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GLASOVI MLADIH 2012 – Glavni nalazi
VOICES OF YOUTH 2012 – Key findings

 Pripremljeno/Prepared by: Envesa Hodžić-Kovač
      UN RC ured/UN RC Office, oktobar/October 2012
About research/O istraživanju
• Fieldwork conducted in the period         • Terenski dio istraživanja odrađen
  December 2011 - January 2012                decembar 2011./ januar 2012.
• Sample size: 2,360 respondents from • Uzorak: 2.360 ispitanika od 15 do 30
  15 to 30 years of age                 godina
    – 2,008 youth (general population)          – 2.008 mladi (opšta populacija)
    – 352 youth (vulnerable categories)         – 352 mladi (ugrožene kategorije)
        • 100 youth with special needs              • 100 sa posebnim potrebama
        • 100 youth without parental care           • 100 bez roditeljskog staranja
        • 88 Roma youth                             • 88 Romi
        • 65 youth returnees                        • 65 povratnici
• Topics covered through research:          • Teme pokrivene istraživanjem:
    –   Education                               –   Obrazovanje
    –   Employment and labour market            –   Zapošljavanje i tržište rada
    –   Social protection                       –   Socijalna zaštita
    –   Living standards                        –   Životni standard
    –   Participation                           –   Učešde
    –   Future                                  –   Bududnost
About research/O istraživanju
• Goal 1: collect data on the             • Cilj 1: prikupiti datu o
  attitudes, opinions, perceptions and      stavovima, mišljenjima, percepcijama
  aspirations of young people to assist     i željama mladih ljudi kao podlogu za
  in the creation of more youth             stvaranje adekvatnijih politika za
  sensitive policies                        mlade
• Goal 2: detect any changes in the
  attitudes and opinions amongst          • Cilj 2: uočiti promjene u stavovima i
  young people in comparison to 2008        mišljenjima kod mladih ljudi u
  (similar survey conducted for GTZ)        odnosu na 2008. godinu (slično
                                            istraživanje sprovedeno za GTZ)
• Goal 3: identify any differences in
  responses of general youth              • Cilj 3: uočiti razlike u odgovorima
  population and those from                 mladih iz opšte populacije i mladih iz
  vulnerable categories                     ugroženih kategorija
Profile of respondents/Profil ispitanika
•   Average age: 22 years                   •   Prosječna dob: 22 godine
•   Every fourth is employed (28%)          •   Svaki četvrti je zaposlen (28%)
•   Every fourth is married (26.3%)         •   Svaki četvrti je oženjen (26,3%)
•   Every fifth has children (21.4%)        •   Svaki peti ima djecu (21,4%)
•   Most still live with parents (71.9%)    •   Vedina živi sa roditeljima (71,9%)
•   Every tenth has completed higher        •   Svaki deseti ima završeno više ili visoko
    education (14.1% vs. 9.9% in 2008)          obrazovanje (14,1% vs. 9,9% u 2008.)
