great deal upon step-by-step method on how to use the library their texts. However, unlike the scholars who study text- . . . what it is you're going to look up, how you're books and find them lacking, our teachers reported that, going to read through the information, how overall, they liked their textbooks. They considered the you're going to analyze the information (Mr. textbook to be a valuable information resource. Most used Koffee, Grade 7). the organization provided by the textbook to guide their curriculum and instructional activities. RETEACHING/REVIEW. Nine teachers commented on Our teachers, however, when pressed, did identify the fact that they adjusted their rate of instruction (pacing) problems with the textbook, and those identified were simi- and retaught lessons to accommodate students who were lar to ones identified by scholars. The two most prevalent experiencing difficulties with concepts that were presented problems highlighted by our teachers were related to content in the text. To help us understand what teachers meant by and readability. "reteaching," we searched the transcripts for explanations. Teacher comments about content were as far-ranging Most teachers seemed to mean that they took more time to as those discussed by researchers: too much, too little, or the cover a topic. But others meant that they used repetition or wrong choice. Primary teachers had much less to say about explanation to help students transcend the lack of coherence content than the intermediate and middle grade teachers, or poor presentation in textbooks. For example, Ms. Gray who tended to be more concerned about the amount of helped students by pointing out rationales that would help information that was included in their textbooks. Although them remember information: this lack of concern about content among primary teachers may reflect the nature of the content in primary textbooks, We repeat over and over and over. . . . If there it may also reflect the fact that these teachers are less are ideas that are real logical, I try to make them dependent on the textbook or that social studies is of less seem so logical that they are silly . . . Why the importance at that level. Delaware Indians were given the name the Although teachers were critical of textbook readability, Delaware Indians . . . they lived along the their meaning for the term readability was much broader Delaware River . . . we'll talk about how logical than the operational definition generally used in readability that is . . . helps them remember why something formulas. These teachers were not overly concerned about is called the way it's called (Ms. Gray, Grade 4). the reading level of a book as determined by some formula R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 9. (e.g., sentence length or numbers of syllables per word). ing textbook instruction. These teachers still relied on the Rather, they felt that poor readers could not read or under- text as the basis for their selection of content, however. stand the text easily because texts contained a tremendous Finally, a small number of teachers discussed how they amount of difficult content and too many technical vocabu- reinforced and extended textbook information using various lary words. review and reteaching modifications. Most of these ideas So, what we find is that on the one hand, teachers valued involved repetition and additional exposures to ideas rather having a textbook for social studies instruction: They could than more complex notions like providing more elaborate identify what it provided for them in the way of information explanations or organizational strategies. and activities—and they said that they used it. On the other Only a few teachers discussed, in-depth, ways in which hand, teachers also identified problems with textbooks, and they explained or elaborated upon difficult concepts as a some of their concerns were similar to the issues raised by means of helping students or how they adjusted the content researchers such as Beck et al. (1989) and Tyson-Bernstein of their instruction when topics or concepts were difficult for and Woodward (1986). Specifically, teachers concurred that students. Teachers talked about their reliance on textbooks, when textbooks lack coherence or present material in a bland and they talked about ways to get "around" the problems of or homogeneous fashion, students may experience difficul- textbooks, but not many talked much about what they did to ties in reading and understanding; further, bland and inco- make the textbook content more "user-friendly." herent texts may be considered boring by students and In summary, these 22 elementary and middle school teachers alike. teachers shared with us some very exciting ways in which Strategies teachers gave for adapting textbooks were they deemphasized textbook use and enriched the social consistent with the problems they identified in the texts. studies curriculum through the use of various projects, Teachers tended to solve the problem of textbook difficulty activities, and cooperative grouping strategies. On the other or readability in three ways: helping students to cope with hand, their description of how they might help students cope the textbook, deemphasizing the textbook, or reinforcing with the textbook itself was more limited, as was their and extending textbook information. description of how they could mediate and provide scaffolded One of the primary approaches for helping students instruction. This raises a question about whether students, cope with text was oral reading, used as an adaptive strategy especially students with reading difficulties, should be af- by almost every teacher. This strategy appears to be one that forded experiences that will enable them to learn to use the has survived over time (Adams & Biddle, 1970). Stodolsky textbook as a tool for learning. In other words, although our (1988), in fact, found in her observations of social studies teachers may have provided opportunities that enabled that the "most frequently occurring pattern was answering students to learn the social studies content, there was and asking questions in the context of oral reading" (p. 48). less emphasis on helping students to become independent