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Dr. Reem Al-Sabah
Faculty of Medicine
Psychology 220
   People who are mentally ill are violent.

 Geniuses      are particularly prone to emotional disorders.

 Children     can have serious mental disorders.

 Depression     results from a personality weakness or
    character flaw.

 Most      mental disorders are treatable.
 What   is abnormal psychology?

    The field devoted to the scientific study of
     abnormal behavior to describe, predict,
     explain, and change abnormal patterns of

 Most   of our knowledge of prehistoric societies has
  been acquired indirectly, is based on inferences
  from archaeological findings, and is limited.
 Most historians believe that prehistoric societies
  regarded abnormal behavior as the work of evil
    May have begun as far back as the Stone Age
 The cure for abnormality was to force the demons
  from the body through trephination and exorcism
Ancient skull with holes from trephination

 Deviation     from cultural norms

     Every culture has certain standard, or norms, for
      acceptable behavior.

     Cultural relativist perspective: we should respect
      each culture’s definitions of abnormality for the
      members of that culture.
   Opponents of this position:

    Historically, societies have labeled
     individuals as abnormal to justify
     controlling or silencing them.

    The concept of abnormality changes
     over time within the same society.
 Deviation   from statistical norms

   Abnormal: away from the norm.
   Abnormal behavior is statistically infrequent or
    deviant from the norm.
     E.g., very tall or very short

     E.g., extremenly intelligent

   Definition of abnormality is more than statistical
 Maladaptive   behavior
   Whether a person’s abnormal behavior is
    maladaptive, that is if it has adverse effects on
    the individual or on society.

   Deviant behavior harmful to the individual.
    e.g., a mother with severe depression who

     can’t adequately fulfill her role.
   Deviant behavior harmful to society
    e.g., A teenager with violent and aggressive
 Personal   distress
   Distress: feelings of anxiety, depression, or
    agitation, or experiences such as insomnia,
    loss of appetite, or numerous aches and pains.
   Most people diagnosed with a mental disorder
    feel extremely miserable.
   Sometimes, personal distress may be the only
    symptom of abnormality.
     The following are traits that a normal person
     possesses to a greater degree than an
     individual who is diagnosed as abnormal:

 Appropriate     perceptions of reality.
    Realistic in appraising one’s own reactions and
     capabilities and in interpreting their surroundings.
 Ability
        to exercise voluntary control
 over behavior.
     Feeling confident about the ability to control
      one’s behavior.

 Self-esteem      and acceptance.
     Having some appreciation for one’s own worth
      and feeling accepted by those around you.
 Ability   to form affectionate relationships.
     Able to form close and satisfying relationships with
      other people.

 Productivity.
     Able to channel one’s abilities into productive
 medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking,
 feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily

 Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental
 illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a
 diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary
 demands of life.

 Biologically
             based brain disorders. They cannot be
 overcome through "will power" and are not related to a
 person's "character" or intelligence.

 Neurosis  refers to mental distress that, unlike
 psychosis, does not prevent rational thought or
 daily functioning.

   Neurotic conditions do not interfere with daily
   Most people suffer from some sort of neurosis as
    a part of human nature.
 Psychosis  is a mental state involving the loss of
 contact with reality, causing the deterioration of
 normal social functioning.

  Any mental state that impairs thought,
   perception, and judgment.
  A person experiencing a psychotic episode
   might hallucinate, become paranoid, or
   experience a change in personality.

 DSM:The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
 Mental Disorders.

    The DSM was introduced in 1952.
    The DSM has been widely adopted by mental health
    The latest version, published in 2000, is the
     DSM IV-TR, the Text Revision (TR) of the Fourth
     Edition (DSM-IV).
    DSM-5 is scheduled for release in May 2013
   ICD: The International Statistical Classification of
    Diseases and Related Health Problems.

       A classification, published by the World Health
       Used mainly for compiling statistics on the
        worldwide occurrence of disorders.
       Now in its tenth revision (the ICD-10).
       The DSM-IV is compatible with the ICD, so that
        DSM diagnoses could be coded in the ICD system
        as well.

 Diagnostic
           codes are fundamental to medical
 record keeping.

 Diagnosticcoding facilitates data collection
 and retrieval and compilation of statistical

 Facilitates   communication between clinicians.
   Some symptoms requirement (e.g., major depression be
    present for 2 weeks before a diagnosis is reached) .

   Medical model does not pay attention to external social
    influences on behavior.

   Categorical structure (a disorder is either present or not)
    too rigid. Abnormal behavior occurs along a continuum
    (dimensional approach ).

   Stigmatizes people by labeling them with psychiatric

   Biological perspective (medical or disease model):
    due to brain disorders, genetic problems, brain

   Psychological perspective : due to problems in the
    functioning of the mind.
     Psychoanalytic perspective: defense mechanisms
      are used to handle the anxiety of unconscious
      conflicts (usually originating from childhood).
   Behavioral perspective: fears become conditioned
    to specific situations; reinforcement of inappropriate
    behaviors; learning theory.

   Cognitive perspective: maladaptive cognitive

   Cultural/sociological perspective: social context in
    which a person lives (e.g., poverty, discrimination).

   Vulnerability-stress model
    Interaction between predisposition & stressful
    environmental conditions (need both to develop a
    mental health problem).

 Defensemechanisms protect us from being
 consciously aware of a thought or feeling
 which we cannot tolerate.

 The defense only allows the unconscious
 thought or feeling to be expressed indirectly
 in a disguised form.
   Denial: You completely reject the thought or feeling. "I'm
    not angry with him!"

   Suppression: You are vaguely aware of the thought or
    feeling, but try to hide it. "I'm going to try to be nice to

   Reaction Formation: You turn the feeling into its
    opposite. "I think he's really great!“

    Projection: You project your thoughts and feelings onto
    someone else. "That professor hates me.” "That student
    hates the prof.“
1.   Disorders usually first evident in infancy, childhood,
     or adolescence.
2.   Delirium, dementia, amnestic, and other cognitive
3.   Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical
4.   Substance-Related Disorders.
5.   Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
6.   Mood Disorders.
7.   Anxiety Disorders.
8.   Somatoform Disorders.
9.    Factitious Disorders
10.   Dissociative Disorders
11.   Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
12.   Eating Disorders
13.   Sleep disorders
14.   Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified
15.   Adjustment Disorders
16.   Personality Disorders
17.   Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical

 Pervasive     developmental disorders
     Set of disorders characterised by severe & lasting
      impairment in several areas of development.