•   3.3% without any formal education       •   3,3% nema formalno obrazovanje
•   Three out of four find current living   •   Tri od četiri nalaze trenutni životni
    standard poor or mediocre (75%)             standard lošim ili prosječnim (75%)
•   Most experienced decrease in living     •   Vedina je iskusila pad životnog
    standards in the last 3 years (87%)         standarda u zadnje 3 godine (87%)
•   99% believe they have no influence      •   99% vjeruje da nema nikakav utjecaj
    on key decisions in political or non-       na odluke u političkim i nevladinim
    governmental organisations                  organizacijama
•   38% would leve the country for good     •   38% bi zauvijek napustili zemlju ako bi
    if given an opportunity                     im se ukazala prilika
Views on education/
                                  Stavovi o obrazovanju
                                                    2008   2011/2012
Education will not help me gain employment
                                                    60%      79%
Obrazovanje mi nede omoguditi zaposlenje
Knowledge of English Language
                                                    64%      76%
Znanje engleskog jezika
No voluntary activities in school
                                                    60%      84%
Nema volonterskih aktivnosti u školi
No practical experience offered in school
                                                    48%      52%
Nema praktične nastave u školi
Not involved in non-formal education
                                                    64%      75%
Neuključenost u neformalnom obrazovanju
Scope of the curricula is too extensive
                                                   33.6%     28.6%
Preopširan nastavni plan
Lack of practical application of knowledge
                                                   18.1%     27.2%
Nedostatak praktične primjene stečenog znanja
Lack of scolarship grants and loans
                                                   13.7%     14.5%
Nedovoljno stipendija i grantova
Education attainment of respondents/
                     Stečeno obrazovanje ispitanika
                                      No      4 years of   Completed     Secondary      Secondary
                                   primary     primary      primary      education       education
                                  education   education    education      (3 years)       (4 years)
                                     Bez      4 razreda     Završena      Srednja      Srednja škola
                                   osnovne     osnovne      osnovna         škola        (četvero-
                                    škole       škole         škola    (trogodišnja)     godišnja)
 All respondents
                                    2.0          1.3         6.4          25.4            48.9
 Svi ispitanici
                                    34.2        20.5         24.7         17.8             2.7
Youth without paretnal care
                                     .0          .0          9.8          37.7            49.2
Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja
Youth with special needs
                                    8.9          2.5         26.6         34.2            26.6
Mladi sa posebnim potrebama
                                     .0          .0          7.0          41.9            44.2
Education attainment of respondents/
                     Stečeno obrazovanje ispitanika
                                      Completed higher education   Completed university degree
                                               (2 years)                    or masters
                                       Završena dvogodišnja viša   Završen fakultet ili magisterij
 All respondents
                                           2.7                                 11.4*
 Svi ispitanici
                                            .0                                   .0
Youth without paretnal care
                                           1.6                                   .0
Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja
Youth with special needs
                                           1.3                                   .0
Mladi sa posebnim potrebama
                                           4.7                                   .0
*8.1% male and 14.7% female / 8.1% muškaraca i 14.7% žena
         Familiar with the concept of lifelong learning
         Upoznati sa konceptom cjeloživotnog učenja
         Ready for career change
         Spremno za promjenu profesije
Labour market / Tržište rada
                                                                    2008    2011/2012
Number of months job searching after completed school
                                                                     11        16
Broj mjeseci u traženju posla nakon školovanja
No need for additional skills for work than ones I already posess
Ne postoji potreba za dodatnim vještinama za posao od onih           43%      95%
koje posjedujem
I am in permanent employment
                                                                     50%      55%
Imam ugovor o radu na neodređen period
I am in temporary employment
                                                                     18%      27%
Imam ugovor o radu na određen period
Employer pays salary on regular basis
                                                                     81%      89%
Poslodavac redovno upladuje platu
Employer pays contributions on regular basis
                                                                     64%      78%
Poslodavac redovno upladuje doprinose
Employment in own profession
                                                                     37%      50%
Zaposlenost u vlastitoj struci
Minimal monthly wage prepared to work for
                                                                    467KM    614KM
Minimalna plata za koju sam spreman/spremna raditi
Unemployment/ Nezaposlenost
                                                                       2008   2011/2012
Active in job searching
                                                                       23%      35%
