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1. A memo is a compact written message designed
to help someone remember something.
2. Having been employed in companies and
organizations, it becomes part of the institutional
memory of an organization.
3. The purpose of memo includes:
a) To convey important information
b) To speed up the daily business of doing
c) To record daily activities and eliminates
the need for time consuming meetings
4. The content of memos varies widely from:
a) Giving recommendations
b) Outlining new procedures
c) Announcing personnel changes
d) Conveying confidential information
Language in a memo
1. The tone of a memo is generally fairly formal;
therefore, choice of words is to be given
emphasis appropriately.
2. It is inappropriate to be too informal (use of
slangs and uncommon abbreviated terms),
however, do not make it verbose and flowery
3. Make the information clear and concise.
4. If possible, project the sentences in the active
voice rather than passive to deliver the
information effectively.
Format of a memorandum
1. The format of a memo follows the general
guidelines of business writing:
a) A memo is usually a page or 2 long
b) Single spaced
c) Left justified
d) A new paragraph is signified by skipping
a line between sentences
e) Use of headings and lists to draw attention
to important points
2. The segments of the memo should be allocated in
the following manner:
HEADER 1/8 of memo
1/4 of memo
1/2 of memo
1/8 of memo
3. Different organizations may have different
formatting procedures; the structure may change
according to the message.
Audience and purpose
1. Memos have a twofold purpose:
a) They bring attention to problems
b) They solve problems
2. They achieve their goals by informing the readers
about the information and persuading them to take
an action.
3. Memos are most effective when they affiliate the
purpose of the writer with the interest or needs of
the readers.
4. The range of audience needs to be chosen wisely
to ensure that all of them read the memo.
5. If the memo is issued to one person, it is not wise
to send the memo to the entire office as it will
create confusion among the staffs.
Parts of a memo
1. The heading segment follows
this general format:
To Reader‟s name and
job titles
From Your name and job
Date Complete and
current date
Subject What the memo is
2. Make sure the information is
3. Form a concise and specific
subject line.
1. The purpose of a memo is
usually found in the opening
paragraph and it includes:
A. Purpose of the memo
B. The context and
C. The specific task
2. A brief overview is necessary to
inform the readers what the
memo is about before jumping
into the details.
3. The length of the introduction is
determined by the style of the
memo; the more direct the
memo plan, the more explicit
the introduction should be.
1. The inclusion of the purpose of
the memo helps clarify the
reasons for readers to read the
1. The context is the
a) Event
b) Circumstance
c) Background of the
problem the writer is
2. A paragraph of a few sentences
is adequate to establish the
background and state of the
3. Only include what the readers
need, but make sure it is clear.
4. For example, „Through market
research and analysis…‟ is
sufficient to explain the context.
1. It is an essential portion of a
memo that either describes:
a) What the writer is
doing to solve the
b) If the action is
requested, the writer
can indicate that by
saying: “You asked that
I look at..”
c) The writer‟s intention.
It can be indicated by
saying “To identify the
characteristics of
specific market we
chose, I have
2. Be convincing to assure the
readers that a real problem
3. Do not ramble on with
insignificant details.
4. To do that, plan before writing.
5. Make sure the purpose
statement forecast divides the
subject into the most important
topics that decision makers
1. It is the longest portion of the
memorandum that includes all
the details that support the
2. Begin with the most important
information like key findings or
3. Start with the most general
information and move to the
specific supporting facts.
4. This segment includes:
a) Supporting ideas
b) Facts and research
5. Include strong points and
evidence to persuade the readers
to follow the recommended
1. After the readers have absorbed
all the information, close with a
courteous ending that state what
action the readers must take.
2. Make sure to consider how the
readers will benefit from the
desired action: “I will be glad to
meet you to discuss about the
1. If the memo is longer than a
page, it is advisable to include a
separate summary segment.
2. But, this section is unnecessary
for short memo.
3. This segment provides a brief
statement of the key
recommendations reached.
4. It will help readers understand
the key points of the memo
5. It may also include references
to the methods and sources used
in the research.
1. Document the findings or
provide detailed information
whenever necessary.