 Diagnosis     of autism
     Involves three types of deficits:
       Social interaction – lack of connection with others
       Communication – difficulties in communication & speech

       Activities & interests – preoccupation/routines/rituals

     Autistic boys outnumber autistic girls three to one
 Asperger’s
          syndrome & other pervasive
 developmental disorders (PDDs)
     Rett’s disorder & childhood disintegrative disorder
         Children appear to develop normally for while & then show
          apparent permanent loss of basic skills in social interaction,
          language, and/or movement
     Asperger’s syndrome
       Characterized by deficits in social interactions & in activities
        and interests that similar to autism but different from autism in
        that no significant delays or deviance in language
       PDDs viewed as falling along continuum with autism most

        severe & others lower on continuum
 Understanding       pervasive developmental
     Biological factors – several have been implicated in
      development of PDDs
        Family & twin studies suggest genetics play a role

        Neurological factors also likely – disruption in normal

         development & organization of the brain
        Studies suggest that PDD sufferers lack theory of
         mind which may make it impossible for these
         children to understand & operate in the social world
   Includes disorders in which anxiety is the
    main symptom (generalized anxiety or panic

   Or anxiety is experienced unless the
    individual avoids feared situations (phobic
    disorders) or tries to resist performing certain
 Anxiety     is only considered unhealthy when occurs in
 situations that most people can handle with little
   Four types of symptoms:
      Physiological, cognitive, behavioral & emotional
     Generalised anxiety disorder
         Person experiences constant sense of tension &
          dread, and continuously worries about potential
          problems and has difficulty concentrating or
          making decisions.
 Panic   disorders
     Panic attack – episode of acute & overwhelming
      apprehension or terror (approx. 28% have them
   Panic disorder is rare (approx. 2%). When panic
    attacks become frequent and person worries
    about having attacks.
   Agoraphobia: anxiety about being in places
    where escape might be difficult or embarrassing
    or in which help may not be available should a
    panic attack develop
         About 20% people with panic disorder develop

 Panic disorders likely to have biological
   May have over-reactive fight-or-flight
 Cognitive factors play strong role in panic
  attacks & agoraphobic behavior may be
  conditioned through learning experiences
     Interoceptive conditioning
     Misinterpret bodily sensations

     Catastophic thinking

 Phobias
  Intense fear of stimulus/situation most do not
   find particularly dangerous & it interferes with
   person’s life
  Specific phobia
      fear of specific object/animal/situation
      Common about 8%

    Social phobia
       extreme insecurity in social situations (fear of public
       speaking, fear of eating in public)
      2.4%

 Freud argued – phobias result of people
  displacing anxiety over unconscious motives
  onto symbolic objects
 Behaviorists – phobias develop from
  classical & operant conditioning.
 Many phobias emerge after a traumatic
  experience (classical conditioning).
 Phobias are maintained through operant
 Obsessive-Compulsive           Disorder: repetitive acts
    or thoughts.
   central feature is subjective loss of control (sufferers
    don’t trust senses/judgements)

       Obsessions: persistent intrusions of unwelcome
        thoughts, images, or impulses that elicit anxiety
       Compulsions: irresistible urges to carry out
        certain acts or rituals that reduce anxiety

   Cognitive & behavioral theorists – those with obsessive-
    compulsive disorder have more trouble “turning off”
    intrusive thoughts due to more rigid thinking.

   OCD begins at a young age.

   Prevalence 1-3%.

   May also have biological causes – possible deficiencies
    in serotonin in areas of the brain that regulates primitive
    Disturbances of normal mood; the person may be
     extremely depressed, abnormally elated, or may
     alternate between periods of elation and
   Depressive disorders: one or more periods of
     Common, about 13%.

     Depression becomes a disorder when the symptoms

      become so severe they interfere with normal
      functioning & continue for weeks at a time
     Women twice as likely to suffer depression as men
   Depression is a disorder of the whole person, affecting bodily
    functions, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions).

   Emotional symptoms:
     Unrelenting pain and despair
     Anhedonia: loss of ability to experience joy even in
      response to the most joyous occasions
   Cognitive Symptoms:
     Negative thoughts (hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt)
   Physical Symptoms:
     changes in appetite and sleep, very fatigued, drained

   Bipolar disorders: person alternates between
    periods of depression & mania
     individual alternates between depression &
      extreme elation
     Manic symptoms often change from joyful

      exuberance to hostile agitation & equally found
      in men & women
     Uncommon, <2%

     Occur equally in men and women
   The biological perspective
     Tendency to develop mood disorders, especially
      bipolar disorders, appears to be inherited
        1st degree relatives 5-10 times as likely

        Twins 45-75 times as likely

     Recurrent depression

        1st relatives 2-4 times as likely

     Structural & functional brain abnormalities could
      be precursors & causes of mood disorders or
      result of biochemical processes in mood
      disorders which are toxic for brain
   The cognitive perspective
      Depressed people interpret life in pessimistic, hopeless

      Beck developed the cognitive triad: negative thoughts
       about the self, present experiences and the future
      Depression also affected by maladaptive attributional
   Interpersonal perspectives
      Depressed people often too dependent on opinions &
       support of others, e.g. through excessive reassurance
   Psychosocial factors in bipolar disorders
      Stressful life events can trigger new bipolar episodes
 Schizophrenia      is a chronic, severe, and disabling
    brain disease.

 Schizophrenia      occurs in all cultures.

 Approximately    1 % of the population develops
    schizophrenia during their lifetime.

 men  (late teens or early twenties)
   women (twenties to early thirties)
 The   first signs of schizophrenia often appear as
    confusing, or even shocking, changes in

    Coping with the symptoms of schizophrenia can
    be especially difficult for family members who
    remember how involved or vivacious a person
    was before they became ill.

 One   of the most stigmatized disorders.