Aktivni u traženju posla
Average period of unemployment (months)
                                                                       36        26
Prosječan period nezaposlenosti (mjeseci)
Registered as unemployed with employment centre
                                                                       35%      58%
Registrovani kao nezaposleni na birou za zapošljavanje
Prefers employment in trade, hospitality, turism, transport
                                                                       48%      59%
Preferira posao u trgovini, ugostiteljstvu, turizmu, prometu
Youth that have heard of cases of bribery for a job in public sector
Mladi koji su čuli za slučajeve podmidivanja za radno mjesto u         74%      96%
javnoj administraciji
...heard of cases of bribery for a job in private sector
                                                                       74%      93%
... čuli za slučajeve podmidivanja za radno mjesto u priv. sektoru
Familiar with some government programme for employment
                                                                       19%      27%
Upoznati sa nekim od vladinih programa za zapošljavanje
Beneficiaries of government programme for employment
                                                                       5%        8%
Korisnici nekog od vladinih programa za zapošljavanje
Labour market and vulnerable groups/
                       Tržište rada i ranjive grupe
                                                                                        I posses all
                                                                          Active in
                                                   In           In                    skills required
                                               permanent     temporary                     for job
                                  Employed                                searching
                                              employment    employment                   Imam sva
                                  Zaposleni                               Aktivni u
                                              Zaposlen na   Zaposlen na                  znanja za
                                              neodređeno     određeno                   obavljanje
All respondents
                                    22.6         55.2          26.9        32.4           55.0
Svi ispitanici
                                    7.1          57.1          14.3        26.0           27.3
Youth without paretnal care
                                    25.0         71.4          14.3        28.9           56.8
Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja
Youth with special needs
                                    10.0         20.0          50.0         11.0          34.0
Mladi sa posebnim potrebama
                                    15.4         60.0           .0         40.0           40.0
Economic status/
                                     Ekonomski status
                                                           2008    2011/2012
Do not contribute to household budget on a regular basis
                                                           53.3%     61.7%
Ne doprinosi redovno kudnom budžetu
Average disposable monthly amount
                                                           236KM    232KM
Prosječan mjesečni iznos na raspolaganju
Recepient of a scholarship
                                                           3.9%      4.3%
Prima stipendiju
Average amount of scholarship
                                                           317KM    167KM
Prosječan iznos stipendije
Recepient of social welfare
                                                            2%       6.7%
Prima socijalnu pomod
Visited centre for social work to obtain information
                                                             -       6.5%
Posjeta centru za socijalni rad za informacije
Manage to save some money every month
                                                            0%       12.5%
Uspiju uštedjeti nešto novca svaki mjesec
Posesses a loan
                                                             -        9%
Ima kredit
Income and vulnerable groups/
                            Primanja i ranjive grupe
                                  regularly to    Income
                                                            Income from      from       Income from
                                   h. budget        from
                                                             agriculture   pensions    social benefits
                                   Doprinose       salary
                                                             Primanja od   Primanja      Primanja od
                                    redovno      Primanja
                                                             polj. dobra      od      socijalne zaštite
                                    kudnom       od plate
All respondents
                                     22.2         76.1         22.4         16.5            6.1
Svi ispitanici
                                     17.2         32.3         13.1          2.0           24.2
Youth without paretnal care
                                     37.5         40.9          9.1         31.8           30.7
Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja
Youth with special needs
                                     37.0         56.0          8.0         36.0           64.0
Mladi sa posebnim potrebama
                                     10.8         66.2         40.0         27.7            1.5
Participation/ Učešde
                                                                       2008       2011/2012
Not interested in politics
                                                                        75%          83%
Nisu zainteresovani za politiku
Small or no influence in school/faculty
                                                                        80%          88%
Mali / nikakav utjecaj u školi/na fakultetu
Small or no influence in family
                                                                        61%          70%