2. It can be done by attaching
these at the end of the memo:
a) Lists
b) Graphs
c) Tables
3. Add notation about what is
attached below the closing.
10 tips for writing a more effective memorandum
1. Understand your audience
2. State the purpose and main points clearly
3. Support conclusion with evidence
4. Acknowledge unanswered questions
5. Cite the sources of information
6. Place bulky data and analysis in appendices
7. Use white space and formatting
8. Use headlines and bulleted lists
9. Use the organization‟s standard memo format
10. Proofread carefully
Types of memorandum
1. There are 4 types of memorandum:
A. Information
B. Problem solving
C. Persuasion
D. Internal memo proposals
Delivers or requests
information or assistance
Main idea
Expansion and elaboration of
the details
Outline of the required
Suggests a specific action
to improve a situation
Problem statement
Problem analysis
When writing
recommendations, include not
only the positive details, but
also the drawbacks and
diffuse them yourself
Encourages the readers to
undertake an action they
do not have to take
An agreeable point
Introduction of ideas
Benefits to the readers
Outline of the required
Call to action
Conveys suggestions to
the senior management
 The audience can be the
superior in an organization
or someone outside the
organization that probably
knows nothing out your
organization, your position,
problems and solutions.
 Keep the information in
mind and describe the
subject fully.
 The audience wants to be
persuaded that you‟ll do a
good job with the topic.
 The purpose is to obtain
permission to proceed with
the internal proposal topic.
 The message should be
described in different
sections. Here are the
subjects to be covered:
i. Name of
ii. Position in
iii. Problems identified
and possible
iv. Specific, concrete
and tangible
v. Audience
vi. Ancillary topics like
costs and time spent
vii. Research to conduct
to make the
7 Principal Elements
1. Most business letters have seven standard
A. Letterhead
B. Date
C. Inside address
D. Salutation
E. Body
F. Complimentary close
G. Signature
Formats of business letters
1. There are four common formats for the business
A. Unblocked format
B. Semi-blocked format
C. Blocked format
D. AMS simplified letter format
 Indented 2/3 of the way across the page:
i. Writer‟s address
ii. Date
iii. Closing
iv. Writer‟s signature
v. Typed version of the writer‟s name
and job title
 The first line of each paragraph is indented a
few spaces.
Writer‟s address
Recipient‟s name and
Complimentary close
Writer‟s signature
Typed version of writer‟s
 The first line of the paragraph is lined up with the
left margin (No indentation)
 There is an extra blank line between paragraphs to
signal the start of a new paragraph.
 Indented 2/3 of the way across the page:
i. Writer‟s address
ii. Date
iii. Closing
iv. Writer‟s signature
v. Typed version of the writer‟s name
Writer‟s address
Recipient‟s name and
Complimentary close
Writer‟s signature
Typed version of the
writer‟s name and job
 Lined up with the left margin:
i. Writer‟s address
ii. Date
iii. Recipient‟s address
iv. First line of each paragraph
v. Closing
vi. Writer‟s signature
vii. Typed version of the writer‟s name
and job title
 There is an extra blank line between
Writer‟s address
Recipient‟s name and
Complimentary close
Writer‟s signature
Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title
• No salutation.
• The subject line replaces the salutation and is
typed in all CAPITAL LETTERS.
• The rest of the letter copies blocked format by
lining up to left margin.
Writer‟s address
Recipient‟s name and
Complimentary close
Writer‟s signature
Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title
Letter of transmittal
1. This letter normally contains 3 short paragraphs.
paragraph State what is being
transmitted and why it is
being transmitted
paragraph Describes the items
transmitted in moderate detail
For example, if a report is
being transmitted, the
description would include:
- Major sections of the
- Major conclusions
paragraph Expresses hope or satisfaction
with the subject transmitted
2. Modified BLOCKED format with indentions is the
usual format for this type of letter Always include
an enclosure notation.
Letter of acceptance
1. This letter is written in order to accept a received
job offer.