 Process of thinking
  difficulty focusing attention and filtering out

   irrelevant stimuli
  (‘world salad’, loosening of associations)

 Content of thought
  Lack of insight into their condition

 Thoughts may come and go rapidly; the person
 may not be able to concentrate on one thought for
 very long and may be easily distracted .

 Delusions: are false beliefs that usually involve a
 misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences.

    Most common: delusion of persecution
    Least common: delusion of grandeur
Types of Delusions:

 Persecutory    delusions
   Most common
   Person believes he is being tormented,
    followed, tricked, spied on, or subjected to

 Referential delusions
   Person believes that certain gestures,
    comments, passages from books, newspapers,
    song lyrics..etc are specifically directed at him
    or her.
 Delusion of control: a false belief that another
 person, group of people, or external force
 controls one's thoughts, feelings, impulses, or
   Thought broadcasting, Thought insertion

 Nihilisticdelusion: A delusion whose theme
 centers on the nonexistence of self or parts of
 self, others, or the world. A person with this type
 of delusion may have the false belief that the
 world is ending.
 Delusion    of guilt or sin
     A false feeling of remorse or guilt of delusional
     A person may believe that he or she has committed
      some horrible crime and should be punished
      severely, or that he or she is responsible for some
      disaster (such as fire, flood, or earthquake) with
      which there can be no possible connection.

 Religious    delusion:
     Any delusion with a religious or spiritual content.
     Beliefs that would be considered normal for an
      individual's religious or cultural background are not
 Erotomania:
     A belief that another person (of higher status) is in
      love with him or her.
     Individuals may attempt to contact the other person
      (through phone calls, letters, gifts, and sometimes

 Grandiose     delusion:
     Exaggerating one’s sense of self-importance and
      being convinced that one has special powers,
      talents, or abilities.
     Person may actually believe he or she is a famous
      person (for example, a rock star or religious /political
 Somatic  delusion:
  A delusion whose content pertains to bodily
   functioning, bodily sensations, or physical
  Usually the false belief is that the body is
   somehow diseased, abnormal, or changed.
  (e.g. a person who believes that his or her
   body is infested with parasites. Or a belief that
   one emits a foul odor ).
 Hallucinations

   sensory experiences in the absence of
    relevant or adequate external stimulation.
   Hallucinations can occur in any sensory
    form: auditory (sound), visual (sight),
    tactile (touch), gustatory (taste), and
    olfactory (smell).
   Most common: auditory hallucination
 Auditory    hallucinations
     A false perception of sound/noise.
     most common type of hallucination
     "running commentary" on the person's behavior as
      it occurs or “command hallucinations” or telling the
      person to do something.

 Visual   hallucination
   A false perception of sight.
   The content of the hallucination may be anything
    (such as shapes, colors, and flashes of light) but are
    typically people or human-like figures.
 Tactile hallucination:
   A false perception or sensation of touch or
    something happening in or on the body.

     A common tactile hallucination is feeling like
      something is crawling under or on the skin.

     Actual physical sensations stemming from
      medical disorders (perhaps not yet diagnosed)
      and hypochondriasis with normal physical
      sensations are not thought of as somatic
 Gustatory   hallucination
   A false perception of taste. Usually, the
    experience is unpleasant (e.g. a persistent
    taste of metal).

 Olfactory  hallucination
   A false perception of odor or smell. Typically,
    the experience is very unpleasant (e.g. the
    person may smell decaying fish, dead bodies,
    or burning rubber).

 Exhibit   unusual emotional reactions.

 Express emotions that are inappropriate to
 the situation or to the thought being
 Sometimes   exhibit bizarre motor activity.

 Examples:

   Strange facial expressions
   Very agitated and move about in continual
   Totally unresponsive or immobile for extended
    periods of time (catatonic immobility).
   Impaired ability to carry out the daily routines of living.

   School, job, personal hygiene, grooming.

   Person avoids company of others.

   Schizophrenia symptoms: due to disorder, reaction to life in
    a mental hospital, or to the effects of medication.
 The positive symptoms appear to reflect an
 excess or distortion of normal functions. They
   Distortion of inferential thinking (delusions).
   Distortion of perception (hallucinations).
   Distortions in language and thought processes
    (Disorganized speech).
   Distortions in self-monitoring of behavior (grossly
    disorganized or catatonic behavior).
 whereas   the negative symptoms appear to
 reflect a loss of normal functions. They include
 restrictions in:

   The range and intensity of emotional
    expression (affective flattening).
   The fluency and productivity of thought and
    speech (alogia).
   The inability to initiate of goal-directed
    behavior (avolition).
 At
   times, normal individuals may feel, think, or act in
 ways that resemble schizophrenia.

 Normal   people may sometimes be unable to think
 straight, may become extremely anxious, be unable
 to pull their thoughts together, and forget what they
 had intended to say. This is not schizophrenia.

 Hypnagogic (while falling asleep) and hypnopompic
 (waking up) hallucinations are considered normal
 human experiences
 Peoplewith schizophrenia do not always act
 abnormally. They can appear completely normal
 and be perfectly responsible, even while they
 experience hallucinations or delusions.

 An individual’s behavior may change over time,
 becoming bizarre if medication is stopped and
 returning closer to normal when receiving
 appropriate treatment.
 Thereis no known single cause of

 Many  diseases, such as heart disease, result
 from an interplay of genetic, behavioral, and
 other factors; and this may be the case for
 schizophrenia as well.

 Scientists
          do not yet understand all of the factors
 necessary to produce schizophrenia.
The Path to Schizophrenia - The diagram shows how biological, genetic
 and prenatal factors are believed to create a vulnerability to schizophrenia. Additional
environmental exposures (for example, frequent or ongoing social stress and/or isolation
 during childhood, drug abuse, etc.) then further increase the risk or trigger the onset of
psychosis and schizophrenia. Early signs of schizophrenia risk include neurocognitive
 impairments, social anxiety (shyness) and isolation and "odd ideas". (note: "abuse of DA
 drugs" referes to dopamine affecting (DA) drugs).
Dr. Ira Glick (2005)"New Schizophrenia Treatments“

   Schizophrenia runs in families (hereditary
    predisposition for schizophrenia).

