peterpur Há 12 anos

Design Process in the Responsive Age

Pon Kattera Há 11 anos

Ruling the World: When Life Gets Gamed

Sebastian Deterding Há 12 anos

For a Future-Friendly Web

Brad Frost Há 12 anos

What is Cobit

Ben Kalland Há 15 anos

Gamification: Brilliant or Bullshit?

Paul Coulton Há 12 anos

The Game Always Wins Há 13 anos

Playing Games with Your Career

Stephen Anderson Há 12 anos

Outside the Box (One critical question)

Sebastian Deterding Há 12 anos

Sinn und Unsinn von Katzencontent

Sven Dietrich Há 15 anos

50 Social Media Tactics for Nonprofits

Chad Norman Há 14 anos