2. It should be written within 1 week of receiving the
3. Use SEMI BLOCKED format of business letter
(No indentation)
4. The organization is normally as follows:
paragraph State that you accepted the
job. Include the exact title of
the job and salary
paragraph Discuss details about the
position, especially the date
you will begin working
paragraph Short statement of goodwill,
usually indicating that you are
looking forward to starting
your new job
Acknowledgement letter
1. In this letter, you acknowledge receiving an item
(letter, box, or something).
2. It serves as a good public relations practice.
3. In this letter you mention what and when items are
received in a short and polite manner.
4. Use BLOCKED format (all lined up to left margin
with no indentation)
5. The organization is as follows:
paragraph Gesture of acknowledgment
with other details of service,
product, relevant issue etc.
paragraph  Describe relevant specific
 Clarify the objective
 Confirm receipt of the
product or service
 Thank the addressee for
delivering the requested
items or information
 Hope for any further
Letter of inquiry
1. It normally contains 3 short paragraphs.
paragraph  Specifies the subject of the
 Indicates why the inquiry is
being made
paragraph Lists the specific items or
questions that the letter wants
to be answered. Presented in
bulleted list form.
paragraph Indicates a deadline by which
the items being requested or
the answers to questions need
to be supplied
2. Usually BLOCKED with indentions format is used
with this letter type.
Letter of reply to inquiry
1. This letter normally is written in UNBLOCKED
format (indentation)
2. The organization can be arranged as follows:
paragraph Acknowledge that you have
received the inquiry letter and
you are writing in response to it.
Express your appreciation for the
letter of inquiry. You can say:
a) Thank you for your letter
of … regarding /
concerning / in
connection with …
b) I refer to your enquiry
about / relating to …
c) I have received your
letter of … requesting
information about …
paragraph Explain action taken as a
consequence of the inquiry. You
can say:
a) I have (reviewed our
available stock) …
b) We held a meeting on 21
January to discuss
possible solutions.
c) I have checked/looked
into/investigated (the
possible approaches) …
Give the exact information
 Check the questions or
information requested in
the inquiry letter whether
you have answered all of
them or not
 When answering yes to a
request for an
appointment or
reservation, repeat in
your letter all the details
such as:
a) Date
b) Time
c) Place
paragraph Establish goodwill and
suggesting contact
Letter of Promoting New Products or Special Offers
1. This “good news” letter aims to:
a) Influence the reader; perhaps to buy a
b) Pay an overdue account or consider an
application for work.
2. The interest of the reader must be aroused so that
a) he/she is motivated enough to respond to
the letter
b) in a positive manner
3. Many persuasive letters follow the AIDA format
of writing.
4. Normally uses BLOCKED format (lined up to left
margin and no indentation)
paragraph Use attention-getting devices
to attract reader‟s attention
and appeal to their personal
You can open the letter with a
surprising fact, funny
anecdote or thought
provoking question:
a) (Name of company) is
turning 30 this month and
as a token of appreciation
of your kind patronage
over these years, we are
offering at least 20%
discount on all its cooking
b) Having issues with your
look? We, at NadiaQ HQ
are proud to introduce you
to our latest and hot
selling supplement for
your future best look.
c) Are you tired of winter?
Are you dying to get away
for a dream vacation?
Ijakin Travel is pleased to
offer six exciting vacation
packages at unheard of
low prices.
paragraph Describe the product or
service concisely with much
detail to raise awareness to
reader‟s desire:
a) The purpose of the
b) How your offerings differ
from other companies
c) Benefits of the product to
You can say:
i. There will be limited
stock of certain
instruments; so do come
over early to get the best
ii. We can assure you that
we never compromise on
our quality standards and
are one of the best in the
market at present. This
product has its grasp on
overseas market also and
has a very good
reputation. Our products
are available at very
competitive prices. Our
new product is attracting
a great positive feedback
from the customers. And
many of our clients are
fully satisfied with it.
paragraph Show how to take action
Close your letter by asking the
reader to purchase your
product or service.
Tell readers exactly what you
want them to do next, whether
that's come in for a product
demonstration or sign up for a
free trial of your service.