 First-degree  biological relatives have about a 10%
    chance, whereas the risk of schizophrenia in the
    general population is about 1%.

A     monozygotic twin of a person with schizophrenia
    has the highest risk (40 to 50%) of developing the
    illness, while dizygotic twins have approx. 15%
1.       Brain structure
          Prefrontal cortex is smaller and shows less activity
          Enlarged ventricles (cavities inside the brain
           containing cerebrospinal fluid).
2.       Biochemistry
          Imbalance in levels of dopamine in different areas of the
            Excess dopamine in the mesolimbic system (emotion ,
            Low dopamine activity in the prefrontal area of the
             brain (attention, motivation, organization of behavior)
 Multiple
         genes are involved in creating a
 predisposition to develop the disorder (the
 transmission of this genetic predisposition is not
 yet understood).

 Prenatal  difficulties (e.g., intrauterine starvation,
 viral infections, perinatal complications, and
 various nonspecific stressors, seem to influence
 the development of schizophrenia.
 Determine severity of the disorder and may
 trigger new episodes of psychosis.

 Family-related   stress: High in expressed
(hostility, intrusiveness, over-involved in one
  another, overprotective, critical, hostile, resentful)

 buthow exactly they interact, or to what degree
 is not completely understood.
 Life
     stressors may trigger schizophrenia in people
  whose genetics leave them susceptible to the illness.

     Ending relationships, leaving home, and other life
      stressors have been linked to schizophrenia onset in
      some cases.

 Certain   personality traits may predispose individuals to
  the disease.
    Low levels of social competence and a diminished
     ability to experience pleasure have been linked to
     schizophrenia, as have pre-existing problems with
     cognitive and perceptual distortion.

 Clinically,
            schizophrenia is heterogeneous
  and this may point to heterogeneous

 Itseems that genetics, neurodevelopmental
  problems, neurochemistry and abnormal
  connectivity, as well as psychosocial
  stressors probably all contribute to
  developing the typical clinical pictures of

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Nature and principles of teaching and learning mathJunarie Ramirez
Lecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabahAHS_student

Destaque (20)

Lecture4:Nature of learning-Dr.Naif
Lecture4:Nature of learning-Dr.NaifLecture4:Nature of learning-Dr.Naif
Lecture4:Nature of learning-Dr.Naif
Lecture 19:Pain Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 19:Pain  Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 19:Pain  Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 19:Pain Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 21: Psychological issues at the end of life Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 21: Psychological issues at the end of life Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 21: Psychological issues at the end of life Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 21: Psychological issues at the end of life Dr.Reem AlSabah
Fenn rodhesooylearningtheories
Fenn rodhesooylearningtheoriesFenn rodhesooylearningtheories
Fenn rodhesooylearningtheories
Lecture 9:Placebo treatment evaluation Dr.Anna
Lecture 9:Placebo treatment evaluation Dr.AnnaLecture 9:Placebo treatment evaluation Dr.Anna
Lecture 9:Placebo treatment evaluation Dr.Anna
Learning in the nature - Integrating outdoor adventure education into the cur...
Learning in the nature - Integrating outdoor adventure education into the cur...Learning in the nature - Integrating outdoor adventure education into the cur...
Learning in the nature - Integrating outdoor adventure education into the cur...
The Nature of Learning
The Nature of LearningThe Nature of Learning
The Nature of Learning
Lecture 9:Placebo outline Dr.Anna
Lecture 9:Placebo outline Dr.Anna Lecture 9:Placebo outline Dr.Anna
Lecture 9:Placebo outline Dr.Anna
Lecture5:Memory.DrNaif Lecture5:Memory.DrNaif
Pain management psychology
Pain management psychologyPain management psychology
Pain management psychology
Lecture7: Emotion. DrNaif
Lecture7: Emotion. DrNaifLecture7: Emotion. DrNaif
Lecture7: Emotion. DrNaif
Lecture 12:Personality and social development of children-Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 12:Personality and social development of children-Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 12:Personality and social development of children-Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 12:Personality and social development of children-Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture2:Chapter 4 Sensation - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture2:Chapter 4 Sensation - Dr.Naif AlMutawaLecture2:Chapter 4 Sensation - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture2:Chapter 4 Sensation - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture1-Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture1-Dr.Naif Al-MutawaLecture1-Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture1-Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Pain psychology
Pain psychologyPain psychology
Pain psychology
Nature and principles of teaching and learning math
Nature and principles of teaching and learning mathNature and principles of teaching and learning math
Nature and principles of teaching and learning math
Lecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 13:Language development in children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
The learning process
The learning processThe learning process
The learning process
The learning process
The learning processThe learning process
The learning process

Semelhante a Lecture 18:Abnormality Dr. Reem AlSabah

Behavioral problems and learning for Rehabilitation
Behavioral problems and learning for RehabilitationBehavioral problems and learning for Rehabilitation
Behavioral problems and learning for Rehabilitationkanagaraj Ramalingam
Psychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders Psychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders kbolinsky
Intro to abnormal psych
Intro to abnormal psychIntro to abnormal psych
Intro to abnormal psychabonica
Psychological Disorders
Psychological DisordersPsychological Disorders
Psychological DisordersMavis Samontan
Mental disorders
Mental disordersMental disorders
Mental disordersyodus_09
Dissociative and somatoform disorders gil
Dissociative and somatoform disorders gilDissociative and somatoform disorders gil
Dissociative and somatoform disorders gilGilda Singular
Psychological Disorders .pdf
Psychological Disorders .pdfPsychological Disorders .pdf
Psychological Disorders .pdfYifeiZhu12
WEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona development
WEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona developmentWEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona development
WEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona developmentssuser3412ca
PSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDES
PSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDESPSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDES
PSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDESkimappel
KU- 2nd Year, 2nd Semester
KU- 2nd Year, 2nd SemesterKU- 2nd Year, 2nd Semester
KU- 2nd Year, 2nd SemesterBiplav Acharya
Understand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with them
Understand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with themUnderstand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with them
Understand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with themuyvillage
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality Disorder
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality DisorderSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality Disorder
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality DisorderNicole Fields
Dissociative Disorder (DSM)
Dissociative Disorder (DSM)Dissociative Disorder (DSM)
Dissociative Disorder (DSM)Danielle Ledoux
S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1
S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1
S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1sjbrabham
Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136
Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136
Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136Cleophas Rwemera