Mali / nikakav utjecaj u porodici
Small or no influence in local community
                                                                        89%          97%
Mali / nikakav utjecaj u lokalnoj zajednici
Small or no influence in political or non-gov. organisations
                                                                        90%          99%
Mali /nikakav utjecaj u političkim i nevladinim organizacijama
Voted during last elections
                                                                        57%        60%*/**
Glasali na prošlim izborima
* 32% youth /mladi 18-21; 62% youth / mladi 22-25; 78% youth / mladi 26-30
** 78% university educated youth / mladi sa završenim fakultetom; 59% youth with secondary
   education / mladi sa srednjom školom
Views on their future/
                       Razmišljanja o njihovoj bududnosti
                                                          2008   2011/2012
Living standard will be the same or worse in the future
                                                          26%      43%
Životni standard u bududnosti de biti isti ili gori
Would leave the country for studies
                                                          43%      53%
Napustili bi zemlju zbog studija
Would leave the country for temporary work
                                                          55%      66%
Napustili bi zemlju zbog privremenog rada
Would leave the country for marriage
                                                          34%      42%
Napustili bi zemlju zbog ženidbe/udaje
Would permanently settle abroad
                                                          46%      52%
Stalno bi se nastanili u inostranstvu
Would move abroad for a longer period, but would return
                                                          30%      43%
Išli bi u inostranstvo na duže vrijeme, ali ne zauvijek
Would move abroad for good
                                                          37%      38%
Otišli bi u inostranstvo zauvijek
Future and vulnerable groups/
                           Bududnost i ranjive grupe
                                    Would                                     Would move
                                              Would leave
                                  leave the                                   abroad for a
                                              the country        Would
                                   country                                        longer      Would move
                                                   for        permanently
                                      for                                      period, but     abroad for
                                               temporary          settle
                                   studies                                    would return        good
                                                  work           abroad
                                  Napustili                                      Išli bi u      Otišli bi u
                                               Napustili bi    Stalno bi se
                                  bi zemlju                                   inostranstvo    inostranstvo
                                              zemlju zbog      nastanili u
                                     zbog                                        na duže        zauvijek
                                              privremenog     inostranstvu
                                   studija                                     vrijeme, ali
                                                                               ne zauvijek
All respondents
                                   53.3          65.6            52.3            42.9            38.1
Svi ispitanici
                                   43.4          86.9            76.8            30.3            64.6
Youth without paretnal care
                                   58.0          65.9            50.0            47.7            40.9
Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja
Youth with special needs
                                   17.0          25.0            31.0            26.0            23.0
Mladi sa posebnim potrebama
                                   47.7          60.0            56.9            33.8            38.5
Recommendations / Preporuke

• Resolve the unemployment and             • Riješiti problem nezaposlenosti i
  housing issues pertaining to youth.        stambenog zbrinjavanja mladih.
• Enable everyone to realise their right   • Omoguditi svima da ostvare pravo na
  to primary education.                      osnovno obrazovanje.
• Remove all obstacles to good quality     • Ukinuti sve prepreke kvalitetnom
  education.                                 obrazovanju.
• Enable youth to gain experience of       • Omoguditi internacionalna
  international education.                   obrazovna iskustva mladima.
• Inform youth about the possibilities     • Informisati mlade o mogudnostima
  for engagement in voluntary                anagažovanja u volonterskim
  activities.                                aktivnostima.
• Increase access to non-formal            • Povedati pristup neformalnim
  education programmes.                      programima obrazovanja
                                           • Ohrabriti učešde mladih osoba u
• Encourage youth participation in
                                             donošenju odluka.
Recommendations / Preporuke

• Protect vulnerable groups.              • Zaštita vulnerabilnih grupa.
• Protect the rights of workers.          • Zaštita prava radnika.
• Improve the quality of social           • Poboljšati kvalitetu socijalne
  protection.                               zaštite.
• Raise youth awareness about the         • Podidi svijest mladih o
  advantages of political activity and      prednostima političkog djelovanja
  activity within the nongovernmental       kao i djelovanja u nevladinom
  sector.                                   sektoru.
• Strengthen the mechanisms for           • Ojačati mehanizme zaštite od
  protection against human trafficking.     trgovine sa ljudima.