Provide all of the information
they'll need to do this,
including your phone number,
location and hours of
You can say:
Please call 555-5555 and let
us help you start right. Your
future is in your hands
Letter of application
1. Make it one page long.
2. Use SEMI BLOCKED format.
3. Follow this set of guidelines:
paragraph State:
a) Position or internship you
are applying for
b) How you learned of the
organization or position
c) Basic information or
qualifications about
paragraph Tell why you are interested in
the employer or type of work the
employer does (Simply stating
that you are interested does not
tell why, and can sound like a
form letter).
Demonstrate that you know
enough about the employer or
position to relate your
background to the employer or
Mention specific qualifications
which make you a good fit for
the employer's needs.
Refer to the fact that your
resume is enclosed. Mention
other enclosures if such is
required to apply for a position.
paragraph Indicate that you would like the
opportunity to interview for a
position or to talk with the
employer to learn more about
their opportunities or hiring
State that you would be glad to
provide the employer with any
additional information needed.
Thank the employer for her/his
Letter of complaint
1. Most examples of this letter type contain 3 short
paragraph State the problem and make a
specific claim that will correct
the problem
You can say:
a) I am writing to inform
you that the goods we
ordered from your
company have not been
supplied correctly.
b) I am writing to inform
you of my dissatisfaction
with the food and drinks
at the 'European
Restaurant' on 18
January this year.
paragraph Describe the sequence of
events involved in the
creation of the problem and
describe the problem in detail.
Dates, serial numbers and
other factual data are to be
a) The Aloe Vera Gel with
serial number 136890028
has reached its expiry
date. I purchased it at the
Yuijo Drug Store in
Request timely correction of
the problem
a) I am writing to ask you
to please make up the
shortfall immediately
and to ensure that such
errors do not happen
b) Could I please ask you to
look into these matters?
paragraph Include warning and closing
like “I‟m afraid that if these
conditions are not met, we
may be forced to take legal
action. I look forward to
hearing from you shortly”
2. Usually uses BLOCKED format, but with

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Lem 311 notes: Memorandum and Business Letters

  • 1. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN MEMORANDUM Introduction 1. A memo is a compact written message designed to help someone remember something. 2. Having been employed in companies and organizations, it becomes part of the institutional memory of an organization. 3. The purpose of memo includes: a) To convey important information efficiently b) To speed up the daily business of doing business c) To record daily activities and eliminates the need for time consuming meetings 4. The content of memos varies widely from: a) Giving recommendations b) Outlining new procedures c) Announcing personnel changes d) Conveying confidential information Language in a memo 1. The tone of a memo is generally fairly formal; therefore, choice of words is to be given emphasis appropriately. 2. It is inappropriate to be too informal (use of slangs and uncommon abbreviated terms), however, do not make it verbose and flowery either. 3. Make the information clear and concise. 4. If possible, project the sentences in the active voice rather than passive to deliver the information effectively. Format of a memorandum 1. The format of a memo follows the general guidelines of business writing: a) A memo is usually a page or 2 long b) Single spaced c) Left justified d) A new paragraph is signified by skipping a line between sentences e) Use of headings and lists to draw attention to important points 2. The segments of the memo should be allocated in the following manner: HEADER 1/8 of memo OPENING (CONTEXT AND TASK) 1/4 of memo DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY 1/2 of memo CLOSING AND ATTACHMENTS 1/8 of memo 3. Different organizations may have different formatting procedures; the structure may change according to the message. Audience and purpose 1. Memos have a twofold purpose: a) They bring attention to problems b) They solve problems 2. They achieve their goals by informing the readers about the information and persuading them to take an action. 3. Memos are most effective when they affiliate the purpose of the writer with the interest or needs of the readers. 4. The range of audience needs to be chosen wisely to ensure that all of them read the memo. 5. If the memo is issued to one person, it is not wise to send the memo to the entire office as it will create confusion among the staffs. Parts of a memo HEADING SEGMENT 1. The heading segment follows this general format: To Reader‟s name and job titles From Your name and job title Date Complete and current date Subject What the memo is about 2. Make sure the information is correct. 3. Form a concise and specific subject line. OPENING SEGMENT 1. The purpose of a memo is usually found in the opening paragraph and it includes: A. Purpose of the memo B. The context and problem