Semelhante a Lecture 18:Abnormality Dr. Reem AlSabah (20)

Behavioral problems and learning for Rehabilitation
Behavioral problems and learning for RehabilitationBehavioral problems and learning for Rehabilitation
Behavioral problems and learning for Rehabilitation
Psychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders Psychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders
Intro to abnormal psych
Intro to abnormal psychIntro to abnormal psych
Intro to abnormal psych
Psychological Disorders
Psychological DisordersPsychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders
Mental disorders
Mental disordersMental disorders
Mental disorders
Dissociative and somatoform disorders gil
Dissociative and somatoform disorders gilDissociative and somatoform disorders gil
Dissociative and somatoform disorders gil
Psychological Disorders .pdf
Psychological Disorders .pdfPsychological Disorders .pdf
Psychological Disorders .pdf
final psychology.pptx
final psychology.pptxfinal psychology.pptx
final psychology.pptx
WEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona development
WEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona developmentWEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona development
WEEK 5-Module 7.pptx persona development
PSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDES
PSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDESPSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDES
PSY 150 403 Chapter 14 SLIDES
KU- 2nd Year, 2nd Semester
KU- 2nd Year, 2nd SemesterKU- 2nd Year, 2nd Semester
KU- 2nd Year, 2nd Semester
Understand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with them
Understand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with themUnderstand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with them
Understand Clients Mental Health Diagnosis & Appropriately Interact with them
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality Disorder
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality DisorderSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality Disorder
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Personality Disorder
Mental disorder (2)
Mental disorder (2)Mental disorder (2)
Mental disorder (2)
Dissociative Disorder (DSM)
Dissociative Disorder (DSM)Dissociative Disorder (DSM)
Dissociative Disorder (DSM)
Psychological disorder
Psychological disorderPsychological disorder
Psychological disorder
S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1
S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1
S. Sherrill - Abnormal Psychology Spring 2016 Chapter 1
Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136
Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136
Abnpsycch1powerpointsp16 160107153136

Mais de AHS_student

Lecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabahAHS_student
lecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabah
lecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabahlecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabah
lecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabahAHS_student
Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif
Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif
Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif AHS_student
Lecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.Naif
Lecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.NaifLecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.Naif
Lecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.NaifAHS_student
Lecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-MutawaLecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-MutawaAHS_student
Lecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabahAHS_student
Lecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabahAHS_student
lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna
lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna
lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna AHS_student
Lecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabahLecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabahAHS_student
Lecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabahAHS_student
Lecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawaLecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawaAHS_student

Mais de AHS_student (12)

Lecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 20:Death & dying Dr.Reem AlSabah
lecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabah
lecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabahlecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabah
lecture 17: Sleep Dr. Reem AlSabah
Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif
Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif
Lecture 16: Patient Compliance-Dr.Naif
Lecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.Naif
Lecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.NaifLecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.Naif
Lecture 15:Impairment, disabilty & handicap-DR.Naif
Lecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-MutawaLecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture 14:Ageing- Dr.Naif Al-Mutawa
Lecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 11:Cognitive development of children- Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 10:Psychological development of children Dr.Reem AlSabah
lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna
lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna
lecture 9:Placebo Dr.Anna
Lecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabahLecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and illness - Dr. Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabahLecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture 8: Stress and coping - Dr.Reem AlSabah
Lecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawaLecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawa
Lecture2:Chapter 2 NEW Edited - Dr.Naif AlMutawa


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Lecture 18:Abnormality Dr. Reem AlSabah