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Voices of Youth BiH - Key findings 2012

  • 1. GLASOVI MLADIH 2012 – Glavni nalazi VOICES OF YOUTH 2012 – Key findings Pripremljeno/Prepared by: Envesa Hodžić-Kovač UN RC ured/UN RC Office, oktobar/October 2012
  • 2. About research/O istraživanju • Fieldwork conducted in the period • Terenski dio istraživanja odrađen December 2011 - January 2012 decembar 2011./ januar 2012. • Sample size: 2,360 respondents from • Uzorak: 2.360 ispitanika od 15 do 30 15 to 30 years of age godina – 2,008 youth (general population) – 2.008 mladi (opšta populacija) – 352 youth (vulnerable categories) – 352 mladi (ugrožene kategorije) • 100 youth with special needs • 100 sa posebnim potrebama • 100 youth without parental care • 100 bez roditeljskog staranja • 88 Roma youth • 88 Romi • 65 youth returnees • 65 povratnici • Topics covered through research: • Teme pokrivene istraživanjem: – Education – Obrazovanje – Employment and labour market – Zapošljavanje i tržište rada – Social protection – Socijalna zaštita – Living standards – Životni standard – Participation – Učešde – Future – Bududnost
  • 3. About research/O istraživanju • Goal 1: collect data on the • Cilj 1: prikupiti datu o attitudes, opinions, perceptions and stavovima, mišljenjima, percepcijama aspirations of young people to assist i željama mladih ljudi kao podlogu za in the creation of more youth stvaranje adekvatnijih politika za sensitive policies mlade • Goal 2: detect any changes in the attitudes and opinions amongst • Cilj 2: uočiti promjene u stavovima i young people in comparison to 2008 mišljenjima kod mladih ljudi u (similar survey conducted for GTZ) odnosu na 2008. godinu (slično istraživanje sprovedeno za GTZ) • Goal 3: identify any differences in responses of general youth • Cilj 3: uočiti razlike u odgovorima population and those from mladih iz opšte populacije i mladih iz vulnerable categories ugroženih kategorija
  • 4. Profile of respondents/Profil ispitanika • Average age: 22 years • Prosječna dob: 22 godine • Every fourth is employed (28%) • Svaki četvrti je zaposlen (28%) • Every fourth is married (26.3%) • Svaki četvrti je oženjen (26,3%) • Every fifth has children (21.4%) • Svaki peti ima djecu (21,4%) • Most still live with parents (71.9%) • Vedina živi sa roditeljima (71,9%) • Every tenth has completed higher • Svaki deseti ima završeno više ili visoko education (14.1% vs. 9.9% in 2008) obrazovanje (14,1% vs. 9,9% u 2008.) • 3.3% without any formal education • 3,3% nema formalno obrazovanje • Three out of four find current living • Tri od četiri nalaze trenutni životni standard poor or mediocre (75%) standard lošim ili prosječnim (75%) • Most experienced decrease in living • Vedina je iskusila pad životnog standards in the last 3 years (87%) standarda u zadnje 3 godine (87%) • 99% believe they have no influence • 99% vjeruje da nema nikakav utjecaj on key decisions in political or non- na odluke u političkim i nevladinim governmental organisations organizacijama • 38% would leve the country for good • 38% bi zauvijek napustili zemlju ako bi if given an opportunity im se ukazala prilika
  • 5. Views on education/ Stavovi o obrazovanju 2008 2011/2012 Education will not help me gain employment 60% 79% Obrazovanje mi nede omoguditi zaposlenje Knowledge of English Language 64% 76% Znanje engleskog jezika No voluntary activities in school 60% 84% Nema volonterskih aktivnosti u školi No practical experience offered in school 48% 52% Nema praktične nastave u školi Not involved in non-formal education 64% 75% Neuključenost u neformalnom obrazovanju Scope of the curricula is too extensive 33.6% 28.6% Preopširan nastavni plan Lack of practical application of knowledge 18.1% 27.2% Nedostatak praktične primjene stečenog znanja Lack of scolarship grants and loans 13.7% 14.5% Nedovoljno stipendija i grantova