  • 2. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN C. The specific task 2. A brief overview is necessary to inform the readers what the memo is about before jumping into the details. 3. The length of the introduction is determined by the style of the memo; the more direct the memo plan, the more explicit the introduction should be. PURPOSE 1. The inclusion of the purpose of the memo helps clarify the reasons for readers to read the document. CONTEXT 1. The context is the a) Event b) Circumstance c) Background of the problem the writer is solving 2. A paragraph of a few sentences is adequate to establish the background and state of the problem 3. Only include what the readers need, but make sure it is clear. 4. For example, „Through market research and analysis…‟ is sufficient to explain the context. TASK 1. It is an essential portion of a memo that either describes: a) What the writer is doing to solve the problem b) If the action is requested, the writer can indicate that by saying: “You asked that I look at..” c) The writer‟s intention. It can be indicated by saying “To identify the characteristics of specific market we chose, I have outlined…” 2. Be convincing to assure the readers that a real problem exists. 3. Do not ramble on with insignificant details. 4. To do that, plan before writing. 5. Make sure the purpose statement forecast divides the subject into the most important topics that decision makers need. DISCUSSION SEGMENT 1. It is the longest portion of the memorandum that includes all the details that support the ideas. 2. Begin with the most important information like key findings or recommendations. 3. Start with the most general information and move to the specific supporting facts. 4. This segment includes: a) Supporting ideas b) Facts and research 5. Include strong points and evidence to persuade the readers to follow the recommended actions. CLOSING SEGMENT 1. After the readers have absorbed all the information, close with a courteous ending that state what action the readers must take. 2. Make sure to consider how the readers will benefit from the desired action: “I will be glad to meet you to discuss about the offer.” SUMMARY SEGMENT 1. If the memo is longer than a page, it is advisable to include a separate summary segment. 2. But, this section is unnecessary for short memo. 3. This segment provides a brief statement of the key recommendations reached. 4. It will help readers understand the key points of the memo immediately. 5. It may also include references to the methods and sources used in the research.
  • 3. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN NECESSARY ATTACHMENTS 1. Document the findings or provide detailed information whenever necessary. 2. It can be done by attaching these at the end of the memo: a) Lists b) Graphs c) Tables 3. Add notation about what is attached below the closing. 10 tips for writing a more effective memorandum 1. Understand your audience 2. State the purpose and main points clearly 3. Support conclusion with evidence 4. Acknowledge unanswered questions 5. Cite the sources of information 6. Place bulky data and analysis in appendices 7. Use white space and formatting 8. Use headlines and bulleted lists 9. Use the organization‟s standard memo format 10. Proofread carefully Types of memorandum 1. There are 4 types of memorandum: A. Information B. Problem solving C. Persuasion D. Internal memo proposals INFORMATION MEMO Delivers or requests information or assistance 1st paragraph: Main idea 2nd paragraph: Expansion and elaboration of the details 3rd paragraph: Outline of the required actions PROBLEM SOLVING Suggests a specific action to improve a situation 1st paragraph: Problem statement 2nd paragraph: Problem analysis 3rd paragraph: Recommendations When writing recommendations, include not only the positive details, but also the drawbacks and diffuse them yourself PERSUASIVE MEMO Encourages the readers to undertake an action they do not have to take 1st paragraph: An agreeable point 2nd paragraph: Introduction of ideas 3rd paragraph: Benefits to the readers 4th paragraph: Outline of the required actions 5th paragraph: Call to action INTERNAL MEMO PROPOSAL Conveys suggestions to the senior management audience  The audience can be the superior in an organization or someone outside the organization that probably knows nothing out your organization, your position, problems and solutions.  Keep the information in mind and describe the subject fully.  The audience wants to be persuaded that you‟ll do a good job with the topic.  The purpose is to obtain permission to proceed with the internal proposal topic.  The message should be described in different sections. Here are the subjects to be covered: i. Name of organization ii. Position in organization iii. Problems identified and possible solutions iv. Specific, concrete and tangible solution v. Audience vi. Ancillary topics like costs and time spent vii. Research to conduct to make the proposals