  • 1. ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Dr. Reem Al-Sabah Faculty of Medicine Psychology 220
  • 2. TRUE OF FALSE?  People who are mentally ill are violent. False  Geniuses are particularly prone to emotional disorders. False  Children can have serious mental disorders. True  Depression results from a personality weakness or character flaw. False  Most mental disorders are treatable. True
  • 3.  What is abnormal psychology?  The field devoted to the scientific study of abnormal behavior to describe, predict, explain, and change abnormal patterns of functioning.
  • 4. ANCIENT VIEWS AND TREATMENT  Most of our knowledge of prehistoric societies has been acquired indirectly, is based on inferences from archaeological findings, and is limited.  Most historians believe that prehistoric societies regarded abnormal behavior as the work of evil spirits  May have begun as far back as the Stone Age  The cure for abnormality was to force the demons from the body through trephination and exorcism
  • 5. Ancient skull with holes from trephination
  • 6. WHAT IS ABNORMALITY?  Deviation from cultural norms  Every culture has certain standard, or norms, for acceptable behavior.  Cultural relativist perspective: we should respect each culture’s definitions of abnormality for the members of that culture.
  • 7. Opponents of this position: Historically, societies have labeled individuals as abnormal to justify controlling or silencing them. The concept of abnormality changes over time within the same society.
  • 8.  Deviation from statistical norms  Abnormal: away from the norm.  Abnormal behavior is statistically infrequent or deviant from the norm. E.g., very tall or very short E.g., extremenly intelligent  Definition of abnormality is more than statistical frequency.
  • 10.  Maladaptive behavior  Whether a person’s abnormal behavior is maladaptive, that is if it has adverse effects on the individual or on society.  Deviant behavior harmful to the individual. e.g., a mother with severe depression who can’t adequately fulfill her role.  Deviant behavior harmful to society e.g., A teenager with violent and aggressive outbursts.
  • 11.  Personal distress  Distress: feelings of anxiety, depression, or agitation, or experiences such as insomnia, loss of appetite, or numerous aches and pains.  Most people diagnosed with a mental disorder feel extremely miserable.  Sometimes, personal distress may be the only symptom of abnormality.
  • 12. DEFINING NORMALITY The following are traits that a normal person possesses to a greater degree than an individual who is diagnosed as abnormal:  Appropriate perceptions of reality.  Realistic in appraising one’s own reactions and capabilities and in interpreting their surroundings.
  • 13.  Ability to exercise voluntary control over behavior.  Feeling confident about the ability to control one’s behavior.  Self-esteem and acceptance.  Having some appreciation for one’s own worth and feeling accepted by those around you.
  • 14.  Ability to form affectionate relationships.  Able to form close and satisfying relationships with other people.  Productivity.  Able to channel one’s abilities into productive activity.
  • 15. MENTAL ILLNESS  medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning.  Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life.  Biologically based brain disorders. They cannot be overcome through "will power" and are not related to a person's "character" or intelligence.
  • 16. NEUROSIS VS. PSYCHOSIS  Neurosis refers to mental distress that, unlike psychosis, does not prevent rational thought or daily functioning.  Neurotic conditions do not interfere with daily functions  Most people suffer from some sort of neurosis as a part of human nature.
  • 17.  Psychosis is a mental state involving the loss of contact with reality, causing the deterioration of normal social functioning.  Any mental state that impairs thought, perception, and judgment.  A person experiencing a psychotic episode might hallucinate, become paranoid, or experience a change in personality.
  • 18. CLASSIFYING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR  DSM:The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  The DSM was introduced in 1952.  The DSM has been widely adopted by mental health professionals  The latest version, published in 2000, is the DSM IV-TR, the Text Revision (TR) of the Fourth Edition (DSM-IV).  DSM-5 is scheduled for release in May 2013
  • 19. ICD: The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.  A classification, published by the World Health Organization.  Used mainly for compiling statistics on the worldwide occurrence of disorders.  Now in its tenth revision (the ICD-10).  The DSM-IV is compatible with the ICD, so that DSM diagnoses could be coded in the ICD system as well.
  • 20. ADVANTAGES OF THE DSM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM  Diagnostic codes are fundamental to medical record keeping.  Diagnosticcoding facilitates data collection and retrieval and compilation of statistical information.  Facilitates communication between clinicians.
  • 21. DISADVANTAGES OF THE DSM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM  Some symptoms requirement (e.g., major depression be present for 2 weeks before a diagnosis is reached) .  Medical model does not pay attention to external social influences on behavior.  Categorical structure (a disorder is either present or not) too rigid. Abnormal behavior occurs along a continuum (dimensional approach ).  Stigmatizes people by labeling them with psychiatric diagnoses.
  • 22. PERSPECTIVES ON MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS  Biological perspective (medical or disease model): due to brain disorders, genetic problems, brain dysfunction.  Psychological perspective : due to problems in the functioning of the mind.  Psychoanalytic perspective: defense mechanisms are used to handle the anxiety of unconscious conflicts (usually originating from childhood).
  • 23. Behavioral perspective: fears become conditioned to specific situations; reinforcement of inappropriate behaviors; learning theory.  Cognitive perspective: maladaptive cognitive processes.  Cultural/sociological perspective: social context in which a person lives (e.g., poverty, discrimination).  Vulnerability-stress model Interaction between predisposition & stressful environmental conditions (need both to develop a mental health problem).
  • 24. DEFENSE MECHANISMS  Defensemechanisms protect us from being consciously aware of a thought or feeling which we cannot tolerate.  The defense only allows the unconscious thought or feeling to be expressed indirectly in a disguised form.
  • 25. EXAMPLES OF DEFENSE MECHANISMS  Denial: You completely reject the thought or feeling. "I'm not angry with him!"  Suppression: You are vaguely aware of the thought or feeling, but try to hide it. "I'm going to try to be nice to him."  Reaction Formation: You turn the feeling into its opposite. "I think he's really great!“  Projection: You project your thoughts and feelings onto someone else. "That professor hates me.” "That student hates the prof.“
  • 26. CATEGORIES OF MENTAL DISORDERS 1. Disorders usually first evident in infancy, childhood, or adolescence. 2. Delirium, dementia, amnestic, and other cognitive disorders. 3. Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition. 4. Substance-Related Disorders. 5. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders 6. Mood Disorders. 7. Anxiety Disorders. 8. Somatoform Disorders.
  • 27. 9. Factitious Disorders 10. Dissociative Disorders 11. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders 12. Eating Disorders 13. Sleep disorders 14. Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified 15. Adjustment Disorders 16. Personality Disorders 17. Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention
  • 28. PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS  Pervasive developmental disorders  Set of disorders characterised by severe & lasting impairment in several areas of development.  Diagnosis of autism  Involves three types of deficits:  Social interaction – lack of connection with others  Communication – difficulties in communication & speech  Activities & interests – preoccupation/routines/rituals  Autistic boys outnumber autistic girls three to one