  • 6. Education attainment of respondents/ Stečeno obrazovanje ispitanika No 4 years of Completed Secondary Secondary primary primary primary education education education education education (3 years) (4 years) Bez 4 razreda Završena Srednja Srednja škola osnovne osnovne osnovna škola (četvero- škole škole škola (trogodišnja) godišnja) All respondents 2.0 1.3 6.4 25.4 48.9 Svi ispitanici Roma 34.2 20.5 24.7 17.8 2.7 Romi Youth without paretnal care .0 .0 9.8 37.7 49.2 Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja Youth with special needs 8.9 2.5 26.6 34.2 26.6 Mladi sa posebnim potrebama Returnees .0 .0 7.0 41.9 44.2 Povratnici
  • 7. Education attainment of respondents/ Stečeno obrazovanje ispitanika Completed higher education Completed university degree (2 years) or masters Završena dvogodišnja viša Završen fakultet ili magisterij škola All respondents 2.7 11.4* Svi ispitanici Roma .0 .0 Romi Youth without paretnal care 1.6 .0 Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja Youth with special needs 1.3 .0 Mladi sa posebnim potrebama Returnees 4.7 .0 Povratnici *8.1% male and 14.7% female / 8.1% muškaraca i 14.7% žena Familiar with the concept of lifelong learning 56.7% Upoznati sa konceptom cjeloživotnog učenja Ready for career change 51.2% Spremno za promjenu profesije
  • 8. Labour market / Tržište rada 2008 2011/2012 Number of months job searching after completed school 11 16 Broj mjeseci u traženju posla nakon školovanja No need for additional skills for work than ones I already posess Ne postoji potreba za dodatnim vještinama za posao od onih 43% 95% koje posjedujem I am in permanent employment 50% 55% Imam ugovor o radu na neodređen period I am in temporary employment 18% 27% Imam ugovor o radu na određen period Employer pays salary on regular basis 81% 89% Poslodavac redovno upladuje platu Employer pays contributions on regular basis 64% 78% Poslodavac redovno upladuje doprinose Employment in own profession 37% 50% Zaposlenost u vlastitoj struci Minimal monthly wage prepared to work for 467KM 614KM Minimalna plata za koju sam spreman/spremna raditi
  • 9. Unemployment/ Nezaposlenost 2008 2011/2012 Active in job searching 23% 35% Aktivni u traženju posla Average period of unemployment (months) 36 26 Prosječan period nezaposlenosti (mjeseci) Registered as unemployed with employment centre 35% 58% Registrovani kao nezaposleni na birou za zapošljavanje Prefers employment in trade, hospitality, turism, transport 48% 59% Preferira posao u trgovini, ugostiteljstvu, turizmu, prometu Youth that have heard of cases of bribery for a job in public sector Mladi koji su čuli za slučajeve podmidivanja za radno mjesto u 74% 96% javnoj administraciji ...heard of cases of bribery for a job in private sector 74% 93% ... čuli za slučajeve podmidivanja za radno mjesto u priv. sektoru Familiar with some government programme for employment 19% 27% Upoznati sa nekim od vladinih programa za zapošljavanje Beneficiaries of government programme for employment 5% 8% Korisnici nekog od vladinih programa za zapošljavanje
  • 10. Labour market and vulnerable groups/ Tržište rada i ranjive grupe I posses all Active in In In skills required job permanent temporary for job Employed searching employment employment Imam sva Zaposleni Aktivni u Zaposlen na Zaposlen na znanja za traženju neodređeno određeno obavljanje posla posla All respondents 22.6 55.2 26.9 32.4 55.0 Svi ispitanici Roma 7.1 57.1 14.3 26.0 27.3 Romi Youth without paretnal care 25.0 71.4 14.3 28.9 56.8 Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja Youth with special needs 10.0 20.0 50.0 11.0 34.0 Mladi sa posebnim potrebama Returnees 15.4 60.0 .0 40.0 40.0 Povratnici
  • 11. Economic status/ Ekonomski status 2008 2011/2012 Do not contribute to household budget on a regular basis 53.3% 61.7% Ne doprinosi redovno kudnom budžetu Average disposable monthly amount 236KM 232KM Prosječan mjesečni iznos na raspolaganju Recepient of a scholarship 3.9% 4.3% Prima stipendiju Average amount of scholarship 317KM 167KM Prosječan iznos stipendije Recepient of social welfare 2% 6.7% Prima socijalnu pomod Visited centre for social work to obtain information - 6.5% Posjeta centru za socijalni rad za informacije Manage to save some money every month 0% 12.5% Uspiju uštedjeti nešto novca svaki mjesec Posesses a loan - 9% Ima kredit