  • 4. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN BUSINESS LETTERS WRITING 7 Principal Elements 1. Most business letters have seven standard elements: A. Letterhead B. Date C. Inside address D. Salutation E. Body F. Complimentary close G. Signature Formats of business letters 1. There are four common formats for the business letter: A. Unblocked format B. Semi-blocked format C. Blocked format D. AMS simplified letter format UNBLOCKED FORMAT  Indented 2/3 of the way across the page: i. Writer‟s address ii. Date iii. Closing iv. Writer‟s signature v. Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title  The first line of each paragraph is indented a few spaces. Writer‟s address Date Recipient‟s name and address Subject Salutation Body _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Complimentary close Writer‟s signature Typed version of writer‟s SEMI BLOCKED FORMAT  The first line of the paragraph is lined up with the left margin (No indentation)  There is an extra blank line between paragraphs to signal the start of a new paragraph.  Indented 2/3 of the way across the page: i. Writer‟s address ii. Date iii. Closing iv. Writer‟s signature v. Typed version of the writer‟s name Writer‟s address Date Recipient‟s name and address Subject Salutation Body _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Complimentary close Writer‟s signature Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title BLOCKED FORMAT  Lined up with the left margin: i. Writer‟s address ii. Date iii. Recipient‟s address iv. First line of each paragraph v. Closing vi. Writer‟s signature vii. Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title  There is an extra blank line between paragraphs.
  • 5. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN Writer‟s address Date Recipient‟s name and address Subject Salutation Body _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Complimentary close Writer‟s signature Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title AMS SIMPLIFIED LETTER FORMAT • No salutation. • The subject line replaces the salutation and is typed in all CAPITAL LETTERS. • The rest of the letter copies blocked format by lining up to left margin. Writer‟s address Date Recipient‟s name and address SUBJECT Body _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Complimentary close Writer‟s signature Typed version of the writer‟s name and job title
  • 6. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN EXAMPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS Letter of transmittal 1. This letter normally contains 3 short paragraphs. 1st paragraph State what is being transmitted and why it is being transmitted 2nd paragraph Describes the items transmitted in moderate detail For example, if a report is being transmitted, the description would include: - Major sections of the report - Major conclusions 3rd paragraph Expresses hope or satisfaction with the subject transmitted 2. Modified BLOCKED format with indentions is the usual format for this type of letter Always include an enclosure notation. Letter of acceptance 1. This letter is written in order to accept a received job offer. 2. It should be written within 1 week of receiving the offer. 3. Use SEMI BLOCKED format of business letter (No indentation) 4. The organization is normally as follows: 1st paragraph State that you accepted the job. Include the exact title of the job and salary 2nd paragraph Discuss details about the position, especially the date you will begin working 3rd paragraph Short statement of goodwill, usually indicating that you are looking forward to starting your new job Acknowledgement letter 1. In this letter, you acknowledge receiving an item (letter, box, or something). 2. It serves as a good public relations practice. 3. In this letter you mention what and when items are received in a short and polite manner. 4. Use BLOCKED format (all lined up to left margin with no indentation) 5. The organization is as follows: 1st paragraph Gesture of acknowledgment with other details of service, product, relevant issue etc. 2nd paragraph  Describe relevant specific points  Clarify the objective  Confirm receipt of the product or service  Thank the addressee for delivering the requested items or information  Hope for any further communication Letter of inquiry 1. It normally contains 3 short paragraphs. 1st paragraph  Specifies the subject of the inquiry  Indicates why the inquiry is being made 2nd paragraph Lists the specific items or questions that the letter wants to be answered. Presented in bulleted list form. 3rd paragraph Indicates a deadline by which the items being requested or the answers to questions need to be supplied 2. Usually BLOCKED with indentions format is used with this letter type. Letter of reply to inquiry 1. This letter normally is written in UNBLOCKED format (indentation) 2. The organization can be arranged as follows: 1st paragraph Acknowledge that you have received the inquiry letter and you are writing in response to it. Express your appreciation for the letter of inquiry. You can say: a) Thank you for your letter of … regarding / concerning / in connection with … b) I refer to your enquiry about / relating to … c) I have received your letter of … requesting information about …