  • 29. PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS  Asperger’s syndrome & other pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs)  Rett’s disorder & childhood disintegrative disorder  Children appear to develop normally for while & then show apparent permanent loss of basic skills in social interaction, language, and/or movement  Asperger’s syndrome  Characterized by deficits in social interactions & in activities and interests that similar to autism but different from autism in that no significant delays or deviance in language  PDDs viewed as falling along continuum with autism most severe & others lower on continuum
  • 30. PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS  Understanding pervasive developmental disorders  Biological factors – several have been implicated in development of PDDs  Family & twin studies suggest genetics play a role  Neurological factors also likely – disruption in normal development & organization of the brain  Studies suggest that PDD sufferers lack theory of mind which may make it impossible for these children to understand & operate in the social world
  • 31. 5. ANXIETY DISORDERS  Includes disorders in which anxiety is the main symptom (generalized anxiety or panic disorders).  Or anxiety is experienced unless the individual avoids feared situations (phobic disorders) or tries to resist performing certain rituals.
  • 32. ANXIETY DISORDERS (CONT.)  Anxiety is only considered unhealthy when occurs in situations that most people can handle with little difficulty.  Four types of symptoms:  Physiological, cognitive, behavioral & emotional symptoms.  Generalised anxiety disorder  Person experiences constant sense of tension & dread, and continuously worries about potential problems and has difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
  • 33. ANXIETY DISORDERS (CONT.)  Panic disorders  Panic attack – episode of acute & overwhelming apprehension or terror (approx. 28% have them occasionally).  Panic disorder is rare (approx. 2%). When panic attacks become frequent and person worries about having attacks.  Agoraphobia: anxiety about being in places where escape might be difficult or embarrassing or in which help may not be available should a panic attack develop  About 20% people with panic disorder develop agoraphobia.
  • 34. UNDERSTANDING PANIC DISORDER & AGORAPHOBIA  Panic disorders likely to have biological component May have over-reactive fight-or-flight response  Cognitive factors play strong role in panic attacks & agoraphobic behavior may be conditioned through learning experiences  Interoceptive conditioning  Misinterpret bodily sensations  Catastophic thinking
  • 36. ANXIETY DISORDERS (CONT.)  Phobias  Intense fear of stimulus/situation most do not find particularly dangerous & it interferes with person’s life  Specific phobia  fear of specific object/animal/situation  Common about 8%  Social phobia  extreme insecurity in social situations (fear of public speaking, fear of eating in public)  2.4%
  • 37. UNDERSTANDING PHOBIAS  Freud argued – phobias result of people displacing anxiety over unconscious motives onto symbolic objects  Behaviorists – phobias develop from classical & operant conditioning.  Many phobias emerge after a traumatic experience (classical conditioning).  Phobias are maintained through operant conditioning.
  • 38. ANXIETY DISORDERS (CONT.)  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: repetitive acts or thoughts.  central feature is subjective loss of control (sufferers don’t trust senses/judgements)  Obsessions: persistent intrusions of unwelcome thoughts, images, or impulses that elicit anxiety  Compulsions: irresistible urges to carry out certain acts or rituals that reduce anxiety
  • 39. UNDERSTANDING OBSESSIVE- COMPULSIVE DISORDER  Cognitive & behavioral theorists – those with obsessive- compulsive disorder have more trouble “turning off” intrusive thoughts due to more rigid thinking.  OCD begins at a young age.  Prevalence 1-3%.  May also have biological causes – possible deficiencies in serotonin in areas of the brain that regulates primitive impulses.
  • 40. MOOD DISORDERS  Disturbances of normal mood; the person may be extremely depressed, abnormally elated, or may alternate between periods of elation and depression.  Depressive disorders: one or more periods of depression.  Common, about 13%.  Depression becomes a disorder when the symptoms become so severe they interfere with normal functioning & continue for weeks at a time  Women twice as likely to suffer depression as men
  • 41. MOOD DISORDERS (CONT.)  Depression is a disorder of the whole person, affecting bodily functions, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions).  Emotional symptoms:  Unrelenting pain and despair  Anhedonia: loss of ability to experience joy even in response to the most joyous occasions  Cognitive Symptoms:  Negative thoughts (hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt)  Physical Symptoms:  changes in appetite and sleep, very fatigued, drained
  • 43. MOOD DISORDERS (CONT.)  Bipolar disorders: person alternates between periods of depression & mania  individual alternates between depression & extreme elation  Manic symptoms often change from joyful exuberance to hostile agitation & equally found in men & women  Uncommon, <2%  Occur equally in men and women
  • 44. UNDERSTANDING MOOD DISORDERS  The biological perspective  Tendency to develop mood disorders, especially bipolar disorders, appears to be inherited  1st degree relatives 5-10 times as likely  Twins 45-75 times as likely  Recurrent depression  1st relatives 2-4 times as likely  Structural & functional brain abnormalities could be precursors & causes of mood disorders or result of biochemical processes in mood disorders which are toxic for brain
  • 45. UNDERSTANDING MOOD DISORDERS  The cognitive perspective  Depressed people interpret life in pessimistic, hopeless ways  Beck developed the cognitive triad: negative thoughts about the self, present experiences and the future  Depression also affected by maladaptive attributional styles  Interpersonal perspectives  Depressed people often too dependent on opinions & support of others, e.g. through excessive reassurance seeking  Psychosocial factors in bipolar disorders  Stressful life events can trigger new bipolar episodes
  • 47. SCHIZOPHRENIA  Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease.  Schizophrenia occurs in all cultures.  Approximately 1 % of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime.  men (late teens or early twenties)  women (twenties to early thirties)
  • 48.  The first signs of schizophrenia often appear as confusing, or even shocking, changes in behavior.  Coping with the symptoms of schizophrenia can be especially difficult for family members who remember how involved or vivacious a person was before they became ill.  One of the most stigmatized disorders.
  • 50. DISTURBANCES OF THOUGHT AND ATTENTION  Process of thinking difficulty focusing attention and filtering out irrelevant stimuli (‘world salad’, loosening of associations)  Content of thought Lack of insight into their condition delusions
  • 51.  Thoughts may come and go rapidly; the person may not be able to concentrate on one thought for very long and may be easily distracted .  Delusions: are false beliefs that usually involve a misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. Most common: delusion of persecution Least common: delusion of grandeur
  • 52. Types of Delusions:  Persecutory delusions  Most common  Person believes he is being tormented, followed, tricked, spied on, or subjected to ridicule.  Referential delusions  Person believes that certain gestures, comments, passages from books, newspapers, song lyrics..etc are specifically directed at him or her.
  • 53.  Delusion of control: a false belief that another person, group of people, or external force controls one's thoughts, feelings, impulses, or behavior.  Thought broadcasting, Thought insertion  Nihilisticdelusion: A delusion whose theme centers on the nonexistence of self or parts of self, others, or the world. A person with this type of delusion may have the false belief that the world is ending.