Although the use of oral reading as an adaptive strategy may learners. be helpful for enhancing student understanding of text, if it The fact that most of our teachers did not discuss ways is used consistently or as a single strategy it could also limit in which they explained or elaborated upon the information opportunities for discussion and promote recitation-type in textbooks brings us to a discussion of limitations of classes, Further, some specific approaches to oral reading as our data collection procedure. Teachers may be doing more described by the teachers were more instructionally sound than they said in these interviews. Further, some teach- than others, indicating a need to provide teachers with a ers who actually make adaptations may do so "on the fly" better understanding of how to use oral reading effectively. rather than in a preplanned manner and may not even Teachers who taught reading or study skills or used be conscious of the modifications they make that are related study guides as part of their social studies classes were also to understanding content. Also, although some teachers did helping students to deal with difficult text material and describe adaptations, we cannot determine through this seemed to be cognizant of the need to provide instruction research the frequency or extent to which they actually used in social studies about how to read and understand a text- any of the accommodation strategies. Finally, we recognize book. A large number of teachers also provided experiences that given our small sample of teachers, we cannot gen- with the difficult vocabulary of the textbook, and, in fact, eralize beyond our group. besides the oral reading and the direct teaching of study skills, vocabulary work was one of the most frequently cited approaches for assisting students with difficult IMPLICATIONS material. However, the techniques described tended to be memorization-type activities. Our research indicates that teachers are using the textbook A number of teachers also deemphasized textbook use in teaching social studies to all students, including those who by developing units that included various hands-on projects have special needs. Some teachers make adjustments in their designed to create enthusiasm and to enhance learning of use of textbooks to help students learn more effectively; social studies content. They also used nonprint materials, others do very little. Not all of the adjustments made are such as filmstrips or videotapes, as a means of supplement- based on sound theories of learning. R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 10. The findings from this study have implications for Armbruster, B. B., & Ostertag, J . (1987, April). Questions in elementary special educators, who should be aware of what students science and social studies textbooks. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D C . mainstreamed into general education classrooms might be Beck, I. L., McKeown, M., & Gromoll, E. W. ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Learning from experiencing, and for general education teachers who wish social studies texts. Cognition and Instruction, 6 ( 2 ) , 9 9 - 1 5 3 . to consider more systematically just how they are providing Bos, C . S., & Vaughan, S. ( 1 9 8 8 ) . Strategies for teaching students with for the needs of students who have difficulty reading texts. learning and behavior problems. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Further, the study provides important information for Chapin, J . R., & Messick, R. G . ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Elementary social studies: A practical guide. New York: Longman. teacher educators, especially those involved with courses Chall, J . S., & Conard, S. S. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Should textbooks challenge related to teaching reading in the content areas. The results students? New York: Teachers College Press. suggest the need to present effective and appropriate ideas Ciborowski, J . ( 1 9 9 2 ) . Textbooks and the students who can't read them: and techniques for using informational textbooks in content A guide to teaching content. Boston: Brookline. subjects. The framework that we developed to analyze our Conley, M . W. ( 1 9 9 2 ) . Content reading instruction: A communication approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. data might also be helpful to both classroom teachers and Elliott, D. L., Nagel, K., & Woodward, A. ( 1 9 8 5 ) . D o textbooks teacher educators as a means of thinking about various belong in elementary social studies? Educational Leadership, 42(7), adaptation strategies. 21-28. Finally, our findings have heuristic value, thus helping Gagnon, P. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . Democracy's untold story: What world history us chart a course for further research. Foremost, it is essen- textbooks neglect. Washington, D C : American Federation of Teachers. tial that actual observations be made of teachers to deter- History-social science framework for California public schools. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . mine whether they are in fact using texts as they report they Sacramento: California State Board of Education. are. Further, we need to get a more accurate picture of how Hoge, J . D . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Improving the use of elementary social studies teachers make the various accommodations they describe textbooks. Bloomington, I N : E R I C Clearinghouse for Social and to what degree, and whether teachers who do not talk Studies/Social Science Education. ( E R I C D o c u m e n t Repro- duction Service, E D 2 7 4 5 8 2 ) about modifications actually implement modifications in Jenkins, J . R., Jewell, M., Leicester, N., O'Connor, R., Jenkins, the course of their teaching. Such research will expand our L. M., & Troutner, N. M . ( 1 9 9 4 ) . Accommodations for individual understanding of how teachers use social studies texts and differences without classroom ability groups: An experiment in the strategies and techniques that they engage to accommo- school restructuring. Exceptional Children, 60, 3 4 4 - 3 5 8 . Kameenui, E. J . , & Simmons, D . C . ( 1 9 9 0 ) . Designing instructional date the diversity in their classrooms. • strategies: The prevention of academic learning problems. Columbus, O H : Merrill. Larkins, A., Hawkins, M . , & G i l m o r e , A. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . Trivial and RITA M. BEAN, PhD, is currently professor in the Department of noninformative content of elementary social studies: A review of Instruction and Learning and associate dean at the University of primary texts in four series. Theory and Research in Social Pittsburgh. She also directs the Reading Center and teaches courses Education, 15, 2 9 9 - 3 1 1 . in reading assessment and instruction. Her research interests include M c C u t c h e o n , G . ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Elementary school teachers' planning for the study of effective classroom and compensatory programs for social studies and other subjects. Theory and Research in Social students with reading difficulties, t e x t b o o k use, and reading Education, 9, 4 5 - 6 6 . assessment. NAOMI ZIGMOND, P h D , is currently chair of the National Association of State Boards of Education. ( 1 9 9 2 ) . Winners Department of Instruction and Learning at t h e University o f all: A call for inclusive schools. Alexandria, VA: Author. Pittsburgh and teaches doctoral level courses in research in special Schumm, J . S., & Strickler, K. ( 1 9 9 1 ) . Guidelines for adapting education and in issues related to educational assessment. Her major content area textbooks: Keeping teachers and students content. research interest is in the development and evaluation of appropriate Intervention in School and Clinic, 27, 7 9 - 8 4 . and effective public school programs for elementary and secondary Seidel, J . ( 1 9 8 8 ) . The ethnograph: A user's guide version 3 [Computer students with learning disabilities. DOUGLAS K. HARTMAN is an program]. Corvallis, O R : Qualis Research Associates. assistant professor in the Department of Instruction and Learning Sewall, G . T. ( 1 9 8 7 ) . American history textbooks: An assessment of at the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests focus on quality. New York: Educational Excellence Network. teaching, learning, and textual materials from an intertextual Shaver, J . P. ( 1 9 8 9 , M a r c h ) . What is known about elementary school perspective. Address: Rita M . Bean, University of Pittsburgh, 5 T 2 3 social studies? Paper presented at the meeting o f the American Forbes Quadrangle, Pittsburgh, PA 1 5 2 6 0 . Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Shaver, J . P., Davis, O . L., Jr., & Helburn, S. W . ( 1 9 8 0 ) . An AUTHORS' NOTE interpretive report on the status of precollege social studies education based on three NSF-funded studies. In What are the Research for this article was supported by Grant No. H 0 2 3 D 0 0 0 0 3 needs in precollege science, mathematics, and social science education? from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Views from the field (pp. 3 - 1 8 ) (Publication S E - 9 0 ) . Washington, Programs. D C : National Science Foundation. Stainback, W., Stainback, S., Courtnage, L., & Jaben, T. ( 1 9 8 5 ) . F a c i l i t a t i n g m a i n s t r e a m i n g by modifying t h e m a i n s t r e a m . REFERENCES Exceptional Children, 52, 1 4 4 - 1 5 2 . Adams, R. S., & Biddle, B. J . ( 1 9 7 0 ) . Realities of teaching: Explorations Stodolsky, S. ( 1 9 8 8 ) . The subject matters: Classroom activities in math with video tape. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. and social studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Armbruster, B. B., & Gudbrandsen, B . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Reading c o m - Stodolsky, S. ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Is teaching really by the book? In P. Jackson prehension instruction in social studies programs. Reading Research & S. Haroutunian-Gordon (Eds.), From Socrates to software: The Quarterly, 21, 3 6 - 4 8 . teacher as text and the text as teacher. Eighty-eighth yearbook of the R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012
  • 11. national society for the study of education (Part I, pp. 1 5 9 - 1 8 4 ) . Will, M . C . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Educating children with learning problems: A Chicago: University o f Chicago Press. shared responsibility. Exceptional Children, 52, 4 1 1 - 4 1 5 . Tyson-Bernstein, H., & Woodward, A. ( 1 9 8 6 ) . The great textbook Woodward, A., Elliot, D . L., & Nagel, K. C . ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Beyond machine and prospects for reform. Social Education, 50(1), textbooks in elementary social studies. Social Education, 50(1), 41-45. 50-53. Vacca, R. T., & Vacca, J . L. ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Content area reading. Glenview, Zigmond, N., & Baker, J . ( 1 9 9 0 ) . Project M E L D : A preliminary IL: Scott-Foresman. report. Exceptional Children, 57, 1 7 6 - 1 8 5 . APPENDIX SELECTED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS What is taught? Tell me about your social studies curriculum. Look at the "Table of Contents" in your social studies textbook/curriculum guide. What chapter/topics do you cover? In what order do you cover the chapters/topics? Why do you follow that particular order? Do you omit any chapters/topics/skills? If so, which? Why do you omit those chapters/topics/skills? Do you add any topics? Skills? If so, which? Why do you add those topics? Skills? What do you see as the strength(s) of the textbook you now use? Why do you see those as strengths? What do you see as the weakness(es) of the textbook you now use? Why do you see those as weaknesses? Are there different expectations or requirements for different students? If so, pick a couple of students and tell me how your instructional/assessment expectations vary for each student. How is it taught? What types of assignments do you give students? How do you individualize instruction? Who is taught? What kinds of problems do your students have in social studies? How do you deal with this problem? R E M E D I A L A N D S P E C I A L E D U C A T I O N Volume 15, Number 4, July 1994 Downloaded from at MICHIGAN STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on January 17, 2012