  • 7. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN 2nd paragraph Explain action taken as a consequence of the inquiry. You can say: a) I have (reviewed our available stock) … b) We held a meeting on 21 January to discuss possible solutions. c) I have checked/looked into/investigated (the possible approaches) … Give the exact information requested  Check the questions or information requested in the inquiry letter whether you have answered all of them or not  When answering yes to a request for an appointment or reservation, repeat in your letter all the details such as: a) Date b) Time c) Place 3rd paragraph Establish goodwill and suggesting contact Letter of Promoting New Products or Special Offers 1. This “good news” letter aims to: a) Influence the reader; perhaps to buy a product b) Pay an overdue account or consider an application for work. 2. The interest of the reader must be aroused so that a) he/she is motivated enough to respond to the letter b) in a positive manner 3. Many persuasive letters follow the AIDA format of writing. 4. Normally uses BLOCKED format (lined up to left margin and no indentation) 1st paragraph Use attention-getting devices to attract reader‟s attention and appeal to their personal interests. You can open the letter with a surprising fact, funny anecdote or thought provoking question: a) (Name of company) is turning 30 this month and as a token of appreciation of your kind patronage over these years, we are offering at least 20% discount on all its cooking utensils. b) Having issues with your look? We, at NadiaQ HQ are proud to introduce you to our latest and hot selling supplement for your future best look. c) Are you tired of winter? Are you dying to get away for a dream vacation? Ijakin Travel is pleased to offer six exciting vacation packages at unheard of low prices. 2nd paragraph Describe the product or service concisely with much detail to raise awareness to reader‟s desire: a) The purpose of the product b) How your offerings differ from other companies c) Benefits of the product to them You can say: i. There will be limited stock of certain instruments; so do come over early to get the best deals. ii. We can assure you that we never compromise on our quality standards and are one of the best in the market at present. This product has its grasp on overseas market also and has a very good reputation. Our products are available at very competitive prices. Our new product is attracting a great positive feedback from the customers. And
  • 8. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN many of our clients are fully satisfied with it. 3rd paragraph Show how to take action Close your letter by asking the reader to purchase your product or service. Tell readers exactly what you want them to do next, whether that's come in for a product demonstration or sign up for a free trial of your service. Provide all of the information they'll need to do this, including your phone number, location and hours of operation. You can say: Please call 555-5555 and let us help you start right. Your future is in your hands Letter of application 1. Make it one page long. 2. Use SEMI BLOCKED format. 3. Follow this set of guidelines: 1st paragraph State: a) Position or internship you are applying for b) How you learned of the organization or position c) Basic information or qualifications about yourself. 2nd paragraph Tell why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does (Simply stating that you are interested does not tell why, and can sound like a form letter). Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer's needs. Refer to the fact that your resume is enclosed. Mention other enclosures if such is required to apply for a position. 3rd paragraph Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more about their opportunities or hiring plans. State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed. Thank the employer for her/his consideration. Letter of complaint 1. Most examples of this letter type contain 3 short paragraphs. 1st paragraph State the problem and make a specific claim that will correct the problem You can say: a) I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly. b) I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction with the food and drinks at the 'European Restaurant' on 18 January this year. 2nd paragraph Describe the sequence of events involved in the creation of the problem and describe the problem in detail. Dates, serial numbers and other factual data are to be included. a) The Aloe Vera Gel with serial number 136890028 has reached its expiry date. I purchased it at the Yuijo Drug Store in Seremban. Request timely correction of the problem
  • 9. KHAIRUNNADIAH BINTI MOHD SAMUDDIN a) I am writing to ask you to please make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that such errors do not happen again. b) Could I please ask you to look into these matters? 3rd paragraph Include warning and closing like “I‟m afraid that if these conditions are not met, we may be forced to take legal action. I look forward to hearing from you shortly” 2. Usually uses BLOCKED format, but with indentions.