  • 54.  Delusion of guilt or sin  A false feeling of remorse or guilt of delusional intensity.  A person may believe that he or she has committed some horrible crime and should be punished severely, or that he or she is responsible for some disaster (such as fire, flood, or earthquake) with which there can be no possible connection.  Religious delusion:  Any delusion with a religious or spiritual content.  Beliefs that would be considered normal for an individual's religious or cultural background are not delusions.
  • 55.  Erotomania:  A belief that another person (of higher status) is in love with him or her.  Individuals may attempt to contact the other person (through phone calls, letters, gifts, and sometimes stalking).  Grandiose delusion:  Exaggerating one’s sense of self-importance and being convinced that one has special powers, talents, or abilities.  Person may actually believe he or she is a famous person (for example, a rock star or religious /political figure).
  • 56.  Somatic delusion:  A delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations, or physical appearance.  Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal, or changed.  (e.g. a person who believes that his or her body is infested with parasites. Or a belief that one emits a foul odor ).
  • 57. DISTURBANCES OF PERCEPTION  Hallucinations  sensory experiences in the absence of relevant or adequate external stimulation.  Hallucinations can occur in any sensory form: auditory (sound), visual (sight), tactile (touch), gustatory (taste), and olfactory (smell).  Most common: auditory hallucination
  • 58.  Auditory hallucinations  A false perception of sound/noise.  most common type of hallucination  "running commentary" on the person's behavior as it occurs or “command hallucinations” or telling the person to do something.  Visual hallucination  A false perception of sight.  The content of the hallucination may be anything (such as shapes, colors, and flashes of light) but are typically people or human-like figures.
  • 59.  Tactile hallucination:  A false perception or sensation of touch or something happening in or on the body.  A common tactile hallucination is feeling like something is crawling under or on the skin.  Actual physical sensations stemming from medical disorders (perhaps not yet diagnosed) and hypochondriasis with normal physical sensations are not thought of as somatic hallucinations.
  • 60.  Gustatory hallucination  A false perception of taste. Usually, the experience is unpleasant (e.g. a persistent taste of metal).  Olfactory hallucination  A false perception of odor or smell. Typically, the experience is very unpleasant (e.g. the person may smell decaying fish, dead bodies, or burning rubber).
  • 61. DISTURBANCES OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION  Exhibit unusual emotional reactions.  Express emotions that are inappropriate to the situation or to the thought being expressed.
  • 62. MOTOR SYMPTOMS AND WITHDRAWAL OF REALITY  Sometimes exhibit bizarre motor activity.  Examples:  Strange facial expressions  Very agitated and move about in continual activity  Totally unresponsive or immobile for extended periods of time (catatonic immobility).
  • 63. DECREASED ABILITY TO FUNCTION  Impaired ability to carry out the daily routines of living.  School, job, personal hygiene, grooming.  Person avoids company of others.  Schizophrenia symptoms: due to disorder, reaction to life in a mental hospital, or to the effects of medication.
  • 64. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA  The positive symptoms appear to reflect an excess or distortion of normal functions. They include:  Distortion of inferential thinking (delusions).  Distortion of perception (hallucinations).  Distortions in language and thought processes (Disorganized speech).  Distortions in self-monitoring of behavior (grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior).
  • 65.  whereas the negative symptoms appear to reflect a loss of normal functions. They include restrictions in:  The range and intensity of emotional expression (affective flattening).  The fluency and productivity of thought and speech (alogia).  The inability to initiate of goal-directed behavior (avolition).
  • 66. CAUTIONARY NOTE  At times, normal individuals may feel, think, or act in ways that resemble schizophrenia.  Normal people may sometimes be unable to think straight, may become extremely anxious, be unable to pull their thoughts together, and forget what they had intended to say. This is not schizophrenia.  Hypnagogic (while falling asleep) and hypnopompic (waking up) hallucinations are considered normal human experiences
  • 67.  Peoplewith schizophrenia do not always act abnormally. They can appear completely normal and be perfectly responsible, even while they experience hallucinations or delusions.  An individual’s behavior may change over time, becoming bizarre if medication is stopped and returning closer to normal when receiving appropriate treatment.
  • 69.  Thereis no known single cause of schizophrenia.  Many diseases, such as heart disease, result from an interplay of genetic, behavioral, and other factors; and this may be the case for schizophrenia as well.  Scientists do not yet understand all of the factors necessary to produce schizophrenia.
  • 70. The Path to Schizophrenia - The diagram shows how biological, genetic and prenatal factors are believed to create a vulnerability to schizophrenia. Additional environmental exposures (for example, frequent or ongoing social stress and/or isolation during childhood, drug abuse, etc.) then further increase the risk or trigger the onset of psychosis and schizophrenia. Early signs of schizophrenia risk include neurocognitive impairments, social anxiety (shyness) and isolation and "odd ideas". (note: "abuse of DA drugs" referes to dopamine affecting (DA) drugs). Dr. Ira Glick (2005)"New Schizophrenia Treatments“
  • 71. THE BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE  Schizophrenia runs in families (hereditary predisposition for schizophrenia).  First-degree biological relatives have about a 10% chance, whereas the risk of schizophrenia in the general population is about 1%. A monozygotic twin of a person with schizophrenia has the highest risk (40 to 50%) of developing the illness, while dizygotic twins have approx. 15% risk.
  • 72.
  • 73. HOW DO GENETIC ABNORMALITIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA AFFECT THE BRAIN? 1. Brain structure  Prefrontal cortex is smaller and shows less activity  Enlarged ventricles (cavities inside the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid). 2. Biochemistry  Imbalance in levels of dopamine in different areas of the brain.  Excess dopamine in the mesolimbic system (emotion , cognition)  Low dopamine activity in the prefrontal area of the brain (attention, motivation, organization of behavior)
  • 74.
  • 75.  Multiple genes are involved in creating a predisposition to develop the disorder (the transmission of this genetic predisposition is not yet understood).  Prenatal difficulties (e.g., intrauterine starvation, viral infections, perinatal complications, and various nonspecific stressors, seem to influence the development of schizophrenia.
  • 76. THE PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE  Determine severity of the disorder and may trigger new episodes of psychosis.  Family-related stress: High in expressed emotion. (hostility, intrusiveness, over-involved in one another, overprotective, critical, hostile, resentful)  buthow exactly they interact, or to what degree is not completely understood.
  • 77.  Life stressors may trigger schizophrenia in people whose genetics leave them susceptible to the illness.  Ending relationships, leaving home, and other life stressors have been linked to schizophrenia onset in some cases.  Certain personality traits may predispose individuals to the disease.  Low levels of social competence and a diminished ability to experience pleasure have been linked to schizophrenia, as have pre-existing problems with cognitive and perceptual distortion.
  • 78. CONCLUSION  Clinically, schizophrenia is heterogeneous and this may point to heterogeneous etiology.  Itseems that genetics, neurodevelopmental problems, neurochemistry and abnormal connectivity, as well as psychosocial stressors probably all contribute to developing the typical clinical pictures of schizophrenia.