devops continuous delivery xebialabs deployment automation application release automation agile software continuous deployment deployit cloud release management automation technology continuous integration developers xl release release orchestration software development xl deploy information technology software delivery containers application it microservices jenkins devops tools compliance security devsecops application deployment applications gene kim ara release automation cloudbees cloud computing development operations audit devops research cto itil docker enterprise release management change management deployment xebialabs devops platform itsm digital transformation production release pipeline mainframe metrics value stream management governance devops culture tools measurement software pipeline forrester gary gruver enterprise release coordination agile software development automated deployment agile technology vsm agile teams servicenow service tickets aws kpis banking fintech information security it infrastructure webinar jez humble private paas chaos engineering auditors software chain of custody audit evidence infrastructure apps developer service management jira cicd amazon web services qa container management container platform kubernetes testing culture dora roi trends predictions data predictive analytics fiserv cio orchestration leading the it transformation unicom software testing saltconf15 database micro services test automation application delivery enterprise release coordination software david farley websphere deploy ibm websphere platform as a service middleware configuration middleware devops performance devops measurement application release orchestration collabnet versionone value streams accelerated teams change approval board devops toolchain devops as a service devops as a platform devops platform quint technology technology jobs cloud platforms cloud technologies solutions architect architecture it manager cloud adoption pipelines migrating to cloud private cloud on-prem hybrid shift left chain of custody business ai machine learning code programming 2019 software automation devops pipeline lincoln financial group financial services threats openshift iot virtual machines coding office space invest in people people process change test control scripting codes analytics 2018 2017 best practices xl impact goals paychex dba devops leadership summit bigdata fiserver big data govit enterprise scale boise sonatype pipeline as code datical enterprise software kpi educational saltstack software release management continous delivery enterprise software development cloud expo lean rabobank finra andrew phillips leading the it tranformation digital disruption testing automation xl testview websphere cd summit software engineering emc world dbmaestro provisioning xl test delivery pipeline pipeline orchestration ovum contin devopsdays release coordination codecentric .net tfs jax appllication release automation puppet labs agile east 2012 jboss continuous de bamboo atlassian alm agile development "deployment automation" "continuous deployment" dev ops automated java deployments j-fall java user group automated java deployment jfall jug maven automated deploy java coachclub dep
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