kubernetes gitops weaveworks devops weave docker containers fluxcd flux microservices continuous delivery cloud native k8s monitoring git ops weave gitops prometheus devops automation flux2 cloud computing cloud native ops open source aws cicd continuous integration eks ci/cd helm cncf weave gitops core canary deployment networking software security gitops pipeline open source software progressive delivery prometheus monitoring weavecloud golang service discovery cloud native computing continuous deployment flux v2 modern operations kubernetes clusters helm3 flagger security istio developer operations helm pack gitops workflows multi-tenancy modern ops oss git software development grafana weavescope visualization cncf flux terraform developer experience sbom ci cd helm release helm client helm sdk kubernetes package manager eks anywhere devsecops gitops workshop gitops open source hybrid cloud sre open policy agent container security cluster management blue/green deployments artificial intelligence azure a/b testing machine learning ops mlops machine learning amazon elastic kubernetes service weaveflagger weaveflux promql networking containers cloud weave net ecs tracing dns linux llms argocd internal developer portal idp platform engineering chainguard kubecon oci cloud cost cd/cd software testing devops testing kubernetes test testing gitops testing buoyant linkerd crossplane upbound rbac odic software technology weave flux repo structure mono repository mono repo gitops repository git repository gitops repo git repo repository structure helm custom resources software change process change management compliance audit gitops implementation opensource ci / cd grype syft vulnerability scanner software vulnerability bill of materials software bill of materials supply chain security supply chain gitops principles opengitops open gitops semver image update automation continuous automation github actions github flux cd helmpack amazon eks anywhere amazon web services operations by pull request weave works dev ops free workshop gitops oss webhook receiver azure kubernetes service azure kubernetes aks microsoft azure kustomize flux 2 fluxv2 weaveworks kubernetes platform gitops tool kit gotk git ops toolkit gitops toolkit gatekeeper opa infrastructure scaling disaster recovery high availability kubernetes operator container image security security scanning docker enterprise image security scanning image security mirantis k8s security docker trusted registry kubernetes security docker security storage k8s clusters wksctl traffic shaping blue/green canaries machine learning operations weave online user group ai data science microsoft container images binfmt_misc kernel linux kernel remote build machines buildx docker buildx docker tools emulation amd ab testing abtesting canary blue green deployment weave flagger buildkit lionkube bazel vpc production-grade workloads cortex dotgo garbage-collection cloudnative best practices alerting network sdn cni weave cloud javascript zipkin opentracing grpc draftjs saas cd weave scope performance scalability architecture experience report concurrency scope visualisation consul etcd paxos raft infrastructure clusterhq apps distributed appplications ci digitalocean
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