  • 12. Income and vulnerable groups/ Primanja i ranjive grupe Contributes Income regularly to Income Income from from Income from h. budget from agriculture pensions social benefits Doprinose salary Primanja od Primanja Primanja od redovno Primanja polj. dobra od socijalne zaštite kudnom od plate penzija budžetu All respondents 22.2 76.1 22.4 16.5 6.1 Svi ispitanici Roma 17.2 32.3 13.1 2.0 24.2 Romi Youth without paretnal care 37.5 40.9 9.1 31.8 30.7 Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja Youth with special needs 37.0 56.0 8.0 36.0 64.0 Mladi sa posebnim potrebama Returnees 10.8 66.2 40.0 27.7 1.5 Povratnici
  • 13. Participation/ Učešde 2008 2011/2012 Not interested in politics 75% 83% Nisu zainteresovani za politiku Small or no influence in school/faculty 80% 88% Mali / nikakav utjecaj u školi/na fakultetu Small or no influence in family 61% 70% Mali / nikakav utjecaj u porodici Small or no influence in local community 89% 97% Mali / nikakav utjecaj u lokalnoj zajednici Small or no influence in political or non-gov. organisations 90% 99% Mali /nikakav utjecaj u političkim i nevladinim organizacijama Voted during last elections 57% 60%*/** Glasali na prošlim izborima * 32% youth /mladi 18-21; 62% youth / mladi 22-25; 78% youth / mladi 26-30 ** 78% university educated youth / mladi sa završenim fakultetom; 59% youth with secondary education / mladi sa srednjom školom
  • 14. Views on their future/ Razmišljanja o njihovoj bududnosti 2008 2011/2012 Living standard will be the same or worse in the future 26% 43% Životni standard u bududnosti de biti isti ili gori Would leave the country for studies 43% 53% Napustili bi zemlju zbog studija Would leave the country for temporary work 55% 66% Napustili bi zemlju zbog privremenog rada Would leave the country for marriage 34% 42% Napustili bi zemlju zbog ženidbe/udaje Would permanently settle abroad 46% 52% Stalno bi se nastanili u inostranstvu Would move abroad for a longer period, but would return 30% 43% Išli bi u inostranstvo na duže vrijeme, ali ne zauvijek Would move abroad for good 37% 38% Otišli bi u inostranstvo zauvijek
  • 15. Future and vulnerable groups/ Bududnost i ranjive grupe Would Would move Would leave leave the abroad for a the country Would country longer Would move for permanently for period, but abroad for temporary settle studies would return good work abroad Napustili Išli bi u Otišli bi u Napustili bi Stalno bi se bi zemlju inostranstvo inostranstvo zemlju zbog nastanili u zbog na duže zauvijek privremenog inostranstvu studija vrijeme, ali rada ne zauvijek All respondents 53.3 65.6 52.3 42.9 38.1 Svi ispitanici Roma 43.4 86.9 76.8 30.3 64.6 Romi Youth without paretnal care 58.0 65.9 50.0 47.7 40.9 Mladi bez roditeljskog staranja Youth with special needs 17.0 25.0 31.0 26.0 23.0 Mladi sa posebnim potrebama Returnees 47.7 60.0 56.9 33.8 38.5 Povratnici
  • 16. Recommendations / Preporuke • Resolve the unemployment and • Riješiti problem nezaposlenosti i housing issues pertaining to youth. stambenog zbrinjavanja mladih. • Enable everyone to realise their right • Omoguditi svima da ostvare pravo na to primary education. osnovno obrazovanje. • Remove all obstacles to good quality • Ukinuti sve prepreke kvalitetnom education. obrazovanju. • Enable youth to gain experience of • Omoguditi internacionalna international education. obrazovna iskustva mladima. • Inform youth about the possibilities • Informisati mlade o mogudnostima for engagement in voluntary anagažovanja u volonterskim activities. aktivnostima. • Increase access to non-formal • Povedati pristup neformalnim education programmes. programima obrazovanja • Ohrabriti učešde mladih osoba u • Encourage youth participation in donošenju odluka. decision-making.
  • 17. Recommendations / Preporuke • Protect vulnerable groups. • Zaštita vulnerabilnih grupa. • Protect the rights of workers. • Zaštita prava radnika. • Improve the quality of social • Poboljšati kvalitetu socijalne protection. zaštite. • Raise youth awareness about the • Podidi svijest mladih o advantages of political activity and prednostima političkog djelovanja activity within the nongovernmental kao i djelovanja u nevladinom sector. sektoru. • Strengthen the mechanisms for • Ojačati mehanizme zaštite od protection against human trafficking. trgovine sa ljudima.